Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7
4 The climax of bargain-giving Saturday in (he greatest bargain giving of entire season LIAR Many thousand dollar's worth ot seasonable merchan dise must be closed to make room tor holiday display THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATTMUY, DECEMBER .'. MILLiOH DO SALE Saturday Specials 7.V American Model Hce Supporter, on sale. ri.M llnm! IWigi, ach $1.5(1 llan1 ling-, each fl.OO Silk F.lnstlc licit 5H- Silk F.IhMIc IW'lt 5c Hntln 1'iwl Hio NupKrtcr BOr ( nn't Slip Hair KolN BOr Mallnc Covered Hair Knlls 2.V.Vlrc Hair IloU 85c iUtX of KuchinK" 4J 41 lfc 25? IOC Jewelry For tlio Holidays. Kntlre 'liritt niaii Assortment now on display. SATtUDAV hPKC'IALS "Be Sterling Spoons, Corn Show Souvenirs 35 50o lthlne Stone Hat l'lns..2. BOc Uhine Stoue IW-lt lin..5 fll.OO Hose tiolrt ami ureen m Belt Pins, at 50 nn uu ads THE RELIABLE. STORE 53.00 IVVfon Velvet and Axminster Rugs, 98c A litf sample lino of fine Wilton Velvet and Axmin ster liij;s, Hi. yards lontf, nicely bound, hundreds to select from. scarcely any two nlike, actual value $3.00. on sale, at. . to hosiery Bargains Louisville Stock . !t lev Ladies' nil wool Hose, heavy or medium, values to oOc, on sale at 19c Ladies' oOo Silk, Lisle or Maeo Cotton Hose, medium weight, at 25c Ladies' 25c Hose Maco. Cotton or Kleeced Ribbed or Garter Top, at, pair 12 An Immense I.lne of Hoys' Hose, values to 35c, on sale In 3 lota, at 10 12 &nl 10 Complete assortment of the best In Boys', Misses' and Children's Hose, including the celebrated pony brand, every pair guaranteed. Big Shoe Sale Saturday Another big lot of Shoes brought forward from the Louisville Dry Joods Co. Stock and will be closed out Saturday at less than regular wholesale prices. Men's Goodyear and English welt shoes In moat all leathers, worth up to $3.50 $1.98 Women's Welts, Turns and McKay , . sewed shoe in . patent colt, gun ' metal and kid shoes, worth up to $3.00 $1.98 Several lines ot shoes worth up to $4.00 a pair, including "a lot of storm calf in"black(and tan for .- 2.50 Child's and Misses shoes suitable for dress or school wear, in turns and McKay sewed soles, worth up to $1.75 $1.00 The largest assortment of Men's and Women's Slippers In the city, and at prices that cannot be duplicated elsewhere UP, FROM 39o S00 pairs left of that 11.50 Satin Calf Hchool Shoe for boys 81.00 Children's 11.00 and $1.25 fancy Shoes, In hand-turn soles on sale a.t. ......... 76o and 69c In the Stove Department. Steel Ranges --taole steeL ranges like cut, without reservoir, with 18-ln oven leg base, asbestos liitcd." fully nickeled, high warm ing closet , . . . . .$19.95 Other dealers "get $40 'tor similar range. Sama'range .with reser voir, vtv-.-:-$22.85 Dtindy and Splendid Oak Stoves, the finest Oaks on. the. market. We will soil you an 11-lnch size, at 94.35; 13-tnch size. tS-SBt 15-rneh slzn, 87.95; 17-lpch slr.e,88.9B and a 19 lncli size at 89.95. You pay else where for the 11-lnch size what wa ask for the 19. C..a IMn. .nil All IrlniB rtt P"l K n W plain, adjustable and corrugated f at '? No. 8 CoQk Stove,, with lS-lnoh oven, B7.AS T"' Ok .... .,..........-...'- We handle the Detroit Jewel and Universal Base Burners, Ranges and Soft Coal Stoves. See our Novelty Base Burner, something- new., 33.50 e(t 'Mm Grand Ribbon Sale T ' : -lfft v m. Fill it t rsy W m m i Kswwn The very finest lots of RibbonB from the Great Louisville D. O. Stock. Reserved for Saturday's selling all Silk Taffeta Ribbons, up to 5-ins. wide and a beautiful line of fancy plaids regular values to 35c, all at one price, 12VC "Wide taffeta Ribbons on sale at, per yard 5c T 25c VEILINGS, at 12Y2c a Yard. Tuxedos, Russian nets and fancy dotted veilings, in all colors, regular 25c and .'50c values, all new stvles, at 12 V2C Ladies' Underwear From fnc Louisville Slock Ladies Silk and Wool Union Suits, values to $5.00, at $3.50, 2.98 and : ....... $2.50 Ladies' Wool Union Suits Values to $3.00, all sizes $1.50 Ladles' Heavy Fleeced Union Suits, $1.00 values, on sale at oO Silk and Wool Vests and Pants $1.50 garment values, at 98 llrav) Fleeced Vests and Pants to "5c val ues lot 25 39 nd 50 Children's Vests and Pants, all wool, gray or scarlet lamb's wool and camel's hair, values to $1.50, at 50c , Children's Vests and Pants, heavy fleeced, worth to 50c garment at 10 lSt"- 19 and 25 Ladies' Knit Skirt, worth 75c, on sale, at 390 Men's Neckwear 25c and 39c Values, 10c. Good silk ties, in four-in-hands, teck, shields, bows and clubs, made to sell at 25c and ."Kk; choice 10c Umbrella Bargains Men's and ladies' gold and silver mounted handles, good quality silk and linen taped edge cover, actual val ues to $5.00; choice at, each $1.50 Men's Underwear From the Louisville Stock Wright's Health Union Suits, heavy wool fleece, values up to $.5.50, at, suit $1.50 and $1.98 Wright's wool fleeced Shirts or Drawers. $1.50 values 75t All Wool Shirts or Drawers greys, tans and fancies, values to $2.00, at 75c and $1.25 Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, values to 7 5c, t 29 39 "! 4r Men's Wool Overshlrts In army blue, single or double breastd, value to $1.75. 75 Men's and Hoys' Sweaters, all sizes and col- ors, roll collar or coat style, great snaps, at 50c and 98 A Specially Strong Showing of Garment Bargains We received by express from our cloak buyer now in New York, several magnificent lots of Suits, CJoats and Furs values surpass ing the choicest bargain offerings previously shown. You'll be not only surprised but delighted by visiting the department Saturday. $20.00 Tailor Suits $8.95 Fine broadcloths and fancy mixed suitings, in splendid assortment of newest styles, as shown in 16th St. window, 32, 36 and 40-inch coats, well worth $20, at $8.95 Coats, Coats, Coats A swell as sortment of kersey and broad cloth coats, in , semi, loose .or tight fitting styles, including the new Directoire with L'Aiglon . collar; coats in the lot worth to .$30.00 on sale Saturday at, each ....$12.50 and $17.50 $35.00 French Cony Coats, hand Eome garments, 100 for selection, on sale at, choice $17.50 Make Your Selections for Xmas in our Crockery Dept. What 25c Will Buy. Hair receivers, powder boxes, pin trays, Jardinieres, vases, lunch plates, bon bon dishes, olive dl3hes and spoon trays. What 35c Will Buj Cup and Saucers, Plates, Jardinieres, Koses and Nut Bowls. What 40c Will Buy. Bon Bon Dishes, Nut Bowls, Sugar and Creamers, Pickle Dishes, Hair Receivers, Wall Vases, Salads, Tea Tiles and Plates. What COc Will Buy Rose Jars, Vases, Don Bon Dishes, Sugar and Creamer, Etc. What 08c Will Buy. Cake Plates, Salads, Chocolate Pots, Jardinieres and Vases. Crown Jewel Suits 175 new ones for selection; matchless quality and styles at price. . . .$25.00 $25.00 Dresses at $14.90 A beau tiful assortment of the one-piece dresses now so popular, fine fab rics in blues, greens, browns, reds and tans; not a garment worth less than $20.00 in Sat urday's sale at $14.90 $15.00 and $18.00 Waists $4.95 The most delightful lot of bar gains ever shown in Omaha silks, laces, messalines and nets, in black, white and colors, val ues to $18.00; choice, . . .$4.95 Children's Wool Dresses Values to $3.00, all sizes 1 to 14 years bearskin coats, all colors, on sale at 98c Children's $4.00 Bearskin Coats, all colors, at $1.98 In all wool frieze, all sizes 6 to 4i i-t l CtUJ, ut ap.iis 6 Children's Coats, worth to $10.00, on saie ai Moving the Hardware Dept. 17 shopping days before Xmas. We must move the goods this week to make enough room, regardless of cost. Large 26-Inch Saw, worth $1.00 this is a lot bought cheap get one Satur day 39a Yankee Screw Driver or Automatic Drills at 85o 60c nickel plated combination Flyers.. 89o Iioxwood Brass Lined Rule 19c 2-foot Bozwood Rule, only 5o Enamelsd Bomitsrs, worth 91.00 39c 15-lnch Chopping . Bowls, large size.. 19e 12-u.uart Granite Dlshpans 16c 8-quurt Granite Teakettles 39c 10-quart Granite Water Pails 39o Granite Pudding Pans, Sauce Pans, Pro strving Kettles, Dippers, Wash basins. etc., each Bo, 7o and 8C Mrs. Potts' polished 5- piece Sad li jns 6o Larue Japanned Coal Hods only 16o I'D Clothes 1'inn if hoxes for lOo 45c Galvanized Washboards 19o Boys' Best Quality Joe Skates 59o Luilles' or Girls' Clamp Ue Skates. . . .98c iff .i mu s. M in ri m ii im hb hi m Lf Book Barqains Buy now for the holidays while stocks arc t-omplete You'll never find prices lower. Alger. Henty nd Knickerbocker Series ot Children's books, regular 35c values, at. All !.. I'.mvrlulil IUmiLh . . All $l.t( Cop)llu'lt IWMtks 9H Complete assortment of titles. ii.V novel-, a thousand new ones for selection, each Ladies' & Children's Gloves The most complete stock you'll find in Omaha, just what you want, at less than elsewhere. As Saturday Specials: The Popular Cape Gloves All the newest shades of tan and brown, $1.50 and $2.00 values, at 98f and $1.25 Ladies $3.50 quality Long Kid Gloves All sizes and colors; on sale at, pair. .$1.98 50c (Jolf (Sloves and Mittens Ladies' or misses', at, pair 25 Ladies' Street Gloves In immense assort ment of new shades, every pair guaran teed, at $1.00 to $2.00 IS ! Millinery fust A Stock Reduction Sale of Tremendous Magnitude. ALL TRIMMED HATS ALL UNTRIMMED HATS ALL OSTRICH PLUMES ALL FLOWERS Absolutely no reservation all go Saturday AT JUST HALF REGULAR PRICES As an Extra Special We will show a fine line of trimmed hats, worth regularly to $8.00, at one price $2.95 All goods marked in plain figures here. Your money back if you can duplicate the values. Boys' $3.50 Wooden Coaster Wagons 82.49 SI. 75 large size Iron Wagons 98o Best quality Food Choppers, $1.25 size, at 79o Parlor Brooms.. 12Ho Mop Sticks... 5a 25c l.Inen Mops, one pound 120 35c Clothes Unes, heavy braided 19o 75c Furnace Scoops only 35o X.AST SALE OH WASHXB8. We are now opening up our Chafing Dishes and fancy goods for Xmas, and must close out the balance of our Wash ers below cost. Genuine Western Washer, worth $3 50, at S2.75 Genuine Western Washer, worth $3 25, at M.50 Round Western Washer, wortli $3.50 82.75 $1000 Washers. Beveral brands to choose from on sale Saturday, 83.98, 84.98 and 85.95. Are You Interested In Saving Money on Your Grocery Bill? If you are wo can save you from 25 to uii per cent on you purchases. The lift pure cane Granulated Sugar al I, ss than Jobbers' cost, lit bar ' Heat 'Km All or Diamond C S"p for 2 5 c i lbs choice Japan Rice.... .:25c The bet White or Yellow Cornme;il, par saek .' 15c Tbe l,et lia'nd-picki.d Navy Bean, lb.5c Tin' l.i hi domestic Macaroni. pkg..Si'ie Th. best ilumestic oil or Mustard ...tllm'. can 4c i.ui'Ko buttle pure Tomato Catsup, Wor cester Sauce or Pickles, assorted kinds. pi ( bottle 'jC Malta Vita, Dr. Price's or Egg-O-See Breakfast Food, pkg 6-o 2-lb. pkg. Kruen's Wheat Flakes luo Shredded Wheat Biscuit, pkg 11c PoKtuni Cereal Coffee, large pkg....2i)c 3 pkgs 10c size l'p-to-Date Washing powder 10c The best Soda or Oyster Crackers, lb. 8c Tbo best crisp Ginger Snaps, lb 5c The best Pretzel., lb &c TEA AND COFFEE DEPT. SPECIAL FBEX1 FKXEI FBEE1 To every purchaser of 1 lb. of our II B. C. Special blend Coffee at, per 1D..30O We will gie Free a pair of Beautiful Japanese Salt and Pepper Shakers. One pair only to a customer BUTTE B, CHEESE AMD BUTTEBIWE Fancy No. 1 Country Creamery Butter. per lb i5o Fancy Full Cream Cheese, lb 15c Fancy Full Cream Brick or Llmburger Cheese, per lb iyc Fancy Full Cream Domestic SwNs Cheese, per lb nc Sap Sago Cheese, each 7'ic Neufchatel Cheese, each 3c 2 lbs. No. 1 Butterlne for 25c FRESH VEGETABLES AID FBUITS Fresh Splnai h, per peck 20c Fresh Cauliflower, per lb 5c Large bunches fresh Shalots 5c Li(-e heads Lettuce, per head 10c 2 heads fresh hothouse Lettuce 5c 3 bunches fresh hothouse Radishes ... 5e Hubboard Squash, per lb 2c Fresh Cabbage, per lb 2c 2 heads fresh Celery 5o Beets, Carrots. Parsnips, Turnips or Rutabagas, per lh 2c Big Highland NAVEL OBABOB SALE Regular 2': size, per doxen 15c Regular 25c size, per dozen lie Regular 30c size, per dosen 20c Regular 35c size, per dozen 25c ee our full line of new Dried Fruits, the largest In the city. DON'T HP-- - IT TT j, TS. TTrTri TV T i h i; jl FORGET il JTHi"k X RKLri S IT lfSi IT PAYS Come View the New Fall Models Our stock of It. & d. models for the i all includes shapes ana sizes (- for all figures and every corset perfectly embodies the reigning Parisian fashion. RG CORSETS Every fashionable woman will secure one of these Fall models to have her gowns fitted over. The style shown here is for medium figures medium bust, deep hip, extra long back. Price in Coutil 1528 $1.50. Every Pair Guaranteed 75c Coutil Corsets Long hip, high bust and long back models, hose supporters attached; special 49c Iffl Hayden's First for Pure Home Made Candles 10 different kinds of Pure Home made Taffy, per lb 10c The Mest Home-Made Pure Mixed, pure pound 1 Fresh Roasted and Salted Peanuts, per pound -' Fresh Home-Made Peanut Drops, per pound Oc Fresh Home-Made Hoarhound Drops, per pound 10c Fresh Home-Made Burnt Peanuts, per pound 10c Fresh Home-Made Peanut Brittle, per pound ,Uc Fresh Home-Made Pure Sugar Stick Candv, per pound Fresh "Home-Made Peppermint Drops, per pound Fresh Home-Made Fairy 111 lows, 1-lg Centers, per pound ......loo Fresh Home-Made Peanut Rock, pel pound ,r? Fresh Home Ma.le Fudge, per lb..lOo Fresh Home-Made Popcorn rults, per pound Come and see us making It. 1 lie largest line In the city, al one-half the regular retail prices. Drug Dept. A few bargains iu our Drug De part li.cnt for Saturday, Dor. 5. 1-lb. pkg. Medicated Cotton.. 20c '-lb. pkg. Medicated Cotton.. 10c V4-lb. pkg. Medicated Cotton, .lie i-lb. pkg. Medicated Cotton.. 7c 1-oz. pkg. Medicated Cotton.. 8c 2 bars Jap Rose Soap 15c 2 bars Wild Rose Glyc. Soap. 15c 2 bars Palm Olive Soap 15c Drake's Chest Protectors, 83o, 480, 69o Frost King Chamois Vests 81-75 25c bottle Witch Hazel Cream... 150 25c Hanltol Toilet Article 19o Colgate's Perfumes 35c Toilet Waters 24o, 48o, 74o All 60c ounce Perfumes at,.....48o $1.00 Kodal Dyspepsia Cure 75c All Patents at cut prices. Our drugs are the purest and best, our prices the lowest. . 1 11 1 - -- i 1 i : : PAIL. HEVtRE GETS KNOCK Pamoui Revolutionary Ride to "Med ford Town" Pronounced Fiction, j 6IMPLY A LONGFELLOW CREATION Jihn llaacovk's Letter to i:ibrldge .rrr Halm A Larse Doubt ' llisturlral Feat area-of Hal lowed laeldeat. c..r IVnJumln of New Yoik. pulilisher Ti e Collector, has In li s possession u I. Iter h believes ' proves conclu- vely that Paul Revere never made tin midnight ride attributed to him by Ixng f. How and tradition. The' document is a letter fro'n John li.incock to Elbridge Gerry, dated Uex Ington. April IS, 1775. at 9 o'cbck. This was Ute night before the m.-morabla bat tle and three hours before Paul Revere, according to IjQngfclluw, "cross-Hl ' the bridge into Medford tewn." The message Ituds: lear Sir: I am much obliged for your notice. Il is sld the o!icers are gne lui.g the Coticurd road, and I 'will send word thither. 1 am full with you that we oi iiht to be aertous, and 1 hope de cision will be etfactual. I intend doing myself the pleaaura if beli.g with vu li n orrow. My. rejects to toe committee. I am your real frieud, JOHN 1IAMh K Mr. Itenjamin says that if ll.'n.Mck of II. s committee ot safety, knew at 9 o'clock 11 at the troo)is had gone along the Con cord r. ad and hoped they would be "se rious," that lrf-xinsjton and Concord were fully aroused lo the danger of tile coming of Hiitlsii troops, and that there would be no need for Paul Revere to send Through the night his cry of alarm To eveiy Middlesex village and farm. The guarded expressions in the note, M. l'.enjanitn says, are due to the troublous limes, when Hancock might expect to have his in. el seized and did not want to have his correspondence betray more In formation than was absolutely necessary. His pcsitlon Is that this letter proves thai by S o'clock th committee of safety was well acquainted with the liritish plans and had sent troops to Concord to b.i ready. Therefore if the patriots were fully prepared al o'clock, why make the mid lilgnt r'lle to carry news which they had uiready had for some lime? A ((uettloa of Time. The evidence .f ihe Hancock letter to Gerry has been known, for it was pub lished in lies in a rare "Ufe of Gerry," but tho dalo with the 'H o'clock" was omitted, so that printed with others It caused nd comment. In the origlnay copy tho date is there In Hancock's writing. Iaul Revere waa never famous until the lAjngfellow poem appeared. Since then historians, remembering that the stone tower, which the poet's hero of "The rtkeleto.i In Armour" had built for his lady turned out t be the eld round mill 'which Rent-diet Arnold's grandfather had erected, have been looking raluer askaju-e at Paul, particularly a xingfellow pointed him. Still historians are agreed that Paul Revcro a.tuully did clis. and did some riding, although not as Longfellow made him do it. After the learned professors had declared their distrust of poetic history, they did manage to find a plain prose version of Paul Revere among the old manuscripts or the Massachusetts Historical society papers. It proved to be a letter written by Paul Revere in 17!W to their secretary. Dr. Relnap. Right then and thero Paul, as Iongfellow wrote him, and Paul, as lie wrote himself, began to disagree. The first trouble was over the lantern to be hung In the old North church for a sig nal light. Even now historians are not decided whether the tablet hung In Rostnn commerorating the spot is placed In the right church, or whether It was Robert Newman or John Pulling who "climbed the tower of the old North church by tho wooden stairs with stealthy tread to the belfry chamber overhead." Paul Just calls him a friend, and so does Longfellow. Having established the fact that there was a church somewhere and a lantern trouble begin to arise. Paul Revere him self wrote that the signal was Invented by him for the benefit of aome American of ficers. "'Colonel Conant and others," In Charlestown, to let them know when the British crossed, fearing that any messenger from Boston might le taken by the Hrltlsh. A Borrowed Horse. When Dr. Warren asked him to go to Ixx':ngton to warn Hancock and Adams there, he told 1.1s friend to raise the lan tern as a signal to Conant in tae lie (Riv vere) couldn't leave Boston. Having or dered the lantern to be placed, Revere quietly rowed across to Charleston and borruwed Deacon LarMii's bursa. In Ids letter Paul assures Dr. Belnap that the horse, though belonging to the deacon, was a good one. The historians do not raise any great objection to the Revere docu ment so fur. but it Inconsiderately de stroys the first six stanias of Longfel low's poem. While Deacon Larkin's horse was being addled. Revere met Richard Devens of the committee of safety, who told him that ten liritish officers iiad been seen going up Hie lx-xiugton r ad at sundown This supports Mr. Benjamin's argument that the Gerry letter shows that the Com mittee of Safety knew the danger three hours before Paul Revere took to nigh? riding. Continuing his account. Revere says he saw two British officers, and after leading one into a clay pit, he turned Into the Medford road to avoid the other, and "alarmed almost every house to Lexing ton." There he found Hancock and Adams at the Rev. Mr. Clarke's, and there "we refreshed ourselves'' and half an hour later set out for Concord to protect the stores. This prose account knocks out Longfellow's eighth and eleventh stanias. Worse, however, is to come. Paul Revero himself doesn't profess to have reached Concord. When half way there, the Brit ish officers captured him, tk from him Deacon Iirkin's good horse, and mounted him on the worn-out. nag of a British seigcant. They also addressed language to him. which Ingfeow certainly never would have Invited children to "listen and hear."' Paul was forced to accompany the British back to I-extngt un, as far as the meeting house, whtrs he dodged tiiem, and went to the tavern to help move the trunks there. So the historians any stanri twelve couldn't be true, granted any amount of poetic license. He certainly never did "come to the bridge In Concord town" as the clock struck ! or at any other early morning hour. Having completely taken the wind from Longfellow's sails, the prose letter ends the midnight ride, and goes Into great de tail on a subject not connected with the tradition. However, lh historians arc not alto gether satisfied with the Revere letter, for he wrote it in liMi. twenty-four years after the rid and, conceding his honesty, his memory might easily have been bad. Con sidering the many doubts which the learned have come to have of Paul Revere' ride. Mr. Benjamin bllcve that the evidence c intaine 1 In the H'incock-Gerry letter shows that It simply never happened at all, outsldo lmgfellow's p.ems. New York Times. Moat Wonderful Healing:. After suffering many years with a sore Amos King, Port Hyron, N. Y., was cured by Bui klen's Arnica Salve. 2T.c. Beaton Drug Co. syRaiiia where the coal owner are taking out their coal without much precautionary consideration for consequences to bouse owners on the surface. Philadelphia Record. STANDARD 0IUSSPY SYSTEM Inataaces of Oversealoaa Work In Behalf of the Big; Combine. And while I am suggesting topics, sayi "Interpreter" in the American Magaiine, there is another department of Mr. Rocke feller's great business which originated with him and which I wish he would be explicit about, and that is the spy system. Certainly Mr. Rockefeller will not venture to attribute this peculiar activity to the "over-real" of some employe "anxious for his own or Ids company's advancement" the general explanation he gives In the first chapter of his reminiscences to the criticisms made in tils conoern. I at least know that far from being a rase of overzeal the spying on competitors lies been a well-organised and most efficiently managed part of his business organization for many years. I once had In my hands a great bundle of the anonymous "repirts" and "forms" which had been used and dis carded by th bureau which looks after tliis kind of thlng-a division of that great bookkeeping system to which I see Mr. Rockefeller attributes so much of the suc cess of the Standard Oil company. The bundle came to me In a curious wwy. A boy employed by the Standard OH cosn pany to burn uch papers regularly In tip: furnace, noticed frequently on them aa he stuffed them into the fire the name of 'a man hi had once been kind to him. Tlio man was an Independent dealer lu . olj. The biy studied tho papers. He auw from them how this man's shipments were re ported from the freight offices by railroad employe secretly to the tftandnrd. HV found a telegram ordering agents to secure a countermand of the orders saw retiorLs that the ordering had been successfully discharged. So often did he see this that he became alarmed for Ids friend and finally, unable to endure his secret, lie gathered up comph te ots of the documents and carried them at night to the man's house. It was from there they came to me. The paper" now are buried In the mountain-high pile of testimony the gov ernment is taking in its suit against the company. Dangerous Townsites. The danger of building towns on lands where the mineral rignts underneath have been previously sold by ontinal owners Is freshly illuslrat. d in Wisconsin. The city of Iron Mountain, in that state. Is hunted on top of ore beds owned by Senator St-pn-enson and others. It is now proposed to move the ore. This necessitate moving the city. The situation appears to he very like thai iu soiuu of tho cval luwu la Peun- A Tonic iree from Alcohol Talk with your doctor about Ayes non-alcoholic barsaparillai Ask him it he prescribes it for pale, delicate children Ask him if he recommends it when the blood is thin and impure, and when the nerves are weak and unsteady. Ask him if it aids nature in building up the general health. t O irnl'r VowalT Sim