D I n i D II u II n n Tim OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY. DECEMBER 3. 100. ' Next' Saturday If That Extraordinary Sale of Men's Overcoats and Baits jjO(aMMOElS. 1 c Q WUfej6gfsj Christmas Cards, lfX9 IHnrlrs Mitl Cnlcndum for the New Year on Sale In Our Hook Popart merit TTDT? I TXTTXTTPW? 1 1 Yd ttT, DO STAMPING-ART NKEDLK DEPARTMENT t I t MAIN FLOOR n Entire Sample Line a.id Surplus Stock of Hj DOUBLE STAMPS WORtfliT KreTC HI mm Thursday Morning BOUGHT FROM CHAS. KAFKA. UNION SQUARE. NEW YORK Th bitterest value we over offered in our .Skirt depart- si!v??, mcnt. It' is an extraordinary chance to buy below cost. $12 and $15 Skirts for $5 There were just 800 fine Skirts in this croup many of thorn are samples. The highest grade Dress and "Walking Skirts in.the. latest fall and winter models. The materials and tailoring such as is only found in very high class Skirts. French Voiles, Chiffon Panamas, Heavy Taffetas, Sat ins, "Worsteds and Novelty Cloths made in all the now sheath and Directoire effects self strap and tailor fin ish also silk and satin folds. ' Stunning Skirts, every one of them. (v , fl? ;;Tyc guarantee there is not a single skirt in the lot that is worth less than $8 most of them worth' up to $15 Thursday, your choice at Women's $17.50 Cloaks at $10 Up' L 8 to 11 O'clock These double stamp offers will be with drawn in a few days. Take full benefit of them while you can. Buy all your supplies, your Xnias gifts Thursday if possible. This applies on all purchases in every department. A Sale of Bordered Silk Scarfings 1.000 yards of beautiful now Crrpes de Chine nnd other thin dainty Bilks with floral and bordered designs used at holiday time for gifts. Make handsome scarfs In any desired length. The regular nrv price of these poods Is $1.00 and $1.25; bought from an f C Importer much below regulnr. On sale Thursday, yard J r REMNANTS DHBS8 GOODS Lfristlis 4 to 8 yard. I ipslrshlp ckirt and suit longths, Ruttahlo fur gtft glvlng. 402 pieces, consisting cf Hriindclottm worth to Yl.M yd 60-ln. Worsteds, worth to 12 00 yd Novelties worth to $2. Mi yd Plain mnterlaliy all colors, worth from 1 to 2 yd B6-lni'li materials for smoking turk ets, 2 good 91.00 69 Cents BEARSKINS, ASTRAOHANS, ITC, AT HALr. 2 0(1 Hearsklns 1.00 $3. no Astrachans $1.00 Astrachnns In pretty preen. Muck nnd red, grnv, blue, etc, were $1.n(tt for 1.50 Pur Coatlugs, black, gray, tan, brown. etc.. M Roods 82.00 Silk Valvtts, all colors and new shades, worth $1.50 yd., lengths 3 to 10 vda.. nt, yd 36o Fancy Klderduwns for robes and kl- nionas. yd I9" rtlack and white 7c American Prints. Thursday 8viO 400 long, full, up-to-date, new Winter Coats will go on sale Thursday at $10. These are actually worth up to, $15 and $17.50 each. Made of good broadcloths, with heavy satin lin ings. Some are satin and braid trimmed. Many odd Coats $10 Women's $39 Tailored Suits $I9 vith 40-inch $19 Two Great Aproiv Specials Nearly 100 new Suits In this gioup. All very stylish, with 40-inch Jackets, lined with heavy satin and made in new hiplesa cut, with L'Aiglon or shawl collar. Suits are perfectly tailored and new colors are all represented. A very special offer at THURSDAY The best Black Silk Tailored Waists in Omaha for. . . .$5 BOc Aprons at 2Sc 120 dozen White Aprons In round and bib styles, with and without epaulets, some embroidery trimmed and hemstitched tucks, at rSc (jingluun Aprons at 3t)c These are the extra larEe size Amoskeug Gingham ApronB, with large double bib that buttons In abtak: 39c WOMEN'S COATS These are Hie days that lrln to mind the need of a Rood warm winter coat. o store hns nuitle greater prepii rat Ions than Ilonnett's to show (lie variety. Kvery taste and nurse Is catered to with styles that are pronounced fashionably correct. All our coats are full 54-lnch length, made to our special order. AT $6.95 Meavy dark Scotch mixtures in fitted .''nipire styles, self strapped, double l.reasted effects; in navy, green, gray colorings; positively best $10.00 values shown In town. Our price. .. .$0.95 AT $10 54-lnch Bannockburn heavy mixtures; coats cut In late Empire mode; very dressy and worth $15.00. Also a complete range of sizes In black broadcloth coats with taffeta bands and velvet fin ish at neck and cuffs, and braid trimmed, full satin lined; very special at $10 Special Offer in Women's Short KID GLOVES 2-clasp real kid Paris point stitching all the newest shades for street and evening wear every pair fitted, at 11 pair PI $1.25 KID GLOVES AT 9c 2-clasp, all the new fall shades, also black and white, worth $1.25 pair, on bargain square, pr Ow 35c Golf and Cashmere Gloves at 19c Ladies' and children's Golf and Cashmere Gloves, black and colors, worth up to 3."e, all sizes, pair lv 25c Underwear Sale Women's fine and heavy ribbed, also cot ton fleeced and camel's hair, natural wool vests and pants also union suits -worth up to $1.00, 29C-49C Man's Sweaters and Sweater Coats Warm and snug for winter wear button down front; the . up-to-date thing best showing la town 500 t 94.08 Children's Underwear Vests, pants and drawers, fine heavy rib bed and fleece lined, sizes up P to 34, at, each IDC Special Sale Thursday Win. Rogers & Setts' SILVERWARE Hundreds of Oreat Bargains at our JEWELKY DEPARTMENT Also Special Sale of LOUIS XV Pattern ' Oneida Community Silverware 7M if 1 uW AT $15 Unquestionably the biggest line of styles at $15.00 dis played In town; black kerseys, broad cloths, tan coverts, Scotch mixtures and new plain shades. Every style coat that fashion approves. You know values. Compare them with the $20 and $22.50 coats anywhere. AT $25 Here's where we are particularly Btrcng. The famous "Wooltex" Coats accepted as the smartest and best tailored garments turned out In America are featured in a world of exclusive effects. Rich all wool plain materials with dash to them that you see In no other. The handi work of the master tailor and designer is shown in every garment, $25 CHILDREN'S COATS Over 500 coats at this one price and more styles than' you'll see In a day's shopping. Long heavy coats In all colors; very prettily trimmed; actual values to $7.50 and $8.00, special S4.95 SWEATER COATS In all colors for women, double-breasted and high military styles 83.50 FLANNELETTE (iOWNS New line, heavy and cut wide and full, white and fancy stripes, .gl.00 LEGGINGS FOR CHILDREN FO I WOMEN FOR MEN A timely sale. Just ns the cold weather arrives comes a sale of warm Leggings with prices cut one-third the regular. OE30I30C10E30E30E30ao O o m. o NEXT SATURDAY the Greatest Sale FURS EVER HELD IN OMAHA Fine Scarfs, Muffs and Matched Sets, The Entire Surplus Stock of an Eastern Fur Importer AT MOST REMARKABLE D o BARGAINS EVER KNOWN 0 THURSDAY is j Chocolate Day j Sweetland-East Arcade (The Chocolates with the Egg Shell Crack Crushed Fruit Flavors. I Raspberry Strawberry Plni.unlkla I Creamed Nut 4 Centers w Almond i Walnut J Filbert 1 also Vanilla 25c LB. The Regular 40c Cliocolutcs. Jersey Leg-glngs for children, mtunes and women, warm lined, regular 75c kinds, for. . , 49: Water - Tlte laggings for women and chil dren, Muck crnver.et ted Jersey clotii. all sizes, resular AQ $1 kinds, for OC Leather Xieglglnga for men, In Muck or Inn. with sprlnjt side fasten ings, specially good for drivers. $1.75 Ci 'fC values, at fl.A BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Bennett's Kxoclslor Flour, sack $1.70 And SO Green Stamps JOB. TXTIiEY (I SON XVDIA AND CEYLON TEAS. Sunflower blend. 1-pound tin 70c And 60 Green Stamps Sunflower Mend, "-.-pound tin :5e And 2o Green Stamps Sunflower blend. 4 -pound tin 18c And 10 Green Stamps BAiEiw err ci At. New California Mvi.icatel rooking HhIbIiis. uual lilltc value. Thursday -3 lbe. 25o X. ABXiT JUNE FEAB. 'Best We Have" hrand, fancy sift ed, regular price 20c, Thurs duv 2 cans 35o Ulaniond Crystal Tahh- Salt... And 10 Stumps. Capitol Baking 1'owder, lb.. A,nd 10 Stamps. New llonev. Mason pint jar... And 'JO Stamps. Kn.lpn Green Turtle Aleut $l.(io size can for 4 5c slsse can for Ueauty Asparagus, can And 0 Stamps. Heinz' Chow Pickles, quart..., And 10 Stamps. .100 .13c . .350 , ,75o . .300 . .350 . .350 Scoural), for cleaning. 6 for 85o And 10 Slumps. Advona Jams, 2 cans SOo And 10 Stampa. A. B. C. Catsup, bottle 33o And 10 Stamps. Burnham's Clam Chowder SOo And 20 Stamps. Ilub-No-More Soap. cakes 35o And 10 Stamps. Hex I. ye, 3 cans.. 35 And 10 stamp. ITEMS OF KEENEST ECONOMICAL INTEREST IN THE Gre.it MILLION-DOLLAR SALE Mail Orders Will Be Promptly Filled HAVDEHs THR RELIABLK STORI Room Mak ing for ' Holiday" Displays OMAHA'S GREATEST GARMENT SALE Increases in intcrost Thursday by the addition of two manufacturers' stocks of Coats nnd Furs. The magnificent assortm,ents, the choice fetyles and tho extremely low prices are. a revelation to all customers. - Beautiful French Coney Coats, regular $35 values, at :..917.90 Fine Nearseal Coats, shown elsewhere to ,$50, clioice $20.90 Genuine American Beaver Coats, regu lar $00 value, at $59.00 Genuine Alaska Seal Coats, regular $125 value ....$95.00 $15 Cloth Coats, tight and semi-fitting styles, newest fabrics and colorings, choice $8.95 An Elegant New ine of VELVET AND SATIN COATS The most popular new 'ideas at sur prisingly low prices. I V U..J.- AAH - iiuiiiiiiinp lainir nuiw, rt'guiar ii."oJ and ?2a values, Bergen, broadcloths and fancy mixed fabrics, all newest styles, at S514.DO Walking and Dress Skirts, worth to $10, fine assortment of styles In Voiles and Panamas, In all colors, ehoice $4.95 Children's $4 Bearskin Coats, all col ore, sizes 1 to 6, at $1.08 A swell line of New Drones In 'broad cloths, serges and other popular fab rics, all colors, remarkable valuea at 315. $18 $25 $1.25 Sateen Underskirts at. . . .G9 $1.60 Percale and Flannelette Wrap pers, on sale at 79 10 A. M. to 12 M Silk Underskirts, regular $6 values, choice. .. .$3.19 v Phenomenal Velvet Bargains Thursday All Velvets from the Louisville Dry Goods Stock, Abou Half Regular Manufacturers' Cost. Peon Velvets, Velour Velvets, Chiffon Velvets, Pile Velvets, Mirror Vel-- QQm vets and Velveteens, values to $1 yd., on sale at, yd. .4 wu Crowd-Bringing Underwear Bargains FROM TUB IXR 1SV1LLE 1)11 V GOODS CO. STOCK. IlojV and Girls' Ileflry Winter Under wear, all sizes 15 Ladles' Vests and Pants, extra heavy fleeced, white or grey, to 50c value, at . .' 15 and 25 Ladies' Combination Suits, in white or grey to $1 00 values, garment at 39 and 50 Men's and Hoys' Woolen Sweaters, heavy quality, values to $1.50, choice, at 49 11 A. M. TO 12 M. Ladles' knit wool underskirts, black or fancies, values up to $1.50, choice 50c Men's Blue Flannel Shirts, single or double-breasted, values to $2.00 choice 75, Men's Wool Hose, extra heavy quality, 25c values, at , . 12H Gloves and Mittens, men's women's and children's, 25c values, at. 10 0 TO 10 A. M. Silk and Wool Shawls and Fascinators, many In the lot worth $1.50, choice 39 lO TO 11 A. M. Men's fine Woo! Underwear, broken lots, but all sizes, values to $2.00 garment, choice 50? Extra Specials for Thursday in our famous Domestic Room $5.00 fine California Blankets $2.75 onononccononoaonon BaonononoaoaoDonoacavi loaonoa J i NEXT MONDAY We Announce a Remarkable Sale 0 0 : 1 OK IEWTAL MUGS 7. . A Fortunate Purchase from the-U. S. (. 4'istoms House, where these Rugg wero held on account of unpaid duties. Exquisite Oriental Rugs Never Before Sold sU Such Bargains J 8A11 .U-.' - J o No IB R A MO EI S 8 Next Saturday in Our Millinery Dept. Your Unrestricted Choice w S S S Any Hat in the House g o D o n J n U o D o D o n o n o D o D o D o D o D o D o We Are Ready with a full line of Christmas Gifts to show yo.i Watches. Chains. Lockets, Cro-ses. Scarf 1'lnn, Hroochea, Kolic, Uracelcts KinKS In trolrt ami xolii filled. Novel tips and Table Articles in Sterling silver anj cut glass, l.ixik for the name. W. LINDSAY. Jeweler 1516 DOUGLAS STREET 50c wool Eiderdown, all colors.. 15 59c wool Eiderdown, all colors.. 25 $1.00 wool Eiderdown, 36-in. wide and $1.00 wool Crinkle Down, all colors 39 39c extra heavy Dath Robe Cloth 25 $1.00 Cotton Blankets 59 $1.25 Cotton Blankets 88 $1.00 wool nap Cotton Blankets 98 $2.00 wool nap Cotton Blankets at 81.25 $2.50 felted Blankets, 11-4, will go at 81.65 $3.00 fine California Blankets $1.98 $4.00 fine California Blankets $2.39 $6.00 fine California Blankets $3.25 $7.50 fine plaid strictly all wool Blan- keU $4.75 Crib Blankets, $1.00, 75c, 59c, 49c and 35W 12 He heavy Amoskeag Outing Flah- nel 5i 18c Arnold's Flannelettes 10 15c Arnold's Flannelettes 7 12 c Arnold's Flannelettes 5 SPECIALS OX TOWELS 2r, 8c, 5c, 7Jc, loc, 12c, 15c, 18c, and 23c. Worth Double. TWO LINEN ITEMS AT LESS THAN MANUFACTURERS ' COST FOR ALL DAY THURSDAY HIGH Gil A UK LINEX DEPARTMENT. 50 dozens High Grade Huck and Satin Damask Towels, hemmed 1 and hemstitched, worth 19c each: Thursday, each 02 C 50 pieces High Grade Barnsley Toweling, suitable for glass and Q 1 roller purposes; never rtold less than 15c yard, Thursday, yard OjC HAYDEN'S FIRST FOR GROCERIES, Fine Teas, Coffew, But ter, Cheese, Crackers, Fresh Vegetables and Fruits. Fancy H. B. C. Special Blend, lb SOo Choice Sun-dried Japan Tea, lb j.ie The best Tea HiftliiBS. lb l.ic Fsncy Hplder Leu Japan Tea, lb 3Sc Lav In your winter's supply now of Flour. While the balance of our 3 cars lasts we will continue to sell 48-lb. sacks HiKhest Patent Flour for ..$125 in bars Diamond or Heat 'Em All Soap Per box. 100 bars 12.60 Choice Domestic Macaroni, pkg 6o. The bent hand-picked Navy Beans, lb.. Be 6 lbs. Choice Japan lilce 2Ro 3-lb. can solid packed Tomatoes 10c 1-lb. can lr. Price's or Itoyal Baking Powder 8Bc Gallon Peaches, Plums. Pears or Toir,atoes for ..c Oallon Strina or Wax Tteans ......30c Oallon AppleH or Pumpkin... 25 The Heat Soda or Oyster Crackers, lb... He The Heat Crisp (linger Hnnps, lb lie The Hest Crisi) Pretzels, lb Be EstK-O-See. Malta Vita or Pr. Price's Hreakfast Food. pk 7 He TXA AMD COrrSE DEPT. Special Sals. The largest, finest and niOBt up-to-date Tea and Coffee Dept. west of New York City. We Import all our own Teas and Coffees direct. Fancy Cohlen Santos Coffee, lb 15c Fancy Maricalbo Blend, lb 18c Fancy Porto Hlco Blend, lb 20c Fsncy Ankola p.lend. lb 25c Fancy Peaborry Blend, lb 28c Fancy Oolong. Gunpowder. English Break fast or Ceylon, special sale price, lb. . 38a BUTTE, CHEESE AMD BUTTEBZITB SA.X.X. Fancy Country Creamery Butter, lb. ,.25o Fancy Full Cream Cheese, lb 150 Fancy Full Cream New York White Cheese, per lb , jjc Fancy Full Cream Domestic Swiss Cheese per lb ,2()c Durham Hrand Neufchatel cheeses, ea..3o Fancy Butterine, equal to lots of good but ter, 2 lbs. for 2&a HIGHLAND HAHiL OKAHQB SALE WEDNESDAY. The Highland Navels are coming very fine tli in season. They ar extra fancy lame, rich flavored, bright and Juicy. We retail them at wholesale, prices. Per Dos Regular ISc per dozen slxe, sale price., lie Regular 20c per dozen slie, sale price. .ISc Rrgultir 25c per dozen size, sale price.. 18o Regular 3nc per dozen size, sale price.. 2c Regular 3Bc per dozen size, sale price. .26a Our Regular low Price on all Preslt Vegetabloa and Prults. DON'T FORGET TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST IT PAYO matter what thft T m U rpintlar value notliiuff reserved. lonononoDOE D o D o D locaoaocai There are no vacant offices, but: If j'ou have been looking for such rooms, no doubt you have found desirable space is a rare thins. From time to.-time changes are made by tenants which would make available just the kind of office rooms which you desire THE BEE BUILDING ! occupied from top to bottom, but lor reasons above stated keep a waiting list and would be pleased to have you call and look through the building. By giving ui an Idea of your requirements would place us In a position to fulfill your want along this line at some future time. Lea re your name aud address with R. W. BAKER, Supt, Room 501 Cooking and Heating Fuel and Trouble Savers EVERY CHARTER OAK IS GUARANTEED II your dealer trie Utalk ge lata tKa mlttake ol buying another saake, write ta m CHARTER OAK STOYE AND RAN6E CO. 8T. LOUIS, MO. NALORPHINE r1 other drag bsblts are poiltlvelT rnrej US HARITIS. For hriMidermlo or Intsrnsl o. Sampla nt to nr drug bsliltn l.v tuall. Regular prlis t'i 00 prr bottlo a get! our druggiat or by mall la plala wrappar. Mail Orders Filled liy HA VI) EN 15UOS., OMAHA. XEa Goes ln!o the Komi THE OMAHA DEE Best ': West Gold Silver and Sickle Brass Bads, Qas Tutnras anil Table TTare. aeplstad as w. All Kinds of Repairing . neatly Done. al I ) TiKlrUl Haplai EsUbUsaad IBM, laao Earmay Btxaat . Tsleplioaas ouglas I&Mj Aue. A-B53I 4 4 i