THK OMAHA DAILY HEK: SATURDAY, DKCF.MBKU . ishks. CHAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Situation Remains Strong, with Little Change. NORTHWEST ' RECEIPTS LIGHTER. (nrrl lleHef U Ihfr Will na tlnae l.laht for Ihr llemaluder of the I'rrnrnt fiii, Anyway. OMAHA, Dec. 4. 1908. Tha wheat situation, remains it rung with litile change. Roocipi are running lighter from the norlnwcst and It in tm general belief they will continue light for inn ba.ance of lno Hiin. Receipts of rorn are a trllMe heavier wlta more lloeral country offerings, but snipping demand ih very slack. blocks ai accumulating and should re sult in lower values unless tne consump tion demand Improves. Wheal opened up strong and advanced quickly on higcier Liverpool cahles. Thu market ' showed excellent tone throughout the scson and rallied on good buying and lighter offering. Heavy clearances gave uddiilonal strength on thu close. December wheat opened 9y and closed Corn was firm at the opening with whent. Receipts were larger. Iiul were eamly bandied on a better cash demand. I ounlry otlcringa were good and ptances were general. December corn opened at ooc and closed at 55V-- . , , . ' Primary wheat receipts were .() bush pis anti shipment were 45:!." bushels, against receipts last year a', 986,o0 bushels and shipments of 1.085,ooo bushels. Corn recelpis were 412.0ml bushels and shipments were 276,onO bushels, against re ceipts last veur of 487,000 bushels and ship ments of 18i,0"t bushels. Clearances were 164.000 bushels of corn, none of outs and wheat and flour equal to 191,000 bushels. . , , . Liverpool dosed d& higher on wheat and Vc'iel lower on corn. , Seaboard reported 200,000 bushels 01 wheat taken tor export. Local range of options: extra rtinrtu, V)T$: clear ribs. t?T3; shcrt clt-sr;. flo.i.,i. IhcoTi, unchanged; boxed ex i mi siioi '. .eit; clear ribs, tlo.62'i; sliort chars, $10 .;yj. l- H I. I HV-Weak; chickens. c; springs, l"e, turses, V.'i"i ducks, c; gt-ese, 6',c. IU "I I EH Steady; creamery. jCiVfUaw. Kill Hi- Firmer, 2V-, case count. Receipts and shipments of Hour and grain were as follows: Receipts. Flour, bbls . Wheat, tru 2.' Corn, bu 1V) Uals, bu 27,000 Shipments. 1 i.i.Mi .0"0 &S.0OO SRW TOIIK ;keual market notations on Varloaa Articles. Open. IIleh. Iiow. Cloae.Yea'y. Wheat Doc... 90 May... 1(H4 1 04 Corn nee... 65 K5i BH May... 67 679 B7 Oats I ec 4fi'4 47 4iVi May... 49 49 '. 99 1 04- 1 04 Vi efi fiSH liT 67V. 47 4RH 4!H 49( Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT-No. 2 hard. $1.npni.n2; No. 8 bard. 99HcH$l.O0; No. 4 hard, 971398c; No-. 3 spring. Scirl.ol. CORN No. 3, 66c; No. 3 yellow, 66'4'0WiVfC ; No. 3 white, 66Hti57c. OATH No. S mixed, 47V: No. 3 yellow, 47fr4S4e; No. 3 white, 48',-; No. 4 white. 474'i4Kc, RYE-No. 2, 72c: No. 3. 70Tle. Cur lot Receipts. W heat. Corn Chicago 67 12 Minneapolis 182 nnalia 43 Dublin HI 17 OaU Do 23 tllKALO tillAIN A.D FROVISIO.NS Trading Hulls Give Moderate Support to Market. CHICAGO. Dec. 4. leading . bulls gave inoUet.-aie suppoit to the local wheat mar ket touay, and as a result, prices lor lue loin i n consecutive uay soared to near tnu logo record mink for the season. May ad unving io 91. 1 L und July to ii ii, e same time the December delivery eonalii'ii m previous high point of $1.06. j no close, w .is su-ady at almost yesterday's I .mil I ivill'i-N i .-urn and provisions closed steady, a.nd CIJ18 Hll'ollk. Although sentiment In the wheat pit was buliisn. prices fluctuated nervously within a Udii cent range, and at the cloao were a suaiu hlgner to ,c lower, compared witu M ,i'iiiiiv h final ouolatlons.. i he re was liheial realizing at times, but olIci'innH were readily absorbed. An ad v., lie- if tilli- naif oence at Liverpool, con tlnued pmall receipts III the northwsi, and i..e report of a sit. Iajuis trad.- Journal Hiiniviiiic uinir condition ot tin: fall sown crop were tne principal strengthening in- i uenccs. Kaln or snow in the winter wheat belt x i iwiiei hearlHii factor. Trade in c.isn" wheat was quiet and prlcea held Meaily. Kmal quotations on Uecembtr uore nt xl.nh'A. May clos'd at $1.1" and . .eurunces of wheat and flour were equal to wt.WA) bualiels. Kxports for the week as shown by Hradstivets wero equal to ii, iii'.imai bushels. Wn wniLlii'i' In the corn belt had a bullish effect on the market, the Ivccm-bei- delivery showing especial strength uily. in the day. An official forecast of a cold wave tonight, however, caused con Mueiahle selling later In the day. which i. sulied In the market closing steady with pru es- unchanged to 'o Higher. Unal quo:aLU)iis on Uec.cmber were at tilc und o.i .May tl'ic. titieiing of corn at thn sample tables were llgirt and prices were up lie on a moderate demand. . Acilvliy and strength marked today trading In oats, the market closing strong wiHi prices up Va'ic. compared with yes terday s close. Keccipts continued light and shipping de mand was again active. December closed at ne and Miy at aiV,,r,-V-. t'loviaions were quiet and steady. At the close: prices were unchanged to &4t710 low i r. T'ie leading futures ranged as follows: of the Par Commodities. NKW YORK. I c. 4 -KI)L'R-Recelpts, 2.I.7MI bbls.; exports, Ki.H7 bbls. Market was inlet, but firm; Minnesota patents, inton o.fu; Minnesota bakers. 14.2v1M.6o; winter patents, l.75l .15; winter siraights, $4.5 4.75; winter extras, .l ,'U4.0U; winter low grades. (J.,Vti,i3.(u Rye flour, steady; fair to good. 4.ni4:i: rhnice to fancy. l4.3Ba4.W. llui kwheut flour, dull: 12.45. 1: 1 '( 'K W H K AT Dull; btite, 81c, nominal. CO'RN.MKAI-liarelv steady; fine white and yellow. tl.f,iu 1.J. RYK-74'o77c. . . UAItl.K. dull: innltlnK. 6.Vri70c. C. I. I. Buffalo. WmEAT Reeelnts. Kil.ono bu.: exports. i"j.Ht bu. Spot market firm; No. 1 red, II.CVal.M'i., elevator. $I.14. f. o. b. afloat; iNo. i northern. Duluth. kl.r.PVu. ' o. u. ailoat; No. 2 hard winter,'n. f. o. b. afloat. Aided by firmer cables, light north west receipts and a bullish Modern Miller crop report, bulls hud little dlttlculiy tn sustaining wheat prlres today and new high records were made. Lato reactions occurred under profit-taking, however, and final prices ahow.'d onlv lie net advance. De cember, ll.irifal.ln',4, closed at II. lo; May, ll.HViM.1tjV closed at $1.16'i. CORN Receipts, W7.7-5 fill.; exports, iiu. 7,1a bu. Spot market steady; No. 2, (Oc, to arrive, elevator, and "tnc. f. o. b. afloat. Tho option market was without transac tions, closing net unchanged. May closed at 7o'.4e, .lulv closed at 70'in'. 1ATS Receipts, 61. mm bu. Fpot market firmer; mixed. 2i tn 32 lbs., MVi'tjfiTM'; natural white, So'ic; clipped white, 34 to 42 lbs., 66Vi 4!2c HAY Firm; shipping, 60i5Jc; good to choice, 6fjc. Ill DK-Firm: Rogota, lH4'g20Atc; Central America, 2'lli2,-'v4e. LKATH KR CJiliet; acid. 23Vd"2C. I'R( IVJSK )NS Cut meats,! steady Lard, steady; western, VJ.Untt.M; refined, quiet; continent. $!i.fl. I'ork, steady. TALLOW Urm; city, 6",c. Oily Cottonseed, steady; prime crude, 30o; prime re! low, ;!!" &3Sc. COKFKK Quiet; No. 7 Rio. 61ic; No. 4 Santos. 77'ilMt.e. UL'TTl'R Steady; process, specials, 24'4i 2oc; western fictory, firsts, 21 21 Vjc ; west ern Imitation creamery, firsts, 22(U23c. CHKhWf- Firm: state full cream, spe clils. 14i15V4e; September, small, colored nr while" fancy, 14c; large, 14c; Octolier, large and small, besj;, lV4c; late made, small, best, 13c; good to prime, lClVlr ; common to fair, lolifaHHu; skims, full to specials, 2Mrft llc. L'itlS Firm; western firsts, 37iH'38c; sec onds, ;i2C'35c. I'lJCL'i'RY Alive, firm; spring chickens, 12c; fowls, 12c; turkeys. 13c. Dressed. Ir regular; western spring cnlckens, ll(J20c; spring turkeys, lOcTrUe. SUGAR Raw, steady; fair refining, S.42c; centrifugal, test, 3.92c; molasses sugar, 3.17c. Refined, quiet. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Restraint Under Which Stock Market Has Labored Thrown Off. AWAIT PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE I'anama 4'anal Honda to Ainunnt ot Thirty Million Dollars Will lie flared on the Market Today. WEATIIF.R I THE GRAIV BELT Fair Artiule. Open. High. Low. Clos. Yes'y. i ; ! 1 llrl 1. 1 10V, i 1 " ( 1 1 11 1 tilM l Itl"-, I l tn-.i l ii ui 1 l'3'.-sl 1 OuJ lil. tnl'il HS 0.l-4 I 1 OWi 1 Ill's, 1 l I1. and Rising; Temperature Satur day After Colder Night. OMAHA, Dec. 4. 1908. Tho area of high pressure over the east orn portion is slowly moving oft the At lantic coast. An area, of low pressure Is central over the lake region, ana extends southwest over the central valleys. Ttils dcDresston Is attended by light snows In the tinner Mississippi and Ohio valleys, wHh rains In the lower Mississippi valley. An area of high pressure, accompanied by colder weather, overlies the upper Mis souri valley, and this high will extend down the valleys during the day, and will' bring colder weather In this vicinity tonight, followed by rising temperature Saturday, with fair tonight and Saturday. Clear weather, with temperatures ranging from zero to ten be ow. prevails through out the upper Missouri valley, and it Is decidedly colder In northern Nebraska and west to the mountains, iimaha record of temperature and preclpi tutlon, compared with the corresponding (Ihv of the last three years: 1908 1907 190s .1905 Minimum temperature.... 22 2ti 87 S 1-rex Inflation T .00 .17 .00 Normal temperature for today, 31 tle- Dcficlency in precipitation sines March 1, 4.01 Inches. J Deficiency corresponding period In 1907, R Stt inches. Defictnency corresponding period in 1906, 4.30 Inches. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster, Kauaaa City Uraln and Provisions. KANSAS CITT. Dec. 4. WHEAT Un changed to higher; December, S1.004; Mjiv. II0S4: Jnlv. 7Hc: cash. No. 2 hard ll.oVul.iMi; No. 3 hard, 99c(1.04; No. 2 red. ll.071il.09; No. 3 red, $1.0(H.08. CollN" Ciichanecd: December. BSUc; May, fWSe; July. SSc; cash, No., 2 mixed, 59Vf 60c; No. 3 mixed. 69tfRi0c; No. 2 whit, fcttjlc; Nn. :t white. baH4iHic. OATS I'nchanged; No. 2 white, 48ftc; No. 2 mlxedi 47H.rd49c. choice timothy. 19.75?il0.00; $8.6Va",00; choice alfalfa. Receipts. Shipments. 72.000 68,000 , 11,000 2,009 , 11,000 t,ooo IH7 94S.479: gold coin and bulMon. $X.1.'Y.1. gold certificates. $'.l"0. IIK.rORT Or THE ( I.KtRIM. HOI SE Trannsrtlnna of the Associated Daaka for the Week. NKW YORK. Dec. I Rrsdstreet's bank rienr'ngs report for the week ended De cember I shows an aggregate of $.'.tls."i. . ns against 2.Mn.9'1.i lat week and S-'.474,i.'") in the corresponding week lust yenr. The following Is a of the cities: OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET CITIES. I dealings. Inc. I NKW YORK, Dec. 4. The restraint under which operations for higher prices In the stock market have labored during the week was inrown oir to a large extent today and the advance was resumed with more appearance of harmony than any movement iius snown tor many nays. There was much aiscusslon on the floor of the Stock ex change of the supposed contents of the forthcoming messago of 1'resuleiit Roose- Velt. The word was nnssed around that the tone of the message was mild and that ii coniainen notning calculated to cause fright to the most timid speculator. It was alleged also that the modification ot the Sherman-antl triiBl law would be advo cated so ss to provide against Its applica tion to other than unreasonable comblna. Hons in restraint of trade and so open the way to allow agreements amongst railroads on rates. The action of the market owed something to the relief afforded Itv the speculative liquidation already effected, and ot which there was evidence of a subsidence lonay. 'this was notably true of United Mates eel, In which the selling has been persistent throughout the week. The freedom with which that stock ad vanced, although to a moderate extent, was of material effect In shaping sentiment on tho whole market. Low priced stocks con tinued a Prominent feature and in some of these the only reason advanced for vola tile upshonts was the activity of the market pools, which hsd accumulated large amounts of chosen stocks and were holding them out of the market for higher prices. Manipulation to that end was rather obvi ous in the rase of some of these stocks. The Gould group, led by Wabash preferred. Was a conspicuous feature of the dealings. Oreat Northern preferred was the ln,l.r of the high-priced stocks. Rock Island pre- ierred advanced again to a point higher than that touched in the spurt in connec tion with the sale of St. Louis t San Fran cisco bonds. The strength of this slock was helped by a recollection of the fact that the present 4 per cent rate of prefer ence in dividends which it enjoys Is- to ad vance to 6 per cent on the expiration of the year 1909 and to 6 per cent at the end ot 1916. The money market continued stlffer than of late. Preparations wero In prWresn todnv for participation In the I'anama canal bonds Issue, for which subscriptions to an amount of $30,000, 010 are to be opened tomorrow. The usual preliminary estimates of the week's currency movement pointed to a heavy loss in cash by the banks, largely on account of government operations, but In cluding also shipments of gold to Paris and to Canada. Funds have come from the In terior to the amount of nearly Jl.ouO.OuO, but ine oiner aemanus are expected to lessen holdings to the extent of $6,000,000 to 8,000, 000. There was a sharp expansion In the week's grain exports, tho wheat outgo rising 1,164,000 bushels over last week and corn exports also suddenly Increasing nearly 1.000,000 bushels to 1,806,290 bushels, tho heaviest outgo for that grain of the pres ent season. Bonds were strong. Total sales, par value, ,330.000. United States bonds were un- changed on call. and leading quotations l.,Vl'iWli3,62-V'.' l I I'.iV" , ' i 47W IU O'-'j! IB eft 16 2ft 16 30 I !! 2-S , 9 61 6.-i'4 63r36H'4 6U7 6J-4 50 ' 49Vj .lei's! 52','ci 1.4 hi 47, : U 92 15 9:'41n 97V Hi 17HI 1 lT'ai 16 22',, I &"' 4!'i f2vr.2,4"Va: 4 I 25 I 9 42'., k X, 7' S :S7'S K 6.V.I 9 20 I 9 40 I I X -M I 8 52's 9 20 I 8 40 I I g :o I 8 62Vi! 9 20 9 40 S 35 8 57Vi Wheat Dec. ,Muv ' July orn Dec: ly Juiy 1 1 u - -- Dec. kluy j 11 1 v p. rk- J in. May I am-- Jaii. Msy , l;hs - J ar. May No. !. KLOI'H- steady; w inter patents, S4.4nfi 4:; sua Khts. II 20"f-i it: clears, $3.7oi4 00; spring specials. $6 locoii.20: patents. 15.15 & .; straights. 3.9t.:i4.76; bakers. $3. 7njj4.0l. WMKAT-No. 2 spring. Sl.o7-nl.lo; No. 3 spring IUK'i l.7; No. 2 red, Sl.ofVi l-7. 1 'I lit N No. 2. 614-n61i; No. 2 yellow, C1V (cnd-V llVrNo, 2 white, 614c; No. 3 white, HYKNo. 2. Tic. HA KLhiY ti'd feeding. 60c; fair to Choice malting. ttyu64o. 8KKDS Flax. No. 1 northwestern, 11.43V4. 'I'liiKMny uriine. l.Na. Clover, coiuravt grades. f!.40. l'! i'lSliN3 Short ribs, sides Moose), S f'''u mi I'ork. mess, per tihl., JU R.-y 14 624. Lard, per 100 lbs., $9.15. Short clear sides (linxecll. Jx.iOsiww. Following were the KH'eipts incuts ot flour and grain: Receipts. Flour, bbls 22.400 Wheat, bu 47,( Corn, bu 272 0 Dats, bu 151. & IU ye. bu 3,.i Hurley . bu 64.1KO 31.UI0 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, 22'u30c; dairies. Tu".)c. h.ggs. steady; cases included, 2tu27c; prime Clieeso. strong; 14"gi5c. and ship- Shlpmentsi fnS.100 l.:7.0no 173.7UI l'.i.iyjo HYE 74fi7.c. HAY Firm; choice prairie, $13.0041 14.50. Wheat, bd .... Corn, bu Oats, bu Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 4 BUTTER Steady; western creamery, 33c; nearby prints. 35c. KOOS Firm; lc higher; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free rases, 35o, at mark; current receipts, in returnable cases, 84c at mark; western firsts, free cases, 35c, at mark; current receipts, free cases, i'Mt'Mc at mark. CHEESE Firm, New York, full creams, choice, H'jj144c; fair to good, l&8-13VjiC. Minneapolis t.raln Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 4 WHEAT Close: December. $1.09; May, $1.12. Cash: No. 1 hard. $1,134; No. 1 northern, $1,124; No. 2 northern. $1.1I4Q1.10; No. 3 northern, $1.07 (!t 1.00. FLAXSEED Closed at $1 414. IIIIAX-In bulk, $lti.50ti 18.75. FUirit Strong: first patents, $5.5fcB6.0; second patents. S5-4ufi.6r; first Clears, ij-i.oi); second clears. $3.2o3.&0. Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL, Dec. 4 WHEAT Spot, firm; No. 2 red western winter 8s 14d. Futures, steady; December, 8s $d; March, 7s IinI; Mav, 7s 94d. CuKN-Hpoi, steady; American mixed, new. via Galveston, steady, 5s lod. Fu tures, stead ; January, 5s64d; March, 5s d. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Wis., Dec. 4.-WIIEAT-llighci-. No. 1 northern, SI. 124(1.14; Ko- 2 northern, ; May. CtiHN-Hlgher; May. &iMa bid. HAKLEY Higher; standard, 644c; sam ples, 59-tl 644c. No. No. no graxle, 6ic. No. 3 white, 5o,c; No. 4 Peoria Market. l-EORIA. Ill , Dec. 4 CORN Firm: 2 yellow, st4cusc; io. J yeiiow. 3, oc: .No 4. c; liATsi-tligiier; white, 484c Dulath tiraln Market. DULUTH. Minn.. Dec. 4 WHEAT No. 1 null hern. 41. 11; No. 2, $1.00; December, $l.tV May, SI. 12V July. l,l-':. OA TS-4M-..C. Number of sales on stocks were: Amalgamated Copper .... Am. C. A K Am. O. & F. pfd Am. Cotton Oil Am. II. A L. p(d Am. Ire Becurltlrs Am. LltlMed Oil Am. Locomotive Am. Locomotive pfd Am. 8. A H Am. 8. & R. pfd Am, Sugar Refining Am. Tobacco pfd American Woolen Anaconda Mluina Co Atchlaon Atchiaon pfd Atlanlic Coast Line Baltimore ic Onto Bal. a Ohio pfd Brooklyn Kapld Tr Cauadlan Paclfio Central Leather Central Leather pfd Central of New Jersey.... Chesapeake Ohio Chicago Gmt W Chicago A N. W C, M. V Sf. P C, C, U. & W. L Colorado F. Ac I Colorado & 80 Colo, ic 80. 1't pfd Colo. So. 2d pfd Conaolldated Oaa Corn Products Delaware a Hudion Iienver & Rio Orande.... D. R. O. pfd Diatlllers' 8ecurltlea Erie Krle let pfd Krla 2d pfd General Electric Ureal Northern pfd Ot. Northern Ore ctfa Illinois Central Interboroush Met Int. Met. pfd International Paper Int. Paper pfd International pump Iowa Central Kanaaa City 80 K. C. 80. pfd Loulavlllo & N Minn. St. L M., St. P. & 8. 8. M Missouri Paclfio M., K. & T M . K. 4 T. pfd National Lead New York central N. Y., O. A W Norfalk & W North American Northern Paolftc Pacific Mall Pennaylranta People's Gas P., C. C. 8t. L Preaeed Steel Car Pullman Palace Car Railway Steel Sprint Reading Kepublle Steel Kepubllo Steel pfd Rock Island t Rock Ialand Co. pfd St. L & K. V 2d pfd... St. Lou I a 8. W St. L S. w. pfd Bloaa-gheffteld 8. A I..., Southern Paclflu So. Paclfio pfd Southern Railway So. Hallway pfd Teias A Pacific Tenneeeee Copper T. 8t. L A W T.. tit. Law. pfd I'nloa Paclfio I nlos Pacific pfd V. 8. Rubber l B. Rubber lt pfd I'. 8. Steel I'. 8. 8leMl pfd 1'tah Copper Va -Carolina Chemical .. Va.-Caro. Chain, pfd Wabsan Wabaah pfd Weetlnshouae Electrte ... Weatero Union Wheeling A V. Wlacnnaln Central Am. T. A T Total aales for the day. Sales. High. 31.110 KM, , inn l0 1.3U0 "'4110 6.0i 3,3e0 100 . 19.8H0 l.eno ) 4.900 .eo . l,o D.DCii) 2110 . 6 11, SOD 0 4', 10x14 427 1111 as i32i lot 14 111 ltS l Mi 17S -s'4 Low. ClOM. S3't 4tH 4Hi ir.H 1IW4 24 13" -"4 41S im 111 W4 l fMa 28 .. .) ,. l.OtlO 1 .. 17.4UO am .. 14.6'.a) tloO lno ,. 1 ,. 17. 1) 5' 4VU .. 6,7011 .4 700 .. 1,1110 .. 33.8'IO .. ,6'0 till .. S0.1U0 ,. T5. ., 3,31) .. 2.400 .. S.600 ,. 1100 600 .. ' 800 .. 14.7O0 .. 10,81111 , . 1,8I0 .. 1.FW0 i0 fl0 , . 12.010 .. K.6O0 8'J0 ,. 3,Xi0 .. 7,) .. 18.1CU .. 2.1H0 lift .. 2J..1O0 .. 7. IciO .. 2,400 100 .. 1 .. I.2-0 .. KI.SOO .. l,(KO h) . . 10 H .. 3.f.' . . 2.1O0 .. l.SKHl .. 1.KS) 40 .. 2.0 50 .. 7.K .. I.N .. 4 401 .. 2,l 7"0 .. 1.4i0 .. U,4n0 .. "ifto 410 . . 12.1110 .. l.tMO .. .2,e .. 4.4IO loO .. 18.300 .. 67,"0 J0 .. 1.O10 .. Loot) 1,087,000 aharea. r.44 1in 1741, lf.Hj 67", 40 f.l'i 705 6f.Si H"i4 18', 7'a ::s iu, 4U 40 1IH, 7'a 14'.l 3ia 12 Si', So 7 123 4 15! an S 71 83 111 46 84 74 143 8H 12K l'l Mi 3 17i lilt 3 k7 24; - 41 22 r: 7K 119 121 Ml sr. 4S 411 1 1W 1"7 ft', 113 48 4t 114 17 4 13 81 129 60 10 173 l.Vl Ii7 37 1.2 70 .". 12 18 17D 3,', 78 .14 3.' 47 98 l.SH 142 73- 148 14 34 11 "io 29 34 7 122 47 132 '. 81 71 8i lie 4:, 84 7u 142 37 129 10oi 86 35 172 138 28 ! 24 S 4 !! 63 118 121 in 68 13 43 89 83 1 "ii I'll M 312 4S 4.1 114 IS 38 84 49 11 30 12'.i 4 107 4214 28 3.', 16 f 1"9 92 lot) 132 4 JO 60 98 101 111 108 H 61", 177 28 I'll 213 63 11 573 161 67 39 64 70 60 1112 18 176 36 79 34 84 48 40 168 H4 73 148 14 86 11 66 311 31 36 67 122 49 131 1 88 71 82 117 46 M 78 14i 38 129 1 86 88 172 4.1 13 26 86 84 61 40 22 63 78 Ilk 12' n 3j 4.1 3 64 1H1 S'o :i. 1"7 f.- 11a i- 48 44 114 18 44 88U 69 !' 791, l. New York I'hlcMRO Hi st on Philadelphia St. Ignite I'lttshiirp San Francisco Kansas t'lty Kallimore ( Incinnail Mlnrctipolis New Orleans clcvrliinii Introlt IOtiisvllle Ixis Anc;eles OMAHA Milwaukee Heattle 8t. Paul buffalo Iienver Intlhimiiiohs Fort Worth Provlilcncc Portland, Ore Alli:inv Richmond Washington, II. C Spokane. Wash... Halt Iiike t'lty.... Coliimbtis. o St. Joscpu Atlanta Memphis T.iconia faviinnah T 'l.-clo Nashvlll.- Itocheslcr Hartford Dcs Moines l'coria Norfolk New Haven Grand Hapids HlnniiiKlKim Svr lcuKc Sioux City Sprirnrfield, Mass. Kvansville Ponlanti, Me I 'avion I.lltlc nock Augusta, On Oiikland, (.'ul Worcester Mobile Kni'Xvllle Jacksonville, l'la.. ('haltaniK)Kii Charleston, 8. C. Lincoln, Neb Wilmington, Pol.. Wichita Wilkecbane Whccllnn. V Fall Kiver.. Iivenport . rvaiamazoo . Tnpeka, Helena Knrtnuflclcl. lnungstown .. Fort Wayne... New Hodford.. Krio, Pa Cedar Kapids, -i aeon Akron , I-extiiRton Hockford. III.... FurS'i. N. I Ixiwcll Hinarhamton .... ('hertcr. Pa Sioux I'Vlls South, Ind HloomliiKton, III Canton, o Wulncy. Ill Springfield. O... Iii'catur. Ill Mansfield, ().... Fremont. Neb... Jacksonville, 111 Oklahoma City.. Houston Galveston Columbia, S. C. Sacto Jackson, Miss... SC.ST'.VM.omi LNS..ilH.l"! 17ti.(i:.'iH i.c.ii; 110. L'M o' 4S.:t;t d i . 42.40 i8l 4L'.811.Hlio 27.SlG.i84i! ZiV7l'.(8l :'l.b."ii."0ti;. 15.M.I88M 14 :''3 'l 14.til!,0fo i;t.lKK.I8ll 14.10H.0ia! W.4isii0 I0.'.o3.oi 111. -TT rt.iirol o,iii,irii i.7'll.('"'M s.!MS,i W,N1I,(I1 8,':i.ii(8) l.'S.OOIli H.:iM.ii! 7.4'-'7,f 7 07" 0"oj fi.777.f8ii1. f,:t-!i."0'; S,Vi,Of8 fi. TT''.s si 1 .17H.i.Msij t.!"-.i8l 4,s;!o,(8i 6.7iM.(8 4i, J4.71t-N.H 2 !r.!t.O'. 4. bri;l,i8iO 3,.S23,0i. 5. Wfi.iaai1, a. 477.(8.8)1".ii 2.7jii,(8 2.2iJ.i8)l 2,016. om! Va.... 111.... In.. .V5.2I... 4". 7 ... ;i 2:... 8. Si... 11.4,. '40.2!. fO 6 .. 7.1,.. 23 1 .. .71.. !.. 17.ii.. sn fi!.. NO. 7.. 23.11.. 84.7'.. IX.. 7.0;.. 4.5,.. Si. 41.. 4S.8I.. 47.4'.. 19.3 .. 5.71.. r,7.31.. 17.7 .0 6.1.0!. 5.5' . 4 I1. 2.";. 2i:o!. 60.S!.. "2.-, 2.3 4.3 5.8 no.i 2.032,nioi 1.5 2,74i.iii8i ri4.2! 2.27.ii IS .Si J.Mfi.floO 17.1' 2.1',i88i 7.H' 1.!M.l8i :,"). ft 1.(814. 08: 70.71 2.210.! 4.0 i.7ii.i8im ri.bI l.H7,iiim 21. S: I".i13,l 0.8 l,fiX.8.(8l IS. 51 1.715.00,1 I'll. 3 l.o73.(K8 27.21 l,640.i8i 4.71 1.2h3.0i 17. Si 1.3111,018) 1 .51 1.87B.'8 fO.Hj 1.5l.t8i 23.2 JXiU.ono 27.6 1.4'i.0iHi 73.2 1. 314,Oii 4O.0 1,130.1)181 2.o I'.lTTi.OO 28.3 1. 20j,iio0 27.6 l.(2,(8'i 21. R! fl 2,18 0 20. ! 24.7 1.2-'8.(SV 57. S! 576,0(XI I M3.(0 12.2 91'i.ODO 15,00i 6S.5 K:M.0i 6.4 n2ii.t88i S.7 7'i"i,i o 12 0 4T3.H'B) 6 4W.0IX) 1.2 441.000' 2H.J 636.I88J1 S.8 473,(0 28.5 4S7.O0 0.1: 7..Oi8 .10.3' 547.CI8I 32.1; 5H2.I8H) 2S.0I 282.1881 1 329,000 H5.C 3S2.0U") 63.91 247,(8 0 2.4! 1,44X,Onn 120.3' 32. 451,(8.0 103.0' a), 718,000 61. 21 7?0,i8iO 6.71 39.4 305.000 ...... Light Run of Cattle, Without Much Change in Prices. HOGS CONTINUE ON DOWN GRADE Shrrp and l.nmbs of t.ood ()iiallr n Ilemaml t Xendr Prices I n I flnUhed tnff nn Sellers si nil Weak. tattle. Hogs. Bheep. SOl'I'll UMAiiA, Dec. 4. 1908. Receipts werei Official Monday Official Ttiesd.iv .. Official Wednesday of .Ii I'll Thursday . Katlniatu Friday .. 4.. 5 6.''WJ 6.d.:i , 4.. 93 . 1,150 .124 S.M7 9,t6 17,o7 13.510 V.6.17 6,7x 13.717 5,. ou .22,614 !,v7 K.RU4 4i,.5li 3.,dl9 ;.3.b6 20,viM 45. SOD iil.-lti '.2.n0 52.2.8 3,N1 Five days this week S..lne days lust week. Samo ua, s 2 weeks ago..:x,2,8 Siiiiie a 3 weeks lino. .25 .872 Banie days 4 weeks iigo. .12,9i0 The following table shows the receipts of rattle, nogs and sheep at Mouth omalia for thu year to date, compared with last year: lyes. i"u7. Inc. Cattle !M,.,57 1.I0.I.S91 Hogs 2.Z6ii.i, i.lo.x.sT.4 157, lid Sheep 1,012,142 1,9 W.18H 45,2i2 Tho following table shows the avenigo lc i;i9,.v.4 price of hogs at South Omaha for the several days, with comparisons; last Date. I 1908. 19o7.19o.19l6.1904.19O3.lSti5 Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. 23.. 24.. 25.. 26.. 27. . 28.. 29. . 30.. 1.... 3... b 86.4j 4 08', 6 12 4 66 4 49 1 4 311 6 1 i ' 6 001 4 KOl " 4 W a sol j 4 .2 4 uj a is, 4 0,1 6 00 i 4 531 1 4 2D, 6 021 4 67 4 20 I tt l7j 4 73 4 4!l 4 24 1 4 361 I 4 SJ 4 47 I 4 60 6 041 4 42 4 34 I 6 5 1 4 9-j 4 43 4 aft 4 641 6 OS, I 4 481 4 42i 6 61i 6 56 6 67 S 68 5 79 6 66 4. ...I I 4 tK 6 13, 4 SI J 4 44, 15 6 0,1 5 Mj 02 6 10 6 09 6 14 6 22 Sundiiy. Holiday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was as follows: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. ...U ..14 ... J 20 8 t7 "I 13 37 C. M. & St. P 1 Wabash Missouri Pacific I'nlon Pacific 21 C. it N. W., east 5 C. & N. W., west... C, St. P.. M. & O... C, it. & y., cast C, H. & y., west... C, It. 1. & p., cast. C, R. 1. Ai P., west 6 Illinois Central 15 1.. Chicago Ut. Western.... 2 Total receipts 59 INS 24 5 The disposition of tho day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Not Included in totils because containing other items than eiearlngs. steady; railroad, & ft. L. 4a & T. 4a... New York. Moner Market. NKW YORK, Duo. 4.-PUIME MKRQAN TILK FAPKR-3Vn4'4 per cent. mu.n lis liovernment, strong. STERLING EXCHANOK-Weaker, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.8440 for sixty-day bills and at $4.8645 for demanj; commercial bills, $4.84Uj4.8114. MuNRiY On cull, steady; 2ft 24 per cent; ruling rate, 214 per cent; closing bid. 2'4 per cent; offered at 2H per cent. Time loans, a shade firmer and prettv active; sixty days, 3 per cent; ninety days, S'g'Pi per cent: six months, 3j per cent. SILVER Uav. 48c; Mexican dollars, 45c. Closing quoi&tlons on New York bonds were as follows: U. B. rf. 3a, reg j'WITnt. MM. 4',s. ... do coupon 104 L. & . unl. 4a. V. 8. la, rag 10014 Man. c. g. 4a.... do coupon 100-4 Me. Central 4 u. s. aa, reg lao Mo it Inc do coupon Am. Tobacco 4a do (to Atchlaon gan. 4a.. do ad. 4a do cv. 4u do cv. 5a Atlantic r. L. 4a. Hal. & Ohio do 3aa Drk. K. T. cv. 4a t'entral of Oa. 5a. ito lat lno do M luc do 3d luc Chen, e, Ohio 4a l'hlc-go i A. 3'na ('., H. g. n. 4a... C, K. 1. & P.4a ... do rul, fjH do rfdg. 4a cci:. it at. L. k. t. Colo. lud. i. Colo. Mid. 4a Colo, ft So. 4 Del. & H. cv. 4a... II. 4 R. O. 4s Erie p. 1. 4a do gen. 4a Hock. Val. Vi. Japan 4h do 4'tn dn Vil HrlPH. . . . lild. Olfared Omaha Pac king Co 1S Swift and Company 206 Cudahy Packing Co 453 Armour & I'o 175 Schwartzchlld & S'lsh'g'r Vansant & Co J5 Carey Ac Kenton 2 I.obman Rothchlld 6 W. I. f.ephen it F. P. Lewis 17 Huston & Co l'.l J. II. Root & Co 23 J. II. Bulla 105 Cudahy Bros. Co McCrcury & Carey PH H. F. Hiinilltnn 13 M. Hagerty & Co 1 F. (c. liighram 6 Sullivan Bros 3 1ehmer Bros 16 KitiKiin Other buyers 356 l.ll'S 2.1.34 4.750 3,633 Sli7 Mi9 l'"Jil 629 431 1,040 Totals CATTLE Receipts .1.833 1.494 942 !,8o7 111 "Minn 77"iM., K .l'"8 do In .liMH .'. K. K. of M. . S. Y. C. g. S4a. lOZ'N. J. c. g. 6a... .10o;t.So. Piiclflc 4s.... W'1 do 8a lW4 N. & W. c. 4a 0. 8. U rfdg. 4a ... 79'Pcnn. cv. 3Wa 1915.. HK' do con. 4a "H Ftcadlng Ren. 4a J 'Hep. of Cuba 5a.... O-vaSl. U I. M. c. fin . 75 .102 . K9 . x.1 . 17 . ur. .. s4 .. 87", 4a SI .. 3'i ..129 ..IIS "4 .. 710.4 .. KM. .. K4 .. V, ..iujH ..100 .lia'4 US . ll'St. L. S. K. fg.4a. mi 1 St. b. B. W. c. 4a.. 7H 'SlxMird A. L. 4b.. 7'4,Sn. Pacific 4a do 1st 4a 9" So. Rallwav Sa 97 Texaa & P. la . 7Jl T., 8t. I.. A W. 4a '"; I'nlon Parifc 4a . do cv. 4a loSx, V. S. Steel Jd . Wahach 1 . aH'iWcatcrn Md. 4a . 74 w. & b. K. 4a... WiWla. Ontral 4a... . W N. V.. X. II. & till, cv. a ctfa . lin-ia Lake Shore 4a 1131 (1 i 10714 114', III I -.1'3'i ...llili ...111- ... 7'i ... S2 ... hi II. .174 . Ho', s)(. l.oals General Market. HT. IXlLiie, Dec. 4-WHEAT-Higlier; track. No. 2 red cash. $1.091 1. 10; No. 2 hard. $l.o4'iil.07; Dvc. mber, $1.U5S,; May, $1 lO-SfilHeVj- CORN Firm; track. No. 3 cash. 62'4c; No. ! white. 64c; December, OcOc; May, ttJ1,!. OATS Hlghsr; track. No. I cash, ilc; No. S white, 634iioV; December. 4H-Vc: May, 520. R VK Finn. 76V. BRAN Dull; sac ked, east track. SI 02li VIM. FlH'R Higher; red wintsr patents $4 'a) ti6 2o; extra fancy and siiaight. $4. 251 4 8u clear. $3.50. " ' KEEI Tlmothv. $2.5ti3.36. IHKNUKAI-$3 30. HAY Steady; timothy, S8.Soii1l SO; prairie SV K-Vl! UU I RON COTTON T1ES-$1.0). '.. 1 ' II KM P TWINE-7P HKOVllONH Polk. steady; $15 I .nr. I. stead.; prune steam, ''.. ,i oT'.j. Diy salt meals,' uiichaniied; boxed t'tttlon Market. j NEW YORK. Dee. . COTTON-Spot closed ipiict; middling uplands. 9.35c; ndd ! dling gulf. S.ik-: sales, 1.000 bales. Futures, I closed b.tiely steady; December, 9.20c; Jan- at mark, ; " v, ....?.: ,.7T..' .,,, ., . ai'iii, a. -ve, ,ny, , June, o nil, uuijr, Kirsis, ic. . v7... . o t.' 41ALVESTON, Dec. 4. COTTON-Steady, Sv. NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 4 COTTON Spot dull and easy; low ordinary, 4 7-16c; no in law I; ordinary, 5'4c, nominal; gxtod ordi nary, 6 11-lts': middling. S 1 3-16c; good mid dling. 3-16c; middling fair, 9-16c; fair, IH6-I60, nominal. Iteceipls. 10.386; stock. 313.326 bales. Futures closed steady; De cember. 8 67c; Jiinuaiy, 8.69c; February, $.690. nominal; March. 8.74c; April. g.76e. June, g.81c, nominal; 8.79c; nominal. May Jtilv. 8.86c. 8T. LOCIB. D. e. 4 -COTTON-Lower: middling. 9 3-16c; sales, none; receipts, 8.429 bales; shipments, 7 4f.S bales; stock, 30,812 bales. Oil Market. SAVANNAH, Un., Dec. 4 OI L Turpen tine firm; SSc; sales, 3J bbls.; receipts $11 bbls. ; shipments, l.Ono bbls. HOH1X Khm; sales. 3.131 bbls: receipts. 6 5 6 bbls.; shipments, 3,443 bbls: stock 157. :0 bbls.; iju.ile: B. 1. $2 9; K. K. tl" $. .:..(. 3 "2S: II. 3.4i; I. $1.15; k". r JO; m' $?.-, N, $6.15; W. U. $6.40, VV. W., .ju. Bostoo Stocks and floods. MOSTON, Dec. 4. Money, call loans, 2' ftVi per cent; time loans, 3,'s4t413 ier cent. Closing prices on siocks and bonds wsrs ai follows: . tl Vt Atlantic . S9 tt llutta Coalition . e-('al. Arltima. .li'lStal. Jt Hacla... .23i Centennial .lie) Cupper Range .. la:4Dalr West . Jo Kranklln . So (intnby . 9 Greene Cananca .1X14. lata. Royals .... 12 Malta. Mining .. Atchlaon adj. a.. do 4a Atchlaon H. R... 41o pfd Boaiun V Albany. Itoaton levated . Villon Ascitic .... Am. Arge. Cham. do ptd Am. Pneu. Tube.. Amar. 8ugar .... do pfd Am. T. T Anter. Woolen ... do pfd Pomilllon I. 4) S. Kdtaon Bier. Illu (lentirat Elctrlo . Mia. Electric ... do pfd Mnaa. Ilia I uited Krult Inllcd 6. M du pfd I'. g. Cteel do pfd Advcnlur A'.iouea A malganiatedl .... Ariaona Com Ei-dlvidaud. ..l.S .. a .. i .. 31 ..Hi .. it .. M Michigan Mohak Nevada Old IKimlnlon . Oaraols Parrot Qutucv Shannon . M'4 Tamarack .WO14 Trinltr . r t'nlted Copper . m v. e. Miuiug... . Mttr. s. 011 .nit 1 tin . 1'" VI. tons . it Winona . 88 Wolvtrlns . as '4 North Duita ... . 1SH . 271. .6M) . 3 Hi . 81', . lOltj . la .va . in, . u 7', 1 7H, . 1", . !. .U . .1) . M !-" . k4k, . 17 . H"i . 444, . ? ", . 4".', . ttH .U'' l.oudon Money Market. LONDON, Dec. 4 American securities opened quiet and featureless today. Later, 011 light transactions, prices advanced anil at noon the market was firm and from Vs'tf 14 higher than yesterday's New York closing. laindon closing stock limitations: Console, money Mo.. Kan. & Teaa. do acocint H3li-l6New York Central... Anacnr.da l''"4 Norfolk , ei Ueatttru. Atchlaon 10", do pfd do pfd l'v Ontario ft Western. Baltimore & Ohio... II Pennaylvania Canadian Pacific . . . IN"',, Hand Mlnra Cheaapeaka & Ohio., Heading . 11 Southern Kallsay . .lf" do pld . UH Southeern Pacific . ,(i I'nlon Pacific . 81 do pfd . 34 V. S. Kil . 4'i do pfd . 3'i Wahaah . il' do pfd .1:: spanlah 4a ... .li'Amal. Copper . . H7 . . 364 .. t .. ' .. 71 .. ! .. 5.1, ..121 '4 ..lit .. HI .. ;s ..1...-4 .. It . . :ih', .. 94 7"4 Chi. dreat Wwtern Chi.. Mil. (l HI. P. Ie. H-era Ponver & Rio (J-.. do pfd Erie do tat pfd do 7d pfd Oand Trunk llllnola Central ... Loulfvitle A Nafh. hi l. KK Bar. unlet at 22'.d per ounce. MONKV 142 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for sliort bills Is 2'4fri25-16 per cent; for three months' bills. "4 per cent. Ken- York Mlnlnif Mocks. NKW YORK. Dec. 4.-Closlng quotations 0:1 mining stocks: .226 Iadvllle Con 8 . 1 I, litis Chief I . 11 Veil, an Kli 17 Ontario :i;,0 . 74 tlphlr !o . 70 Yellow Jacket 33 11") Standard m Alice Hruiiiwlck Con Com. Tunnel iliHlt Com. Tunnel hoiida Cou. lal. it Vs.... Horn Silver Iron Silver Offered. Bank 4'learloas. OMAHA, Dec. 4 Rank clearings for to day S2.4ts1.118.'t and for the cone poncliiig dais last year $1,80,537. 1'reasary Btatenaent. WASHINGTON. Dee. 4.-Todays state ment of the treasury balances In the g. ri e.itl fund, exclusive of the $15o.j." gold icstrvif, siiuws; AvailjW waiau Uuu Dry (iooda Market, NKW YORK, Dec. 4.-DRV GOODS I he dry goods market shows an easier con dition in some directions; gray cottons and yams have lost the feverish demand of ..... n.M. I lie U I If IIIII1M..U u 1 steady business, with fair activity holiday goods department. Consul discussion has been tia,i,i 1. ... . wo..l.n and worsted goods division as a consequence of tariff hearing at Wash market C'lirpt't uuU "r advancing In this fcttx-k la Mgbl. Receipts of live stock at the six principal Western markets yesterday: doing in tie eraMe South Omuha Ht. Jos. ih Sioux City .. Kansas City ., St. laiuis Chicago 'ow4 . 4. 0110 . 3,5"l . !) . 3 im . 2.0UO . n.oij U4X Hogs. Sheep. l".4ou U.fyn) 12..J") 1 .noil 7.2i 19'K'O lO.OfiO 13 6m l.jrs ;;,a i;.)y 35,750 this morning were light as usual on a Friday, there not being enough of any otto kind of cattle to excite very much Interest uniong buyers. Tho re mit was that it was a typical Fridays market, there being very little doing and Hale in the way of Intettstiug or new lea tut es. Among tho offerings of beef steers were some of the best cattle seen here In some time, 0110 bunch of cornfeds scUlr-s up to $7.10, the h. gliest price paid since Septem ber. While the market was generally quoted as steady on the best grades, it was very slow and weak on others. Cows and heilers wen also dull, but that Is the common complaint on a Friday. Prices on the mora desirable loads were not materially different, but other kinds were, if anything, a little easier. There was ha.dly enough doing in the feeder or stocker market to make a test of the market, but the feeling was steady on strictly good kinds, but weak and slow on others. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice corn-fed steers, $ti.4o'u'7.25; fair to good corn-fed steers. $5.4oi'ci6.4o; common to fair corn-fed steers, $4.(8u6.4o; good to choice range steers, xo.2Wij6.oo; fair to good range Bteers, $4.0(cj4.50; good to choice corn-led cows and hellers, $4.0lfl4.65; good to choice grass cows and heifers, $3.5o.(i4.85; fair to good grass cows and heifers, $2.syu3.50; common to fair grass cows and heifers, $2.25faa.8ft; good to chotce Blockers and feeders, $4.&o((35.25; fair to good stockeis and feiders, $3.75(&4.60; common to fair Blockers and feeders, $2.754i'3.75; stock hetf ers. 2.uO'y3.4ii; veal calves, 2 stags, etc., J2.26o4.25. Represeplalive sales: BKEF STEERS, 5ti4l'5.75; bulls. No. Av. Fr. No. Av. Pr. 12 S) 4 10 7 843 l IS 10 4 85 8 13W to) 20 KXI 6 15 t 1201 18 1230 f. uo 19 157S 1 10 3 .1260 8 00 COWS. J f. 798 8 45 8 915 8 06 75 1! (10 13 9T" 3 oi 4 940 2 So 4 875 27 16 75 X fiO II lUi'l SO 10 Win 2 Ut 8 Ill 3 35 K, t t 5 1 1 3 70 IH 775 1! 70 12 l"4e 3 70 1 7c!ii 8 80 24 944 J Hi 2 1025 3 00 It KtiO ' 3 9u 10 " i 00 HEIFERS. ( 710 : M 17 793 S M 7X 3 t5 1 7 1 70 6 728 3 4il 4 922 4 25 II 698 1 50 BULI.S. 1 1010 2 40 1 1110 2 85 CALVES. 10 3H3 $ 80 t 300 IU 1 270 3 00 1 270 3 7i lf 2i 3 40 1 280 l Ml 1 .70 I Mi I i:o 6 W X 100 2 50 S $"0 5 80 STOCK ERS AND FEEDERS. 8 8i 3 :I5 5 KH4 4 On 8 601 I 40 8 lot 4 10 22 717 3 l) 68 8. 4 SO 12 776 3 80 17 977 4 25 8 8f,0 3 90 21 5 4 23 10 M.0 4 DO 54 1026 4 40 4 858 4 00 12 i4t 4 40 7x4 4 00 L ir.3 4 85 WKSTERN3 NEHHAFKA. 1 cow KiO 3 ' 6 feeders 1 bull.... 7 cows. . . 6 calves. 6 rows. . . 7 cows D. 19 steers. 18 cows. . 24 steers. 2 cows.. 1 bull... 3 steers. HOC.8- 60. .1270 . 8M2 . 4:16 .1"10 . 785 J 56 Teeners.. 61"! 2 hulls HmO 1 bull !50 6 cows leHS 4 calves. ... 275 2 bulls 1300 ..lisj W. ...1130 ...12"ll . .. 9fi5 ..1150 ...1126 There 2 75 2 50 2 5o 2 75 2 60 Shechan, Wyoming 6 011 .1 cow s 1"M R. llaw ken yo. 3 50 2 70 2 9o 3 75 3 2o 3 44 4 (5 3 cows 813 4 So 1 steer !) 4 05 1 bull 1410 2 60 12 steers.. ..1268 4 25 was another downward 3 85 4 05 4 if, 2 60 5 00 The Published Statement under dale of NoveniWr 'J7, 1!0S, shows that this hank is constantly inoronsiny; in strcnuth. Capital and Surplus, $1,000,000.00 This represents the Stockholders' investment. Loans, i - - $6,714,379.44 These are, for the most part, made to Omaha's strong progressive business houses. Bonds, - - - $1,164,940.16 These investments are made in the strongest lines that the market affords, and hence could be readily converted into cash. Cash, - - - $4,891,866.27 This shows an amount las is our rule largely in excess of legal requirements. Deposits, - - $11,457,754.47 The Largest of any bank in Nebraska. Is not this a. good place for your account? f irst National Bank of Omaha Thirteenth and Farnam Sts. Entrance to Safety Deposit Vaults is on J3th Street. i . still the offerings of desirable killers were quite moderate. With the usual good de niuiul the trade on all good kinds of fed sheep and lambs was active, at tully steady prices. Oood fed lambs sold up as high as $6.65, with the best yearlings here at $5.40 and ewes at $4.:. The pens were cleaned in very good season of everything that looked good to packers. On the other h.'ind, there was quite a sprinkling of very un desirable stuff, lambs that ought to have been held back In tho country on feed at least sixty days In order to fit them for killers. Stuff of that - description was hard to move, as feeders do not seem very anxious for it and packers will not touch It. Some of It that was bought on this market as feeders did not look very much better than when It went out, about the only noticeable change li. ing a few addi tional burrs. It will he readily understood that It Is a great mistake on the part of feeders to ship In either Bheep or lambs In such condition, as they are bound to be money losers. There was very little here In the way of feeders except warmed-up stuff and the market was without noteworthy features, the trade being a little slow and dull. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Oood to choice lambs, $6,154)6.50; fair to good lambs, f5.7MiO.15, feedlrg lambs, $4.25(5.60; good to choice light yearlings, f-i.OtVcie.BO: good to choice, heavy yearlings, $4.5mu).15; feeding yearlings, Ji.OOti 4.50; gocd to choice weth ers, $1.5ii'u4.90; fair to good wethers, $i.2Sg) 4. 15; feeding wethers, $:i.5(K(V4.00: good to choice ewes, $4.0o'gi4.40; f3.2&&4.00; feeding ewes. bucks, 1.00(i2.00. Representative sales: No. 128 western yearlings C61 Wyoming lambs 8 Wyoming wethers 552 Wyoming ewes, feeders.... 8 western lambs 92 western ewes Ii21 western lambs 41 western lambs, culls 3 western ewes 113 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 154 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 217 Wyoming ewes, feeders.... lot) Wyoming lambs, feeders. .. 473 Wyoming lunibs, feeders... lxu western ewes 5) western ewes, culls 25 western ewes, culls 457 westent ewes 57 western ewes (f western latnlis ewes lamhs ewes, culls l imbs In nibs lamns, culls lambs ewes ewes, culls feeders feeders , fnlr to good ewes, f2.lXKu3.25; culls and movement In values today, prices at prac tually all murKet points showing more or less weakness under tho Influence of lib eral receipts and continued hammering on the pari of packers, locally the market started out (Viiloc. lower, with the trade pretty slow and dull at current prices. A good many of the nogs sold at right around $fi 5oio.65, as against t&.6t(6.7u yesterday. With a very gnud showing of hogs and With the market opening late, ihe morn ing was well advanced before anything llko a clearance effected. Kepieseiitttllve sulcs: 2 S western 6 western 10 western 212 western 50 wextt rn 25 western 4!1 western 87 western 26 we stern 26 weste n ewes, Eo7 western ewes, lc6 western wethers 121 western wethers 33 wt stern ewes, culls... Av. Pr. Ki 5 55 65 5 35 , H7 4 00 64 3 15 , 76 f 25 , 104 3 85 , S3 6 50 75 4 75 . lib 4 25 , 63 5 50 , Ul 5 50 , !i3 3 25 , 56 5 35 , 56 5 35 . 110 4 (0 . 97 3 10 . 104 2 50 . UN 4 10 .US 3 50 . 76 6 65 . 118 4 30 .90 6 65 .K3 S 00 . 67 6 Ml . OS 6 50 . 58 4 50 .75 6 50 . li4 4 00 .96 2 50 .84 2 00 .95 S f5 .91 SiO .67 6 50 .85 1 50 CHICAGO 1,1 VIC STOCK M A II K FIT Cattle and Sheep Are Steady Hobs Five Cents Higher. CHICAGO, Ic 4. CATTM-roecclpts. estimated 3,000 head; market steady; steers, t4.6Oiit.O0; cows, f 3. 26c&6. 25; heifers, UHty 4 .60: hulls, f2.75'Ta4.5o; calves, t2.504ji6.75; stockeis and feeders, $2.50114.85. HOilS Receipts, estimated 31,000 head; market, strong to 5c higher: heavy ship ping. $5.96C!6.06; butchers, $6.KS-n6.0(i; light mixed. $5.iiii6.6j; packing, $5. 7' Hi 6.00; pigs, $1.2.rc5.25; bulk of sales, $5.6Ki6.9i. KUKRI' AND LAM HS4 Receipts, esti mated, 12.000; nmrket steady; sheep, $4.oiKa 4.75; lambs, f5.25'6.90; yearlings, fl.2,Vrt5.7G. are in fair demand, w ith choice nuoted st b 9'-e, extra choke at li"rilovo and fancy alt IKfillWc. i'eiiches are quiet hut firm, with,. choice quoted at 7C(i714c, extra choice at 7. Hc and fancy at 8!clle. Raisins are quiet. - but steady, with loose Muscalel quoted til 5j6H", choice to fancy seeded at tVtio, , seedless at 4Cg6c and London luyers alf $1.501.60. -, Woo. AlarLct. ST. 11'IS, Mo., IMc. 4. Wool market strong. Mi-dltim grades, combing and cloth-. Ing. INfr'Sk-; light fine, I5'1iliv. Heavy fin ', ;. 10V(il5e; tub washed. 22'i3oV. IANIKN, JVC. 4.-WIMJL The offer ing at the wool auction sales todtiy amounted to 12.5115 bales, Including many new clips, milling was animated at firm pri es and home and continental spinners were the chief purchasers. There was a keen demand from Americans, especially for light, greasy merinos and fine cress bieds, which were occasionally dearer. Scoured Victorians realized 2s Id. Next week 77.SM1 bales will be offered. Today's sales fol.ow: New Houlh Wales, 3.2-0 bales; . Scoured, lslils "tyd; greasy, 4-4lo;ls ld. . greasy, 6se(i6s 1.1. Victoria, 1,000 hales,, scouted". Is lVid(tj'2s Id; greasy, ll'.frdiills Su;' South Australlu. l.Ono bales, greasy, uuM . 10Hd: West Australia, 1.400 bales; grca,; 7d(ulOHd; New Zealand. 1.3(0 bales; scoured, 74dC(ls oVfcd: greasy, 0dti9d; Cape of Oood Hops and Natal, 2,401 bales; scouied, 1 Dd'qls 8'4d; greasy. SVWod. 1108TON, Due. 4 VVOOl-Althougli I ho.-i vivacity of the local wool mariiet lias d-j- ' dined to some extent, trading continues along broad lines and with prices strong-' In all grades. Manufacturers it-port a good outlook. The leading domeatlo quotations -range as follows: Ohio and Pennsylvania fleeces: XX 32W. 33c; X, 31(crS2c; No. 1 washed. 34(&35e; ', No. 2 washed. 34&35c; fiiiiy i"washed. 21fc.iT' 22c; half-blood combing, 2X(ci :v ; three-eights-blood, combing, 27(fi2sc; . quarter, blood, combing, 26c5i27c; delaine washek ' 35((i'30e; delaine, unwashed, 2B:; gun, Wisconsin, New York fo'cl-' V . unwashed, 20cii21c; delaine, un f'tJ 26c; half-blood, unwashed, 25 iTJot ; TTreeT-' elghlhs-blood, unwashed, 251; ."He ; quarter blood, unwashed, 244f25o. Kentucky, In diana and Missouri: Th'-ee-eighths-blood. 27f(i29-; quarter-blood, 25fii27c. Hcoured values: Texas, fine, twelve months, 5811), 8)H-; fine, six to eight months, &062e; fine, fall, 48ti60c. California, northern, 62dli 53c; middle counties, 434(46c; southern, 37(t()' 88c; fall free, 4oiSH2e. Oregon, eastern No. 1 staple, 58flj0Oe; eastern No. 1 clothing, 48 50c; valley, No. 1, 45''i48c. Territory, fine staple, 6io;63o; fine medium, staple, 57(fj5tc; fine clothing. 644157c; fine medium clothing. 49r((fi2c; half-blood, 53'ri67e; three-elghths-blood, 52tifi4e; quarter-blood, 4iy-49c. Pulled, extra, 58ij62c; fine, A, 50fa56c; A supers, . 4tMifi0e. The Commercial Tlulletln of Roston, bas ing Its reisirt on statistics gathered for the . government, will say tomorrow of the wool market: The market Is very strong and tending higher as a result of the extremely low stock of wool remaining and the advanc ing tone of all foreign markets. lealcrs look for a return of 19o7 values. The shipments of wool from Rostnn to December 3, Inclusive, were 179.323.54i" pounds, against 225,056,473 pounds for the i same time last year. The receipts were 245,288.329 pounds, against 276.368.8KS pounds the same period last vc-ar. ' No. At. Sii. Tr. No. at. Sh. Pr. J 15 ... 5 25 (12 iHi 1 j' ito 77 1 l-' 5 I I V Sin ltd I to 68 321 M 6 to M ... i 71 21 40 6 &) it 2H7 40 i 6.1 mi IKS 2ll t iO 2tl 1M 411 ( HI 2"1 4') t 60 t,4 !7'l 40 t. ti.' :ie 19 t to ii :ns 2v 6 4J ll'-U 120 4 to l 21 in tU 71 22V ... 6 4U 31 212 ... 6 hi 77 40 $ to 41 20 160 i , t"i ZU )' 5 B 44 1.4 10 5 '. 14 211 ... 6 6 6" J.'l 4'l 5 45 lc S-'i 6u 6 .'5 64 24 M 5 ti.i m 2i ' rs r,i an to i, i, 74 II 4" i Li 71 in.'. 41 t -. ' 2m hi lu et rt its 7.' I'.i M & 55 44 202 40 5 70 K i-tt 120 lit ii a .. 6 7(1 7V kJl J lit kl .1 4'l t 70 71 I'. ... I 65 (I il5 k" t 70 to 2l ... 5 40 5f 40 5 'if, U 242 . . S HO 4t Jiu i H In 4.VI fl I III I I. .Hr. 11 r 1. 62 5M 40 5 40 il :-a IiD 5 7 111 C'.4 W 61 t4 -IU il 5 75 71 .SS5 ... $ ,) u tu ... i 7i 15 ... $ to 73 ... i Tl 7f II IM . 54 HO I 76 it 241 12i 5 64 44 : 40 I 71 SHKKP 'Hiere was a very fair run to. lisy, cw-inldoiliiK thai It was a l-'nddy, but Kansna Clly Live NloeU. Market. KANSAS CITV, Mo., Dec. 4. CATTLE Receipts, 3.0J0 licad, including Sotl southerns. Market slow, steady. Choice export and dressed beef steers, i.!Xif-i 7.5o; fair to pood, $i.25ii6.C0 western sle.-rs. t3.6iii6.5(); sto'jkcts und feeders. $2.7.u4.h3; southrrn steers, f:i.4n4i6.54i; siuthern rows, f2.5iya3.75; native cons, fl.TIVri4.40; native heifers, f2.8j'g5.ii; hulls, $2.6104 un; calves. f3.25'ni.50. 1IOOS Receipts, ltf.W-J held. Mnrhet 5o to I0i- Iilijher. Top. i5.85: Lulk of sabs, f. 251)15. Vi; heavy, K.65"i5.86; packers and liiitehers. $5.5o'fi5.S'); light, $5.1St5.56; pigs, f.l.90Hif.(. SliKIiP-Receipts, lO.Oeft head. Market steady and active. Lambs, f4.25i-i6.60; ewes and yeerllngs,,; western yearlings, ft.4'ifci6.25; western sheep, $3.J04i4.6O; stock eis and feeders, f2.5o-i74.40. St. Loots l.le Htork Market. ST. UJl'IS. Die. 4 CATTLI'Rocelpts, 2. () head. Including 425 head Texans; mar ket steady; native shipping and export steers, ft. 7517.75; dressed In-ef and butcher steers. f4.0t"i6.4o; steers under l.Oon ibn., f3.5nfH6.3o; stockeis and feeders, $3fJ'a4 25; cows and heifers, $3. X t)0. 4ii; canners, f2.0ici' 2 10; bulls, $2 75i4.00; calves, $5.00ry8.00; Texas and Indian steers, f3.O0('j6.50; cows and heifers, f2.Oocci3.5o. H04J8 Receipts, 13.600 bead; market steady; pigs and lights, $3."ii"iii.6"; packers. fr,.2i yo.76; butchers and best heavy, th.nnif 6.10. 8UEEP AND IjA M US Recelpis, 1,260 head; market strong; native muttons, $4.2tVU'4.50; lambs, $6.2f&6.86; culls and bucks, t2.5o-ii4.10; stockers, t-UOy 1.75. Nt. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Dee. 4. CATTLE Receipts. Metal Market. J NEW YORK. Dec. 4 M ETAl-S-The Lon don tin market was lower today with spot quoted at 133 17s lid and futures nt I'Mo 17s 8d. The local msrkot was dull at tL3.37V"' " 29.H2ty. Copper tiecllned to Jl62 15s for spot t and 63 15s for futures in the londnn mar- ' k-t. .-callv the market was dull and tin- changed, with lake quoted at fI4.97Hcil4.5(i; ' electrolytic, f 14. 1'tya 11.25, and eusting at' fl4.tkKiill.12H. Lead was iinehanged at 11 ' Ixmdon. The local$14.0nffj4.1?H?wld. .3 cmf ' 3d In the J,ndon market. Locally dull al tl. 26H4. 3d; selter was lower at 21 '2s 6d In Iindon. The local market remained dull at $ l'ifi 15. Iron was unchanged, Willi ,' standard foundry at 47s 7d and Cleveland warrants at 46s TVtd In London. The local , market was unchanged. No. 1 foundry northern. fl7.0ffci 17.60; No. 2, tl6.75r71T.25; No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern oft, fl7.2f1 ' 17.75. ST. Uil'18, Doc. I.-METALS-Lesd. dull at t4.2Mi4.'W. Copper, dull at 14V-14V-. Bliver, 48c. Coffea Market. NEW YORK. Dec-. 4. The cotfee tnarlrr-t cl.jsed steady, net uiichangod to 8 points ' lower. Salea were reported of I'S.Ono bags, : including December at 6.05116.118-; Marc h R2(K-; Miy, B.20i6.25c; Hepleniter, S.301-, ' Sist, quiet; Rio No. 7, 6H-; Santos No. 4. 7V(iic, Mild coffee, dull; Cordova, 12c. " , market steady; steers. f4.u'i7.00; belters, $2.6'l'6.50, calves, Uv(p 1,000 head cows und 6. 75 1IOOS Receipts, 7.0CO steady to 5c lower; top. bales, So..ftj-(Jo.60. UIII.'L'U A V I , T . Wt)J K, l .. . Iriu.rji v , ' imflllin niif ijii head; market steady to lot- higher; fo.5o?l6.&0. head ; 15.85, market bulk of . 1.000 lambs, Moos City 1.1 ve Stock Market. BIOL'X CITY. Ia Dec. 4-iSpeelsl Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, m head; mar ket steady; beeves, t4.5"ij7 00; buichers' steak. H .Kii3.T5; feeders, t3.UOYj4.5i); calves soil yeirdngs, 43.(H)n4.00. 11(818- R.-celpts. 8o head; market 5e lower; I ange, $o.2'ft;5.;o; bjlk of idles, fj.55. 't5.65. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. NEW YORK, Dec. 4 -EVAPORATED APPLES The inaikut for evaporated sp- fles continues quiet. Fancy uru quoted at -j'tl9V-. clioice at 7Vic. prime at tSij7c and "Id crop ut 4'u6c, uccoKilng to grade. DRIED FRUITS Coast advices report a firm market for prunes, with an advancing tendency, but the sinjt market - remains steady, with quotations ranging from 4c (u 7Hc for 4'allfornla up lo 3oa-4"s, and from to 71c fur Orcgun Uj gud jb. Arluots .Not Open to Kverbody. "A most peculiar effect was produced bv an announcement In the advertisements of a county fair to he held in mv state," says Representative Champ Clark. "Among other things, the announcement said that 'attractive features of this great fair will be highly amusing donkey ruces and pig.' races.' Then, to the amazement of the Judicious, this note was added: 'Compe tition in these two contests will bo open to cltii.-ns of the county only !" Llppln-, colt's Magazine. Narrow Kseape tor Somebody. Mrs. I'psome You have noticed, I sup. pose, that the new society editor says your most striking peculiarity is your "personal pulchritude?" Mrs Srddvn-Klymer Yes. and my hus band was going right around lo the news paper office lo have II out with the editor, bill I happened to think Unit perhaps we'd better liiok in the diclloiiarv first. After we found out the metnlng of the word we sent our man and ordered 2"0 extra copies of the paper. Chicago Tribune. Jonnli and the Whnle'a Teeth. A teacher wiltts that after Instructing pupils for ye ars that I l.e lixithb condi tion of the spoi in wli.le accounted for the, ability of Juiiuh to Invade one without ubraHioii. vile has he-en Infertile I thai the si'i-iiii has t.'-tli, ..nil wuiiis to know If this Is a fact. It is. The sperio whale has a score or more of teeth, sec ji ding to age. These protrude a' leant two inches, making a really datiMeiiais hirrler lo airv of using i lie place f ir a toboggan hilaclelphla ledger. sch -il. c slide Make our wants known through tha Want Ad columns of Tba iisc, tha bast 4 tjrtlsiog msUluiu.