Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1908, HOME SECTION, Page 2, Image 24

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HE BUSY BEES should read the rules carefully before writing and
Tbo many stories would not have to be thrown In the waste basket.
Several of th Busy Bees wrote on both sides of the paper this
week; now the printers never turn a page, so you see, if those
torles were sent la we would only have every other second page,
and that would not bo a very Interesting story. If the Busy Bees want their
torles In the Christmas numbers, they must write us on the subject, "My Idea
of 8anta Claus" or "What I Would Do If I Could Give all the Christmas Pres
ents I Wanted To." We have received a number of letters, but we want to
hear from all oar Busy Bw and also from all our former Busy Bees who are
now too old to write la the regular story contests.
The prizes were awarded this week to Alice Porterfteld of Omaha on the
Blue side and to Gail Howard of Dundee, also on the Blue side. Honorable
mention was given to Jessie Wilson of Woodbine, la., on the Red side.
Any of the Busy Bees may send cards to any one whose name is on the
Postcard Exchange, which now Includes:
Jean De Loag, tlnsworth. Neb.
aiet.:oy, Bareston. Net).
Lillian Merwin. lmrn City, Neb,
Mabel Witt. Bennington, Neb.
Agnes Dahsnke, Benson, Neb.
Vera Chen?. Creighton, Neb.
Louie Hat. iv. Dsvld C'lt jr. Neb.
Rhea Freldell, Dorcbeoter, Neb.
Eunice Rod. Falls City, Neb.
Far Wright, Fifth and llelle streets. Fre
mont, Neb.
Ethel Reed, Fremont, Neb.
Marguerite Bartholomew, Gothenburg,
Jesale Crawford. 406 West Charles street.
Grand Island. Neb.
. Lydla Roth, 06 West Koenls; street, Orand
Island, Neb.
Ella Voss, 1 Weat Charles street. Orand
Island, Neo.
Pauline Schulte, 412 Weat Fourth street,
Orand Island. Neb.
Martha Murphy, 923 East Ninth street.
Grand Island, Ni'b.
Irene Costollo, 116 West Eighth street.
Grand Island, Neb.
Alice Tempi. Lexington, Neh.
Ruth Temphs, Ijexlna-trm, Neb.
Edythe Kreltz, Lexington, Neb.
Anna NelJaon, Lextnrtrrn, Neb.
Marian IltnUga, I. street. Lincoln,
Alice Oruimmr. 1MB C atret T.lni.nla
Elsie Hamilton, 2029 L street, Lincoln, Neb.
Irene Disher. 2080 L street. Lincoln, Neb.
Hughle Disher, 2030 L street, Lincoln, Neb.
Louise Stiles, Lyons, Neb.
Estelle McDonald, Lyons, Neb.
Milton Reiser, Nebraska City, Nab.
Harry Crawford. Nebraska City, Neb.
Harvey Crawford, Ntraska City. Neb.
Luclle Haxen, Norfolk, Neb.
Lethe Lark In. South SIkUi street. Nor
folk, Neb.
Emma Mi-ruarflt, Fifth street and Madi
son avenue, Norfolk, Neb.
Mildred F. Jones, North Loup, Neb.
Hugh Rutt, Lesbara. Neb.
Hester E. Rutt, Leahara, Neb.
Lillian Wirt. 158 Cans street, Omaha,
Meyer Cohn. MS Oeorgla avenue, Omaha.
Ada Morris, S424 Franklin street. Omaha.
Myrtle Jensen, f 909 Izard street. Omaha,
Gall Howard, 472J Capitol avenue, Omaha.
Helen Heuck. 1(CS Lnuhrop street. Omaha.
Mary Brown, 2322 Boulevard, Omaha.
The Fairy and
By William
LONG, long; time ago so long:
ago that there has bean no
history containing the date, and
the story la legendary there
dwelt In the Arctic circle a
group of bears. And they were
all brown or black. And the hunters found
them easy prey, owing to their dark color,
for, as all children know, the Arctic coun
try la perpetually covered with snow, ami
any dark object upon It can be mora
easily seen than could a white ob)ect.
8c It was thai these poor bears were
ever In danger of the hunters' weapons,
which at that day were very different to
the hunters' weapons of modern times.
But that would bo another story. So I
shall confine this narrative to the bears
and their change of color, and how It all
came about.
One day a dear old mother bear went
out to find some food for her little ones,
and hardly had she gone a hundred steps
frtm her Icebound cave when the Es
qulrno hunter wounded her to her death.
Aa she lay there on the ground, her Ufa
blood reddening; the whiteness of the snow,
the Esqulmo went down the Icy slope to
fetch his dog and sled, that he might
carry to hia hut the fine prize ho had
Just captured.
It was towards the evening, at a time
of the year when the days were but nn
hour or two long, and before the hunter
could return to the spot to get the body
, tf the dead bear the darkness had fallen
But he had no fear about finding It, for
he would be able to distinguish It on ac
count of the color.
What was hla surprise on returning M
the spot to find no bear there. He knew
he had wounded the animal to her death,
had seen the death glare In her eyes be
fore leaving her, and to return hnlf an
hour later to find nothing but whiteness
over the ground, amazed him very much.
He looked about (or a few minutes, then
a sort of fear came over him, for so un
natural a thing as a dead Dear getting up
and going away caused him to feel that
something supernatural had happened.
"Could It be an evil spirit?" he questioned
himself. He was, like all primitive men,
very superstTUoua, and hurriedly making
some signs, muttering some Incantation
to ward off the evil spirits which might
be near him, he colled to hla dogs to get
up, and with a swing of his lash over
their backs, went off over the frozen
As soon aa he was gone there was a
movement in the snow Just whore the dead
Teonnrn Denlson. The Albion, Tenth and
Pacific streets, Omaha
Mildred Jensen, 8707 Leavenworth street,
Mabel Shelf elt, 4914 North Twenty-flftb
street, Omaha.
Wllnia Howard, 4711 Capitol avenue,
Hulcla Lundburg, Fremont. Neb.
Emerson Good rich, 4010 Nicholas street,
Helen Goodrich. 40)9 Nicholas street.
Maurice Johnson, 1627 Locust street,
Ullah Fisher, 1219 Boutb Eleventh street,
Louis Rsabe, 1N0 North Nineteenth ave
nue. Omaha,
Kmmt Carruthers, nil North Twenty-flfta
street, Omaha.
Walter Johr.son, 2406 North Twentieth
street, Omaha,
Leon Carsou. 1134 North Fortieth street,
Emllle Brown, Zl!2 Boulevard, Omaha.
Bva Itendee, 4402 Dodge street, Omaha,
Juanlta Innea, 279 Fort street, Omaha.
Genevieve M. Junes, North Loup, Neb.
Madge L. Daniels, Ord. Neb.
Agnes Richmond. Orleans. Neb.
Kola Beddeo. Orleans, Neb.
Marie Fleming. Osceola, Neb.
Lotta Woods, Pawnee City, Neb.
Earl Perkins, Reddlngton, Neb.
EmmaKostal, 16K O street, South Omaha,
Ethel Enls. Stanton, Neb.
Edna Eats, Stanton, Neb.
Ina Carney, Simon, Clay county, Neb.
Clara Miller, Vtlca. Neb.
Mae Grunke, West Point, Neb.
Elsie Stastny, Wllber, Neb.
Alta Wllken. Waco, Neb.
Mary Fredrick, York, Neb.
Pauline Parka. Tork. Neb.
Edna Behltrg. Tork. Neb.
Carrie B. Bartlett. Fontanelle, la.
Irene Reynolds. Little Bloux, la,
Ethel Mulholland. Rnx 7L Malvem, la
Eleanor Mellor, Malvern, la.
Kathryne Mellnr, Malvern, la.
Mildred Robertson, Manilla, la.
Ruth Robertson, Manilla. Ia.
EflHh Amend, Sheridan, Wyo.
Henry U WorVlncer. rare Sterling Rem
edy company, Attica, Ind.
the Polar Bear
Wallace, Jr.
body of the mother bear had lain, and
gradually a coverlet of snow was throwu
away and the dark body could bo plainly
seen out alined against the white ground.
Thus p. white figure, gauzy and winged,
lifted Itself from near the head of the
dead animal, and with a silvery voice
called to the cubs to come from the cave.
Pretty soon the little motherless things
cum hurrying In response to the voice
which they seemed to understand, and, to
their grief and heart-rending sorrow, saw
their dear mother lying before them life
less. They gathered about her, weeping
In their own way, and culling to her to
speak to them once again.
"Ah, my children!" said the white-winged
one, who was a real fairy, "your mother
will never speak to you again. But I pre
vented her being carried away before you
had an opportunity to bid her farewell.
The hunter who so cruelly killed her left
her for a little while, going down the hill
side for Ms sled. During his absence I
heard her moaning, and, being In the clou Is
at the moment, enroute to a country far
to the south, I paused to hearken to her
wall. Soon I understood all that had hap
pened. Then I heard the hunter and hla
dogs coming up the slope. I had no time
to removo her poor body, so I quickly cov
ered her with snow till she resembled a lit
tle snow mound. Then, turning myself into
another little snow mound, I waited till
the cruel hunter had come ami departed,
for he went orf very much frightened and
apprehensive of some harm Impending, so
he'll not return to this spot again. And In
future you are safe so long as you life
"But how about our neighbors?" asked
one of the rub bears. "They are in danger
of the hunters, and their mother's will
get killed as ours has been today."
"Ah, and so you have a sympathetic
heart In your little breast!" said thu fairy.
"You do not think only of jour own future
safety, but of others' wellfare. Let me see
how can I arrange so that the polar bear
shall be safe from the hunters? I have
certain powers, you know, to change In
many aspects animals and human beings."
"Why not muke us all white like the
snow?" cried the cub bear that had spoken.
"Then the hunters could not see us."
"Ah, wisely suggested," declared the
fairy. "That I shall do, and this very
night, too, I shall summon my attendants
a. hundred In number and endow each
with the power to turn every bear he or
By lbs Author of "Sow to Tall the
The Cowry seem to be, somehow,
A sort of mouth-piece for the Cow :
h speaking likeness one tn$ht say,
Which I've endeavored to portray.
1. Write plainly on oae side of the
payer only and number the pages,
t. Use pen and Ink, mot penoll
3. Snort and pointed articles will
be given preference, Ao not use over
UO words.
4. Original stories or letters only
will be used.
6. Writs year name, ago and ad
dress at tbs top of the first page.
First and seeoad prises of books
will be given for the best two con
tributions to this page each Week.
Address all oonmanlcatlons to
Omaha Baa.
(First Prize.)
An Autobiography of a Turkey
By Alice Porterfleld, Aged 12 Years.
Uintah Apartments, Omaha. Blue.
Gobble, gobble! That was the first I
heard as I peeped out of my nest out Into
the wide world and heard my brothers and
sisters doing a good deal of crying, for we
wsre all hungry.
We lived on a big farm with many other
turkeys and ducks. But that was a long
while ago, tor I am a year old now und am
as big as my mother, and fat I am us fat
as any turkey on the farm.
One day as we were eating dinner two
men came around and I thought thy would
never get through looking at us turkeys.
That night my mother called us and told
us that tomorrow was a day when all
turkeys should be away and that we were
to go to the woods early tomorrow morning,
in the morning we set out, although we
were very hungry and were glad to get
anything to eat. We got In among some
brushes and I went to sleep.
I do not know how long I slept, but I
waa awakened by a Oobble! Gobble!
O -bble! und my mother and all my biothers
and sisters were running down the hill and
as I looked I saw two men chasing them
ard one coming towards me. I was about
to run too .but I crept closer In tlio ubshes
and didn't make a sound, and the man
went right past me with the others and
that was the last I ever saw of any of
them excepting one of my brothers.
escaped and went went back to the farm
and had a good dinner and I am as fat as
ever, but Thanksgiving la here again, uud
she sees within the polar circle as white
as snow. And not only those living shall
be made white, but all the bears bom In
this part of the world henceforth will be
of the sums snowy coat. Ah, the Esqui
maux will have more difficulty In finding
their prey after that. They'll see only 'he
white snow and Icebergs about them, and
will think the bears have disappeared In
some miraculous manner."
Then the fairy bade goodby to the little
orphans. But before doing bo she called
upon another mother bear In a nearby cave
und begged her to take to her heart the
motherless cubs whose plight was so sad.
The mother boar willingly made room for
the cubs of her former good neighbor, the
news of whose death was a great blow u
her. "Why, dear. fairy," she said, holding
her own rubs against her breast, "It might
have been my own fate, had riot you o:n-
along as you d.d. for I was Jut about to
go out to look for food, and waa telling
my little ones to remain snug indoors wiilU
I waa away. Oh, what tf 1 had gone and
Veen killed, as my poor neighbor had been
-Well," explained the fairy, "you. and
New Animal Analogues
Birds from the Flowers," Prof. Bobert Williams Wood, Johns Hopkins TralTsrslty
l:oplng you, all have a pleasant one, I am
your friend,' THE GOBBLER.
(Second Prize.)
The Brave Dog
By Gail E. Howard, Ex-yueen, Aged 13
Years, Capitol Avenue, Omaha, Neb.
It was at a masquerade and the girls
and boys were laughing and having a
Jolly time guusalng euch other In thulr
queer costumes. Some were dressed all in
white and others were dressed in biuck.
Outside there was gathering a crowd of
mischief-making boys, who were going to
try to get into the kitchen when the girls
came out while the boys inside were hiding
the peanuts that the girls were to find.
The girl finding the moBt peanuts was to
go to supper with the oldest boy, the girl
finding the next amount of peanuts was to
go with the next oldest boy, etc. When
suddenly the boys outsldo saw smoke and
small tongues of fire leaping up. They all
ran off to notify the fire department, not
once realizing the danger that the young
folks Inside wero in.
Itutb, the hostess, had a pet dog, called
Sport, who was awakened from his nap by
the .noise the boys made when they ran.
Smelling the Bmoke ho ran around the
house and saw the back part of the house
on fire.
He ran around to the front of the houso
and up the stairs where the young people
were, and begun whining and making a
great fuss. Huth came to the door and
say the smoke. She realized Immediately
the dunger and told the boys and girls
that they must go out doors right away.
Just as the lust boy got out the celling fell.
The brave dog had saved their lives. Thu
firemen were too late to save the house
and furniture, but the young folks were
taved thanks to old Sport.
Don't you all ngreo with me that Sport
should be rewarded with a medal or some
thing else?
Honorable Mention
The Owl and the Crow
By Jessie Wilson, Aged 9 Years, Wood
bine, la. Red.
One day last summer my big brother went
hunting and found a little owl and a crow.
He brought them home and to keep them
away from each other, he nailed a board
In a tree, tied a rope on the crow's foot
and put the crow on the board, while the
owl he put in a cage. He brought the
yours and all polar bearkind will from
this night be safe from the cruel hunter.
Stand up, my deur Mrs. Bear."
The mother bear arose, standing upright
on her hind legs; und t ho fairy stepped In
front of her, holding aloft' a tiny wand.
"Assemble about your mother, little ones,"
the fairy commanded .the cubs. They
quickly did her bidding, and with a wave
of her wand the fairy caused them all to
turn as white as the driven snow.
They were much surprised when they
lo keJ at euch other, und then at them
selves, but they understood the wisdom
of the good fairy. Now they could go about
by day and not be seen by anyone, oh,
what u delightful thing to feel safe from
the cruel hunt?r's weupons!
Then the orphan cubs were railed to their
foster mother and their brown coats were
changed by the fairy to snow white ones.
And that night ull over the frozen Arctic
eUx'le, and aa far southward ae the polar
bear lived the good fairies went, changing
coats of brown und black to white, und
thereby making the polar bear safe In bis
own land
crow in every night out of the tree. But
one night he forgot to bring It In and a
hard windstorm came In the night, and
killed It. The rope was about six Inches
from the ground and in the morning wo
found the poor crow hanging on the end of
tho rope dead. While the same night the
owl got out ot the cage and the rain beat
it to death. I think it would have been
better If he would have left them In thulr
warm nests at home, don't youT
How Jim Earned His Skates
By Ava Hufsmith, Aged 9 Years, Crelghton,
Neb. Blue.
The Ico was fine and Jim, poor boy, had
no skates. His father had been sick and
tho little family had & hard, cold winter
before them.
Jim was the oldest of four boys and so
most of the work fell to him. He waa
too unselfish to mention his wish for
skates because he knew how badly It
would make his mother fool.
One day there was a hard snowstorm,
Jim thought, "Now Is the time to earn
money for my skates."
He hurried home and got a spade. He
went from door to door saying, "May I
clean your sidewalks?"
He worked until S o'clock and had
earned $1. He started home, but It began
to snow so hard he could not see. Ha
finally knew he was lost In the snow
storm. He tumhlrd against something In th
snow nnd picking it up he knew It was a
pocketbnok. Just then he saw a light
confeff towards him.
It was a man looking for the pocket
book. Jim returned It and when the man
took him home he said. "Come around tr
my house In the morning."
Jim did so and the man said, 'There
was $700 In that pockctbook. Your reward
is one-seventh of that amount, which Is
Jim bought his skates and gave the rest
of the money to hi mother.
The Two Little Puppies
By Ruth Hamilton, Atred 7 Years. 41(18
Davenport Street, Omaha, Neb. Red.
Once upon a time there were two llttlo
puppies named Jinple and Jimmy and the
mother dog was Tip and they lived In a
lumber yard.
The mother dog waa a hunting dog and
the owner was an old man 78 yenra old
and his name was Mr. Fisher snd he
went out hunting very early In the morn
ing, and his wife got his lunch put up
and Mr. Fisher did not take the puppies.
His wlfo watched the puppies. Mrs.
Fisher was 60 years old and when the
mother dog came home the puppies were
so big she did not know them, and they
all lire happily at the present time.
The Naughty Girl
By James Anderson. Aged 10 Years, Broken
Bow, Neb. Red.
Once upon a time there was a llttlo girl
who would never mind hor mother. One
day her mother had cake for dinner and
she told her daughter not to take any
because she wanted the rest for supper,
but when her mother went calling that
afternoon and left her all alone she thought
she would take some cake and her mother
would not miss It. So she went Into the
pantry and saw a pan with the rake in It.
As she waa about to roach In she heard
a voice behind her saying. "Do not take
that, my girl," but Just then there was
another voice behind her saying, "Oo on,
she won't miss It." Just as she was about
to take some she slipped from the shelf
and broke her arm. Just then her mnthor
came and saw her lying there and asked
what was tho matter. She told her and
It took hor three weeks to gut well. But
she did not have any rake because her
mother thought she m-ould not give her
any on account of her disobedience. Sho
always olieyed her mother after that.
The Six Mice
By Maliel Michelsen. Ased IS Years. S!10
Sherman Avenue, Omaha. Blue.
Once there were six little mice called
Nlrs. Nopa, Nalla, Pot'a. Popla and Dleka.
Tl ey Pved under a minister's houe. They
had one large room and a hull which led to
the pantry.
Nips was a very mischievous little fellow
who wanted to know everything. One day
in the pantry he saw a trap which had a
piece of cheeae In, but hla father warned
him not to go near It.
The next night the mother was quits 111
and could not go to the pantry, so all the
children wero going alone and bring some
thing home lo the mother and father. But
all of a sudden they heard a terrible
screaming and all the children cams run
ning In to tell what had hnpprned. Nips
hsd pulled the cheese and got caught.
The next day they heRrd the maid call
the cat Tabby and they knew well that he
would got poor little Nips.
A Trip to the Soo
By Barle 8tlrllng. Aged 11 Years, loir North
Thirty-third Street, Omaha.
f would like to Join the ranks of the
Busy Bees and write letters, too. This
time I want to tell you about a trip we
had away up to Saulte Ste Marie, Mich.,
during my father's vacation. This place
was my dad's old home and where I was
born. Tt Is different than our prairie towns
or cities. It Is situated on the banks of
the river St. Mary's, Just at the foot of
the falls of faults De Ste Marie. Steam
boats from BMffalo, Cleveland nnd Chicago
have to pass these falls to get up into
Lake Superior, and as the falls drop eight
een feet from top to bottom in going abjut
half a mile the boats could not c'.ln-b up.
so the United States government built a
canal around the falls with a big lock
at the lower end. There are two bin
gates at each end of tho lock. The lowor
ones will be open and a big boat or some
times two or three of them will go Into
the lock. They have big machinery to
close the gates tight. Then they let wat-?
Into the lock through holes all over the
bottom and up rise the boats till the water
in the lock gets to the level of the w;it -r
above the lock, when they open the uppr
gates and out gees the boats up for l.oke
Superior. The land all around the lock
Is built up with masonry.
I was on the side watching a big boat
como Into the lock and I wondered what
the big iron collar buttons were for that
were sticking up out of the masonry. Then
a boat came alongside and they threw a
line out. A man on tho leck took It nnd
ran to a collar button and threw the line
over It. I then saw what the collur buttons
were for. I guess I have written too long
a story, but If you will excuse me I will
bo shorter next time, as I wunt to tell you
more of my trip.
The Burning of Our Academy
By David Blum, Aged 10 Years. Nebraska
Military Academy, Lincoln, Neb.
Tt Was a Saturday morning about 8
o'clock, when a man In a wagon came
along crying "Fire! fire! fire 1" I was Just
making my bed. We all rushed out. The
fire was In the northeast part of the build
ing. A strong wind was coming from the
northeast too. Our colonel told us to nn
up and get out our stuff. I went up three
times. They telephoned to the fire depart
ment. It took them about one-half hour
to get out where wo were, because there
was bo many hills. By the time they got
there the fire had such a headway they
could do nothing. It burned for about two
days. Mr. Hayward, the superintendent,
lost almost all his things. Mrs. Hayward
went around to all the rooms to see If
all the boys were out and burned a big hole
In her skirt. Mr. Hayward went after her
to be sure. He had to Jump from the seo
ond story window. About three days af
terward, we had a message saying that
our colonel died from the effects of the fire.
No one else was hurt. We are now staying
at the Windsor hotel and having achool at
the Young Men's Christian association.
Dora's Lesson
By Alice Boyd, Age 13 Y'ears,
Carroll, la. Blue.
Dora wns playing all morning with her
dolls. Her mamma called her to set the
"O, mamma, you are always calling mo
to do everything; why can't Ann do some
thing?" "Because Ann Is not as old as you are.
You are the oldest, and you ought to help
Then Dora got pouty, so her mamma said
she would not have to do anything all day
tomorrow. So when morning came she
started early to sew for her dolls, but she
soon got tired of playing, so she got up to
rock the baby, but her mother said: "No,
no, Dora, you must play with your dolls."
Then she wanted to wipe the dishes and
lota of other lttle things, but her mother
would not let her. When evening came,
and the supper dishes were done, Dora's
mamma asked her If she liked to play all
day. Dora said: "(T mamma I am so glad
to work, this day seemed so long to me."
That day Dora well remembered; it taught
her a lesson and whenever she Is asked
to do anything she never grumbles.
The Skating Party
By Itena N. Mend, Aged 12 Years, Blair,
Neb. Blue.
The lake was frozen over with a glassy
surface except for one airhole. Christmas
vacation had come and that meant a fine
time for the young folks. Maybelle had
planned to go, but mother was sick and
nurse was out, so she had to tend the
baby. She felt very much disappointed
about it, but she was brave and would
not let mother see, for she might worry.
She wrapped baby up to give him somo
fresh air when sho saw the crowd coming.
She told them she could not go, ao they
went on without her. They reached tho
lake and strapped on their skates. It was
a beautiful sight to See the boys and
girls gliding along on the loo.
At last It was dinner time and they had
a merry lunch over the fire. Again they
started to skating, but they bad no moro
than got on the Ice than crack! bang. In It
Two of the girls fell In. The boys
threw them their skate straps so they
were soon out of the water. They were
a little weak, but they soon got over
that. In the evening Maybelle told her
mother sho was glad she was not there to
witness such a terrible scene.
How Eddie Telephoned
By Ruth Erlekson, Aged 12 Years. Sweda
burg, Neb. lied.
Mamma had one of her bad sick head
aches. To make matters worse pspa had
gone to the city and Sarah, the maid, had
received a telegram to go at once to her
sick mother. There waa no one left to
look after mamma but 4-year-old lilillw.
His sympathy was so great that he wanted
to kiss her every few minutes and ask If
she did not feel better. Then he must lie
down beside her, and, oh, dear, bow many
questions he did ask. Mamma suffered very
much and grew more and more nervous.
She suggested that KJdro go down to the
hall and play with his tenpins. Eddie
thought It would be belter fun to roll them
down the stairs. So down they went
thumpity thump, pins and balls. What a
racket! Mamma tried to get up, but she
could not. She called, but Eddie did not
bear her. At last he shouted from the
Illustrated Rebus
foot of the stabs; "Mamma, I'm going to
telephone to papa."
Poor mamma felt as If she should Ins i
her miincb altogether. Eddie would go Into
lils papa's office nnd do all sorts of mis
chief, but she was powerless to help.
Eddie climbed Into a chair, rang the tele
phone Im-11 und called: "Mr. Telephone
Man, you ti ll my pnpa to come right homo
quick! Mamma Is dreadful sick."
Just ut that very moment Eddie's pnpa
stepped into the general telephone olflee,
intending to tell his wife tnat ho could not
be at home before the next day. The lu ll
sounded Just as he wus about to rln ami
he received Eddie's message Ilinself.
He changed his plans mil liuftenii.g lo lh
I rain was at home In less than an hour.
So KJdio did help after all.
Joe's Thanksgiving
By Sophie B( liens. ", A';o.l n Yat. I'lor
enco. Neb. Hia.'.
It was snowing very li ml when, on
Thanksgiving morning. Joe woke up in his
little, dingy, cold room. 11- hint n it;., i a
father or a mot her. lie had beij.i nlo,- . n
tlie world since last ChriMnias, vhei. :.
mother died. II.- wan ...i:
Would i;rt to eat that day, hrtutiFc I
cold and he Im.l n ithin.jf in t i h i
tat. lie thtiUHht alio it nil the go mI t
other people wou.d have. He d.e -.1 q
ly und ran down to get his p.ipe ... .
day he was lucky and sold i hi t l a. : .
When be had sold all of hln papers tsn .ii
one a kind ludy came up and d iu .i
for the paper. She paid him the in a
and then usked him if he had uny lioine,
and he said "yes," but he had no pareiu.
So she said, "You Klinll bu my little b y
and come homo to live wl.h m Joe w.n
very happy mid went home with lie:
There he ato the IovcIIcbI dinner lie iuol
ever had. It consisted of: Uiast uritiy,
crunboiury sauce, plu.ii pudding. ca. . c. :
fee, Jelly, figs, dut. s, candy, nuts. e. 1 i v .
grapes and cookies. Ho was u lia, . .,
and uflcrwaid grew to lie a younV ,vu-
tleman, trusted by ull his ucqu:tnua...-..s.
Jennie's Disobedienco
By Mary Hrown, Aged 12 Veui s. 1; ,
Vurd, Omuiiu, Neb. ited.
It was gettting near Chrlstmus and cvi r
body in thu house had secrets, i.lttle Jenny,
for that was the little girls name, W...1
wanting to see Santa Claus; elm saw iiini at
town but she did not think that wus the
right one.
Every evening Jenny would hear a noise
and askud hor mamma what it wus. Her
mother suld It waa Santa Claus, but when
Jenny went to the door to see, It wus
already gone.
One afternoon her mumma went to town.
Jenny, of course, was not invited to go.
So she sat In her chair playing with In r
kitten, when all of a sudden, she saw a
package on the top Of the cupboard. Sho
wanted to know what It was. Sli.. knew It
was not right to see what was in It, but
she thought it would not hurt if she did
take a peep. So she took a chair and
climbed up and Just us she was going lo
reach for it the chair slipped under her and
she full to tho floor striking on her head.
When her mamma came home she saw
Jenny sitting on tho floor crying; she did
not know what was tho matter, but when
Jenny told her bIio thought it was a les
son Jenny would never forget.
The Rose Bush
By Wllttnm Davis. Aged K Years. ""1 West
Third Street, North Piatt"
Neb. Blue.
There once was a little rose bush. It
was happy. The warm sun looked over It;
the wind kissed It. Which did It like best
It did not know. And even the birds sang
to It. The other flowers In the garden
said: "The rose Is getting more critical
every day. What shall we dor" One day
when the little rose bush was, asleep It
began to rain. I wish It would never rain.
The next duy when the rose bush was
watching the birds It saw a butterfly. Yuur
wish Is granted about two weeks after It
was all dry. Then tho butterfly came
again; the little rose bush said: "What
makes the things look so dry?'' "They
need water," suid the butterfly. "Phase,
then, let it rain all nit (it, ' ' und this is why
It rains so often
Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor: I am a new Bee. I am gui:.4
to Join the Red side. 1 read the Busy lieu
pago so much that mamma said I might
Join. 1 have ono sii-ter and two brothels.
1 go to school every day. My teacher's
name la Miss Sherwood. 1 am In thu first
intermediate room. I am 8 years old. My
playmates are Hazel Hulce, Mary While,
Anna Wahlln, Eunice Short, Marjorle Haus
and Helen Mundy. We are going to have
a Thanksgiving program.' I am In a dia
logue with five girls. I know my piece off
by heart.
Our old cat has got six kittens. She car
ried them all away. One of the kittens is
mine. IU name U aiiow White. My mamma
had to copy this for me as I do not wrlto
very good; she was afraid the editor could
not read it. Hope this will be In the Sun
day paper. This la my first letter to the
Busy Bee page. Good bye, from
Box 498, Vail, Crawford Count,
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