Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1908, WANT ADS, Page 2, Image 32
c awaiaississ! s- AA,1 t Manted-male C lerical aad Oflre ( oBtlaaed. ARB you seeking ft iiosltkin? If so, rail end sew us; we can plce you If rompe-. tent. A number of good positions always open for the right kind of men. No filing foe. The, Cano Agency, 432 Bee Bldg. (t Mrtfl WANTED-Young man or lsdy. combina tion bookkeeper and stenographer; some experience, required. Apply Ht once In writing; with telephone. Address N 61)1, care Bee. (9 Mils 6x Factory a a Trades. CHICKEN PICKERS WANTED. Taring highest Trie; all dry picked stock. Steady work. Write or wire us If Inter ested. BW1FT & COMPANY, FAIHBURY. NEB. () MotS6 WANTED At once, first-class ladies' Uiilor. Address K 62H, care Bee. t9) 377 WANTED 500 men to learn barber trade, and take, position waiting our graduates, few weeks completes, constant practice furnished, scholarship Includes tools, demonstrations, examinations and di plomas. CataJofftin free. Molar Harber College. 110 8. 141U St. 1-M 10 WANTBD-5 good harness makers; 1 good machine operator. .Marks Bros. Saddlery Co. 0-4U 7 WANTED A good log. 22ti Farnam tailor for ladles' tallnr Ht. lit) MH2 7 I lacellaneona. This business of taking a Job here and a Job tilers changing every lew months, never advancing that deosn't pay. What you want Is a Job you are sure of. Uo to the Navy Recruiting office and there leant about the chances In the navy. It cosls nothing to lie examined, whether you decide to nllBt or not. If the navy "accepts you. your Job lusts for four years, and as much longer as you want to stay. Then' In promotion open for everv man who earns It. You should be able to rind some Job In the navy for which you are suited, because there are bo many different trade required on board a tnan-o'-war. If von know n trade 11 means more pav to begin with; If you have learned it partially, you can complete It In the navy. You get paid from the start, your pny Is neailv all el -ar. and you are ublo to save. The government pays you 4 per cent Inteirst on savlncs deposited. Your board, lodging, medical attention, and first outfit., worth $ are all free. Lx penses for amusement nre small, as mot ships have their baseball and football temis, rowing and sailing crews, min strel troupes, etc. The Nnvv Recruiting office Is nt the 1'nst Office Bldg., Omaha, Neb. If liv ing at a distance, write to the Bureau of Navigation, Navy Department, Wash ington, D. C. ' ROYLES TELECHAfH SCHOOL, noylft Building. Omaha. Neb.; official training school IT. I'. R. K. ; pnslilons guaranteed; booklet free. ! 70S) FREE Employment Dept., Business Men's Asan; no fees. Call 626 N. Y Life Whig. (9) 770 WANTED For V. 8. Army, able-bodied, utimarrifd men between ages of 18 and 36. oltlr.i'.s of United States, of good character and tempi rate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For In formation apply to Recruiting Officer, 13:h and Dougins tits., Omaha, Neb., or Massachusetts BUIgs., Sioux City, la. () 5SS WANTED Railway mall clerks; com mencement, salary Jnu. Many examina tions soon. Preparation freu. Write Im mediately, Franklin Institute, D;pt. 2iU, Rochester. N. Y. i)-M461 Dec6x SODA dispenser Reference rcuulrod. Ad dress Box W. Sioux City. Ia. () 1UW ANY intelligent person can make money corresponding for newspapers and illega lities; ho canvassing. Write for particu lars. Press league, 706-709 Marquette Hldg., Chicago. (8) M5.i3 6x WANTED investors, putentees and mo. cbanlcs and every one Interested in pat ents to send for our Investor's Ouide. This new book sent free. Contains full information about patent:!. How to ob tain a patent. What to Invent for profit and how to sell a patent. This elegantly printed book pent free to any address. OMEARA A- BROCK, latent Attorneys, 918 F St., N. W.. Washington. D. C. (Si-MatS Cx $31 WEEKLY easllv earned; position per manent; distributing circulars, samples. For particulars. Commercial Advertising Association. Philadelphia, Ph. Ifi)-Mri47 7x A VV ROD Y. either sex. make 125 week ly all winter raising mushrooms for hotels and restaurants wnn my spawn in cel lars sheds, boxes, etc. Free Illustrated Instruction hooks. Hiram Barton, 329 W. 4Sth slreets. New York. II)) 406 6x CHAt'FFEl'RS wanted to send useless Inner motor and blcvele tubes to George Pcheer. 4i lllonimfleld St.. Ilohoken; cash for h'ghest value sent by return. (!D 47S Rx CIV1T, service examinations will sion be held In evcrv state. Full Information and miestlons ns"d bv the commission fn Columbian Correspondence College, Wash ington. D. C. (SI- ANY Intelligent person mav earn good In come corresponding for newspapers; ox rerience unnecessary; no canvassing, fcend for particulars. Press Syndicate, Box 7R6. Lockport, N. Y. (9) I MADE $M.niK In five years In the mall order business; began with $6. Anyone can do the wotk at home In spare tlnin. Send for mv free booklet; tells how to get started. lleacock, Box 775. Lockport. N. Y. (9) ANYBODY, either sex. can make $25 weekly nil winter raising mushrooms for hotels and restaurant with mv spawn In cellars, sheds, boxes, etc. Free Illustrated In struction hooks. Hiram Barton. 829 W. 48th St.. New York. (HI 4to fix MEN wanted quickly by big Chicago mall order house to distribute catalogues, silverllsirg, $'.Ti weekly: $M expense allow ance. Manager, Dept. ,Tn, S5 Wahish Ave . Cbhago. (9i If 8 Cx ASTHMA Sufferera-I have found liquid that cores asthma, gasping for breath, suffik'Htlon. roughing stopp d. Send your name for free bottle. Address T. Grorham, (irand Rapids, Mich. tVj Shepord R!dg. () 4(Vi fix GOVERNMENT POSITIONS-Examlna-tlons held soon In Ouisha. Circular 2,11, giving full particulars as to sa'arles, po sitions, dates of examinations, sample questions prr lously used, etc , sent fret by National Cor. Institute, Washington, D. C. (91454 x 8PARE TIME WORK-Muke money easily, men or women; no capital, outfit, can vassing or soliciting required: spare time only. Write Immediately. Box Ctait, Ontario ) 481 fix WANTED First-class advertising man; must come well recoinmeii led and I competent to nandle high class proposi tion. Address Lock Box 44, Washington, D. C. lit) 511 6x FARMER with team nnd wigon to move In for the winter months, do our hauling mid apply work on purchase price of 2-rooni louse and lot. (.'heap and on ay payments. Will give work for a big part of p ice. House ljcated near good cltv schools on the edge of Omaha. Write or call 1201 Farnam St.. Omaha. (9) M6 9 6 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and entries. LARGE STOCK 3AMPI.E VEHICLES TO BE SOLD AT ONCE AND AT COST BUGGIES. SCRRIES. RUNABOUTS. STANHOPES. DELIVERY WAGONS, ETC. DON'T DELAY. BUT MAKE YOUR PURCHASE TODAY. 111H117 FAKNAM ST. til) 417 11 FOR SALE Fine family maie and full lea'her lop buggy, i'hone Harney 244. (ID M635 6k Poaltry nnd Ksaa. PLYMOUTH ROCK pullet, f .r sale. 4 46 N. SMh 8t. Tel .Webster vii. (ID M;'.70 6x LOST AND FOUND LOST Mink iriuff In Brandeia store or at KevetitesuUi e)L mtraa.e, reward if re turned la O i alrwt U2-A1371 LOST AND FOUND . (Continued. J LOST Tuesday evening, between Bee of fice and 18th and Leavenworth Bts.. or on N. 241 h St. car between Itiih and Leaven worth Sis. and 1 Hi h and i'aul Sts., gent s gold watch, ILIgln movement, with gold stone tob; has inscription on back cover. Liberal reward for return to Bee office. 12 M303 6x IAHT Wednesday afternoon, between 20th and Farnam ana Kim ana itowiro, a black ribbon belt. wci?h square gold buckle; reward If returned to Mrs. C. W. Rogers, Bachelors hotel, 2014 Farnam. (12) Msi ox LOST White Flench poodle, male, small spot on head, hair orr; iu reward, no questions asked. Return R. M. E. Mes senger Co., 13th and Douglas. (li)-M353 x LXRT Lady's gold watch with fob attached to brown belt. Jteturn to cuy rmrn office. (12) 419 6x Lost 1 gun metal ladles' watch between the Calumet restaurant ana eranoeis store. Finder please return to Brandels Book Dept. for reward. (12) 415 6x MEDICAL ANY poor girl In need oi a iriena can or write to tne mairon in me wnvtuun Army Home for Women at 3824 N. 24th Bt., Omaha, Neb. (13) M5S9 FHEE MEDICAL snd surgical treatment at ( reighlon naeaicai v-uinur, nui mm Davenport Sts.; special attention paid to confinement cases; all treatment super vised by college professors. 'Phone Doug las 1167. Calls answered day or night. (13)-123 BEST nerve rrace for men. "Urays Nerve Fo'.'d PillS. 1 a oox. posipaiu. roieiniMii - McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (13) 771 MONEY TO LOAN jmWi YOU WNT MOMEY WJWWJyj toWW DON'T' PAY IIIOH RATES !(JI tiM SEE 15 riiior. We loin vou any amount on furniture, pianos, etc.; or, If you have steady employment, on your plain note at the rhenpest rates In the city. Open until 6:) p. tn. i'hone Douglas 2"36. OMAHA n.NAfttiii iu., R. 501. B own Illk., Olip. Hrannols Wth St. Entrance. thiU (14-3u4 BORR'lW CHR18TMAB MONEY NOW and take advantage of our special HOL IDAY' rates. Your first payment will not fall due until February. There will be no extru charges for this, either. You can act It by telephoning Douglas 2235. OMAHA MOHTUAOB LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade, 16th St. Entrance. (14-772 MONET loaned salaried people and others without security; easy payments. Offices In ti6 principal cities. Tolman. Room 613 New York i.lf" P.ldg. (14) 773 jJFFERED FOR RENT llonrdlns and Itooma. THE OEOROIA. 1010-44 S. 29th St.; suite with private bath, double rooms, single rooms $25 and upward. (15) M337D18 FlTRNISHED room and board; everything new and strictly modem; first-class neighborhood, at a reasonable price. 1823 Wirt Bt. J) 776 DEWEY European Hotel. 13th and Farnam. '15) 775 ATTRACTIVE furnished room, with family bourd. 2630 Capitol Ave. (l.i) M4ol 7x Sl'ITlO of desirable rooms for 3 or 4 gen tlemen with meals If doelred. Inquire Hamilton Cafe, (15) M582 8x CIOSE IN. nice large room, suitable for two; references required. 114 S. J9th St 'Phone Red 4033. (1S)-MG74 LARGE south front room. In private family. House new and modern. Fine for two gentlemen. Board If desired. 2618 Decatur Bt. (15)-M214 6x FOR RENT To re'ii . , .. ntleman. by couple, no children, sir y modern, large well furnished front room, with board; In excellent neighborhood, convenient to Sherman Ave. car line and N. 24th St. line; best of references, eschunged. lno? Wirt St. 'Phone Independent B-llhS. (15)-M13 8 ROOMS with breakfast for six young men; private family $10 per month; choice loca tion, walking distance; must have refer ences. Tel. Harney 3173. (16) M295 8x DESIRABLE ROOM-Flne location, walk ing distance; excellent bourd. 218 fl. 25tii Bt. (15)-M240 6x VERY deslrablo rooms. South 2ith Ave. with board. 13 (iro-M32U 9x WARM furnished room, south aud east exposure, with hoard; on car line. 3016 Faciflo St. (15) M.W 12 Fl'RNISHEiD or unfurnished rooms, en sulto or single, and board. 2M6 Pacific. (15) M&83 12x VACANT December 30, choice south room, for two; best home cooking; excellent locution. 627 Park Ave. (15) M634 8 furnished Rooms. FURNISHED CNF CRNISH ED and HOUSEKEEPING ROOM8 In All parts of the city. If you are looking for room do not fall to gut our Hat. Costs you nothing. P. O. NIEIJN & CC, KEN i'AL AGTS., 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2J04. (15) 779 COMFORTABLE room, sultablo for one IT enllejiian, very reasonable. 2702 Farnam Tel. Huiney 206u. (16) M1S9 bx CENTRAL, steam heat, modern, 3 adjoin ing rooms and balh. 220 N. 23d. U5)-M23 BASEMENT rooms, 1120 N. 17th. ilo)-S2I ROOMS for gentlemen, by day. week or month. The Chatham. 110 S. 13th St, (15)-777 FURNISHED rooms. house new and strictly modern; plenty of hot water. 316 N. i9ih St. (15) M301 Sx LARGE front room with extra large alcova sua clokel, fully furnished, inoaeru; Ube of phone; reasonable; also side room, 1H19 Cass SI. U6)-3u 8 FOR RENT Nicely furnished room In pri vate family; modern house, hot water heat, electric light and gas; walking dis tance. Tel. Douglas 2490. (15) M320 s) FOUR modern heated IMG No. 18th St. rooms, reusonuble (15 1 M5S7 8x LARGE south front room; modern, nicely furnished; gentlemen; $12. io. Capitol Ave. (15 1 M331 9x COMFORTABLE south front room In mod ern brick house, 22U8 Douglas Bt. ll5)-344 9 FUHN1PHED rooms at 2213 Howaid St. Tel. Douglas 1303. (.15) 413 11 ONE large front room, nicely furnished, near Hanscom park. Breakfast If wanted. $7ol Woolworth Ave. (15i M443 6 A com fort aide furnished room. In new modern home and private family. Refer ences required. 26I3 Cuming St. (15) M511 8x FURNISHED large south for two. 1M5 Chicago. loom, sultnble (16 M134 7x CENTRAL I corner flat; rooms and steam heat. bath, all outside; 22i) No. 23d. (is i m:ji DESIRABLE modern room. 1114 N South Omaha. 'Phone South P02. "3d. li) M372 8x FURNISHED ROOMS, St. Mary's Ave. private famllv. '.fvj (15I-M..W5 6x I FURNISHED ROOMS; use of bath and tel. 6.12 S. Bt. ilo) M5;4 12x Unfurnished Raoms. i $5 Room at 7i S. 27th St.. water, newer. $16 Rooms ti-.i Wlihntli block. 15Ui and Harney, water, heat aud aewer. $12 5o 3 large rooma at 707 a. 27th bl, water, (as and sewer. N. P. DODGE 4k CO , 1714 Farnam St. (15) 41 T THREE large, pleasant rooms for light housekeeping; bath, (as, etc.; low rent. 16 N. Xt BL U5)M56S bit OFFERED FOR RENT t n furnished Hon me Continued. TWO unfurnished moins In basement ; water and gas. 2421 So. 17th St. U5 Mais fcx Apartments ass Flats. M-R. flat. Scargn, 61HV4) N. 24th, South Omaha. Hall. 43 Ramgo Bldg. Red 74'i (15) 7 S-ROOM flat unfurnished, also single rooms furnished. 18na Chicago. St. (16) M3S7 6x FOR RENT Very fine apartment; hard wood throughout, steam heat, tiled bath room, finest plumbing. Janitor service; West Farnam district. Inquire 1 Brown block. (16) M623 STEAM-HEATED FLATS. Hnrdwood. modern, ranges, hot water, rooms, well lighted, $23 and $3o; 8 rooms, outside corner. $27 and $;i4; 6 rooms, out side corner, $32 and $33. Reference re quired. iiEMIS, Paxton Blk. (16)-M227 Dec 14 Housekeeping: Rooms. TWO light basement rooms furnished nice and clean, gas and water, $12. 99 S. 27tu St. (JSJ-M267 7x FURNISHED 1713 Jackson rooms St. for housekeeping. (li M328 9x THREE large unfurnished rooms; fair con veniences; low rent to right iwirty. lhiO N. Mh St. (15)-M568x Furnished Houses. FOR RENT Dcsl: able furnished eight-room house, Januaiy 1. Ringwult l.i .s., 312 B ilker block. (15)-M140 8 LE.V3H transferred to nf h-rooiu apartment, aid. buyer of furniture Flat 18, The Bstn (16) MG25 X Jlonses and Cottages. OMAHA Van and Storage Co. pack, move, store H. 11. goods, storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th. officu lOut) Farnam. Tel. Doug. Kw9. (16 783 6-R. mod. cx. heat. 2625 Blondo St., $21.00. 6-lt., water, gas, electricity, lrti Locust, $15. 6-R. 6-K. $25. 6-R.. 6-R. (i-R., nual., 3212 N. list Si. mod. ex. heat, barn, $27.50. In 16 Hamilton, new, mod., '515 Grand Ave., $25. mod. ex. heat, 121 N. 37th St.. 1& new, mod., h-21 Grace St.. $32.50. R. mod. ex. heat. 3114 Miami St., $20. 8-R. mod., 1611 Lake St., $27.50. FLATS. 5- R. mod.. 2fios Sheriiiin Ave., $10. 6- R. mod. ex. heat, w7',a N. 21st St., $26.50. 7- R.. new, mod., 617 So. IKth St.. $.). T. trioii ex. heat. 2104 Caldwell. $24. HASTINGS & HEY DEN, liisi f arnam i. tl6) M585 6 MACGARD VAN STORAGE CO. Tel. D. H96. We guarantee inuviiitf pianos, H. H. goods. (15) 784 LARGE 4-room house. m 6. 21 St. (16)-M302 6x FOR RENT Modern house, 8 rooms and reception hall, laundry room, floored at tic, open, sanitary plumbing, good repair, close In, on Dodge St., only $W, wuh water. Owner, 1820 Spencer St. Phone Webster 4875. (.15) M613 jjO 8-room all modern house, with large barn at 3217 S. 32 St. $25 7-rnom all modern house at 2720 How "ard St. jjo8-rM)iii all modern house except heat at 7i)2 N. 28th Ave. S 3 rooms, with water and sewer, at IW9 N. 201 h St. N. P. DODGE & CO.. 1714 Funuim Bt. (15)- 7 7-room cottage, modern, except furnace for $22.50 per month. W. J. DriKMODY INVESTMENT CO., Tel. Douglas 6108. 836 N. Y. Lit a Bldg. (15) M 562 8 GLOVER Realty Syndicate, N. Y. I D-3933. tl5 M6s8 J a ua SEVEN-ROOM, furnished or unfurnished. all modem house. 3501 Leavenworth bt. (lu) M5j6 12x 1560 N. a'th St., 6 rooms, modern except furnace, $:3. Rlngwalt Bros., Barker Blk. (15) M423 7 SPLENDID new cottage, modern except furnace, six rooms, fruit and shade trees. Rent $20.00. 31U9 Corby Bt. (la) M536 fix FOR RENT 10-room St. Tel. Harney 3072. house. 8360 Harney (15) M560 8x Six-room cottage. Just completed. No. 5 N. 3oth Ave, $12 per month. FELL I INKERTON CO.. 4oK First Nat. Bunk Bldg. (15)-M421 6 . We have several 4 and 5-room cottages for rent, with city water and sewer for $10. MeCAGUE INVESTMENT CO.. 1508 Dodge Bt. Td. Doug. 415. 111 ftll-J Yi 2721 8. 9th. 1 blk. c. of S. 10th St. line, 7-r., new, all modern, water paiu, 2t. cottage, $25, 282t Ijeavenworth. 6-r.. mod. aX,i N. 191 h on uva., s-r., an mod., newly decorated, $30. (V IvEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1001 N. V. Life. Doug, or A 2152. (15)-M372 6 FOR RENT 8-room modern housa, cheap; heated with hot water. 2920 Poppleton, corner of Park Ave. (lo) A1M5 FULLY MODERN 7-room house, 41st and Lafayette, $22.50. Tel. Harney 3062. , 1 15) 248 7-ROOM. all modern house, gas stove, gas water heuter, shades, furnace. 1612 Spruce Bt. The Chatham., H. I. Plumb. (16) M927 houses a all parts of the city. Crelgh Bona & Co., Bee Bldg. llJ) 192 7-ROOM house, Just west of l'ark, $24. 'Phona Harney 1506. Hanscom (l;.)-793 HOUSES Peters Trust Co., H 1. K Bldg. (lu) i9t) 5-ROOM cottage. 1017 N. 23d; closet, gas, wator, $16. -Met ague Invest. t;o. (16)-M292 6x 3602 N. 28th Ave., 7 rooms. 3517 Seward. 6 rooms, $16. Both 'phone. BEMIS, $15. Paxton Block. (!) M730 HOUSE FOR RENT-3115 Burt St. (15)-790 A BARGAIN la rent, 7 rooms, modern ex cept furnace, near In, three blocks from Farnam tt. car line; very low to good tenant. Apply at 607 N. 19th Bt. (15) MtJU FOR RENT Eight-room modern cottage, :03l Many St., $26. C. L .Thomas. 412 Bee Bldg. (15) 8M 6-ROOM cottage, partly- modern, on car line $18.60. 3U(13 California. 'I'hone Harney 27tW. (15)-.M3i 7x FOR RENT. Thoroughly modern 8-rooin house In Han scom l'ark district; one-half block from car. W. L. 8ELBY, 436 Board of Trade Bldg. (15) 3M 6 9-ROOM. separate, modern house, with barn. 31st St. and Poppleton Ave., one block from car line. Rent $.15 per month. Applv to John A. Scott, No. 2"6 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Tel. Douglas 2472. (15)-M262 7 HOUSES, flata. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. (15)-7t T-ROOM house, $23. 527 8. 2Tth St. (15J-797 LIST your vacant houses with Walter Jireen Co.. N. Y. Life Bldg. (15) 7 2'V.t Clark. 4 rooms, owner pays water, $15. iM'.i Webster, 8 rooms, $23. 3167 Davenport, 8 rooms. $30. Northeast corner 31st Ave. and Chicago St.. lo rooms, new, $55. RING WALT BROS., $06 8. 15th St. H6l M4'7 9-RoOM all modern house, 4j7 Webster St., Dundee, near car; perfect repair; $.0. Leavitt. Harney 2-'ua. Usi 41s ti. MODERN room, newly furnished, close l:t. gentleman preterred. Tel. H.irney 8.5. (lij-Utoi 6x 6 ROOM 8. mndwrn. funance, walking distance. 2223 Burt Bt. (laj Mi 6X FOR -t. R E NT 4-room cottage. 23i4 Grace ()-M24 7s l-ROOX. modern For information brick flat. 3007 aclfle. 'phone iiarney 3281 (;-7S4 SUNDAY BEE OFFERED FOR RENT Houses and CottagesContinued. HOUSES" "HOUSES" "HOUSES" FOUR ROOMS-Poi S. 27th., 4-r.. city water. NICE HOME 2KH Indiana Ave., 6-r., city water, closet and gas, $lx. NEW MODERN COTTAGE WJ N- th St., near car line. 6-r.. fine plumbing, combination light, cement cellar, window shades, only $20. CHOICE FLAT 1.1-rt N. 4m h. Walnut Hill, all modern except heat, $20. COZY COTTAGE Slid S. 2i'th St., on east side Park line, fi-r.. h 1 1 modern con veniences, reduced tn $22.50. NORTH SIDE 2428 Bristol, 7-r., all mod ern, fine shape, a bargain at J22. FIXE NEW HOME -4232 Douglas. 7-r.. oak finish, open plumbing, beautiful fix tures, furnace, laundiy, bouse newly decorated throughout, beautiful patterns: reduced to $32.50. DOWNTOWN FLAT 1750 Leavenworth St., 6-r.. modern, only $W. CLOSE IN-1S29 N. 17th. 8-r.. modern ex cept furnnce, reduced to $22 50. VERY CLOSE IN 527 6 . 25th Ave., R-r, modern; will put In good repair, reduced to $27.50. FIELD CLUB 320 Poppleton, splendid all modern 8-r., house, oak floors, fine fur nace, paved street, will decorate to suit tenant, $:)5. EASY WALK-I011 S. 22d. 8-r.. modern ex cept heat, dandy arrangement for two families. $26. JUST VACATED 816 S. 3.1th Ave., fine 9-r., all modern house, onlv $'lo. LARGE HOUSE, CLOSE IN 564-66 8. 2Sth St., 10-r. each, now being remodernized, furnace heat, open plumbing, new com bination lights and new fixtures; beau tiful decorations: see us for oatriculars. SNAP FOR LARGE FAMILY 131 S N. 42d. lo-r., all modern, barn, lot 7Sx2oo, and all for only $33. JUST FINISH ED 2410-12 Seward. 6-r.. strictly modern houses, have Just been put In fine shape, only $27.50. Payne, Bostwick&Co., (Solo N. Y. Agents. ) Lite Bldg., Main Floor Tel. D. 1016. (16)- IlOl'RKS Ft )R RENT. $13 per mo., 3327 Spalding St., 6-room cot tage, cltv water and iras. $16 per mo., 2ol5 N. 24ih St., 5-room cot tage. $22.50 per mo., 2865 Spalding St., 6 rooms, modern, except furnace. $20 per mo., 112!l-31 Georgia Ave., rental reduced from $35 per month to $20 per month. Each of these flats has eight good rooms all nicely decorated; fire Place in front room and cood furnace. $- per mo., 304 N. 24th St., 6 rooms, mod ern. $i0 per mo., 2432 Templeton St., 6-room mod ern cottage, hot water heat; large yard; new and very desirable. $30 tier mo., 3224 Poppleton Ave., 8 rooms, all modern, fire place, large attractive rooms; handy to car line, and In good neighborhood. $15 per mo., p;l2 Spruce St., 7-room new modern house; gas ranee, oak finish. $50 er mo., 508 N. 2uth St., 8-room new modern flat; onk finish; gas range and heater; separate laundry; fine arrange ment and close in. HEATED APARTMENTS. 17OS-10 Burt St. All of these apartments except three have been leased. Put your application In Monday morning early 1f you expect to 8curi) one. Each upartmcnt has 3 large rooms, bath, laundry, gas, range, refrig erator water and heat both furnished by owner. Decoration to suit tonant, If application Is put in at once. GEORGE & CO., ltiol Farnam St. (15)- 9-room modern house. In first class re pair, within walking distance of the busi ness district of the city, one block from car Hue. corner lot with paved street, for $10 per month. W. J. DERMODY INVESTMENT CO.. Tel. Douglas 510S. 836 N. Y. Iife Bldg. (15) M564 8 FOR RENT. 2H61 Pacific St., (Hanscim Park), good 8- room brick, modern 35. 1702 S 28th. 8-rm. house, modern, lawn, one block from Hanscom Park car lino $25. 1115 8. 28th, 8 rooms, modern except heat. 2046 Dodge, goed 9-room modern flat, walk ing distance 130. 4169 Cass, 7 rooms, bath, barn $30. 1012 N. 24th, gi.od a-room house, newlv papered and renaired 25. 1133 N. 17th, good 8-room house, on car line $28. 4218 Nicholas, 7 rooms, good repair $16. iso H. 2oth Ave., 6 rooms (main floor) $18. t 8. 34th, good 6-rooni ccttage $i'n. 3.12.1 Dewey Ave.. 5-room cottage tlli 21V4 N. 27th. 4 rooms (second floor) 19. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM. Ask for rental department. (15)- FOR RENT. , 9-room modern house. 1128 South 31st street. $30. 1) room modern house, 424 N. 40th St. 7-room modern house. 9mJ South $30. 33d si reel, ju. 9-room modern house, 3050 Woolworth Ave., $30. 7-room modern house. 1318 South 29th street, $26. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New York Life Bldg. (15)-M420 12 2023 Ioeust St., cept heat, 120. 171u N. 34tii St floor, 11s. 7-room house, modern ex 6 rooms, city water, first 3401 Decatur St., 4 rooms, rent family, part of house. Jl'J.fio. to colored -11 S. 2.ith Ave., 7 rooms, all modern house, electric lights and gas and furnace, $30. Solo Lindsay Ave., 5-room cottage, $7. 1M3 Mason St., 6-room cottage, modern ex cept furnace, $20. 213 S. 2Mb St , 5 -room cottage, modern ex cept heat. $20. J. H. SHERWOOD, 616 BRANDEI8 BLDG. (15) HOUSES TO LET. n. inn bi n rooms, modern, rent rea- sonaoie. b31 South 32d. 3 rooms. $9. 2'0i N. 24th. 6 rooms, modern, $30. 2K06 N. 2lth SI., 7 rooms, modern. $:!5. W. Far nam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam 8t (15) , FOR RENT. 9-room modern I ouso in first class re pair, near Hanscom park, with good ham. $2S per month. W. J. DERMODY INVESTMENT CO.. Tel. Douglas Mug. 8: N. Y. Life Bldg (151 M561 8 B r ST 8-ro ni, all modern house for money in 1 museum park; rurnace, open p'umb lng hath clo'et, lavatory; $24. 'Phoni Webster 17S. (16) M5"',7 t X $114 nice looms, 2706 Burt St. $14-Nice 5-room cottasje. 1316 Pierce St. $16 For a niev 6-room flit on main floor 1?"3 Paul St. $20 Nice 7-room house, modern except heat, '2C'2 V. 20th St. $-5 Good J-Mim modern except heat, walking illstance. it T4i 8 Indiana Ave. HOn?( N WOLF. Douglas 2I1S. t;2i rHxton P.l ck. fl.l) MtTO 6 V'-r. pirtlv moderr -r. modern bouse. S-r. modern house Cs Id well. 8-r. modern, good house. L217 California. :l".:l Harney, hot water, hent, 2417 furnace, 520 So. 26th 4 ve. 7-r. h iiiw, 4;! N. ITih St. 6-r. modern lions , ;I14 Manic Ft. 5-r. m vlern cottage, ?'? Wirt St ?-r. cell lee. 118 So. th St. F. D. W F.SD Weud B!k.. ISlh nnd Farnam. MnnERN'-t-room. real $15. 4' 6 N. 221 St. good furnace; only (15) M 626 12x 7-ROOM house, all modern Ixe-pt furnnce. S121 Leavenworth. Tel. Hurnev 28"-v (1)1 AM21 6 TWO Ptt'e houses near en 1 of A-e Av end G nnd Ave . csr line, be'ng o-e-hsule '. and re ' ly for rent at only ?6 and f:i pe- month. HEAI. KT'TV TIT' F TRUST CO. Ground Fl ar, 12H F.irii' m. (l.i! M6 8 ii It. A-i r r.LYlees 4 t tl 0'. Nicholas 6 ro'iiiis. $1 j 1 0 $17.00. 2"o', Bristol, j rooans til. r'l Ohio, ti rooms, foo ISO I Grio ", 8 roo'Tis. fii.'O. 6" ' S :'h Avu.. loonis. brick, Dul. I 'i N i.v li S' . 8 rooms, modern. )7.'0. JiiKN N. FRI:N.FK. t'oth P e (15) M52 7 ! HOUSES'. Insurance r.'.r.gwalt. Barker tllk. tlf.i-7i.S WALKING distance 9-room modern house, suitable for room renting. $ii. 274 Dvenp5rt. (16) M406 6X -room cottage mo1rn. except furnace, wi'bki walk ng distan.-e for $30 per month. W. J. DFRMODY INVESTMENT CO. Tel. DougJi- ro'ie 66 N. V. Ufe Bldg. (lfi)-M56J a OFFERED FOR RENT louses nnd Cot saes ton tinned. $l.Vnr S.'S S. 22d , lo-r., mod.: close In. $.7.501724 N. ;th, 6-r.. modern. We have several new 6-rooni flats, modern except heat, close in, and at a moderate price. $21.00 P;l? 8. 83d, 7-r.. modern. $2'MK M2 P. 3it!i, 7 rooms modern. $20.110 (W 8. 4oth St., 8-r., mod. except heat. j;v" 22S l'n kwlld. 7-r.. water and gas. II0.004202 Hamilton, two store rooms. :i.Ml toward. 6-r.. water paid. $,Toth and Sprague, -r., water and closet, gas. 15.oi tii)7 Cedar. 5-r., mod. except beat. $12.0031111 Webster. 5-r. PETERS TRUST CO.. Ground Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. (15)- NEW house, 7 rooms, near depot and whole sale district. Inquire 1213 Hi 11 St. (16) .M360 6 5-ROOM house. 626 8. except furnace, $21. 26th Ave., Vuodern (15) M357 6x HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expiessmen s Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. X. v (161785 FOR RENT New 6-room modern house, 916 8. 371 h $30.00 8-room house, modern except furnace, riHvennorl 22.50 8-room, modern, nicely furnished house, 11128 S. 28th Bt 4-story and basement brick builuing. 2x132 feet, 1107 iiarncy ii.'u JOHN W. ROBB1NS, 1802 FARNAM ST. ( 111 I .M.liW O ROOMING HOUSE The Hillside, 18th & Dodge Sts.. right In town, 15 large rooms, strictly modern, fine steam heating plant, only $75. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO.. Sole Agents. Main Floor N. Y. L.lfe Bldg. Tel Doug. 1016. do) 3645 CALIFORNIA St., 8 rooms, all mod- ern - 333 Cedar St.. 4 rooms 6 24"7 N. 19th St., 6 rooms V 1109 Briggs St., 4 rooms 13 BIRKETT & TEBBENS, 423 Bee Bldg. (15 -ROOM cottage, 6.117 N. 26th St.. $14. C. Q. Carlberg, 911 N. V. Life. (15) M176 Buildings. 1112 Harney St., 4-story and basement brick building, about 14,000 sq. ft. of floor space. This is in the best art of the whole sale district ,and lease can be se cured from two to five years at a very reasonable rental. GEORGE & CO., 1G01 Barnam. (15) GOOD RETAIL LOCATION n. w. cor k;th and JACKSON STS. Large store room and base ment, all in best repair, heat fur nished; lease 2 or 3 years at $200 per month. GEORGE & CO., 1G01 Farnam. (IB) FOR RENT IN WEBSTER-SUNDERLAND BUILDING Space can be secured on .3rd floor to suit tenant, having win dows on either 16th St. or How ard St. Entire 4th floor is of fered for rent at $3,000.00 per year. New entrance has been put in and elevator service and heat are furnished. GEORGE & CO., 1G01 Farnam. (15) TO LET. Second and third floors over 1316-18 Farnam St., 22xlii) and 22x120 ft. Can be rented to gether or aeparate. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam St. (15) Offices. DESK ROOM for rent In an office located on the busy corner of 24th and N Sts., South Omaha. Call at Bee office, 8. O. branch, 24th and N, new address. (15) M577 SOON TO BE VACATED. Fine, suite of rooms, second floor United StateB Bank Bldg., 12th and Farnam, plenty of light, fine windows for d.spluy, heat Htid Janitor service furnished. DESK ROOMS. We liav a. couple desk space one on ground floor including telephone, heat, light and Janitor service. All conveni ences. $7.50 and $10. 1201 Farnam St. Ground floor. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO. Ground Floor, Uol Farnam. (15)-M606 6 FRONT OFFICES. Two outside offices, south front, on second floor Conservative building, 1614 Harnuy St.; oak finish, gns and electric light, steam heat. Janitor service. Hastings & Heyden. 1701 Farnam St. Ask for rental department. (13) M4o8 6 OFFICE TO LET. Very desirable corner office, third floor Paxton block. W. Farnam Smith A- Co., 6:15 Paxton Block or 132' Farnam St. (I5l stores. SCARGO BLOCK. South Omaha, new, 620 N. 24lh. Hall. 433 Ramgo Bldg. Red 746. (13)-7W I.ARGI" stores to suit tenants will be built between Chicago and Casa Sts, facing Jefferson square. Inquire O. C. Campbell, ag. nt. 1610 Chicago St. (15) $20-Store room at 29"6 Farnam Pt. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1714 Farnam St. (15) 411 7 LARGE stores to Sull tenants will be built between Chicago Hnd Cass Sts., facing Jefferson square. Inquire O. C. Campbell, agent. 1610 Chicago St. (15) N. J0T1I St., st ire room. InxHO ft.. Just recently repaired; next doir to grocery siorc; spleiulld location for a mar ket. GEORGE A CO.. ltiol Fariiam St. (lit 18-10 Howard S'... stonm heat. Ill Sout:i 131 It St.. st-.un heal. JOHN N. FUENZER. Both Phones. (15)-M"to7 Furniture. TWO folding counter stools, mahogany finish; been used a siiort timo and will sell cheap. Call Bcc office, Omaha. 1161143 FOR SALE Nw furniture in modern 6 room fiat. Address H. 586, care Bee. (ltii M322 6x Miscellaneous. DRUGS st cut pi ices; freight paid on ail I0 oiueis; cataiogua i:t,c. b:,urman ai McCoi.ndl Dri g Co., 0:na..a, Neb lllil 8o2 INK BARRELS We liuve on oaiot a nu iiber ul iiiin bar rels which we vs. 11 sell ul c each. are (ine for rain wt-r or uaht-a. Call at I less I uutll. I'l l I' Co. (16(277 FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard snd pool tables W- leail Hie world m cheap bar (Utures; easy payments. Brunswlck-Balke Collendcr. 407 b. loth St. (16j-80$ TWO cash registers, one gas arc lamp. 402 8. 15th St. 44S IMPROVED Hllo Peanut Vending machines on terms to suit. Write or call, A. (J. Anderson of Hotel Rome. (16)-M' 7x OFFERED FOR :SALE Mlseellnneows .Conttnned:. CHRISTMAS trees for sale. Nice Christ mas trees fr sh from the woods for $1 each, cash with the order. Send orders early to get them In time for Christmas. E. A. Holies, Cromwell, Minn. (16i M390 7x TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES AU. P111CES For sale, for rent. Slightly used and genuine rebuilt machines, good as new, at '4 to 14 mfrs. prices. If rented, rent will be applied. Ijuge stock of 26 differ ent makes to select from. Call or write today for large bargain list and receive our offer. We ship on approval anywhere without a deposit. 1. F. SWANSON CO., INC. (Established Five Tears.) 1620 Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. (415 S. 15th St. after December In.) (161-M28S Jsnl CHRISTMAS candles, sealed boxes Sher man & McConnell Drug. Co.. Owl Drug Co. UJ M253 Dec31 WRECKING The National Staich company plant at Nebraska City, Neb., i onslst ng of boilers, engine, rumps, heaters, blown a, shnLlng. pulleys, belling. Muiison mills, tup ele vators, 2o0 tons of black pipe, and valves of all sizes, dynamos, and engine, three freight elevators. ) steel trucks, suitable for brick yards and transportation around manufacturing plants, 40,000 box trays, 16x32 Inches, white pine. Two mil l.on feet lumber 3,0o0,00 brick, cleaned and loaded on wagons or cars. One grain elevator, containing nil machinery used In handling grain, such as cleaners, scales, etc., can be bought, with ground, or be moved, as desired. Don't let such an op portunity go by. It will be to your Inter est to come and see us. Write or call up Independent 'phone 30. S. KRI'll WRECKING COMPANY, Nebraska City, Neb. (16)- NEW l'Mi Yalo Motorcycle $125; $25 rash, balance sight diatt; amazing opportumt to secure high-class machine; few left. Consolidated Manufacturing Company, Toledo, O. (16) 47 6x 1,000 KINDS perfumes and sachet powders. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Wth and Dodge; Owl Drug Co., pith and Harney. (1 M2C2 Dec31 FIFTY latest songs and a sheet of music for 10c. Bernard Music Company, Svra cuse, N. Y. Box 313 E. (16)-610 6x ONE new Solar oak heater. 2570 Evans St. (16) M616 6x SEND us your mail orders for drugs; freight paid on J10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. G6) 806 Wire Cable for Sale We have three pieces of 4-lneh cabin, 150 to 250 fet each, for sale at a reasonable price, fall on engineer. Bee Bldg., Omaha. FOR SALE-Gentleman's fur coat, cheap. Tel. Webster 2107. lti)644 6 Typewriters and Sewing Machines. Typewriters Remingtons (or Rent. Remingtons for Sale. Smith Premiers for Rent. Smith Premiers for Sale. Olivers for Rent Olivers for Sale. Underwoods for Rent. I'nderwoods for Sale. -- -Monarch for Rent... . .. , ; MonarchsJ4or Sale. L. C. Smiths for Rent. . L. C. Smiths for Sale. Foxes for Rent. Foxes for Sale. Excellent bargains, 10 up. All kinds Repaired. JUST OUT. Our new catalogue is ready for dis tribution. Send for a copy, free. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE 1609 FARNAM. 'Phones: Doug. 805. A-4204. (161 M6i2 6 IF YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR A TYPEWRITER IT WILL BE TO YOUR INTEREST TO INVESTI GATE WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER, NEW OR SECOND-HAND. ADDRESS E 210. BEE. (16) 670 TYPEWRITERS, any make, all prices, for sele, for rent; rent applied If bought. tall or ask for our bargain list. H. F. Swanson Co., Ine. (est. 5 yrs.). 1620 Kar nam St.. Omaha. ip;-MJ!) Janl PATENTS D. O. BAHNELL. Paxton Block. Tel. Red 7117. mVM PATENTS THAT PROTECT Three, books for Investors mailed on receipt of 6c post age. R. S. and A. B. Uo;)'. rooms 29-31 Pacific Bldg., Washington, D. C. Estab lished 10! (17) 807 PATENTS and meritorious Inventions de veloped and sold. Lucas & l'o.. St. lynils. Mo. (17) 524 6X PERSONAL THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castoff clothing, in fail, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N lith St., tor cent of collection to the worthy pe jr. call 'i'hone Douglas 4135 nnd wagon will call. (18) 7S6 THE ARNOLD MASSAGE VIBRATOR for giving Urn celebrated vibratory mas sugu at iioine for po ir circulation and ail ments of 'he nerves, brain and vital organs; Invaluable fur rheumatic, neu ralgic ami paralytic affections; endorsed by pliysii l.ins; thousands sold; produces belli h. hin-iigih, beauty, vigor and vi tality; agi'iitn wanted everywhere; write for free '-i'ge book. II. K. ilarthuii, LU Blo BluJg., Omaha, Neb. (18)-M8I2 D1J A HOME fer women during confinement V find homes fur habits where m nncrs cannot caie t"r them. Mother Lee, 4ut! Bancioft St. 'Phone Douglas 1!CI. (,1S 8-Jl Jan27x MW ( M.' Electric vibratory, L'O 8. .ln.ltlli ltit L. Room 3iS, f.iurlh floor old Boston Store. (IS) M299 Jl HALL'S safes, new,2d-hand ISiS Farnam. 1S SiOJ MASQl'EBADE costumes for rent. 3318 S. 2eth St. (18) 413 DID L1EBEN. costumer. 1410 Howaid. Open Eve. 1 M7ub MASHAOE aud manicuring. May Wilson, 6-0 S. )6th. (IS M"K x PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME-Mrs. Dr King. 1G24 N. 24C. Tel. Wehsur lls)-Sll TOI'SO WOMEN coming tt Omaha sn Ptrutigerr. are Invited to visit the Yojng 'o!nen's (.'liricitlan abaoclatlou roems. 131S Farnmn St, when; t.o-y will be dl ejitd t bi.itabla boarding places or ed i-i Ij alted. tlfcj-268 WAN TED -To know sUouta of ,l.t;ii s T t: av 1 r; r In NebiiaKu. Any ajipi t lut.'d by tins Kl wi.i. Varc uv. r. the present w.iere Kirwln. formerly a II., -iiL-l i ol'.r...i:i infoi inaiion ill bt und. rs.gned. P- J-a--.i. (Hi Ml'.'.' -X OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg. (l)-ll STRINflFS, rublter goods by mall: cut pi Ices. Send f ir fr. e catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (IS) .0 CABINET vapor baths, massage; male and female attendant. 171 Dodge St , base ment (li)-l 7 PERSONAL (Continued.) PirKRFM'Ol S HAIR, warts and mold permanently reni.iveil ny electricity; con sultation free and confidential; all work uarantred. Miss Allrnder. 624 Bee Bldg. (1.i M 4 flVrTfTTf treatment snd bath. Mm AUiNi-li. Smith, 118 N. 15th. 2d fin .r. (IS) 627 FREE to Ladles A simple home treat ment Hint cured me after yeirs of suffer ing with those disease Ivculhir tn women, sent free to ladies with full In structions how to use It. Address Mrs C. 1 Hildnut, South Bend, Ind. (1M 623 tit A KISS of Satin skin powder transform! coarse skin to patln skin. In 4 tints 2fv. (1S MASSAGE treatment. 109 S. 17th St .room S. Mrs. Jordan. (1S)-37S 10X MASAfiF, Electric vlhratory, 120 8 floor old Boston Store. 18i ?7 Deri REAL ESTATE It EA L ESTATE DEAI FIH REED ABSTRACT CO.. Est. 1SS6; prompt service; get our prices. 1710 Farnam St. .!) 813 BENJAMIN R. E. CO., 477 Brandels Bldg. (19)-814 OEORQE ft CO., 1(101 Farnam. Tel. Douglas :;, (19)-S15 rAYNE INV. CO., first floor N. Y Life. OPi-Slj' REAL ESTATE TITLK-TRI'ST CO CHA9. E. WILLIAMSON. Pretdent (19)-MSi,J CITY FHOFERTY FOH (ALE. J. W. R0BBINS BARGAINS IN HOUSES $7,onn Fine 12-r"om modern bonne Htid barn, with three full lots, on fine of the best corners In Dundee; owner leaving city. J4,fmn Two 6-room cott;iges on i:itli St. near Cuming; always rented. $3.hi-New 6-room modern home, r:, s 42d St.. finished In hardwood throughout' rents for $35. 2 3io-NpW bungalow, with full lot. one block from paved street and car lino; $2,o Oood 5-room coltHge m, St., a iinir oiock rrcm Ieavenwortli. (JOOD VACANT LOTS 2fiiVKull lot MOO-Klill lot A ve. In north part of in Briggs' place city. on Capitol IWio Fine lot on 42d near Dodge St tlOiM-Full lot on N. 16th. suitable business or dwelling, paving paid for i,""' iieauurui lot on Doilwe St. mar P M. Ji'?. i!'"1 rront "h ;'lli north of Karnani. t.,i.,r-,ilt, !eet corner 2tli and Liewi vey ACltEAOE $1,mio Two acres Ieavinworth. on 63d Ave. south ol p") Half acre near 54th and 1envenworth inn-aero Improved Douglas county farm, 9 BAROAIN. SEE ME FOR OTHER BA RU V INS JOHN W. ItOBBINS, lm FAKNAAI ST t19i 8-ROOM MODERN HOME MUST BE SOLD House Is almost new; reception hall, parlor, dining room and kltrhen first floor; 4 bed rooms and bath second floor; hot water heal, combination fixtures, laundry and permanent walk, paved street; good neigli iHirhood; lot iidxl.V.; 2 blocks to car; a bar gain at $3,975; good terms. Forest Hill Addition 9-room house, hot water heat, one and one half lots 75x150. east front, fine condition; lias elegant mantel and grate, eleetrio ight and gas; front and rear stalrwav; high and sightly, good neighborhood, beautiful lawn, paved street, permanent walks; price, $5,A.'ii); good terms. Good Vacant Lots Northeaat corner 35th and Franklin Sts., 3 lots, 4xl.M each; sewer, water and gas: price, 11,600 for nil; muke offer. 2!Jh9rtand lndl"-na Ave., east front, 48V4xDO; BIRKETT & TEBBENS, 423 Bee Bldg. 'Phones: Doug. 4754; A 1764. (1!- Near 30th and Leavenworth Modern seven-room house, walking dis tance, full lot; bargain at J3.50O. BEMIS, Both phones. Paxton Block. (19i- B AUG A IN Kountze Place Fronting on Kountze park. A 9-room strictly modem house. Lot 60x126; street Im provements all In. Two blocks from car line. Price only J3.20O. Can make terms on the same. See W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 1061, Ind. A 1061 . (19)- NEW WEST SIDE HOME Sly lurirA r 1 1, i m u -..,., n. i ,...,. , . , , nan; parlor, dining room and kitchen on first floor; ' e ,ii rouina tinn b.tli upstal.s; all rooms finished in birch; strletlv mod ern; furnnce heat; cement. il cellar. I.o- cuieu iiu a. ;in Ave. Price, 13.250; terms. C (i. CARLBKK(J, 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. (19)- VIRGINIA PLACE The beautiful addition adjoining HAN SCOM PARK t'l) the south. 32 high-class lots with permanent walks, water and sewer to all lots; streets paved, loo feet parked boulevard running through the center of the addition. Close to schools, churches and Field club. Building restriction Insures good neigh boriui'tl. 'lake the west side car and get off at .Mart ii. i St. Lois frm t'.Crt to il'JM, with all Improve ments paid for, JEFF W. BEDFORD & SON, 2306 Cumins . 'Piiynea L. 115; B-1015. (Ii M043 6 TWO 5-roum cottages fur J2,6 "H Seward near 25th. W. H. dates. ilOi M6I0 6 EXCHANGE Jl, (V) equity In nice 7-rnnn cottage near street cur fur heavy drafl hon-es. 8-room houue. modern txeept he it; one acre land, near eluir di, u hml and street cur; price. J.VIXU. Will trade fur land within Pi) miles of Oiiii.i.u. Three 7-nmm cottages and three fine lots, on grade, siiett car. light and water; price. .2S" each, n ulil Irade for Im proved lalid. 0-r.'ini liniise and two lots, 4Sih an L Sts., -f,.V.:n ei.ttag.', tth and V Sts., II. 500. 5-room e 'U 2'ith snd J ickson Sts., t'xiO. TRAINOIt. CA.I DWELL & CO.. 2lt,i and N Sis.. S iutii Omaha. Neb. Ill); M1JS FARNAM STREET All eyes a f now on Farna u St.. espe. r hilly bet wet n '6th and Mill St. We l ave Jii't set in-, d li e contract for sale of a i hoii e 2-atiiry brick block at 16.n ti, store leh.w. res th lit flats h'mvc. Rental valje 1 1' e to 1.9j0. Sie us for pal titulars at opi e. REAL ESTATE TITI. E-TIU KT CO. (round FI.Mir, 12ei Fan nin. tVJj V-J7 D COCNC1I. BI.PKI'S BAUilAlN. !v t.v.'in. fie rumus. la puntiy,'t and buiu rtHini ie ally arranged, goi d as new; good Well large cistern who immp ami sink hi kitchen; cemente! celiar; large cttrner lot. beautiful lawn and cement walk was built for hone; ncir two .mk! schools and Omaha ear line; worth have cut price lo $. Cn rt as m leaving city. Phone Ind. lo.ii-x. tajl at 'wn Third Ave., Council Bluffs, Is. 03j-M is c1 i 4 tui 1 ft