TIIK OMAHA SUNDAY IlKK: DECEM UF,U n . U - l-JL i . . mm Tim Omaha Sunday Beb rot'NDED BT EDWARD ROSEWATfcR VICTOR IlOFEWATEK, EDITOR. Entered at Oinalii postufflce as sccnnd claaa matter. TERMS OF 8l llSi RirTKN. Jally Pi (without KusdayV onn year.tt.OO llly H- ami Bunday, onu yar W DBUVEBEt) IIY CARRIKR. Dally Hps (Including Sunday), t?r week.. 15c Dally Hen (without Sunday I. rr week, lo Evening Hpi (without Sunday), vr wwk x Bvenlna; M (with Sunday, VT week V' Sunday t)i-, one year 1-3" Saturdiy one year t' Address all complaint of Irroa-ulnrltl-s In delivery to City rirrulutlon department OFFICK9. Omaha The IV e Hulldln. South Omaha Twenty-fourth and N. Council Rluffn-15 Prntt Street. Uncnln ilS Iylttlp Hulldltif. Chlrano MarquettA il)dlng. New York-Rooma llOMUC No. M West Thirty-third Street Wahlngtnn-72S Fourteenth Ptreet. N. W. CORRKSPON DENTB. Communications relating to new and edi torial matter should he addresaud: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Rtmlt by draft, eiprcw or postal order payable to The Rre Publishing- Company. Only Z-cont stamps received 'n payment of mail account. Personal cherks. except on Omaha, or eastern exchanges, not accepted. STATEMENT OT Cincri,AT10I. Btate of Nebraska. Douglas County, sa. : &tor H. Tischuck. treasurer of The Be PubllstitriK company, being duly aworn. says that the actual number of full and complet coplea of Ttaa Dally, Morning. Evening and Sunday Bee' printed durlna- the month of Novembr, was as follows: i 44,000 1 38,100 1 7,960 17 37,190 18 36,870 19 3V.890 20 87,310 21 37,000 22 37.060 23 37,010 S4 37,090 J5 37,070 2ft 38,940 27 37,140 IS 38,890 29 88,700 20 37,ill0 49,860 4 , .4,850 6 48,880 39.630 T 33,380 87,400 37,940 19 37,810 11... 37,790 12 37,880 II 37,89a 14 37,590 II 38,00 Total 1,161,370 Lass unsold and returned coplea. 11,167 Ntt total 1,150,103 Dally average 38,338 GEORGE R. TZSCHUCK. Treasurer. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me this 1st Jay of December, 1K0S. (Baal) M. P. WALKER Notary Public. WHEW OUT OB TOWN, abacrlbera leaving; tbe city tem porarily ehovtd have The Be milled to kna.. Address will changed ttat as reqaeated Haytl may be removed temporarily at least from the list of wluter resorts. After tomorrow It will be too late to get Into the early Christmas shop pers' class. Secretary Taft Is on the water wagon. He will have plenty ot com pany after January 1. Senator Cummins may discover that the "Iowa idea" is not 89 papular in the senate as It is In Iowa- Mr Hlsgen again declare, that he has. had enough politics. The returns show that he had very little. "Foot ball produce moral clouds.," says a Harvard professor. Also work for trj,e emergency hospitals. At least Tim Woodruff always shows, fine discretion in getting out of the way before he la run over. ' Captain Hains says he does not re member shooting Mr. Ann Is. Doubt less he would be glad to forget It. They are asking for a $50,000 dam In Guam. It is doubtful if congress will give a $50,000 dam for Guam. A Long Island pot has died, leav ing an estate valued; at $1,000,000. He could not have been much oi a poet. Mr. Taft has turned his wineglass down and la doing the same thing with a lot of undesirable applicant for office. "China wi,U never gq back to the dark." says the Washington Star. Possibly China la afraid to go home in tha dark. "Shall we annex Canada," asks the Charleston Newa and Courlor. Oh, yes. Go as tar as you like, but don't call fox help. : . Prosecutor Uoey of San Francisco, ia said to be out of danger. That means that the San Francisco crooks are in danget. Mr. Bryan's Commoner is running a aeries, of articles on "The Mystery of the Election." The election is his tory, not mystery. Captain tlobaon thinks that thii 'new- agreement between the Vnlted. States and Japan is really, it does not mat ter what he thinks. Physicians say that oljnoers of the navy sleep too much. A natural re sult of being constantly rocked in the cradle of the deep. The nations may decide upon an other policy when China gets strong enough to drlde whether it will have its door open or shut. i -' " "" - The geography class may now make lip a lbU of th African towns that will take tha place of Oyster Bay in the dispatches net sutunier. t - " -'- - The Ceii sua bureau fatli to state .what the number of divorces tn the country to. counting thoae of Nat Ooodwin and the Gould family. A Philadelphia man has sued a jus tice of the peace fcr $3.75. an over charge on the marriage fee. He must think marriage is a failure. "Today is not tomorrow." singa a magazine poet. The things we would tet know, wore it not for the poets, would fiU the, rest o th. AUgaztne. iHfc, whs tmiir. The significance of the National Corn exposition, which opens at tha Omaha Auditorium on Wednesday next, can hardly lie exaggerated. It has nn inipcr'.nnre far beyond th Idea a u km' ted by its name, for it mean first of all that tiie tremendous possi bilities tf the soil are surely coming to be recog'iized and properly placed. That the future wenlth of this country Is to couie from the soil is not the cry of the pessimist or the alarmist, but tho sober conclusion of thought ful men of affairs, who understand present conditions and can forecast the future with some accuracy. For ests, mines and similar sources of wealth are rapidly beln2 exhausted, and, even under a policy of wiso con servation, will never again assume the prominence they have had as factors in American national greatness. Put the farmer is just coming into bis own. He has long been held in high estimation, but has only slightly de veloped the great opportunities for wealth production before him. This Is not to be charged against the farmer, for the wonderfully fertile soil of this great country has returned bountiful yield for slight efforts, and the farmer has had little difficulty in producing enough for home and for eign demand. So he has merely "farmed," with little thought as to what might really be done with his land. This era of haphazard farmlug has passed, and a time of careful, scientific cultivation of the land is coming on. Returns actually had as a result of better methods have shown the farmer how his wealth may be Increased by a very little effort, and he is intelli gent enough to grasp the opportunity and make the effort. The same atten tion that has been given to animals is now belug given to plants, and im proved breeds or types of grain fol low, with greater yields per acre and a consequent Increase of farm values. The demand for better results brings about the adoption of better methods In agriculture as in everything else, and the enterprising farmer is a man of advanced thought, just as is the leader in any other line of activity. At the Corn show methods and. re sults from the best will be on exhibi tion and the opportunities for com parison will be endless. The good that will come from it is certain, and the' result will be found in the in creased yield of the farms of the coun try. It is an investment that will pay many fold, and in succeeding years the recurring exhibits at Omaha will justify the wisdom of the men who have so generously and enthusias tically supported the National Corn exposition, now so nearly an accom plished fact. THE REAL TROVBLE IX HAYTL The revolution in Haytl, which has reached a point indicating the over throw of the government of Nord Alexis, is of general interest to tho extent of illustrating the apparent in ability of most of the countries in that part of the world to handle a financial problem without mixing gun powder with it. Tho present revolu tion is really a continuation, or re newal, of the outbreak which occurred in January of this year and which waa suppressed by President Alexis, who beheaded the leader of the insurrec tion, with a number of lesser lights, and banished others. President Alexis has always as serted that the January insurrection was financed and encouragud by rep resentatives of some of the foreign powers that have interests in llayti. Ir 1903 President Simou Sam con solidated the liaytien debt, and it was afterwards developed that the govern,- ment had been swindled, out of about 1,000.000 by the transaction. A prominent German firm waa fined in a heavy amount for alleged participa tion in the swindle. The fine has never been paid, and Alexis is con vinced that the January revolution waa started by interested parties. In the hope of driving the government from power and thus evading a settle ment of the old claim. Haytl has had a series of revolutions due to the in termeddling of. foreign powers, and tho present outbreak appears to be of that variety. (Vl.SiMfc SKliVHK M.AXS. The short session of congress will be ask-vl to take two steps toward progress in postal matters, which ad vocates of the reforms believe will do much toward wiplus out the annual deficit of the department, which now amounts to about $15,000,000 annu ally, and of placing the postal service on a self-sustaining basis. A bill to establish postal savings banks will cnie up for consideration in the senate early in December, and it is believed that it will be passed by that body without much ikUy or de bate, a it was thoroughly discussed at tho last s"8Kn. All of the argu ments for and against the pleasure have been fully presented and the sen timent of the country is strongly in faor of th enactment of the law. Tho only tangible opposition is being offered by tho savings banks, which pvoJ(v8s to believe that the establish ment of the postal savings banks would work to the Injury vl the sav ings banks existing under state char ters, is believed; that this conten tion ia erroneous, as the experience lo other countries has shown that tbu entire savings business, federal and private, H stimulated by the adoption of the postal banks. France, for ex ample, ha had yostal banks, for mere than twenty-five years and experi ence bus proved that they help the business of the private savings bauks and generally strengthen the financial interests of the republic from the lalueoc which they exert to promote thrift among the people. The republican platform adopted at Chi cago pledgee the party to tha adoption of the postal savings system and, while the pledge may be looked upon as binding only on the congress elected last month, indications are that the pressure of public sentiment will pro-luce the entctment of this very generally des'red legislation nt the coming short session. Tho opposition to the extension, of the parcels post system is more gen eral. The express companies are nat urally united against it, and have ap parently succeeded in convincing many country mcrchaut.s that the plan would place them at the mercy of the big mall order house. The express companies do not want oppo sition of any kind and are using every effort to prevent 90,000,00.0 people from securing the benefits of quick and cheap transportation facilities, such aa are afforded by the postal de partments of nearly all other coun tries. Postmaster General Meyer asks congress to give him permission to establish a trial parcels post in four counties of the country to demonstrate what can be done in this direction. His request Is so modest, and so much depends upon the result of the experi ment, that congress should not hesi tate to enact the necessary legislation to that end. REVISISO THK TAHli'F O.V TIPPIXO. Tho perennial question of the tip was one of the subjects of discussion at the convention of tho International Association of Hotelkeepers, just ended at Rome, and the conclusions hold no measure of comfort for that portion of humanity that is compelled to eat away from home. The hotel keepers have not only accepted the tip as a recognized Institution, but have gone to the extreme of adopting a suggestion that the tip should be reg ulated, the amount being fixed at 15 per cent of the bill on all charges of less than $4 and 10 per cent on dining charges in excess of $4 or more. Thla decision to regulate the tip may be a step in the direction of finally eliminating it. Under the prop osition of the hotelkeepers the tip would become a fee, instead of a gratuity, and therefore lose ita at tractiveness, both to the waiter and the patron. The tip must. In the very nature of things, be irregular, ignor ing scales and standards. To the patron, at least, it is a gratuity, ex tended for prompt service and courte ous treatment and withheld when in different service la offered and lack of attention shown. It is a matter en tirely between the patron and the waiter. If "George" happens to know just what the patron's tastes are; just how hot or how cold the plate should be; is ready to suggest that a certain item on the menu la particularly good or subject to suspicion; then "George" gets the tip. If "George"- is impartial in his services and attention, the dis criminating and finicky patron will withhold the tip, and probably trans fer his custom to some restaurant where the waiters know and appreci ate a profitable customer. The tip is rarely offered as an alma. It is almost Invariably a recognition of service and attention greater than is shown to the average guest. The attempt to regulate the tip by a fixed scale will end in failure. It would place the man with the long. purse and the fastidious taste in a position where he would be unable to obtain any advantage over tho man with a few dollars and the appetite of an ostrich and no more discrimination in taste than a buzzard. Then, again, the patron who gives tlps usually ia a little cranky about distributing them himself and will resent the proposi tion to have his offering reach the waiter through the hands of tho pro prietor or cashier. Only one good result can come from tho resolution of the hotelkeepers, and that will be found in the suggestion of the amount considered proper as a tip. Tho man who gives more than 10 per cent of hla bill as a tip Is a, chump and ia usually recognised as such by the waiter. The man who gives a moderate tip, in recognition of efficient service, gets his. reward in courtesy, attention and servico that makes the tip practically a part of the legitimate charge, but a charge that belongs to the waiter who renders the service and not the proprietor. it would bo better, of course, if tip could be pbolished and all patrons given excellent and even service, but so long aa that ideal condition does not obtain the tipping nuisance, of necessity, will continue. THE DVTX OX ART. With the promised general revision of the Hingley tariff schedules, the advocates of the removal pf all duty on art works have begun anew their plana for bringing pressure to bear upon congress to graut their long standing and oft-repeated petition. The American Free Art league has completed a brief, to be submitted to the ways and means committee, mak ing a stirring appeal for the removal of the duty on art. The arguments advanced by the niembet of the Freo. Art league should be convincing even to the most ardent standpatter, endorsed, as they are, by more than 200 of the leading artists of the nation. They make it plain that the tariff doei not do the artists any gpod and they do not de sire it. They take the positlou that they are really Injured bv the tariff which prevents work of foreign, artists from being brought to this country, except under duties that are almost prohibitive. It is argued that If the. duty is removed; many thousands of dollars of art. works will be added to the libraries and ' collections in this country; thus educating the pub-. lie to an appreciation of the beautiful ia this direction. The revenue de rived front the duty on art works ia small and the enforcement of the ex isting lawn aids no one, but works to the disadvantage of both the artists and the public. EWAllTY Bl'rliftt' THK LAW. OMAHA. Ik. 3. -To the Editor of The Hve: "Tree t'lunter," "llluck Water" and "Anteloi." all dwellers In the lnnd ol "shallow waters," fU Into a discussion re cently of th' lr state's motto, "Kuuallty be fore the law." To their primitive minds the words suggested the recognition to lumn extent of that law which governs men's souls In their relations with their fel low creatures, saltier than the letter of civil law. This may sound rather danger ous so soon after our visit from a fearless free thinkur. Indeed, one of the party said, "That sounds like Kmina Uoldman." So In the belief that the obliging- editor always helpa those who cannot help themselves, please give us your Interpretation and that of the originator of the motto and any other Information on the subject that your time and space will allow. N. H. 8. Just what sort of information Is wanted by our correspondent docs not appear from the note above. If it Is intended to read iuto the motto of the state of Nebraska a new or ulterior meaning the effort is wasted. "Equal ity Before the Law" is a simple state ment of the basU of human liberty. Just where it originated cannot be ac curately told, but it is certainly older than the American republic. Thomaa Jefferson has been accused of deriving his inspiration for the Declaration oi Independence from Thomas Paine and similar writers, and formulating the immortal document on the lines of a written instrument that came down from the Dutch republic that preceded the American by a century. The Dutch had their inspiration from further back in time, and so the mat ter might be traced indefinitely to the very beginulug of established order and government by law as opposed to government by consent. Broadly stated, equality before the lay means that the law rests with equal force on all; ha.t no one is too great to escape its operations, and no one too insignificant to be denied ita protection. It does not mean that anyone la to have a privilege that is denied another, or that anyone is to be deprived of rights guaranteed by law. The law draws certain distinc tions which experience has taught are for the best interests of all, and the enforcement of these distinctions la accomplished without hardship on any. Occasionally some individual feels ag grieved at some provision of the law, and would have it changed, but unleaa the alteration demanded can be shown to promise good for all rather than for the few, it will not be made. "Equality beforo the law" means no more and no less than the. simple statement contained in the phrase. Men's souls are not involved in this unless their aspirations lead them to some infraction of the written law. The law guarantees human liberty In thought and action to alt and it Is to secure this boon and preserve it that statute law is enacted. THE KDlXATUiX OF THE XEGOO. The recent decision of the supreme eourt of the United States, suataiulng the state law of Kentucky which pro hibits the co-education of whites and blacks, ha served to direct renewed attention to the manner In which the southern states refuse to grant the opportunities of the commonest edu cation to the negro. It is not uncom mon to find southern newspapers and southern politicians making the claim that the negroes are being given ex cellent educational advantages, in the common school grades, and Inviting attention to the progress being made in that direction, but the statistics do not support theso assertions. One of the teachers in the Tuskegee Institute has prepared some very in teresting statistics on this point. He shows that "there are now in the United States nearly 3,000,000 negro Children of school age who never even see the inside of a school house." In ntoKt cases, he asserts, the average length of tho Bthool term per year is leas than four months, and that leas than 50 per cent of the negro children or school age. are given opportunity to have even that much time in school. Reference is made in the statement to tho conditions in Georgia, whore there are fifty-five blacka and forty five whites In every 100" children of school age, but the white receive SO per cent and the blacks only 20 per cent of the funds devoted to schools. In Mississippi, where the blacks out number the whitea, 67 per cent of the black children of school ago are en tirely without educational privileges. Tho percentage is even larger in South Carolina. Alabama, Kentucky, Tennessee and Texas make much more liberal, provision for the education of the negro children, and the results are shown In a better class of negro workmen and a higher standard oi living among the blacks. The conditions that exist In most of the southern states furnish an ef fective answer to the contention so persistently advanced by southern politicians that the negro becomes more worthless as he Is educated. The contention cap not be proved, for the record shows that no considerable ef fort has been made to try the effect of education in uplifting the negro race. The black child of the south has not been given a chance. The marines are to be ordered to land duty and the sailors have been directed to practice up on their bicycle riding. If this nature faking goeg much further the horse ms linos wlil be assigned to the automobile squad. A Cleveland church has put its af fairs into the bands of a business manager. A business manager who caja handle the church janitor and, the church choir will soon be called to the head of some big business concern. The Chicago police have been In structed to look out for cases of con tagious disease. It U a relief to find tho Chicago police after something they stand a chance of catching. The announcement that the Ne braska legislature will follow tho ad vice of Mr. Bryan is a little alarming. Remember wnat happened in Okla homa. Anyway, PI Yu, the 3-year-old em peror of China, has the nerve to refuse to take back anything he says, uo matter whether his chancellors like It. A War fry Unshed. Kansas City Times. The administration really should have been more thoughtful of Congressman Hnbson's feelings than to agree not to fight Japan. Well Worth av Trial. Boston Herald. "No good roads, no rural freo delivery'1 would be something stimulating to tho cause. Will the Postofflce department lay down that proposed alternative? An Eaajr Inside Jvb. Minneapolis Journal. Sixty years ago Francis Joseph, mounted the throne uf Austria-Hungary. He has seen many a populist movement In the old country since, but the monarchy Is still do ing business at tho old stand, and recently turned a renl estato deal that added ma terially to the emperor's backyard. Reciprocal Oallantry. Boston Herald. It Is the opinion of a fashionable milliner that If the churches are going to demand that women remove their hats the sextons should be required to furnish chock rooms, hand mirrors and maids to facilitate their readjustment. Considering all the embar rassments Involved in the case thla looka like a fair return shot. Put sr Trouble ou Ice. Bultluiore American. Christmas, the season of peace and good will to men, will not find the world or, at least, that part of It In Europe and Asia in a condition to profit by the season's les sons, livery nation aeema to. have 111 fuel ing or a grievance agajnut some other na tion, and wars and rumors of wars are dis turbing the atmosphere whivh ought to be full just now of peaoe and harmony. Coining; (vutenutal of Lincoln. New York Tribune. Preparations for commemorating tUe one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Lin coln are being made betimes, as Is fitting. Seldom In our history has there buen a persona) anniversary better worth the most general and most thoughtful, observance. Indeed, no commemoration could be too great for the whole nation to make. Kope clully U It desirable that It shall be as gen eral and as popular as possible. That la because Lincoln's sorvices were rendered to the whole people, and because he was conspicuously and essentially a man of tha people In the best sense of that too often abused phrase. There la probably no char acter In all our history which more strongly appeals to the whole people than does his, noj i there any with which it would be more profitable for the whole, people to. be come closely acquainted. POSTAL S4AV !; HANKS. Measure la Position for Vromnt Consideration. Boston HeraW. A bill embody bur Postmaster General Meyer's recommendation for postal savings banks la on tho senate calendar for con akteratloa soon after the opening of the short session. The bill came from the senate postofflce committee at the last session by a unanimous voto, and a t"- Jorlty of tho senntors are openly In favu ot the bill. Whatever opposition there. might have, been In the hjuae will bo greatly diminished by reason oi the pledge of tho Chicago convention in favor of the plan aud bocause of advocacy ot the plan throughout tho west us a preferable, alter native to the scheme for government guar antee of deposit a Ip national bauks. Mis apprehension of tho postal bank as a coiu potltor of national hanks or of exlutlng savings banks has been cleared away, nd the advantages of tho plan as an extension of existing agencies for the encouragement of sa,ving aro generally reooguUed. PURSUKAt. AD OTHBttWlSH. When Medicine. Hat starts to speak, weather sharps run up the black flag. No ono seems willing to "point with prido" at the divorce record of tho I'nitad States. Paris ou.tcta.ssea New York in yellow sf nsatlonallsm, and the penny dreadfuls, throw, a fit at the till. Mr. Archbold's tenacious memory yield fewer Items of human Interest than hla sequestered letter piles. The coronation of Pu Yl must take high, rank among the nursery pageants of the century. For a S-year-old it was a rattler. Enough fiction to fill a book ha been written around the love making of the duke of Abruzzl. The usual happy ending ia still in the air. Tho decorative scheme of the Vnited StaWa senate will not be marred for some tlmo to come by tho vociferous vest of Timothy Woodruff. Tha New York World la unique In Its journalistic pulchritude. H admits Its errors as cheerfully aa It applauds the ful fillment of its piophoclea. The perfect man has been discovered between tho covers of a new novel It ia wise to keep him undnr cover. He would be mighty lonesome In the flesh. Predictions about the completion of the Panama canal are somewhat premature, but it is safe to venture the guess that the dituh will be dug before snow files In that section. Mark: Twain, la seventy-three yara young. His smiling words and worka with stand the ravages pf the years and ban ishes with the saving grace of humor countless human troubles. At a church sociable dinner In Boston a bold layman asserted that the members during service had "wings on one shoulder and a chip on the other." lie left a few fwathers from hi wing In hla hurried flight through a side door. It Is hardly fair to criticise Mr. Rocke- feller for falling to pipe more Information to the quizzing lawyers. Th sage of Pocontico Is piping; an autobiography and the publisher deserves first haad Infor mation and the regular rebate. The most fetching of "donation parties" ever pulled off on a preacher happenud In New York last week. Kev. fr. William It. Huntington, rector of Urace churoa, on tae ruorulng. of his 70th birthday an niversary, found under his breakfast plate a check for -W,JW contributed by UM-rubers of hi congregation as a token of eatntuB foe his long and faithful service. The spirit of that congregation may be emulated everywhere without violating; the patent law. Simply go down and dig up. Ye enrnsm j DIAMONDS rirar Uo it motlior, sister or sweetheart, jrivo ),or l diamond a niM f,t n 1 1 f iti i tttri 1 inn showing a most V&6fcfl )! ,anv Kneli diamond ly guaranteed represented to you. $18.50 Your inspection is invited. $24. t0 A WATCH FOR XIYiAS $15.00 Beautifully en graved 20-year solid gold filled case. Besides be ing good to look at, it is made for Bervice. CONFIDENTIAL SKUMO.XS BOILED DOWN. Living for bread Is one way of losing the bread of life. Kocks In our Wity are Just heaven saying, "Climb up higher." Our habits are either our greatest help.- or our saddest hindrances. It's always easy to see through the dis guise that other's blessings wear. Nothing clears up remote difficulties bet ter than doing Immediate duties. You cannot do much good for men if you Seek to do good only to the good. You may now your sins in the dark, but they come to harvest In daylight. The man who puts all hla faith In him self usually despairs of the universe. It's not the wrongs we do Hint that worry the great Father of us all; it's the ill we do ourselves. He falls Into pride's pit, who passes by on the other side, whenever he see one who has fallen. When you taketthe rats of business worry to the church It's, not strange they leave you nothing but chaff. Chicago Tribune. SECVLAH SHOT AT Tllkl PC I,PT Pittsburg Dispatch: Tho clergyman who goes Into mental .healing because people, are more Interested, in the present than in tha hereafter, comes near to the manufac turer who takes up automobiles becuuse the bicycle business Is played out. Boston Herald: The Rev. Dr. Robert CoJlyer. whose approaching Roth birthday was celebrated In New York the past week. Improved tho occasion tu say that he doesn't bother himself a bit how much longer ho has to live, knowing that when he drops off into a final sleep that awak ening will bo in a brighter, better und sweeter morn. His years are many, but he is a year and a half youpger than his venerable unitarian brothor. tr. Edward Everett Hale. Charleston News and Courier: It would be amusing If It were not so serious. To say that tho Uymn, "Lead. Kindly, Light," was not written by Cardinal Newman, hut by the Kev. J. H. Newman, when he was a clergyman of the Church of Kngland, and sixteen years before h entered the lioman Catholic church, of which he was a rather Beyers critic before Ills Idunti flcation with It. Possibly so; but It would ba fair to compromise on the statement tliat the hymn was written by John Henry Newm.an. t the Psalms of David only wera sung lu tho praises of God. there, would never bn any necessity of explaining their authorship. Philadelphia Record: The assomblago of the federal council of the Protestant churches oi the Vuitcd States n thla city brings toguther a great body of notable churchmen whoso deliberations arfl of seri ous public Interest. The object Is to bring the churches nearer together. In greater unity there is greater strength, and the possibility of more successful war against wroigdoiug. With this aim thorn can be no uuurrei. but, on the contrary, it should meet with tha most cordial support of all good men and women. The differences of the ChrLstlau churches, mainly as to mat tars of lesser concern, have been, the great est bar to the spread, of Christianity. Any Gentleman of good education and business ability, desirous of entering a remunerative profession Can Secure a paying position at onco. Tho qualifications are: Character, Confidence, Tact, Energy and Industry. Apply today to THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE l.MTKl) STA.TEH PAUL. MORTON, President "STRONGEST IN THE WORLD" II. D. NEELY, Managsr beautiful selee- vW 'Kilinond jewelry. ( y; JlA sold is absolute LjZJZ, to be exactly as $15.00 Full jeweled H 1 g i n or Wal tham movement, being fully guar anteed as to time ind service. CREDIT TO ALL noMi:vnt rt i: wi kik. Mother 1 hope you are uii . t,i t'-at young iiwn who liu-i been ailing ti- Daughter I don't h.i.- l.. Im- uma.' mamma, tor he's in luw with me. St. Louis Republic. liolle I don't like that man vou l.tli -dueed to me yesterday. lie has xin li a flyaway luanu.-i. Nell He can't help that U ru s n, .,s U making balloon ascensions. - HiUI.iu im American. H 1 11 f ft ii n I s:ild toim-thlng t" mv vlf, last w.-eK that wltVinteO l-.-i and s'm hasn't spuken to me since. Henpeck (ileal Sent I, mall" Vim e.lllt remember what it was. can you V I Mel,. "Lottie," asi"il Will, "what is that pn c of music the. orchestra is plu inn .' " "If the overture m 'V i 1 1 , im 1 1 " she aiutwvred, IooUIuk at liim nut m Hie corner of Imi- i ye. In a Uviu.JeUM. yet anlei:i. v ' I v- V -liain tlicivui'ou told her what sle li.id been Halting sn luiu; tn hear .'li ;un Tribune. "(Jive me a Rlass nl' y.mr port." i e- old seat captain lo hrt frit ud. Tilings i,w squally ut homo and I want t.i f,ni:t ,u. Selt." "1 haven't any very good port Jusi n .v. " said the friend. "That doesn't matter,'' replied i:-u n- erun, "giyo uie what you've got. Any old port In a storm, you know " Halt-inn u American. "Please don't keep callltiR ine 'dear' ul the tablti," she whispered. vlsnpi win think we are on our honeymoon. ' "Hut 1 can't help caJlluu 'u 'dejv,' " gtipud the ymniK man witn the l.ui pov-aetbook,. "The pm linn vou old. iv i amounts ti over -Ch I ago News. y Klderly t'nele Dottle, hov.- .1-. vou IIV. the little stnry book I hetu vou la.i wee.. iKittie (ageu 7) I'luii- R.iiun. it ., punk. They don't marry. St. Louis Rcpuli.t Madge Dolly Is a ;irl of surprise:. kiarjurte t should say fco. h. su'i actually going lo marry lac tuu.iv mm sue. w as uuuuged to Ul suauuu.. t'a. u. THki Ntlltlll Hi Ml. Clllcaiin I'nst. Hur ft comes simiitlim and romping alon,; With a rollicking mai Pky i.e.- Ul, oi a soii, -MU ...vtUOpM lUlOtlKi. lt. IIU 1 Till it twsst-s liw Icavca Oil toe bieUi nl llm lnvviv Twioo as nigh a.s the eaves: llu! Ho! ou may hear it, go oh lu iis lhn til Aleup aa It races the miles nl tin- u.glii. Suddenly sweeping from silences vast With a laugh at the suiumct' wnusi- glorlts uru past, It goes stripping the vines of each wltheriiiK husk, And it chants nf toe pines in the fur ixu-tlicrtt dusk Ho! Ho! Willi a whoop that is tinuluii.v cold It clinches tho world in Its wintery hold. It's like a great Jolly, rugged old in, in ' With the chubbiest clieeks lhat ale iinhlii tan, Who comes lapiiug your checks Till tiie roacs appear, While Im ineiilly tweaks At your nose and your ear -Ho! Ho! He will ciy as your fingers grow numb BcncaUi the fierce pinch of his finger a,nd thumb. Blustering, bellowing. In ffetlng bcv Wilh a message us vibrant as war b-.iglos blow There's a snap in the air And a tang In It, too. As It tannics your hair And Is harrying ynu. Ho! Ho! 'Tis the wind from the north that Is here To buffet un all till wo echo its cheer. Merchant's Natioual Hank Itldj;. OMAHA. NKH.