1 r, THE OMAHA SUNDAY BFX: PECEMBLK 0. ltf. C0R5 EXPOSITION PROGRAM SOltX JtAIS PODTTS i i . . k!' fe Cabort. sxd AttxtttiTt Er.trUia next Anujti JfCCH TO EE D0D.O XTEEY DAT rU ttat af ttiu, iilmm, Mwrt eaJ aad Otker ri sgiaa. la Ofl etaJly JknrH y Ma aeewt ( EiyMltlM. XsTttaa a t aA'tiortaa ana a. tty-aifM ataa vta ktara as aOilta. Caaaaa aa4 X&rtaat viU 1 J X r I -Xaikfia Dishes i WILL ffrre every hour from noon until m. tac day this wttl ITALIA y bFAtiHETTI ri i n i j n J. XEXICAX Vtra Crux. CHILI ai CH1XL6E CHOP 5 I E Y at nnic in II mg A'if.p. r'i'i'd ritiUny r' Corn S'tMr at irt;.f.J la mJof my Pooler rd if 14:SfAFJlM STREET UFSTA RS Visitors lo the Corn Show Millard Hotel Far Your Approval Tt-leifcoD. Su-.m Ht and Rua- aing Water In ttt room. AmxrVan Pla 2.00 Per Day and op. Europe-aa Plan S1.00 Per IaT and op. Thirteenth and iKmtrla SuwC. ROME MU.I.r K. Merchants Hotel.... 15th &nd Farnam American Pla.i Only RATRS. K2.00 PER DAT. Mom On trail y Located Trail -fint HotH t the City. Oar d:rci from all depot to Mock. Irora Exposition. Bffnuii I'eter, Prop. Ok SPECIAL Family Dinner 50c 12:30 to 2 P. M. HAMILTON'S CAFE 24th and Farnam St. Sotith lSth St. TAKLK D'HOTE D1XSKK 50 CENTS From 11 to 6 p. m. Soup tLicken Pr..tt. with Rice.. or Cra3i of Torr,avo. C.er -livea File', of Po. Ma?r'jerette. F's-ri p .ifcitnt Flit l o! ttef. biru K. Roa.t Fprir a.K'tcr.. Giblet Faure MaafHd Ptiio Gre-n Pw Ice C:erri Nebpoman Cat-a j C-offee Te,; Milk Cocoa. Icen.ber 1K I I Freri'-r, f - --t Cullre. C. W. MlUIaOI, rrow. Roast CliIcRcn Dinner TODAY. SOr. TABLE d'HOTE 4(K Rf?Tilr tverer. 2 be to H'C. Orn All Iay. DODGE SslKLKT LI XCHFON I'nstairs !:( Dcre tt. Uneeda Quick Lunch You Know You Do. UUK MOTTO: C'en!:r.t.s aii-j tjuiok Service. 1507 Capitol Av.e. Fixa Restaurant" Y-a.wra ta tba Oortg Ttw xcak .u alao y - tr bexca. 1 Royal Restaurant Ta Beat Cao ey axA Tat Cmi aaau. aanuu Siaaaa. Up-to-date Sarrlxia. CM AS. frlMG. Fraau 1311 Boxlaa. r.-a'-i'H4rwT4i FECIAL li: u:VA1 ried Spring Chicken 15c 21$ Si. m 11 JiJ.llflvRJ I j .tit Za& St. B j The Home of Visitors ! MURRAY Cr. Hi. Hi Eintj Sts. Omaha. AMERICAN PLAN BM aad -5C, &ATX. S2J and IriUT Saspla DODGE HOTEL 13lh Dodge Street. AMERICAN and EUROPEAN Plans rrXaJC KXiTIB. AS OatJDAa mooma. txzot Cara to AS Parta of taa City. XVocatad ta Xoart of City. TrmrrtW ooa aVra- ooaabla. Rome Vineyard One of the attractions 0 Omaha is ths Vineyard Renovcned at the horns of Eoyal rewlsrt in Gorgeous Dinner. Leaving the Corn Show by the jackson St- exit. j are itilkin a. jeo step of this famous place. Visit it. 1 6th SL and iacksoa St. a! CORN SHOW Vlaitora aid travellr.p put Ur look ing for comfort atd fol imt. try The Her Grand Hotel lata a&4 All ERICAS A EIBO.EAJV N $188 and op d $1.10 aid op Half block from Corn Stow main entrance. Tbe only firat clasa hotel In Omaha en th Ainerlcaa plan Spieniid cuilTe Eery rocdem ooti enien'. tirant Turki.b but a Courteous exopicyeea. J. V. HILL, Jr., Prop. f a. a. vtausa The Orient Chili Parlor Carp atuy, fh1ai Seotflao. at.xcaa and Xtaliaa Iiahaa. After Taaatar Dlaboa a Spadalty. SHELL MSB t SlAS0. tla Aoata 14th wtrwat. raoaa. J-1M taa. AAC14. rtMTCLaM 111 XM VOMBBUVIUM Table d'Hote Dinner AT THE CHESAPEAKE Hll'-i: HOWARD STREET. SUNDAY FRr'M 11 A M TO I P M 1'it.ner Ik. Vu.ic by Mace Orcheatra Sot.ra tv Mr Hatgaur TableD'Hotc Dinner -AT- IShe Calumet 1411I3 Oouglaa Street Hummcl's ! Special Turkey j Dinner, 35c 1405 DouqUi St. GAMERAPHONE ihEUK BICLWLVC SlABl) JAMES J. MORTON E1BSCM GIRLS' SEXTET CAMLRSM AMD GORDOH Ulostrftled Songs aid Silent Pidores diaalaartwa. 10c. a : t Th official program for lb ae-rcraj j ! day. rf the National Com exposition, held : la Oui-a Ieoer.bw ta i. Lav tw , ' announced by the exposition mitirwaMit. I i Aaud from addrtaaea by a boat of d.gni- 1 lark of the gTeattrt ret station, taunc 1 g jw club, oralcrtc-al band, will piar ' a irucnlornt part u lie fiiwxaJTirrjf t.t fcl ; fla-icra Tb full prcrram foliptrt: Oaalm U.T, Dm. j Ci;4 U i-r&rT lX lv.ti Ij J.'tJi L Ken- , aedy . c hazrmaa. ' W -Bjc Amrnra," G-:rf Grwo an J hi batid i itvexa'aon kj- Chancellor E. Benjamin j Aiirdi. Vetera. ijp cf Ntbratka en,T cS Ntraa A3dr?i i.n bai;f of lb. ipc Uon . Prtdijt O. W. W atUa Ntrtaa Cc.iitf cf Arlrulture. Add7ia It iiwr 1. Fun of KliiiMa. prr,6orii Nator.kJ Cora aa.-iaucin, ' i"ur Nan .tiaj Corn Anfccaticn " Aiir by I'rof. P. S HC'Mfn, a Co.kf e of ArriniJTU't. Pj.-f,-(J i-.fci.i,r. AJTERNC-N. I I :S" CoTJwrt ty G-o:se Grr5 arxl h'.s barid, a iuil;- . jMarcb Hjffc R(b'0 Cn.dl ..Stua 1 Iano A RuraJ Ft!uvaJ.. .'. Itv I W a-'j 3:.)d3 Sa:t1 HaiJ fauoi Tb G-uttrd Mcurt lii.tTg ! A ui itk b J- end t arntea 'rili (s Ja"i.cm atre-t entraM-t. ; EVENING BAND CONCERT. At p m. t.Sfr m-lil b a band conrrt by O-cTf Jrtf.a a3 Li barid. Prccram 1 aa lol)c: ; Ma.rrb Rival Parr Alfxanap- i winui-and PaTjt fcui'T iritrttit( itUf Alr.klM Brx;tx ftei-tioo-6c.uibrn Maiiaticm Wt)-..d.ea I r0r,u-n9 ! ORATORIO BOCIETT CONCERT At t p. m. the Oratorio aocx-ty .vnr-ert inriude af)"Uur frcim tbe "Hjaaa- : tba Wddti. Foam ' atd from Rij. dr. ' Autumn SStaaon." Ira L: Fmrarnaja. Ai 1 mt;T. furr.ifrb Uie lolioirir.e jrog-rairj : Cb. rua-Jt rt ui, the lcuor Tica i. .. Ktydn Tbe SotK-ty Part SoTig Oon-it-, Gtnu tprii.f Ha? in ! Four women and ft-ur men. ! Chorua fcanijet ore from H:aira- I ibaa Wedding Fart Colerxlre-Taylor I Tbe S'.cirty. ; Soio Chorua Two axcerpta frorn The I Wii.( Feaat Coienife-TaTlor I a Tbe iesear a Ian of Fau Pua Kewi. iti lac-o. the Roartful Story Te-'.W 5un-Ooclrur-it. Good nip bu Boloved I Pauti Vixed TC'ioea. , CiorTja Tte huijtit sotf from Tit &raaui Haydn Tbe Socle-ly. " . Ir, one of the hall, of the x jioait otj at f . c'OfKx tb-re Till be a ce-jeraj r-j'tKn to : cflioera of the con; exj-;t:soa. ir iud:nf : 1 preajdwita from tl.e :at and olti. cr of the National Corn asacx-iailon. Aa-rlrmltwrwl Day, Dec Itt. j Tie ;r.u of agricultural dty niii be to I rtdent to Vbe j:eMic of 'Praadez,t Rooatre-jt a Oour,try Comttiasion. ' which aiil a -.Iran j'roturjent meji froso all i ; Quarter. Tt-rt wi.i i a r.u.ter of I 1 oou:eret.ca f'r tb oor.ni df rauoa of tba , rviyxt of "Life on the Farm , Muaic March From the N.btlunfen. .. Warner Juif-f tam of in Agrirultur oo.re land ntueiia WierrfTom. Wf ether ,u i atudetnta from h.th aobfxl, will do much I of tbelr work on thia day. ' IN li.CtftT tlALL 30 A. M Addren. ty Sir Horace P:-inkelt, member tnua Pan-aiueTil. M uaio Mlity aeiec tion, popular mejodoea An addreaa by Samuel H. f n-.rth of the Chicag-o board of Trad. Siil.wrt: 'The rttn,rnJ Gradir of Graar;. iiuyiag and &i.iiia Vpon the nrd of Trade " M ua.c PairoJ Tur kia r. MichatU AFTERNOON. llulli by George lirtz: and l.lp band T;.e College Ttll (Chiracterirtic i . .Zamcx.ik Cn er-tur Frcrrri I'awn lo Twilat. .Btr.nut Fe.Loe i ranaoaot ta i li.tt) "Tbe Jameatown Ra." ifj-.aae Xnitrj- eai Lea March The Bnde Eject Soj.a WaJta Tne Goidea Suij-t Ual InLermeaxo RomanUque Hainoa Ctrture Rerruc k Pupoiar LjuT 1 S-.'uibern Beautie uharacterunjc two-atep Johr.aoa GEE CLVB CONCERT. I P. M. Coooeri by Double Quartet of the Glee club, L"nJvtra;ry of Nebraata. Calleae aal HJ.sk Wk.l Day, Frt4ay. IN CONCERT HALL Addrena by a repreae.ntai:ve of the re part.ii)t-nt of A)fTcuituxe. proba-biy lut aa ..autct r-tarj'. It. Wlbaa Haya. Muait. March The Pnnoe of the Pialna laibey Addroa by Hon. W. R. Mellor. Bfcretary of the Nebraaaa Siaxe Board of Af ncul ture. Muaic Poppiea Japaneae Romaticei Morel Meruia of Board of Rerenia. Uc:vere.:y cf NUraaka. I Muaic Tr. &-:oety Swln" FVsuntaen j Mr. Fux.k it arraiirifis cUr evexla tjt 1 tt.is day a proxrm. S.pr.ai ei-racfinent of the Amea, Ia i Aru.ulture coilere band. ! AFTERNOON, j Mutic by Georfe oieen arid hi band. "The New T:pperary." Cr.arac:tr;:ie lriaE Twe-&:epi Fui'.on a:id HeJf "Cx.ardfca La.l Love," .Hut-rarac Theme . Braxam Overture The Fall of Jertea.. Ma-liOCJiai.d "frweetmeata. " iA Kkf Twe-svtpi W enrich Evening In concert hall. . p M ncert by Giee club. Vniveraity of Neora, PART ONE. C 'liege pong; Btem Song. B uilard Glee Club Beaton Ideal Cramer Mandol a Orchenra. ChaAaoa Du Toreador Biaet B. B. G ill a;.)- it Lul.aSy b On Tn Bea -. Glee Club. BorxSer Ballad - ErtkJ7i ... Bu.k Cowan Georaw Johnaon. Whiatlsr.g Solo ! ! G. J Ireland. Lanitg-hiing Gntg G ee rxib PART TWO MINSTRELffT. Cc-.e4.ina: Jaa.arr.me G W Wllliani C'rjreu. E R Kari.ly Cudima Eflward Jornaton Katia Murray eich Ji.r.nr.y L. J T KlrkLS Pan.y iMerl-K-mor. B. B. Mu.jcai number! G R. Savin Gllnapie. ("n-enir.g Criorut Ri'tnea and Juliet . . Mew. S'ahl Ireland and Club Canp Meeting Time j JatKarr.me. Orrl.eua. Cudoma. Raatua. j Jof.r.ry. P ar.j ; "Goodbye Mr. Greesihax-k M C. French I Maaaaa In de Cold. Cold Ground , J. A. Mouid and Ioubie Quartet Tm Go'r.g Away" Cudoma rn -elng C-KTu. G.ieraen' Day. Satarday, Dee. IS. In concert hall. 1'J a. m L. erti Crour ae. Chairman.. I AJd'eM hy George L. Srieldor.. Governor !f Nebrafcka- Ujii1 A ru erica Wiegaxd A acrrtj tj E. W. Koch. Goven, iA ( K r aa. Adlreaa by Warren Garat. Gcn-ernor ef a-bect, ' Nncea.1'.)' for Icprcned F m Cond.uon I rem a Nauonai tetaaa- ! pc.'.nt. Muaic Med. tauoa I r hara rterlaUc 1 M omaon Addreat by E. B. Brcoaa, Gen.ur of Wyoming Mua-. March at u Twelfth Reg-imer.t AFTERNOON. Afterti.-icri and evtemg wUl Y devoted to lraieri.al eocteiiea. fur w'Mcn eAtoral pro-g-a-T are being a-' ranged , U.aic ty George Green aad hu baivd- I Mrrh Tr.e Free Lance Souaa : aiediey b etK.n 1M. Calvia i Mtey of Lcee tFaataai.) Erigelmana Tl Paaang Ragiaatnt- Corcrjy EVEN IX 3 Spirit lEvadUf (.March Am 1c ax)... Braid TU pramta Uat la 400 ta eaaa. ra-TtakM trvyay for tXOM la roX- Tvtal Ooor epaea for aaaiMM aBOjOOO aaaar ft. Kaalbtta 1 Tl f-ralaa, fan laipamasta aa4 wraal fooea. taMtlc KKau aaa atoaal KMcbas caiaf faataroa. T tttlnf arttnltaral oaiaita of vaill yamdraaa. vmti'i departmsat. aHrla of IT t II ysar of ag a salttad to desasrtae letnw aaawaaory. riMtUa ds-raxjrtxaUoiia glTa t Xoool Kite Utontotr. Ail waaaaa ttattMl to m for aomartie actanoa ioctara ooazoa or aloaal Z3cJaa laaoraMrr. XpartiBCZt of AfimiJtara aaa ae taaUaaot aa ataohol ottU for tamoa. rtratdcoLa ta eaaatuv-4 ajeobol. StaAaatr JaAflaff oostaota wfS. a air faatmra. rourtaaa rtata arrlealtnral eoQaga wW kara a part la tba azpoamoa. Yajrt Aaaiterlaa asA opaetoaa aa hin ta paaorama of Vaamtr & aodal of ooBToaleaoa. Sifc"ti:r The OcrfmeT t Sn waita rVorn :b " Red KI-J' Irterrr iftic. P.oa -r KiM ii.'td n:.ai S. lift of I be Navj: Cor.aTi .. Hrl t T' m v on.i nirt or.i:t ol ur il crm t d tarna of Iraiemtl noritt.ta. uZfn: Jfk- J-t L 1. aScCai-ity. I". 6 A . t kiftaio H. F. I'al-on. I' S. X ; lc -u-ikiii W. N. Hatkfi. V. f A. i.ir. ttt. is. Is Concr: KaU. I p. Tt S.m.:ea c onc t-n ty Gcrr GrtB ana hla iana. P.traai: I Orotxl CiT. r-hjem Marc h, from "Th Piobb-'t ' MrbnT . '. r'Jdejw 'tn. cctr, aii !a.ii.fu.i Cht ub:ai i i rjt i lu m lop j urt p; ir-n -.j a (Ave Jdari tct'm-i i4Cijr HiIIrai I C.'.a:K Nfjocal. : n aiu r rr. r: . inu.i 7'rmliy ta tiered lEtermcix: Totini vert jre Tne r'-ofiemian G.ri fca.. Or.sl fc.aei .-d pi'', p. u . 1 1 K-iiuc feu-th Tbe Stara atid Stripra .Mium CCNCEP.T. 4 p. ir. Siced muiic by the Oratorio Sjnety. Ira B. pennltnan. con cutting, m cjud.r ae-iecilon from choral n.aatei jie.ea, ct.itf if which la HhiocIi "Tit Mesauka. ft-ie Uori from "The Mw.tt. ' Ar. .ipton.il chorua-- of men and wsmen. -'Lft L'p Icur Hcada. O Te Gatea ' Kinde: Tte Society. S jo and b"ru. O, Thou that TeDert Go.id 7iuir.g Haniti Kji Rum Gar., n and the Society. Solo tnd Cborua Cijon to God In the Highest KaidtJ The Borltty. i Solo and Seral-Choru tf Men Rtajo- cie Brahma M:ti Ruth Giiifmi and Men a Voice. CLorua Wonoe.-ful Couiiwlr, tre Pr Jioe c f p i u oe Haade Tbe Socii-ty. . MaaAar. Dee. 14. In Concert Hall. IP a. m Lecturea ty repreaentatJvea of f oreign conn trie.. Joi.n Fe3f. edlUT Ok.lahDma Farm Jour nal, chairman. AvlcTrefc. by Nicholaa Kaumann. an at tacre of tr,e GtrmtB ltrjie lal c.nFu.aie at Ciiicao. "Fuiure of Corn Cu.ture In the 1'njtea Ptatra." Maax. ,M.rcJw ''B-lrloae-L-Ba:" .... Licyg and Roaer.fe.H Ad4re y Lie Lui Goroxpv. "AfTicui ture in Mex no " Muaic KjCiD(. 'lt Might Have Been" Harrl. A?5dT. by Zffermo ton;irguea "The Lit ol M-xko IepMida upon tne Produc- ' lkib en irn Aod.e ky T R. Carton of Etiglaad (aiereortlfor. i. "Oat. Breedlr.g ' Muac Mliy Overture., Popuiar Melo- PrcigTam : d Hi11and ViJI A FTERN ..N CO rXH L BLl FFS. In Concert Hall, p m Council Bluff, will present a pror-ram of a;i.aJ in ureal o the people b-i f.li.w.: Victor E. P--nir. prw!dirjg Cinli.s aeieoUos. Geurge Grt-tai anl tia band. Ir. vocation. Addrr. Mayor Thwnaa Maloney. Rejior;Mi. Mayor Jamea C. Dahirr.an. aa-t. J. P. Heaa H-.Ttieu.turaJ eemgreaa. Muic. Cnorut of achool children, on preaioeni ."vaiionaJ tur. i d tokea A3dr-i&. C. M Hart. M jflc. At the meeting of the Board of Education I'ec-emtxr It iu designated aa children.! dinrrilt..l for ir. r.r.cfci.rs v-,,- hv n,... v.. . . j the aflerniKn: The King ut Ragt two atep od-!rty I.loroaa 'Pc-eme d'Arm:iiri.. Select u-n of southern aong... .... i i t.... r. - 1 O . I; March The Steel Ktng .St. Cltor EVENING SOJTH OH-KHK. Tii people of South Omaha are preparing ' a ;r'ram of anrac Jon. for thla data ! M j by George Green aiid hit band. I tr.lt Demlera' Day. TaeaAay, Dee. 15. ' a. m General reception at the Grain j exct.ange. . I AFTERNOC N. i At I o'ck-k th grain dealer, will ones a program in Crugion ta.i. F fteecth and nreela Mr. J. A. Tleenan of F'.otix Citv. Tireni- dnt of the W'enert Oram Iealer' araw ja- ; tmn wi.i pr-)oe Addret,. ty Gi-rdon W. Wattlea. prexlnt of ire (.irnst.i Gr-ain excrarre Mnr-March. "The Ir.v.uc.ble Lille" bv j S: cm An iljnratd leciur bv Prof V T Boa-Triari, farm crc-p dejartrr.-ent. L'-wa Coi 1 ge of Agriculture SMi'jt-t, "lmxrc ve--n-ert , f the Oat Ore p.." M" c Medley aeueciioa popular melc.die. ly M l.. A6i:u by J C. Murray, manager grain depmrtjer-t Quaker C.t. Tr.ij'iy, CliH-H" F'lh.ie-t "Trie Krlative Value of' Goc.d and p. r r.at i., u,f ereaj M..ler ." Munc Jti'-rr.eni "Cavalierta Ruatl- car. a ty j,!kh ajrr.i. liiumra'.ec iecture ty T R Can 'ti of Wtrr'14'.'i.. Er.giar.i. '.n "Oat Bre-air." Vuau Li-nc. A P.uraj Feativai. ' ty Lcey. EVENING Orrf rtion of implement detk-ra In t'.je even.ng in, jont wmivt cf the Si'Utr. plafe ltr.p! meet I teal, rf aa 'x ittior.. t.e N'tifa and Wenrn I'.w h Rt:l I rxT' err.'nt Vet --1e Lea .erg' a. .-r- atinn a.i. pr--?! the fo 1 r.c program ai re gr.ton J.aJ. a .Tlcer.lr, tiiS h.ri iv rtree'. 3T.'---fc:icn. Tt. Fra-:1 laftvette Lve-ldr-d If; .r (.I tn Fit Mthwiat church. Orr r.a M jh . (ur et Ac jf r. tf nmr, Jamea C tahlman. rrayc.r Crr.aha I'.-p nat. Mr Jfob Bet der. Suti'n. Neb. i prt,..r-r.t S .utri F'if.te ii:i,or.. i M jii.r. quf.rte Adur.Bf. "Tr.e P.elatrr, o tre Implement ' i-a.er. if. tr.e .atr.ruJ m ExjxiHtiun ' G W. Wattle Til. "Wr.t Bh! We Io to Be Raved" by i fie unordaiiied preifher. Ir.formal tuouet and t-c-ker. M .Kic ty j.,rgr Gten and h l.ni Rallrwavd Day. Weftetttr, Dee. 1C. Addreaae by railr. ai men. oh Gould Schurmar., preauent Cc-iieii uf-iieraity, "Our NatK.iJ Ouu.a. " AniuaJ seet.ng of the Nttl-.naJ Com aaaoclxtion ar.l election of '.ffnert MOKNiNG-MVSIC. GREENS BAND. Marca and tao r.ti6e Viojeta Powe'l t-ii'i. Hon The Sta Gun Ludera li.'.erc!erxi Pkiaaom , Fax Convention of imjernent dealer In the im-tung tne ji.irt ecrventioa of iie uil j-.a. .e jmr-itment laierr' iaatvm. Nf'rtaka aj.'l We.tern lowa Yj- lUicoln i r.-'um r-.m.r irr.;jmrr.t aMa.er -cia.i will pceaetit t loiUair a imin m :e.gt.t . hall Ffteet-Jj and Harvey atreetai Aaorraa. "Comparatrv Vaiue c.f Gaso line an 4 Der.aiured Aiooh:4 for Pwer L-get and Heai." prof. J. B rvidB"n' ixiM. la. Aipcrrtmett of pcitrtntii coaaniirieea. -"ShiI the Iirr-i-a,,., I.;trl HtB. V Autom je." Wi.harn Krotter. Stuart. Neb. lav-li "Buying Good." A. Spooser. Hon. Chas. F. Manderson. PrMident. DIRECTORS: Hon. Chas. F. Manderon. Ex-Of.: H.n. J. H. Millard. A. Cud&dy. F. P. Klrkendall. C. M. Wilhel m. F. A. Nash. H. H. Baldrige. J. B. Ruth. C J. Bills. E. T. Suobe vrirc' pre ference to a home company which merits vovr vrrrt The first company organized west of Chicago to write the minor line of insurance, The premium paid to eastern companies last year by the citizens of Ne braska was in excess of five hundred thousand dollars, i-et us furnish you with the best pro. teciion in the following lines, the premiums from which will be invested in Nebraska securities Bonds, Agents wanted in every city and town in Nebraska eam!s. la. 4SParoela Port" repreaentaOva cf South Piarte aaeociatton. 11 li "The R:a'Jon of tbe Manufac turer and Jobber to the Retail r.Ha.r," Jerome Shamp Lincoln. Nth. AFTERNOON J JK p M Concert by Green a band: I Select. on Trie Prince of Pliwn Luder. Fan1H.e Melody of IX't... urpe.Ciar.n if arch Salute to Seattle Alexander t p. M Concert by German-American and BoheTTian-Atrer)ran rau)C.ar.' rtetief. unr3-r direction of Meiifra H-i-gren and Wolff. Program In j'trfarat.-.n. Old C.lrr Day. Tktrt.tr, Dee. IT. Mon.lr.g tourt open. I V A M Cel. cert ty Green 't banj: Va.r.-.nal a.ra WJermr.9 xa Cincjuaritine . Ga'riVl-M a ,e w . llv. ' ".rv.."i' .'w V-V vt,.e.i, v,..tv,ul.... I alanaane. S;.ar.tj imenwaj) B'oka La Caanne -Jaaaurke Kuaaei . -janne I The M.l: :n tre For-rt lUyii E..er.terg x . . . . rv.-.-.' ' faK.rT.a n.an oerer.aae'. l raoer Wagner 1 Selection fcm Tannhauaer Herrooa.llo iMexkan lntermeu:.) ScJ uh Pa-rol The Biu an8 G"ay ls. !r IMPLEMENT I-EALET1 CONTEVTIOV In Crelgbton hail at .JT a m the Joint conver.Tncn oi ir.e r;u-n i-..i;e jiiijjfinii . . . . . V" . . .. - - TIC..-. ie ajri . cr.T-Biti'u. .T-ti.r. .uu . t-f . -ern lowa p-etall Implement and Vehicle Waler' aaaonatloo will preaent tbe f allow mg program: F.e;Krt. "The National Federation. Wil- ; Mam Krtter Ptuart. Neb., delegate Ne- : bratka and Weatern Iowa aaeocla-tlon. K'.IS P.epc.rtt of ocnmittee 11 Election of offk-tra. Ad.lorr.n-ient. M-e-ur r and organisation of the board of , direct-. i t K'A .eion , r.ail. P-.rteer.th vi,..-r..v wlir be fctld and Harnty. In Crgnton Entrance on AITERN'"'N. Cid Cottr.try I 'bv F-r:,prarT! brr j.re fiared. C O. L''berk in c:.arge of ed ah ; a-ct)r.r; John P.-.tuky m charge of Bo-! hem ar. aecnon. Jamea C. LiOdaay In charge of Scofleh aecTior I EVENINO. j ( SwecVth and I'an .h tinging aocetiei j gtA-e a gran 3 concert. iTc.gram in prepara- I ucn. j Live Iterk Day. Friday, Dee. Is. I j 'Momir.g hour open t I M ur'c It Green t Land: j March Ktig Com Thiele ! I l ance of the Gtrafe Morrtt eiecuon- The O-trj M.l.. AFTERN'X-N. Luii r Tie hve rtoit c.ei are arrang- ng progrtm. t announcel F"rrr Vr.rted State. S-rator Jr-tr-Y. M Cay cf hyene a ill ci:ver an adireat. i ruhject " Wyc mrr.g m the Future aa an ! AgTiru.'rjra'. and Live Stock State " , rr,vrrr. -r-jec t A C. Snalier L: gtr ha . been invited is apeak- Mut e Ij G-een band. i Ak-ar-Bea Day, atttrati, Dee. I. , ! Oij-irg Iiiy It i the intention lo te- ; ' rr-t; the j-rogrtTr rf thi. city largely to Omaha ana tne nead men ot the Aa-Sar- 1 Ltn are at.iii.g ti. the making of a pr a- gram wh et. eeryr,ody in Omaha will w.ah I to aee ar.d bear. There mill be a apectar- I ur ij-f crrcance in the everir. produced , by more than pe, p.e m eortume Uici0nt I tti tht coronatjon of "Ling Corn,' LECTURE PROGRAM IS READY attraetlie LUt el Iheaaea ta 1U Be Dlacaaaed b eted W.att la Madel k.l'kr.. The j::' am of Vtttra fur lu Model Kitchen. Hj duiiMuc acuetite deparuntnt of the fern txjjaitun. haa beta ccmpetc j and ta m w auneubceai leceawf ItW Lector, a by Ecuth Charlton, exrteiiaion deidrt merit, 1 B. C. " Food- It tigortioa and Function"; laabrl Levler. Vniveraity of IT.inoia. "The H .uae " Lceri.tr li Mia Bevjer. 'tTar and Maxiagetxteait af House" ; Mary T. Rouae. Vniveraity ef Colorado ' peranal Hygnt." teotmbar U Mia Nil t a. Kao let. .a. I Wnioa departaeat. I. S. C. "Food in Re- I latum to Good Cr:ixnahtp " Lecembea- 14 -Mr Margaret Eiajr. Uxu Ttraity of Mtnnesjta. "Home Decoration"; Rosa Barton. Vrjver.ity of M umeaota. j -The Pt yava of Bread Maarlng." ! rMiabeT li Mr. P.ar. "Tertlle-; V 1. ; Eartoa. "Cneratstry la th ICitcbea." 1 Iec ember li Edna Lay, Lnivenitj tf NATIONAL DEUTY6 .CASUALTY Co; OMAHA XI BR. CP Accident, Fidelity, Plate Glass, Burglary, National Fidelity and Casualty Company Horn Office Marchanta National Bank Omaha. Neb. Mmaourt. "Latior Saving Derk-ea"; Mary Editb Woola. South I-akota. "Dietarief ' cfcod In rela-Jon t Invalid.': tr. H W". Walte. Vcivernry of Nt-bra.ka. 'Bacteria In Relation to Itseane." Ieoen.ber IT Ecina Tay. "Prlnriiiea of Saritatlon"; Millie Kedtie Jonea. general adiree IeceTr.ber IS Mra. Jonea. rubjerl not an nounced FLYNN GOES TO ETHAN ALLAN He la treeeei ky Captalt CWwia of TkU City. Will B. ' . I Matrr WM.jann F. Flyr.n. who haa tut I en t.romoted from a carta .r. cy m j the Cght.1 cavalry. ha been trajifferred i -.w and it I . . ' . ' .- , i oroeec to xrtceeK3 . i'uit . Waahatie. Wyo.. to Fort Ethan Aln. Tt Major Flrnn it tucceeJed by Captain W1U B. Ci win, juat promoted from ftrat Leuten- g fnrnniM imi nml IUUUUIU UUi I MstBBaaaHnB.BaaaaataaitH.taai.t.aH.HtH.B.sBtat.tHtsBaaBtaMat J AnotLer trreat crit in j.iaco j'ricf?- at tlie Corl Piano Co's itor. During the pat wfek we have sold and delivered more pianos tlan all tbe otLer Piano hous-es in tbe city. WHY? Beoau our piano bargain are just wbat we advertise. ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR Yoar Credit Is Good Here for any prk-e piano, and you can bave a? Ions: to pay for it a you like. A pleaded cur-tomer is our l-e-t advertisement. WE AEE THE ONLY PIANO HOUSE IN OMAHA tLat doer? not ohartre interest on account.-- that doe not record contract that p-ive? you a complete mui-al education with every piano. INVESTIGATE FOR YOURSELF If t on can find a piano in Omaha as jrood as the Corl, OUR'S COSTS YOU NOTHING Costs no more than other pianor? but Oh! My! tbe difference. ;ji :i t John F. Corl Piano Co. I 106 Mc aK&aaBBBBi McGape Elk. Pianos Shipped Anywhere. Edwin T. Swobe, Sc an4 Manacor. Surety Eta The strongest fi delity and casualty comp'y of the west ancy ta tl Third eavairy. Captam Oowtx -ill rrobable take thirty dayt leave ol abaenc to vlalt hia rarer.ta. General anj Mra. J. C. Ccw-to In Omaha, before taking up tia new dut with the Eighth cavalry. LteuteJiant Corrimander W. H. Signor, I"nited State Navy, a Ntbraktn, stntl for nearly tin yeara m charge of the naval recruiting de;t In Omaha and which b ettablliihed ovtr three year. ago. liaa beel promoted to command t'f the monitor Slona. dinoci at Carlte. PiJlliTmo ln.anda. Corn, mander Signor cpon ting relieved from recruiting duty In Omaha about a year ago vaa aaaigned to duty wl'Ji tba l"r.ited State p.attle.trup Wert Virr.n.a, and a a later tranrfrrre to the bavJetLlj Ntw Jera-y. from which he hat jurt b tranfferred to tbe monitor Monaianock. Dewverote Miollaat palna in the cbeat require quick treatment wita i.-r. . - pneumonia. 6oc and Beaton fru j Ca. 1 Omaha, Neb. ,1 fT 1