Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1908, EDITORIAL, Page 8, Image 16

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Sound Advice to Trade Unionists
fc-y;)2 tvai"- tvrKwiTYUK 14-i'.rLit .frE
Krnrt M. YounRn la well rccalli d In Omaha
Bd tho former foreman of The rrew
room ami a labor h a.h r nf experience and
wisdom. Ho was a number of the board
of directors of the Transmlswlsslppl nnd
International Kxposltlon aswlntlon, and
a such was Instrumental In settling the
labor disputes that arnae early In the his
tory of the great Omaha exposition, utid
through his Influence the. work was all
given to union men. He wo Inter elected
a vice president of the International Print
inn I'ressmen'a and Assistant!' union, and
was editor of the official organ of that
union for his term of office. He contribute
the following well timed article to the
October number of tin; American Pressman,
the official organ of the Pressmen's union:
" 'Ion't kill the goose that lays the
golden eggs,' Is applicable to members of
labor unions. Don't weaken your organ
ization by radical unionism, llccause you
have the power of combined number In
union, do not misuse that power.
"There Is a strong tendency among the
young enthusiastic members towards rad
ical unionism. They are beguiled Into the
belief that no legislation In too strong for
them to enact, regardless of Its fairness
to others; and they are urged on and en
couraged by a few alleged union men, which
we always have within our ranks, who
pride themselves on being agitators, self
constituted to save the rank and file from
the avaricious domination of the 'bosses.'
Strange to say, they eert some Influence,
and sway a portion of the members, and
often keep the union In a state of turmoil.
"Agitators? save the mark! They are
disrupters, dlsorgiinlzcre a menace to the
cause. From their own point of view, they
are the backbone of the union: never lulus
a meeting, and between meetings rack their
weak brain to conjure new methods to raiso
"If opposed In their designs, they attack
their opposcr and loudly proclaim him a
'Itosses' man.' They are noise-makers,
whoso narrow-minded bigotry lose us the
confidence and respect pf the public. They
delight In strife and trouble, and ap
parently think the best way to be a
'miuare man' Is to wage a constant war
upon proprietors and foremen. Peaceable
settlement of the affairs of labor are
monotonous to them, so they must do
things to make things lively. They are
constantly seeking some real or Imaginary
excuse for creating trouble. Trifles are
taken up by them and magnified Into gi
gantic wrongs. Imaginary and borrowed
troubles are the cause of most of their
clamor, and they often carry their point
and create disturbances desired, because
the quiet and conservative brothers humor
them In their pretended grievances In order
to escape their annoying flouts of being
a 'bosses' man." Their success emboldens
them to attempt 'greater re? rms,' and
their clamor continues to Increase. They
take delight In wrong interpretation of
the motives or lutentlons of the foremen,
whom they generally make their special
mark, and construe some Innocent action
us a conspiracy to rob them of their rights
and privileges. A new rule. In systematiz
ing a shop, Is Immediately Interpreted as
a forerunner of oppression for which they
should not stand. tVmetlmes they are con
scientious In their fancies and really be
lieve whut they say, but more often their
action is the result of a selfish desire or
their Inherent Inclination to create strife.
Their special aim is to Instill In the minds
of the members the belef that to be a
good union man one must be an enemy to
the employer and use every means to re
strict him In the conduct of his business,
by exacting petty rules and regulations
which hamper and Interfere with his sys
tem and which tend to create friction be
tween the employer and men with no real
benefit. It is such acts that weaken the
movement of organized labor and place It
In bad odcr with the public
"This Is not an overdrawn picture of the
'square tuilon man,' the 'noise-maker.'
Thero are fev.' unions which are no 'af
flicted with a few of this stripe. Thejr are
a curse to the craft and do more harm to
the legitimate cause ol labor from within
its ranks than all the 'labor-wrecking as
sociations' from without. Leave It to them
and there Is nothing too radical to spring
and enforce. They should be given but
little encouragement by the members who
wlah to firmly secure their own rights and
at the same time accord to others the
Sights which are undeniably their own.
"Honest employers and honest workmen
rarely have serious disagreement which
cannot be settled by conciliation, except
when these meddlesome 'agitators' get In
their probe and direct and control the busi
ness of Doth.
"When times are normal and there are
no International Issues to Involve warfare
between the employer and men, H Is easy
to secure fuir rights and even gain
extra privileges. and It is to the
Interest of every union man and
to the success of the employer, tlrat
harmonious relations exist between
them. To establish these harmonious re
lations it Is not necessary to relinquish any
cf our natural rights or surrender our In
dependence; but after securing these rights i
we shouW not be r ntlnunlly fighting for
privileges that take away the natural rights
of the employers.
"I'nreasotinl le employers are more gener
ally brought to time by quiet and de
termined persuasion, than through the
methods us-ed by the chronic trouble
maker, who only keeps things at a boiling
heat rn both sides and never yet ac
complished anything other than to give to
the public a wrong conception of the prin
ciples and objects of organized labor.
A labor union should be a business In
stitution, an be conducted cn busines
principles. The representatives should fill
their office with dignity, nnd exact for
themselves and their clientage In full mens
urn the same respect they accord to thoss
with whom they deal. labor should suc
ceed through force of logic rather than by
bluff and bluster, yet ready to go to any
lawful limit to promote and better thelf
condition. They should choose only thos-?
to transact their business who can be
trusted to probe the but tern before coming
to a conclusion; those who have had the
l.onesty of their convictions, whoso de
cision will be based on what Is right, and
not what Is popular. Brr ad-minded men of
discernment; nvn of ability, who bear 'n
mind the necrsslty of dealing out even
handed Justice; men who respect the opin
ions of others nnd endeavor to have right
on their side as well as might. There
are many such within the ranks of lalxir.
"This Is a serious question. As artisans
we possess skill, which Is an asset, and
have labor for sale; It Is the duty of our
representatives to negotiate the sale of
that skill and labor to the best advantage;
so tho earnest members of labor unions
should thoroughly study their duties from
the standpoint of Justice and right, for
when they clearly understand their duties
they will he able to secure ail the benefits
which belong to them. They should learn
to think for themselves and not depend
upon the noisy and persistent 'ngltator,'
If they wish to avoid trouble. They should
post themselves on matters affecting their
welfare, as a safeguard from these un
scrupulous trouble makers who would pre
cipitate them in serious difficulties. If
they are well Informed they will know for
themselves when their rights are being en
croached upon, and how best to resist
such encroachment, and will not be led
Into radical movements which are neither
right or lawful. They should strive to
have Intelligent opinions of their own and
the honesty of conviction to assert them
er when confronted with serious problems,
which are liable to come up at any time,
when action Is demanded they will find t
Impossible to clearly define the situation
and will continue, like 'dog Tray,' to folio
the trouble maker, whose radical acts will
clog their progress and prevent anything
like a favorable decision for the union In
case of arbitrating a new scale with their
employes, for the brainless efforts of these
adherent-! tend 'to kill the goose that lays
tho golden eggs,' for In their short-sighted
policy they want to get all tho eggs at
"The burden of remedy for this evil Is
upon the earnest, well meaning members,
many of whom have become so disgusted
and discouraged that they pay their obli
gations to the union and stay away from
the meetings. If conditions are to be
changed, they must take a hand, for such
chunge can only be brought about by pa
tient and unremitting labor and intelligent
determination to correct the evil. Their
common sense and logic will quickly meld
the minds and guide the action of the
younger and Inexperienced members, and
with their combined aid these disrupters
will be relegated where they belong and
the union will be conducted as a business
institution, not as an anarchist associa
tion. "With the true principles of unionism In
stilled In the minds of the members, they
will conduct the business In a responsible
manner as authorized under their charter,
without being a constant drain on the In
ternational treasury. They will be able to
drive a good bargain with the employers
nnd have the honor to live up to their
agreement, and by such action secure tho
respect and sympathy of the public.
"There are two sides to all questlcns, ths
laboi question not excepted, and It will be
better for our own Interest to rectify some
of the defects within our ranks, which ara
becoming a growing evil."
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Stout Women Buy
Worth $3.00
It is sold at
Rcngo Belt is a new corset designed especially to do away
with the appearance of excess flesh.
The lU-ngo llelt, reinforcing belt and apron front, worked
Into the body of the corset and over the abdomen, Is In Just the
right place to produce the smooth back and slender hip lines so
widely advocated in advance dress models.
llengo Belt is the most wonderful corset ever produced for
medium and large figures. It gives a sloping waist line to make
the stout figure trim and proportionate.
Itengo Belt corsets also have extra strength due to the double
watch spring steel boning which Is twice as durable as the usual
single boning. This boning is perfectly covered and made rustless'
before It' Is Bewed into the corsets and we guarantee that it will
not break or punch through.
If you have searched unsuccessfully for corsets that will act
ually give graceful back and hip lines with perfect comfort, you
should be properly fitted with a lU-ugo Belt.
DonrtA Holt 8tyle 41, for medIura flgure' i""106 '$2.00
iVCliyU UCIl style 43. for slim figure, price $2.0O
Manufactured by the Crown Corset Company, New York.
Our enlarged Drug Store gives us the necessary floor space
and facilities to carry a much larger and complete line of Iloli
day Goods than ever before.
Below we enumerate many of the items that we carry and
will he pleased to have you call at our store and inspect our lines.
PERFUMES From all of the leading manufacturers of the
l". S. and foreign makers. Sold in various packages from 23c to
$o.00, as well as bulk.
Leather Goods
Since enlarging our store we have gone into
the Leather CJood line very extensively.
From now until Christmas we expect to
have special sales in this department.
AVe have purchased several large sample
The goods are all in first class condition
and you can save from Mi to y by buying at our
The line consists of ladies' hand bags, from
$1.00 to $25.00.
Gentlemen's pocket books, card cases, pass
books, from 15c to $5.00.
Traveling eases and rolls; both for gentle
men and ladies, any price, any quality you wish,
from $1.00 to $15.00.
Medicine cases, both for the physician and
for the consumers, from 75c to $5.00.
We have collected a number of articles made from
leather, from the various foreign manufacturers, too
numerous to tell about in an advertisement, but very de
sirable for Christmas presents. Something you cannot
find in every store.
Our method of selling cigars has been demonstrated dur
ing the last three or four years. Our saving prices on
cigars of all kinds and qualities.
We want your special attention at the holiday season.
Especial attention given to the ladies they will find our
cigar department a place where they ran trade with perfect
satisfaction. Clcrrs in charge to tell them all about the
cigars, and goods purchased for holiday gifts are return
able or exchangeable.
We have greatly increased our Candy de
partment, manufacturing many of our goods
ourselves, assuring you fresh confections. We
will be pleased to book your orders now for
Christmas for our own makes of Candies, as well
as lluyler's famous New York candies nnd orig
inal Allegretti Chocolate Creams.
We especially want you to remember this
department of our business as we are equipped
as well as any one in Omaha to sell candies.
Heiir Brushes
Always make useful presents. We have them
from 25e to $5.00, any color, any make, any size
and put up in single boxes which make them
very presentable for holiday goods.
Toilet Cases
of all descriptions. Quality of the best, ranging
from $5.00 to $15.00.
Manicure Sets
ranging from $1.50 to $5.00.
Leather Jewel Boxes
From $1.00 to $5.00
itsuyy y ussy u vbts5w sisp
Cut Rate Druggists
9 16th and Farnam St
Look our line of Holiday goods over before you decide what to buy. It will pay you.
Sinks Again as Soon as Taken Off
Point of Spindle Bock.
Heavy Sea Cannes Ilreak of Port Hole
That Senda Flood of Water
Into ComprciHin' Compartment.
NEW BEDFORD, Mass., De. 8 Freed
from Spindle roik, at the western entrance
to Huzzard's bay, where It had been Im
paled for ten weeks, the United States
cruise.- Yankee snk six fathoms deep e.rly
today, near what Is known as the Sand
Spit, while being towed to this city for
repalr3. It lies a short dlstanco to the
north of Fentkese Island and not far from
the ledKe on which It had rested since
September 23 last. The sinking of the
cruiser occurred at 4 o'clock this morning,
exactly twelve hours after It was floated the ledge.
In spite of the discouraging situation It Is
believed that the vess 1 can be raised, and
work to that end will be begun before
The cause of today's accident, the cul
mination of a series of misfortunes which
have befall' n tho Yankee, was an unusually
heavy sea kicked up by a high north wi at
gale. The Yankee, in town of the tugs
John Harlan and Powhattan and convoyed
by the naval collier Lebanon, was pro
ceeding slowly from Spindle rock to this
Port Hole Broken Open.
In the gale and heavy seaa the hawsers
bad parted for the tenth time and the tug
John Harlan was trying to connect another
towing line when It was lifted on a wave
and slammed against the side of the cruiser.
The Impact smashed In a port In the com
partment where three air compressors were
at work. Water which poured In through
the open port disabled the air pumps, after
which the compa:tment rapidly filled.
The cruiser did not sink at once. Cap
tain James T. McAllister, who was in
charge of the marine engine of the wreck
ing work. In view of the danger, warned
the members of the wrecking crew to leave
the ship. All but s x of the ninety-two men
left. The Yankee was then straightened as
well as the wreckers could do It, and an
attempt was made to drag It to Fcnlkestt
island and beach It there. This plan seemed
likely to succeed when, not far the !
Island, the cruiser filled suddenly and sank
in forty-two feet of water. Commander
Marsh of the Yankee, Captain McAllister.
Engineer Weatherspoon and the six mem
bers of the wrecking crew, who were on
bo:ird, ran up the rigging and later jumped
safely on board the I'owhattan.
Funnels Above Water.
The Yankee went down In a sheltered
position and took bottom on an even keel,
resting on sand. Its forward deck, spara
and the top of Its funnel are above the sjr
f&ce of the water.
The collier Lebanon Is standing by. The
wrecking crew. Commander .lurnh. Captain
McAllister and Engineer Weatherspoon,
were brought here during tlte day Jjy the
I'owhattan and the John IfarWn. The offi
cers planned to return to the scene of the
wreck later, taking a diver with them, as
they believe that thecrulser can be re
1 United.
The tug John Harlan suffered somewhat
from tho Impact against the Yankee, the
railing and stanchions about the pilot house
of the tug being carried away, while the
commander of the tug. Captain Chase, had
a narrow escape from serious Injury,
ttnak Klrat In Thick Pog,
The sinking of the Yankee was the culmi
nation of an unfortunate cruise from New
port to the neighborhood of Martha' Vlne
yard to attend the submarine flotilla In tli
fail maneuvers. WJill on, lis way from
The time when your greatest happiness is derived by making
others happy.
Should he purchased or reserved now! It is not a hit too early!
You don't have to go all over town to. look at the different
makes before buying.
We've Got What You Want
The marvelous values we are offering in Pianos of quality during this, our annual
Money Saving Christmas Piano Sale
"Will astonish the buyer and amaze competition.
The question of the hour is: "What is the most suitable and pleasing present to give?"
A Piano is always an acceptable gift and one that is a constant reminder. A Piano is an ornament as well as a usefuJ
article of furniture.
Special Notice to Corn Show Visitors
1 Walters Upright, Rosewood case $75
1 Mueller Upright. Ebony case $105
1 Sohnier Upright, Ebony case, used 3 years $125
1 Franklin Upright, Mahogany case $137
1 Kohler & Campbell, Walnut ca3e $145
1 Wegnian, used 2 years, Mahogany case $145
1 Kriter, Walnut case $150
1 Sihaeffer Upright, used 6 months $175
1 Ivers & Pond Upright, Mahogany case $185
1 Fischer Upright, used a short time $185
1 Fischer Upright, used 1 Va years, Oak case $2iiJ
1 Estey, used 7 months, Mahogany case $237.50
1 Ebersole, used a short time, Oak case $275
1 Hush & l.ane, almost new, French Burl Walnut $285
1 Large Fischer, regular $500. Mahogany case, used 9 months S205
1 Large Style Estey, Butternut case, regular price $5.00 $315
1 Knabe, used for concert, Mahogauy ase -$3oO
Organs at $5 $10 $15 $25 $30 and 835
Square Pianos from $10 $15 $18 $25 $27.50 alld $35
The prices we are placing on pianos of quality during this
great sale are so much lower than you can obtain elsewhere
that you can save at least the cost of your railroad fare.
It will pay you to visit this great store. All are welcome,
whether you intend purchasing or not. If you wish us to, we
will hold the piano you purchase and make delivery Christmas
You will find in our Piano AYarerooms the World Stand
ard and best instruments, such as the Knal-, Sohnier, Fischer,
(.'bickering Bros., Estey, Wegmaii, NHiacffer, Price & Toeple,
Smith & Barnes, Smith & Nixon, Ebersole, Milton, Franklin,
the Only Perfect Piano Player, "The AngeluV Knabe-Ange-lus,
Emerson, Angelus and Angelas Piano.
In toe
Cuttyliiiiii. t'j Newport f'r a supply of
coal, tli Yaniiie struck on Spindle Hock, a
part of the H-n and Thickens reef at the
western entrance t i lluzzard's bay, during
a thick fog on September 3. After insis
tent efforts by the government to free tho
cruiser had failed, John Arbuckle, the New
York nug-ar refiner, believing; that lie could
float tho vessel by the use of compressed
air, ofered bis services and a contract was
road between Mr. Arbuckla and the Navy
department, by the terms of which the
form- r was to get ts7.5." if h floated III.'
Yankee, while. If hu f .tiled, he was to
receive $25.Ki as part payment for his rv
lces. A long and difficult task wan pre
sented, but yesterday tha Yankee was
Tho commandor of the Yankee, Com
mander Cliarles C. Marsh, has remained
on board the Yankee ever since It struck
the ledge. I'p to the time when the cruiser
foendered toilav. Command' r M.iifli had
I. II its nei k hut once and on that oeca- . I elh .1
sion he went to Newp irt to consult with.
navnl officials on Ihu plans for lio'.ttlnK
the vessel.
I. !'..' rent-rally
to work f-..nii i,
broke and com-
, i . r n ink umieau
ton rii'ar ,"J"""1"' U"rlfS."-Vaalilng.
Tun II us).
"What we want." said the reformer, "Is
a leader who la wholly viiihi If.Hli; a man
absolutely above all mercenary considera
tion a."
"Yea," answered the man with chilly
eyes; "and when you find that kind oif
Hack lu Ike old Ituutlard.
Brooklyn Katsie,
A revival of trade n Indicated In the ln orders for hot birds ami cold bot
tles at leading hotels and restaurants. The
same Ingredients were fouu4 V k tilt
cause pf the last panlo.