Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1908, SPORTING SECTION, Page 4, Image 30

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How Big League Playeri Fell Back
or Went Ahead.
ereny .
Wetmer ..
Burrh ...
Fofmwfl ,,
paaeert ..
. 47 41 9 lnrt 47 in
47 M rfno ...147 12114
, m - la wiiii mm
..MM Matheweoa ..!" Ill in
Doing, in the Field of Sport in
East and West.
It M 17
t M T
Bwln 1J4 1M
Landarea ...141 131 4 ...... U 1M a
IViuMm 14 14 11
FUhirlr 17
Fmmml ....111 11
.111 44 41
Itf'M'ane , ... $ M
rim hi Ml ..... It M M
Hi(lna .... IT 6"
P'hulM .... .11 41
n l
111 Paatorlue ... 1 -
nraasfleld. Doyle, Ktrra, I.ohert nil
Rrltlwfll Make Biff AdTanre la
National Leaa-ne TbamM
la fc American.
Wlltee lM ! 1B Beebe. 134 141
llnnlin 17 I: tn r-nrrldoo ....111144
Pheipe l 11 -I Kraeer 1 14 M
Ruelhech ,.1H 14 H I Pf'eater ....HS14S I
lloitetter .. 1 1S Sirens ft! 1W ISt
Bbwktnl ...11 MCoaal.-7 ....1411 1M 14
b. Tartar.. .111 . 109 rmnlll ....14K.l 23
O nn M 71 I Mrtllrnn ...10 154 II
Bicwn 14 7I 11! Spark 141 11
Oatdnor T4sta for Amherst Freshmen
Michigan Apparently Ready
to llflnra to Conference
1W7. If. 0. L
1KI7. 1W4J. O.L
In both the National and American
league last season mora batters fell off
In their atlclc work than g-.aliipd. In the
National league fifty-two gained In pointa
and fifty-nine took a drop. In the Amer
ican league only forty-five gained, whereae
seventy-one had a slump. It Is plain, there
fore, that the National leaguers held up
to their work better than the hitters of the
younger base bail organization. It also Is
plain In both leagues that the batsmen are
not holding their own In their struggle with
the pitchers, that the reverse of headway
Is being made by the batters li the cease
less duel with the occupants of the box
for the upper hand, a duel which Is one
of the salient phaaea of the national game.
There la In each of the big leagues one
batter who may be said to be In a class
by himself. One Is Wagner of the Na
tional league, the other Cobb of the Amer
ican league. There are no battera quite of
the grade of these two exceptional per
formers with the locust wand, and of the
two Wagner Is the greater. He Is again
at the top. and If his gain this season was
amall It was because his batting of the
previous year was about as high In per
centage as It Is humanly possible for a
player to go. Cobb, In the American
league, Tanked second this year, but the
man who ranked ahead of him did not
piny In nearly as many games and was
not at the bat often enough to go against
the same law of chance, the likelihood of
lisvlnjr his average pulled down, as Cobb
The figures show some pronounced rises
and falls. Some of these were built on
subfrtttnee and consequently - were earned.
Others were more Indicative of a freak
gain, belonging to men who were At the
bat comparatively Infrequently and for that
reason would Jump far ahead by making
a few more base hits than in the previous
ytar. Take such batters as Larry Doyle,
Kitty Hransfleld, Johnny Evers, Hans Ix
beit and Al Brldwell, In the National
Hague, and their gains represent real Im
provement In stick work, for they were In
the gHma duy in and day out. The same
Is truu of Dulehanty, lliomphlll and Btovall,
In the American league.
In the National league the best gain
among the every day players was made by
BianBt'leld, who advanced 71 points over hl8
1M furm. It Is a tribute to John McOraw's
Judgment the way Bradwell Improved In
lils hitting. He was 67 points better than In
19(i7 and became not only a first class but
a timely batter. One of the best natural
hitters in the country, Sherwood Magee of
the Phlladelphlans, slumped appreciably,
but that probably represents only a tem
porary decline. Three of the players whom
McGraw traded last winter to Boston
Browne. Bowerthan and McQann all fell
off In their batting, as did Shannon, who
was disposed of to Pittsburg. For that
matter so did Tenney, who was had from
Boston In the trade.
v The biggest gain In the National league
was made by Lew Moren, the Philadelphia
pitcher, who Jumped forward 164 points
The biggest loss fell to Sammy Strang
158 points but Strang played only a few
games In the big league last season before
lie was released to Baltimore and doubt
less would have done better had he had
more opportunity. Wlltse of the New
Yorks was another pitcher who was much
better with the ash this year than last
He boosted his average 102 points. Fer
guson, the Boston pitcher. Improved a
great deal and largely because he had
more opportunity to go to the bat than he
had when with the New York club.
Frank Chance, a good batter season In
and seoson out, fell from seventh to twen
tli'th place. Another classy batter who
dropped, and dropped far, was Mike
Mitchell of the Clnclnnatis, who ranked
eighth In 1907 and seventy-seventh In 1908.
McLean of the same team had a big tumble,
too. Brldwell moved up from eighty-fifth
to tenth place, Doyle from thirty-sixth
to third. Hransfleld. from seventieth to
fourth, livers from fifty-fifth to fifth and
Lobert from sixty-third to sixth. Tommy
!ach fell from fourth to thirty-first and
Beaumont from third to twenty-third.
Chic Fiaser finished In the same place both
' years. 146th.
The blageat gsln In the American league
was made by Ira Thomas, the catcher.
When with the Highlanders season before
y last he ranked 109th, but with the De
troit the last season he climbed up to
sixth place and advanced 115 numbers,
Kd Klllian. the Detroit pitcher, took a big
tumble. His average was I'O points less
than In 1907, and he dropped from fifth to
150th place. Pitcher Bill Donovan of the
same team also took a long shoot down
the batting toboggan. Thlelman, the
Cleveland and Boston pitcher, soared to
' the extent of 101 points and ranked sev
enth last season to lC3d for the season be
fore. The once peerless hitter, Lajole, was In
fifteenth place among the 1908 batters, the
lowest he has been since he became a
major leaguer. That was six places lower
than he was the year before, and his
average shrank ten points. Jim Delehanty
of the Wsshingtons advanced from nine
teenth to third place and added thlrty
n I no points to his percentage. The doughty
Sam Crawford was fourth last season,
fourth the year before and lost four pointa
Ty Cobb lost sixteen. He.nphlll Improved
lila position by thirty-six notches and
added thirty-six points to his batting average'.
' l!Ile Keeler made a gain over his 1907
average, though still far below his normal
percentages when he was In his prime.
It will be noticed In both leagues that
there are considerably more gains than
losses among the batters who rank near
the top. The deduction is that though
the poorer battera are Buffering, the good
ones are holding their own against the
pitching. The following tablea show the
ranking of the batters In 1907 and 1908 and
the game and losses In points:
J. Iieleh'tf. 11
Crawford .. 4
Thomaa ....109
Th'man ....lul
Hemphill .. 44
Mr Intyre
Ron. man
Ptorall .,
Orth ....
Stone ...
rem a
Hi Rhnarife
I Oldrlna .
Hi A Hirer .
1 111 I txiwna
7 11
1 M
I 11
in 10 17
70 11 M
I 14
Schmk ,.
Pender ...
O. Paris..
J. Collins.
.J1S 11 17
..IS Id
.. 11 M
.. 17 M
.. 21 14
.. 7 14
..SO K
S4 L. Tlnnehlll 11 It
IS 111 Ccughlln
41 11
ft IS
12 21
4.1 M
91 l
J. Tan'hlll.ll 15 71 I
MimliH .
Hartzell .
Knln ...
Chan ...
Mullln ..
r. iiirtr.is7
room be ....1.12
F. Jon.
Wallsr .
I'lymer ..
Hahn ....
CTLeerr .
NMea ....
La ports .
T. Jnnea.
II. Da via
21 24
67 24 21
71 II 11
74 21
II 10
44 SO 1
lit .13
34 81
34 13
37 M
41 31
47 3
7 31
41 43
51 4.1
S3 43
10 47
S3 47
M 4
38 41
fK M 43
13 61 34
61 51 4
13 66 10
17 65
38 61
48 61
23 60
It 60
42 0
74 13
Pole ....
Rum' ham
9 er.cer , .
S'hlpk ..
41 MrFarland
Parant ...
D. Jones..
A H rock .
Otnoen .
M 04
. 11 M 61
.144 7 71
. 71 11 2
,. 40 K'l
..log ins it
16 ll
23 10S 17
S7 10S
... 4 MS
...Jit 101 13
...130 104 M
,...14 111
2S 114
4 117
W. 8ulllran124 111
Crlarr 121 1M
F. Smith 1 va
Kahoa ....
Il.ell ....
Hrertly ..
Hartral .
N. Clarke
Warner .,
(Ian ley .
Milan ...
Terner ..
Crnroy .,
I Sulllran. SI II -
Wllllama ... 33 65
Morlarty ... 20 65
Pnwf II 14 fH 104
Hickman ... 23 70
C. Jones.... 40 71
H'chman ... M 73 S
Whits 15 75 7
Ynuns 90 77 10
Plckerlns ..23 71
Bimla 61 71
2 Falkenberg
I Powere ....
40rteehro ...
211 Plank
2 Owen
Ill Llenhardt .
Kletnow ..
.Tohnaon ...
Vlrkera ....
112 1274
70 121 M
143 12 41
117 130 t
9t 130 21
15 130
. 62 130
.135 1.14 14
.124 1 10
. 42 134
,1M 137 IS 131 64
.1.1 Ml 14
13 1.1
16 Newton 154 143 61
37Il(iioTaa .... 11143 107
- 40 Jok 164 145 41
- 3 Kllllnn 6 160 1U
I I Mornan 142 153 64
- 1 Smith 141 1'4 20
- 2I Graham 77 15ft 110
Pelty 131 IAS
Ptultt l.t 167
WaildeM ....162 15S
Bcrner 124 15 71
Ho(ts I2S 13
Rhaw 109 1K
Dyaert 1M 1 41
Olaie 123 167
Payne 133 161
John I,. Hays the Science lias ?Cot Im
John I Sullivan Is always ready to talk
of the game which made him famous. The
big fellow Is touring the west with Jake
Kllratn and the other day somebody asked
him whether he thought that boxing hod
Improved. Said Sullivan:
"Boxing has not improved as an art In
years, though there were not as many
boxers fifteen years ago as now. It Is
an evident fact that when I took up boxing
I put It on a plane that It now maintains.
I put It in a shape so that they could
make some money out of it both the man
agers and the fighters. Boxing has gone
ahead In this country, but has deteriorated
In Kngland. They have not had a real
champion, heavyweight or lightweight. In
England In a long time, Mitchell was the
last champion they had over there. Jem
Mace, Hke myself, was champion both In
this country and In England In his day.
He Is still alive, which goes to ahow that
boxers, or fighters If you prefer the term,
live to a good old age. Mace la 74 years
of age and well and hearty today.
"On what lines was the boxing different
fifteen years ago? More foot racing? The
difference In the style of fighting? Well,
In boxing fifteen years ago they UBed to
fight for very small prises. The boxing
prize was 11,000 for an International cham
pionship, or 'X0 in English money. Bayers
and Heenan fought In 1S60 on the 7th day
of April, at FarnsboroUgh, for $1,000 a side
for the International championship of the
world. Spectators broke into the ring and
the referee declared It no contest.
"Boxing not improved any! The
lightweight championship of twenty years
ago was fought for by such men as Billy
Edwards, Arthur Chambers, Tim Collins,
Mullins and Patsy Sheppard. Now they
could fight all the lightweights we have
today and beat them easily. It seems
toduy that the lightweights have the
honors In fighting. It Is a fact that more
lightweight fights have been put In the
ring for the last four years than any other
"A great many people Imagine or think
that if a man Is a boxer or fighter he has
got to be a tough or an ugly mug, but
such Is not the case. A boxer or a fighter
oan be as much of a gentleman as the
banker, broker, physician or merchant.
"Now I have always advocated boxing
as a clean, manly, healthy exercise. More
so than foot ball, wrestling or race riding.
There la never a time that a Jockey mounts
a horse In a running race that he doesn't
take his life In his hands. There have
been fewer fatalities In the prize ring than
among foot ball players and jockeys. Sta
tistics will prove this In 1906. from Octo
ber 1 to December 1, during the foot ball
season nineteen young men were killed
and nobody knows how many were injured
for life.
"Every young man from 15 to 10 years
of age should be taught the manly art of
self-defense in order to protect himself
against any rough or tough who might
undertake to hold him up on the highway.
Boxing develops not only physical endur
ance, but also manly Instincts. It is not
a brutal game and should be encouraged
all over the I'nlted States. Contests with
padded gloves are not prize fight such
as were held with bare knuckles unrter
the old London rules."
1907. 1. O.L.i 107. 1 . O. L.
Wainar .... 1 1 4 Bowermas .. 34 70 32
lol. 81 i 41 LIHW ....L2 74 71
Branafteld.. 70 4 71 I Mitchell .... 1 77 70
Krera 66 5 -) SUgla 31 71 16
Lobert J Uackl'ch .... m 1
Time 20 1 11 HeVulel 24 at 63
Brldwell ... tt 1 47 I Mowrey 51 Kl 13
Ma (re 1 11 46 Lewie CT at 28
Ur a tes ...61 13 I Krabe 41 K 37
Murray ....14 14 SO I McLvaa .... H 64 73
Howard .... 47 16 -24 I Lumlry . . . 37 al 61
Kllnf .....1117 1 Swaclns ....ll 17 11
KlUhey 43 11 II I Shannon .... 30 90 61
hance ..... 7 30 11! Shrehan 21 91
Markla 41 St 11 I Kan 6 93 3i
Seymour ... 4 23 21 i Barry 34
(I, bom 19 S3 11 hi. hie l-O 96 4
Dee u most .. 1 21 641 Necdhem ...1! 94 11
Tluker IB 24 4i let. Brows. ..113 97 64
t'l.rke 10 21 24 Marahall .... 9 9 4
Moren 71 IM 13 I Hanni'an ... 71 101 23
Leeck 4 31 44! al. Inllru .... Mini IT
Belee 14 31 I' Aluerman ..7'll"l 14
Teoney 21 34 171 Meloney .... 14 14 S4
lMlla 11 17 241 Am re Ill 1 20.
(Work M 34 4i Riller M 119 11
YtoBuaa .... 44 II I I Uyrne 41 lu 16
Ak'l'kl ... 14 40 111 ourtuey .... 44 114 CI
Malawi 47 4 4 MHtlnnlur .114 H7 6
Maw'ifce ... 64 41 .IlkwkM Ul 117 24
lHla 91 4J 17 Istriaer ..,..116 11 49
ior)Um .... II 44, M Veun(.'...l0 121 14
Seillk U e II! t.ln.laraas .119 111 6
Mofwa 144 44 14 Heraea 111.121 I
tel 44 V IfetU 12 III 90
Ames, Drake and Cornell Certain to
Hotain Old Men.
IOWA CITV. Ia., Dec. 6. (Special.)
Many Iowa coaclxs will be retained by in
stitutions tn this Btate for the 19 foot ball
season according to present indications,
but the changes lu the coaching staffs of
the Missouri Valley schools will be more
Ames, with Clyde Williams, Drake with
John L. Gilffith. Cornell with Finger and
Coe with Bryant, are satisfied with the
conditions which face them in the coach
ing line and changes are unlikely. Grlnnell
has had a system of annual changes and
wnue Andrews, the Yale man, may bo
back, most of the peuple outside of the
school look for a change. Jack Ilolllster
of Mornlngside, after a disastrous season
seems to have come' into his own and he
will probably retain his position another
season. It Is probable that Mark fntiin
will return to Iowa next fall. No decision
will be mads by the Iowa Board in Con
trol of Athletics until June and there ere
many preoptions that reflection on the
present athletic disasters will strengthen
the former Chicago star In Iowa atliletl
Anung the Missouri Vulley schools there
are chances for several changes. W. J
Monllaw Is fighting a losing game at Mis
souri so far as foot ball coaching Is con
cemed, Cayou ends his contract at Wash
Ington. thus leaving three of the schools.
iMUKe, Anus and Kansas where condition
seem likely to remain as they are.
One Heine at a Time.
One day while playing 5-year-old Kettle
fell down the atepa and hurt hereelf. Her
mother scolded Iht for being so c.,
and the little one sobbed: "P-pleuse.
mam.-na, d-dWt acold till I g-get through
The tests at Amherst conducted for the
entering class present some Interesting re
sults. They are conducted out of doora for
as long a time as the weather permits.
Varied after a time with long walks,
soccer and outdoor basket ball, the men
are kept In the air until It la extremely
cold. Then they get their turn at gym
nasium exercising.
This work Is .required, and all the mem
bers of the class have to take part In It
By these methods full statistics can easily
be got, and they form that basis for state
ments that are made from time to time
by the department of physical education
at Amherst. The tests are made by means
of three althletlc events the loo yard run,
the running broad jump and putting the
tyelve pound shot. Thee competitions
were chorei aa showing the speed, strength
of the legs, strength of the arms and abil
ity to co-ordinate musculurly, which Is the
chief requisite In sports.
Physlclal training la required at Amherst
for all classes ,for the first three years.
Any man who wants to get hla degree
must satisfy the physical director of his
physical fitness. The fall work Is con
ducted on the athletic field by way of an
entrance examination. It shows the In
structor what are the capabilities of hi
men and what they most need, which Is
hotter even than the entrance examination
In studies.
In running 100 yards a peiformance bet
ter than 12 seconds is required before
any points may bo scored. In the broad
Jump 11 feet 8 Inches Is the lowest for
which points may be counted. . For the shot
put the minimum Is 18 feet 3 Inches. Marks
of 100 per cent are awarded for running
100 yards In 10 seconds, clearing 20 feet
In the broad Jump or putting the shot 43
feet The proportions do not appear to be
very clear, because putting the shot that
distance Is not eo good as running 100
yards In two-fifths worse than even time.
There Is a good Comparison between the
feats In the shot put and the broad jump.
At tho first test this year it was found
that the average time for running the dash
was 13 seconds. The freshmen leaped on
the average 15 feet 1 Inch. The shotput
figured out 2t5 feet 6 Inches to the man.
These performances are very much below
what are to be, expected from freshmen
whe have had any experience of athletics
at all In their public schools and serve to
show that the average freshman entering
Amherst Is not very much developed In
sports. However, as this category prob
ably excludes the men who were trying
for foot ball, and who necessarily would
be better, It Is impossible to characterize
them as standard performances, for the
whole class.
The Second Test.
At the end of five weeks of training the
same tests were repeated." The average
time for running 100 yards had come down
1 teconds, to 12 seconds, the point at
which scoring began. The broad Jump In
creased on the average three Inches. The
shotput made a gain of a foot on the aver
oge. The scoring of eighteen feet In the
shotput gives zero and each three inches
Increase adds V per cent. For the broad
Jump every Inch over 11 feet 8 Inches adds
1 per cent. On the basis of these percent
age figures the first test of the class was
25.5 on a basis of 100 and the secend 29.9.
i ne Dttiietln of the work sets forth: "The
gains thus recorded are apparent at a even for so short a period of train
ing anS It should be said that In the second
test the men ran against a very strong
wind. The nature of this test cultivate, a
plrlt of friendly rivalry which brings out
the bfst ability of each man. Furthermore.
a list of the ten best records Is posted and
in striving to make the first ten each man
unconsciously puts forth his best efforts.
It Is an interesting fact that while In the
first test only one man scored above 50
per cent In the second test nine men were
above 60 per cent. Some of the Individual
gains were great, some men more than
doubling their records. It Is believed that
an average gain of 4.4 per cent for only five
weeks work Is enough incentive to continue
this work.
"It Is found that the men who have had
the least training before entering college,
and therefore the ones most In need cf :t,
are the ones who make the greatest gains
In their records. The natural athletes re
quire no urging to work out of doora and
so come to college better developed than
the studiously Inclined. The tendency of
these men, however, Is to specialize In the
ever.t for which they are best fitted by
nature, y This will tend to give them de
velopment only along certain lines and not
all around. The work at Amherst la ao
divided aa to give the man the even de
velopment which Is desired.
"It la a source of satisfaction to note that
the man who made the best record In each
test was not the man who did the best In
my one event, hut scored his points by
general all round ability. The man who
made the fastest time In the 100-yard run
finished third In the first ten, the best
bread jumper came in second and the man
who made the record shotput was tenth.
Thete facts would seem to point In favor
of the even development Instead of allowing
a man to specialize aeccrdlng to his tasles.
"For some years statistics have been kept
on the height, weight and lung capacity
of the men thus training and the effects
of the outdoor exercise and invigorating
air have produced results which would
seem Incredible were they not supported by
the actual figures to prove them."
Mlchlarnn Sirinas Bark.
The athletic rulea at the I'nlverslty of
Michigan recently were revised, ostensibly
to ake the place of those of the confer
ence, which Michigan repudiated more than
a year ago. However, the new code of
rules, looked at with some care, bears a
great resemblance. to the regulations of the
conference. In spirit If not In fact. The
main variance from the conference rules
Is that the retroactive clause of the three-
year rule Is killed. That is to say, by the
conference rules all athletes are limited to
three years of varsity competition In sports
did that rule was made to apply at the
time It was passed to all men then In
college. 8everal of Michigan's men would
have been disqualified had the Wolverines
remained in the conference and ao they gut
out. Presumably it was believed that this
three-yea? rule was a plot.
By the end of the present academic
year there will hardly be in Michigan
a man who would have been barred from
competition under the three-year rule at
the time It was passed. Furthermore,
Michigan now has returned in effect to a
three-year rule, the aame aa all the
others, with minor provlaos that do not
affect any games that may be played
with any except non-conference colleges.
It looks very much from the terms of
the new rulea that Michigan Is prepar
ing to swing back Into the good old
trace a.
Here are the rules: "Except a below
pr- -Ided. no student shall participate In
igj.ollegiate athletics for more than
! t! SB'S1 if
! Copyright 1908. Tbe House of Ruppenhsiner, Chicago.
The Clothes You Want
! IX T TE like' a man who likes himself well enough to insist upon what he-
The Clothes You Want
. 7 7E like' a man who likes himself well enough to insist upon what he
H I wants and nothing else. We are not running this store with the
thought of changing the ideas of thinking men but of conforming
V i .1 rr it 1. i- J : : "CVll w. 4.,,-
lO Uiem. US WXlUt yuu UOHC in a A' an uun vji wvcituai. vui
salesman will not attempt to argue you out of your intention, but will show
you how closely we can match your wishes.
For Kuppenheimer Clothes include a style for every sensible man's taste.
After you've bought. That's the time our word means the most. When you
pay for a suit or overcoat the transaction is not closed; it's just opened.
We are responsible to the purchaser for every Kuppenheimer garment we sell.
The makers are responsible to us. There's no lack of faith anywhere.
That's because clothes made by The House of Kuppenheimer are worthy of faith
yours, ours, theirs.
mm mm f$m mt
three years In aggregate, and any mem
ber of a university team who plays dur
ing any part of an intercollegiate con
test does thereby participate in that sport
for the year.
"Exceptlona: 1. Playing on freshman
teams shall not be counted In the three
years allowed; 2, students affected by the
retroactive feature of the three years'
rule when adopted by the conference
shall be allowed to compete a fourth
year if otherwise eligible; 3, in view of
the fact that the Intercollegiate Associ
ation of Amateur Athletes of America (of
which the University of Michigan is a
member) allows competition for four
years, members of teams. If otherwise
eligible, may compete a fourth year at
meetings under the direction of said as
sociation, and, 4, in intercollegiate ath
letic contests with colleges allowing par
ticipation for four years, a fourth year
shall be allowed members of the Uni
versity of Michigan.
"The foot ball team shall be allowed to
atari preliminary training two weeks be
fore college opens."
There are not any very keen differ
ences between thee regulations and
what the conference provided and it ap
pears very much as If within the next
year or so Michigan could easily slip
back and become a conference colleg.j
without altering Its rules at all. That
this Is what Is planned no one seems to
be able to say.
Cornell's Drill Hindrance.
A very strong objection la made at
Cornell by the system of drill for the
first year and other men. Only a cer.
tain small number may be excused from
this drill for athletics and the objection
la made that the drill kills the chancea
of getting many men Interested in athletics.
- 1 f -
4 - ,
r 4
v -
Ills Urlnulna I p.
"Mamma, I'm tired of going to school."
"What's the matter, Willie?"
"Th" teacher"
"Now, dont you aay a word against your
teacher, Willie. I'vo no doubt you annoy
her dreadfully, and she seems like a very
nice sort of person."
"Well, she said this mornin' that she
didn't think I had much of a brlngin' up
home, an'"
"Wait! Did she say that? Well, of- all
tho coarse Impudence! You shan't go back
there another day!"
Exit Willie, grinning.
Be want aaa ar business boosters.
We give yon th best treatment
that can be bad anywhere. Wi make
no misleading atatsmenta or unbnst
nssallk propositions. W do not
qnot misleading prices la oar an
nouncements. W bellsv la fair
dealing and honest methods, which
together with onr long experience,
U skill and ability, are the only quail-
ficatioua and conditions that can
really guarante a car.
VTt treat nil only, and cur
promptly, safely and thoroughly,
cial Diseases and thslr complications
In the shortest possible time and at
th lowest coat for skillful serrioes
and successful treatment.
Peerless Group Remedy
What mother ha not experienced tbe harrowing fear of croup-arid sassy bar
been tbe times when a hurrj-op call wai Bent for tbe phrelotaa to rellers s little
sufferer from croup. Bat all tbl esn be obrlsted by keeping box of nsrlnkle'
FeerlHi Croup Remedy In tbs boua. Thle remsdf I from s prescription of a
phraleUn that bad BUr years experience in practloe, sod be claim tbst tbl remedy
never failed him In oases of eroup.
Kprlnkle's Prrrleee Creop Remedy Is peculiar In Itself, a It I sn external
application, doing sway with tbe neoeaaltr of pouring droca down a young ebild. a
practloe tbst should not be Indulged In a long a It can be avoided.
Tbls remedy hu been sold fnr years on a positive rstea ear rronn
r price of remetav refunded, and I hereby suthoriae all dealer to refund tbe
price wbere the remedy does not do all tbst is claimed for it.
A safe and sore remedy for the cure of Croup and tbe relief of Consba, Colds,
Catarrh, Asthma, Whooping Cnusb and all kludrad dlteaaea. for aale by drufxista, or
mulled on receipt of price, 60 oonvs, by I. A. ftPKlNKLK, Villa tlreve. III.
Office Hours: 8 a. m. to S p. m.
Sundays 10 to 1 only. If you can
not call write. '
State Medical Institute
Bat. 13th and leth, Omaha, Neb.
Nine Hours Faster to Portland, Ore.
The completion of the Spokane, Tortland & Se
attle R'y between Pasco, Wash. on the Northern
Pacific main line and Portland, Ore., along the
north bank of the Columbia Kiver, has greatly
changed railroad geography in the northwest.
Through train service has been established between
Spokane and Portland via this short line in con
nection with the Burlington's fast through northwest
tvain from Omaha at 4:10 P. M. and Lincoln at 6:15;
arrival at Portland is 7:30 A M. the third morning,
or nine hours earlier than heretofore.
Information and transportation at I
mm i
City Ticket Office,
1502 Farnam Street.
c rrv i
Froet Proof
aeeeeaaaew s
fl i iV s
l""f it-iaiff TTI0NKY PORTABLE 7xSsf
XS M Write tea- Caaelooee end Fatcae I JB
gilson Mrc. CO. Z
I jaMy r.ii mm pom wmhinston. wit. sfan I
Or riONCEA luriXUMMT CO CeuacU Slona, lews.