Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 11

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Advcrtl In
Pages 11 to 20.
Best,1;. West
These Three New Models at 75 Cents
At the Soda
60c "Come Again"
Chocolates. . . . -30
25c Butter Balls
pound 15
15c Jelly Beans
pound 10
Dainty lunches for
Xmas Shoppers-.
sheet A Great Sale Saturday
Cut Flowers
Beautiful fresh
cut Itoses, Carna
tions, etc. lowest
prices. Main en
trance. RllV f rrft Corsets of batiste or coutil for slender, medium
j 15 and stout figures. They have the new long hip
OatUrdaV effects. The coutil Is a very desirable corset
Every popular song alt of the day. Hr soon ka
published. Thee are tb great lucctnti now on tbs
boards. Mall orders filled, lo extra for postage.
sale Snturday. The ovrrwh elmtnK demand liud for
tmlne heavily boned through the waist line. All have
supporters. .Just such corsets telling regularly for
J1.00 in any store These an? all fresh and new,
direct from factory; all sixes
two weeks completely exhaunted the supply
"I Want Someone to Call Me leHrl" ".lust fimp Otv"
"UnnK out Kront loor Koy," Mornlne: 'y," "Tiiko
Me Out to the Hall tinnie," "IMa vnmtes," "On I lie
Khlne With a Stein" (Rolff Urns., orphtniml. ' Unln
liow," "The Time Will Come When You'll Hemvnoer,"
"Hcd Wing." "A HIk Nlaht Tonight." "My Unulda
Sylves," and hundreds of others
FREE-"' any 15o Ladles' Horn Journal
Fattarn with th nw style book-at. . . SOo
Another special lot consist of batiste and tape girdles with supporters.
Also some tclrdle top and long hip effects, with two pairs supporters;
trimmed with bias fold, edged with lace; also long hip and high bust
styles 500
a w KM 3
The entire sample lines of very finest
leather novelties
From Herman Scheller & Co.,
821 Broadway, New York,
These are the finest holiday leather nov
elties ever displayed by thin great house,
sold to us at half wholesale prices.
Line consists of
Traveling Cases (fitted with gfnu
lne ebony).
Leather Covered Flasks. "
Leather Jewel boxes.
Leather Music Rolls.
Leather Cuff and Collar Bo. s i... j iitigs.
Leather Picture Frames.
Leather Card Sets.
Leather Clear and Cigarette Cases.
And finest assortment women's hand bags
ever shown In Omaha. Thousands cf pieces
made to retail at 50c to f 75.00 each.
All Less Than Maker's Cost.
Saturday specials in Holiday Novelties.
Genuine Kose Bud Hat Pins, made from
real roses 300
200 German MeBh Bags, special. . . .$1.30
Jewel Boxes. Gold Plate, satin lined. .500
Mounted Combs, every design, first quality
brilliants $1.50
$7.50 gold filled fancy Bracelets. .$3.08
Greatest line genuine Turquoise Matrix
and solid gold Bracelets In this city.
Storm-Proof Shoes, a Sale for
Good heavy durable shoes for boys; extra high
rut vlsrolied waterproofed leather, brown or
hlAt-k; two buckles ut toy, fine for skating. Host
shoe made.
.Slues up to 2 for 13.39
Kixo up to b for 93.79
Boys' Double Bole All Leather Shoes, extra MtronB
Beams, all (Ilea to regular 1.75 line; Smur
Uay .... S1.39
Men's Solid Work Shoss
Men's like Bin Shoes, in
black or inn', extra
hlKli cut. 12 and 14
lucii. - vtscollaed and
waterproof; . Satur iav
.ale 94.80
Made extra strong,
of heavy ralf. beat sole
leather. "can't rip"
seams poBltlv 2 60
and 13.00 shoes., .fl.88
Xmas Handkerchiefs
To encourage
you to start your
Xmas buying
early these fine
bargains are of
fered Saturday,
for our choice new
One-third less
Women's . (Swiss
chiefs, excellent
Embroidered Handker
12 Vie quality, for.. 7
Women's Pure Linen Initial Handkerchiefs,
15c kinds lOt
Women's Pure Linen Kmhroidered Handkerchiefs,
rare values at 13c, 2So, SSc, 50r, 73c, 1 $1.50
Geneva Silk Hose
Three Pairs for $1.00
The most appropriate gift between friends imaginable. Gen
eva silk hose have the brilliancy of all silk, and as silky to
the touch. Orly an expert can detect the difference. The
regular prica is 50c a pair. We have a 100 dozen in again
for Saturday ...THREE PAIRS, $1.00
Women's i'fv&i I:uk. Cotton Hose. Women's 20c Mercerized Hose
at 125ik
Boys' Heavy Bicycle Hose. 12 H
The I'nderwear Section, is fairly
bristling with good bargain for
Saturday. Trite tickets on the
counters proclaim some splendid
savings. Just a hint here.
Women's 35c fleeced vests and
Ian,s 21
Women's 50c medium vests and
Pants 35
Women's union suits, extra sizes,
always 75c, special 49t
Women's medium weight union
suits, regular $1.00 kinds. . 70
Double Stamps on nil purchases in above four departments Saturday.
the 2jc Mad, tcr 19
f r.un ' ' ,T K 'ATKS nr
convenltiit ay to solve the
size problem. We Issue cer
tificates for any amount, al
lowing recipient to make her
own selections at any time.
Women' one clasp imported Cape
Gloves, always $1.25. for.. OS
Women's 2-clasp prime Lambskin
Gloves, usual $1.25 kind. . -08?
Women's best 12-button Imported
Cape Gloves. $4 quality. .$1.1)3
Now boys and girls here's fun. The greatest toy show you ever saw. It's a regular circus. A continual round of
pleasure for you. All kinds of clever new toys and funny U ttle people are beckoning to you to come and play. More
fun than a barrel of monkeys.
Toy pianos playing, clowns
tumbling, trains switching,
etc. See the steam, engines,
the boats, the automobiles.
Koch Taper Cut out
Toys for Kinder
garten work, 25c
Toys 15
Everything possible to glad
den the hearts of childhood.
Greatest toy showing made
in the west. Come Saturday.
Mecha nical Air
Ships See them
fly, regular 50c
value,' special 25
New Mechanical Trains
Mechanical Train Engine, tender and
coach, complete with track seo
Mechanical Train that Is a wonder does
Its own switching and coupling, makes
up the entire train by itself. 15.00 value
Mechanloal Train Complete train, with
turntable, long track, $7.50 value.. S8.BS
A Convention of Dolls
Dollies from all nations, dressed In their
native garb. So many dolls can't tell of
all of them today,
Dolls of All Nations for ft.85
The Bye Bye Kids, all cunning little fal
lows that won't break 950
Beautiful Jointed Dolls, all sizes.. 19o Up
Fine Kid Dolls, an sizes, up from.... 190
Blsiiue Dolls, So up; Celluloid Dolls, 15c np
Rag Dolls.
Everything In Games
Special bargain tables stacked with them.
25 different kinds games at 3o
60 different klnda games at Bo
50 different kinds games at 10o
Full lines Authors. Jack Straws, I,ntto,
Ttddledewlnks, Blocks, Large Game
Boards, Card Tables, etc., Flinch. .. 3So:
Block, 190 1 Bird Center. iOci duo poli
te re 360
All kinds of Toy Pianos, Friction Veh
icles, Animals, Horns, Tops, Ilumpty
Dumpty Circus, etc., etc.
Great December Sale of Suits and Coats
A sale of New York's newest mid-winter styles, hundreds just in this week. Totally different
from the early fall models. These have longer coats, .without an over-abundance of guady trimmiDg3,
refined models in new hand-finished worsteds, bou ght from makers closing their sea- Cl CI C
son at wonderful price concessions. Best assortment and lowest prices ever displayed
in Omaha values to $40.00, at .
ONK-PIKCK FROCKS One-piece Princesses Frocks one of our big successes of
the season. Stunning models of panamas in all colors, haud
soniely tailored and a perfect fit
heavy Scotch mixtures in blue, green,
brown and gray colorings; double breasted,
snug fitted Entire models,
self straps; actual $12.50
very fine materials and in exclusive Ben
nett's styles; made to to our order; full
leneth: In fitted, semi-fitted and loose
effects; broadcloth, covert and
heavy mixtures ; values to
J20.00. for
All at.........
Our great purchase of 300
heavy warm coats for girls
C to 14 years, brings bebt,
bargains In new, up-to-date
styles. Beautifully made
and trimmed; any color.
Materials are all wool.
Never such coats at such a
price ever shown In Omaha
before. All 7.B0
to $8 valueB for.
Children's White Flannelette
Gowns, 2 to 14 years, 50
In white and colorB,-l. to 5
year sizes .....;.' . $1";05
Girls' Sweater Coats In 6
to 14-year sizes; white, red
grey, all late styles
at.... $2.25 and 82.50
Bearskin and Poke Bonnets
for Infants'; all white, a
sample line bought at a
third value, $3.00 caps now
at 95
10,000 Cups and
Saucers and
One of the most remarkable sales of
the holiday season. This immense
lot consists of beautifully decorated
German, Austrian and Japanese
China, Cups and Saucers, Ramikins
and Stands, positively worth to 35c.
All assembled In a great
sale Saturday. Best bar
gain ever, pair
Our holiday lines are wonderfully
well assorted now. Special low
prices for Saturday. See the dem
onstration. Gas-O.Pens, regular 25c, spe'1.19,
$1.50 Collar and Cuff Boxes.. 79
$1.00 Collar and Cuff Boxes.. 59
7 Be Collar and Cuff Boxes, for. .30
$1.50 Photo or Work Boxes 75
7 5c Tabourettes, (3 legs), for. .50
Xmas Pictures Immense assort
ment. We do picture framing.
(Art Dept. 2d Floor.)
The irrentfHt Christmas Hook Store at Bennett's. Almost one-fourth the
entire main floor devoted to books alone. Books that everyone wants at lowest
prices quoted in all America. Vour Xmas choosing is best done now. Toy
Books, Juveniles, Fiction, Historical, Classics, Devotional, Poetry, Encycloped
ias Etc., Etc.,
I Cents
These books former
ly published at $1.50.
Handsomely bound
books published at 76c.
Hans Brlnker.v
P 1 1 g r 1 m's
Thelma. FirstV
Violin, Helen's
Babies. Sher
lock Holmes,
and 50 others.
and plute for 98
Get your order In before the holiday rush.
Six C y 1 1 n der
' o u rump
(boxed). L.aven
der and Old
Lace. Emma
I.ou. Many In
ventions by
Kipling, Fight
ing Cnance,
il Citizens and
hundreds of
others .....
Gift Hooks, a beautiful
series bound In white
cloth, a superb 98c
book for 49
Burnt Leather Poet
each in box . . . .49
Dorothy and the Wis.
iird of Oa The new
Frank Baum book;
greatest child's book
of the yoar; regular
price $1.26, for 95
Spring Chickens or Hens Da lb. 121c
Fresh Dressed Roosters 74
Pig Pork Loins, lb 8
Pig Pork Shoulder Roast, lb .... 7
Pig Pork Spare Ribs, lb 7H
(all Lamb Legs, lb 11
Mutton Stew, 7 lbs. for 25
Fresh Leaf Lard 0 lbs. for $1.00
Prime Rib Roust, all bones out. .10
Choice Pot RoaBt, lb 7 and 5
(klutton Roast, lb 7V4
Veal Shoulder Roast, lb. ,9 and 7
Veal Stew. 5 lbs. for 25
CALIFORNIA HAMS Morrell's Iowa Pride, selected and guaranteed, 6 to 11
pounds, per pound 8
CALIFORNIA HAMS Armour's Shield Brand Sugar Cured and guaranteed 6
to 10 pounds, per pound 6
BACON Cudahy's Rex Brand, 5 to 7 pounds average, special, by the strip, per
pound 11 y
The greatest aggregation of high-class coat models emanating from the best
eastern tailors. New arrivals in heavy soft cheviot coats in the new browns,
smoke, green and gray shades. Also fine black broadcloth and kersey
coats, made full 54-inch to our special order. . Many styles. CJOR
Dark colors and light shades,
handsomely, made of flna
' heavy sllkf "ulso . heavy
black old-fashlcned Butler
wool moreen Petticoats; all
have a full flounce $4.95
Satin Duchess Waists
Strictly tailored, pleated
and trimmed with self but
tons; all new shades
for $5.95
Sweater Coats for wtmen,
$2.50 $3.95 $5.00
Saturday Specials
Fruits and Vegetables
Sweet Navel Oranges, worth 25c, rer
tioxen lfto
40c sizes for 30o
60c size for bOo
Lemons, per dozen ISO and SOo
Florida Tangerine, dozen 36a
Klpe Florida IMneapples, each BOo
Ajipien for Cooking, peck Sbo
liellflower Apples, extra fancy, per
dozen Oo
Tokay Grapes, lb. 10c, I (or 960
Kalian, epeclal, dozen ....10o and IN
Mixed Nuta, pound SHo
New KncUah Walnuts and Pecans, SOo
Klne Mo. Black Walnuts, peck ,,..40o
F'resh Roasted Peanuts, quart ,6c
Kalamazoo Celery. 3 for lOo
lrlsrt Potatoes, peck SOo
All the Hits From "A KNIGHT FOR A DAY."
A music bag or roll makes an appropriate Xmas gift. Most com
plete assortment In town.
350 Finely Tailored $20.00
Suits and Overcoats
A genuine Mirprive, Rcntlomon.
The highest class, all wool, hand
tailored suits ever turned out at
$20. So good vns this offer vc
bought heavily In spite of the late
seatioit. It's a lot of smart, snnppy
stilts that will muke you feel glad
you have not already bought.
Think of the best suits or over
coats you lutve seen in any store
this season at $20. Come here Sat
urday and you'll get as good or
better one for fifteen. Don't hesi
tate. The Bennett Store never ad
vestlsed a better clothing oppor
tunity. You can pick from the
most fashionable fabrics and color
ings, and remember only $15.
Large lot of stylish, up-to-date,
Casslmere, Cheviot and Worsted
knee and Knickerbocker suits, all
new. Best of patterns and colors.
Without a question, best $5.00
Suit made, sizes 3 $
to 1 6 years,
A most complete Christmas line,
made of good, all wool, double
faced materials, in the best col
orings. 7.50 SG.50 $4.00
Just the kind well informed, ex
acting men like best handsome
blanket and terry cloth robes,
new designs and colors
at . . . $10 $7.50 $5 $2.50
Heavy, all wool coatn, in plain
gray and navy, also with blue
and cardinal trimming, special.
at $2.00
Soft lambswool shirts and draw
ers, In gray and ecru, either rib
bed or flat silk trimmed, well
finished, each $1.00
All wool, non-shrinkable shirts
and drawers, single or double
breasted, and double hcks
for $1.50
Detroit shape $2.50
Men's heavy caps with pull down
or turn down folds. .' 75
Make appropriate gifts. ..We have
scores of styles, plain an'1 fancy
In tans, greens, olives, browns,
grays, late nobby styles.
pockets, point front, etc. 'He 9
at 85 $4 $3 and $2 7
The dressiest of new blocks, made
to our special order; as fine In
quality and style as any agency
hat and at a less price. .$3.00
Bennett's Big Grocery
Pride of Bennett's Flour, sack
Bennett's Best Coffee, three lbs
Bennett's Best Coffee, one lb
Teas, larffe atortment, lb
Tea Sifting.s, lb
Herbs, assorted, pkg so
Kinmona iryetHl Tahle Snlt.,
ll.BS and 75 Green stamps
Sl.00 and 100 Green stamps
36o Hnd 30 tire en Stump
S8o and 75 Green Ftamprt
; 160 aI1' 10 Ureen Stumps
Diamond C Soap, 10 liars aSo
Nffoif?,;vlb:van::::;:orHa jx jfSS 5
Mcelle Olive oil. hot lie . . oin .i on . , 1
Beauty Asparagus, can .B60 and. 20 Green Mnmn.
lb SOo and 10 Green Klnmni
S6o and 20 Green ritamps
SOo and 10 Green Ht.imna
...85o and 20 Green Ftampi
...850 and 10 Green Stamps
...85o and 10 Green Stamps
oo ana ju tjreen tsrumpH
Full Cream t'hee.te.
Domestlo Pwiss Cheese. Ih
Hartley's Marmalade. Jar
H. J. Heinz Chow IMckles. iiart
Hub-No-More Koap. six cakes....'
Succotash. "Best We Have" two cans.
Yankee Bone Toilet Bonn, three cakes.
m .n Brouuxi K" enipmont new r.vaporateil reaches, good I24c
. ttiurn, .VI. ,U... JUUBIII Vr. ., 850
Burnham's Clam Chowder, larpe can 800 and 20 'Green' Staiiips
Chocolate Mlnler Powder. H-lb. can a So and 20 Green Stamps
Balk's Soups, throe cans 85c and 10 Green Stump
Bennetts Capitol Bancake Ho and 10 Green Stamps
Diamond Macaroni, three pkgs 850 and 10 Green Stuinpa
New Honey, pure, Mason pint Jar 85o and 20 Green Stamps
Premium Butterlne, two lbs 47o and 10 Green Stamps
Bulk Mince Meat, lb 12M,o nn.l 10 Green Stamps
Gooseberry Mixed Candy, lb 18o lia; Cabin Mixed Candv, lb llUo
Old-Tlme Mixed Candy, lb 12 I Broken Mixed Candy, lh lSUo
Eureka Mixed Candy, lb 121,0 barge shipment Just In, fine, and fresh
An Unusual Decem
ber Clearance
Prices on Peninsular stoves have taken a tumble. On
account of long continued mild weather we start the clear
ance two months earlier than formerly. Buy stoves now.
They will never be cheaper.
Our $44.00 Peninsular Base Burner, clearing price $38.00
Our $38.00 Peninsular Base Burner, clearing price S32!50
Our $27.00 Art Peninsular Base Burner, clearing price i&350
Our $26.50 Advance Peninsular Steel Range, now $22i50
Our $St.D0 Home Oak Heater, So. 710, clearing at $725
Our $11.00 Home Oak Heater, No.712, clearing at $850
Galvanized and Japanned Coal
Hods, the 30c kind. for. . . -20d
Victor ITour Sifters, nickel plated,
the 30c kind, for 10t
CaaJranjzed Wash Tubs
69c tubs for 39
79c Tubs for 49
Barrel Ash Sifters, 65c kind 4
Barney & Berry's Ice Skates -A complete line, styles and sizes;
prices from 65c upward.
45c Polished Iron Stove Pipe, spe
cial Joint 30
Corn Poppers, 4-qt., 35e slze.25
And 10 Stamps.
Small Poppers. . 10 10 Stamps
85c Hand Saws, special. .. .59
68c Buck Saws, Saturday. .49
$1.15 Chamber Pails, for...H5
Wilson Toasters. .25 and 20
lBaslvaala flecton Wliit the to
feftton Looms Ills la Pablle
Sauerkraut "blooms at Its best" in Berks
county. Philadelphia. And now is the
Kituerkraut harvest season.
l)..rL . ntmtxf firrnvfl WOUld not h lVltll-
out sauerkraut If they had to send to the
Fatherland for cbbaes. It Is second na
ture to them. They like It better than
the rarest fancy dish you can set before
1 The making of sauerkraut on these farms
f parixkcs th nature of a holiday. It Is
no unusual thing to find a farmer with
an acre or two of cabbages, the stalks
Waring beads weighing from two to twenty
pounds each. After all loos leaves hav
it removed and th cabbage head I
' solid. It kt sut lato halv, and othsr bands
take, possession of the semi-spheres, and
cut out the main stem or heart of the cab
bage. This la to hard for cooking purposes
ind usually accompanies the loosened
leaves, to be fed to the swine.
The semi-spheres are then ready for the
cutter, a rotary machine, with sharpened
knives, which Is operated usually by
steam, water, horse or gasoline power, de
rived from the barn. It does not take long
with such apparatus to rut up l.OuO head.,
and on th larger farms the heads sliced
will number from 4.0O to t.WO. It keeps
one man busy to carry the heads In bushel
baskets to the cutter; another has to keep
his hands and arms swinging all the time
to pUce the heads In the hopper of th
cutler, while usually on of th women
carries th sliced cabbag away la buckets
after It Is cuL
Tli main secret of making sauerkraut
In Berks county style. Is how to salt It.
Hug sternsrs ar ud, holding from forty
to eighty gallons each. Into these, one
bucketful after another, the sliced cabbage
Is poured. It 1 evened Into thin layers,
and the housewife, or in many cases the
farmer himself, who years ago learned the
trick from his mother or grandmother,
docs th salting. The one who knows ex
actly how much salt to put on each layer,
and how thick the layer must be, is the
one who takes the first prixe in th sautr
kiaut factory. Pauerkraut is on of the
staples on th Heading markets, and is
sold freely as butt-r or eggs, the price
being from S to 8 rents a quart. '
After th cabbage Is salted In the stern
era, It la deposited In the cellar with
heavy planks on top, and heavier stones
Ion top of these, to keep It firmly pressed
down. Thus It is left to Us fat during
I th seasoning time, usually from fiv to
, six weeks.
J livery Berks farmer makes sauerkraut;
j som of them only flv gallons each, which
Is usually salted In stone pots; others fif
teen or twenty gallons; but It Is a house
hold article from "Albany Eck" to "Closn
enhoppen Thai," and at 11 o'clock on any
forenoon during the months of November,
December and January H at cabbage aroma
is In the air, above the farmhouse chim
neys, like the fog that settKs on Ixindon
on a misty day.
The finishing touch of sauerkraut Is ad
ministered by the housewife. The conking
Of this delicious diali is not considered an
easy task, as thoi flavor part depends much
on th housewife's secret. It takes quite
a period to cook It so It Is properly don,
and the one who knows the very knack
of It Is always sure to receive th applaus
of the farmer, who would travel mile to
get this dish. In preference to th finest
brown-roasted turkey obtainable. Philadel
phia Record.
lit want ads an business boosUrs.
Entifk In Stock to Reach Far Be
ond the Year of the Yoeng
est Inhabitant.
Geogollsts who are presumed to be great
economists, or economists who are sup
posed to be eminent geologists, try to scire
the world from time to time by spreading
the speedy exhaustion of coal or gold or
timber. We are using all of them lavishly,
and so far as we know nature Is producing
no additional minerals. The forests are not
being replaced as fast as they are cut off,
but It can be done whenever mankind shall
become sufficiently alarmed about th In
terests of posterity, and th mineral wealth
of th world Is greater than alarmists hav
calculated. About fifty years ago England
waa warned that It was approaching th
end of Its coal supply, but It Is still abl to
product enormously In excess of its own
requirements. Twenty-two years ago the
world was warned that no more large finds
of gold were possible, and since then the
South African and the Alaskan fields have
been discovered and most of the older gold
regions have greatly Increased their output.
The preliminary report on the mineral
resources of the United States for 19j7 is
distinctly reassuring. Mr. Campbell cal
culates that at tlie end of the last year
there waa easily accessible In the fields of
the United States nearly two million million
tons of ooal, or enough to last more than
t.0iu years at the rate of production in
la(7. At to this state; and particularly In
regard to anthracite, the calculations are
much lee satisfactory, but he believe the
bituminous coal in this state would last
nearly 600 years at laat year's rate of pro
duction. The rate Is Increasing every year,
but two or three centuries Is as far ahead
as we need to look. When we think of the
economy of fuel In the use of gas engines,
of the possibilities of electric power gen
erated at waterfalls, and the possibllltlei
of the soUr engine, we feel that we need
not be anxious about our descendants be
yond the year 2m. H estlmat.-s that tin
anthracite would not last i years at last
year's rate and without waste. Hut there
Is waste, and last year's rate will be ex
ceeded. S-ill. If It alia II hold out a'ccntuiy
we ma expect the world to have othr
means of geneiating amoki-Us l:eat and
power by the Ume all the h.ird coal Is
gone. Philadelphia Record.
More people are taking Foley's Kidney
Remedy every yeur. It Is considered to b
the most effective remedy for kidney and
bladder troubles that medical science can
devise. Foley's Kidney Remedy corrects
Irregularities, builds up worn-out tissue
and restore lost vitality. It will make you
feel well and look well. Sold by all drug