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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1908)
The Omaha Sunday Bee PAKT VL WANT ADS PAGES 1 TO 10 VOL. XX XVI II NO. S. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMl'EK j.m. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENT. WANT ADS 'i Want - ads rrlirinriiti far the wraat ad eolamna will he likn til 12 a. for tkr rtrilnl edltloa aad til . for the tnnralna: and s-aadar edltloaa. ash mast rroBPr all orders for ,,..1 ad. aad ao advertisement will c accepted for leas thaa lO reals for llrst lataertlaa. Ratrt aplr to either The Datlr or nntfar bee. (iKiri roil) aim wards to a line. otnhlnatloaa of laltlala or aaanhers rniil aa oae word. CH DATES "p-OR WAWT AD. BF,(,IHR CLASSIFICATION Oae Insertion, rr liar, J ereata. Two or more conaertal-re laaertloaa, er line, eeata. Each taarrttoa saade oa odd daja, 10 reats ner llae. fl.RO r Hae aer months excepting rrRlVlHKD HOOM A D when accoannaated by rash, the rate villi bet Oae laarrtloa. 4 eeata er line three ar als roasreott're laaer tloaa. X cents per llae each laaertloai acTea or norr eonscentlve laaertloaa, il eeata per llae each laaertloa 50 I'enta per llae per naonth.. want ada for The Bee aar tt at aar of the fallnwlac draaT atoreo - arr all branch offleea for The Bee and rar nd will be laaerted Jaet aa prompt It and oa the aatne ratee aa at the tnala office fa The Bee Balldlaaj, Virr lecath aad far nam street. Albaeh, W ""., 4th anil rrnum- rt,srrk, f. A.. 1 9. J6lh St. l .e, bt pharmacy. WO S lth St. Plenum Pharmacy. Benson, o. Bonds Park Pharmacy, Kid and Cuming. 1'ltkf a Pharmacy. 2K2 Sherman Ave. c ---.iKtilin. C. R. Sth ana Fierce Sts. llt-.n HIT: pharmacy. ZT13 Military Ave. ' 'tit'. .1 F... 21st Ave. and rarnani r-L i rissev Thartnary. 24th and lake ot. rn-.ak. Emit. 1204-4 B. 13th Pt ..Lis. B. H., 2XU2 Lesvenwortn Si. r..ft.i & Arnoldl. OT N. 2Mh St. Fr. vipe. John J., Ii4 N. 24th Pt. I m me Drug Co.. Florence. NeB. G.-ldmim Pharmacy. lh and Lke HTwt.i,tli, G. A, 1"26 8. 10th BU i r-i tmugh. G. A., 1624 fl. Kth Bt. t'Mwi.-n. William C. 320 Famjm ft. Hanscom Park pharmacy. 1401 S- 29th M. li l-l. John. 4 24 N. lth St Huff. A. K. 2924 Lc'vei.worth Pt. K r.K. R. B . 1ST I-aranm Ft. Kount Place Pharmacy, W M. i'sirlrk Drug Co., 1C N. 24th St. 1 athrop. Charles E.. 1324 N. ':4th Pt. ?' vton. L. E.. 24th and lavenwortB bta. Saratoga Drug Co.. I4th Bt. and Amen So'hiiefcr's Cut Pries Drug: Co.. 16th and i I " at" Ft. . f- in" rr, Auirart. 2 ran N. ith st '-. hmldt. J. H.. 24th and Cumin B1 P-rrm Pharmai-y. lh and Martha Bta v alnut Hill Pharmacy. 4uth and Cuming Wnltnn Pharmacy. 2iMh anfl Orace Bta. Worth. O H. 4th and Hamilton Bta. DEATH AKD ITKERAL KOTlCKh. WITHIN John, Ix-ormtKT 6, agd 72 '" Fuik ihI from rpfMrncr.. !R12 FYarklln rirfPt. MoiiUhv. at " v " Interment for est Lawn ennietery. -Yk;ndB Invited. A RMSTROXO AARON, December 4. IMS. MTod 37 yn.ra. , Funeral Pundav, I p. m from I odder a cliapcl. Tla-entv-thlrd and Cuming Btreet. ' Interment Forent Lawn cenwterj'. Friends ; Invited. . BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Birth John Barton, 2204 Poppleton ave 'rue. girl; tieorfre Webber. 2t14 Catellar Ktreet Rlrl; O. N. VanOatrand. 241B Blondo ;reei! arlrl ; Frark Rowley. 2lb North Twrniv-mxth airett. girl; J. C. McDonnell. 1 1 Bouth Twentieth Btroet. boy; Joseph Vagtnan 1717 Houth PeventeenUi aireet, bov; Mel'vln M Nary. Ki4 North Twenty 1 .urth utit ei. clrl; Teoflel Garlick. South Twenty -eight street, girl; Henry Ituhraon. iriH Military avenue, boy; Joseph (""had dock. :''l Ft. Mary's avenue, boy; W. H. Kurd. Meredith avenue, girl; Georare Howell. ieS Pni1h Eighteenth street, boy; John Hart. Ft. Mary s avenue., girl; Joseph Pherier. Still Martha stre-t. boy; Ahr.ihani I.. Kresler, ;i4 South Twenty t.'lrd st: eel, boy. Iieaths A. Armstror.g. St. Joseph's hos p lal. ;. John M Bundbcrg. Sl'll Keaven viorth pireet, 81: Hugh c'hapman, i Era street; Frank Hoffman, 1st. Ohio s.reet. i months; Mabel Graves, 2&.".7 Furt s.reet, Z. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licensee have been !aued : Name and Residence. Age l-kiarar Ttudolf Zhtiriskie. Omaha Jii Fadie xiuip Phadduck, Omaiia -4 John Hedberg. limalia 2S Christina ltiulberg. Limaiia 23 Cyrua K Turner, Spokane. Waaii 52 Maud Pt. John. Omaha 4J ANNOUNCEMENTS The Mosher-Lampman College is the school that -attracts those students wno want the BEST OF EVERYTHING. The best teachers. The best sjslem of Shorthand. The best s s'em of bookkeeping. The best Instruction In penmajialiip. Every Instructor In the business depart ment of tiie Mosiier-lampman college has had from six to twenty years experience In business college work Every tcacaer m our shorthand department has had from ten to twenty years experience In training s. enograpliers. Thi is the main REASON W HY our sludents are holding the best po sition and drawing the best aalariea. Miss Beriha Brown. wno tcgan the study of Mostier ahorihand at the Mosbei-1-inipman college a Uille more than a year ago. is now of ficial court reporter for the Eighth Judicial district of Nebraska, and is now making more than $lau per month Mr. Bert Rosatter Is now being trained in Mustier shorthand t the M osher -Lanipman college for a position us official court --reporter, to which he has bwen appointed Why go to tiie ordinary coiloge and lie prepared for an ordinary position, w-hen i costs no more to attend the Mosher Lampman college and be prepared for the best places? Students can enter at any time. Winter Term will begin Monday. January 4. Call, 'phone or write for catalogue tud further informa tion Mi ISHER-LAMPMAN COL1.EGE. 17lh and Farnam St. Omuha. Neb 111 THE CITT GARBAGE CO . C'rice 4th and Lfavniwoilli aireet. TeL Dougla l.xiT. tit 73 SIGN PAINTING S. H. Cole. 13CJ Douglas. (1 -'.4i' BIX)MQMST MASSAGE no-TM Faxiufc BliKk. Tel. Iiouglas UU H -7a 1 MRS. BACH M AN, C Paxton block. Is now ready with tier annual exhibition of hanri patnted rlmn and water colors, begin ing Tueaoaj , 1 -e. (,. ki,d continue until Cliristaia. pubUc is cord Uly in- Vilcii. U. 4- 7 ANNOUNCEMENTS i ','ont murd. That Little Word "NOW" It is a word w thout a future It means ' lodiiy. It nirnns that your hUKincs edu m- ! tion should not be postponed. Because out First Winter Trrn. began Lweenirw r 1. i does not excuse you from entering College j NOW. Why delay another day' Why not j make up your mind as you read this? j "Every minute lost gives an opportunity for misfortune." Every minute saved arid rightly used means so much capital In- I vested for future use. Aren't you wasting j time when you plan for a business educa tion at Home unknown future dale? I I Every Day Is Enrollment Day at Boyles College Keep thai I act in mind and act accoru lnKly. Our courses of study are so ar ranged that you can ent r Monday morning as s-Kjn as the office is open, or in the evening if you want to attend Night tk-hool. Positions are opening all of the time, not at the end of some lerin of aludy. There will be jobs for you tomorrow and the next day and the day a! ur and every day some one Is completing the course, getting a diploma and a position. You will never git anywhere without making a start. Make up your mind to liegln a business career, to be a better-than-ordinarv bookkeeper or Stenographer or Telegrapher to be the ltoyles College sort, whose services are always In de mand. Write or "phone when you will be In. Catalogues are free. Boyles College F.ovls Hldg. 11. R Royles. Pres.. Omaha. Official Training School for 1'nion Pacillc Railroad Telegraph Department. AUTOMOBILES DER1UHT Automobile Company 1R14 Farnam Bt. P"oddard Pai ton Touring car, $1,200. Reo Touring car, $54. Reo Touring car. S.'ii0. R-o Touring car. HaO. Ford, model N. HhO. Ford, model R. ia0. Ford, S roadster, almost new, $6j0. Ford. R, J.W. Ruiek Runabout, almost new, $800. Ruick Touring car. $i00. Pleven Dur ea, $3ii0. Dragon touring car. ll.OSfl. Waverlv Electric, 3.t0 up. All tiie above guaranteed In good shape. Write for full description. Ftate agent Stoddard Paytnn and Ford car. The best automobile value in the Wptoddard Dnyton, $l.f.oo, $2.imn, fc.oOu. The sensational Ford SKV0 touring car. Good live agents wanted. ' Dpi n and closed cars for rent day or night. Siecial attention given to theater parties. Tel. Doug. 353. (2) M165 AUTOMOHILE AND GAS ENGINE school: thorough and practical course of Instruction; call or write for prospectus. Northwestern Automobile and Gas En gine School. Main Floor. Omaha Com merciil Colloge iildg.. Win and Farnam. t-i MS6- NINE Rambler. econd-hand, at your own prices. Rambler Auto Co., 244 Famam. (21 M270 Dec. SI NOW IS THE TIME TO SELL TOUR AITOMOBILE. I have many call for second hand ma chines. Get them In before the Corn show. RRICK. P. KUHN. 1R12. Harney St., Opposite Library. OVERLAND & HULSMA.N AGENCIES. 2i-M31B 7 AUTOVTOBILE SCHOOL PROFITABLE positions open in the auto mobile fleJd; technical instructions on loth steam and gns engines; students paid for repn-lf work. Address Omaha School of Automobile Engineering -418 Iveavenworth St. i2S BARTER AND EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A splendid Ko-acre stock and grain farm, two mlltis from one of the best small railway towns In the state; ail rich level bottom land, above overflow, well fenced with new wire; new six-room dwelling, barn 40x40. plentv never falling water, fine bearing family orchard, telephone and rural niaii, on main public road; no belter soil any wJere, all in cultivation except Ui(. acres fire Umber, with over SdO.ono good saw timber, worth 116 at the mill; a hig bar gain at tso; can UBe good hardware slock If well located. Bradley-Ward. Ml. Vernon. 111. (3i M400 ix 1 OWN a fine farm two mile from Huron. S. I'., w'ill trade for general merchandise stock or automobile. A W. Hurd. Huron, S. D. t3 M3S1 Gx TO EXCHANGE Hfioacre improved Jer auld county (S. Ill farm: $Sl acre; mort gage Jlu.oTM. due 1911. 6 per cent; prefer income property or stock goods. Mather Co., Cedar RapUs, la 1" 4T( 6 TO TRADE An up-to-date 60-barrel flour ing mi.l for land. L. C. Butler. Arion. la. (3) MJU2 la i FARMS. town property. merchandise. I Stringer A' Child. Puxlon Bik.. Omaha, j (3 M;i6f. I HAVE stock In solid company paying S jier oeru aiviacna. w men w in irniie i or modern Omaha home well located Ad dress 0-KJ4 care Bee. (a M424 TRADES of real estate. merchandise, stocks and income property a specialty. 1k not answer unless willing to pay com mission, vuick deal certain. No charge for listing. Have manager trading de partment wtio does nothing else but match deals. Write today. Abbott Realty Co.. 41a Rrandeis Bldg . Omaha. 3 Choice . Irrigated Land In San Luis valley. Colo., also western Kansas land to exchange for merchandise, hardware or city property, clear. L. G. TAYLOR, i Hoxue, Kan. (,'ii 512 Sx TO EXCHANGE Choice 44o-acre well im proved Lnn county cla l farm; near rail road station: price. 77.6o acre; mortgage J It, (), payable law annually. Maiher i; Co., Cedar Rapiua. la e3 b TRADES of real estate. merchandise, stock and Income property a specialty. Do not answer unlesn willing to pay com mission, cjulck deal certain. No charge for listing Have manager trading de partment who does nothing else but match deal. Wr.'.e today Abbott Realty Co.. 411 Brandos Bidg.. Omaha. (3i TO EXCHANGE for stock goods: pie-acre well Improved choice Merrick county 4 Neb. I farm. li& ac-e- mortgage S3 fciO, running 4 year: elso 1' ai re fine land! Coster county. Neb.. i acre: mortgage lM'. runnine S year Trade toceihcr or separa" Owner wants to go lmn pu! nes Would consider livery. Mather Co Cedar Rapids, 1h. i'i el BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET IN or out of business call on GANG EST AD. I;oom 402. Bee Bldg 14i 742 STEAM LA I' N DRY for rent; fully equipped. James Hair. Albion. Netv (4 1 MS8i tRl'G store frr sale ever' here. Knlest. New Yolk Lilc LlUa. li BUSINESS CHANCES 'Cwit.nued. 1 NOW BEING DEMONSTRATED AND FINANCED An Invention That Has Startled tlif Whole World. Ilich Grade Fiscal Acent Wanted. re is one of the greatest electrical inventions of tiie age The Rurltntame Telegraphing Tvpewriler the invention of Elmer Rurlitig&me. The invention ciwisisis of an electrical ap paratus that can be attached to any stand ard typewriter. The i message Is recorded In page form both In pending and reoeivlng typewriter written out letter for letter Just as sent THE PVRL! NG AME TELE GRAPHING TYPEWRITER CAN RE VPK.D IN OrNNErf""Ti 'N WITH lilE METIKiI.S OF lXJl'II'MENT NOW KM l'lxiYK.I IN MESSAGE TRANSMISSION The Riirlniganie Telegraphing Tvpewriler has lieen tested before electrical experts of large corporations and the I niled PiBies government; these experts have reported j most favorably on the invention. I High grade fiscal agents wanted to sM! stock in the Bjrlingame 1 elegrapnmg Typewriter Co. Rate opportunity for 'the r'eht innn. Agents must have of fine equip ment ajid a clientele; must qualify a- lo financial ability and furnish references. Accepted agents get exrl'aRlve territory and a set of demonstrating typewriters with ail necessary equipment. Agents will lie supphed with the finest collection of literature ever gotten tip for stock promotion. ineludthg reproduced press notices from papers all over America and letters sgio-d by telegraph and tob jiiinne expH.ts. I'nltetl States army, navy and signal ' olficers. unlx ersiiy proftissors and well known electrical engineers. Write at once for further particulars Though tiie invention whs bought out but a few months ago, territory is fast being taken up. Applications for exclusive territory for sale of stock must be accompanied with satisfactory bank references. Only high grade men with necessary qualifications need apply. Address. Rurlingame I'nder wr.ters. if. Chronicle Bldg., San Fran cisco, Cal. 4i felt! 6x STEAM laundry for rent; fully equipped. James Ilaire, Albion. Neb. i4i MisH lfx FOR SALE Tony Lang's restaurant. Iti'atrice, Neb. (4i M;i!a 6x HIGH-GRADE cigars, low prices Sherman & McConnt ll Drug Co. and Owl Drug Co. t4 M2."4 DecSl FOR RENT For J25 per month, butcher shi'P. complete equipjed; brick, modern and brick Ice house; located at Persia, la.; can give possession Jan. 1 or later; rent must be guaranteed: send corre spondence to Wm. Timmerman. Manning, la.. Owner. i4 M3l4 6 WANTET All-round country- printer To take chares of small weekly; would sell to responsible party. Merna Postal Card. Merna, Neb. 4 Mjo8 7x TO TRAVELING MEN ONLY. Tou can Increase your Income Sao to tSO monthly by Investigating ttiis ad : no samples. Call, or address Butler Uroa.. 14iit Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. (4 1 M43fi 6x WANTEIs Information regarding good patent which would be money maker. Only Inventor, who wishes to sell out right or on royalty basis, need answer. Give price and brief description. S. M., Box 834B. Rochester, N. Y. (4l DON'T fall to get a copy of our special letter on the stock market. Phetp A: Co.. member Chicago Board of Trade. Royal Ins. Bldg., liii Jackson Blvd.. Chi cago. (4 1 189 Gx $100 to 10 (ki(i Investors wanted ; group pat ented mines, Nevada. Including producing gold mine: operating day and night. Agent wanted. Address Garfield, n East 4d St., New York. i4i 472 bx H4.(HHi Dividend paying stock for sale in Al manufacturing business; party needs cash and will sell stock In amounts to suit at par worth 113. Address John Stromberg, 1SH N. St.. East Orange. N. J. (4i462 tix FOR SALE fc.0 stock of clothing, men's shoea, hats and fumislcng good, in good county seat town in South Dakota; good farming community; doing good business; best of reasons for selling; corner loea t.on. reasonable rent; no trades. Address Y' 81. care Bee. . (41 .vtai.7 la AGENTS Red vulcano ink pencil, 2. fipidman, a Coenties Slip. New York. ! M5ii 7x WANTED Young man aged Z. born Ne braska, father well known, would buy entirely or active interest not exceeding a.(Kio in good staple business, well lo cated. Address, with exact information. S 628. Bee. (4 Mtlo 7x FOR SALF A nice, neat, clean, money makine business located in Beatrice, Neb.. 12.M w 11 liandle it. The best money making proposition in the c.t... for the capital Invested. A new, complete con fectioner', ice cream parlor and soda fountain In fine location. Walter D. Hill 6. Co., Beatrice. Neb. (4i Mi39 If. TERN your mining stocks Into cash. We buy them. Send for list of eash offers. P. W. Andrews, 1S4 LaSalle St., CUoago. (4 Mat? tix I LEAVE for Lo Angeles Jan. 1 to eFtate lish manufacturing business; half Inter est, $a,(4i and services. Adarees P (Tiff. Bee. (4i-M4al f.x liiC ACRES of smooth, cultivated land. 7 miles from good town in the east central pari of Nebraska. Price SiiC per acre. Will exchange for good merchandise or hardware s'ock re-oo SHOLES-ATiMSTRONG CO., llcl Board of Trade Bldg., Kith and Farnam Sib Phones Douglas 49. Independent A-2Mfi (4i PATENT FFTRET) OR FEE RE TURNED Illustrated guide book and list of inventions wanted, free to a.r.v address Patents secured bv us advertised free In World' Progress: sample eopv free Evans. Will-ens A. Co.. .SS F St.. Was!, ington. D C. I'l- l.;lii MAIL ORDERS received from a two ltne ad. Will mail ropy for and s: amp B. Stegman. I'loS Winnemac Ave., Chicago. 14) Ft)R SALE Clean up-to-date hardwsre stock at Bancrof, Neb. Invoice, Ji.g'Kf. Will sell rlieap If tal:en al once. Call or write. First National Bank. Teksmah, Neb. (41 M3ai6 WILL FELI half Interest In excellent ta'lortng business, long established. In college town of Ho.OOa; thi will prove a rare opportunity for some man w an a few thousand dollar to enuage in and manage a big business; fine locattcn and large established monev maslng trade; will sell or trade outright, but prefer to dispose of only half interest: nrsir heHr, neeess tates change; knowledge of the business not necessary, as Ihe present cutter snd designer will rorisin. Ad dress In. mediately L CI. care Bee. i4MS7 7 A NEW LAW TN I'ELAWAPE Charters, loc a Jl.cmi; no red tape; our fee small: everything furnished; stock sold and guaranteed; beware of lrmtators with no testimonials. Lawyers' Title and Trust Co., Wi.mlngton, DeL 141 A SPLENDID opportunity for a pertuji with :'..a to Sf.txi in cash, to become interested In a legitimate proposition, a business which has always paid end never failed: corrispondence confidential. Adelres J. iliii. care Bee. (4i Med7 tx VleP'E president, and manager wanted: must Invest $l(i.(4). which is secured by city real estate: excellent opportunity. Press Euu'iimeiu Co, Metropolitan Bldg. New Y ork City. e 4 4oeJ Gx PROFITABLE business and ctitro! of Omaha to iionest man with push and hundred dollars; make t'i first month ure. KovU Mfg. C o., Roc. heater. N V. 14 i-4vJ CX BUSINESS CHANCES i.L'onunur'J. TOT" can secure an esis'.e worth tivt."00 for yourself by asidstiug to inert one of tiie gravest find roosr disastrous calami ties in the history of i ne i omiberi 'mi world. If Interested wrile t one- and we wiil submit s plan wltii evijeiiee which you w,il find a lis lui cly ctivitic lng. SWramento Valley Imp to. Si louts. Mo. (4i FIRE appliance mar faiturers require competerii representatlv daily responsible t In ? who i finan- ecitnie sole agent spi'duaies nt stiindlng and our interests will for our patented fire f Only men of promin fully capable to hunrii be considered. Exi Iufi if territory ana Men with slorp- big advantHKes oltered room faeiluies pre'ei ri neering and Chemical St., Philadelphia. Fa. d. Adam Kngi 1'iv, ,.l" i.oi'-stnut (4 4?a ox OVR newly patented Mai. Mess Match Safe, including matches and your name printed on suriace. is postively i oe eneapest anil most attractive bustto-bs card to advei -tlse any business; l.C'io sent piepaid upon receipt of t.'i. Matchless Match Co., Fac tory 371 Pearl St. New Yon;; Sales Office, Flatiron Pliig. HOW to finance n bu';iess enterprise dearly show n by (ieeeriptive booklets i No. IO, w iiich we forw ard ire1. Itjsmess 1 levelopmcnt Co., Hi Nassau St.. New York. 1 4.1 46',' Hx A GoD. first-class paying retail groi er.i business for sate, ow rig lo owner s d"ath. Apply to Mrs E. Johnson. lftM N. Ut h St., Chnaiia, Neb. Will invoice aboul ..-.:fc'. i4 M'i&M x FOR BALE Fine up-lo-date stork of mil linery. Hoc or. the doliar if taken at once. Address Y 'JH, care of Omaha Bee. (41'i Ix FOR SALE Real estate and Insurance business, fixtures, with or without of fiee Addjess Ins.. eare Ree, h julh omaiia. 14 M4;ki 13 FOR SALE-A good clean lirst i 1h.-s stork of clothing lor cash or will trade i or land. Write full particulars of w hat you have. Addrebs Box N-i.-a. Omaha. Neb (4I-MT.45 6 SaO WEEKLY' and independence, lew Im proved Hilo penny lianut machine will make lli.aiin per year and not inu Here with your work. Cost SI. cum casti cir $1,200 on time payments (if winch SoTa must be cash. Hilo e,um I. uitipati . einc.i 1J. Market St., (Tncago. (4i M.'ia:t ('."! j HOTEL AND RESTAURANT MEN. AT- j tention: liave I sted. f(r iiitrty dais -. t i y. I the liesl money making hotel projiosltion in Netiraska.; live, wet tow-n cm two rail road. ling lease. We deal in hotels, restaurants, rooming and boarding house exclustvely. If you want To buy or sell. chII of wr-te. Wstc-rn Hotel Brokers. 1 tot; Farnam f. 4i M41!'- tix INCCiRFOR ATE YOUR BUSINESS UNDER LAW? OF ARIZONA. cost; most libera! laws in the United States: no fr-Lnchise tax; private properTy exempit: writ- for copy of cor poration laws, blanks, an.l full informa tion. The Hayes Incorporating Co., Phoenix. Ariz. 14 i Ma74 tix WOULD LIKE TO HEAR of stock for sale In any enterprise wh"re an Investment of several thousand dollars would be safe. L. Darbyshlrei, Box 1S10A, Rochester, N. T. (4 FREE book on Oibe by an American six years in Cuba. Write A. Eenkema. Se curity Bank Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. (4 1 o(4 Gx $, In prizes for best articles on "Real EsTate, the Ideal Investment." Fr?e for all. For particulars write Realty Asso ciates, Central Bldg., Seattle, Wash. (41--492 Gx CAPITAL FURNISHED Industrial, manufacturing, mining, oil, gas. and railway stock and bond issues sold direct to Investors; commission basis. Samuel Graham & Co., Belling Broker. 43 Sacrament ft., Montreal, Canada. (41471 Sx IF YOU want a good money making room ing house, cal) or phone 5cl N. Y. L. Tel. Douglas 1071. e4i Md2u 7x BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Chiropodist. DR. ROT, R. 2. 1006 Farnam St. Doug. 6497. ti 746 Creameries. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. (6i 746 Water Filters. lSld INWARD ST.. Missouri filter; 15 days trial. b 766 China Palatine. CHINA decorating; order work a specialty. Leon, Thursday and Satur day. Firing dally. Leatner craft. ia.ns. leather and designs. Mrs C. C. Hungate, Brandeis Bldg. Tel. Red 14m1 (E C,l Dressmaking. IN FAMTLIEH. Mta Sturdy, Tel. Doug. 4220. (D) V4i TERRY, ladies' tailoring, dress cutting and designing eciool; can be taught by mull. 2tith and Farnam. loi 3i2 Di7 McDowell Dreimaung achool. 1G23 Farnam, (I.i 74S TERRY Ladies' Tailoring -d Dressmaking school, lauglit m English or Gerrtan lrom k a. m. to t p. m. L-tnh and Fari.arn St. (in-Mi Janl Dent I ata. BAILET A MACH, d floor paxton. D. lOSS. Edacatloaal. NOW OPEN FIRST WINTER TERM BOYLES COLLEGE i l Enter any time; business, telegraphy, arten- i i',u?.,i, 1.... .krlr u.t mi' IT.: n Iilii- mlit u r A 1 r- . - ...r-, ... .. , .,0... day sessions; free llustrated catalogue. Write to 11. B. Buylea. President. Oflicial Traiiiing School of Telegraphy lor Unojii Pacific R. R. ( M3iiu Florists. HESS A. 6WOBODA, I4ii Farnam Si. (."o 750 L. HENDERSON. 1019 Farnam. Tel: D 12e3. (ii Tin J. II. BATH, ltlii Harney. Tel. Dout. Flaaacial. MONEY TO L O A N-L O W RATE, in sum to sua. Z10 Bee Bidg ''Ow.t... TU.H..1.. IL. UNION LOAN COMPANY. (i) 7i3 etafea, shatters, Ete. OMAHA Safe and Iron Work makes a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and sales. G. Andreen, Prop., iUJ S. loth. (5 7ij Hotels. LADIES and family parties about to visit New York can find the most desirable hotel ace-orn-n icalallons, with refined surround ings and associations, at node-rate rate at tiie Hotell Etidi cott. iVlst St. and Columbus Ave. Write for particular and guides til 441 til THE SCHLITZ, European. 16th and Harney. (it 7o THE Dodge hotel, reopened, new m an a ge. tiient; refurnished throughout; choicest rooms at mnoerai price. American and European plana, ii-i47 k BUSINESS DIRECTORY o:ei..nued i MoTlaar aad tortna;. EXPRFPf MEN"? Pelhery C-i . nrfire :n N. iWb 8;., warehouse 7-9 irard Pt loi -75! Osteopathy. JOHNSON INS.. 41k N. T. L. Tel D MM. (fo-T,7 Dr. Katheryn NHskoiaa 5 N. T. L Bldg. li -Tin ! Printing. I ' BEFORE piscine -.our li1? alendar order' don't fall t- sei' out imported line l.yng ! Ftad Jorve, jrinters 16lh and Cai'itoJ I Ave. (B 7S) j Fhonhand Reporter aad Notary. i F. J SI"TCI.1FTE-If position. Blog. Tel. Douglas Ptn. F.2 Be (ii 72 he It rpalrlnar. RATID FTTOE REPAIR CO -Ftrt-clsss wura. lfiltou Capiiul Ave Phone Red :H4. (M-7K! FHOES repaired right, called for and de livered fne. Standard Shoe Repair Co., 1W4 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas ".'C7. ". i -7M JiELP WANTED FEMALE Aatcuta and Salesladiew. LADY agents i'i ioa' $- per week selling our great line of neeess'ties. no s. viet'ie; partitu.ars free. Write us now. Young. 1M Iieatborn St., I). 3 Ciieago. (7 1 - H::hi, iix Clerical and Office phone who is YOl'NG lady to answer r.tti'Uiar wt-h city. . S.eiio.. insurance xpei i.-nce. $. tin. I'.Kpr.. must live in Council Blutls. Stie-ISei,".. tall or write for a complete lis' WESTERN RKF. V KoND Ah.N.. INC.. Suite 721 N. Y. Lile l'.ldg (7i BOOKKEEPER, must be A-l. J.'iO to Jiiej. Stenographer and correspondent. Sail. Saleswoman, experienced In jewetij, $12 per weca. If v ou want a position, see u. CO-OBEKAT i V E KEI ERENCE CO., t7a-G77 Brandeis Bldg. i (7 MtiJS U W ANTED Girl for office work. Address M G2. care Bee. e7 3ln WANTED liKi salesgirls. Apply any time alter 7;.'td a m. to T. I'. Ilinin mil s office, mam floor, west. Brandeis si ore. (7 1 MH01 7 WANTED Young man or lady, combina tion bookkeeper and stenographer; some experienie required Applv at once in writing: telephone. Addiess N til'", care Bete. i7i Mtil9 tix Factory and Trades. WANTED Experienced hlndery girl. Ap ply between I'i and 12 a. m. Omaha Print ing Co.. Si'4 Farnam. Oh-S LADY SEWERS Profitable machine sew ing at home; material furnished; prepaid anywhere; S4 20 dozen. Particulars, ptamped envelope. Wijson Ftpecialty Co., Dept. L'. LJ LaSalle St.. Chicago. 7 5 tix WANTED Good tailoress. for waists and coats. 2207 Farnam St. (7i M5P1 7 I.ADTES and girls can make big money at heme during lieilhdays; experience un tecessary; call forenoons. 2.'t"7 S lrrt ti. 7) ME 7x Housekeepers aad Domestic. WANTED Experienced cook; good wages. Mr. Arthur C. Smith, 1203 Park Ave (7-M720 GIRL or woman to help care for children. Call 322Tj Wool worth Ave., Tel Harnev S192. (7)-M403" A GIRL for general hoi sework, two in family. Apply 1111 Ge rgia Ave. (7 1 MfT'9 6 MODERN. 2218 Chicago, one furnished or unfurnished. liht housekeeping if desired. 'Phone Red KV7S. Gin M42 11 WANTED Good cook, with references fi32 S. 37th St. (7)-S4C 6 YOUNG country girl to work for room, board and go to school 'Phone Webster 24a4. (7i-M42el 6 M I seel la a eo aa, GOOD opening for lady who understands hair dressing, municurlng and massage. Call or address 1411 N. 2f.t.h St., Omaha (7 1 M 403 8 ANY Intelligent person may earn good In come corresponding for newspajM-rs; ex perience unnecessary; ro canvassing. Send for particular. Press Syndicate, Box Ms. LockjKirt, N. Y. (7i LADIES Good pay fin ribbon work, everv where. Sample 2c. iRohinson. Middle town, Conn. Box tilf. I. I. (7) HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors aad halessaea. AGENTS wanted for the most complete oil gaa burner in the world; no wlck; no smell, generate kei osene oil Into a fins gas; it f:is any cook stove or range; nothing like it; ohe-tiiird cheaper w.n - coal or w THE ECONOMY BURNER CO. Dept. 6. lliii and glu N. Y. Life Bidg.. Oman. Neu. i9i-7G6 GOOD subscription soli, Hot wanted far county seat weekly; go d proposition; references required Audreag The Senti nel, Onawa, la. 9i-M:fit5 7 A COMPETENT traveling salesman for sont hern Netiraska: trade well e-stnb-listied. Buckley Shirt and Underwear Co., Pt. ljouls Mo. Address or call E. T. Millri. M Hard H' tel. timaha. Neh. i9i M526 9x MEN men of experience in selling men's f urnisniriga. Thomas Kilpatrlck A. Co. (9i Mi G SALEiMEN warned to represent us. ex-perit-n.e nt iiecest,arv. S".. t-i Iliti p-r month arid expensei, or commission. Yale Cigar Co.. Indianapolis, lnd. (9i Miiik 7x WANTEIi Honest, energetic salesmen to J uc-t to tiotels. restaurant. farmers, ranchers and other iaig. eiiisnmers; ex perlence .unnecessary; we leach you the business; exclusive territory. Our goods are guaranteed full weight, full measure and in everv way meet the requirements of all pure focid laws. Exceptional eipour tuntty. Write today for part euiars. John Sxton & Co.. Wholesale Grocers Lake and Franklin Sts.. Chicago. (Pi Mi.71 Gx AGENTS To hanale new patented modern window washer: big se'ler; good profits; exclusive territory. Write outck for nar t'eulars Chicago Co-Operative Com pany, 1M DeartKirn Pt , Clncairo. (9 1 Ma7iO Gx JUST OUT T.ow priced S-lh. mop: turn cratik to wrlne: cle.-.n hands; w omn all btiv: IVt per cent r.rnfii ; cats Uigue f r-e. U S. MOP CO., 19u Main Pt.. St. L--ps,c. O, (9i 4-4 Gx SAIj-M'.Y arid commission to experienced specialty salesman: Hi t-i f i'H per week w holesaling onlv pump eniislizers to can aasse r and ferme- in Nebraska. Kan sas. Iowa and Daioia: your pav- firs, outfit fomlshcd: references end txind re tn ulred. Equalizer Mfg Co., !4 Be Bldg., Cm-.aha. (9i Mir 7x ATTF3NT10N Agents "Empire" Incan descent kerosene lainos snd burners, make big money for all who sell tliem: guaranteed li-os-d!epower Wrlie now for term and prices Empire Supply Company. Sidney. N. Y. e H. 47.", Gx AGENTS Make IT 03. oft per month selling wonderful . If-sharnenlng. pne-neted scla '.rs and cutlery. V. F Giebner aold 2. pairs tri S hours, made S18; you can do H: we I'law how: free outfit TTioma vianufacttirlng Coen.pany. tJ4 Fourth St., Iay1on,- O. (9476 6x HELP WANTED MALE Ageat and 'alnmri-C oat la Bed. W ANTPD-ExP' M. ni-d nccjsioived i, cHllnig f h 1 s ore 1'ade lo n l;ne propriciHry no die e.'ialtv siilesman n drnc and geii eil aoxertised for' large eon i-irr m this line must ha e i p or be goeii specm 1 1 aMnn!l; good povi ,in'i , sh la r and experience, territory tt ences corv'Spondence iksi. Chicago. ri'ihiiiismi I'll ; givi a el d and ret et - i coninb'ti: .al Box , ijn-IMl x i AGENT W A NTFI ' Sa In ry nn1 i ommls ) sion; sinieii'ing ont'rely nev. f r the holi- das r.tnorv s. King Tlieater Bl is I I1H-M..7.". I. WANTED AGENTS legitimate substitute for slot muciiines. patent -o: sel'.s on sight for 1. Piirtlculars C.1SI1A COM PANY. Anderson, lnd. iMi 7 Rx 1 AGENTS earn fir. to .' weikly selling new ! s"les Merry Widow wslst pat.erns. ! Mexjeau and Sw iss i mht oidered waisls. j Catalogue fre . Na"ional lmpsrtlng Co., lesk D, em Broadway New York I Mi sx LET I S be your factory, if you have any thing you want ninnufaeiureil. send it for estimate. We manufacture special machinery and no cities for others, also make metsl patterns, dies and tools Smith A Baxter Co.. 1U West Fifth. Cincinnati, o. (Hi 4:n. tlx ! SALESMAN to handle up-to-date lite- of pos. cards: g-ent sellers and very prol li able; llbt-al commissions paid promptly, lai g- st pos: car-d house in. the west. Arthur Capper. Topeka.. Kan. si STRANGE INVENTION Making agents rich; Korstari s sales $j.Jei two weeks; S.oneman. H.i-i monttil.v. hunlr.-ds hot aging Wi weekly, expeiieme- u nnecessary ; i New field; .Vi.'ieiei already sold nvilllotis ! needed: exciting business. Allen's- Appar- I stus gives every tionu a batnroom for t'.. ( water: cleanses almost au- lomaiicallv. Allen Mfg. Co.. 2-il2 Adams. Toledo. O. (lei 4!l! Kx SALESMEN make r.nei per cent ptorit sell ing our holiday specialties to merchants; enormous dema-'i for them: no experi ence required, catalogue tree Sullivan Co.. 4(6 W. Van Buren St.. Chicago. Ill (to ."ml fix STOCK BROKER or salesman wanted to se ll our quick selling stock, (patent medi .1b-ral terms. Address. President. United Stales Chemical Corporation. 74 Koylstoti St.. Boslon. Mass. (Hi iiifc 6x SALESMEN WANTED A-l salesmen for city of Omaha and vicinity. lo handle So-jder s (iuaranteed Hoof-O-Iine. Souder Ar o.. Kokomo. lnd. (9i 477 tlx WA NTEI Thorough salesmen covering retail trade; till sections of United Slates; to sell our exclusive copy-rig hted advertis ing fans as side line. Live men make $2ti to Salt per w '-k entl-e fan se-ason. Samples very compeet and light Every merchant a possible customer. Best selling line made. The Kemper Thomas Co.. Cincin nati, Ohio. (9i 4a9 fix AG t'NT WANTED Slary end commis sion: something entirely new for the holi days. Emory's. Krug Tlieater Ride (7j Mi.76 6 WE PAY S36 A WEEK and expenses to men with rigs to introduce poultry com pound; years contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., D-78, Parson. Kan. (9 FTOVTNK Wonderful new stove blacking that will never burn off; sells nt every home-. Agents make 1120 monthly. Write t'day. Hay den-Grif fdi Companv, Toledo, O. (9i4l (ix I WANT a fi'st-clRss article, or line, to sell on commission. Address D Til care Bee. (9 M577 t.x AGENTS Either sex; e-xperlenoe unneces sary; a new musical instrument; nevy on the market before; selling like hotcakes; lug profits. Write quick and lie first in your lotNilltv. H. B. Daigger Company. 909 Cleveland Ave., Chicago, (ill 4eJ0 t'.x WANTED To employ a Catholic gentle man as local representative; we require a )erson of energy and ability for the position: salary S1K jcr week. Write at once for particulars. The Hoey Publish ing Company, 2d leearborn St.. Cxiengo, 111. (9 1 44e; Gx S9a A MONTH. $;o expense allowance at start, to put out me-reiiandise ajid grocery catalogues; mall ordr house. Amerlcsn Home Supply Company. Desk 21. Chicago, 111. (91 4W bx A GOOD business man can earn S".a"H per year handling our formaldehyde disin fector. References required that will b'-sr the strictest Investigation. Exclusive ter ritory given. Formacorie Companv, n'l Church St.. New York. (9 459 fix W'AN'TEti Salesmen ; experienced premium men; no otlirt-s need apply: something new for 1909 Patent Fulton. 111. Box 106. Novelty Oomna.ny, (9I-4T.1 6x A WELL known .lobbing house desires to negotiate with ten Al salesmen for 1909 contract: must be producers; state fully nature of present emplovmerit. Address. B. Griem, Schiller Bldg., Chicago. (9 1 4. X AGENTS coin money with the new "No Match" Inverted Gas Lamp: Immense de mand: great seller; la'tre profits; exclu sive territorv. "No Match" Lamp Co.. Chicago. 9 4Mi fix S3 A WEEK and expenses to men with r g to Introduce noultrv compound. Grant Co.. Dept. 87. Springfield. 111. ifb-447 6x PlNO salesman. Man to tak - chame of department. A good p'-op.silion for a live mati Best town in s-utte-rn Ne-t, Ada ess C. F Fte-'e F"-i Co . Fairr ut v. N' b. (9i M197 tlx AGENT wanted In everv town for our beautiful V"- cardi-: s-.-r-d 27-- and iret 2r Christe.ft c-ards t I h 1 w II set f(,r e to your friende; ni iriev teick if not satisfied Ttiiffmsn Gen'l Puto'Iv House Mfcrs.. Wholesalers and Retailers. Y'or't. Neb. (! MC4 fir t 1. thoroughly reliable, honest r presenta- Tlve to mi-enaae big paving proposition: permanent ; ambHIoup man clears over flme weeklv and rirofits from men under him: excellent future: references wth BTinlie&tioJi Address K e'37. csre OTmha Bee. '91 f.SK x OUR AGENTS mat e from n tvi-e to SS.deifi per y ear. Onp-'rt unit v to establish per-thhui--1 paying neency m v our eommuri- Ifv. No cat-' Hl i-e-i-'tt-e-fl p-rTterlerice ll'i- reecessa ry ""rite for oh -! iculars. Great Wei rn A -e Ident assoc-lati in. D--s Moines. Iowa. (9i TRAVELING MEN with grit . no dead ones, for greatest line of calendars atid adver tising novel: es ver put out. M-tny new features. A'-t quii-k. Now making con-trac-s for 1" 9 Spotswood Bpecial; v Co.. Lerngton. Ky. (9i-4Ht fix WANfFD Fvoe'-fi-nce csn.vv salesmen; no Tioi-i'-M re'.d ar-'-ti-: a'1 -orresniiid ence confidential Address 1 sxi Tve (9i M4'S 12t fl EVAN-" vn wish to connect w-o Vjtt mot nr-gress've. rirosperous calenda' snd advertHine icvettw house where eonri se-rcices count r reromorion. addree J hn Bbumiifh Co., Chicago w'M; reference. (9i ft 4 fi fAl F!vtttV w VTKI v Tw rne-ncb -exnerie-fired speclalte tiaee's p-i-ferr.-d stsnle, well kn'.WTi. fat sell'nc !me: ter riforv ar"ST'ed fo oi't f.- n-,, ner y.-ar FianVI n Pr ce Co.. Iowa City, 'a ('-ZV, fx W ANTFTtp.eiie'ile lo al salesman H"h' knowlee're of .ookk e ' in- reo'ii'-ed : hie roon v- for husl'-r. rld Reliable C i. 4"C Emp're Bidg.. Denver. c,i,,. (9. r.'fii,x CAPABI F salesman t,, rover Nebraska w"h staple line: Viieh conmi sons, with SliTI mi-nHilv advance . peimsnenT posi tion to rxrht man. .less II Smith Co. Tv-troit. Mich. (M V'fx- SPECIALTY salesmen In innorimiwl i. rt-i-tf.ry; em-lusiv-e or side line: nt hers earn ST, to STL s week easl'v. Write for par ticular. Kelly Mfg. Co.. St I.uis (9i-r?-. f, AGENTS Most extractive propositions: nui self-generafng gas burners for kero.-n lamns; brilliant gas llrht; pleeral inriuee--menls- desert"! ii n free. EaaTern Gat light Co- a Broadway. New York (i-6i ex HELP WANTED MALE WANTED A roi.l genu. tie s-ilesm.ui. a man woo tin.- woiii.y ami who will w oi'K lot us as ;,aid and conscn tittonsiy as iie Would loi- hliuseir, lo represent us ex clusively m Nebraska and tin Black Htl.s, not inciu.iiiig (imiitia and South cimaha. W'e tune a large, well km wn and m coty way t.rst class lino ot ('alendaTH. Advert. sing Spevialiies and 1 fluggis: s' IIm is and boxes and our line is so ai irai'tiie a:ul al led that i acli and every business In every town m the countiv. wllhcuil rig. ltd to size call lie successfully solicited our goods ate verv attractive, but no more so ii.n out- reasonable prices and we know from the , xiwrienoe. of others who have been and are imw ir our enploy. than any bright hustling mar who has g iod averac- ati'lity and i willing to work, can make with us frcirr .' to fit) per we.K Must he ready ic e-oiiiuniu-e woi k 4 Ccmmissloni litieT-al. fur company was orKsntsed it ISV;' We MT" Capitalized for $Jl.tljl. W I state tins simply to show that we arr responsible and mean business If you do, it will pay you to write. Sales Manager. Merc-hams Publishing Co., Kalamazoo, Ma-ti. Ene-lnse this lidv ert iseoient Willi y our "application. (Hi 4s" dx SALESMEN WANTED-lliinilrods of good oTieniT'iis 'e have mo?" ealls tor our gradual es than we rati fill. W e w ilt 1oh h you tit tie a salesman m eiKhi we-ks by mall and assist you lo seeure a position Willi a relianle fom. eurs Is tin1 most li irt 1 1 v endorsed Hnd practical course ol salesmanship in tiie world If in want to earn from SI.2IH to SI ei.eusi a year and y chit exrieiises our I'ree Book. "A Knight of the eirip." will siiow you how. W i itr (or call i for it today. Address nearest ot f ici . Iepi. M.';. National Kalesmana Tiaming Association, ('htengo. New- Yoik Kansas Oty. San l'Arnncisco, M mneHpnl' tin A'.ii tix WANTI-'.D r?;periem-'d. e'lercetir. sc fn-sive salesmen to sill old established line of proprieiarv Medicines in NehraskH. A-l proposition, Kis ogden Ave. CIiIcsbo. (Pi-a21 li SA1.ESM EN-Experienced In any line to si li iieTieral trade in Nebraska An tin-e-xi-elied specialtv propos't em. Commis sions wltii Sf weekly advanced for ex pense The Continental Jewelry Co., Cleveland. Ohio. !i i20 6x AGENTS New invent Ion : never before sold in your territory ; coin money. Auto matic iiame lasletie-r; -horse owners wild about them; sells on sight. Any person getting territory will make fortune. Free sample tu workers. Wriic at once Automatic Fastener Co., D721. I'lm-innaii, Ohio. (Hi 494 (ix AGENTS for latest high claws Home Amusement. "Write quick for Territory. Jlti daily. 'hromo-Soopi- Amusement Co., Utl La Salic iL, Chh-aco (9) f.19 'ix AGENTS to handle biggest money-making Fire Extinguishers. Special starting offer; exclusive lerritorv ; S7F. to S-'i'O p i month. Badger Chemical Mfg. Co.. Mil waukee. Wis. (Pi AGENTS SlWt per month easily made sell. Ing my new patent floor mop; sells like wildfire. II you want a rrackerjack ar ticle write to E. Hilker, 371 Grand Ave.. Chicago. (9i WANTED F.nertretlr man to travel In Ne braska; experience unnecessary ; good pa y and tailor-made suit of dot ties free In 90 days Write f,,r particulars. J F- Mi Brady cV- Co., Chicago. (9i 474 6x : AeiENTS Sltii a week, exiK.nset paid: no 1 experience r- quired ; plioto pillow teps, ; SOc; enlarged iortruits. frame-, lowest i priees: free samples: catalogue. Dept. 7K. Bitter Art Studio, Chicago, J 11. (9 1 C7 Cx LIVE men handle greatest magazine club bing offers. Four magazine XI; Mn- com mission. M. B. Ramsey, Lexington. Ky. (Ml 449 Gx AGENTS-Fortune maker: Wonderful Self Working Washer: does the washing bv itself; runs automat icully by water weirk pressure: saves all tiie hard work (if wali day: new- invention; sales tin precedent ed; agents wanted who can handle high-oias proposition; exclusive territorv ; So to $4nti per month. Tin- Eagle- Tool Co.. Sole Mtgrs., sxv. Cliiclnnati. O (9i 4.'.2 6x WANTED Agents make Jli, to S-Ti weekly with our f. fast sellers. Write for Illus trated e-atalotue and terms. Mie-iiael Ar Co.. 4ii La Salle St.. Chicago. (9i 44K tix SALESMAN wanted for highest class, most complete Hne calendars, combination bank books le-ather gHiods and aluminum ad vert sing goods tin tiie market ; excep tional contract. Economy AdverUsing Co.. Iowa City. la. : 44i 6x AGENTS S3't every month s n-- selling our wonderful eight-ple-ee kilc-hen s t; send for sworn statement of S12 da'lv profit: outfit free. Thomas Mfg. Co, 64 Jefferson St., Dayton. O. (9i 479 fix CREW managers, we have absolutely new specialty; clears S20 weekly on eaoh msn ; crew organizing instructions: exclusive territory; tree information: sample for stamp; sales guaranteed. 616-6" Wabash, Chicago. (! 4So 6x AGENTS We give free silk kimonos, py jamas, stockings. so.. revolvers and Jew-e-lrv. tie.ildes large profit ; beautiful cut and particulars free. Chinese Importa tion Co.. Indianapolis, lnd. (9i 4R2 6x CALENDAR salesmen, experienced 'n the sale cif advertising calendars: large line, best selling styles. tmport"d and domes tic: new line for 1910. re-ad v January 1. IV: deal with main office direct, no middleme-n. Address wtth references. Aug Gasi Rank-Note and Lithographing Co.. Ft Louis, Mo. (Hi 490 fix WANTEIs-Exncrienced salesmen for 1909 to sell i-falendar and noyeit-es n everv state: als whins in Neb-aska. Colnrsdn Kansas arid fiklahoma. Lincoln Novell v Advertising Co. 12"9 N St.. Llrn-oln. Neb e e i 50g fix WANTED Ten specialtv salesmen for per manent place; staple line with atiract've advertising; want high grade men able to earn S3 IWi annually or better. Address B J , P O. Box 470, Kansas "1tv Mo. (9 1 MS 6r THREE first class siiesmen, city, 9 o'clock Monday, 414 Bee Bldg. ' (9i K7 t Clerical aad Offlca. Rate clerk to handle dlve-sions. SflS. Two., stenos . for wholesale bouse. 4-StT" Iio'-kkeeiier, Council Bluffs man preferred. 7:,. Bkpr. and steno for country bank, must speak and write German, S40. n.-ik. fanriliar with stationery line. ITS, Furniture and carpet salesman. S20. Four salesmen for gen. mdse. stock, dif ferent cities 10 salesmen who can handle soap rneclal tes sabu"v. gnus-S-uo; teimtory, Airt,. Mexico. Calif.. Kansas. St. I'aul, Duluth, Iowa, Northe-rn Mo., Kanaas and Colo rado. AKo other different lines for salesmen of ability. Cali or write for a complete list, WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS.V INC Suite 721 N. Y. Life Bidg. ' (- WE ARE ALWAYS on the 1Ki'vOl'T fen comtietetit men. The folhwlng are for IMMEDIATE consideration: Be XiKKEEPERS. Bool-ke.-TK r. prefer married man who live in Council p.lufts. iZ to m. Reck i eet 1. 1 and stem -gruplu r for large coal tirm. try to C STENOGRAI'HERP ftenograplier to act as private secretary SHO Stenographer, ra-lroad experience, S.i. Sten grapiu-i and biokkeip'r, must be-A-l. SiiTi to S7u SALESMEN Are you an extiet i.-need s iesmn n If so s.-,. us We wnni men in tic- following lines: Groceries, soaps, meats, harness, coal, pianos, etc. We gel li, e OPENINGS. A call will con vince you. KEF US FIRST CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE. CO., G7Ti-tJ77 Iliaiideis Plug i9i-M622 6 IiKI'G C1.ERK S position. L'fe I'.idg N Y. (9,-76l A Y'feUNeJ att'ii.e.v fancliar wtli real estate-, law an I tax mailers. t w ot k by the iniifith. by esponMbir PSal estate f.riu. Address G CA. Iea. 0jUlk9