Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Image 1
r Largest Circulation THE OMAHA DEE Best t':. West HEWS SECTION. Pages 1 to 10. I HE OMAHA ' UAILY BEE i OMAHA, SATURDAY MOUNLNU, DECEMBEU 5, 1908 TWEXTf PAGES. VOL. XXXVIII NO. 146. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. IV t r i t r 3, 1 i i .V i 1 I I CUDAUY ASKS DUTY M. T. Oarlow of Grand Island Pre tent Plea to Committee. INFANT INDUSTRY AT OMAHA Italian Product Laid Down for Leu Than the Domettic. LARGE DEPOSITS IN NEBRASKA Product Uied in Soaps and Scouring Compound. FOUR YLAES NEEDED TO GROW General Lund Office Compute Anoint i Dae StB(e of from tha Sale of Pahlle Land a. (From a 8taff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Per, 4 -(Special Tele- rrani.) M. i . uariow ox uru mi-nj k- , peared before the way and means commit tee t"tiy, which body la taking testimony , In behalf of a rev'aion of the tariff, and , Asked for a protective duty on pumlt-e . alone. Mr. Garlow Htated that he rrpre eented the CuJahy intcresta and William j Qt'ljtley of Pittsburg. Pumice aloiie is be- j Ing manufactu ed In South Omaha, ti e raw material being obtained largely Irom Ne hrnska. especially from the counties of Harlnn. Antelope and Lincoln and from Kanaaa and Oklahoma. Bo far aa I known the South Omaha factory la the only one In the United State. Mr. Garlow In hie preeentatlon atated that the pumice atone people wire asking for a H-cent pound duty on the Imported article. Italy and Sklly furn'ah the pumice atoie for the world, but they have found In Nebraska, along the line of the Republican and other river vallryi de posit of pumice atone to a depth of a hundred feet or more, which la easily ac cessible. Owing, however, to the present e-hediile on pumice stone foreign producers can undersell the infant Industry In Ihle country and Mr. Garlow argued for pro tection. ; ' The present schedule Is $0 per ton on the manufactured prcduct and 15 per cent, whl.h lit tin ad valoiem duty, on the crude product, which only amounted to $1.52 per ton In 1907. Mr. Garlow In hla argument asked for a duty of V-cent per pound on br tli the manufactured and crude product, which would equalize the New Tork mar ket. Tl fre'ght rates from Missouri river points (Omaha) on pumice atone to New Tork la 111. 40 per .ton. wherea with the duty and freight charges pumice atone la delivered from foreign ports to New York at 119.71 With the freight rate of 111.40 rer ton from Omaha to New York, plus $13.75, the cost per ton to manufacture, there Is a difference of 18.43 In favor cf the foreigner aa agtinst our own cltlsen. Four Vesn to Grow.; Mr. Garlow told the committee that If there was a protective duty of half a cent per pound provided for In the tariff bill In favor of American pumice atone In four the manufacturers of thla new In dustry would be able to .enuaJlre conditions and compete with the world. T'wrl'-- a tone is used In aoape aa abrae IvsXmd fillers for -paint and In many other compounds, lta manufacture In thla country in marketable form la extremely new. but discover! have shown It to ex ist In large quantities In many state west of the Missouri river. Mr. Garlow wae accorded cloae attention by the member of the committee. Champ Clark of Missouri at one time Interrupted to ask whether there were any placea In Kansas where pumice atone could be found to a depth of a hundred feet Chairman Payne uggeeted to Mr. Garlow that he better compromise with Mr. Clark at seventy-five feet and let It go at that. Publics Lssi Sales. The general land office haa made up lta account with the state of South Dakota, ahowlng 5 per cent of the net proreeda of Bales of public, lands In aald slate for the fiscal year ending June 80. 1908. The gross proceeda of sale of public lands were $608, $60.05. from which amount la deducted a pro rata share of the expenses chargeable to the atate of $2S,3!2.33, making the net iiro.cui $580,552.72, on which amount the state la entitled to 6 per cent or $29,027.4. The receipt from sale of public land were C AiA 1111,662.43, from which amount Is deducted r"" trie purchase money and feea and commis sion rep 'Id on account of lands erroneously aold, amounting to 13. 006. 12, leaving a sur plus of $6i.&6&.06. The receipts from fee and commissions were 1198,438.72, making total rwetpta from all sources $&07,3fe8.77. Will Huxford of Omaha haa been ap pointed a clerk In the forest eervice at Missoula, Mont.., DEMOCRATS CAUCUS TONIGHT tbam Clark Will Be the Minority Leader at Ifoaae Wlthont Opposition. WASHINGTON. Iec. 4.-Re,,resentatlve Clayton of Alabama today announced that the democratic members of the house of representatives would hold a caucua to morrow night for the purpose of forming Us organisation for the coming session of concresa Mr. Clayton aaid that Repre sentative Champ Clark of Missouri would be elected without opposition as leader ot the minority party to aucceed John sharp Williams. POINT FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL! 1 i GoVerameat Contention for Expcdlt- Ian salt Against w Haven v Road Is 3raatd. BOSTON. Dec. 4-Th certificate of At torney General Bonaparte requesting that th government's case to compel th New Haven Railroad company to relinquish Its holdings of stock of the Boston & Maine railroad be expedited was granted today by three Judges of the United State circuit oourt and the contention of the attorneys lor mt rauruan nisi me cxpeo.ung act is unconstitutional was overruled. CATTLE DISEASE CONTROLLED Secretary Wilson says Suppression Haa Been Broatkl A bant y Careful Measarea. WASHINGTON. Dec. 4-9cretary W.lson aaid today that the suppression of the foot and mouth disease Is well In hand, all th Infected cattle tielng killed and buried and a house-to-house canvass In th four state will be msJ to ascertain whether by any chauca It ka fesaa carried lata other sec- SUMMARY OF TU BEE Saturday, Dtnnbfr S, IPOS. 1908 December 1908 srv w rrz. tn -mr m &z -r - 1 2 3 4.5 6 Z S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1Z IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2Z 28 29 30 31 TKI WIATXE&. FOR OMAHA. COUNCIL BLUFFS AND VICINITY Fair Saturday, rising tempera ture FOR NEBRASKA Fair and warmer i Saturday. FOR IOWA Fair Saturday: mucn comer, with cold wave In central and east per- tl'.na. Hour. Deg 5 a. m a a. m 7 a. m 8 a. m 9 a. m in a. m 11 a. m 12 m 1 p. m 2 p. m 3 p. m 4 p. m . 6 p. m 6 p. m 7 p. ni 5 p. m 9 p. m 2b 24 22 t DOMESTIC. Cudahy company asks ways and means committee to place a higher duty on ( pumice atone, used In the manufacture of soap and scouring compounds. Pag 1 A memorial for the land vu held yesterday at New York during the meeting of Insurance com pany presidents. Pag 9 Dr. Lyman Abbott read a letter from President Roosevelt yesterday at a meet ing In New York, in which the president expresses himself aa not In favor of woman's suffrage now. but not opposed to It if the women want the right. Page 8 The cases against the Standard Oil company at Flndlay, O., have been nolle pressed. 1 The United States circuit court has or dered the advancement of the case of the government against the New Haven road. Involving the acquisition of the tJoston & Malne stock. ' 1 The closing agreements of the hurley tobacco deal were made yesterday at Cincinnati. r $ Church unity 1 the aim of the Federal COunclu, In session at Philadelphia. Fag 1 The loea at Pine Bluff, Ark., will be heavy aa a result of the ravages of the Arkansas river. Pag X rOKEIOX7. A conference of the powera of the world 1 being held In London to discuss the rule governing neutral with re- pect to belligerent during war. Dutch cruisers made a demonstration yesterday along th coast of Venosuela, which Indicates the purpose of blockading the porta of that country. Pag X Rules enforced by the Immigration de partment have prevented a rnah of men to Canadian territory during the la year. . Pag X The English ' government yesterday withdrew the education bill becan' of the failure to agree with the church. Pag 1 Mulat Ha fid has accepted the terms of the Algeclra act. Pag X jrxzjLAsajk. E. R: Rickey of Joy, II!., waa killed by a passenger train on the Union Pa cific at Grand Island yesterday morning. Page X X.OCAX. South Dakota woman brings a fine ex hibit to the Corn show. Fag Employes of the traffic departments of the railroads entering Omaha contemplate the formation of a club. Page X8 Omaha pcstofflce will try the coupon system of registering mall. Pg Mrs. Rice repeats her story of the three-cornered suicide pact, and with the introduction of some additional minor te tlmony the atate rest and the defense has an Inning. Page X Grand Jury return to court with a long report containing much of censure, but little of Indictment. Fags 8 CObTICXSVOXAXi AJTD XJTDr STXXAIt. Live stock markets. Page 17 Grain marketa. Fag IT Stocks and bonds. Fag 17 voTiium or oosajt steamships. fort. ArrlTea. NEW YORK Rrtlna J lull.. NKW YORK M).Uc NEW YORK Stmland LIVERPOOL FrtMltnd GLASCCW Unhinnlll HAVRE L Proviso PLYMOUTH Tmtonlo HALIFAX Kn.p. ot Inland.. NAPLES Casopte. QtEENSTOWN LONDON Minnthalia Sal ltd. Lautorians. .OcMBta. BURLEY TOBACCO APPORTIONED Representatives of Independent Fac tories Meet at Cincinnati to Aaree on Distribution. ' CINCINNATI, Dc. 4 -Practically the ! c,0,,n a,m "-aneaciion ,n " B" and bitterly fought hurley tobacco war with the Tobacco trust during the last two years, v. at witnessed here today, when representatives of Independent tobacco fac tories in all parts of the country met to apportion the tobacco secured by the In dependent Manufacturers' association from j the Equity aoclety. The quantity secured i by the Independent Manufacturers' aaso j elation wa 25 per cent, or 2O.0u0.0OO pounds. which will be divided among the lnde- . pendente. It la understood that when the work of apportioning the tobacco I concluded pre liminary steps will be taken to build up and strengthen the Independent Manufac turers' association and make of it a pow erful organisation to reviat any further en- i encroachments of th so-called tobacco trust ... tn,.a ,nd buiin. of th. ,,,,wn,. ent. It Is also understood that the inde pendents when the organisation' Is finally completed mill co-operate with the element j of tobacco plantera which opposes the for- m,tion 0f another equity pool for the crop 1 nf i a NEBRASKA PRIZE WINNERS Cattle aad fchrep Win 'Awairals at tke klcago l.lve Stock Show. CHICAGO. 111.. Dec. 4.-Special Ttle ivram.) Additional Nebraska prise winners at the International Live Stock exposition include: Herefords. cows. 3 years old and over, fourth and fifth prliea taken by Mouse) Brvthers, Cambridge, Neb.; cow or heifer 2-year-olds and under I. eighth prise to UoustH Brothers: Ramboullet anep, tarn, lamb, second prise te Robert Taylor, Abbott. r i DUTCH TO BLOCKADE COAST Waxthipi Make Demonstration Along Venezuela. VESSELS PROCEED ALONG SHORE Several Oalaera Already oa Hand and Others Are te Be Seat Over to Enforce Demand. WILLEMSTAD. Dec. 4.-Three Dutch warships, the battleship Jacob van Heem skerk and the cruiser Frlesland and Uel derlsnd hive made a demonstration against Veneautla. Together they steamed yester day along the coast from Puerto Cabello to La Gualra at a distance of $.000 yards from th shore. The Jacob Van Heemakerk returned here this morning. Th two cruis era are going to Maracalbo, where they will make a similar demonstration. The demonstration of yesterday la re garded as Indicating that preparations for an effective blockade of the enezuelan coast are completed. It la reported here that the Netherlands battleship De Ruljter left Holland yester- ! day for this port. Mere Without Notice. W WASHINGTON. Deo. 4. "'Holland seem 2T to be making faces at Veneiuela," waa the comment today when the newa came from 3 Wlllemstad that The Netherlands, govern 24 ; ment warships had been maintaining a 14 1 demonstration off the Veneiuelan coast. I Nobody In Washington appear to have been advised of this latest move. There naa en for 8or),e time talk of a blockade by The Netherlands government of the portg 0f Venezuela, so as to force President Castro to revoke his decree which prevented the transshipment of merchandise from Curacao to Veneiuela, but Holland has hesitated about proceeding in this direc tion because of the conflict which would Inevitably come with the Interests of other powers In Veneiuela. The latest move re ported from Wlllemstad may, however, it la said, be the preliminary step to a more emphatic one, and may have been Inspired by the fact that President Castro la now away from Venezuela. COURT HOUSE STILL ON SLIDE River at Pine Blnft, Ark., Still Do in ar Great Damasre to Prop erty. PINE DLUFF. A:k.. Dec. 4. The Arkan sas river at thla point today la atlll rising slowly and now marks a stage of twenty six feet. From present Indications tha business section of the city will be saved. A number of small dwellings east of the main portion of the city have already cared Into the river today and others are also in serious danger of a like fate. Numerous dynamite explosion were heard In the direction of Boyd'a Point oppo site this city during the night and today tho water la flowing over that point of land at about the place where the cltlien had decided to make the cut-off. Thla may change the channel of the river so aa to leave Pine Bluff a mile away. The grocery store of C. Q- Brock way, a two-story frame building, now overhajigs the rapidly caving bank, and will be awept Into the river, during the day.. The loss since midnight In thl district exceed $60,000 and It is believed will be added to throughout the day. Tho court houae la atlll sliding. FJNDLAY CASgs ALL NOLLED Standard Prosecutions la Otfcer Jarls- dlcttona Declared to Be Snfflctent. FINDLAT. O., Dec. 4. -Standard Oil prosecution In thl county came to a ud den termination today when, at the re quest of Prosecuting Attorney D.ivld, all the indictmenta against the company were. nolle prossed. Pros.vutor David's action resulted from tho fact that alleged Illegal practices that he sought to correct have. It Is declared, all been eliminated, and further that suits against the Standard company are now being prosecuted by the attorney gencnl of the United States, the attorney general of Ohio and the federal courts of Missouri. EDUCATION BJLL WITHDRAWN EaKllsa Government Unable to Rene a Agreement wltn Cnarch Pnrtr on Measure. LONDON, Dec. 4. In consequence of the Inability of the government to come to an agreement with the church party regard ing the education bill, the measure has been withdrawn from the House of Com mons. This announcement waa made by Premier Asqulth in the Commons today. The deadlock between the governm'.-nt and the church followed the demand made by the archbishop of Canterbury for a larger grant for non-rate aied schools than the government waa willing to allow. HAFID ACCEPTS THE TERMS New Rnler of Morocco Briars His I nder Terms of tke Alge clra Act. elf TARI8. Dec. 4. It Is announced here j today that Mulal Hafld, tho new sultan of Morocco, has definitely accepted the Alge cirn act and the attendant conditions laid down by the powers for the recognition of his sdltsnate. Booth Dakota Election Flaurea. PIERRE, S. D., Dec 4. (Special Tele gram.) The official figure on the late election, which have been completed, ahow the highest Taft vote to be 67.S36; Bryan. 40,166. The congressional vote was: Re publican, Martin, 67.5S2; Burke, 7.4oO; dem ocrat. Dowdell, 3S.7&8; Oisen. 38.6J2. On spe cial election: Republican, Msrtin, fii.742; democrat. Soul. 39.S65. For governor, Ves aey, repubilcau, 09; Lee, democrat, 41 837. Tom Johnson's Dnaghtcr Divorced. CLEVELAND O., Dec. 4 -.Mrs. Elisabeth Johnson-.Marianl. daughter of Mayor Tom L. Johnson, today was granted a divorce from Frederlco Marlanl of New York. She testified that her husband had never sup ported her. MUs Johnson tnd Marlanl were married in March, 1Su7, at the heme I of the mayor. Shortly afterwards the ! couple went to New York to !lve. In a few months they separated. Marlanl I an Ital ian playwright. Keith Leases Cleveland Theater. CLEVELAND. O.. Dec. 4 -The Hippo- drome, the largest theater west of New York, with the exception of one In Chi cago, and which ckxed Its doors two weeks ago, after a season of grand opera, today mas leased to U. P. Keith at a rental of ,( a year. It la understood Mr. Keith will use th place principally for vaudeville productions, with probably soca grand opera and legitimate ofisrlcga. THE From the Cleveland Leader. POWERS TALK WAR TACTICS Conference Held at London to Dis cuss Agreement. ACTION OF NEUTRALS IN WAR Difference of Opinion Over What Aid Shoald Be Extended Vessels of Belligerents la Coaling; Operations. LONDON, Dec. 4. The conference of the powera called by Great Britain for the framing of a code of laws for naval war fare and for the format on of the Interna tional prise court recommended by The Hague conxress was opened at the foreign office today. With an Interval for the Christmas holidays. It is expected that the conference will continue until about Feb ruary t At the request of the British gov ernment the powera which accepted invita tions to the conference hsv forwarded a list of subject which they consider should be discussed. The United States. Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary, Russia, Spain, Holland and Japan will be rep resented. The American delegates are Rear Admiral Charles Stockton and Prof. George Grafton Wilson of Brown university. Com mander John H. Gibbon, naval attache at the London embassy, will act a aide. Great Britain wttl be represented by the earl of Desart and Cs.ptaln Charles xi Ot leye drrectop of naval intelligence and sec retary of the committee on imperial de fense. They will have have a assistants two officers of the naval Intelligence de partment and a foreign secretary. Plans are Submitted. At the suggestion of Germany the powera have submitted their view on variou point. The United States, Great Britain and Japan are agreed. In principle at least, on the most Important proposals, and they may be expected to work In accord with the probable aupport of France. There are wide 'lfferencea of opinion between these powers and the other six countries rep resented. Great Britain stands alone In supporting the right of a belligerent to search neutral merchantmen proceeding to an enemy's port under the escort of a war ship flying the same flag. It claims the right of search under all circumstances, while ;he other powers contend that the guarantee of a neutral power should be sufficient to protect Its vessels from moles tatlon. It Is probable, however, that Great Britain will concede this In return for some point it considers more essential. Qrtat Britain Is desirous of abolishing contraband entirely; America and Japan do not go so far, but they would agree If only munitions of war should be declared contraband. . Continental Views. The continental powera will urge the con tinuation of the present system under which the belligerents declare what is contraband. Great Britain, America and Japan agree on the method of blockading, contending for the light to aelse blockade runners at any time or place. This Is opposed to the continental view that only warship ac tually engaged In blockading have the right to setae vessels. These same three powers opposed the continental contention that a belligerent has a right to destroy and selie vessels before trial, aa waa done, for In atance, by Russia with British merchant men during the late war. The conference will differ on the re sponsibility of a neutral power for a ship leaving one of Its ports as a merchantman and afterwards being ransformed into a man-of-war, aa In the case of the Alabama. The United States naturally support the view that the neutral power Is responslbl? very atrongly and It finds support not only from France and Japan, but also from Great Britain. The other powers repre sented take the opposite view. The right of belligerent ehlpa to coal n neutral porta also ha divided the con ference Into two factions. America, Great Biltain. Japan and France contend that a ship should make but one visit to a neutral port and be given only aufficlent coal to carry It to a home port; the other powers, however, hold that a ship should be allowed to visit a neutral port and fill up with coal as often as it I can. I A number of other questiona, largely ! technical, and will be considered. BELIEVES STEAMER IS LOST Wrerkaae Thonaht to Be from Steam ship Soo City Found on New foundland toast. ST. JOHNS. N. F.. Df'. 4 -It Is believed here that the steamer e City, bound from Chicago for Texaa. foundered with all handa aboard in the Gulf of St. I-awrenr? during the bl'.iiaril. which raged off the co1,t ewiounaiana early mis week. t recaage, apparency irom tne boo uuy has been picked up near Cape Ray. Life buoya, deck boards and other gear washed ashore bore the name Soo City. Tne steamer Bruce, which plies across Cabot Strait, reports that it has not sighted the Soo City. This week's storm was one of Ifcs moat UrrlXic vr experienced her. VaT. "si J M. i RECRUIT HAD TO COME TO PRAISE FOR COLORED TROOPS Col. Scott of Weat Point Snrs They Hire Demonstrated Superiority Over White Cavnlry. WASHINGTON. Dec. 4. Whatever may be the attitude of other communitle toward the colored troop In the United 8tate army. West Point has only word of praise and appreciation for the colored cavalry de tachment stationed there. Colonel H. L. Scott, superintendent of the scademy, voice) this attitude In his annual report to the secretary' of war, made public today. "The calvaJry detachment (colored) ha continued It excellent ahowlng and ha demonstrated still further the advantsgea of colored over white men for this duty," says Colonel Scott. "There I a waiting list now and only experienced men having former service and very good and excel lent record are accepted. In referring to the discipline at the acad emy. Colonel 8cott aaya: "The discipline of the corp was generally satisfactory during the year until July 4, when conditions developed and overt acts occurred which had to be put down with a atrong hand. The situation culminated In the dismissal of two f I rot-class men and the suspension for one year of six third class men. Since the separation of these cadets from the academy the atmosphere has cleared, and the usual high standard pt discipline has prevailed." WORKING FOR CHURCH UNITY Confelence at PhlladeTphla Takes . Steps to Ursje the Movement ) in Field. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 4.-Blshop Hen drlx of the Methodist Episcopal church, south, who was elected president of the federal council of churches of Christ in America yesterday, presented the report of the committee on organisation and de velopment today. The bishop said the world-wide federation movement amonjr Protestant churche Is, perhaps, the most t otable keynote of the new century and of lta Christian progress. He outlined the plan of organization for federation and presented the following recommendations, which were formulated by the committee: That the federal council approve the formation and development of plan that will secure effective office and field serv ice In advancing the work of church unity. That, In addition to the equipment of the central office In the city of New York, the executive committee be authorized to provide for district superintendents in at least four strategic centers of population, representing different sections of the coun try. TEAMSTERS ARE REUNITED Organisation Which Split Off Tfio Years Ago Comes Back Into Fold. CHICAGO, Dec. 4. Peace In tho ranks of organized teamsters is to be assured by the amalgamation, after a split of two years' duration, of the Internationa! Brotherhood of Teamsters and the UniteJ Teamsters of America, announced today. The news came in the form of a letter to the press, signed by W. H. Ahton, general ?cretary-tresurer of the United Teams er. and Thomas L. Hughes of the International Brotherhood. The division of the old organization oc curred In 190C. principally on account of the action of President Shea In not allow- j Ing seats to the New Tork delegates. The urierlying cause, however, lay further ba-k in the great strike of teamsters In Chicago in 19u5. The New York delegates disapproved of some of Shei's policies dur ing that strike and their unaeatlng at the ensuing convention, at which Shea presided, followed. The New York men later formed a separate organization. MAN KILLED AJGRAND ISLAND K. R. Rickey of Joy, III., Ran Over by Union 1'arlnc Passen ger Train. GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. Dec. 4 (Special Telegram.) E. R. Rickey, a barber aged 22, whose parents live at Joy, 111., was run down and terribly mangled and probably Instantly killed in the Union Pacific yaids last night by passenger t.ain No. 11. One of the men of the crew dcclarea tha man J:mptd off before the train stopped moving! and wa. dragged undwneath by failing.! and that after the man lay down the con ciuctor took a chock from the man's hat. Anc.ther story is the man a as not a pas senger, but that his feet were caught in the frog and he waa unable to get out of U. The matter la being Invest gated. One limb as torn from the body at the hip and Lhu rest of the body was scattered along the track for 400 feet. QUIET IN PORT AU PRINCE Ko Disorders of Any Kind Now and Normal Conditions Will Soon Return. PORT AU PRINCE. Dec. 4--Tha night passed quietly in Port Au Prince. Tnero were no disorders of any kind and hopes ark entertained that normal conditions will be rapidly restored, IT. STATE PRACTICES ECONOMY Per Capita Cost of State Institutions Shows a Decrease. BEEMER FAVORS REFORMATORY Land Commissioner-elect Cow lee Indi cates He Will Make n Clenn Sweep of Employes In that Office. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Dec. 4 tSpeclal.) Seml-an nual reports of the various state instltu Hons are being received by Governor Suet don and will be followed shortly by tho receipt of the semi-annual reports, with recommendations, from the superintendents The semi-annual reports ahow a condition of the Institutions Indicative of splendid management. Of the seven which have re ported, five show a great reduction In the cost per capita based on maintenance, offi cers' and employes' wages. The two which ahow an Increase In the coat per capita are the Girls' Industrial school, which for the same period In 19"7 was maintained at cost per capita of $93.84, against $113.37 for the six months ending November 30, 19"; and the Institute for the Blind. The per capita cost In this Institution increased from 1137.91 to $141.23. The great-et reduction ha ben in the maintenance of the Boys' Industrial school at Kearney. For the six monlps ending November 30. 1907, the cost per cfeplta was $14n.S6, while for the same perlifl for 190S the cost per capita was $117.61. 1 The following table shows the cot per capita of seven of the institutions for the six-month period ending November 30, 1907, and November 30, 19u8, based on the cost of maintenance and officers' and employes' salaries: Per capita cost six month: November $0, 19r7 lf. Asylum Lincoln $ K 55 $ Sti.?0 Rr.Miers' home. Grand Isl llld.. Il".n5 1."1 Holders' home. Mil ford V.H W.30 Institute for blind 1'7.!H 141.23 Iioaf an.l Dumb !n-tltute M.24 S3. .IS Bovh' indu'trial school 1W So 117. M Gl Is' Industrial tchool 93. M 113.37 Following Is a suinn orlzed statement nf each Institution which h.s reported: Insane Asylum at L.ncoln. J. T. liny. Superintendent Inmates Mav :. Mo; re ceived. Id: returned from panle, 4.': dis charged. 81: eloped. 29: died. 1; leleased on parole, 77; Inmates N' vember so. f; ba'uncc of appropriation May an. $v,9-,4.M; expended. $4;.7u6..V: balance. $."AI9t.4.!: per cer-it.i cost for six months for nmlntenunce. officers' and mploec" wapi, IMi 10. PoUilers' Home, tirand Islund. D. W. Hoyt, Commandant Members present May 3i. ''."; received. 43: returned irom fur li.urh, STk; discharged, 21: cii-d. I1: on fur , ugh, 520; count November ' 'laive of maintenance appr priiitu Jk $ft0.9fHl.4: expended. $:2.14t.7i; on har.d. $J.'3.6; Per capita cost, .:. joldlers' Home, Milford. Joseph t'r-Kson, Comm.indant Members present Mhv 30. 99; received. S3: returned from furlough, W, discharged. 16; died 1; on furlough. 173; present count, 139; balance of maintenance appropriation May 3, $29,560.23; exp-nded, llo.23S.13; balance on hand, $19.321. 10; per capita cost, $.30. Institute for the Blind, Nebraska City, J. P. Morey, Superintendent Count May 30, 53; received. 15; graduated. 6; left state, V; count November 3w, 64; balance of main tenance appropriation May 3i, Uil.oSOSl: ex- F ended, $7,626.03; balance November 30, 11.954.4; per capita com, $141 Zi. Institute for the Deaf. On aha. C. K. White, Superintendent C'r.unt Mav SO, lia: received. Is; returned, 3: discharged, 2; moved away, 3: sent to Beatrice Institute, S: count N' Vember 3", 177; balance of main tenance appropriation May , $3.'.Xi 12; expended, $14,750.64; balance November 3u $17 6I3.4; cost ier capita. $t3.36 Boys' Industrial School, eKurncy. E. P.. Sherman, Superintendent 4.otnit M.ty 30. 19; received, 32: retu.ned from pirole, 4; discharged, V; escaped, 13; on p:irole, 40 ; pardoned, 3; count November Co, HV 1ml ance maintenance appropriation May jo tA.m.Si; "expended. HM&..05; balance No vember 30, $j.4:'9 is; cost wr caput, $117.64. Girls' Industrial School, Geneva. Lydia McMahon. Superintendent Count Mav 3i, 59; received, 11; returned from parole, l discharged, 1: pardoned. 12: on parole, 13; count November 30, fS; balance of main tenance appropriation Mav 30. $1).335.u3; ex pended. SS.ii49.19; balance November ?0. $1S6M; coM, per capita 1113.37. Second I'enltentlnry Recommended. A. D. Beemer, warden of the state pennl tentiary, haa recommended to Governor Sheldon and the latter probably will In clude It In his message to the U-glxlature, the erection of a second penitentiary In the western part of the state. He will recom mend that one or two sections of land be J purchas d and the priaoners c nfined in this ! Kornrl rynifntlnrv l.u n..a .ti land ' ... ' reCnmmended thl. to r.r. don." said Warden Beemer. "and I hellve he will recommend it to. the legislature. There are now confined In the penitentiary some 3LO young fellows between the ages of 1$ and 21 years who should not be com- pelled to associate with hardened criminal. A large per cent of these young men are high school graduatea and ar exceptionally bright and well read. Within a few years they will be released, hardened criminal, due to their asaotiatlon with bad men. Their cleverness enables them Ui pjck up the tricks of the old timers very readily. "Our present penitentiary is -full and in order to cbtc for the convicted criminals it will be necessary to erect new buildings and Increase the cell room. I am esriously opposed to tho erection of any more bulld- (Continued ob Fourth Pag.) STATE RESTS CASE County Attorney Completes Evidence in Charlei Davis Murder Trial. DAVIS' OWN STORY READ TO JURY Testimony as to What He Did that Nifht Offered by State. DEFENSE STARTS ITS INNING Attacks State's Testimony as to Time Rustin Went Home. MRS. RICE COMPLETES STORY Reiterates Previous statement that Dr. Ilnstln Told Her He Had Secured Davis to shoot Mint In Abdomen. At 4:22 o'clock Friday evening the t u i rested 111 the Rustin murder case and after the formal motion by the defendant's at torneys to direct a verdict of not guilty brcuL-sp of insufficient evidence had 1-e-n overruled by Judge Soars the de fense be gan , its Httark , ti tlie state s evidence by Intro ducing several witnesses to show the t'me Dr. Rustin end Davis wore seen In saleons snd drug stores In the tielghborho. J of Hxtcrnth an.l Farnim streets was t,'ir 11 o'clock. Instead of lo o'clock, sa Mrs. Rice and others had testified. In the half hour that remained before court aeije urneel the defense had fxam.n-J seven witnesses. It still has seventeen to come, and It is be lelved these will oexcupy practically all of the session today. Juris" Scars said he would hold court all elay today In order to hurry the case; a's much as possible. It Is t.ot prchaMe the argu ment period of the case will be reached until McndHy. The most interesting piece of evidence Introduced at the afternoon session was the story of Charles E. Davis, the defend ant, which 1k told at the coroner's Inquest. This was Introduced, not by tho defens.-, but by the state, from a transcript of the evidence read by Frank J. Stitellff. the stenographer who tork the testimony. In It Davis de,.es he made any promise to Dr. Rustin to kill him, but admitted he had tried to commit sutcide with medicine given him by Dr. Rustin. Davli may go on the stand himself today, but thii Is improbable. His nttornc-ys were unable to say whether he would testify or not, inas much as his story is already before tin Jury. Con Or in a Mrs. Rlre'a Story. Clara Gleason. keeper of the room'ng house at 1202 Douglas street, in which Mrs. Rice says she spent the night of tin- shoot ing of Dr. Rustin, mas the first witness at the afternoon session. Miss Gleason cor roborateel Mrs. Rice's story as far aa It related to her presence In the rooming house. She said Mrs. .Rice returned to tho place between 11:30 and 11:40. Shortly after she came in the witness snld Mis. H'ce went to the kitchen, where she was arid used the telephone Wa. she ' using a the man who wua V.J JrUii son asked about the time. Miss Gleason said she Immediately called up central and found It was twenty minutes lo 12 o'clock. About half an hour later she said Mrs. Rice returned with her kimono and night dress on and tele-phoned again. She said she was up until 6 o'cloc k -the next morning and she was sure Mrs. Rico did not U-avu the house. On cross-examination Miss Gleason rc-' fused to tell the character of the place she was running, but she admitted there was a back door to the rooming house. How ever, she insisted, Mra. Rice could not have gone down the back way without her knowing It. Stella Jones, a colored woman, who acted as maid and door attendant at the Gleason place, said she admitted Mrs. Rice some time between 11:3a and 12 o'clock and she, too. was sure she did not l.-avo the place until morning. O. J. Lewi, a pharmicUt at the Myers-Dillon Drug company, te. rifled in the ufternoon of September 1 he sold Dr. HiiM.!n a small buttle ot fluid ex tract of aconite. Mr. Lewis said he told Dr. Rustin the fluid extract was the strong est fluid preparation of aconite and ho took that, an he wanted the strongest. Mrs. Becker Hears .NoUes. Interesting evidence was given by Mrs. J. A. Becker, who Uvea at For: y-first and Dodge streets. She said about five min utes before 2 o'clock on the night of Sep tember 1 she was awakened by the barking of dogs 1n the neighborhood of her home. She looked out of the window and heard some one apparently vomiting. fcShe also heard voices of men. The theory of tho stale la that it was Charles DaviB. sick from the medicine he had taken, who was vomiting, and thu voices were those of Dr. Rustin and Davis. Detectives Malonty. Van Dusen and Mitchell were placed on the stand and all three swore they had mad a search of the Rustin house the morning of the muiQ.r, to rind the gun, but none was ti b found. County Attorney Entjlifli had an unwilling wltnet l:i Aiidie Bennett, who lives at L-ii Douglas street now. but who was at Uli Capitol u venue tVi tember 1. Eho said she had known Charles Da. is about a year and he was in the- nablt of ls; nor. The Friday following the murde-r i-he said Davis came to her in a nervous condition and told her he was going away. Mr. Eng lish sought to get her to describe, hu nerv ous movements, with little success. "What did ho do in regard to walking the floor in a nervous way?" asked tins county attorney. "Oh, he walked the floor, but not mora than he has before," said the wltnea. Mrs. It Ice Resume Mand. Abblb Riee was again lecalled to the stand for f.. ither cros-examlnal:on. Mr. Gurky asked lor about a letter she hal written to Dr. Rustin in which ahe s:d her husband Joined her In sending beat regards. Mrs. Rice adm tie-J willing the letter. "Did you wrlie the name 'Polly' on the letter? ' she in ut-ked. "Yes. I wrote it." "Was that the name he usee! to call you? ' "Yes " "When In our lelath nM.lp with Dr. Rus tin did yoj write that letter?" askc! Mr. Fliglish. "When I first began to like him real well." She said she a.nt the 1 tier to his office and explained she uaed that met Hod of communicating with htm in the guise of a patient for fear tume one else might See the letter. Detective J. T. Donahue said ha had gone to the Rustin home four or five days after (Continued oa riXta Pag.) 1 jfolher r . - i r,