I TTTFi OMATTA SUNDAY TTCE: PECEMBETl 6. 1008. Negro Question is Causing: Agitation Among South American Whites (Copyright. 13"8. by Prank O. Carrentv.) fcl . PETOW"N. (Special Correspond ence of The Bee.) The white people here are becoming ex cited trrrr the nearo question. During the last six month. I have visited every colony south ot the Zambesi, and the better class of Knronean. everywhere have feara of a race war In the future. In the I'nlted States we I ave one negro to eery nine or ten whites. Here the proportion la almost reversed. There are more than five black men to every white man, end the Mack men are beginning to appreciate their possibilities. Within the last year or so they have been stirred up by some missionaries of their own race, who are said to come from the Ignited Rtatea. The sect hi known as the Ethiopian Episcopalians and they are at work In Natal, Cape Colcny and the Trans vaal. Their pastors preach the equality of the races and urge them to stnnd up for thfr right.. I have seen negroes m all the cities of South Africa. They wear European clothes and the crowds one sees about the stations are as fully clad as are the negroes of our small southern towns. In many localities tlier are beginning; to rewnt their treat mailt by the white. In Johannesburg;, for Instance, they object to the laws which keep them off the sidewalks and allow them to fro only In the middle of the road when walking; along; the streets. They do not like the Jim Crow trailers to the electric cars, and they are asking for mcro schools. 9 F.aaeattng the Kafir. So far the most of the education of the Kafir has been by the missionaries. Thera are now something; like 5,ono,onn of him south of the Zambesi, and his school chil dren are numbered by the tens of thou sands. In Cape Cclony there are no gov ernment schools for the natives. Their education Is carried on by the mission schools, which are allied somewhat by government grants and are under govern- ment inspection. The native have to pay feos, which cover a large part of the cost, and !n some districts they have given money for the building of school bouses. The government grants are about one third as much per pupil for the natives as for the whites, and the education given them Is but little more than the three R's. It Is the same In Natal, and also In Rnso tolond and Rhodesia. There are now about 80,000 pupils In Cape Colony, 8,009 In Natal and 10,000 In Basutoland. The Kafirs of the cities are fast coming to the realisation that schooling pays, and they are now anxious that their children should learn. A Johannesburg merchant told me of a Kafir tenant of his who was educating his 16-year-old daughter. He was asked why he did so and replied that he had noticed that the white man was of little value without an education, and. If so, why not the black man? He said that ha did not know that his girl would teach school, but that he was bound she should learn. At nrnni ih- v,.. ' O - HDD tunlty to get a college education. He la not allowed to go Into the universities of South Africa and a. a rule the people would rathe, v m-. .....P3! " - f ". M.ivuuwavu. ills) I'JVK upon the natives as their Clod-created hew ers of wood and drawers of water and they want them to continue so. They would rather that they should not own real es- tate nor go Into business. The mechanics and foremen, among the whites, would rather not have the blacks learn trades, ard they desire to keep the labor of the two races distinct. Lovedale Co-Edarational Scheme. As to the co-education of the races there la only one place In South Africa whero that la carried on to any extent. This Is ot Lovedale, about 6j0 miles northeast of Cape Town. There Is a missionary training Institution of the United Free Church of Scotland at that place, and In it the whites and blacks are educated together. It Is a ort of boarding school with something like 800 pupils; and It might be called an exad- emy, although It has all the branches, from the kindergarten to the normal .,in.n school. This school Is doing much In mak ing teachers and native preachers. Many of the teachers of the mission schools throughout South Africa have been edu cated there and It has done much In bring ing Its European pupils to an understanding Of the native character. The Institution consists of a large central building, a score of dormitories, many workshops and a hos pital. Connected with It is a farm on which the boys work and all sorts of man- ual training are taught. The morning hour, are devoted to study and recitation, and a part of each afternoon to work upon th fnrm mnA tn (kn n-n-AH. 4 mo miin inn in ino garnens ana snons. The school has Its military drill, and physical training. It has a brass band and - Nebraska's Oldest . IRRIVrj oeverrtv-flve Tear., and . ---- . . - If I "till hale and hearty, I. the rm 49 I VI I record cf Mr. and nr.. jone. u lutuanuKMi i-uuiiLjr, , . Ln. 1 and mother of Cass Jones, a member-elect of the Nebraska '" . X SI -f- H ;- vK. .V.'i'w 'Y'iT V a,-. rAlhv ' f k v .v,'- y -l ' ' ' ...r -. A . ": C i , . li legislature. Thl. remarkable pair were their home ever .lnce. The diamond et. a young woman haa been over married In Ohio In 1S33, and moved to Ull- wedding of thl. fine old couple was made whelmed with grief during tho service. i.t.r ikv k. D . -t v.,. , 1 Vwr-imtnir himself from the other, the " " " . ... ... but the restleM .plrit would not be ml- . . , . . - ................. . s . "t . j3 ' . : ..Trr- .1 - -" rv i ' , -.L.r rgi...v.-.-. v f v 33 hJ ij t ' U ' - , -mmm Mr! ' ,P -. - ' "'...:; (i j"'-5' - . t .Apt--- the white ana black boys play cricket to. gether. Every Friday evening there Is a literary society and there are occasional lectures, papers and debates. The girls have their own Industrial work and learn dressmaking, cooking and laun dering during their stay. It Is not diffi cult for a I.ovcilale graduate to get a Job. Many of tho former students are now In terpreters, some are clerks In the govern ment offices, while others are employed) In the stores. Three Cents vs. One Hollar Per Day. In Klmberley and Johannesburg, the great centers of the gold and diamond In dustries, natives arc now paid about $1 er day. This Is considered enormous wages for this part of the world. Only a generation ago natives were paid 3 cents for ten or eleven hours' work. Then an axe would buy an ox And a string of glass beads pay a neir.ro for carrying a load of seventy pounds 100 miles tlirouKh the wilds. These are the wages thut still prevail In parts of Uganda, Hrlllsh East Africa and German East Africa, and the white men there will tell you that It Is wrong to pay more. J remember a talk which I had with a government official of British Centrul Af- rlca. We were talking about tho native labor and I asked whether it was possible . to et any w ?" ot blacks of y"'ana. e repueu Yes' we Ket 8om work "?" , "iivM both the government and private Individ- uals are spoiling the labor market. The African Is a great big child, with the muscle of a man. He ought to be treated as a child ana tt pumsncu wneu uu m u. u oA to be so that the officials had this power. If a native did not obey he waa brought up for punishment. He was then laid down on the ground and given ten lashes or so with a hippopotamus whip. This hurt him somewhat, but he took It as a matter of course and did better there rto. Now the laws' are such that we can onIy imprison him for small offenses, and we have to try him before we can give him corporal punishment, "As to labor," this man continued, "the negro works all right 1f you do not raise his wages. When we first entered British Central Africa ho was satisfied with a shilling. Then we gave him 8 shillings, and now private parties have come In and are building a railroad; they want steady la- r are erlng shillings, "Six shillings? A dollar and a half a day?" asked I. No, 6 shillings a month. It Is too much, and the worBt ot It Is that Uie native will expect that wages right along, and he can not see why he should not have It. It Is a great mistake." Taxing- the Xatlves. "A dollar and a half a month la a cents a day," nald I. "That does not seem much to me. And even out of those wages I suppose the natives have to pay taxes." "Ves, we collect I shillings a year from the well to do and those who have the cash; and we make all others give u. a Htl.. wU rrx tha Mnrta of h must montn a wora on wi runua ui 11 uiu.. bring a certificate from his employer show- Ing that he has done work to the amount Married Couple the war sent th.m Kir v n - - UI iOQi, and the next year they went to Oregon, B " jn 1SS5 they came back to Nebraska, sat- 1111. nrw uniana. in 16o7 they re- moved to Richardson county, settling north of Rulo, where they have made " v...uc.u. eiuorllou. asi. aitu m. wMivm . i wvrniir con- gratulated by a ho.t of friends. Mr. Jone. NATIVES KAFIR POLICEMEN. of 8 shilling, wheln his taxes are re- mltted." "In other words, every black man must give one months of every year to the gov- ernment," said I. "Yes. It amount to about that," was the reply. ' In South Africa tne natives are charged a hut tax, and they also have to pay do taxea and wife taxes. Everv time a man la married he pays 10 shillings to the government of which a portion eoes back to his chief. In Cape Colony he pays a license fee of from 62 cents to $1.25 on every dog- over three monihs old, and the dog tax of Natal Is about the same. In one year the natives of Natal paid tll.OOi) In marriage fees, and I am told that a black man has to pay $25 to tho government there when he gets a divorce. The hut taxea of Cape Colony ure about 10 shillings per year per family. Four teen shillings is the amount of that tux in Natal and 10 that of -Rhodesia. They recently raised the tax In Basuioland to $5, and In Natal a higher rute Is paid of European construc- upon all houses tlon. . These taxes may seem low to Americans, but they are large In comparison with the wages of the people, and so large that they ieaa to me crowding or the natives, sev erai famine, or unmarried adults often living In one hut. A mono; the Kaffir Workmen. So far only a small proportion of the South African negroes has been greatly In fluenced by the whites. There are alto gether between 6,000,000 and 6,000.000 abo rigines below the Congo Free Btate, and I venture that those employed In the mines, on the farms and In the cities will not number, all told, more than 300,000. There are something like 100,000 In the gold mines. Klmberlt-y liad 20,000 befaie our panic caused the De Beers company to cut down its labor force, and there are something like 10,000 employed In the great diamond mine at Culllnan. In all these places the natives are kept In compounds or walled IncloBures, and as far as those connected with the diamond mines are concerned they are not allowed to go outside during tho terms of their contracts. They must buy their food at the company shops, and, al though the rates there ure low, the com panies probably make a profit. Not long ago at a meeting of the De Beers company one of the officials stated what had be come of the profits made from the com- Followers of Vedanta (Continued from Page One.) the eldest men are held up In military fashion, and the Swami himself Is thin and perpendicular as a straight line. Perhaps five minutes pass, perhaps ten. There is no way of determining time. ""TIT and refreshed you see S ZTTJJ loll . . ..,... o.ir. iik yf tn, Swamls the word signifies llrUual teacher-first came to America to establish their school of philosophy they were informed that In order to conform to the Occidental rather than the Oriental views It would be wise for them to em phasise lens the benefit, of seclusion, resignation and repose than the more ac tive qualities which lead to right working. right doing and the right development of the creative Instincts. The Bwaml In his address follow, thl. lead, and while never losing .Ight of the fundamental truths of the Vedantlo creed manages to fit It to tho aggressive minds and personalities of his hearers In the new world. If you have expected to hear new truths or startling messages delivered you will be disappointed. There Is no novelty offered, no sensation. Steadfastness or mind la urged, without which nothing worth while can be accomplished, and In detail, the danger of Mattered attention and tacit ot concentration 1. emphasised. Fearlessness he also preaahes. The address is about half an hour long and Is listened to with rapt attention. At it. close the Swaml sinks deftly Into the big chair, draws the apricot colored cashmere robe about him and again with Interlaced finger, on his lap and closed eyelids. Invite, to meditation, while the tncense burns softly on and the candles flame brightly. This meditative Interval, like the others, last, an Indefinite time. Rising again, the Swaml opens a big book of maroon-covered leather, extracts a scarlet ribbon, the marker, which he places on a teakwood tabouret at the side of the platform, and reads In the same recitative tone he has employed for the opening prayer certain extract, from the sacred book of the east, the Bhagavad Gita, a portion of which always forms part of the Sunday morning services. Then, all rising, the Swaml pronounces the usual blessing, which ends the hour. Mav H who Is Ahura Maid a or the Xoroasirlans, Jehovah of the Jews, Father in Heaven of the Christians, Allah of the Mohammedans, budda of the Buddhists. Krishna, Divine Mother and Brahman of tne Hindoos, grant peace and blessings unto ail me lunuwun .-. - . - llglon of Vedanta. Peace! Peace! Peace! n-v.- MAMhinAn hr k 11 n Into twos and - - three., or stand singly while the swami ........ goe from one to another, holding tne sa- crea dook 01 v nd touching hands gently, with a fixed .mile 00 hi. thin Upa. I front row - ..... ram i.g ner 10 k wrner iiu wim .... r r- m"' ,u" n pounds that year, saying that $3,000 had gone to the sanatorium, 110.000 to the II- briny, $15,000 to the town hall, flO.Ono to the school of mines and 110,000 to the Klm- berley schools. None of this money helped the natives from whom It was taken, As far as I can sec, the natives are fairly wel1 treated by their employers. The sev- cral governments try to protect them, and pach has lt nallve labur Inspectors, who go through the mines, above and below ground, and report as to the treatment of the negroes. Nevertheless the white mine overseer la omnipotent and he can abuse the native if he will. I asked the Amer ican foreman of the underground woi kings of a mine In which 4,000 nesroes were em ployed whether ho could punish his nvn If they U1d not do as he wished. He replied: "There Is no trouble about that. If you want to mash tho face of a negro down hera all you have to do Is to see that you gt him alone In one part of the workings. You can treat him as you will and if he makes any complaint you can say he as saulted you. The word of the black man is never taken here as against that of the white man, and so we can run things about as we please." Kafir Lands. The Kahrs own land all over South Af rica. In many places tne lanu sun ne- longs to the chiefs, subject to the rights of their tribesmen, and the chief haB no right to sell pr trade it away.- In southern Rhodesia the nalivo commissioners assign the land for huts and grazing, giving each kraal so much. When Cecil Rhodes dlid he ordered that the natives on his farms be undisturbed, and large blocks ot gov ernment lands have been set aside for agriculture In different parts of Rhodesia. In Natal something like 8,000 acres were tranferred to a trust more than fifty years ago, and this trust was to give ail the rents and profits from It to one tribe. A few ytars later another native trust was given two million acres, and this In still administered for the Kafirs of Natal. Within the last few years the native lands have been fenced off from those of the Europeans, and the. boundaries betuven the tribes defined. In tiiat colony about one-half of the negroes live in kraals, on private lands, paying from $5 to $25 pet hut to the owners of their farms, which consist of from 1.500 to 5.0u0 acres each. One of these farms will have a group ot natives upon It, and the group will be governerd by Its hereditary chief or head man. Every kraal will cultlvato from formation that while the Vedantlc region does not embrace the confessional the swamia are called upon frequently in their capacity of uscettcs, celibates and mas ters to administer advice, sympathy and Instruction on the complicated results of human actions. "It would surprise you," she says, "to k"W llW nmny pe0P'U' trtt"tr8 10 Za XlP JTi "O SeeK COllSOialOn nnU litip. .lluuy IJl know how many people, strangers to the them admit that they have tried every thing, that they have wandered from sect to sect, from church to church, that every new religion Is eagerly w- ught and each In turn has proved inefficacious. "The strength of the Vedanta Is that It does not prescribe to all one special path by which to reach the ultimate goal of every religion. On the contrary, it recog nizes the varying tendencies of different m!n(is and guides each along the way best BUited to It." The awami, who has finished his lesson 0f consolation. Joins in the conversation, jj,, explains the moaning of tle Yoga classes, which are the sourco of much curi- oslty to the uninitiated. "The method of classifying human tend- eUciea Into tour grand division so that the teaching In each may be helpful to all Is called In Sanskrit 'Yoga,' " he says. "For Instance, there Is the Karma Yoga. "Tliia is what we teach at first to the western minds. It Is for the active man, for those who like to work, for the busy, everyday working man or woman. It teaches the secret of work and how to accomplish a maximum of labor with a mlnmium Io of .nergy "Th. largest part of the mental energy of the majority ot people in this country is needless waste by the constant rush of their daily lives, which is merely the result of a lack of self-control. The secret revealed by Karma Yoga teaches how to avoid this waste and also the nervous dis orders which are the outcome. "Then came Bhaktl Yoga. I find not only your women, but also the men, the busi ness and professional men, much In need of this teaching. It Is for those of an emotional nature. It Is the path ot devo tion and love. It teaches how to fulfil the purpose of life both here and heicaf lur. "The third Is Raja Yoga, the path of concentration and meditation. This field covers the whole psychic plane and de- scribes the processes by which the psychic poWer, Bro developed, such a. thought r , , ,, 7, reading, clairvoyance, clalraudience. the evolving of finer perceptions, the going out of the body, the curing of disease through mental power. Everything taught in such W(-,- ..,m... o- nlnlll h.ll " ., ' . I "h r tat I .i n fjMtnsM Ilia KnimnniiM mnVA. Christian oclencu, the Emmanuel move ment, have been taught as one clement of a great whule for generation aft. i genera tion by the believers and follower, of the Vedanta. "All the psychic powers which were dis played by Jesu. ot Nasarelh and which are tnrlav hv tha .o-eallaM nw Re. 'La - - . s r . , .-Aa-- , , . ZT, , India ChrUt a rt5 five to ten acres of land, and the remainder Is used for grazing In common. I had a good chance to see something of the wilder Kafirs during my stay in Matabh land and Bechuanaland, and I also met strange tribes who are allied to them In northwestern Rhodesia. Nearly all the natives live In what are known as kraals. These are little mud vllllages, sur rounded by mud walls or fences of brush. Among the Zulus these kraals are cir cular in shape, with the rattle pen In the center, and the huts running around It. In Matebeland they are somewhat Irreg ular, and In other regions they are built like a horseshoe with a cattle kraal near the opening. The cattle are herded during the. daytime and are always kept In the kraals at night. The kraal usually contain all the houses of the village. There are Of dif ferent shapes In different localities. In Matabeland they consist of a framework of twigs woven together and plastered wltn mud, and In Zuzuland they are thatched down to the ground. In many parta of Rhodesia the houses are made of a framework of sticks, smeared with the clay from the white ant hills. This Is a natural cement, and Is used for all sorts of buildings. In that country the negroes have granaries of mud, and they also make pigeon houses of It and put them on high poles to protect the birds from the wild animals and dogs. The ordinary granary Is the size of a hogshead or larger. It has a hole In one side, which Is stopped up with clay after the grain is put In. In Zuzuland the grain Is kept In huge baskets Inside the huts. In a kraal like this one man owns sev eral houses, corresponding to his num ber of wlvea. In the principal hut he will live with the "great wife," and on the right ot that will be the hut for the spouse known as "the wife of the right hand," while on the left will be that devoted to the "wife of the ancestors," whose child ren are supposed to carry the honors of the family. If there are other wives their huts are. built farther over. Each wife Is supposed to own ier hut and the husband divide-, his time with all. In the same way each wife has her own garden or fleW, which she cultivates, and for which she alone Is responsible. The women do ull the planting, hoeing and reaping, and the more wives a man has to work for him the richer he Is, As far as the stock Is concerned, this is usually cared for by the men. Milking nothing new. But we do not overempha size peculiar cult; we do not believe In the constant obsession of the mind by the thought of disease, even though the heal ing of the disease is the ultimate reason for that obsession. "It Is in Raja Yoga that the wonderful system of breathing Is taught, whose ef fects are nut unknown to the mental heal ers of the west, but it doe. not cease to warn Its students that the attainment, of any of these powers Is not a sign of spirit uality. "Jnana Yoga is the fourth method. It is the path of right knowledge and dis crimination. It Is for those i;o are of a philosophic nature. It explains the funda mental principles of spiritualism; tells us how the soul exists after deatli and under what conditions, describe, how the earth bound are reincarnated, taking human form again and again. It expounded the law of correspondences ages before Swed enborg was born." The only other resident swami at the Vedanta society at present besides Swaml l'araniunada Is Swami AbhedanoJida, who delivers a special course of lectures dur ing the winter and holds the Yoga classes for members only. - Swaml Abhedananda was sent here to cany on the work that was left in a flour ishing condition, by the visits of Vive kenanada and Saradanda the termination of the names "ananda" meaning bliss. It was due to his efforts that tne Vedanta so ciety In New York has become so pros perous an lnsiltutlon He ha. been as sisted from time to time by oUier brother monks ent from Calcutta, who have es tablished In their wanderings a large tem ple in San Francisco and homes In Pitts burg. Cleveland and Los Angeles. Two yeais ago Bwaml Abhedananda railed tor IndUa and returned with Swaml Para niananda, who has shared the work of the society ever since. Their stay here is In definite. The latter goes on tc say: "1 am asked if the Bwamls are mission aries oftentimes. No indeed, It would be very foolish for us to come here to tell you what you need, but we are her to show the truth of our own faith and lis identity with the fundamental truths of all other religions, for Vedanta, which means 'end of wisdom," embraces the ultimate con clusions of the greatest philosophers of all countries and the ideals ot every special religion of the world." "And you do consider the Vedanta," Is asked, "the superior of all the new creeds, that of Christian Science, the Emmanuel movement, mental healing?" The Bwaml smiles his Inscrutable smile and waves his long, slim finger, toward the bookcase, lined with oriental phlloso pnies. "The answer to that question 1. to be found tbeie." Then he "julutly glide, from the room, his exit being watched by the eyes of the members, who follow the last sprlcot told until It disappears around the curve of the staircase. Then the member, pas. in turn Into the meditatiuu room, where a tew moments of acrenlty are enjoyed before they seek the stir and buaue of the outer world. -. ' V i I I A KAFIR KRAAI ""mi -Vn-'e n t'", : fit ar5 '.. I ft :r;:i!iw& J l - L- a x'i ii'ii i - w aA fc WIVES OF time Is at 11 o'clock In tho morning, and then the men, stark nuked, do the milking, They take the milk In water-tight baskets to their huts and pour it into skin bags, where It la allowed to stay until It fer- ments. The Kaffirs never drink fresh Quaint Features of Life A Soldier's Will. atHARL.ES A. Ml'HUAY, a civil I i I war veteran of Vineland, N. J., I j I died last month. His will has Surrogate Thompson. Murray lived amid tho arid wastes of pioiuo.uon Vineland, over which Dr. Jo seph A. Conwell formerly presided as mayor. In his will Is this paragraph: "I give and bequeath to my pious Pres byterian friend, mayor, doctor, druggist, preacher and all-around saint, Joseph Con well, the sum of $u to buy two gallons of fair to middling whisky for the use and delectation of himself and brethren. It may be a revelation to some of them, and possibly give them the rudiments of a lib eral education." Murray was popular with his comrades of the war, and he made them this be quest: "I give, bequoath and devise to Lyon post No. 10, Department of New Jersey, Grand Army of the Republic, the sum of $12 to buy some fun even if they have to jump the aquarium to get it. Their time Is getting short, so they had better get a move on." He left $15 to the children of a nephew with which to buy candy, but thla be quest was later revoked by codicil. An other bequest was: "To all my other friends and relatives I leave my blessing and assurance that I will do all 1 can f jr them up there aa soon as I find where I am at." Dories His Lear la Advance. Anxious that In case he should die his body should be burled ull together and not In separate places, Thoma. Nolan, 31 years oil, of 213 East Ninety-fifth street, New York City, whose left foot and leg up to the knee were amputated In Rello vue a few days ago, sent an undertaker to the Bfllevue morgue to get the ampu tated leg. and had him bury It In a burial plot already secured by Nolan In Holy Cross cemetery, Flatbush. The regular red tape had to be gone through the same as though a body were being taken from the morgue for burial. Dr. Johnson had to slj-n a death certifi cate for the amputated jiart or Nolan be fore the undertaker was permitted to take it away. It was placed In a small white coffin and buried In the cemetery. Indiana Man Leads the Way, - While the light holds out to burn, all tha old sinners may return. A stricken butcher Of Warsaw, Ind., has confessed and wishes to mal.e restitution, which shows that even the Indiana sinners are not beyond hope. The dispatches recite that Frank Pperra, a former resident of Akron, Ind., haa in serted in the newspupers there this an nouncement: "I want to make restitution and beg par don of the people through the newspapers. When X waa in the butuber business lu m rnmM y v. 'i 0 A CHIEF. , milk, but they eat this koumls or fer- minted milk with their boiled grain or mush. They always have their big meal at noon, when the men eat first, and the women ami children take what Is left, FRANK O. CARPENTER. Akron I mixed tallow with lard and sold It to my customers. I ask all ot these peo ple to forgive me of tho offense, and If there are any who are not satisfied wltn Just forgiving me, If they will send me a statement of the amount that they think they were wronged, honestly between God aiul man, I will make all wrongs right." Mary Jo's Sign. Small Mary Josephine Dittrlck saw for the first time last week a piece of white crape on the front doorbell of a house, and, asking her mother what It was, was told: "That's a sign for the dead." Mrs. DH trick was away from her hume for a while next day. Returning, she saw on her own door bell a cluster of crapo. "My baby! What havo you done?" cried Mrs. Dittrlck. "1 put out a lgn for the dead," said the Innocent one. "I thought If I put out a sign somebody that', dead would see It and come to seo us." With flowers from a parlor vace, a strip of linen, and a string, "Mary Jo" had fashioned her "sign." Squirrels Fight for Nats. "This Is going to be a long and very 0"ld winter," prophesied Abram Pennyman, a Bound Brook (N. J.) farmer. The squirrels know It, and they are laying In an extra store of chestnuts. "About twenty squirrels attacked my farm hand when he was up a tree picking chestnuts and bit him so badly he needed a doctor. BqulrreU attacked a neighbor's boy. He killed two with a club, but the others only went for him mure savagely. "Squirrels never attack any one unless tho nut crop is small like this one, and theie's a hard winter ahead." F.vrry l.oarr Is Philosophic. "Well, 1 gueiM It's back to tho workshop for me." Martin Hallorun of Kansas City, a sta tionary engineer who wus robbed of $,8o0 hy footpads near Fourteenth street and Grand avenue, was philosophical about hi. lui-8 "I made that money by mighty hard work," he said. "It was the saving, of many year, of economy and industry. But I um not broke. I guess I have enough money to keep me from starving to death until I can find a job. Hut It's pretty hard to walk the streets hunting for Work at my time of life." Fateful Foreboding. Fortune Teller You an a murrlel man. Your trout leu always come In pulr. lie ware of a laige blonde. handsomely dressed woman. Your wife Is small and dark and the large blonde woman Is go ing to cn-alt disaster and dissension In your family. Man patron (with a sigh) Yts, I know. ' That's the big French doll the twins are going to quarrel about when they gut ll ut ClirUliiiMS because I couldu't get 'em uue aiuoo. baluiuore AmMiua - r fl t 1 fW