Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1908, HALF-TONE SECTION, Page 3, Image 21

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Suggestions an Up-to-Date Jewelry Store Offers Christmas Shoppers
HB Christmas (hopper li abroad
In the land anil la looking for
Kima aultabla present which will
gladden tha heart of the re
cipient. When giving a present
what Is mora aultabla than a
nat p'eea of jewelry, which will be
lasting and which la moat appropriate T
When buying Jewelry what la more
proper than that tha purchaia should
be made In, a Jewelry atore? C. D.
Brown haa put hla years of experience to
work In building tha flneat Jewelry estab
lishment to be found west of Chicago and
la making an especial bid for those sucking
a suitable present to make for Christmas.
Mr. Brown haa been In Omaha for the
last twenty-five years and during tha last
ten years of that time haa been In business
for himself at Bixteenth and Farnam
streets, the present enlarged plant, how
ever, being but two yeara old, with every
thing in the place new and up-to-date.
For the first fifteen years of his resi
dence in Omaha Mr. Brown was the head
man In the Raymond Jewelry stora at
Fifteenth and Douglas streets, but ten
years ago decided to branch out for him
self and the wisdom of this move has be;n
proven, for today at Sixteenth and Farnam
streets he has an establishment of which
any man might well be proud.
An Idea of the way this establishment
Is growing may be gained from the simplo
statement that there Is at this time Just
$10,000 mora of stock on hand than there
wus a year ago before the holidays. This
Immense stock Is housed In a beautiful
store Sic60 feet, filled with all the standard
Jewelry and many novelties of the season,
besides all the goods carried are of the
ery best mak"e known. Including such well
known brsmls as Gorham'a sterling silver,
Hawks & Egglngten's cut glass. First
Munilty of fllamonds are carried In largi
quantities. The C. B. Brown company is
also agent for a very fine Swiss watch,
called the Maylan, as well aa for all the
best known American watches.
Art lloum la a llcauty.
The large art room la one of which the
firm is especially proud, containing, aa It
due, such a largo assortment Of brass
goods, such as desk sets, smoking sets, candle sticks, electric lamps, Flck
nril s hand-painted china, hall clocks and
tings, Westminster chimes In solid mahog
any, as well as hundreds of other new and
novel designs which are always acceptable
os gifts. The aim of the C. B. Brown com
pany la to off-T original designs so that
their beauty and excluslveness will be be
yond question and ao that others may not
have duplicates and cheap imitations.
In giving a Christmas gift it is always
well to remember that the gifts most pre
f. i red by both the donors and the recipients
are those for personal use or personal
attornment. With them the giver places
lilmaeir, cs it were. In the conatant presence
of the recipient. And when it la consid
ered that to this element of personal con
tact Is allied that of durability, which per
tains to gold nnt silver and gems, It Is
cuey to see why ao many prefer to make
tlieyp pn si-nts as gifts for all occasions.
The C. B. Krown company haa made an
Inncvntlon which Is of great assistance to
buyers or even prospective buyers. That
the regular customers and those who shop
e-rly may have the choice of the fine as
sortment of p'ctty thlnga which the store
has to offer any article In the store may
be now selected and It will be reserved for
iellvcty to stilt the customers' convenience.
In these days of prosperity when so many
Stories About Prominent People Currently Told as Characteristic
One on Chicago's Mayor.
aHF. mayor of the city of Chicago,
with a merry party of friends,
il enjoyed an auto trip across
I , . ... trim T. Moines
IflWU, . I . V.' ...v
Register and Leader. It was
fine summer weather, the coun
try fields abounded with luxurious growth,
nnd the well kept, springy roads made the
trip an' exhilarating as well as a speedy
When rearing Des Moines ths mayor,
wishing to make sure he was taking the
right road toward the capital city, brought
the chugging motor to an abrupt stop be
fore a very respectable appearing farm
"Halloo, there!" he shouted, observing a
farmer wtlli a broad headgear energetically
wielding a scythe In a hayfleld off from
"Halloo-oo, there!" again shouted tha
city executive, gesticulating vigorously as
the farmer once more paused to gaae at
the caller.
But aa before he Ignored ths command
and went on reaping. Somewhat put out,
the mnyor sent his chauffeur Into ths field
after the obstinate reaper.
"Don't you see that gentleman motioning
to you out there?" demanded ths chauf
feur, pointing toward his party.
"Yes." was the calm reply.
"Well, he requests that you step to the
fence and tell htm about the roads to ths
"Tell that gentleman I'm very busyj but
if he'll come Into ths field I'U give him ths
"Sir, do you realize who my master out
there is?"
"No. Who Is he?"
"He's the mayor of Chicago."
"Bo? Tell him ho Is doubly welcome In
the hay field. I'm the governor of lows,
Real Literary Labor.
The extraordinary pains and patlenos
with which the late Charles Dudley Warner
did his literary work are shown In aa ac
count given by a writer in ths New Amstel
magazine of the strenuous way In which
Mr. Warner produced an obituary notice
some years ago.
Prof. Edward L. Toumans was a close
personal friend of Mr. Warner, and on that
account when Mrs. Toumans died ths edi
tor of a dally paper asked Mr. Warner to
write a sort of personal appreciation of her.
Thla be consented to do.
He was left alone from 10 a. in. until half
past 12, when ho went to lunch. Returning
at t o'clock he worked without Interrup
tion until i o'clock, when ho turned over to
the editor what he had written.
Yet the work was not complete. Mr.
Warner read the first proof and In suc
cession three revised shoots.
Each time he made change after change
Ir. phraseology, seeking out the one right
word, while even In the nicety of para
graphing be seemed to make clearer what
he desired to express Nor did the close
revision end with the marking of ths lost
After the paper had gone to press and
ths first sheets had been brought up to
ths' composing room for an O. K. Mr.
' Warner looked wistfully at the editor and
Would you object to lifting ths form?
I see a sentsroe In ths last paragraph
that might be somewhat changed. She
was too good, you know, to have a slovenly
trlbuts paid to her."
tBven ths printers refused to get angry
ovr ths delay and forthwith the form was
sent up sod changes went on for an hour.
At last, though publication was delayed
are buying fine gifts it la the enrly shrpper
who gets the pick, and the old axiom ''the
early bird catches the worm' ho'.ils good
for shoppers as well as for others. The
wise shopper is the early one. The ma
jority of mankind and womankind, too is
prone to wait until the last minute even
until Christmas eve and then rush breath
lessly from place to place only to find the
choice goods gone and the clerks all too
busy to give the proper attention. The
wise go early about this important task
and find the earlier they go the greater
the pleasure. This applies more to buying
Jewelry than to any other class of shop
ping, aa ene does not like to bo rushed
when making a selection of something the
recipient probably will wear for years to
come. To provide against a rush the C. B.
Brown company has provided a large num
ber of extra experienced clerks in addition
to the large force generally on hand and
will tie able to extend courteous treatment
to all who enter the store.
Presents the Ciirls l.lVe.
When a man goes shopping he is usu
ally up a stump as to what to buy. To
simplify matters for the sterner sex the
C. B. Brown company has prepared a list
of articles for women which are carried
In stock, most of which are either ster
ling sliver or silver mounted. The list
Atomisers. Manicure articles.
Bangles. Paper cutters,
lielts. parasols.
Buckles. Pencils.
Bon bon boxes. photograph frames.
Bon bon spoons. Pin cushions.
Bonnet pins. Pin trays.
Hook marks. poeketbooks.
Bracelts. pocketknlves.
Brooches. Puff boxes.
Candle nnuffers. purees.
Card cases. Salts bottles.
Chutelulns. Scarf pins.
Cloth brushes. Scissors.
Cologne bottles. Seals.
Combs. Shoe horns.
Cuff buttons. Hoap boxes.
Kmeries. Tape measures.
Fans. I'ea. balls.
Flasks. 'I'ea caddies.
Garters. Tea strainers.
lHove hooks. Thermometers.
Glove strelchers. Toilet sets.
Hair brushes. Traveling cups.
Hair pins. Traveling lnkstatnds.
Hair pin traya. Umbrellus.
Lamps. Velvet brushes.
Lockets. Vinaigrettes.
Lorgnettes. Watches.
With the above list to select from even
the mobt Inexperienced man should have
little difficulty in finding somuhlng
which ha thlnka his friends or bister or
sweetheart would like.
Something for the Men.
"I don't know what to buy George" la
often heard on the walks as two girls
are making their Bhopptng rounds Just
before Christmas. To assist these tho
C. B. Brown company has prepared, u list
of the useful and ornamental gifts in
sterling silver or silver mounted, which
are carried In splendid assortments. The
list includes;
Ash trays. Mirrors.
Batons. Paper cutters.
Canes. Pencils.
Card cases. pen traya.
Card holders. Photograph frames.
Cigar cases. pin cushions.
Cigar lighters. pipes.
Cigar traya. Poeketknlves.
Cigarette cases, . itazors.
Cloth brushes. Razor strops.
Collapsing cupa. Poarf pins.
Combs. Shaving brushes.
Corkscrews. Shaving cups.
Cuff buttons. Shoo hooks.
Funnels. Shoe horns.
Flasks. Smokers' sets.
Hair brushes. Soap boxes,
Hat brushea. Spectacle cases.
Hat marks. Thermometers.
Inkstands. Toilet articles.
Key chains. Traveling Inkstands.
Key rings. Traveling cups.
fully two hours, ths editor, but not Mr.
Warner, had the supreme satisfaction of
knowing that the work was aa nearly per
fect as human art could make It, and ths
edition was sent out
"While ws were walking up the street
toward the Youman's country home,"
writes the editor, "ws quietly talked about
books and bookmen.
" 'You are most painstaking,' ws ven
tured. " 'Yes,' said Mr. Warner modestly. 1
never could dash off anything readily like
some writers. It has always bean real
labor for me.'
" Then you revtss all your work tho same
" 'I have always found It necessary to
do so. Even In writing for the "Easy
Chair" I have to be painstaking. Nor have
I ever been able to use the typewriter with
any degree of satisfaction. The trouble
seems to be that either In dictating or In
using ths typewriter I at once become self
conscious and mechanical. For some rea
son my though ts-wti at few Ideas I may
possess seem to flow more easily from the
pen.' "
Rise of John Bi
In his modest autobiography of eight
lines, written for "WTio's Who," John
Burns, the recognized advocate of the Brit
ish labor party, aays of himself; "I came
Into the world with a struggle, am strug
gling now, and there are prospects of my
omlinulng to struggle." These words. In
spite of Burns' yearly salary of $10,000 as
a member of ths cabinet, seem likely to
prove true, for the leader's charity is
great, his constituency both numerous and
fccedy, and his tastes and Inclinations, not
withstanding hla high position, still those
of the laboring man.
The present adviser pf King Edward, and
holder of the presidency of the local gov
erning buard, a position of the utmost Im
portance, began life as a longshoreman.
Later he became an agitator of ths most
pronounced type, and as a result of his
activities spent some time In Jail. But
though he was an agitator. Burns waa not
a loafer, and while he was devoting a
good deal of his time to the strike propa
ganda, he waa also learning a trade, that
of machinist. From this he turned to en
gineering, and found himself steadily bet
tering his condition, while constantly in
creating his Influence with tie voters of
tin own laboring class. In time tlus In
fluence became so powerful that It swept
Burns Into Parliament, and from Parlia
ment ha went Into the ct-bluet. Now he
Is dined by the king and has charge of a
sum of money exceeding a million dol
lara, which he has full authority to spend
as be sua fit in ameliorating the condition
of England's poor.
Yot, as was before said. Burns lives
simply. In his house he has no servants,
does no entertaining, and in his dress still
clings to the garb of the plain man of
torles of Justice Harlan.
Now that Justice John M. Harlan U com
ing to Kentucky, says the Courier-Journal,
stories about him are bulng revived, and
Frankfort people know a lot. of them, for
Justice Harlan lived in Frankfort for a
long time and is well known there. The
other night one of the men who haa bean
In the Insurance department of the state
for many years told hoar Justice Harlan
was paid ffi.OOO for five minutes' work many
years ago, and, while Justice Harlan has
earned larger fees than that, he probably
never made so much mousy la so short a
I.oekets. .atr!:esL . 4
Manicure articles. Watch chains.
Match boxes. Whisk brooms.
Military brushes. Whist counters.
Remember the Babies,
The pride of the household, tho baby,
muBt also .be provided with a nice Christ
mas, something which will be preserved
and which will not be broken to pieces
before the day is over. The C. B. Brown
company has prepared a special list of Just
such gifts, which Include:
Rattles, bib pins, bowls, plates, knives,
forks,, spoons, pap spoons, dress buttons,
drinking cups, finger rings, safety pins,
Trinkets for Writing; Desks.
Many of the new and modern houses
which have been built in Omaha during the
last few years have been fitted up with
the newest nnd latest furniture. Nearly
all of these have a little comer set aside
In which Is placed the writing desk and
many have two, one for the man of the
house and the other for "my lady" to use
when she writes her little notes of accept
A representative of one of the big life
Insurance companies was In Frankfort and
waa telling Justice Harlan that he had
never been able to get a satisfactory "sui
cide clause" for the policies issued by his
company. He would be willing to pay well
for a clause that would stick, he said. He
then suggested that Justice, Harlan draw
such a clause. Justice Harlan worked
about five minutes and then handed over
to the Insurance official a clause which he
had drawn to cover recovery In caB9 of
suicide. The insurance man read what Jus
tics Harlan had written and then said:
"That Is Just exactly what we want. How
much do I owe you?"
"O, about $6,000." said Justloe Harlan,
never dreaming that he would be taken
"It Is cheap at that price," said the In
Curious and Romantic Are the
Lost Oat.
T WAS a day of lamentation
rather than of thanksgiving
for John Gormley of ItH
Alnsley street. Falls of Schuyl
kill, reports the Philadelphia
North American. He returned
home and told his friends
about it and vowed never again to trust
to the affections of fickle woman.
There is cause for his pessimism, his
friends agree. Thanksgiving day never was
intended to be turned Into April foot
Gormley Is 42 years old. For a long
time he courted Julia Ceckenrogh of this
city, and at last, it is understood, obtained
her blushing consent. Then she moved to
I'arkersburg, W. Va, promising to remain
When she reached her new home she
wrote, and finally ths invitation was ex
tended to him to spend ths Thankstriving
day with her. Gormley left the Falls
Tuesday, dressed In a spick snd span new
suit, to visit his aweetheart. During the
Journey he pictured the warm welcome he
would receive. He saw In fancy the good
things which would be prepared for hla
coming, for his swetheart, he knew, was an
excellent cook.
Then came the awakening. He reached
Farkcraburg and found that his Julia was
goue. She had left with Job Michener for
Culpepper Court House, he found out, and
had married him there. Oormley says he
Is going west to forget her perfidy.
A Unique Wedding.
Winter had Just set In with all Its fury,
relates Collier's Weekly. The phonograph
was wound up, and the evening concert
begun to a small audlwncs who braved
the storm to come to the little saloon. The
"mocking bird" whistled a bar with a
bowling wind accompaniment; the chimes
of the cathedral were Imitated by the
dingllng of the beer sign on tha out side
as ths wind shook It. The machine was
rewound, a record placed en it announcing
General Jones' order to his men on the
battlefield. A gust of wind put In tits
reullstio affect by entering the chimney,
forcing 'the smoke down the stovepipe,
filling ths room with blue smoke, Just,
as the general shouted: "Fire, boys."
There was a biff and a bang, and when
the smoke cleared away there was cheering
and ths band played "Ths Star-gpanglsd
Banner." At midnight tha concert (.-eased,
the lights extinguished, and the proprietor
retired to his room In ths rear of the place.
The old weight clock tolled one long-
to hla
M III lljfe
ances, etc. To equip these with the latest
and up-to-date novelties the C. B. Brown
company has put in a large assertment of
Just such things as the following list will
Blotters, book marks, calendars, card
holders, desk pads, erasers, ink stands,
letter openers, letter clips, letter scales,
mucilage bottles, paper cutters, paper
weights, pencils, pen holders, pen racks,
pen trays, pin cushions.
Odds nnd Ends.
The beautiful store is full of pretty and
attractive and suitable presents too numer
ous to mention and a visit is needed to real
ise what a splendid assartment tho season
has to offer to him who is looking for
something suitable and acceptable. Among
other things which might be classed as the
miscellaneous will be found:
Candelabra, ferneries, ivory curios, crib
bage boards, memorandum books, opera
Gold In Profusion.
When one's purse permits of an Invasion
into the realm of gold the articles provided
surance man, who promptly drew his check
for the amount and passed It over. Justice
Harlan was surprised, but he took the
'Hats OS" to lleluiomt.
Nowadays the cry of "Hats oft!" follows
August Belmont wherever he appears In
public, relates a New York letter, because
of his admission that he Insists upon his
stable employes tipping their hats to him.
Truly, Belmont has fallen upon evil days.
Tom Ryan took his subway from him,
Kuhn Loeb got his Rothschild connection
away, Hughes put the kibosh on his racing
business, and now the coarse public gives
him the raucous hoot. Ridicule Is always
fatal to dignity, and Belmont hasn't much
dignity left, so far as the public estimation
Is concerned. In connection with the "hats
stroke and the proprietor fell asleep. In
a few minutes his slumbers were Inter
rupted by a pounding on the front door.
(The proprietor Is an accommodating matt
and answers all calls at all hours of the
night.) He hurriedly went to the door
and admitted two ladies and a genlteman.
One of the ladles waa scarcely eighteen, the
other her mother; the gentleman had seen
the turning-point In life. After a thorough
"warming-up," they revealed the object
of their early morning Intrusion. The
young lady had given her heart and hand
to the gentleman, the mother had accom
panied the pair to give her consent.
The phonograph was once more placed
In commission. There was a snap and a
crackle, and a voice announced: "Men
delssohn's Wedding March, as played
by the Grill and Grill Concert Orchestra."
Tha bride and groom, prearranged,
marched in precision to the end of tho
bar, and took a position under a neatly
framed distiller's sign. Garbed in 'lie
robe in which he had retired, the saloon
Justice read a few passages from a large
yellow book and they were pronounced
man and wife.
A wedding breakfast, consisting of l!m
burger cheese, pigs' feet, and crackers, was
served. The phonograph rattled off piece
after piece. At four a. m. the party left.
The proprietor received his marriage fee
and he price of the breakfast.
Lou; Journey to Wed.
Half way around the world to become a
Bailor's bride Is a Journey on which Miss
Nellie Montgomery Matthews, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Martin M ttthews,
1312 Kutaw Place, Baltimore, has started.
Miss Matthews will go to Hong Kong,
China, where she will be married to En
sign Rued Marquette Fawell, commander
of the United States gunboat Samar, now
stationed in eastern waters.
At Hong Kong the bride-to-be will be the
guest of Commander and Mrs. Martin,
friends of Ensigii Fawell. until the wed
ding, which will take place on board of
the gunboat of which Ensign Fawell is In
command. A honeymoon of a month or
six weeks on board of a houseboat drifting
lazily up and down the picturesque Yang-tae-Klang
river will- follow the wedding
ceremony, and then the bride will take
up her home at Hong Kong until the sec
retary of the navy sees fit to order Ensign
Fawell back to ths 8taus.
Miss Matthews has not seen Ensign
Fawell for nearly "four years. Ths young
officer was graduated frum Uie cava! a,c4
are numerous and exquisite, although there
are quite a few trinkets in the list under
"gold" which are easily within the reach
of the many. Bracelets, the first on the
list because of their alphabetical rank, may
be found in any design to suit the taste of
the most exacting. Plain gold bracelets
are carried in stock as are also bracelets
of the most elaborate designs. The list of
gold articles includes the following:
Bracelets, brooches, chains, collar but
tons, cuff pins, fraternity pins, fobs, hat
pins, lockets, match boxes, necklaces,
pencils, pen bidders, rings, scarf pins, shirt
studs, sleeve links, thimbles, watch chains.
(icinil Watches Are Beat.
C. B. Brown has made a reputation for
himself In regard to his knowledge of good
watches and his clientele In that respect
is large. The average person, when he buys
a watch, wanta to know he is buying a
good watch, a watch which will keep time
and one which will last. The reputation
of the C. B. Brown company Insures the
purchaser the best kind of treatment when
it comes to buying a (watch and these are
off" story some one told a story ths other
day about 8. S. Howland, a relative of Bel
mont's, and possessed of the same bug
relative to hat-tipping. One day a reporter
approached him at the race track tp get a
statement. "Are you addressing me?"
asked Howland, as haughtily as he knew
Tho reporter hoped, courteously, that
Howland still had his hearing.
"Then take off your hat when you talk
with mo," said Howland.
The reporter was one of those utterly Im
possible persons, who' unite to a strange
and strenuous vocabulary the physical abil
ity to back up anything he might say. Ha
pushed Mr. How-land's hat down over his
ears, accompanying that action by uncouth
comment. He held the hat down. "Now,
emy at Annapolis In 1905 and In the follow
ing January was ordered to the Philip
pines. The young couple, who had known
each other for years and had been en
gaged for some time, were planning their
wedding when tho fateful order came from
Washington. It was thought, however, that
the Btay of Ensign Fawell in the Philip
pines would be brief and the date of the
wedding was postponed until his return.
Several times afterward the young couple
made arrangements for their wedding, but
each time the naval authorities stepped In
and upset everything.
Courtship In Ireland.
An Irish boy marries when he has a rid
house, and an Irish girl Just when she
pleases, says Seumas MacManus In Lip
pincott's. Sometimes she so pleases while
yet her years are few; at other times she
I I Shoshone canyon, In northwest-
I j I ern Wyoming, eight miles from
1 I '... L, .....I . L . .
iuy, uie jiuni Biugc una l. gun
in the construction of what will
be the highest dam in the
wond. When completed the structure,
which will be of solid concrete, will rlsd
to a height of 157 feet above the bed of
the Shoshone river, while the total height,
measured from rock bottom, will be K4 feet
The site of tho darn is ideal for the pur
pose. The north and south forks of the
Shoshone Ji .In Just above the dam site
and, as one stream, flow tumultuotisly
Jhrough the narrow gorge between Rattle
snake and Cedar mountains. The slopes
of the mountains gradually become more
and moro precipitous, until at the canyon
proper solid walls of granite rise perpen
dicularly 400 or 5") feet above the river
channel. It is here naturally that the site
for the dam has been chosen.
The work was begun about three years
ago and from the outset the government
engineers and the contractors have been
beset by difficulties. As all supplies had
to be hauled from the railroad terminal at
Cody It was necessary In the first pines to
construct a wagon road for four miles along
the side of Rattlesnake mountain. There
was much tunneling, as ths slops of the
mountain varies from a forty-five to '
carried in both foreign and American
makes, cased In gold, gold filled and silver,
for men, women and children. Stop
watches of all kinds are carried in stock.
Including minute repeaters and horse
Lansruasse of Gems.
What Is a more appropriate gift for your
wife or your sweetheart than a diamond?
It is not only a beautiful gift, but it is
also a good Invcstmont, and the advice
of tho wise ones Is to "buy now." Dia
monds are a good Investment right now.
The marked beauty and brilliancy of th
gems carried by the C. B. Brown company
are recognized features that appeal strong
ly to all lovers of beautiful gems. This
firm also carries a largn assortment of
unmounted gems, from which the purchaser
may select and then have mounted as ho
wishes. A diamond or a gem or stone of
any kind Is liked by almost every person.
The languuge of the gems is known to
nearly every person and all like to wear
their birth Btone. Following Is the tablo
say please," he demanded. And Howland
had to say it before he was dehaltcd.
Reformed Spelling;.
Little has been heard lately about Mr.
Roosevelt's attempt to reform spelling; but,
at a New York auction on Friday there
was sold a letter written by Theodore
Roosevelt to Henry C. Bowen In which
Orover Cleveland's name Is spelled "Cleav
lund" throughout. The letter bears data
"Sagamore Hill, Oyster Bay, November 10,
1888. and refors to Cleveland's attltudo to
ward civil service reform. George Wash
ington could not spell as well as he could
fight, and Daniel Boone wrote "dllcd a
bar" when he meant "killed a bear."
An Army Worker,
General Sir Beauchamp Duff Is generally
Ways of
Is content to wait upon wisdom. In the
latter case, of course, she makes a wise
choice, but In the former almost slways a
lucky one for luck Is the guardian angel
of the Irish.
"You're too young to marry yet, Mary,"
the mother said, when Mary pleaded that
the should grant Laurence O'Mahony a
particular boon.
"If you only have patience, mother, I'll
cure myself of that fault," was Mary's
"And she's never been used to work,
Laurence," the mother said to the suitor,
"If you only have patience, ma'am," was
Laurence's reply to this, "I'll cure her of
that fault." And he did, too.
A BurKlur-I'roof Wedding,
Burglar proof weddings are now the style
Highest Dam in the World
ninety-degree grade.
In order to obtain a dry river bed. as
well as to enable ths contractors to Install
machinery in what was formerly the river
channel, a coffer dam was erected above
the canyon and by means of a flume and
tunnel the water was diverted from Its
natural course. A gate in this tunnel will
serve to regulate the outlet upon the com
pletion of the dam.
Another tunnel for use as a spillway Is
being driven through the solid granite of
Rattlesnake mountain. This is intended to
prevent the incessant wear caused by the
water flowing over the top of the dam.
In order to obtain a foundation of solid
rock It was necessary to excavate sixty
seven feet below the river bed. The high
water last spring overflowing the neces
sarily small flume rsused a suspension of
work for several weeks and it is only
teccntly that the sxcavation has been
completed and the pit filled with concrete.
Work on the visible portion of the dam
has Just been started. I'nless unforeseen
obstacles are met it Is expected that the
structure will be completed next April.
When fl'led to Its capacity the reservoir
thus created will measure about four tnll-js
In width by nlns miles In length. Consid
srabls change will bs effected In ths coun
try sbovs ths canyon, where several flou
Ishing ranches are now located. These
ff the language of Hie gems:
January Garnet, constancy and fldolity,
February Amethyst, sincerity.
March Bloodstone, courago, presence ol
April Diamond. Innocence.
May Emerald, success in lore.
June Agate, health and long life.
July-4'rrsl or ruby, contented mind.
August Sardonyx or moonstone, conjugal
SrptoraborPapphlro. Antidote against
October Opal, hope.
November Topas, fidelity.
December Turqmdse, prosperity.
Solid Mirer Is Lasting;.
Many families make it a practice to se
lect soms suitable design of table silver
ware and then aa each succeeding Christ
inas and birthday rolls around add to the
table silverware of the family by some
gift to match the set already possessed.
This rlan works admirably and many fami
lies hare In a few years acquired a splen
did set of solid silver by adding tittle by
little. The C. B. Brown company carries
spoons, forks and knives In sets and singly,
as well as all other known places of table
silverware. These are always appropriate
gifts for the housewife. Chafing dishes
and decanters are carried In large selec
tions and the firm Is agent for the Oat-ham
silver, recognised as the best silver mads.
Leather Goods Popular,
lyeether goods are becoming more nnd
more popular each year and each succeed
ing year finds many new and attractive
designs in goods made from leather. In the
beautiful store of the C. B. Brown Co, may
be found leather poods In real alligator,
walrus, pig and other skin, either plain or
mounted with sterling silver or gold. This
firm Is also the agent for ths Oorham
leather goods, Including bill cases, leather
casus, cigar cases. Jewel cases, gold and
silver trimmings which make elegant gifts
for both men and woman.
An umbrella Is always an appropriate gift
and a largo assortment of those are car
ried, including sets ef canes and umbrellas
with straps, gold and silver mounted for
men. An elegant 11ns of tortoise, shell
bandied umbrellas for women Is also car
ried In stock.
Good goods at reasonable prices Is the
motto of the C. B. Brown Co., and this
policy has built up a business In ths short
space of ten years which Is the marvel of
the west. Thla policy Is carried out In
every department of the store and that It Is
appreciated Is easily seen by a visit to the
storo, which is crowded with patrons at.
all hours of the day.
Prerlons Stones Mounted.
The firm makes a specialty of mounting
precious stones, including diamonds and an
effort Is made to mount these In artistic
and original designs. In this department
the motto is also carried out, of the finest
work at prices which are reasonable.
To assist men and women In shopping
the C. B. Brown Co. has prepared a little
book known aa the Brown book, which Is
freely given to all who enter ths store. It
Is most useful, especially nt Christmas time,
as It contains a list of suitable presents
for both men and women and also tho
children and In ths mlddlo Is set several
blank pages on which the shopper
may make a list of purchases with ths)
price of each, so that at the end of thai
day It is easy to figure Just what present
has been bought and Just how much money
has been spent.
understood to bo the most probable succes
sor to Lord Kitchener In tho supreme com'
niand in India, and this will bs a fitting
reward for one who his a very fine mili
tary record for hard, unremitting work. A
short time ago another officer waa trying
hard to find out General Duffs recrea
tions. "Do you play bridge," he asked.
"Not much," repllod tho general.
"Billiards, perhaps?"
"Very little."
"Any other outdoor sports?"
"At rare Intervals."
The Interrogator then lost his patients
"Then what on earth do you do?"
"The rarest thing possible In the British
army," waa Duffs reply. "I work."
Mr. Cupid
In New York. The first one was held In
the homo of Charles C. Schmidt, a wealthy
retired real estate dealer, 121 West One
Hundred and Eighteenth street. With a
policeman In uniform stationed at the fiont
door, sleuths In gum shoes hidden in the
shadows of adjoining buildings snd every
window In the house either protected by
heavy screening or Iron bars, Mr. Schmidt's
daughter Grace waa married to Carl Henry
Klappert of the contracting firm of C. W.
Klappert & Co.
The precautions against burglars taken
by the bride's father were dus to a visit
which housebreakers paid him the week
previous. These burglars got Into the
Schmidt house by lowering themselves -from
the roof of an adjoining apartment
house. Their visit netted them about 11.000
worth of Jewelry nnd other valuable gifts
which had been presented to ths bride.
farms have been bought by the govern
ment. Ths little town of Marquette must
perforce change Its location, for Its sits
w- be burled under ninety feet of water.
Near Corbett, about thirteen miles below
the canyon, the government's plans cover
the Irrigation 'f 106.000 acres of land, s,
part of which 1-as been thrown open to
settlement. The Hhoshone dam Is being
erected primarily for ths purpose of stor
Ing the river torrent ' In the spring and
thus obtaining an adequate supply for
thlB and other irrigation projects during
the dry summer months.
Some time in the future, the date to bs
determined largely by the demand for
rltrated I:md, another tunnel will be driven
trrLugh Kfttles! o mountain. By means
of this the tunnel anil s, canal leading to
the large flat near Cody several additional
thousands of acres will be placed under
The whole project Is a part of the gov
ernment's great irrigation servloe, which,
as some one has put it, "is making tha
dry places wet and the wet places dry."
The various irrigation projects In Wyom
ing, Montana and Idaho are rapidly change
big the couutry from land of sagebrush
and cactus to cne of prosperous farms su4
flourtdhlng towns. To on unacf (tainted
with western development iba and dsn
transformation la