Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1908, EDITORIAL, Page 5, Image 13

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Wife of Ambassador from United
States Honorary .President.
( hrlstealnas Arr Becoming Smartest
f-'nnctlnns la Knalaait him
nn First Aivlstnnt lo
f anlrt.
InjS. L'ec. u (Special ) Mrs
V'i,itelaw Held has become honorary pies
Ident of the Society of American Women
In London, a fact that give a good deal
vt satisfaction to the members, for dur
ing the ("hoate regime there was more
er less ill feeling between the society and
the wife of the American ambassador.
All that has been change'!, however, mice
the Helds came. The society has (,'lifii
up its lather Inaccessible rooms In Pall
Mall and has Just made a ileal with the
Arts club 'for joint uiw of that lull's
handsome rooms over Kumpelmayer's In
St. .larms street, which la lined w ith
fashionable and exclusive club. I hear
tome of the members didn't much like the
Idea of this Arts club scheme, as It meant
putting up some more money. Hut, on the
other hand, some Influential new mem
bers have come In, Including Mrs. John
Morgan Richards, and it is thought that
the society has entered on a new eta of
Smart hrlstealaas.
Wuite the smartest functions which have
taken place lately have, been christen
ings. In their own way they have been
quite as Interesting as wedding. The
gowns and Jewels worn by the women
hav been gorgeous in the extreme,
while the floral deconitlons in the
church and In the house where the li sts
always return lo lunch have, in some.
chsqh, airlvcd the suine morning from
the south of France.
One of the first young Americana to
realize the social posMhilitles of the
smart christening was Mrs. Walter
Burns, who had iultc a memorable (.how
when her little girl was received Into
tho church. But It Is difficult to ex
plain the beauty and plcture.squeness of
the christening of the heir of Mr. and
Mrs. Lulu llarcourt. The Important lit
tle boy wore a lace robe which was
valued at 13,000, On the occasion Mrs.
ulu lliircourt'H own sables, which she
Hum fur the first time und which wore u.
"christening gift," were said to have cost
her hubband $7,."u0.
After the service the guests all assem
bled at u recherche luncheon, carda for
w hlch were purported to have been Is
sued by the small hero of the occasion.
They were tiny things of cream parch
ment with silver lettering Inscribed with
tlio words, "Come and see me christened
und afterwards look in and lunch with
Ilia .Majesty's . I ft .
The house was a mass of gorgeous white
blooms. Floral bells by a clever arrange
ment of a fashionable florist were made
to ring out a pml after the manner of Joy
bells. Ilia majesty's gift, the everlasting
silver-gilt porringer which lie buya by the
dozen for auch purposes, was In a conspicu
ous place on the table near tho immense
and very beautiful christening cake. A
great deal of comment was occasioned by
the fact that "William" and not "Edward"
wsis the first name given to tho little heir.
This is totally unusual when the king Is
godfather, the child being always given the
name of Kdward as a principal one.
Tho duchesa of Marlborough wag quite
the smartest woman present at tho chrlst-
enfjw; of Iady Wolverton's small daughter,
the ther day. She camo up especially from
Kent, where she is staying with her boys,
to be godmother. I.ady Wolverton is a
daughter of Ueurgina, I.ady Dudley, and
phe is one of those who have ever been
staunch to the duchesa since the separation
between the Marlborough. Like all the
extra smart christenings this one took place
at the t'luipel Itnyal. It is essential to have
the king's permission before any ceremony
can Ik- performed at this church.
Men, save the immediate relatives of the
family, do not generally put In an appear
ance at such ceremonies, but they are al
ways to bo found in numbers at the lunch
eon and wear the buttonholes which are
presented in honor of the occasion usually
while gardenias.'
Kdnard n "larllnsr Klsg."
There is known to be a strong dash of
sentiment In the composition of King Kd
ward. When the course of truo love has
not run smooth he has times out of num
ber thrown oil. In the shape of kind words
an1 suggestions to the parenta of the pair.
on the tempestuous waters. Some time ago
I mentioned tho fact that Liidy fagot's
young son was In love with Miss James,
the youthful debutante daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Willie James, but that the par
enta of the boy and girl objected to the
marriage for a few reasons best known to
themselves and suggested that "the chil
dren" attould wait for some time. It now
appears that this enthusiastic Romeo and
Juliet have gone straight to King Edward
and asked him to try to Intercede for them
with their parents with a view to a hasty
marriage. Miss James, who. is not yet 13.
and looks about K, wrote a personal letter
to his majesty, saying: "You will be suc'.i
a darling king If you tan get mother and
I.ady Paget to consent to our marriage at
once." Ilistnty does not record what his
majesty replied, but that he has had a
that with both Lady Paget and Mrs. James
on the subh-ct is known. Miss James, who
Is a beauty and will In time be u great
heiress, should l.n t lie ordinary course oC
circumstances have married brilliantly.
Though Mr. Paget Is a good-looking and j
desirable young man he, naturally, cannot
be regarded in the light of a great catch. j
It remains to be seen what will happen, j
but there Is a definite idea In society that
the engagement will be announced shortly.
Important Yinkrri Absent.
Although this is what is termed "the little
season," which in years gone by used to be
so popular with rich Americans, as I write
the Important Yankees here could almost be
counted on the fingers of one hand. They
are everywhere but In London. Hyde Park
house, the town residence of Lady Nay lor-
Emperor William is Now raced by
"Another Master."
Ovrnlni if a Momratona trottle
Marked lr the Itrcent Outburst
of Public Opinion In the
German K.niplre.
BK11I.I.V. lec. 5. The outburst of feeling
In Germany agalnn the kaiser marks the
opening of a momentous struggle. In two
months the kaiser will be So years old; al
ready he has reigned for more than twenty
years. His personality Is no unknown
quality, and he may well be aghast that
so causal a thing as a newspaper Interview
should be seized by his subjects to diminish
his stature publicly and forever. He, the
Leyland. Is snut up und will not be opened j m rlr tirri,ss exponent of the old faith In
the divinity of his office, the man who in
until the lale spring. Mr. Asior's mansion
in Cat lion House Tel l ace also has the
blinds drawn, he being in Kei.t. The
Urcxels' new house in tirosvenor suare '
noL U be reudy for tneir accommodation
until the spring. Mrs. Anthony Dnxel and
her daughter mude a visit there the other
day, to see how It was progressing, and the
former explained that there was "no hurry"
with the mansion, as she proposed to spend
the holidays and a good part of January
In tho United States. Mrs. John Mackay
Is not expected In Carlton House Terrace
until May and Mrs. Harold Baring, one of
tho favorite hostesses of King Bdward, and
one oc the prettiest Americans In Europe,
is trying to let her house in Knlghtsbrldge.
I July Cunard means to spend the next
three months at Nevlll Holt and Lady Bate
man will lie at Shobdcn until well on in tho
the modern world calls mankind to behold
that he Is the absolute inheritor of the
glamour of t'hurlomagne and the Cat Mars
he lo be held answerable to the represen
tatives of universal suffrage and threatened
with coercive conversion into a moio con
stitutional, limited king, a king in rrose.
Such a situation opens an era for the Ger
man empire.
Onlookers from abroad should realize thai
the fateful interview which dealt with the
emperor's personal acts In foreign affairs
was launched into an internal situation
laden with dangerous factors. The violence
of tho explosion marked the existence of
long accumulated discontent on which his
words acted as a fuse.
The country has suffered Increasingly
from bad economic conditions for the last
new year. Mrs. Ronalds, whoso Sunday j three years, from overproduction, from tha
afternoon musical parties used to be sucli
a godsend, has been with her daughter.
Mrs. Hitchlc. ever s.i long in America,
though she is expected here before Christ
mas. Mrs. George Cornwallis West la at
her place near Hi. Albans-, and has not the
slightest intention of coming to London
permuiicnlly until the late spring.
Anlnnin Season Fiasco.
Tho truth is, it was the king who in the
past Induced Ameiican hostesses to open
tlielr houses and help to make things "go
before Christmas. Before he ascended the
throne autumn seasons were unheard of in
lyondou, the smart world never thinking ot
pulling In an appearance before February
or March a; tho earliest. The king is a
cockney in his love for London, and is
never happy for long out of It. Henco the
autumn season which is proving such a
liasco this year.
Mrs. Kate Moore is regarded on the con
tinent as one of the most chic Americans
of the hour. It was her great friend. Lady
Savlle, who first introduced her to King
ICdward. who immediately pronounced her
to be one of the most Interesting Women
he had met. Mrs. Moore has Just been
"staggering" London with her wonderful
frocks, mostly of tho empire and dlrectoire
persuasion. Everyone knows how deadly
slow Englishwomen are In accepting new
modes, and though the dlrectoire models
have been universally adopted elsewhere
the.y arc rarely seen here except pictured
in the women's papers and In the shop
windows, Judge then the sensation Mrs.
Moore's frocks occasioned, especially as
some of her skirts were not more than two
and a half yards at the feet! She Is one
of the people who look their best in pic
turesque and eccentric attjre. While in
England she visited another very smart
woman, Mrs.' Hwfa Williams, who is also
in the royal set. Some years ago, when
circumstances aroso which reduced Mrs.
Hwfa Williams' dress allowance, she
promptly opened a wonderful French laun
dry wherein all the assistants were French.
She. charged 11 for washing the simplest
shirt waist and $2.50 for making up a linen
frock. All society flocked to her with Its
washing, with the result that she was
soon again able to pay. as of old. S5" for a
gown. Mrs. Hwfa Williams" laundry still
remains a source of income to her, though
not so large as at first, for English people
soon get tired of paying fancy prices, oven
to a smart society laundress. I hear the
Idea of the laundry was in the first In
stance suggested to Mrs. Williams by Mrs.
The Road to Success.
John ii. Johnson, Philadelphia's famous
lawyer, was talking In the smukeroom of a
liner about work.
"In my youth," said Mr. Johnson, "I
was ambitious. Ambitious in an aimless
and desultory way. In early youth, of
course, one understands neither life nor
"An aged millionaire questioned me one
day good liumoredly:
" 'You are ambitious.' he said.
'I am.' I agreed.
" 'Why. said the millionaire, "do you
want to rise?"
" 'So that I can do as I like t answered.
"The millionaire smiled and shook his
" 'Ah. my boy.' he sUd. "It Is only when
we do as we don't like that we suceeed.'
New York Sun.
Have arranged for a
Grand Factory Display
of the famous
of New York.
This matchless exhibit will be held on the Main Stae
of the Auditorium. Here will Ik? piven away the
Strich Cl Zoidlcr Piano
Twenty-five years striving for the Ideal has made the
Strich & Zeidler Piano ,
The MARVEL of the Piano Age.
WTierever known best the Strich & Zeidler Piano is
called the Piano for Particular People.
W. E. Richards, "Western Sales Manager for Strich &
Zeidler, with offices on the 3d floor Old Boston Store Bldg.,
Omaha, Neb., announces that not one of the carload of sioe.
ially selected Sample Pianos will remain unsold. This
means A RARE , OPPORTUNITY for Piano Dealers and
Intending lurchasers to secure the best"" that America af
fords at estecially low trices.
We are right in touch with SANTA with all the latest novelties of this season's manufac
Ladies' or Gent's
House Desk
Kike illustration made of se
lect quarter sawed oak, highly
olished, very substantial; at,
price $13.50
-m ' a v f 11 1
i il. m other I,ntlies' Desks, in an me
0MttWTt$llMlSM I different l,ul finislios.
i? ml
difficulty of finding markets and the small
ness of commercial profits, from anxiety
over the enormous and necessary increase
In taxation. Hesldes, there Is the certain
survival of pnrtlcularist sentiment in the
non-Prussian states of the federal empire,
as witness Bavaria's secession from the
Imperial Navy league, on the around that
the funds were used clectorally to nld
IYince Buelow's bloc and to defeat the
south and the Catholic center.
Haala of the Trouble.
Socialist propaganda . Id, the flamboyant
pretensions of the pan-German expansion
ists have had their share in disturbing t lie
produetive community. Most of nil, and
hero has proved to be the kaiser's pitfall,
there Is a brooding anxiety over the man
ner of managing (Sermany's foreign policy.
That policy, all Hermans agree, does not
secure thu results that the country's
strength Hnd ambition might obtain; yet
the. foreign policy has been the emperor
himself, the first patriot of them all. To
tako Us control from his hands is to hold
him convicted of personal Incompetence as
a statesman. l.'nder a restricted consti
tution a personally incompetent monarch
can be kept harmless. The parliamen
tarians of tho moderate parties are strain
ing their ingenuity to try how such an
affront can be veiled to avoid collision
with the emiKror's turbulent self-esteem.
Bismarck's Solution.
The best understanding of the German
constitution is to be gathered from tho
words addressed by Prince Bismarck to
the Prussian Diet when the chancellor first
came into collision with the elected legis
lature. He told them: "In case of discord
between the three powers (the sovereign,
tho Federal Council and the Iteiehsuig)
which cooperate in the making of laws,
the constitution does not say which of them
is to yield. The true solution should be
found In a compromise. If the compromise
does not succeed, there would be a con
flict und as the life of the state must not
bo brought to a standstill such conflicts
become questions of strength. Ho whose
hands are strong enough succeeds in en
forcing his views." So it Is today. If
tho Kelchstag challenge the kaiser on his
responsibility to It for the conduct of Ger
man policy It Is traveling outside the con
stitution and Its only justification would
bo tho possession of enough national
strength to enforce its will.
All parties to the struggle realize that the
existing constitution, drafted forty years
ago, was made by Bismarck specifically
for the needs of his own time and policy.
He had to cope with the altruistic liber
alism which had remained strong on the
continent of Europe since the uprisings of
1S4S and he had to ward against separ
atist sentiment In the non-Prussian states.
Thus he devised a Reichstag to consist of
one chamber elected by all Germany by
universal suffrage. So far he satisfied na
tional unity and democracy, but he ef
fectively gagged the latter by formally de
priving the Reichstag of all power of Ini
tiative. He meant to continue governing
by the army and the permanent officials
under the will of the sovereign, and as
he did not weaken either of these instru
ments, he conferred no independent power
on the elected assembly.
sovrrtgn to Kirrotvr,
"The executive power belongs exclusively
to the sovereign," declared Bismarck, and
he provided that the sovereign should "rep
resent the entire empire in its relation to
foreign states." The Federal Council, it is
true, had to give consent to a declaration
of war, but In his quality of king of
Prussia the emperor remained master of
the council. Ail tho confederated stutis
send delegates to the council fifty-eight
members for twenty-five states. Prussia
has keventeen votes and with the small
states that are appendages to its territory
controls the majority. The imperial chan
cellor presides over the Federal Council,
one of whose chief rights is to advise the
dissolution of the Reichstag, under the ap
proval of the emperor.
Powers of the Reichstag.
The Reichstag Is elected bodily for threa
years. It wai at first arranged that ther.
should be one member for each luO.OtJ
of population, but a'though the German
empire baa now 60.ouu.000 inhabitants the
Reichstag lias only X'T members. Nomi
nally the Reichstag Is entitled to pro
nounce its wilt on questions of taxation,
railways, civil and criminal legislation,
army and navy expenditure. The constitu
tion slates that "every law of the empire
requires a decision by the Reichstag."
But article v adds: "Accord between
the Reichstag and the federal council is
necessary for a law. In cam) of a d.s
sgreement within the federal council on
a bill relating to the army, navy or to
taxation t he president may decide that ex
isting arrangements siiould be continued."
Moreover, tho Reichstag may not modify
the constitution or militiry or fiscal ar
rangements without the consent of the
king of Prussia, German emperor.
The Reichstag may ask reports from the
Imperial authorities and lias the right of
petition and Interpellation; but here again
its rights are whittled down. The gov
ernment is not bound to furnish reports;
the opinion o fthe Reichstag on these re
ports does not bind the government; the
decision of tho Reichstag to pei"'n the
government does not oblige .ny authority
to take heed of Its petition.
Th government may refuse to reply to
Interpellations and Is not bound by any
votes that may result from them. In
short, the Reichstag's votes are purely
platinic. It naturally follows that It exer
cises no direct action on the conduct of
wit ft I fa
ft MM IW s
$Sj.OO to
Music Cabinet
Music Cabinet, like illustration,
with plaster front, colonial
design, made of choice mahog
any, polish or dull finish; at,
price $21.50
Others in imitation mahogany
and oak, at prices from $(50.00
dow n to . . . . , S5.50
Dressing Table
Dressing Table Chair, like illustration,
made in all the fancy woods, mahog
any, curley birch, bird's-eye maple
and golden oak; price $4.75
Other design Chairs, in mahogany and
oak, from $13.00 down to $4.00
i I
Collarette, like illustration,
made of select quarter-sawed
oak and hand polished,
one of the most complete
made; price $27.00
Others in weathered oak and
golden oak, ranging in price
from $3o.OO down to $9.00
Our line of bedroom rockers,
children's rockers, children's
jumpers and play-yards was
never more complete than now.
Ladies9 Desk Chair
Ladies' Desk Chair, like illustration,
with box frame and solid wood seat,
made of select quarter-sawed oak; at,
price , $4.75
Large line of Desk Chairs, in all the
fancy woods; at from $12.00 down
to , ...$4.50
AVc have never displayed a more
complete line of Pedestals, Tabour
ettes, Jardinier Stands, Work Tables,
Foot Sests, Medicine Cabinets, Kitchen
Cabinets for Holiday trade than we
are this year.
Miller, Stewart (& Beaton S,
the government, the fate or ministers or
the administration of affairs.
In the ultimate matter of the imierlal
budget it cannot effectively stop supplies,
for its vote, according to article lxix of
tho constitution, is not equivalent to an
authorisation of expenditure, but to a
recognition of tho necessity and accuracy
of the acounts. The budget Is thus an
administrative act passed In firm of law.
Public Opinion Is Powerful.
Willie all these barren negatives have en
closed the legislative authority of the
Reichstag public opinion has grown up
vigorously outside. A member of the
Reichstag has no voice in the making of
ministers or in procuring local appoint
ments, but to avoid chronic public dispu
tation between the legislature and the cxe.
cutivo the practice of lobby bargainings
has grown tip.
Groups have been got, even to vote meas
ures tiiat their members had opposed on
condition that the government would let
them have their way in matters on which
they were separately interested. The conservative-liberal
bloc that supported Prince
Bulow from the last election until this
cris was welded together in the do ut des
Blsmarckian fashion, rublic opinion has
never been proud of these lobby bargain
ings, and members who wish to break with
the custom ascribe the futility of their ef
forts to the essentially subordinate role
that the Reichstag plays in the constitution.
It is another ground for the extension of
its rights.
"There is " only one master In this
country; I will not suffer another by my
side." So spoke Kniperor Wilhelm at Dus
seldoif, when. he had been five years on the
throne. Yet lie, himself, aided by the ex
cesses of his favorites, by his speeches
and by the inconsistency of his policy, has
created "another master'" German public
It asks for guarantees against him and
raises the gravest constitutional question
that the country has known since the em
pire was founded. The chancellor is to re
main responsible, but before whom? If he
is to be primarily responsible to the em
peror the personal policy will continue.
If the emperor's ministers are to be
primarily responsible to thp Reichstag,
where is his passionate statement to him
self as a divinely appointed?
Kmneror's Position la Mrons;.
Yet there are circumstances In the situa
tion which render Kmperor William's posi
tion very sitting. Nothing can be done
without him except by a revolution, whicii
is an utterly improbable contingency. By
choosing that way Germany might find
ruin and it knows it. The present Kelchs
tag Is not of the temp-r t" seek a revolu
tion. It wants simply a constitution; what
the German empire has been lix'kinp f ir
ever since it taw the light. Heinrich Heine
said that the soul of Germany Is wandering
in search of u body. lis present hist ry
explains his saying.
In one vital aspect the problem has not
yet been solved peaceably by any nation.
In t lie American. English and French revo
lutions tne preexisting systems were up
rooted nnd out bidi.y to make space
fir the establishment of free institutions
in which a fittliu; pla.e was given to the
chief of state by the nation.
In Germany, whose furm of cunstil ution
was not the seqii.l lo the overthrow of the
previous system of government, the make
bel.eve has been attempted of conferring
power on a newly created body without
diminishing the absolute, hereditary au
thority of t lie sovereign. In Russia the
attempt has been an utter failuri ; in Ger
many, despite excc.Uenl education, good
civic orJer end generally Intelligent ad
ministration, it will be a miracle if govern
ment by elected legislature can be made a
success under the sway of the present
empei or.
(lass by the real smart society woman;
"suffragettlng" has been vulgarized by the
tactiis of the militant members; while elec
tioneering offers too many periods of inac
tivity between battles and, besides. Is
closed to all but a few. So it is that many
smart women here are liecomlng amateur
scrubwomen and are spendirg most of their
srare moments cleaning up the churches to
which tliey belong.
To say that these women, some of them
real live peeresses who come forward to
assist their pastors, are not sincere in their
intentions would bo exceedingly untrue.
They work like slaves In tho "cause" clean
ing out the churches themselves, thereby
saving the weekly expenditure for such
purposes in poor churches and gaining for
themselves a special halo to be worn at a
future date. They masquerade as scrub
women in huge, coarse aprons which, how
ever, have ti delightful touch of Irish em
broidery on the bodices. Iargo cotton
sleeves are drawn over their dainty inner
ones of lace and chiffon and on their per
fectly arranged hair aro fantastic hand
kerchiefs In vivid colors tied in picturesque
bows. Armed with brooms, dust pans and
wash leather they are to be found on a
Monday morning In many of the smartest
churches In town and country, especially
those of tho high church persuasion.
They wash and iron the altar cloths and
the rest of the church linen, they scrub
the marble steps to the chancel, wash the
vases, polish the candlesticks and arrange
the flowers artistically.
In the first instance It was the dowager
duchess of Newcastle who started as ama
teur scrubwoman. Her grace, who is
"vert" to Catholicism, is as devout and
earnest as the majority who "come over."
In the Fast Knd, where she spends most
of her time, she aked as a favor to be al
lowed "to look after t)ie house of God."
This favor was readily granted and in
time it came to puss that she and a num
ber of young gentlewomen who always
help her grace In her works of charity took
complete charge of the church.
Iady Wimborne. although a low church
Protestant, is also enthusiastic in super
intending the cleaning of the parish church
on her husband's estate. She Is one of
the remarkable daughters of the seventh
duke of Marlborough and aunt of the
present peer.
Mrs. Asqulth. wife of the prime minister,
when she as in the north litis year stag
gered tiie "little minister" by declaring
her desire to act in the capacity of ama
teur scrubwoman In the local kirk. This
fact aroused immense excitement in the
neighborhood, as it was the first time the
pimple inhabitants bad heard of a great
lady being 3esirous of taking up such
a job.
In some parishes the clergy admit con
fidentially that they are 'being killeJ
with kindness." but they would not grum
ble for the world, being fearful of damp
ing the seal of their fair parishioners. It
is nevertheless an open secret in more
casas than one that the genuine scrub
women have had to be called In by stealth
and locked In the stiered edifices "to clean
up," as one professional scrubwoman ex
pressed it, "after the ladies had finished
messing about."
In outlying districts, where tnere are no
j "society" dames, the wouid-be smart ladies
of the parish take for their example the
conduct of their aristocratic sisters und
masquerade like them. This has admirable
financial results, the clergy In many in
stances being able to lay aside church ex
penses for parish debts.
American Millionaires Fay High
Prices in England. .
Fascinating Hostesses Enlarge Their
Dress Arcoaati by Esglseerlsg
Deals on Susceptible Ones
from This Side.
LONDON. Pec. 5. (Special.) At this, the
country house season, American million
aires are in particular request. This Is the
time when over the wine and the walnuts
"deuls" as big as any which take place
on the stock exchange or in city olfices
are negotiated. The intimacy and the
friendliness of the association within the
ancestral home accomplish in a week-end
what could not be arrived at for months
elsewhere. Besides, the guest, feeling him
self under an obligation, as it were, cannot
verv well decline what he would without
hesitation refuse to do were he approached
In the ordinary business way.
The chatelaine of the aristocratic home
spends many hours sorting out tho right
type of American people to invite to ner
board. She gushes over them and begs
them, with her innocent blue eyes, to come
and see her aviary or her miniature loo
or the dairy r th? fowls, and, never dream
ing that the fair one is a sort of human
spider, inveigling lier prey to her parlors,
they accept the Invitation, delighted at
the prospects of meeting a royal highness
Astute and shrewd as the usual Yankee
millionaire is. not even when he has de
posited thousands in the flotation of the
company in which his hostess' husband is
interested or has purchased the master
piece or the antique leather chairs, does
he tumble to the fact that he has been
Invited for no other purpose than to spend
his dollars.
Makes Money for Dress.
The wife of a well known Hampshire
magnate boasts to her intimates that fo
five years past she has made between
10,OX and 112,000 for her dross througli
American millionaires to whom she sella
In the privacy of her homo objects of art.
She Is a connoisseur of some distinction
and it is to be admitted that what sha
does cell is genuine of Its kind, but she
gets phenomenal prices In some cases as
ir.uch as five times tho worth of tho article.
"How you had tho conscience," said a
well known statesman to her the other
day, "to nsk tl,260 for that seal and watch
fob? You ought to bo ashamed of yourself."
"You forget altogether, my right honor
able friend, that the American young man
who paid it to me was introduced to my
friends to you, for Instance. Business ia
business," she answered.
The biggest tube scheme that has yet
been put before Parliament will bo pre
sented early next year. It was arranged
during one week-end at a well known hous.i
in Y'orkshlre, much of the money being
guaranteed by Americans who had met
lor the first tlmo tho promulgator of th.
enterprise at that gathering. The originator
Is a penniless but clever nephew of a dis
tinguished Irish peer and he expects to net
out of the Job something like Jl,5u0.iX).
Dos; Fanciers In Demand.
American dog fanciers stand a goe-j
chance of being Invited to the smartest
houses if they have the reputation of being
willing to pay "fancy priirs" for pe1iSre-
animals. The greater number of country
hostesses add to their dress allowances b
selling pedigree dogs, cats or fowls. It
sunly cannot be Infra dig to do so when
Princess Victoria of Schleswig-Holslein, tho
king's niece has for years sold cats to any
"common or garden" individual who wroti
to her either nt Cumberland 1odge, Wind
sor or Schomberg House, London, enclosing
a check for a pussy cat.
It must always be taken Into considera
tion that the more exalted the sales woman
the higher the price she can demand.
Princess Victoria, nevertheless, Is the om
exception which proves the rule and when
some time ago an ambitious social climber
forwarded her a gushing letter and a check
f'T Vtt) for a blue Persian k'tten a few
weeks old she deducted the fM. the actual
price of the cat, and returned the rest.
society Vt otsra of Kaajland Have
Penchant fur f aninsi for llonses
of Worship.
LONLON. Tec. 5 (Special.) English so
ciety women are seldom if ever happy un
less they are doing something out of the
trdinary. Any number of crazes have bad
their days, run tie r courses and retired
into oblivion. "Slumming" lias been over
Uono and passed on to the upper middle
If Under the Weather
Get Into Good Condition
You are more exposed to infectious and con
tagious diseases than you would be if healthy
and strong. You have less power of resistance.
Probably no other medicine ever
produced has accomplished so
'much in restoring- health and
strength as Hood's Sarsaparilla.
This great medicine purifies and
enriches the blood.
It makes the blood normal In red
and white corpuscles and other
constituents in other words,
makes it of the right quality and
In doing this, it builds up the
whole system and Increases the
power of resistance to disease.
Illi I'rlrc.
Kelr llardie, the English Hbor leader,
during his American visit referred at a
New Yoik banquet to political corruption.
"You are sweeping your house of politics
clean here In the slates," he said, "and the
buying and selling ot votes will soon be a
thing of t'.je past.
"Traffic in voles Is death to a republic.
I wish that this vile traffic could always be4
shown up as it was the other day in a
western law court.
"In this court the judge said severely to
a prisoner:
" 'My man, did you ever earn a dullr
In your life?"
" 'Yes.' tho prisoner answered in a loud
voice. 'I voted for vour honor, once."'
Philadelphia, Record.
And It also acts directly as well
as through the blood on the
stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels.
and makes its good effects on all
these organs felt at once.
It will make you feel better,
look better, eat and sleep better.
It will cure you of scrofula, ecre
ma, eruptions, catarrh, rheuma
tism, anemia, nervousness, tired,
languid feelings, dyspepsia, loss of
appetite, general debility.
And It will give you the best
possible protection against typhoid
fever, malaria, ague, grip, spotted
fever, smallpox, tuberculosis and
all other germ diseases.
Don't delay, but begin taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla at once and
take it faithfully
"My mother and I have been entirely cured of impure blood and that
tired feeling by Hood'a Sarsaparilla. Two bottles did the work perfectly
and permanently. We think it is the greatest medicine in the world.,
We are eure we can rely on it, for it has never failed to do what we ex
pected of it." Frank Hamilton, 271S S. 7th St., St. Louis, Mo.
3 Hood's Sarsaparilla effects Its wonderful cures, r.ot simply
because it contains sarsaparilla. but because It combines the utmost
remedial values of more than 20 different ingredients, each greatly
strengthened and enriched by this peculiar combination. There is no
real substitute for it. If urged to buy any preparation said to be "just
as good," you may be sure It is inferior, costs less to make, and yields
the dealer a larger profit.
Begin taking Hood's Sarsaparilla today. Get it in the usual Uqnid
form or in chocolated tablets known u Earaataba. 100 Dose Oat Dollar.