Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1908, EDITORIAL, Page 7, Image 15

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Wife of Turkish rrince Conducts
Campaign in Their Behalf.
tla Ifnrri Mmuitlo to Karn Hrr
f.Hlnsc Aftrr ll-ln uiaul-U
Oat of llnrrm bjr -
fONSTANTTNOFI.E. rvo. 5 (Specials
Prlncrss F.VInm pJ M'-lnifd, a biito wo
rms, Is destined to exervkw a very sr? it
Influence In the future of Turky. Wmni,
lieret' fore, have been a ngligthl! quantity
In thin country, but If the princes hfin In r
wny thy no lonurr will bf, for she is
Irylnfr to hrlng shout the totnl rn-nnrlpa-tlnn
of TurklFh wome n. A prlnrPSF", r-.irMl
In a hnrem nrd upeaklnir In public to thou
Fanda of women yes, anil nii-n, too- about
woman's rights In tho very heart of th
ultan'a dominion! To European Mna
thla ipcrni Incredible ami yet it Is one of
Inn wonderful transformations worked by
the recent revolution.
Princess Fatlma' meetings are attended
rot merely hy the Kirorx an visitors, but
by the wive of merchants, email official!
and under officers tho most eonsorviillv!
classes In Turkey. Tho mont wonderful
part about tho gatherlnK Is the fact that
'.ho women come uiivjeihd. fche la an ex
cellent ppeakcr and talks In an earnest,
convincing; way. She advocates everything
Ihit will tend toward rmmrlpallng her fx.
Pho Is forming a leajiuo whose member
ro to promise not to marry a man unless
ho undertake to confine himself to one
wife. There Is already a huge member ship,
ven amongst the women of the lower and
middle elapses.
Patlma'a energies seem to be limitless.
She la founding schools for Turkish girls,
whose, parents cannot afford to have
foreign governesses. Now, this means a
Kroat deal, because the Turkish woman
of th middle class Is about as Ignorant as
a human being; can be. If her husband
ts wealthy enough to keep sl.ives she dots
nothing all day long1 but sit on a cushion,
eat a sickly sweetmeat ami pluy with
cheap German toys. She never reads,
rarely aews and has not an Interest In tiie
world beyond the harem anil Its petly
squabbles and Intrigues.
Though Q princess, Fatlma ed Melmed
knows thla wearisome life very well. Iter
father was a rich merchant of Medina, one
of the most conservative towns In Turkey,
and married her to a poor prince. When
she entered her husband's family she saw
how great was the difference between the
life of aristocratic Turkish harems and
those she had been used to. She saw that
the Inmates of the former had French, and
Kngllsh governessess, spoke foreign lan
guages fluently, wore dresses from Pttquin
and hats from Virot and had their rooms
furnished In a strange, fashion. Including
brass bedsteads and wooden chairs. She,
on her marriage, could not eveu read aud
write Turkish.
In a few years after her marriage, she
bad not only mastered her mother tongue,
but oould speak and reud -French and, Eng
lish aa well. Hut tho. nior aha learned the
more she longed to learn and see. She
longed to walk about in tho streets and go
to visit her femnle friends on foot. Only
on very rare occasions did aho leave the
Harden of the, harem and then she was
always la a ckso4 carriage, with the blue
silk blind lowered and a stifling veil over
her face. Her husband had but one wife,
not so much hwvauao ho approved of
Ktiropean Ideas. . but because he said he
could not afford bkuv alnce- French cookery
and English furniture had become the
fashion. If tho wlvea gave a party, only
women were present, amongst them belnir
tiiu wive and daaighteca of. tuen engaged,
at tho different embassies. If the hus
Uf ids gave a party, only men were
When Fatlma heard tho foreign ambas
sadors' wives and daughters describe their
parties, where men and women conversed
freely, and talked, not only of love, but of
books, people, politics and art, she says
that she determined that if she could pos
sibly brlug It about,. Turkish women should
ulso be
people Instead of dolls. Hut this was not
Bv easy as It seemed. Not only her hus
band, but his and her own fayiUly fusud
to let her change her Ufa In tho least.
"you speak three foreign languages and
thai la enough emancipation for anybody,"
they said.
Then Fatlma determined to. run away to
Have You Been to the
Absolute 'shoo satisfac
tion can le obtained if you
purchase here. Comfort
able slices are essential to
ease in walking, and when
they combine style and fit
tho acme of shoe-making
has been reached.
Our $2.50, $.100 and $3.50
Women's Shoes combine
all these qualities, while
our stock is all new ami
Patent leather, kid gun
metal calf, Hussian tan, in
button or lace, new stub
toes, military ami Cuban
Better come in tomor
row and be fitted in a real
comfortable shoe.
AVe carry only Women's,
Misses', Children's and
Shoe eNlrkot
322 So. 16th SeHt.,ir Kareey
Music and Musical Notes
'IE musical critic attended a roa- i
cert last w k which mad- hlin
do a lot of serious thinking.
(Yes. It was a good thing that
he wtnt.)
A man tlay.-d. Ills program
was a big one. It tiui-t lime cost him
many houi of hard, hard wrk mid nlgiits
of, alternating with days i f practice.
The preparing f that one program cave
full proof that enerey had been expended,
antigy without stint or pause.
Anil yet what was the matter? It was
only too plain that pi nple were not moved:
that Is, mentally. Some of the kadlmx
musicians were moved to leave the build
ing, niid some showed their disapproval by
having In the mlddlu of a number. What
was the matter?
The lice music man, as he Is railed at
the . ffire. never had a harder task tlian
wrltit-.g the troth of that particular eon
cert. He hated to do It. It is always
more pleasant to give words of encourage
ment than to receive abuse for telling the
truth. Hut the critic must be an Impartial
judge. Ofttlmes his sympathies nra entirely
with the person criticised.
What was the matter? It was all "letter"
aud no "spirit."
The "spirit" of music "maketh alive,"
Just as the "letter" kllleth.
Is there not too much "letter.'' that
to say, too much "techrlcal expression" at
all of our concerts and not -uuni:li of the
"spirit" of music, or that which "Inspires,"
that which la an inspiration?
Let cn illustration serve to bring nut the
point. Every reader of this column knows
the old si-ry about the old laiiy wh-,
dropped into a fashionable church, and
who, as the sermon proceeded, became very
enthusiastic and exclaimed loudly, "llallo
li'Jah!" Whereupon the usher came to her
ami expostulated. Hut later the cry was
repouted, and again the usher came tin-prove
the woman. Hut s'ie repped, "Why
bless your In art, young man, I've just gjt
religion." Then the usher said. "Yes,
madam, but you must keep o.ulet, this Is
no place to get religion."
Of course, the stonf is Improbable nnd
all that, and yet even in fashionable
churches one sometimes hea-s th- real
essence nf the truth.
Now apply the same. How often haw
you len so thrilled at a concert that von
felt like crying out, "I love music?'' H'ow
often in your concert attendance have you
felt deeply and gloriously the significance
of the fact that you really loved "music?"
You may be attracted by the urtist. You
have been known to say that. Y'ou have
been dazzled by the brilliancy or the tech
nique. Y'ou have been heard to say that
also. You have been know to enthuao
over the, or the work, or the
presentation. But did ou ever get down
to tho heart of things and say to that
other soul who sal with you, "My, how I
do love music?"
Of course, this is all very sentimental,
and all that. But really Is It?
Mush- Is a ministry. It is not merchan
dise. Music is a holy gift. It ts not art amuse
ment. When Music is In its "holy temple," all
the earth doth keep silence before it.
It Is tho duty and privilege of all musi
cians to sue that the temple is not pro
faned. And It is well that we should not
mistake tly temple far the Spirit of Mu,sie
Itself. And hoiy as Is the temple. Impor
tant as is the technical expression, one
must never worship the temple Instead of
the Spirit, ttf .Mualcx , ;fpr it is the Spirit
which makes the temple holy, and not
Those are thoughts which came to a
music critic at a concert.
A letter enme from he west one day last
week and it was- from a teacher in a far
off city In Nebraska. The letter told of
the fact thiit column has been read
constantly by "a woman who lives On a
homestead twelve or fifteen miles from
any town. And this clever, college
educatud wotnau admitted that these
columns were In some, little way an in
fpirution to her.
Now, ot courHe. It ts highly Improper and
very much out of place to alludo to an In
cident like this. In tills particular ('oliinm.
But let us waive that point. It is of the
woman that the writer is now thinking, mid
not of the kind words which she said.
Here in Omaha, one hears frequently
that there Is no opportunity to study the
best things, in this place.
That la not good conversation.
Kiir"pf, to study Hn1 to nco how women
livid thpro, po us to upe.ik with Home au
thority when she c-am back aqulu. Kvvn
running; away was ttlmoxt lmiiosxlhle, so
chisrly was the harem guarded, hut at lust
she bribed a (it-imun severncsa to spiiukkIc
In nn Kuropean woman's dress nnd hat
and one morning after her Herman ess.on
she walked boldly out of the harem, her
hair cropned clone to her held, the paint
and powder (which own Turkish nin use
to an enormous extent) washed from her
face and Jl' wyrth of Tuikish money
secretly hoarded up diaiiuj threw yeaas, hi
her pocket.
Aided by tho German governess. Katima
went to lUrmany and wrota theuce to her
husband and her father, telling them what had don., and her reasons. They wrot
back to say she should not luie any money
at all unless she swore to return home at
once. This sh rvfUM-d to do and bsBan to
fisht aKaliiHt sturvatloit In Berlin, whil.'
attending soniw hltfher courses for women
Only a Turkish woman, delicately nurtured
in the lap of eastern luxury, can form an
adequate idea of what this woman went
through. It was then that tho saw th
tht r side of th medal tho rouah fcwk; of
independent women, who must think for
theuisolve and keep tho wolf from tho
As her small slock of money was soon
gone h. nave Turkish lessons In the aftei
noonu to a few youths who wished to enter
a diplomatic academy. Koiug to her lec
tares lu the mornings and preparing f it
her examinations all through the evenings
and into the small hours of the inorn'Ug
Hut few people wanted Turkish lessons at
all and Fatlma oft-n dined on nothing
belter than a plato of 111 mad soup and a
piece of coarse bread fare that sue woul 1
not have touched a few months before
Hut preevrance had Its reward and flnall)
Fatlma oelaluud her diploma of higher
education. More than tliut, she haj studied
the rights and wrings of the women's
movement ill Kurope, and. as soon as the
revolution broke out in Tarkuy lu the sum
mer of she determined to take ad
vantage of what was going on there to
return home and persuade her sisters, not
only to Insist on being educated, but to
institute home life In place of harems.
Having no money she went to the editor
of a Berlin paper and asked for a loan in
return for which ahe promised to send him
"copy" about the revolution. He was very
much surprised at this offer from a woman
who looked like foreigner, but, on bear
ing' her story, acceded. A week later sh.
was lu her native tow a of Medina, preach
ing emancipation to a crowd of women of
the lower classes. Iter husnand and fatle r
wished to have lur arrested and brought
back to her "home" by force. Tlfls woul 1
certainly have been done had she arrived
theia a few weeks earlier. But revolution
bad already wrought great change tat Tur
It is not very polite towards those who
are t.irnest'.y wei k ii. fur the highest in
teres'ts of music.
It ia not kind. Because there are efforts
bevi.nd number being put forth by many
capable tnstructora in Omaha, whooe work
will show up well In the light of a cjear
And lastly. It Is not true. Because pupila
of Omaha teachcra of music, in every
branch, have bi-cn highly commended when
they have gone abroad to teachers with
binder names.
If Omaha Is a place wherein there Is not
much Incentive or opportunity to Mudy,
how would you like Wj live on "a home
stead twelve or fifteen miles from any
There are teachers In the smaller towns
of Nebraska who are working, on, how
hard! and many of them with nil too
little encouragement, to create a musical
thirst, a musical taste, a musical atmos
phere. And The Bee music department
often hears stories of self-sacrifice and
devotion to the cause of music In
smaller towns stories which moisten the
eyes of even the hardened and harsh
critic of The Bee stortea which are too
sacred to put Into print, even In a Sunday
It is for the sake of those teachers that
he alludes to thia letter which lies be
fore hlin, which a sincere and brave little
music teacher wrote to him, out of the
fullness of her dear musical aoul, when
the snow was fulling last Sunday after
noon. When you feel the loneliness of your
position, think of the one who yet keeps
up her Interest In the higher things and
who lives on "a homestead twelve or fif
teen miles from any town."
What a great thing it Is to be able to
keep the uplook, when the outlook ia not
very pleasant.
There ia a little newspaper clipping
pasted on the wall over the desk of one
of the editorial force of Tho Hue, and
when the young woman who placed it
there looka up from her desk for a mo
ment she reads these words: "The phil
osophy of harplness consists of being
happy, not because of thiugs, but lu bplte
of things."
There ia a great inspiration for people
who are looking for happiness In their
musical growth and expansion, in that
sentence which la pasted on the wall In
The Bee office. Not because of things,
but In spite of them. Happiness of that
kind is genuine, and he who has attained
it Is already a philosopher.
Y'ou are indebted to the New York Sun
for the following delicious bit. There Is
a serloua side to It, too, tf you happen to
see it:
A well known New York teacher of sinii
iiij.'. an Italian, was having hia first talk
with a new woman pupil.
You are a great friend of Caruso? she
lie admitted that he was.
"Then vou must tell me something. she
went on enthusiastically. 'How many
bricks can he stand?"
"Bricks?" repeated the professor.
Yes, bricks.'' she repeated. "llow
manv bricks can he stand on hia chest? '
U took some minutes to clear up the
mystery. ' Then the young woman told of
a former teacher who to make her misirei-s
of the secrets of bel canto hail trained her
to do her exercise with u brick ou her
chest. That was sup-iosed to compel her
to breathe from the stomach. She had
been told bv the teacher that excellence
in singing c'amo from the ability to keep
the muscles of the chest absolutely still
and there must be the Impression that u
weight rested on them. The teacher con
fided that Madame gemb'ich could sup
port thiee bricka without, trouble.
YIokIchI .Notes.
The recital siven by the advanced pupila
of Mr. Si(-mund Landsberg on Thursday
evening was very h.gnly spoken of Ly per
sons w no wcro present and who are compe
tent Judges. Those partti weio Miss
Imra Stevens, Miss Juanita Slater,
(irace Sluhaugh and Mi. kid ward t'atton. Eniiiy CieveJ violinist, also assisted.
Miss l .nulla Allen presents hor pupil,
Miss Hazel Wilcox. In the following pro
gram of violin music at Bellevue college to
morrow (Monday) evening. Miss Helen
Sadilek will play the pianoforte solos.
Concerto Accolay
I'cnsees Henrenses Massenet
Mazurka Me.ynarskt
Slumber Song Scliuinan
Miss Wilcox.
Concert Etudo in I) flat Ul
M:s Sadilek.
Intermezzo ...Mascagni
i'izzaea,lt arr. truest
Nocturne Op. 9, No. 2
Waltz Up. JO. No 1
Miss Hadllek.
Cantanilw cl Bolero
Miss Wilcox.
key. The mombers of the "Young Turkey"
party wlwx were In the town declared that
not a finger should be raised against her.
Al this the reactionaries, to whom her
father and husband belonged, were furious,
and called a meeting at which they de
clared that all the revolutionists wanted
to do was (o net a constitution In order
that the women might go about unveiled.
Tins announcement caused such an uproar
In tho town that all the "Young- Turks"
would have been mobbed had not a number
of troops arrived and dispersed tho crowd,
arresting tho agitators.
After this Fatlma besran a preaching tour
through Turkey, which she Is still con
tinuing. Her story soon beenmo known
aud very many educated Turks declared
themselves to be on her side. But this was
not a difficult fortress to storm, because.
no aristocratic Turkish household keeps up
eastern customs in their entirety, and,
when revolutions are going on, great
changes can take place In a short time.
Amongst those who support her warmly Is
Prince 8a hah od Pin, a prominent liberal
and a very cultured man.
"You are. perfectly right," he said to hor
at a recent meeting Bho held in Constant!
nople. "Our women must be educated, en
Joy homo life, should go about unveiled and
receive visitors without restriction like
other women do. But you must be prudent
and moderate or you will not only spoil
your own cause, but that of young constltu
tlonal Turkey as well."
The prince put the situation in a nut
shell. If Princess Kiitlma and hor follow
ers press their cause too hard they will
not ouly turn mtddlo-claas Turks and the
lower orders against them, but will turn
them against the new Turkey and its con
stituMoii, against progress and reform of all
kinds, throwing them hack into the arms
of the reactionaries. For, In spite of tho
revolutions and the foreign customs ob
served in aristocratic houses, the provincial
Turk, though he may have but one wife.
Is adverse to any changes at all in his
house and private life. Badly educated
himself, be docs not see why his wife and
daughters should be taught to read and
get "new Ideas." Most, nay, nearly all
th small provincial towns are like Medina
and the inhabitants1 would nuib anybody
who advocated women's emancipation.
It is amongst this class that the changes
ought to be made If Turkish women's fu
ture is to be more enlightened than their
present; and it ia Just this class who will
receive changes with anything but a smile
of welcome. This is what make Princes
Fatlma task so hard, though all really
liberal Turks wish her success and help
tier not only with words, but with gold
which she spends upon the cause she has
so much at heart.
-a '"j-n re i'-r
Art Goods, Photo Frames,
Water Colors,
Painters Outfits.
A. Hospc Co.
The Alteration Piano Sale is a suc
cess. We started In to sell and move
out of the way of the contractors,
plasterers and painters SJOO pianos,
organs and player pianos.
Already fifty instruments are sold
and spoken for, some to be delivered
Christmas eve.
Pyrorrraphy Outfits
up from 50c
Wood to Burn Special
designs. .5c, 10c, 25o Up
A. Hospe Co.
Wide Distribution of Ownership of
American Corporations,
Uwnrn of KaWroad Sharv YnMly
InrroaKod Indunlrlnl Miarea and
Bank Stork Held by Small
1 nveatom.
The widespread ownership of the cor
porations is striking evidence of the faith
the great body of Industrious, thrifty
ArrMH'k'ans have tn - coioirato enterprise.
despite all recent disclosures of the mis
use of corporate power by the unscrupu
lous. This was shown, as it never
had been before In our history. In the
recent disastrous financial panic, whfs
hundreds of thousands of small investors
came into the market place with their
savings to take railroad, industrial and
bank shares olf the hands of thoroughly
frightened speculators and capitalists.
The rapid growth of Industrial "trusts"
nnd railroad combinations in the last ten
years has centralized control, and the
careless observer has mistaken this for
centralized ownership. But 'he centraliza
tion of control has been accompanied by
tho spreading out of ownership. The steel
corporation concretely illustrates this
amoug the industrial combinations. Be
fore the formation of the Steel "trustlcts"
of 'he '90s, many of the mines, mills
and furnaces were privately owned. A
few rich men owned these independent in
dustries. This public did not participate in
the profits, except In the form of wages.
Now, with centralized control, iKMXX) in
vestors aro partners In tho steel business
and participate In the profits.
Hallrojid sua Industrial Storks.
Four years ago. when tho Interstate
Commerce commission made its report on
railroad shareholders, the railroads had
&,U0W owners. Since then they h.ive in
creased to fuily SuO.Oou. 8oo,0( rail
road owners divide $:m,(m, no a year in
dividends, an averare for ejeh owner of
lK just about the average earnings of the
1,500,000 railroad employes. Seven of the
big Industrial combinations have 'i,hu
owners on their books, steel, telephone.,, copper, Pullman, smelters, oil.
Those account for only Sl.6u0.uuu of In
dustrial slock, a minor fraction of the
country's total. It is conservative to estl-
mato the number of other owners of in
dustrial shares at several hundred, thou
sand, llow many people own milling stock
in proven, proix'rties can ouly be con
jectured. Taking no account of "wildcat"
companies for we are talking about in
vestorsthe mines of the country must
have several hundred thousand share
holders. And then there are thp banks.
Hank Stuck Well Distributed.
The popular fallacy Is that a few thou
sand rich men own all tho banks, but toe
truth is that as many thrifty American
own bank shares as railroad shares. It is
fulr to. estimate that upward of .mi
people now own these institutions. This
takes no account of the 12,000 trust com
panies, state hanks and private banks,
whose owners make up another great
army of Investors.
The public's ownership of the highest
grade securities Is very clearly shown in
the "guaranteed" railroad shares, whose
divklends are guaranteed by lessees. The
sltares of more than a hundred thoroughly
seasoned railroad properties are thus al
most as safe investments as bonds, and
they are eagerly sought by executors, trus
tees and guardians, who are intrusted
with funds belonging to others. An exam
ination of the shareholders' list of these
roads, showing page after page of In
vestors, men and women, holding each a
few shares (often only one' share) names
unknown to Wall street and the newspaper
reader Is striking proof of the publics
ownership of the sound corporations. Share
holders' lists re closely guarded. Most
companies feel tha they have no right to
diaclosat the names of their shareholder,
because every American citizen has the
rltht to privacy in his investment.
Ixtoklng over the stock hooks of the rail
road one is impressed by the large propo.
tiou of Women shareholder. The lieorgta
railroad ha many more Individual women
owuera than men. Thia ia true of uutt
guaranteed stocks, which are favorite lu
veslmenl (or women, whose sole thought
ia security of inuotnu. But the big railroad
laa sImw uxprUiAaly Urge proportion
Piano Prices
Cutting deep into cost and creating an
unusual number of sales; not only the low
prices, but the easy terms to it.
Anticipating Christmas needs, the
beautiful and high class Pianos, Player
Pianos and Organs fill the bill.
To get the balance of the stock,
representing Kranich & Bach Pianos,
Kimball Pianos, Krakauer Pianos,
llallet ft Davis Planoa, Bush-Lane
Pianos, Cable-Nelsoa Pianos, Cramer
Pianos, Burton Pianos, Hospc Pianos
and many other well known good
brands of art cases, colonial cases,
modern stylos of pianos, retailed At
$5.0, $504), $IOO, ffS;tr0, $300, $2.10
and $225.
These pianos are placed on sale at
this great pushing out stock sale on
small payments, or for cash, at $13tt,
$150, $178, $108, $237, $200, $287,
$333 for good, new pianos.
In fact, you will find pianos which
are nearly new at $110, $120, $180,
etc. Ten dollars takes one home, $3
per month pays for it.
Elegant new Grand Pianos selling
at $52.", $550, $575, etc. This for
1513 Douglas Street
of women owners. The proportion of
women owners of industrial stocks is not
as high, because very few industrials are
considered desirable aa women's invest
ments Bank stocks are favorites with
women. Of tho 31S.0O0 owners of national
bank stock four years ago. VM.OuO were
women, who hold one-fifth of the national
bank capital of tho country. Since then,
the number of banks ha Increased a fifth,
and It ia fair to estimate that 125.000 women
now own )200,M,OW of national bank capital.
WIllinK to let the Public Know.
Tn the old days the corporation policy
was: "Tho public be damned." But there
has bren a revolution. Instead of working
beyond Jooked doors, the manager of cor
porations now rack their bruins to, devise
new ways o telling about their earnings
and profits. Instead of slamming their
door against the newspaper reporters they
now engage men at large salarlea to hunt
up tho reporters anil load them up with
Five years ago a Journalist who wanted
to write an article telling about the won
ders of "the world's greatest railroad," was
told, that the company didn't desire pub
licity, the other day thia company placed
a special train at the service of a Journal
ist who had the same commission. Several
years ago the founder of the Standard OH
company refused In court to admit that
there was such a company; today he is
writing tho story of his life and his cor
poration, ami he hires a "publicity expert"
at a big salary to see that tho newspapers
get all tho Standard OU new Mr. Harrl-
man, a little while ago, was as Jealously T
guarded from news-seeking intruder as an
eastern potentate; now he spends a good
share of his time with financial welters.
The Hell Telephone, which formerly was a
dark mystery, is now as well advertised as
a talking machine or tho YellowBtono Na
tional park. Frank M. Fayant In Amertoun
(Continued from Page Six.)
man and oue youth, all acrobats, Willi ait
eye for the artistic. They recently closed
a long run at tho Indoi Uluodrome,
where they were engaged for the Orpheum,
circuit. lUk Lynch entertaius with words,
mukic and danclug. His. comedy Interpol
lions aro pleasing, lie has a few burlesque
illustrated songs he give tor tho one prtv
of admission. "The, Magic Album' "How
the Pulr Butted lu"' and "A Lucky Inci
dent" are the subjects of the new kiu,o-
die me views, the first mentioned being a
colored series.
Tho Cameraphone (heater offers a very
attractive bill for the next three days.
The head-liner 1 that great boy, comic
James J. Morton, lu bis original song and
monologue- Cameron ami Oordon in, their
sunsut sereuade, "Good Evening, Caro
line" The "Gibson Girls" Septette In songs
from "Bulla of Mayfalr" aud "Follies, of
I'deS." Fine illustrated sujigs and a number
of silent pictures make up a very strong
Soulful Protest o BauUueoiber
Agalast Modtrsv Printed
An old fellow down in the mountain pf
Kentucky poured ou his feeling pi the
letter follow ing, writtea toi a manufacturer
lu New Jersey and printed in the New
York Sun:
"Jentlemen I want you ta understand
that I alnt no dam fool when I bort that
Bill from that Bead Headed eagent of
yours. He told me that you sent him all
the way from cyncynlla to git that order.
I thot he was lying and I bort all my goods
from the Jersey and he told me be sold the
Jersey and would sell me Jusl like he sold
the Jersey. Now you write me a printed
letter and sex if I send you the munuuy
you wil sejid me the goods, 1 recon you
will, most enny durn tool ud do that. 1
would not mind a Bit aendkn the tuuoney
aud risk get tin the goods, but when I
recollect how you and yox eagent don me
I refuse to do It. If you would of treated
me right and rlt ma letter in ritkng an' not
of sent me that newspaper printed letter like
I was a dam fool and could not read riliu
I woukt have tuck the good and pada the
cash, now I don't want no more of yore
printed letter. I wont stand sich from no
house. 1 ant fifty-sis year ole the laal
of next coming January and the furst man
has got to put my back on the ground yil.
I may not have a mucfe karoiag in gramma
aa you got but I can whip you or euny
uthar dam yauky that wauts to try rtta
ma a. printed leiur. "Your truly."
the 11,000 kind, In mahogany, oak
and rosewood rases.
Player Pianos, me&niuc a perfect
piano, Just like the regular style.
Plays by hand or automatically by a
pedal device. Kasy to manipulate by
the most inexperienced without in
structions, giving you a live piano
and music when you want it. This
olass of pianos retail regularly at
$050, $750, $850 and $1,000 w
put them on this sale at $20O, $375,
$450 and up. Monthly installments.
If you desire.
Our Tarlor Organs, Cabinet Or
gans, Chapel and Church Organs,
manufactured for us by the Kluila
Co., the Swan Co., the Oreat West
ern Co. and others, the regular $50,
$00, $70, $80 and $loo kind. We
are selling these Instruments at $15,
$20, $25, $30, $35, $40, etc., on 50-
New Stock of
CoaJ Just Received 1
Friee $6.50
IJeal "Ecomony" actually saves something.
"Economy" Coal is real economy because it saves
Cni rnct nAnA1. because it costs less per ton than
OaVCa ItlUllCj other coal of equal quality. Be
cause it lasts longer. Because both the weight and the
disposal of clinkers and slate cost money. This is a
saver because Economy Nut lias no slate and makes no
clinkers. Because, like all Sunderland coal, it is dry,
and dry coal is lighter and cleaner. Therefore, more
in a ton than wet, dirty coal.
CfllfOC f lfaftP Because you don't burn so much
uuVw LclUUI coal you don't put so much in the
stove. Because a coal that burns right like Economy
Xut-r-doesn't have to be poked and punched and shaken
and that 's labor saved. It is also labor to carry away
slate and clinker, but not if Economy Nut is used, for
there are none.
Q!7IC TllTl4 When it's cold and you shiver
iJuVvij lllilts around waiting for the breakfast
fire to. burn, minutes are like hours. Economy Nut cw
kindles and starts burning quicker 'en-scat. A fine
steady, regular heat is what you want for the kitchen
stove. Many a meal has been delayed if not partially
destroyed by reason of the poor coal acting up,"
Qnupc Wnrrv lf yonr al loes not do for you
OuV va If Ul I j what Economy Nut will do, it does
not serve you properly and worries you. When the fire
won't start quick, wont burn right, won't cook to suit,
won't economize in money, labor and time, you worry,
don't you.
Vie Economy tfut at $0.50 and DON'T WORRY.
$35.00 in Prizes
and these will In- freely given out to thune who. fail at our
office, 16 1 i llHraex St. Hiuiplo directions ar furniKlied. No
eiKnsi or purchtMm nereasary. Just a plain, freo-for-aU com
iKtitlojft, 1q whkh all have equal chance to win a prize. Chil
dren and grown folk alike aro inureMed. VUt gladly tell
you more alxiut it hy 'phone or at the counter.
OZARK Arkansas Anthracite $9
This is a splendid coal for all sorts of heating
stoves aud furnaces. Those who desire most heat
for least money can well afford to try it. Burns as
clean as regular hard coal. Makes a better fire, is
more easily controlled by the draughts and costs
much less per ton.
Here Since 1883
Main Office 1614 Harney St.
not. Tn Una oomprUea oiaoy Imported article, as wll a duiuaaUc, and ts th
choicest to be had. Uuod Goods at very low. nrloea.
ee Want Ads
Produce Results
The beat Chrlattnaa present la a
"Victor Talking Machine. " Price
to suit every purae 919.00, 91T.0O,
15.00, 930.90 m to 900.00.
Records from 9So up to 9T.M.
A Hospo Co.
cvu per week payments.
A full guarantee of from B to 18
years goes with each and every In
strument. You take bo chances;
now, hurry; don't let the choice of
the best, bargains slip away. You
save $75, $100, $185, in some cases
$150, by purchasing now.
Special Sale In
Music Rolls and Bags
Monday Afternoon From
2 to 4 O'clock
$1.00 Holla go
$2.00 Bolls go
$3.00 Bolls go 1JQ
$3.00 Bags go j 5Q
Cumo early and avoid
the rush.
A. Hospo Co.
Economy Nut
Ou lM'ember 10th our "OWL
fONTKST" clot. Iavo loft
neveral thousand "Owl OartlH,"
North Yari Mib a4 IkM Um
South Yard Wi and U. . I. I.
Ail Kind! oi Pnanea
On Travaling Bag. Ladles Handbags
Ladles' Neckwear Folders, Music Hulls'
Attorneys' iKcumen Hulls, Toilet Hmr
ricnlc Beta, Writing Bet, Shaving Sets'
Autwrnohlla Lunch tttls fur yartls of
two. four aud fcl; Folding Drinking
Cup. Flanks. Hill Hooks Pocket Books
Collar and Cuff Cases, Men' Hat Canes'
Cigar Casti. Money Belt and Military
brushes. 20 discount will b allowe'l
on all th abov mentioned good ump
Jan. 1. ll0i. You ar cordially invited
iu inspect mis una wneiner you buy or