B THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBER fi. 1008. jj CORN SHOW BOOSTERS W J, a. . ; . l E PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Nebraska's Importance at the National Corn Exposition is worth considering, be cause Nebraska is one of the greatest agricultural states in the Union. And Nebraska Farmers have prospered within the last few years as those in no other state. Todaj, to the man who has saved a few dol lars in the office or the factory, or to the farmer's son who wants to invest in land where it can be bought at a reason able figure, and where the crops, within a very short time, will pay for the land, there is no other section of the coun try which presents as favorable an opportunity as the Famous North Platte Valley The Union Pacific is rapidly pushing to completion its railroad through this valley, and irrgated Valley land which today is selling at $30 to $30 per acre, will increase within the next few years to $100 and $150 per acre. Improved lands along the. railroad on each side of the lands we are offering, are selling for these prices today. We have an excursion every day from Omaha. Call at our office or write us for a free map of Nebraska showing the location of these lands, and general informa tion regarding the North Platte Valley. First Floor N. Y. Life Building, Omaha, Nebraska. I LYNCH BROS Y- r PiUMlHiG AND EMM TT .U.12JJL 11 ii ill Vi U3ooo 705 South 16th Street. Tel. Douglas 1477 Printing with character at the most consistent prices is what we give our cus tomers, and they will tell you how much more effective this kind of printing is compared with some you have received. The same argument holds good as to your office furniture. We have a stock that is up to the minute, at prices that will surprise you. Anchor Publishing Co. 312 South 18th St. T Doug. 3562 M. 31 A-2562 ' IT "TATl i vi tii i in v naiiuii iu mi nit 1 v-uui 111 vi v.uui'. viau- W ing the Corn Show to call and inspect our line of trunks, bags, suit cases and all manufactured leather goods. We are the only exclusive wholesale trunk and leather goods house west of Chicago Trad Mark. Buy from your Home Market and save money on cost of goods and freight rates. Make our store your headquarters while in Omaha. POPE TRUNK AND LEATHER. GOODS CO. "If It'm made of leather we have it." 1003 Form am Street. Absolutely No Goods Sold at Retail. OMAHA'S WONDERFUL INSTITUTION I Dlseasis Cur id Without Drugs it THE BLOMQVIST INSTITUTE Sulli, 230-24 Pnton Block. WHAT IT IS I Thi Treatment The Blomqvlst Institute has been mtabllsliod nine yearn In Omaha and in a thorough Ijr tried and sureeKgful nystem of treating nervous di.Meaiie, rheumatism, stomach, kidney and liver trouble and all acuta and chronic aliments. A long list of eures of former Omaha sufferers are to Its credit and are offered as n-fer-rnce. Or. Bowen's Telepathic Diagnosis Pr. Bowen, who is one of the phy sicians In charge, has spent years of study In perfecting his system of Telepathic IMagnosls. He Is ahle to tell the past or present ailment of any patient by holding their hand In his tor a few minutes. The system of diagnosis Is so per fect that It Is Impossible for the doc tor to make an error, and, by his system, he Is positively able to tell the nature of any patient's past sick ness, no matter' how long previous) The system of treatment con.Mti Of German and Swedish massage, the Swedish medical movement cure, the Nauhelm movement. Hydrotherapy and suggestive Therapeutics. Mrs. Dr. Henda will treat laules who prefer trestment by a lady practloner. Elaborate Facilities For Treating All Ills The offices consist of an tmmensn suite of private rooms, each fully equipped with electric mnsMuge appa ratus for treating rheumatism, stom ach and liver complaints, nervous dis eases and all acute and chronic all lflenls. There Is the latest Improved medi cated vapor bath appliances and a specially provided room for Klvlng electric anil ozone treatments, so beneficial and Invigorating to people physically run down. FREE CONSULTATION AND CONFIDENTIAL ADVICE DOCTORS R. B, BENDA and G. W, M, BOWEN MANAGERS Tel. Douglas 190. Suits. 230-24 Paxton Block t For the best results from your advertising expenditure the ad vertising must appear in THE BEE While the Corn Show visitors are in Omaha advertising in THE BEE will increase your Christmas trade. Call Douglas 238 for an expert to advise and assist you in preparing your copy. Western Reference & Bond Ass'n, The Connecting Link v Betwaen Employers and Employes Employers furnished com petent employ es for high grade podithins without trouble or expense. Employes of ability fur n I s h e d high grade position on short notice. OFFICES OMAHA I KANSAS CITT. 731-93 H. T. X.lf MO. I Building. 303 Soarrltt Bldg. 'Fhonai Douglas 4383. IRVIN A. MEDLAR CO., Printers k Straight Talk On Printing Does your business stationery represent or misrepresent you? It is poor -economy to weaken the force of your message by the use of cheap printing matter. We produce the best in the printing line. Personal, intelligent treatment to every job and a square deal to every customer. Sixteen years in business in Omaha. Now located in our own new building at 414 So. 14th Street. Colorado Irrigated Lands 3 $o00.00 certificate given one who makes largest number of words out of Colorado Land. This certificate is good for $300.00 on the purchase of any quarter-section of our Colo rado land Call at our exhibit at Cora Show, Auditorium, and see products of this land. Location of land 15 miles from Den ver. Soil and irrigation best in the state; rents readily for $10.00 an acre. ... Our Denver office sold a quarter million dollars' worth ' of this land the past 90 days. It will double in value by next June. National Investment Co. I 8-2 BRANDEIS BUILDING OMAHA, NEB. -a 3 2 2 HERE'S CHANCE TO GET COIN Finlander Writes to Omaha People to "Touch" Him. WANTS LINE ON GRAIN MILLING la Course of Ilia l.elr He Throws Out the (ienera,! Invitation, .rrr Kail to Touch Me." Impecunious Omaha reslJrnts if there are any auch should not full to take ad- j anta-e of the Invitation which Alexander llaltls of Abo, Finland, Inadvertently holds out in a letter to the Commercial club. Mr. Ualtis, It will be remembered, wrolu hero akklna for Information about Omaha grain mills. In Ills letter Mr. UaltU ex presses his thanks for Information received and urges the club to keep htm uosted. saying. "Never fall to write and to touch me." The epistle runs as follows: ABO. FINLAND, Nov. 21, li-To the Commercial Club of Omaha, Hear Sirs: Herewith 1 beg to acknowledge the receipt of your favor of the 6l lust., the content of which had my beat attention and tor which I thank you very much. With the name mall I am answering to Mr. T. ti. Hiake, manager of tlio Maney Milling company, as well a to the I pdtku company or Omaha and would be very much pleased if some busmeaa Let ween all of us in the near future would result. 'leae keep the name of my liouxo well before ou, and should the occasion be, jiever fsll to write end touch me. Thanking you again for your promptness and always at your services, 'I beg to re main, dear aiis, yours verv truly, ALKXANDKK UALTIS. It Is not In the least unlikely that busi ness between Omaha and Abo will result, as tho outcome of the oorrespondence. The Ualtis firm Is one of the largest importers of grain In the Russian empire tjnd repre sentatives Pf the Omaha companies named said Satudray that the price propositions of Mr. Pallia are such that they can fill his orders. $11,000. The building is occupied by a whip factory at the present time. BELT LINE DEAL COMPLETED Bowinan-Krants Lumber Company Mill llnlld f Coal Yards There. The payment of taxes on several lots at Forty-tirst and leaven worth by the Bow-Man-Krantz Lumber company reveals the fact that ncKotlatious by this company for a Bite on the Hell line have been com pleted. Tho lots are on Vanderkopf ter race. No. 17-a. The Missouri Hlver Lum ber company In which U..H. Krants of tin Howmau-Krantz company Is heavily Inter ested Is said to be negotiating for prop erty on the Holt line. It is said that tho Bowmaii-Kraiitz company will put in a mod ern coal yard on the property acquired. This Is tho third company to buy propi-rty on the Kelt line within two weeks and It is known that other are contemplating a similar move. Samuel lUvltx has bought of Sophia Ieh' man the property at Klghteenth and Chi cago for $.5u) now occupied by n small frame, house. It is said that Kavltx will build apartments ou his purchase. V. J. Wley lias sold to Ellen M. Reynolds two lots between Martha and Castellar on Thirteenth street. The consideration is HASKELL CASE THE FIFTEENTH! suit for auou.ooo Alleged l.lbel Against Hearst I Set for New Date. The answer day in the case of diaries N. Haskell against William Randolph Hearst for $'Xi.u-t damages ha been continued to Iccember 15. The answer was originally sot for December 7. The case was first filed In the United States circuit court, November 6. A motion of the defendents to strike the petition from the files because of Insufficient verification was filed November and on the same day a motion was filed requiring the plain tiff to separately state the cause of action. No step have thus far been taken toward remanding the case by the plaintiffs. BOTH LEGS BROKEN. ONE GONE Fute of fouueil Hlaffa Man Who I Hnn Over hy Train In Omaha. W. A. Smith of Council Hluffs had both leg broken below the knee Friday night when he fell from an Illinois Central train on which hu was working In the Omaha yard and had the wheel pasa over his limbs. One leg had to be amputated by Dr. Rich, who attended Smith at St. Joseph- hospital. The shock iiKUUned make the case qulto serious an It Is not yet known whether tho man Is out of danger. Ife ha a wife and chil dren living In Council SHALL POOR FARM BE SOLD' Two County Commissioners Oppose Sale of Anything. FAVOR SEPARATE INSTITUTIONS l re. However, 4 (trees with the rnnd Jury In Advocation Male of I'roperly ov I ed aa 1'oor Fsrin, Agreeing with the grand Jury In its rec ommendations that the county hospital and county poor farm bo conducted as separate institutions and that the county buy a location some distance from the city for poor farm purxses. memiMis of the Hoard of County Commissioners do not think It wise to Bell uny of the holdings in the city at this time. The grand jury In its ropor't recommended the sale of a large part of the land now used for the ioor farm, characterizing Die retaining of tliis valuable tract as poor business. The commissioners appreciate the fact that they could secure a much larger block of ground equally as well adapted to the liecda of a p .or farm, farther from the city for considerably less than what the present location could be sold for, but they think it would be better l bold the land longer and wait for a higher price. "We have this land. It is costing u nothing new; what's the use of being in a hurry about selling it?' said Chairman Kennard of tho lxttrd. "I would be in favor of hanging onto the land which ur- rouiiilH the county hospital for twenty years If necessary and then when we do sell It. why, sell it for $l.('J,tieO. If wo hold it long enough wo can sell It for j enough to pretty nearly wlpo out the j county debt.' Member Hruning unices with the chair man in this and says that If the county will construct a pretty boulevard through the land that tho1 land will "go out of sight" in valuation and tho county can then sell It at, sonic date fur ill the future for many times what it would bring now, even though were the land Bold today hu be lieves It would bring a good price. The county hospilal Is located at For tieth street and Poppleton avenue, but a short distance from Hanscom park and consldu. ably inside the city limits. "For my part. I think we might as well sell this property now as any time, and I a--; roe with the grand Jury that It ought to be sold." suid Commissioner I 're. "We could get a good enough prl e right now. Hut there Is no use in talking about this question at tills time, as nothing could be done for a year any way, even should it lie finally decided by tlx- board that the sale of the "properly would be advisable. It could not be sold without a vote of thi. peop e. It would be folly to call a special election for the pu pose, and tile next gen eral e!ei lion will nut he for a year." All the hoard members are hi favor of dividing the county hospilal and tho county poor farm and buying land for the latter farther from tho city where a sufficient tract could be secured, comparatively cheap, to make tho farming of It worth while. ! Tills system would h ave more room In the hospital buildings for those who are sick and enable tho giving of better cure to I them. GAS MEN TO MEET IN CHICAGO ( lalmuah anal Other from Omaha Will Attend the Commercial Convention. CI. W. Clabaugh, general manager of the Omaha Gas company; K. If. Martin, com mercial agent and W. E. Davis, manager of the South Omaha branch of the gas company, will leave Monday evening for Chicago to attend the annual convention of the National Commercial Uas associa tion, which will be held at the Auditorium Annex in Chicago December ii, 9 and 10. The association Is composed of the men who represent the progressive American manufacturer of stoves and other fuel appliances, lighting fixtures and supplies. Gas men from all over the country who are Interested In the commercial development of the Industry will be present. At the same time in Chicago, December 7 to 12. several hundred manufacturers of stoves, appliance and fixtures will give an ex position at the First regiment armory In Chicago, under the auspices of the association. increase of $3,145,Hj.55 over the correspond ing week of a year ago. Hunk clearing" are quite generally taken aa a good barom eter of business and the remarkable in crease of 3i per pent shows that buslnen Interests havo gained confidence sine tho republican vic tory on election day. BANK CLEARINGS STILL RISE Omaha Ilnslnras a llrfleeted lu .Mirror la Meadlly on Ihe Increase. 'Ibis The bank clearing of the Omaha bank as reported th ougli the Omaha Clearing , House association continue to show bg 'gains and week after week give indications of a general Increase of the business in 'thi section of the country. Tho clearing for the calendar week just clovod show an FREE DISPENSARY FOR POOR Latest Rraneh of Nodal Krttlement and Mission Will He Opened on .Monday. The free dispensary Is the newest branch of the Omaha settlement and mission work, two such departments now being main tained in t lie city. Fur the last six month the City Mission at Tenth and Capitol aveniio has dispensed free medical atten tion, Dr. K. A. Van Fleet being in charge. Tiio cost of drugs Is necessarily heavy and for the benefit of the Mission and tills de partment "Oliver Cromwell," presented recently under the auspices of Kountzo Memorial church, will be repealed Iccem her 17 and IX, at the Lyric theater. Monday the Social Settlement on south Fourteenth street will open a free dispen sary. It will be In charge of Dr. James 8. Goetz, Dr. J. F. Hyde and Dr. Baylor and will be open between 12:30 and 1 :'.. Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Miss Njii Dorsey of li e VIsKing Nurse's 'asso ciation will also give her services. A small charge will have to lie made for tho drugj for the present, but other aitentlon will be free. Frlublfnl Cnnim 'of the stomach, liver torpor, lame back' and weak kidneys are overcome by Klcc- irie Kilter. Guaranteed. tOa I Drug Co. Baaloa