Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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Phe Omaha
unday Bee
PART ovr
Roosevelt Slakes First Official An
nouncement of African Trip.
aterday, DmnWr B, 1BOM.
Irish Industries likely to Be Injured
by TaU Measure.
conrnty workers to slums
Absurdity of Allowing Englishmen to
Legislate for Ireland Shown.
Main Foint of the Defense Submitted
in Rustin Murder Trial.
190S -December 1908
six m ttz. nfo tvi' fti ssr
-r - 1 2 3 4o5
G Z 8 9 10 11 12
13 U 15 16 11 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
2Z 28 29 30 31 -
Smithsonian Institute Will Outfit the
Frank Graham Thinks Davis Was in
Room Wh'n Tragedy Occurred.
War Office Seeks to Make Irish Boards
Recruiting Agencies.
NmI of Ceaoclls Reseat Move aad
Declare Sot More Militarises,
hot RrilT ( Iadestrles
la Heeded.
DUBLIN. rec 4.-Speelal.)-How ah-urd
It Is for an English Parliament to legislate
for Ireland la ahown by the situation which
has Just artaea In consequence of the pro
posal to apply the provisions of the "sntl
sweatlng bill" now before Parliament, to
Ireland, bill absolutely- prohlblta what Is
known as 'home work" and the prohibi
tion Is. no doubt, an excellent one for
Etna-land, where home work In the slums
of the English cities Is simply sn excuse
for sweating.
Very different conditions prevail, how
ever, in Ireland, ami particularly in the
northwest counties, where the principal In
dustries are threatened wtlh total disorgan
isation If the bill becomea a law In Its
present form. It Is estimated that In the
city and county of Perry and the neigh
boring counties of Tyrone and Donegal
there are from ,000 to . women and
girls engaged as "out-workers" In the shirt
and underclothing trade and in "sprigging'
handkerchiefs. These women are chiefly
farmers wives and daughters and they
work In the country under the rnost health
ful conditions. They receive fairly good
prices for their work, and they are not
wholly dependent upon It, but the money
which they earn Is a welcome addition to
the family Income and often means the
difference between keeping the family to
gether at borne and sending the daughters
out to serve or to work In the town fac
tories. Womea Take Blar Bisk.
If this bill passes these women and girls
will either hsve to emigrate or will be
forced into the factories and exposed to
all the dangers and degradations of slum
life. The manufacturers who have built
up vast businesses which give employment
to thousands of peopl will be forced to
reorganise their work from top to bottom
and the public wUl probably have to par
mors for Its goods, while the workers will
really be wars off than they were before.
Nearly every public board In the north of
Ireland baa passed resolutions denouncing
the bltl. but no notice Is taken, of course,
by the English legislators who know noth
ing and" careless about" P condition In
With Its ual genius for doing the
wrong thing, the British War office is
taking advantage of the trade depression
t ) try and secure Irish recruits for the
British army. Daring the last week or
two the town councils and other local
authorities have received copies of a cir
culsr from, the war office asking them to
send unemployed men who apply to the
public authorities for work or relief lo the
nearest recruiting station. Most of the
councils have promptly resented this attempt
to turn them Into recruiting agencies, and
some of them have passed a model resolu
tion drawn up by the Cork City council to
the effect that what la needed is an Indus
trial revival and not an Increase of militar
ism. Incidentally It is mentioned thst ex
tensive repairs at the Cork barracks were
carried out recently by soldiers them
selves lastesd of by civilian labor, as haa
always been the custom before v Thus the
British army authorities are depriving men
of work in order that they may be forced
to enlist.
Irish (.boat Appears.
The ghost of an Irish giant, nine feet
high, has been vex'ng the Inhabitants of j
Glanvllle. a little village near lisiway. ana
the people of Oalway city have been trying
to lay It. A few nights ago a couple of
young men were returning to their home
In Oalway from a party at Newcastle, at
which It la said there were spirits" of
a different kind, when they saw the form
of a man about nine feet tall advancing
towards them along the railway line. They
shouted and the apparition vanished, but
reappeared a few minutes later about forty
ysTda down the line, and they last saw It
making , off in the direction of Lough
The young men brought the story Into
Oalway and the r it night a strong party,
armed with slut-guns nnd revolvers, and
oiherats fortif.ed. stsrted for Glanvllle.
They had not been long In waiting when
the ghost appeared and one of the party
raised a revllver to fire at It. He never
fired the shot, hia-ever. for the revolver
fell from his hand and he fell unconscious
In the arms of Ms companions. The ghoa,
the others declare, laughed loudly and
tsrted for Lough Con-lb ag-stn. There was
ghost hunting that'nirht Tht
n" ;-ho tried to :!,"., .rw.. Crt
sjto more
qung ma
rii-d into Galw-ay to a med'ral man who
worked over him for more than an hour
K. fnr. restoring hlra to Fn.,lni,... Th.
man then said that something seemed to
paralyse hi. srm .. h. was .bout to fire, j
. . I
Other parties have gone out nightly, but
bave failed to meet the ghost again. 1
X Maalatrato la Rooakey.
Rooakey, County Roscommon. Ollrer '
Goldsmith's "Deserted Village." has been
brought to the attention of Parliament by
Mr. James O Kelly. M. P.. who asked Mr. !
Birrell )f he km w that there was no mag- J
lstrats m the district and that personal
w ho require the eer vires of a magiatrate I
have to trs-el sewn miles from ths court j
house to the nearest Justice of the peace. '
Mr. O'Keily also ststed that rases In the J
district had been undisposed of for months I
berauaa there waa no magistrate who. I
with tl.s resident magiatrate. would con
stitute a petty sessional court. Mr. Birrell
repJied that the lord chancellor waa con
sidering the appointment if a magistrate
for Roaskey.
The Donagtade (County Down) sea ser
pent, to a Rich I referred some weeks ago,
has at last been raptured and is on x
hlmtlon st Belfaal. It turra out to be a
huge cuager eel about seven feet lung and
ta feet in circumference at the thickest
part. It waa raptured by William David
oua, a fisherman, after It bad nearly de.
truyrd tils nets, and K la said to be the
largest specimen of ths eel faml!y ever
captured In lbs rvrth ef Ireland.
Aa tntetesUng question regarding the
i vCoaitauad oa Second Page )
rn wtATiia
VICINITY Snow Sundsv.
FOR NEBRASKA Snow and colder
Kuh IOWA Warmer with snow Sunday.
Temperature at tnntln yesterdaj:
J. V. Sammls of Sioux City Is a candi
date for grand exalted ruler of the Or
der of Elks of the United States.
X. Fage 1
Four people were killed In a brusl
msnner near Trinidad. Colo. X, Fags I
The bureau of ordnance of the govern
ment has reported the purchase if air
ships and wireless telephones. X, Fags 1
President-elect Taft yesterday sent a
message to the Mining congress, empha
sising the importance of their worn.
X, Tags 1
The cruiser Tankee, which was impaled
on Spindle Rock, sunk as soon as It was
taken off the rock by wreckers.
X, 8
Rear Admiral Coghlan died suddenly
yesterday at New Rochelle X, Fags 1
A conference of New York republicans
was held yesterday, at which It was de
cided to push Secretary Root for the
senatorship and let T. L. Woodruff dis
tribute the patronage. X, Page a
Ames wins the first snd Nebraska the
second prise st the dairy judging exniblt
at the Chicago show. X, Page 1
The Arkansas river at Pine liluff. Ark..
Is receding, but the property damage
will be high. X, Fags S
The new anti-sweating law in IreVind,
passed by the English, throws the poor
women and factory workers Into the
slums. X, Fags 1
The Hstlen army was received 1 1 the
capital. Port au Prince, with great ac
claim. X, Fags 1
The Dutch government denies that the
parade of warships off the coast of
Venesuela partakes of the nsture of a
blockade. X, Fags 1
The Nebraska supreme court yestJ.-day
decided tbst Judge Vlnsonhaler Is en
titled to fees for performing marriage
ceremonies while he was county judge.
X, Fags 3
Convention of supervisors and county
clerks metis In Hastings this week.
X. Fags 3
As a result of Building Inspector
Witnell's refusal to Issue a permit for a
frame structure and thua Join the council
In violating the law, E. W. Dixon will
erect a brick building. X, Fags 4
W. Ahern. a friend of Mayor Dahl
man. finds stone In a gravel pit at Den
ver which he says a Chicago Jeweler
tests as tie. 000 diamond. X, Fags 4
Business man In Abo, Finland, writing
to Omaha for Information on mills, tells
the Commercial club to "Write and touch
me any time." XX. Fags 10
Kennard and Brunnlng oppose and Ire
favora the sale of present poor farm
property as proposed by the grand Jury.
XX, Fags 10
Charles E. DaVls, on trial for the al
leged murder of Dr. Rustin. reaches crux
of his case In the submission of his alibi.
X. Fags 1
Progress of the Corn show. IX, Fags
Doings of Omaha society folks during
the last week. XX, Fags a
Work of the women In club and ch:irlty
XX. Fags 3 !
Gossip of plays, players and the play-
houses. XX, Fags
Latest news among the local and other j
muslclana. XX, Fags Y j
Latest news among the local and other
musicians. IX, Fags T I
Activities of the builders and real es- j
tate men. TX, Fags j
Live stock markets. YXFaget
Grain markets. TX, Fago t
Stocks and bonds. TX, Faga a
Buster Brown In costume of Ajax defies
his uncle. Page of resdlng for the little
folks Activities of women In the vari
ous walks of life. Fluffy Ruffles sends j
a burglar on his way minus his booty.
Four rates
lALr-Ton a-zcnosT.
Personnel of commission to Investigate
country life which Is to visit umaha.
! - in
Jegro yueMion a live one among m
whites of South Afrk-a Suggestions of
up-io-aaie jewnry lor v tnsin,..
, '
Tort ArrlTt-4 Sailed
B't.i! c.ij:a.
'ston .
VANiVl VER Moods.
' '
Dateh (.oirraarii Says There Is Tta
late-tlea let to Blockade
eaeiaelaa Coast.
THE HAGUE. Dec. i. The government
of tfce Netherlands haa declined to dlgnif
the procession if tl.ree Dutch asrshlps,
ths battleship Jacob Van Heemskerk, and
the cTii-sers Geld, rt.ind and Friesland.
along the cat of Venexuel, frora ptiertj
Cabello to La GnaKra. aa a naval demon
stration. It uiit r'.j that this maneuver
was only an ordinary exerc'se Offi
cials today po-.nted out that anythirg iu
the nature of a bl kade must be du!j
notified to the powers before undt r
taken. They ald r.o such notification yet
had Ixen sent, nur hs the nt-oetaary no
tice been given tJ Parliament of any pro
posed action.
The government has received ni officisl
advices oinfirni!ng it.e etat.rneut that four
American warahips are expected at Cura
cao the beginning ot Jar.uaiy. but it is
thought here that now the presidential
election Is over, the l'n:ted Suits pss.My
may lend Holla d more effective assistance
than the moral support already promised
--V. Hour.
Jv 10 a. rn
s. T 7 p. m
Son Kermit Will Be Official Pho
tographer of Farty.
La rare Tarnishing Alrlras Animals
Killed Mill Be Prepared aw
Shipped to Smithsonian
WASHINGTON. Dec. S -President Roose
velt today in a statement prepared by Sec
retary Walcott of the Smithsonian Insti
tute made his first official announcement
regarding the hunting trip to Africa, on
which lw will start within two weeks after
he retires from the presidency. The ex
pedition is to be outfl'ted by the Smith
sonian Institute, the president defrsying
his own expenses, and will gather natural
history materials for the new national mu
seum. Morr.baso will be reached In April next
year, but no detailed Itinerary beyond that
rlace has been made exoept the general
route to Lake Victoria Nlanza anJ then
down the Nile to Khartoum, where it 1s
expected the party will arrive about Apr;i,
1910. The official statement follows:
"In March, 19c?. Mr. Theodore Roosevelt
wiil hesd a scientific expedition to Africa,
outfitted by the Smithsonian institution
and stsrtlng from New York City. This
expedition will gather natural history ma
terials for the government collections to be
deposited by the Smithsonian Institution in
the new United States museum at Wash
ington. "Besides the president and his son. Ker
mit Roosevelt, 'he personnel of the psrty
on leaving New York will consist of three
representatives of the Smlthsonlsn Institu
tion, Major Edgar A. Means, medical corps
United States army, retired: Mr. Edmund
Heller and Mr. J. Alden Loring. On ar
riving in Africa the party will be enlarged
by the addition of Mr. R, J. Cunlnghame.
who la now In Africa preparing the presi
dent's outfit. He will have charge of a
number of native porters, who. with neces
sary animals, will be formed Into a small
Will Kill the Bis Game.
"Mr. Roosevelt and h'.s son will kill the
big game, the skins and skeletons of which
will' be, prepared and shipped to the United
States by other members of the party. Mr.
Kermit Roosevelt Is to be the official pho
tographer of the expedition.
"The naikmal collections are very de
ficient In natural htelory msterlals from
the Dark Continent, and an effort will be
made by the expedition to gather general
collections In zoology and botany to sup
ply some of Its deficiencies, but the main
effort will be to collect the large and van
Ishlng African animals.
"Mr. R. J. Cunlnghame, who Is now en
gaged in assembling the msterlals for Mr.
Roosevelt's use, has been engaged to act
as guide and manager of the caravan. Mr.
Cunlnghame is slro an experienced col
lector of natural history specimens, having
made collections for the British museum In
Norway and Africa. He Is an English field
man who has guided many expeditions In
Africa and was chief hunter for the Field
Columbian exposition.
"Mr. Edmund Heller, a graduate of Stan
ford university, class of J"", Is a thor
oughly trained naturalist, wtiose special
work will be the preparation and preserva
tion of specimens of large animals. Mr.
Heller Is about JO years of age. His former
experience, when associated with Mr. D. G.
Eliot and Mr. Ackley of the Field Colum
bian museum, In collecting big game ani
mals In the same portlona of Africa which
Mr. Roosevelt will visit will be a valuable
asset to the expedition. Mr.
j jn Alaska, British Columbia. United States,
Mexico. Central America and South Amer
-" a - rtt irm sr i ii annua, i irauid 'WUg
ica. In the year 1S98 he made a collecting
trip of eleven monthe to Gallopagos islands, i pw,y at the battle of Mtnila bay, In corn
starting from San Francisco. He Is a bom j cf the c ruler Raleigh, and he was
and enthuslaatlc collector as well as a m-ell j promoted later for his work in th battle,
equipped naturalist He Is also the author He enjoyed the admiral's confldf to a
of scientific papers on mammals, birds. ' .,w,t desree and was dlspaU-ned by
reptiles and f'.ahee. At present he Is as-
slstant curator of the Museum of Verte
brate Zoology of the University of Cali
fornia, Field alarallst la Party.
Mr. J. Alden Loring Is a field nitnnl.
1st. whose training comprises service in
the biological survey -of the Department
of Agriculture and in the Bronx soolog:ca
park. New York City, as well as on
numerous collection trips through British
Amer'ca. Mexico and the United Statea.
He Is about years old, of ardent temper
ament and Intensely energetic. In Au
gust. September snd October, 1SS8, he made
nsgnesx recora lor a traveling collector.
! " m to the T. nltej tSates Nat-
i ::'rj:J!i:.z T.r "eimfr.
; ... ... n,,v-c- uiuiiiui
Journ' from London through Sweden,
I nrmanr ft.t..rlu.jl ti i .
- " . . . u u ri(,uni.
Maj.r K.1ward A. Mearaa, a retired of
ficer of the medical corps of the armv.
about 53 years of sge. will be the physi
cian of the party. He has had twenty-five
years' experience as an army doctor, and i
Is also well know
n as a naturalist' and
1 history specimens.
collector of natural
The r,0rtv .in -. xm v.... 1
Ita. No detailed in..rr K.. .!
u:.on. but the reneral rou,e will v
route will be no
t:ic T r a t ral1-av r Vai.j . i i
Victoria Nvan.a. a distance .f Hot
if .
miel. by rail .thence crossing intoUganda
and finally passing down the Nile to Cairo
Much of the huntine win h. , f..
. . . " "
E-st Africa, where the Uganda railroad
can be used as a base of supplies and
means of ready transporttalon. At least
one great rr.ojiain. possibly Mount Ken.a.
will be visited.
"Khartum alll be reached. If all goes
well, about April. 11. The expedition may
bs expected to spend about one year on
African soil."
Two Mea Killed aad Balldiagw
Aaaertraa Powder Mill Demol
ished la Masaaeboaetta.
MATNARD. Mass.. Dec 5. The coining
mill cf the Americsa Powder company's
plant in this city Mew up Just before 12:36
p. m. today anJ two men were killed. The
biuldlr.g was demolished.
From the New Tork World.
Popular Officer of Nary Passes Away
DlstlasroUhed Career la Civil War,
Followed by erlee la War
with spals aad Later "t
' Beer Twrk-'J' .t " '- "
NEW TORK. Dec S.-Rear Admiral Jo
seph B. Crghlan Is dead at his home In
New Rochelle. N. J. -He wss In command
of the New York navy yard from 19f4 to
"Rear Admiral Coghlan'a death was
entirely unexpected. He. with Mrs
Coghlan, waa living at the home of
Charles Chamberlain, a former New York
newspaper man. In Sutton Manor, the
residence aectlon of New Rochelle,
while waiting for his new home In
thst city to be made ready for his occu
pancy. The admiral was seen about the
streets of New Rochelle yesterday and ap
peared to be as well as usual. His death
occurred early today.
Apoplexy was the cause of Rear Admiral
Coghlan'a death. Only a ahort time before
his death he complained of severe pains
In the region of his hesrt and when a phy
sidsn reached the house he had collapsed.
Adaalral Popular Officer.
WASHINGTON. Dec. t Sincere regret
was expressed on every' hnd today when
the news of the death? of Rear Admiral Jo
enh R. Corhlan became known. Fearless.
Heller hasivinfl-v r,.l a rood story teller, ba had
hosts of warm friends both among officers
and those outside the service.
Admiral Dewey expressed himself ss
hnrVed at the news. Cochlan waa with
' nim (,n various Important missions while
the fleet was in the Philippines.
It was Admiral Coghlan s popularity and
capacity as a good story teller that in
volved Mm In the incident of which much
was made at the time when ths admiral
recited the poem "Hoch der Kaiser."
which somewhat ruffled the German au
thorltiea The Incident occurred at a dinner which
the admiral attended ana it. was in-
tended that the taci oi me re,...
become public. However, u appearru
In i
newspapers and as It occurred after the
return from Manila, where there had been
some friction with the Germsn suthoritie s.
the affair was treated with more slgnlfl- j
ranee than, perhapa. the circumstances i
otherwise would have warranted The Nary '
department called on the admiral for as j
explanation. The admlrsl replied that no I
diarespert was meant by him toward the
German emperor, and with this statement
the matter waa allowed to dnr 'p.
Admiral Cochlan was a native of Ken-
-Y- hr' n w" bortl 1n h
urse f his distinguished career he had
it f ii active srlce In the civil war. In the
Sinl.h war. as second In of the
I North Atlantic squadron on beard
-w" -1--'"'" , " -
flirarlis Brookivn ana v.'ivmina irum une,
!. AP"- ar"J more com-
nf ,h" 7r "V y"a' .
Rtr AdmJral , , T
at 7.S0 o'clock this momlr g st hi. home.
.,i, .-,,. New Rochelle. He re-
nved to that city only tboul two weeks
Report Two Natloas Has Beached
Aarreeaaeat Over Ch laa Wit a
oat Feoadatioa.
BERLIN. Dec. S -The report that Ger
many and Japan purpose to conclude an
agreement ccneernlng China similar in
terms to th Americfin-Japanesc under
standing, is without foundation. It was
said at the Foreign office today that
neither country had takea any steps look
ing to such negotiations and that it was
improbable that anything ef the kind would
occur, at least In the Dear future, as Ger
many had no Intentum cf submitting a pr-poaaL
f V
Hooae of Wealthy Philadelphia Wo
rn a a Without Heirs Looted
After Her Death.
PHILADELPHIA. Dec. S.-Jewelry val
ued at S7S.000, furs, a copy of on olJ
masterpiece valued at Sla.ftiO. Paris gowns,
hats and opera cloaks are Included In the
inventory of valuables reported missing
from the residence of the late Mrs. George
Wood, who waa found dead on October U
at her home at 123S North Broad street,
wharej aha. lived alone. , 4 .
" Mrs. Wood was the widow of George
"ft'ood. American manager of tna Royal In
surance company. 3iie had been dead pos
sibly twelve hours when the body was
found by, an employe of the. American Dis
trict Telegraph company. Several hours
later the coroner's physician reported
death d'Je to vavular heart disease. There
is no record of a post-mortem examination
having been held. Mrs. Wood lived alone
and she died alone. SThe was eccentric.
Though she had hosts of friends and ac
quaintances, she spent her days and nights
in the big. gloomy house alone and unat
tended. On October 31 this house, so Mrs.
Woods' friends say, waa the scene of con
fusion. Strangers tramped through the
rooms and valuables were piled up and
taken away.
The mystery of the missing valuables
may never be cleared away unless action
is taken by the city, which falla heir to
part of the estste. the Catholic church or
the various charities mentioned ss bene
flclarlea in the will. There Is no person
near enough allied to the dead woman to
fight for her belongings; to none did she
leave a large bequest.
It was a peculiarity of Mrs. Wood that
her things were kpt In great confusion
Slrte her death valuable ornaments hsve
been found hidden away in trunks, tucked
txrind furniture and poked In out-of-the-way
comers. The police tie firm In their
belief that the alleged missing articles wers
nrt carried away by prof thieve
They further declare that Mrs Wood's
wealth was largely imaginary and that she
was in debt when she died.
Mrs. Elisabeth Rodarrrs frays They
Worked Agalsit Her Eleelloa
In Catholle Foresters.
CHICAGO. Dec 5. An Information in the
nature of quo warranto was filed In the
superior court here today by Attorney
superior court nere
rrancig A McDonnell
on behalf of Mrs.
Eh Rtdfera seeking to compel Mrs.
j jy, t0 ,,how by what authority
she holds the cfTice of high chief ranger
of the Women's Cstholic Order of For
esters. Mrs. Rodgers alleges that she was de
feated by Mrs. RJttman for re-election as
high chief ranger by one vote at the De
troit convention as a result of Influence
exerted by persons who she claims were
not entitled to attend the meeting.
In connect'on with the case a number of
affidavits alleging that undue Influence
us used by priests were file!. Among
them was one by Mrs. Henry McCabe of
Chicago, who declared that- not only did
certain priests use their influence against
j Mrs. Rudgers In their individual capacity.
J hut in the rinlclrv of their holv offices.
, . . . .. " .
n ri-g-ic. u . .ic-b-. biicwLrLV
; that if Mrs. Rodgers were elected the sup-
port of the church to iJ.e order would be
withdrawn, and one prie la alleged to
bave called down the curse of heaven cn
U, sjjporu-rs of .Mrs. Rodgers.
Tiorth Dakota Member of loser
Hooae of rssgreu Takea III
at Mlaaea-olla.
MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. S. United States
Senator Hansbrough of North Dakota is 111
In MlnneapoLa. For two days he has been
attended by a physician and curse, but his
condition is not thought to bs serious. He
came hers on route to Washington to al
tead the coming session of congress. He
waa not feeling well when he undertook
the trip.
- Tho nature of Senator Hansbrough's Ill
ness baa out ben made public. His at
tending physician la aa eye and ear specialist.
v H . i
Roads Desire to Increase the Toll on
Products of the Mills.
Farm Crooa Compared vtllh Oatpat of
Preeloas Metals la Great Mlalag
states of the Westera
....... '.t'OHiwtrr - '
From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Dec. S. (Special The Union
Pnc'.flc, Burlington. Northwestern and Mis
souri Pacific railroads have united In an
application to the State Railway commis
sion for permission to equalixe he rates
on flour, wheat, ct-m and feed stuff. The
hearing on the application has been set
for December 17 at t o'clock. The commls
tlon has notified the millers of the stste
cf the application and the hearing.
The' railroads say the rate on wheat and
corn Is more than on the finished product
which is more vsluable. and therefore to
equalise the two the ratea on the finished
product should be Increased.
Following Is a comparlfon of the rates
on flour and wheat, per cent, on the Bur
lington from various towns to Omaha:
Flour. Wheat
Crtte : VSP
r-erks "fin R ''
Pleasar.tdale 7 .5!i
Milfi rd 7.65 H 31
Rubv U Mi To
Seward t. S" 77
Tamnra .ft 1" 'i
Siaplehurrt 5" '
r;(-see 8& S7.
Gi.rnson S.M 7.
F'svid City h 9 76
Bellwond .W Ii
Columbus S.W lo :
Crttt to Ord 11.47 1 fr
Crete to Ioun City 11 47 U..
Crete to St. Paul 11 47 11 !
Beatrice to Ord 1147 1R.i
Beatrice to Central Cltv lb.20 11 i
Beatrice to Hastings 1 20 11 W)
blue Sjirings to Central City... 10 y 12 7
Blue SpririB-s to Hastings 1" 11
illll Stuff. Corn
Beatrice to Central C . 7 to lo an
Beatrice to Hastings 7.f5 3&
Blue pprirgs lo Central City... 7.65 11. 0i
Blue Springs to Hasting 7 S5 lu.SM
Missouri Pacific Crete to Omaha: Flour.
7. fit: wheat, fc 05.
I'nion Pacific and Northaestern Albion
to Omaha: Crn. 10.G.'; mill stuff, a 5.
Humphrey to Omaha: Mill stuff. M7;
com. Hi.
Northwestern Oakdale to Omaha: Flcur,
11.0S; wheat. 1175; mill stuff. 102; corn,
V'fl Pierce to Omaha: Flour, V2: wheat.
U 47. Nehgh to Omalia: Flour. ll.; wheat,
Some Tirkraika Prod acts.
"Many rich things have become aj much
a matter of course In Nebraska," says La
bor Commissioner Ryder, "that they attract
no attention whatever, even from our keen
est editors. For instance, in all the dally
papers we find tie Associated press carry
ing slughead reports of the production cf
gold, silver, copper, lead and xinc In Mon
tana snd Ariiona; something wonderful. It
Is Intimated. Montana lends sll the states
In silver production, and Arlsona is the
leader for copper production. For IftT, lajit
figures available, as yet. Montana's total
i production of metals is given a value of
1 157.750.0O0. Arizona's production of metals
the same year Went to a total value of tCZ,
511.560. "Now I just warn to direct attention to
the figure, of the alfalfi, tame grass -a
and w iM hay rals-d in N traska in
and to set them over agiUrst the value of
gold, silver, oepper. bad and sine put out
to the world by the two metallurgical
i splurgers mentioned above
Alfalfa, t'.t-
77S.U; tame hty. 116. .!, wild Lay. 1.4. -SHS.442;
total. IV;.082.1. Just slightly behind
Montana's total for precious metals of all
kinds, and quite a long lap ahead of Ari
zona's total.
"As to usefulneaa. snd amount of labor
employed, no fault can be four.d with the
merit .of these Nebraska crops, either.
Hay. snd especially alfalfa, cf good qual
ity, Is as staple In the wisu-rn and east
ern markets as any of the m-t -ils projuced
In Montana or Arlsona. Our capacity as an
alfalfa and hay state has not been reached
by a long ways, whereas ths mines of In
states farther west are losing, probably,
in productiveness with every year they are
worked. And of course those graaa crops
are not our main reliance, but secondary
in a way. Yet they do cut a large figure
in the feeding and the putting oa the mar-
ICor.tinued oa Sorood Page)
Refuses to Order Verdict Not Guilty
for Insufficient Evidence.
aad Latham Davis for laaaalas
at Qaestloaa lie Pals to
One Wllim,
Charles E. Davis, at the end of a week's
trial on the charge of murder In the first
detree for the aJlesed killing t Lr. KieJ-,
erics' Rustin September 2. came to tue
crux of the cuse yesterday in the dis riet
court when his attorneys mbmltted tlieir
alibi testimony snd at noun adjournment
mas tak. n to Monda.v morning.
This alibi hinges elm fly on the statement
of Frank Graham, a clerk in the omah.t
National bank, who rooms at the C hatham,
where Davis roomed at the time of the
ti agedy.
Grahams story is that lie went into
the toilet at the Chatham atout I:4i the
morning of the Rustin tragedy and saw
evidences thut someone had vomlttd tin re
and the next day he learned tha'
evidences had been discovered lu Die room
of Davis, and, though he did not we
Davis, nor ascertain whether he as in his
room al that hour in the morning or not,
he concluded Davis was the one who did
the vomiting and therefore could not have
shot Dr. Rustin. who is supposed to have
I Ik en shot about that hour.
j Many other roomers of the Chatham wire
placed on the witness stand and testified
that they had not done any vonrUing that
night or morning.
The theory of the defense Indicates Davis
was in hia room a few minutes before
the shooting took place.
Harry B. Zlmman. councilman from tha
Third ward, also gave testimony for thu
defense when he testified he had seen Di."
Rustin al Fourteenth and Farnam streets
st 1:30. o'clock the morning he was shot
Keeeu I atll Monday.
When court adjourned at noon Saturday
Judge Sears announced no afternoon ses
sion would be held and witnesses were ex
cused until Monday morning. Mr. Wood
rough said the defense still had fifteen wit
nesses to examine and the state haa sum
moned a number in rebuttal. It Is believed
It will take most of the day Monday to
hear the rest of the evidence and it is
probable the case will not go to the Jury
until some time Taeaday.-
Frank K. Salyards," a night Watchman '
on West Farnam street was the flint wit
ness. He hsd previously testified for the
state. Salyards said as he was going home
the night of tbe murder he ssw a woman
who bore a strong resemblsnce to Mrs.
Rice standing on the comer of Fortieth
snd Farnam streets. This waa at 1:10
o'clock, when Mrs. Rice says she was st
the Gleason rooming house.
County Attorney English subjected hltn
to a close cross-examination, during whlcii
the county attorney tailed dewn" Latham
Davis and Fred H. Davis, brothers of tba
accused, whom he charged with laughing
djring the examination of witnesses.
"There seems to be a good deal of hilar
ity here," ssid Mr. English lo the court.
"I don't think men should be sllowed to
sit here In the preserce of the Jury and
Indulge In laughter at the questions pro
pounded. Poiata to Davis Brothers.
While he sail! this he pointed to the
Dsvis brothers, who were sitting near the
defendant. Judge Sears said he did not
see what had happened.
"I Just wanted to call it to Ihe attention
of the court." said Mr. English, and he
went on with the examination.
Salyards also said he had talked to Ben
jamin A. Pease, ant tlier night watchman,
and he had told him he suw no one walk
ing down Farnam street that morning.
William McCaulley, motorman on the car
taken by Salyards at the time he testified
he raw the woman, said he trlked with
the conductor the nxt day and they de
rided they had seen a woman wslklng
si uth on Fortieth street, between Farnam
and Harney.
Officer Van Dusen also testified Watch
man Pease had told hltn he had seen no
one that night. He also descrlled a flower
bed which surrounds the Rustin porch. He
raid he had seen no foot prints on the
flomer bed the day after the murder. This
evidence was effered to show thst who
ever shot Dr. Rustin could nrt have es
caped the gaze of the witnesses who were
awakened by the shot by Jumping over ths
railing of the porch.
Councilman Zlmman testified he was
standing at the corner of Fourteenth anJ
Farnam streets at l:3u when Dr. Rustin
tame along going meat on Farnam. Dr.
Ruslln, he said, spoke to him.
Pats Xlmmao oa Hack.
County Attorney English went after tha
councilman ruugh, shod in ths cross-exami-naiioii.
"Were y u not asked this question at
the preliminary hearing, 'Are you certain
you saw Dr.'.in that tiiglit.' and did.
you not answer. 'I am almost certamT
Mr. Zi:i man admitted he had answered
the question in that way. He said he w.s
more positive now since he had seen tho I.e. was with night, i
"Who was the parly you were with"
"1 wo-i't stele his name.''
"Why in't you state his name."
"I primmed not to give his ranie."
Leadu.g to tr.e supposed -all'il H. L.
riumb. maiiager of the Chatham, described
the location of the rooms and gave tUe-
names of the tenants in tiie south apart
ment, hi at.icii Davis roomid. The j r. ml
,.il tvidiiicc to confirm the al 1,1 was given
by Frank Oral am. Graham said he went
to his room about 11 S o'i I n k,, went tj
the toiiet snd I. .en bai k to his' room. Ho
lit hit p'pe inter.olrg to smoke, but went U
neep. He awoke and looked at his watch
to see how loi.g le had been jk-eplng and
found It was 15 mlnut.a before
O'clock. He- Went lo the toilet end founj
some one I ad vomited on the floor. Just
ss he was M-iriijr lntr b-d he iiea d a
clock airlki three o'clock.
lie was followed by Nina CerUr. a
chambeimaid at the Chatham, who teell
fied ths only room in the apartment la
which she found evidence of vomiting was
Charles Davis' room.
r. A. Rine. J. M. g. Wusoa. BL W. Td.