10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4. 190 SLIT CLOSES GRAIN FIRM lction for $10,000 Finiihei Boyce Commission'! Affairs. Popular .Interest Centers In The Dargains In The MILLION DOLLAR SALE MLUu1im.iwji..m ni jtuuu eusjt. 1 1 1 lg KOTICE POSTED TO THIS KETECT j IV I II f am Monerelf, Who rlrlas the j C la Comrt, ia Condemned tr Rarkrt Shop Mfi a ' ' "Poor t,oser." Tue Boyce Commislon company, busi ness firm not affiliated with the Omaha Grain kchanfte,' posted thia notice on Its blackboard ThlinKHy morning: The funds of the Boyce Commission com pany having been attached In a ault, the company will g f out of business. Close out your deals and (ret your money Later In the' day, J. A. Boyce who lias been, conducting the business ordered the erasure of. all Uie notice except the In junction .to step up to the cashier's win dow, i , . The suit referred to i that brought for $10,00 by William M"1tr'lt wl1 claims to have leat that sum, throuKh speculation In train. , with Boyce.;'- ( 'Our uittlnfr , business la entirely volun tary," Mf. Boyce insisted. "I am tired of fighting those trumped-up suits, though I have beaten "em all. I've got another proposition on, which Is better anyway and besides that is without the grief and worry pertaining to thle business. "We are going to close the doors tonight. 8o I have pubflshed a notice to customers to close out and get' their money. Now don't say anything about the ault. Just say the .Bbyce Commission company has quit' ' Haa Hide Mttch Money. Boyce haa been in unci out of the com mission buslnes for several years in Omaha and has, It la said, made a good deal of money though occasionally he has hud to make entries on, the debit as well as the credit aide of the ledger. Ills last venture which the Moncrelf ault brings to an end haa been conducted in offices on the first floor of the New York Life building. Members of the Omaha Grain exchange were loath -to talk about the Boyce Com mission company and the termination of Ite business career. Men operating another company on the sixth floor of the Bramleis building, and also not affiliated with the Drain exchange were loud in their condem nation of Moncrelf for bringing the suit. "He mdst be a poor loser," they said. GRAIN SHOWING IS GOOD Reeetnte and Shipments of Grain El ehanare Rtrrtl Gain Over No vember Last Year. Both receipts and shipments of the Omaha; drain exchange for the month of November show a gain, over the same month' last year. The Increase In receipts of wheat In particular ia largo. Corn shows an Increase, but a less one, and oats are 'way ahead. The official figures follow: " RECEIPTS. Nov. 1907. Nov. 1908, Wheat m.X 1.73K,00 Corn 302.600 811. a 0 Data 497 600 HKd.&iO Rye 15. (0 34.01 0 Barley W.OuO 71,000 1 Totals 1.631.9CO 3.181.HW 8HIPMENTS. Nov. 1917. Nov. 1!K8. Wheat - l.lSB.OtM 1.350.000 Corn 4A7,(iOO 00 Cats L002.0O!) l,2tl,(k.o Bye V. 13,000 9.0W) BarHy 22,000 23,ouo Totals 2,689,0(0 2,772,500 Mrs. MeHaney'e Experience. Mr. M. McKaney, Prentiss, Miss., writes: 'I ' was confined to my bed for three months with kidney and bladder trouble and waa treated by two physicians, but failed to get relief. No human tongue can tell how I suffered and I had given up hope of ever getting well until I began taking Foley's Kidney Remedy. After tak ing two bottles I felt like a new person and feel It my duty to tell suffering women what Foley's Kidney Remedy did for me." Sold by all druggists. SULLIVAN FIXES UP OFFICE Former Jada-e of the Supreme Conrt and James Rail Unite Their - . Fortnnea. The Information which The Bee pub lished Wednesday to the effect that Judge J. J. Sullivan would move from Grand Island to Omaha ' and begin the practice I of law hers Is rerlfled Thursday by the ' purchase by Judge Sullivan of his office fixture. He and James E. Rail, formerly Of the Union Pacific law department, have formed a1 copartnership and will have their place of business In the New York Life building. '" ' ' Now that Judge Sullivan has resigned from the supreme bench, he will buy a home lri Oman. ' ' ktnned from Head to Heel was Ben Pool, Threat, Ala., when dragged I ver a gravel roadway, but Uucklen's Ar- nlca Salve . cured him. 25c. Beaton Drug ?o. ' ' : r :College3 Cohoo 1 I far iHiMiewlsl mm boalsaM IK. C asmrp d d I imlm ImlJil Cur, W.inlullj mm wmll ssa l ml m ob taetKC the iimmI akto at bwtM Km u4 mium Tkn KSx-lUmiwItl, mmtftfltr', Pi sM(ory.. ku4red tudol ihi yaw. Om4 esiS Si... Wsom help you. .Wnu luc IH preapecnu to , J LIMOOLM BUSINESS OOLLCQK 141 N. 1Sth Street, Uaeoln, Nab. Nefcra.sk Mililtvry Academy mrooLir tA Military Hoarding School tor boy a. Ideal location Juat outside tha city; laria. well equipped buildings; forty acrea of ground. A good place for boys who doa't fit la public schools. No entrance examinations are given; regular class work Is supplemented by In dividual Instruction; back work la easily made up. Pupil are received from fifth to twelfth grades. Inclusive. Writ tor Caia ojui. aV Jt, gtATWABD, ape rla tend . Lincoln, Neb. MJJtlJ" "" Athe oio toy storeIi m ' '' - - 1 1 11 1 Jij a Ly I IS NOW ORErsi- Second Floor IJV 4T I Special Sales for Remnant Day 1 1 double sxaivirs L I Importer's Sample Strips and Odd Pieces High Class Novelty laces and Dress Trimmings Elegant Crochet, Venice, Cluny, Filet, Grecian and hand embroidered and hand-knotted effects in bands, edges, all overs, galloons, appliques, medallions, etc. white, cream, ecru and all colors for trimming hats, waists, dresses also for fancy work, neckwear, etc. Come in several widths to match sell regularly up to $8 a yard. Sold in lots, sev eral pieces in a lot Many Worth Up to $8 a Yard In 4 Big Bargains at lOel 119c I29cl 159c A LOT A LOT A LOT A LOT Clearing Away all Dress Goods Remnants At Far Below Regular Value In Order to Make R.oom for Holiday Goods Thousands of yards of mill ends, customs house samples, etc. suitable for separate skirts, coats and jackets many samples match up. Our last grand clearing sale before the holidays. All thr UroM Goods Homnatita from 26 to 8 yard double width Fancy Suitings, Serges, Henriettas. Covert Cloths, Taffetas (f up to li yards wide worth from 75c to $1.50, all go at, ej All the Customs House All Wool Pieces French and German m all wool Suitings all colorg and black hundreds of paU 1 U terns in basement and main floor, at, ea, JJ 10 15 and. . Silk Remnants Must Go Quickly Special clearing sale of hundreds of bolts of this season's best selling Silk to make room for holiday stocks. Messalines in plain weaves and jacquard patterns, Crepe de Chines in scarf and waisting patterns, Printed Satin Fou lards, Bengalines, etc., worth 4Q n Art up to $1.50, at, yd. . . iUt lU OiJC $1.50 Black Peau de Soie and Dress Taffeia at 89c Yard Yard wide; never offered in Omaha before at less QQa than $1.50 yd. at, yd OtJC Silk Remnants at 25c and 69c Yard IV2 to 15 yards long nearly every known weave of silk waist lengths, dress lengths, pieces Or Q for trimmings, etc. yd Uvs III Uti $1 Silk Scarfs at 49c, Each Ivory, cream, black and two shades of gray corded M and hemmed ready to wear worth $1 each Tvi Plain and Fancy Velvets From 2 to 10 yd. lengths. ff We want to close quickly, XMl values to $1.50, all at yd. V' Extraordinary Clearing Sale All the Cotton Goods Remnants In the Basement This will be the nants to make room goods ever shown by All the 'double folded Arnold superfine flan nel regular price 15c per yard to clear It all out tomorrow we will sell at, per yard final clearing sale for the basement rem- for the largest stock of toj-s and fancy any store in the west. We will sell all the outing flannel rem nants that we have been selling all sea son at 7 He, 8 Vic and 12 c per yard In two lots, at, per yard 5o6c All the velvet ki mono flannels that we have been sell ing all season up to 18c per yard, will go at, per yard 6c Friday IVI or n I no 8 to 11 o'clock Inst chance for double stamps on your purchases Fri day.'' (Jet all out of It that yon possibly ran. No matter what you need come to Bennett's for It. Our Friday specials alone demand It If you would buy to beat advantage. Two stamps for every 10c you spend In any department. tlirlttmas stocks are ready now. Toys, dolls, games, books, handker chiefs, Ktc. In fart every department Is aglow with gift things. FRIDAY BARGAINS Uigger, better wnd more of them than in any Friday sale for many ft day. In addition the double stamp offers on all purchases Friday morning makes remarkable eronomies possible. --.n , women s $30 Tailored Suits WWSSMsBf' One grand lot Printed Crepe de Chine, for scarfs TQ and fancy waists, yd. Wtft All the yard- wide, best grade of percale goes at, C per yard JC All the plain colored Shaker Flannel white and all col ors goes on sale Christmas Gifts Nothing more acceptable than a piece of Table Silver, Manicure Pieces. Brush. Comb and Mirror; Gold Cuff Buttons, Veil Pin, Automatic Eye Ol&aa Holder In Gold and Gold filled. Spend a few minutes tn our store. LOOK FOR THE NAME. S. W. UKDSAY, Jeweler 1310 Douglas Street. 50 A clearance of our broken lines from regular stock. Styles that can no longer be duplicated. They are some of our handsomest models, in ail best colors. Many superb styles. Every suit positively $25, $27.50 and $30.00 value, Fri day, bargain clay '. . . .10.50 Silk One-Piece Princess and Jumper Dresses The last of a sample line purchased from the maker's salesman. There are also some smart wool dresses in the lot, made up tastefully, and all designed for $25 and $30 selline: best col ors; an nicely trimmed, some with 4tT "f sfTd lace guimpes and sleeves if M.Jr Cravenette Ilnincoats for Women, made of excellent tan covert, long, loose Raglan style, with velvet collar, full length, big $12.50 value, for 37.05 Illack Silk and Voile Skirts Stun ning models of richest materials, tailored in rare good taste, bands, braids and embroidered effects, $15, $18 and $20 skirts. $7.50 All the Shaker Flannel we sold as high as 7V?c per yard, goes at, per T yard J 2C All the 10c Scotch Gingham goes on sale at, per l yard 2w at, per yard. There are hundreds of other bargains on which the quantity is too small to advertise. All go to clean them out quickly at almost ridiculous prices. H I Ibranpeis-I11 BargainDay For Women A clean-up of odd lots from our regular stocK neat, new, dressy styles, all regu lar $4.uu and $d.uu shoes; seldom so cheaply priced 420 pairs in all. One of the most attrac tive sales we had in a long time, for the goods are so genuinely good and desirable. Lines embrace black, gun metal and box calf with welted soles, and fine vicl kid light soles, Cuban or Military heels. Come out Friday for them. Such lots don't last $2.05 in Silks and Dress Goods Remnants, accurpu'latlon of 27-Inch China silks, tafAtas and loulslenes, all at, yard !.Lr, 190 Crepe lc Chlno, ,?ttesiallnes. Bordered Crepes, Silk Orjhindies, Pompadour Silks, all $160 quality 69o Velvets Silk Velvet Kemnants, all shades, 11.50 tiualjty. lengths, 3 to 8 yards t 39o Shorter length, i to ',4 yards, each, per length . ...1.. 100 Dress Goods Great clearing up 2.00 Noveltlew, Broadcloths, ll.oo and $1.25 Worsteds, I'unamas mid t laidH, Friday 48o Plain Materials, all kinds. 36 to 50 Inch, many worth up to $1. Friday, yard 85o Lining- Remnants, Meatherbloom Sat eens, .spunRlasM and Moreen Sklrt lligH, all 35c goods, yard 8o Remnants Flannelettes, Percales and OliiKhamss, values to 18c, yd. ,14o Kemnants Fancy trimmings and braids, all kinds and colors, worth to $1.00 .60 Point da Parts Laces, suitable for fancy work, 2 to 5 Indies, worth 10o at 50 Friday Bargains for IVIen A Sale Of Heavy black Canvas Coats or brown can vas work coais, with cordu roy collar, blanket lined and slicker interlined; every one union made regular $'J. 50 coats Friday $1.50 Friday Specials Floor CUi JAPANESE CHINA Nut Sets con sisting of bowl and six individual nut dishes, all $1.25 values, on sale, at 69 Japanese China Sugars and Creams, regular 98c values, spe cial 49v Sweater Heavv all wool coats p . in plain gray and navy, L02IS aipu n gray anti blue and gray and cardinal combina tions. A sensible garment for winter, exceptionally low priced at $2.O0 Men's Caps Heavy blue caps with pull down hands or turn down, fur lined bands, for T5 in Our Second na Store Japanese China, fancy double lip Creamer, 2fc value 10 (iood (ias Lighters and a box of tapers, Friday special g Oaa Mantles, straight or inverted make, bright, clear light, Bpivlil, 3 for 25o Jupiter Inverted Gas Light, all com plete, in Friday sale 69o Reduced Prices on Stoves You buy today Peninsular Stoves, the best stoves built, at February prices. Long continued inild weather has forced us to begin the stove clearance now. Advance Peninsular Hangc, all steel, on sale beglning Friday, for $22.50 Home Oak Heatetrs burn any kind of fuel, the $9.60 Btoves fr S7.G.S Empire Peninsular Hase liurner, the best $38 stove money can buy. Friday $32.50 No. 400 Peninsular Itace Jiurnvr, a massive, handsome $4 4 stove, reduced to $38.00 Home Oak HcaUrs, $11.00 regularly, for $8.85 BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Bennett's Breakfast Coffee Two pounds for 480 And 60 Stamps. Tim All kinds Friday at, per pound 48o And HO Stamps. EVEKYTHINfJ MI ST CO TO MAKE KOOM FOK HOLIDAY DISPLAYS, I 0 G C D C D B C D C D B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B G B B I B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B G B G B G S m I m : B mm mm mm m --mm ifti liiiS THE RELIABLE STORE SEASONABLE MEIM HANDISE OF ALL DES( H1PTIOXS rmrEu Eon Ql'ICK CLEAHANCE. IN OUR FAMOUS DOMESTIC PO0M 50,000 yards of Remnants of The Louisville Jobbing Stock that accumu lated during the week. Flannelettes, Outing Flannels. Wrapper Cloth, Ging hams, White Goods, LlnlngH, MuBllns, Sheetings, Etc. A complete store In itself of Kemnants at a small part of their value, in six lots 10c 7c 5c 3c 2V2c 1c Remnants of High Grade Linens Irish, Scotch and German linens, bleached, unbleached and silver bleached; also fine mercerized Damask worth up to $1.9S yard. In 6 lots, yard LOT 1... 15c LOT 4... 39c LOT 2... 19c LOT 5... 49c LOT 3... 25c LOT 6...59c From 0 to 9:30 A. M. 1 case of 10c fine bleached muslin, 10 yards limit, at, yard 5 From lo to 10:30 A, M. 1 case of 12Vfcc light outing flannel, 10 yards limit, at, yard 5c From 2 to 2:30 P. M. 1 case of 81x90 sheets, worth 8 9c each, at, each 49 Ten other Specials. Remnants of High Grade Wool Dress Goods From our fine stock. Including all th latest and bent poods that sold out first on three large tables Table No. 1 59c, 75c, 9Sc Table No. 2 25c, 39c, 49c Table No. 3 1218C 15c, 19c Linens and Toweling Remnants Remnants of 10c Towelinga. . . .2Mi Remnants of 16c Towelings 5J Remnants of 19c Towelings. .. .7 V4J Tremendous Clearing Fine Silks $1.25 SILKS TO CLOSE 20C A splendid line of plain and tney Silks all this season'B styles, tofcother with the balance of our great velvet pur chase; actual values to $1.25 yard, all at one price, Friday,, yard 29 $i.no SILKS TO CLOSE 4Qc Messalines, Satins, Taffetas and choice novelties: a clean up of the great Louisville purchase; elegant assort ments for selection; actual values to $1.50 yard, choice Friday, yard 4$) Royal Grey Enameled Ware SALE 5 AND 10 EACH. 10c Enamel Drinking Cups, Soap Dishes, Dippers, Pie Plates, Pudding Pans, Preserving Kettles, Sauce Pans, etc 5 2Vi-qt. Preserving Kettle. Sauce Pans; 3-qt. Pudding Pans, Windsor Dip pers, etc., each 7H Or 3 for 20 4-rjt. Pudding Pans, Preserving Kettles etc 8 Vic or 3 for 25 No. 8 Enameled Tea Kettles, worth 75c, at 35 10-qt. Enameled Water Pail, seamless, at 29 12-qt. Enameled Dishpan, worth. 30c, at 15 Large Enameled Roaster, worth 98c, each ;. 39 Bennett's Capitol Flour, Back $1.68 and 75 Ureen Stamps H. J. Heinz's I'liovv, quart 26o ami 20 Ureen Stamps Bennett s rapllol Making Powder. H-lb 13o ami 10 Green Stamps Fancy Olives, liottlf .. 8 60 and '0 (Jreen Stamps Tea Garden Preserves. Jar 30o and :'0 Creen Kta.mp Heat We Have S;lmon. can 880 and 10 5reen Stamps IHamond Macaruni. A pktis 86o and 10 Cireen Stamps Upton's Jelly Strawberry, Kaspberry, Lemon or Orange, two packageH tur 80c and 10 Oreen Stamps Oallard's Olive OH, bottle 32o and 10 liiven Stamps Succotash, llest We Have, two cans..' 850 and 10 (ireen Stamps Hennett'3 Capitol Pancake, pkg llo and 10 tlreen Stamps Hub-No-More Soap, nix cakes ...85c and 10 Ureen Stamps Hex I.ye, three cans ..' 85c and 10 Ureen Stamps fr. Price's Breakfaat Food, three pks 25o and 20 Ureen Stamps Jersey Buttertne, two pounds 38c and 10 Ureen Stamps Pure Honey, new. Mason pint Jar 85o and i'O Ureen Stamps Bulk Mince Meat, pound ' al? ""' 1 " Ureen Stamps Full Cream Cheene, pound 20c and 10 Ureen Stamps CANDIES Fairy Pillows, usual price 25c, Friday a;clul, In grocery, lb., ISo $1.00 Ice Skates, one day sale 65 Barney & Berry, Union or Win slow 's. Come early. v t Large Coal Hods, worth 30c 15 Parlor Brooms on sale for 15? 9 5c Strong Steel Furnace Scoops i$5 Friday Notion Bargains From the Louisville D. O. Stock. Good Fearl Buttons, doz....lc Gold Eye Needles, pkg. ..... .le Cotton Tapes, all sizes 1 Heavy Shoelaces, pair .lcr Good Safety Pins, card lc Darning Cotton, per ball. . . .lc 10c Striking Girl Pictures. . .lc lOo Pearl Buttons, doz 2Vc 15o Children's Side Supporters for 7VV. 23c Pad Hose Supporters. .10c 25c Fancy Mirrors at 10c Scores of other items in Staple and Fancy Notions at corres ponding bargain prices. Don't miss them. Curtains and Draperies A CHOICE LOT OF BARGAINS FROM THE LOVISVILLK STOCK. $1.50 Ruffled HwIsh Curtain", great snap at, pair )S 25c Ruffled KwiHH hy the yard Friday, to close, yard 15 laHc Swiss, dotted, figured and striped, Friday, at, yard 8Va $2.25 and $2.50 Striped Scrim Cur tains, to close, at, pair $1.49 Roman Striped Oouch Covers, 60-ln. wide, to close, each 98 Ragdod Stripe Couch Covers, $2.50 and $3.00 values, each S1.49 $5.00 Late Curtains, at, pair. . 82.98 $7.50 Cluny Curtains, pair $4.98 Remnants of Repps, Cretone. or fancy Denims, values to 40c yard, to close at 15 Remnants of Silks, Filet, Nets ''and Madras, values to $1.00 yard, 49 ARE YOU INTERESTED IN SAVING MONEY ON YOUR GROCERY BILL? If you are can save you from 25 to 50 on your purchases. The best Pure Cane Granulated Sugar at less than Jobbers cost. 10 bars Heat 'Em All or Diamond C Soap for . 25c 6 lbs. Choice Japan Rice 25c The best White or Yellow Cornmeal, per sack 16c The bst lland-plijted Navy Beans, lb.. 5c The best Domestic Macaroni, pliK....8ic The best Domestic Oil or Mustard Sar dines, can 4c Large bottle I'ure Tomato Catsup, Worces ter Sauce or I'lckles, assorted kinds, per bottle .'.8 He Malta Vita, Dr. Price's or Egg-O-See Hrenkfast Food, pkg 4o 2-lb pkg. Truen's Wheat Flakes 10c Shredded Wheat Biscuit, pkg 11c Vostuiu Cereal Coffee, large pkg 20c a pkgs. 10e size Up-to-Date Washing Powder 10c The best Soda or Oyster Crackers, Jb..6c The best Crisp (linger Snaps, lb Kc The best Pretiels. lb 5c TEA AND COFFEE SEPT. BPZCIAXi rKEE FREE run To every purchaser of 1 lb. of our H. B. C. Special Blend Coffee at, per lb 30c We will give Free a pair of Beautiful Japanese Salt and Pepper Shakers. One pair only to a customer. BUTTER, CHEESE AMD BUTTZBXJTE Fancy No. 1 Country Creamery Butter. per lb 2fic Fancy Full Cream Cheese, lb 16c Fancy Full Cream Brick or Limburger Cheese, per lb ISc Fancy Full Cream Domestic Swiss Cheese, per lb 20c Sap Sago Cheeses, each lite Neufahatel Cheeses, each ac 2 lbs.No. 1 Butterlno for 25c rBEIH VEGETABLES AST) TBUITS Fresh Spinach, per peck ...20o Fresh Cauliflower, per lb Bo Large Hunches Fresh Shalots 5c Large Hetuls lettuce, per huad 10c 2 Heads Fresh Hothouse Lettuce 6c 3 Bunches Fresh Hothouse KaUlshes. . . .Cc Hubbard Squash, per lb , 2c Fresh Cabbage, per lb 'I Heads Fresh Celery ac Beets. Carrots. Parsnips, Turnips or Kuta bugas, per lb :v BIO HIOHIVANB HAVEL OBAHOE SALE Regular 20c size, per dozen.. 16c R.igular 25c size, per dor on 18c Regular 30c size, per dozen 20c Regular 35c size, per dozen 26o See our full line of new Dried Fruits, the largest in the city. DON'T FORGET TRY HAYDEH'S FIRST IT PAYO DR. BRADBURY, DENTIST Painless Extracting 60c Crowns, up from.. $2.60 Partial Plates, up from ta.OO Fillings, up from 60o Porcelain Fillings, op from tl-BO jtmWBmn any p tunff 1506 riBNAX 8TBEET. IT ys&rs same offlos. 'Phone i D. 1756. Bridge Work, per tooth, up from $2.50 Nerves removed with out pain. ALVEOLA WOIX A SPECIALTY. Work guaranteed ten years. Just Double Your IVioney By purchasing your CiirUiiniu presents now i.t uur Orat iiall-rios rials. iiu have the au vantage oi cuooMiig troin u tArgs, uod.ru, strictly flrst-oifcss s.ouk, made for tills Holiday trade. tit Is a complete wholesaler's stock w nave placed on sale) anu you certainly uo sase money, for every article iu the Ktucit is sold at bait privs or less. Lienuiiie liotfu Hat Plus, natural coiurs, regular price 12.25, SI saie price p A Ladies' 14-karat Filled Bracelets, plain und engraved, J2 g 7K q WT Kf regular price S.fco to 16.0i, sale price tr w tp f .csvr Gold billed and Rhinestone Back Combs, regular prices tn C.I 'Tfs from 11.60 to S.50. sale price eiyv o km Half-dozen Cut Olaiss Tumblers, brilliant cut, regular price Is 50, ' 4.2fS sale price Rogers Bros. 1847 Flat Wear Regular Price. Sale Price Half-dozen 1847 Rogers Bros. Tea Spoons Half-dozen 1M7 Rogers Bros. Dessert Spoons Half-dozen 1M7 Rogers Bios. Table Spoons Half-dozen 1817 Rogers Bros. Fruit Knives 1H47 Rogers Bros. Berry Spoon 117 Onf.ru Mrn. i'tc M.Bt Fork There Is unbounded variety to s. lect from in every line. Never before in the history of Omaha did a first-class Jewelry Store place an entire stock on sale st such remarkably low prices. It prsssntg simply an lmmtnsa oppor. .13.00 . 3.60 . 4 00 . 9 36 . 8.00 1.60 ttmlty for Christmas buyers. try -A-W-F ffigH j f Thers is no better rem- 1 Jr tdy for a cough, cold. f sore throat or lu n ( I ' VV trouble tr.sn mUm -i-WHOWELL'S - ANTI- KAWr Try bottlo. ISc and 10c uwm, jmv op-. r MOAAIa the BKraa. Mtfl LoyaL rnnn FAD Weak and nervous men I UUP IUA Who find their power to NKUVFS work and you'htul vigor ' ' lv " J gone as a result of over work or mental exertion should take OKAY'S NEKVK F(XjD PILLS They will make you eat and sleep and be a nan again. 1 ; a boxes SO by nuU. KKXBMAX ai ktcCOHMELL SIVt CO 9r. lta ana Dodge Btreets OWL DkSO OOMfAMt r. 16ik aaa Majrasy Sis, Owaaa. Xs AT BOTH STORES 115 H. IBtU St. At tb Sign of the Crown. 100 X. lOth 81. Opposite the Poatofflce, IUJUUIJUsMOE! J ( t 100 u 1.75 U 8 00 n i i.i3 H v V loo B il .75 U I ' J w I r I