Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1908, HALF-TONE SECTION, Page 4, Image 22

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7 - !
25c Handkerchief Laces
5 C Embroidery Special 25c
A special showing of beautiful hand
kerchief lace, splendid assortment
for selection. mm a rf
A magnificent assortment of designs
In corset covers, allover embroider
ies and wide flonnclngs,
actual values to 60c yard
at, yard
value to 25c
yard, at . . . .
Wi Wxm ""vvr InlM li fLEillbls
Rf?(j Blanket and Comfortable Sale
Welcome Corn Show Visitors to Omaha's Bargain Center
Special Gift Offerings
Fancy Pin Cush
ions, Collar Boxes,
Hat Pin Holders,
Neckwear and
numerous other
lines from the Lou
isville stock will be
closed at Phenome
nal Bargain Prices
in Monday's sale.
Owing to the lateness of the season and Immense
quantities on hand, we are compelled to make the fol
low in k extraordinary prices.
All $1.50 quality. . .78
All $1.98 Quality. $1.25
All $2.50 quality. Sl.SO
All $3.50 quality. $1.)8
All $4.00 quality. $2.50
All $5.00 quality.
All $6.00 quality. $3.50
All $7.00 quality. $3.98
$1.25. Crib 05
$1.00 Crib 75
85c Crib 65
76c Crib 5)
Several 30 minute sales
al&o will be called off on
the floor.
All 11.00 Cotton Blankets,
at 6ao
All (1.25 Cotton Blankets.
at 78o
All $1.50 Cotton Blankets.
at 990
All $2.00 Cotton Blankets,
at si-as
All $3.00 Cotton Blan.etR.
at 91.49
All $2.00 Blankets . 91.10
All 2 f0 Blankets.. (1.35
All $3.00 Blanket... $1.75
All $4.00 Blankets.. 93.1214
All $5.00 Blankets $3.79
All $6 and $6.60 Blankets,
at 93.9a
All $7.00 and $7.50 Blanket,
at $3.50
All $S 00 and $8.50 Blankets.
at $3.98
All $10 Blankets $4.75
Why Not Silks for Gifts
For mother, sister or wife, silk for a waist, skirt, dress or kimono,
would be not only acceptable, but practical as well. You'll find the
most complete assortment of holiday silks in the west shown here. AH
the richest weaves and colorings at very lowest possible price.
Three Great Specials for Monday
$1.25 silks at 49c,
Plaids, checks,
stripes and neat
figures, plain taf
fetas and messa
Jines. foulards
and novelties, ac
tual values up to
$1.25, at. ...49c
$1.50 Silks at 69c.
All the leading
shades, in messa
line and novel
ties, crepes, fou
lards, taffetas,
including 36-in.
black taffeta,
values to $1.50 a
yard, at . . .69 c
$2.00 Silks at 98c.
36-in. satins, sat
in liberty, cash
mere taffetas,
rough pongees,
c r y s 1 1 e cords,
satin evening
brocades, etc.
values to $2.00 a
yard, at. . ..98c
Magnificent Showing of Holiday Linens at
Special Reduced Prices in our
High Grade Linen Dept. Monday
50 unhemmed pattern table cloths,
two yards square, pure linen, full
bleached, worth $3.00 each; on
sale Monday, each $1.75
50 unhemmed pattern table cloths,
seventy-two inches square, dew
bleached, heavy double damask,
most exquisite designs, well
worth $4.00 each; on sale Mon
day, each $2.25
50 hemstitched table cloths, size 8-10,
all pure flax, German make, well worth
$2.00 each, Monday, each .... $1.25
10 pieces full bleached satin damask
table linen, 70 inches wide, heavy, dur
able and sood for wear, worth $1.00
yard, Monday, yard 59
25 pieces pure linen toweling, extra
wide, very heavy and absorbent spe
cially adapted for all kitchen purposes,
regular l.rc values, Monday, yard.f)
150 hemstitched and hemmed center
pieces, tray cloths and dresser scarfs,
good values at 8oc, Monday, each.49
All mall orders promptly filled.
Special and attractive inducements in Sheets and pillow cases
for hotels and rooming apartments in our
Hiqh Grade Linen Dept. Monday
$1.10 sheets size 81x90,
each 85
$1.00 sheets, size 81x90,
each 75
90c sheets, size 81x90, ea G9c
80c sheets, size 81x90, ea.(j5
95c sheets, size 72x90, ea.75
89c sheets, size 72x90, ea.65t
75c sheets, size 72x90, ea.5)
69c sheets, size 72x90, ea.55
120 pillow cases, size 42x36,
each )
15c pillow cases, size 42x36,
each 10
18c pillow cases, yslze 45x36,
each i....llJ
Fifty hemmed crochet bed
spreads, assorted patterns,
heavy and durable, $1.25 val
ues, Monday, each 79
Fifty hemmed Marseilles bed
spreads, heavy pronounced de
signs, full size, $2.75 values
Monday, each 81.50
Fifty genuine Imported Mar
seilles fringed bed spreads, ex
tra large size, slightly mussed,
some $6.00 values, Monday,
each 82.75
Mall orders promptly tilled.
High Grade Wash Goods Dept.
All the New Christmas Novelties in Silk Organdies,
selines, Silk and Mercerized fine Scarfings, etc.,
S5 39 49 and 59 a yard
Silk Mous-
25c Velvolose Wrapper cjoth
fine colorlas 15
89c Bathrobe cloth 25
The Leading Dress
25c Scotch Ginghams. .. .15
18c French Printed Cambrics
at 12
18c Flannelettes 12
Give Jewelry for Christmas )
See Monday's Remarkable Bargains
83, $1 and $5 Lockets.81.98
100 different patterns for
selection, in all the latest fin
ishes, such as rose gold, ro
man or bright, big variety of
stone settingB.
$2 Bracelets, Monday . . . 98J
$1.50 Gold Plated Locket
chains, on sale 98
$2.00 Gold Plated Locket
Chains, choice 81.25
Toilet Sets and Men's Military
Brush Sets on sale Just Half.
Men's and Ladles' Gold Filled
Watch Fobs, $6, $8 to $10
values, at $3 84 and 85
$8.00, $10.00 and $12.00
Gold Finish Jewel Cases
24K and Ormolu, gold finish,
French grey, jewel cases.
Handsome new designs lined
with pink or blue silk.
81.00 Cases 50 l)
K 1 itn run rrr r
82.00 Cases
83.00 Cases
Finai Clearance Underwear
From ihe Louisville Dry Goods Stock
Counters must be cleared during the next few days
to accommodate our. great display of Toys and Dolls.
Everything will be sacrificed for quick clearance.
(Lla'AiltN on sale, at
Ladies' Silk and Wool Un
ion Suits, values to $5.00,
$3.50, $2.98, $2.50
Ladies' Wool Union Suits Val
ues to $3.00 all sizes. 81.50
Ladies' Heavy Fleeced Union
Suits, $1 values, on sale.50
Silk and Wool Vests and Pants,
$1.50 garment values, at.98
Heavy Fleeced Vests and Pants,
to 75c values
at 19 25 39 and 50
Children's Vests and Pants, all
wool, gray or scarlet lamb's
wool and camel's hair, values
to $1.50, at 50
Children's Vests and Pants,
. heavy fleeced, worth to 50c
garment, 10c, 15c, 19c 25
Jjauies' Knit bkirts, wortn 1 uc,
W r i g h t's Health Union
Suits, heavy wool fleece,
values up to $3.50 a suit,
at... $1.50 and $1.98
Wright's wool fleeced.
Shirts or Drawers, $1.50
values 75c
All wool shirts and drawers
greys, tans and fancies, values
to $2, at . .75 and 81.25
Fleeced Shirts and Drawers,
values to 75c, at 29 39
and 15
Men's Wool Overshlrts In army
blue, single or double breasted
value to $1.75. at 75
Men's and Hoys' Sweaters, all
sizes and colors, roll collar or
coat style, great snaps, at 50c
and 98
Goods House ttWest
In order to make room for holiday goods
we must cut our dress goods in two. In the
forenoon all black dress goods
will be sold at exactly half the marked
price. Notliing else reserved. And com
mencing at 1 o'clock P. M., all colored
dress goods will go at exactly half marked
price. Nothing reserved (except Heed's
All bargains will be closed out at the
following pricesMonday.
All $2.98 will go at 98
All $3.98 will go at 81.25
All $4.98 will go at l (;5
All $5.00 will go at Sl!98
All $6.00 will go at 82.50
All $7.50 wil go at S2.98
All $8.50 will go at 83.25
Come early and have first choice.
Sheetings, Muslins, Shirtings and
Heavy Domestics
In Our Famous Domestic Room
10-4 Unbleached Muslin, best made, worth
25c, at 19
9-4 Unbleached, same as above. .. 17 9
8-4 Unbleached, same as above 1G
Lonsdale, genuine article 7
Fruit of the Loom, genuine article. . .7
Lonsdale Cambric 7?4
No. 80 Cambric 60
Lawrence L. I,. unbleHrhrd 6o
Heavy I'nhleaclied Muslin 5o
Heavy Unbleached Muslin 40
lkod Unbleached Munlln , 3',o
3So Mercerized Damask Suo
80c Cream Damask 190
11.00 pure Irish L.inen. 72 Inch, full bleached,
at 69o
J1.00 bleached Irish Linen, 68 Inches wide.
at 490
19c Toweling 12Ho
16c Toweling- jq
12ttc Toweling 70
10c all linen Crash 60
Rugs Splendid Gifts
Our Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Garment Department Offers Ma'chless Assortment, of
Gift Suggestions For the Christmas Shopper
Not only will you find assortments superior and qualities up to your highest expecta
tions but you'll also find the prices less than you'll expect to secure like quality and style in
any store in the land. Our snowing of Fine Furs is a delight to all visitors to the depart
ment. The very best furriers in the land being represented in the
display, which embraces all the most desirable qualities and styles in
fur garments. Let us show you.
Three Splendid Fur Coat Specials
Genuine Alaska Seal
Coats $175.00 values
in most stores; here,
only $95.00
Magnificent line for selection at great bar
rain prices this week.
36.00 AsmlneUr ag Sire 8-3x10-6, on pale.
st S1.S8
$30.00 Extra AunlaiWr Bags Sizo !)xi ' m
sale S 19.9a
935.00 Itimliti Vslvst ugxli bU,., ,
clal. at lb.98
148.00 Boyal WUtoa magi txl: Blze, uciu.
at 8J3.60
950.00 BauUs Wilton Bags i)U Hize .,,up
at S3fc.oj
918.00 Tapestry Brusstls Bugs xl2 xize
sale prlca $11.98
910.00 Stsmlsss Brussels Bugs tix9 siz. .i e
price j 'S.OO
Same, 7-6x9 Blze. at
Velvet act Tapestry Door Mats, 85c and 15o
$6. CO E:ttra Bagk. 36x73, at S3.9U
95.00 Aamlnster Bugs, U6x73, at BJ.49
97.00 Kjrsurlo WUton Bugs, 36x63, at. $4.98
99.00 Bundhar Burs, 3ux6J, at $6.49
91.50 Wmyroa Bugs, 30x63, at 89o
Bug Samples, ialua to fU.lio, nicely bound.
big assortment .... t9o
Blssell's Cycle Bearing Carpet Sweepers a
complete lire al 93.00 auU 4.i0
Mall Order j filled.
Handsome Cloth Coats, in
black and colors, newest
style ideas, lined through
out, made to sell at $25.00;
special at $18.50
American Beaver Coats
Beautiful garments
that should bring $00,
special . . . . $59. OQ
A Magnificent Showing of
the popular one-piece dress
es, in all the most bewitch
ing style ideas, fabrics and
colorings, unequaled values
at from $14.90, $20.00 and
$30.00 up to $75.00
$15.00 and $18.00 Coats-
Black and colors, 200 gar
ments in the lot for selec
tion $10.00
Linens, lingeries, silks, nets,
messalines, satins, etc., all
colors, tailored or dress
styles, prices from $1.00 up
to $10.00
$50.00 Water Mink
Coats The best val
ues ever shown in
Omaha at ..$39.00
Crown Jewel spells perfec
tion in tailor suit phraseol- .
ogy $35.00 style, $35.00
quality, in fabric and work
manship the queen of all
tailor suit values, on sale
at $25.00
Special Gift Suggestions
$G.OO long silk Kimono, fine
assortment, at $3.95
Silk underskirt free to every
purchaser of one of those
handsome voile skirts Mon
day; regular values to $10,
at $6.95
Women's Dressing Sacques,
regular $1.50 values, on sale
at 79c
$6.00 Eiderdown Bath Robes,
all colors; snap at. .$3.95
The Highest Patent Flour Bale Monday
i.f. DUL-K uigueBi. pbieni i-iour; una
same grade is retailed eisewnero for
81. uU and 11.75 ack, our price lo
Introduce to the trade, per 4 s lb.
liewar6 of lots of poor Imitations.
The best pure cane granulaled Sugar
at lesa than Jobber's cost.
10 bars Heat 'Km All or Diamond "C"
boap, per box 100 bars $J 50
The best white or yellow Cornnual, p-r
sack -,c
6 lbs. choice Japan Kice. '. ioc
The best Michigan hand-plcktd Nay
lieana. lb &
Stove Deparlment.
Steel Bangea 6-hole steel ranges, like
cut, without reservoir, with 18-Inch
oven, leg base, asbestos lined, fully
nickeled, high warming closet 319.95
Other dealers get S40 for Blmllar rar:ge.
fame range with reservoir.... 832.65
Iandy and Splendid Oak Stovos, . the
finest Oaks on the market. We will
sell you an 11-Inch size ut 84.33; U
inch size, 96.95; 15-inch size, 97.95;
17-inch size, 98.95; and a 19-inch size
for 83.95. You pay elsewhere lor the
11-inch size what we ask for the 19.
Stovo flpe and all kinds of eloos,
plain, adjustable and corrugated, loo
No. 8 Ccok Stove, with lk-lnch oven,
at 9.9i
We handle the Detroit Jewel and Uni
versal liaae Burners. Manges and Soft
Coal Stoves. See our Novelty Dais
Burner, something new....f.... 932.50
We Retail Groceries at Jobbers Prices
By Trading at Hayden's You Save fron 25 Per Cent to 5) Per Cent on Your Housekeeping Expenses
The best domestic oil or mustard Bar
uinrs, pag 4C
Malta Vita, Dr. Prices' or KKg"d"see
Corn Klakes, pkR 60
2 lb. pkg. beat salt Rising I'ancaKe
flour jji c
2 lb. pkg. Wheat Flakes luc
ilromangelon, Jellcon or Jell-O pkg.
at ' 710
The best domestic Macaroni, pkg. 8'so
Choice California Prunes, per iu. 4c
Fancy Oregon Black Prunes, lb. 7Vsc
Fancy Cleaned Currents, per lb... 7jc
1 'j iuf.cttiei naisins, per ID..
Fancy llulr Peaches per lb
Fancy Moor Park Apricots, lb.
. luc
Ankola Blend Coffee, the highest grade
of its kind, per id -jo
tancy No. 1 Country Creamery Butter,
per lb -c
Fancy Full Cream Cheese, per lb. lau
Fancy Full Cream Brick or L.lmburKer
Cheese, per lb lite
Fancy Full Cream Domestic Swiss
Cheese, per lb 2ou
Bap Sa;o Cheese, each 7Vi;C
Neufcluttel cheese, each
'i lbs. No. 1 Butterlne for 25.0
7BESK vebeulS ana isuiii
Fresli tiulnuch. uer Deck
Fresh Cauliflower, per lb.
mi, I ..
In Fine China for All
For the Larfies Chocolate Sets, Berry Sets, Jard
inieres, Vases, Salads, Cake Plats, Fern Dishes, Tea
Sets, Nut Sets and Dinner Sets.
For the Gentlemen Cuspldores, Smoking Sets,
Stein Sets, Shaving Mugs. Cigar Jars, Tobacco Jars,
Match Safes and Electric and Gas Heading Lamps.
Fur the Children Plates, Cups and Saucers, Mugs and Oatmeal
Sets. Make your selection now to be sure of getting Just what you want.
Dargo bundles fresh Bhalots Ec
Large heads Lettuce, per head... loo
2 heads fresh Hothouse Letiuce... 60
3 bunches fresh Hothouse liadlshes 60
Hubbard Squash, per lb 2c.
Freh Cabbage, per lb 2o
2 heads fresn Celery o
Beets, Carrots, Parsnips, Turnips or
ItutahaBas, per lb
IteKuiur iuc biae. per dozen .... luo
ltegular 25c size, per dozen lho
Kegular 30o size, per dozen j-Oc
ltesular 35c sLze, per dozen 2ac
See our full line of Dried Frults-7-tho
largest in the city.
Cost No Object Monday
ICB SKATES Barney ft Berry, Union
and Wlnilow's, worth 91-00,
one day' sale 650
1 gallon enameled Pudding Pans, 3
for ao
Water Palls, enameled, seamless, 10 gal
lon a9
Tea Kettles, enameled, number 8 size,
lor 35"
Koasters, enameled, lai'fc-e size, only 490
DUth Pans, enameled, 12-iuart size 190
Japanned Coal Hods, large size 13,0
Toilet paper, 8uc worth, 8c and loo
ut 50o
11.25 Folding Ironing Boards 6so
Bread Boards, 1&XJ4 ize 15o
ClioppillK Bowls, 13-tnch blze.... 15o
80.: Galvanized Wash Tubs, medium size
at 50o
90 Clothes Pln-i. 3 lartee carton ... lOo
91.69 Wick el Plated Copper Tea Kettles,
at 9o
V 1 Nun's -5c Bread Toaster, 2jc limn
Mops, 25c Parlor Brooms. I5c heavy
I raided Clothes Line, 25c Vooriniin'a
Sink Strainer, 25c Steamers, J5c Dln
ni r Buckets, 25c Heavy Du-t Pans, 25c
Nl' ki le.l Tea Kettles. 25c Cruclo r Jack
91.00 large size best steel Saw, Monday,
at 39o
Wash Fabrics, Flannelettes, Outini
Flannels, Prints, Ginghams, Etc.
In Our Famous Domestic Room
10o Flannelettes JJ
12 VzC Flannelettes 7H
15c Flannelettes 10
12c Anioskeag Outing Flannels. .. .5
2 Be Pongee, all colors X5
10c Percales, fast colors, dark 5
19c White goods 10
15c White Goods 7a
12'c White Goods 5
15c Wrapper Cloth 7)a
Remnants of 50c wool dress goods.. J9
Remnants of 75c wool dress goods.. 25
Remnants of $1.00 wool dress goods. UJX
Remnants of $1.50 wool dress goods.
Remnants of $2.00 wool dress goods. 7
Remnants of $2.50 wool dress goods. 75
Remnants of $3 and $4 wool dress goods,
at 98
50,000 yards of all kinds of remnants to
close to make .room for holiday goods,
yd- 10 7Htf 5 3 2H and 1
Monday Specials
il.'c Pad Hose Supporters 10c
fiOc Cnnlslip Hair Rolls 2oc
5(c Maline Covered Hair Rolls 23c
2."c Wire Hair Rolls loc
5(c String Shopping IJags 25c
$2.00 Hand Haits 05c
$1.00 KlatiUc lk-lts 40c
Give Furniture
Make your gift selections now from the
newest and most complete lines we've ever
shown. We'll bold them for delivery till any
time yon may with.
Compare the quality and price of our show,
lngs. You'll find buying here a money-saving
proposition every time.
An elegant line of Backers and Morrla
Chairs now shown.
Inl 1"
targe Arm Bocker, like cut, genuine leather
value at . ,
maliogany a 113 50
Corner Chair
Fine Golden Oak
finish, very neat de
sign, $3.50 value
at $2.50
Music Cabinets
Writing Desks and
Rook Cases, lluffets,
Center Table, Ktc.
Sliown In almost
endless variety.
Trices much lower
than you'd expect.
1 6- ill
v . S VI bjjbl jfja - 1 1 av eV v
ayden's FSirsH: fays
S JfQS-i lAi-V2 - mm mm