Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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He torn i 141 Indictments, Involving
168 Persons, One Official.
rMla Mrletarea o Certala Tubllc
Officials, ft Gle me Credit
t Fire aunt Police
Grand Jarr HemmeiiaatlOBS.
Onr watch br the sheriff of county
Hmvler penalty for Bale of tobacoo to
Krertlnn of suitable detention home
Knactlns; of, City ordinance regulating
pool halls.
Abandonment of bwement wards In
county hospital.
Public dances at night In public halls
should be stopped.
Kerommendu legislature enact a law to
drive out quack doctors.
Strlrt closure of all saloons all day on
election and primary days.
Ak-8ar-Ben don should be equipped with
more fire escapes and exits.
Unconditional orders stopping sale of
liquor In houses of prostitution.
Found, 141 Indictments, making; public 131.
Total number Involves 158 persons.
Strict orders In Boiith Omaha governing
I nstitution and Illegal salo of liquor.
Greater earn on part of county physician
before sending patients to county hospital.
Kstabllshment of workhouse for crimi
nals, to be used Jointly by county and city.
Nnactmetit of state laws governlns chat
tel and salary loan firms and corporations.
Publication of annual reports of city of
Omaha for lTio7 should not be delayed
Sale of present poor farm and purchase
or new one ten miles from center of
HecoBimends city council of Omnha enact
ordinance prohibiting bos and gills operat
ing automobiles.
Gathering of evidence by citizens for the
grand Jury before the Jury meets and not
while In session. ,
More attention to public plnyprounds.
esieclally around some of the school build
ings In the two cities.
x Legislative enactment providing peniten
tiary sentence for harborers of girls under
II years of age In houses of 111 fame.
Fire escapes should be put on many
flchonl buildlnga and other precautions
taken to prevent loss of life In cae of fire
Kmployment of certified public accountant;
'o audit accounts or umana, pouin omnna
and Douglas county, such accountant to
devi&o uniform system of bookkeeping be
tween offices of tieasurer and comptroller.
In Session Two Months.
Censuring officials of both Omaha and I
South Omaha for alleged failure to uphold j
the laws and those of the latter city with
"gross neglect of the Interests of the
people," commending the police department
of the city of Omaha, and making a long
list of recommendations, the county grand
Jury has finished Its labors and handed
In its report to Judge Willis (t. SAara on
Friday morning. The Jury has been In
session since October 5, and during that
lime returned 141 Indictments, Involving
15N per.ions.
During Its session of two months, the
grand jury Investigated affairs In the two
cities Omaha and South Omaha the
smaller towns In the county and the county
at large. County Institutions, such as the
Jail, hospital and the detention home, were
visited and recommendations made where
changes are deemed best.
It commends the work being done at the
detention home and urges the erection of
buildings on the new site. It also com
mends the work of the Juvenile court and
expresses the hope that the legislature will
not attempt to repeal the law. In the es
tablishment of a Joint workheuse for crim
inals of the county and city ft agrees with
the views of XorTuer' grand Jury. Cau
tion Is a J vised In the building of the new
court house. The attention of
riff Is called to saloons In the
town. J Benson, uenmngion, i-iKimrn,
Millar, f Florence and In and around East
Omaha,1, where It alleges Illegal business is
:rltlrlsea Men In omee
Passing on to Omaha city affairs the
gi-Hnd jury In Its report says:
Wo regret to report that we find men
holding positions high In authority. Includ
ing the mayor of our city, who, In many
Instances, wholly disregard their oath of
office: that they make only a feeble or no
attempt to enforce laws and frankly admit
that they In reality are not honestly and
earnestly serving the people.
One Indictment only against a city offi
cial was returned.
The report says that the Jurors are con
vinced that there has been an Improve
ment in the red light district and that
there are fewer prostitutes. It gives credit
for this condition to the Board of Fire and
Police Commissioner! for Its orders to cloee
the Arcade and cribs.. It believes, however,
that soma of the prostitutes have merely
moved to other locations, and It recom
mends that the board order their removal
from the wholesale and retail districts. It
decries the establishment of a proscribed
district and the legalizing by the legisla
ture of prostitution.
Investigation showed that 1"0 persons,
mostly women, are holders of government
permits to sell liquor, but they have no
city permits. This the Jury" censures and
gives as a reason for the condition that
the dealers In liquor a.-, afraid of the fed
eral government and not of the city.
o Chnnse Here.
The report says:
"The salo of liquor and the control of
prostitution should remain in a commlsion
slmlllar to the present Board of Fire and
Tollce Commissioners and that the com
missioners should ho appointed by the
governor, not the mayor, for, the greater
the honor and the Integrity of the appoin
tive power, the better nnd more capable the
appointee will be."
The Jury repotted finding no change In
the manner of conducting the business in
pawnshops and second-hand stores, but no
recommendation was made. The Jurors In
their report merely stated that they be
lieved It was customary for dealers to
buy stolen property with full knowledge
that the proporty had been stolen, thus
encouraging petty thelvlng.
The Jurors sny they are convinced that
"many Incompetent and inexperienced In
spectors for public work In Omaha, South
Omaha and Douglas county protect much
nore carefully the Interest of the con
tractor than the municipality by whom they
are employed. The Jury also found that
few public officials have read the laws of
the state governing cities, counties or vil
lages and that often their oath of office
Is wholly disregarded.
Some Special Points.
The jury's report concludes with "calling
attention to" these statements, under the
head of special mints:
First The Illegal sale of rocalne and
other harmful drugs, especially by drug
stores in the redllght district.
Second The display and sale of postal
cards Hnd literature most suggestive unci
Immoral In character in some of the hook
and stationery stores in Omuha and South
Third The sale of tobacco or cigarette
packages In some Omaha und South omnha
stores containing most obscene and vulgar
Fourth Many fortune tellers and clair
voyants are still plying their trade. They
are impostcrs and should not be permitted
to do business In this county, and laws
should be enacted to remove them.
Fifth We recommend that the legislature
pass a law regulating the practice of quack
doctors and that an effort be made .to rid
this community of these Impostors.
Sixth We find that many young boys
and girls are allowed to run automobiles.
We recommend that the ordinances regulat
ing the speed of automobiles and motor
cycles be strictly enforced, also that the
city council pass an ordinance prohibiting
the running of automobiles and motor
cycles by children. This should be done for
the safety of the public.
Seventh We condemn the giving of
worthless or "straw" bonds In connection
with appeals from police courts, and recom
mend that our police Judges exercise
greater care In the taking of bonds, also
that the collection of forfeited bonds be
enforced according to law.
Month Oman.
The mayor, all members of the council
except one, the city clerk, city treasurer,
chlet of police, police officers, a lew city
employes, also several citizens, were. Ques
tioned with reference to public matters In
bunt h Umaha.
We regret to report that we found evi
dence of graft on the part of some of the
members of the present council, one mem
ber being Indicted tor soliciting and ac
cepting bribe money.
After Iho present mayor and council
were elected the mayor named men to fill
the appointive offices. Before the appoint
ments were confirmed by tho council, sev
eral of the appointees were approached and
asked by one Genrge Dunscomb to pay
irom s.o to iuu eacn, to nave their appoint
IXmas Slippers
Men and Women
MfeiVs Famous Shirts
On Sale Saturday
$2.50, $2.00 and $1.50 Grades
Christmas Is nearly here you'll
need to decide very soon what gifts
you Intend to select.
We'd like to suggest a pair of Slip
pers as being not only a very ap
propriate but very useful gift. Most
everyone appreciates the useful pres
ents above other kinds and Slippers
are a. constant source of comfort to
both man and woman.
We will gladly assist you In mak
ing a selection from our very compre
hensive stock and guarantee that our
prices will prove very attractive to
Men's Slippers (
JX 3,UU, 3I.JU. 31.:,
$1.00 and 65c
Ladies' Felt Juliets
Fur trimmed, all colors,
$1.50. $1.25 and $1.00
3,000 classy
gentlemen's shirts of a celebrated brand
from a maker known from Maine to Cali
fornia, at a fraction of this season's prices.
Tho entire lot on sale Saturday.
It was one of the stipulations in this purchase that we withhold the brnml name
of these shirts and the name of the manufacturer who made them.
This maker could not afford to have his identity known in any way, for the high
est class stores throughout the country carry his shirts every season, year in and year
out, and ask $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 for them.
He even went so far as to remove the label from every single shirt. There's hun
dreds of patterns to select from every shirt a new pattern every size from 14 to
'20 every length sleeve new style, narrow cuffs attached or detached; pleated, soft
or stiff bosoms.
This is a grand opportunity to stock up for the season, for such high class, desir
able shirts were never so cheap.
Ten thoroughly cxper- H
ienced flirnifolrtrf rinnMc H
salesmen of good ad.
OMAHA'S MCADIXG S'?ks W I j$ jjffi SitUgy'' ""ISSJ"'''
dress. Apply at once.
Cczema Began When a Tiny Baby
and Lasted 7 Years Tore Crusts
from Face Till It was All Raw
Screamed with Pain and Could not
SleepThough Specialists Failed
M When mr little boy was six weeks
Id an eraptlon broke out on his face.
l too- mm to a aoo-
tor and got ointment
and medicine but his
face kept on getting
worse until it got so
bad that no one oould
i look at him. Bis
whole face was one
crust and must have
been Terr painful.
Us scratched clar and
night until his face
some timet looked like
a taw piece of meat.
1 1 was nearly insane
with his scratching
day and night. Then I took him to
all the best pecialUta In skin diseases
but they oould not do much for him.
He so mediae screamed with pain
when I put en the sJt they gare me.
"Wham he was two year old the
twwema got on hla arms and leg so
that 1 had to keep them bandaged up
and I made glove for his hands so the
nails oould not poison him worse. We
could not get a night' sleep in month
and mr husband and I were all broken
up. fben my mother asked why I
did not give up the doctor and try
Cutioura. So I got a set and ha felt
relieved the first time I used them,
the Cutioura Ointment felt so cool.
He used to wake up and ask for Cuti
cura to be put oa when he Itched so
badly that he could not sleep, and he
would say, 'Oh! Mama, that make
my sore feel so good I' - 1 gave the
Cutioura Remedies a good trial and
gradually the oosema nealed all up
and now he U a well a any other chil
dren. He la now seven year old and
the cure ha lasted two months, so I
think It will never return. I can't
tell you how glad I am that Cutioura
Ud such wonderful work in our case
and I shall recommend It everywhere.
Mr. John O. XJumpp, SO Niagara St.,
Newark. M. J., Oct. 17 and 22. lOOT.
A snt ert ef CaUfur .md! nwutia et
MUri 1 (? k. Olalamt (Ut 4ixl twl
imI (M I er rilia M of A. to orwe
tiifn M are. lanxMifaoa u wrM feua
ru Cs.ei. 0rp., Mi. Prop. . Bomoa. Mm
aesUiM . Caucus (out fait Iiimm,
ni.'iits confirmed. Dunscomb was not an
office holder and we were unable to learn
whom he represented. One councilman
frankly admlttil that a representative of
a corporation now seeking u franchise and
contract In South Omaha had offered him
money to vote for his franchise and con
tract Baying as he did so that "He might
as well have some of the money as the
other fellows"; also "That the franchise
would he secured If it cost 5o0,lMi, as it
could be sold."
The attention of the grand jury was also
called to numerous Instances where former
Mayor Thomas Hoctor and the members
of the council during his administration
let contracts for the city of South Omaha
In which most questionable and irregular
met nods were used.
Evidence showed that the taxpayers and
citizens were not honestly and fulrly repre
sented In connection with the new city
hall and Jail, from the time of the purchase
of the land until the completion of tho
Kvldence also showed that former cltv
officials had not dealt honestly nor fairly
with the city in the purchase of Syndicate
May 1. 19o. the citizens of South Omnha
voted $.TiW.i0 in bonds to pay for much
needed sewers. These bonds were sold and
contracts let for the building of theso
sewers and surety bonds isiued by the
contractors for faithful performance of
The Twenty-first street main sewer was
let to James Jensen, contractor. This
work is partially done. The contract to
complete the work and surety bond expired
October 1, luo;.
The Hyland Park main sewer was let to
Hannon &. t'ralg, contractors. Tills wuik
has not yet been commenced. The con
tract to complete work and the surety
bond expired December 1. l'Joi, two year's
i lie Dunning or me jener oreeK main
Bewer was let to the National Construction
ewnpany. Work on this has not been com
menced. The contract to complete the
work and the surety bond expired Novem
ber So. l:x7.
N street guli h main sewer was let to
Hannon & Craig, contractors. This work
is partly done. The contract to complete
the work and surety bond expired July 1
The contract for the Mud crek main
sewer was let to the National Construc
tion company. This work Is onlv par-
iiHiiy none, wnue inn contract to com
plete the work and the surety bonds ex
pired November 1, 1U07.
The north branch of N street gulch main
sewer was lej to Hannon & Cra'g. The
work Is not yet started. The contract to
complete the work and surety bonds ex
pired July 1, l'.mT,
About tas.urt of the original 230.ofO se
cuied from the sale of bonds to pay for
the construction of the above, named sew
ers has been on deposit in the banks of
South Omaha for about two and one-half
years. The taxpayers meanwhile ,have
been paying 4L, per cent Interest on t ii "
bonds and deriving absolutely no benefit
from the money exuepl the small amount
of Interest allowed hv the hanlta 'ri..a
have been some unavoidable Hint nn.auu ,' I
delays, but we believe that most of the di'.
lays have been caused by mistakes and in ,
competency of engineers, by gross negli
gence of former Mayor Thomas Hoctor and !
the council during his administration, and '
by willful and Intentional neglect by the 1
contractors. The present mayor, Frank I
Koutsky, and the members of his council i
although elected to office about eight 1
months '.ago, knew practically nothing I
about these contracts. Members of the I
present finance committee knew verv little
about the city funds. One member did nut I
know whether the city had voted IhiO.ono ur i
IJ6O.OH0 for sewer work and riiit not w
whether all or any part of the money was
on hand.
Our attention was called to so many Ir
regularities on the part of officials that we
are forced to the conclusion that the tax
payers and citizens of South Omaha have
been dishonestly dealt with and have been
grossly and unjustly treated, and that
through ignorance, incoinpetencv and dis
honesty many thousands of dollars were
spent by the former administration without
getting value received.
W are also convinced that through Ig
norance and Incompetency on the part of
a majority of the memters of the present
council the property owners of South
Omaha are now losing, and will continue
to lose, while such men are in office, thou
sands of dollars annually.
We tielleve the Irregularities In connec
tion with the conduct of South Omaha city
officials during the former and present ad
ministrations, to which our Attention has
been called, and which It has been impos
sible for us to investigate, Justify the
special attention of the next grand Jury,
charged with inquiring Into the conduct of
South Omaha officials and beginning; with
the first official acts of the former administration.
Much testimony was given showing the
crimes that hud been committed in the pool
halls on N street, between Twenty-sixth
and Twenty-seventh streets, and the low
and criminal character of many of the peo
ple about these halls. W e believe mat
these halls and nil other places harboring
leople of similar character should be closed.
Ve recommend that the Fire nnd Police
hoard issue orders governing prostitution
nd ih Uleeal sale of ouor similar lo or.
ders recommended covering these matters
In Omaha.
Ontside of Omaha nnd Month Omaha.
Some time was spent In questioning
councllmen or trustees of nil towns In this
county outside of Omaha and S'liith
Omaha. Certain saloon keepers in lien
son. Florence. Bennington. e:ikhorn and
11 lard were found lo tie selling liquor in
violation of law.
Most of the officials questionea. Homing
office In these towns, admitted they h id
never read tho law governing such towns
and knew only from hearsay what their
duties were in their official capacity. Of
ficials and business men from Valley nnd
Waterloo testified that these towns were
doing as much business and that the towns
were better off in many respects now
than before the saloons were closed ubout
one year ago.
In conclusion, we wish to say that about
the time the present grand jury met, we
aro advised that opium joints and Douglas
street auction houses closed; t lie Illegal
Kale of liquor in many places rtoppd;
houses and flats In tho retail and down
town residence district, formerly oc . upied
by prostitutes, became boarding houses for
working' trirls: plays and pictures exhib
ited in questionable theaters In Omaha
and South Omaha improved; suggestive
and obscene postal cards disappeared from
view in some Omaha and South Omaha
stores, and other unmistakable evidences
of fear of the grand jury were h wn.
We recommend to citizens inier.sted in
good government and who desire to appear
or place evidence before a grand Jury, lo
secure their evidence before the grand
Jury meets and not while it Is In session.
This evidence should be secured by and
testified to before the grand Jury, by at
least two witnesses, and In every Instance
the full names of offenders, the exact lo
cation by street numbers where offenses
are committed, Hnd other specific informa
tion should be gathered. .
(irand Juries cannot Indict unless pood
evidence, furnished by competent wit
nesses, is placed before them. Citizens In
terested In geod government and law
obedience, car. rr.k" the services of a
grand Jury valuable to a community by
rendering it such assistance.
Kespect fully submitted.
CHAKI.KS C. UF.OUGE, (Foreman.)
J. A. I.OVliKKN.
'. M. P.YI.A Nl 'KR.
JOHN T. Dll.l-OV
Judge Talks to Jury.
The report of the tfrand jury was read
bv Foreman George In open court anil fol
lowing the reading Judge Sears sake
briefly on it, complimenting the Jurors for
the careful ani painstaking work an! ad
vising them that h? will cull the attention
of the governor and other officers to their
findings and i e "ommendatlcns. The Judge
usked tho foreman if he thought the call
ing of another grand Jury advisable and
the latter replied thatj thtre was plenty
of work for another grand Jury, especially
In South Orailia.
Every law abiding citizen and every law
abiding official should appreciate your ef
forts If he wants to do his duty," asld
Judge Sears in his closing remarks to
the Jurors before discharging them from
In All
Hansen, Belling liquor without
Don't got so wrapped up in
the news as to overlook this ad.
"We want you to know that we
sell the cleverest suit or overcoat
at $'J5 that fine goods and high
class talent can produce. In the
market? Drop in and talk it
W. T. I50URKE,
Men's Fashion Shop,
319 So. 16th St.
141, Ten of Whlcn A
Made Pnlillo,
The grand Jury returned a total of HI
indictments, Involving 15S people. Of these
Indictments 131, Involving 140 people, have
been made public.
The large proportion of the Indictments
returned are for selling tobacco to minors
and for selling liquor on Sunday. All the
Indictments come under twenty-five heads,
as follows, the number of those Indicted
also being given:
Selling liquor on Sunday, 14; selling
liquor without a license, 4; selling liquor
without a druggists' register, 3; selling
cocalno without a license, 1; selling tobacco
to minors, 59; aiding and abetting, 2; as
sault with intent to do great bodily Injury,
0; assault with Intent to kill, 1; shooting
with Intent to kill. 1; stabbing with Intent
to wound, 2; assault with Intent to commit
criminal assault, 1; murder In the first de
gree, 1; breaking and entering, 11; larceny
from the person, 5; grand larceny, 3; rob
bery. 1; gambling, 7; gambling In a public
house, 1; harboring in house of ill-fame.
1; receiving stolen property, 1; malfeasance
In office, 1; obtaining money under false
pretenses, 4; bribery, 2; forgery, 3; dock'
lng. 1.
Hero are the Indictments:
John H. Urady, breaking nnd entering.
George M. Gilliam, breaking and enter
William Clawson, assault with Intent tn
do great bodily harm.
John VZ. Reynolds, stabbing with Intent
to wound.
Bertha Grant and Bonnlo Due, larcey
from the person.
J. H. CljriBtie,, forgery.
William Jensen, aiding and abetting.
Albert Scott, breaking and entering.
Mario Hall, harboring In house of ill
fame. Robert Magarell, obtaining money under
false pretenses.
Simon Goldberg, receiving stolen prop
erty. John Murray, grand larceny.
James Patrick, breaking and entering.
; Kmanuel I.. Colombo, selling tobacco and
cigarette paper to minors.
1 Henry Hiller (from out of town), forgery,
j John McClure, etabbing with Intent to
w uund.
Frederick Johnson, breaking and enter
ing. Harry McMannus and Harris Christian,
larceny from the person.
James A. Uutcher, breaking and enter
ing. Robert Webb, breaking and entering.
Frank Cook, larceny from the person.
Stump Garth, Robert Harris, James
Johns, Charles Hoy, William Jackson and
George Smith, gambling.
Duncan Turner, docking.
Raf facie Votularo, shooting with intent
to kill.
John Hasburgh, bribery.
John Hasburgh, bribery.
I a, J. Livingston, forgery.
William Pollock, breaking and entering.
Thomas Fitzgerald, breaking and enter
ing. Herman Gcrndorff, selling liquor on Sun
day. J. H. Sauers, selling llqucr on Sunday
(two Indictments.) ,
Charles I. brown, selling liquor on Sun
day. L. J. Hart, selling liquor on Sunday.
Herman Zcller, selling liquor without a
Herman Zcllcr, selling liquor on Sunday.
Hcnjamln Conpcrsteln, Hose Weiner and
Sadie (real name unknown), obtaining
money under false pretenses.
George Weatherford and Uud eather
ford. assault witli intent to commit great
bodily injury.
Frederick D. Arnoldl, selling liquor with
out druggists' register.
Charles Leonard, grand larceny.
Preston 11. Myers, silling liquor without
druggists' register.
J. H. Merchant, selling llcuor without
druggists' register.
Mrs. L. ISurke, selling liquor on Sunday.
I .eon I-evy. selling liquor on Sunday.
Max Grim, selling liquor on Sunday.
George McArdle, selling liquor on Sun
day. William J. Silk, selling liquor on Sunday
(two liidictnientkj.
William liartiuan, selling liquor on Sun
day (two indictments.)
Charles Palnitag, selling liquor on Sun
day (two Indictments.)
Gena Hansen, selling liquor on Sunday.
Frank Sauers, selling liquor on Sunday.
Lena Schwartz, selling liquor without a
Lena Schwartz, selling liquor on Sunday.
Rose Mann, selling liquor on Sunday.
Rose Mann, selling liquor without a
William O. Paulson, selling liquor
Peter Colombo, assault with intent
John K. AVaters, assault with Intent to
commit rape.
Emll Synek and Sanford Bamberry,
breaking and entering.
Laura K. Porter, murder in the first de
gree. Charles Covington, breaking and enter
ing. Frank Brooks, robbery.
Edward Doyle, grand larceny.
Frank Johnson, James Hall and Frank
Martiti, gambling.
Bert Bartlett, grand larceny.
Edward G. Peterson, malfeasance in of
fice. Thomas Scrlbllng, selling tobacco to a
Nathan Brodskey, selling tobacco to a
Joseph Schmidt, selling tobacco to a
IatwIs Johnson, selling tobacco to a
Columbia Brown, gambling at a public
Max Green, selling liquor on Sunday.
Thomas Johnson, selling tobacco to a
Michael Guchman and Frank Guchman,
selling tobacco to minors.
Nelse Forder, selling tobacco to a minor.
Joiieph Irleden, selling tobucco to a
James Nanos, selling tobacco to a minor.
Christ Peterson, selling tobacco to a
Leslie King and Charles' JI. King, as- j
sault with Intent to commit great bodily
lnju ry.
Joseph Fluttl, assault with Intent to In
flict great bodily injury.
Louis Parsley, selling tobacco to a minor.
Robert A. Lenhart, selling tobacco to a
Samuel Cusick, selling tobacco to a minor.
Joe Hoffman, silling tobacco to a minor.
A. C. B. Chrlstones Cokorls, selling to
bacco to a minor.
Theodore Rozgall, selling tobucco to a
John Zees, selling tobacco to a minor.
John McEntlre, selling tobacco to a minor.
Anthony Hrennan, selling tobacco to a
August Dlckmnn, selling tobacco to a
minor. )
Allen Jewett, selling tobacco to a minor.
Antonio Marfisl and Carl Marflsi, selling
tobacco to u minor.
Joseph Suwes, selling tobacco to a minor.
William Grunt, selling tobacco to a minor.
Joseph lireugliton, selling tobacco to a
John Colomba, selling tobacco to a minor.
Oscar Peterson, selling tobacco to a
C. E. Bennett, aiding and abetting.
James Krone, selling tobacco to a minor.
Mrs. Dora Aiders, selling tobacco to a
John Hoffman, selling tobacco to a minor.
Clyde Powers and Frank Powers, selling
tobacco to a minor."
Timothy Flaherty, selling tobacco to a
Charles E- Lundergreen, selling tobacco
to a minor.
Alex Kalazumes, selling tobacco to a
Ernest Myers, selling tobacco to a minor.
William Bennett, selling tobacco to a
Abraham Sehlalfcr, selling tobacco to a
I'lrlch, selling tobacco to a
Anton Drlml nnd Frank Drlml, selling
tobacco to a minor.
Otto Friedt, selling tobacco to a minor.
George Fenczar, selling tobacco to a
James Tlvonka,
Joshua L. Colin,
Frank Dolezal, selling tobacco to a minor.
Valentine Martlnovwlcz, selling tobacco
to a minor.
selling tobacco to a
selling tobacco to a
Snrh Mall Mill He Sent to the Char
itable and llenevolent I n -Ml
tut Ion.
The advance guard of Santa Clans letters
Is putting In Its appearance at the Omaha
postoffice. The letters are addressed chiefly
to "Santa Clans," Omahrt.
It Is probable the same rule will apply
this year as last in the absence of contrary
Instruction from the postoffice department,
In Bending the Senta Clans letters to tho
benevolent and charitable organizations of
the city for disposal at their discretion.
Some of the letters already mailed aro
held for Insufficient postage and cannot
be delivered at all. A couple of letters
were received at the postoffice FYlday
morning, which had evidently been written
by the same party. They had but a one
cent stamp on them and consequently map
not be delivered at all, much to the griev
ous disappointment of the senders or sen
der of the letters.
Five llnndred Dollars for the Silver
Anniversary of the
About $.V0 will go to tho treasury of the
Old People's home ns a result of the silver
offering Friday morning. Members of tho
Women's Christian association, which op
erates the home, assisted by members of
other women's organizations of the ilty.
were stationed In the downtown stoics to
receive whatever the passershy cared to
give. Little, or no soliciting was done nnc
although the women had hoped for a much
larger offering the money received will be
a substantial help n maintaining the home
this winter. Mrs. George Tllden. president
of the association, Is in charge of the
funds. The directors' room at tlio T'nltcd
States bank was placed at the disposal ol
tho women ami the money was collected
and counted- there at 2 o'clock. Announce
ment will bo made Saturday of the total
The Yellow Peril.
Jaundice malaria biliousness, vanish when
Dr. icing's New Llfo Pills are taken
Guaranteed. 25o. Beaton Drug Co.
New Commander of the Department
of the Missouri '.onked For
Brigadier General Charles Morton will
return to Omaha from Washington Mon
day. It Is expected Brigadier General
William H. Carter will arrive In Omahrt
about Thursday, to relieve General Mot
ton of the command of the Department
of the Missouri.
Twenty-one enlisted men of tho Eighth
Cnited States cavalry, hitherto on dut
with two troops of that regiment In Yel
lowstone park, have been transferred to
the ho.'pltal rorps. The transfer Is made
from the fact that the two Yellowstone
companies had that excess of their maxi
mum strength, and the surplus number
had to he placed on the umisslgncd lisl
and were transferred from the unasslgucii
to the hospital corps, which was In need
of about that number of men. The twenty-one
men will be sent to the different
posts of the department for duty with the
hospital department.
Leaves of absence have been granted th
following officers of the Department of
tho Missouri: First Lieutenant W., C. Oar
denhire. Fourth cavalry. Fort Meade, for
thirty days, and to First Lieutenant Olney
Place, Thirteenth cavalry, Fort Leaven
worth, for one month.
Davis, selling tobacco to a
Hordlii ka,
Albert W.
J.imcH Swisek and Charles
selling tobacco to a minor.
Lldia. Goldeiiberg, selling tobacco to a
Albert D. Scliurnrens, selling tobacco to a
Benjamin Malstrom, selling tobacco to a
Adolph Gaetera, selling tobacco to a
minor. '
Patrick Burke, selling tobacco to a minor.
Edward W. Hexton, selling cocaine with
out prcsecrlptlon.
Frank luitne selling tobacco to a
Rudolph Ponee, selling tobacco to a
Joe Nodck, telling tobacco to a minor.
THERE IS NOTHING that .trike. terror to the
heart of parents more than to be awakened in
the night by the ringing cough which accompanies
an attack of croup. The child may retire with
nothing but a slight cold and a few hours later the family
be aroused by the ominous symptoms. Every home where
there are small children should be prepared for these sud
den attacks, as prompt treatment is necessary. Do not
experiment with remedies of doubtful value, but get
that has been in use for nearly forty years and never known
o fail.
Mr. Homer Krohn, of Lisbon,
Iowa, in a letter to the manufac
turers of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy praises this medicine for
what it bits done for his children.
He says: "It has not only saved
them once but many a time. Only
two weeks ago my boy had the
croup so bad m the night that had
it not been for having a bottle of
Chamberlain's Couh Remedy in
the bouse he would have choked
before a doctor could have
to the bouse. It is a medicine that
no one should be without at any
time." It is pleasant to take and
many children like it.
"We guarantee every bottle of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,"
says V. M. Parish, Palmerston,
Ontario. "Out of the many bottles
sold last winter not one was re
turned. We recommend it espe
cially for children with croup."
Chamberlain's- Cough Remedy is
famous for its prompt cures of
coughs, colds ami croup. When
);iv( n as it Mn as the child becomes
hoarse au attack of croup may be
averted. This medicine is entirely
free from narcotics or injurious sub
stances of any kind and may be
given to the little ones with abso
lute safety.
Attacks of croup are most likely to occur during the early
winter months, and every family with young children should
be prepared for it Keep a bottle of CHAMBERLAIN'S
COUGH REMEDY in your home. It only costs a quarter,
large size 50 cents. Your druggist sells it.