TI1E OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER IPOS. OReHHRD & WILHELM fliq-16.IS South ieth Street TT yr 3 Our large first floor has leen converted into a veritible paradise for the little folks. Bring them in let them feast their eyr-s on the hewildering array of beautiful and amusing things intended to gladden their little hearts. Furniture and Home Furnishings Tor Gifts We have never before made sueh a Holiday showing, so great, so thorough, so worthy, so attractive. Rocker Like Illustration But one of the many hand some substantial pieces as sembled here for gifts. This rocker is made of the very best quality selected quarter sawed white oak, hand jolished, full box frame, cane seat over which is fit ted loose leather cush ions. Is high back and an extremely comfortable piece. One of the very latest patterns. Pxice SI5.50 81 OMAHA BANKS ARE GAINING ! 44 1 was Miserable AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Show Far Better Condition Than a Year Ag-o This Month. DEPOSITS SHOW AN INCREASE Report la Very Satlafaetory to All tao Baa km of Tale City, ! f a Hetnrn of Business Activity. Omaha's great resources and the strength of Its banks Is shown In the preliminary report which is made on the conditions of the banks at the close of business No vember 27. The call of the comptroller of the currency for this statement came Monday afternoon and found the bankers all busy, Monday always being a busy daf and the last day of the month ditto. Leocmher la always one of the poorest months of the year In banking circles, the last of the year being harder on the bankers than any other part of the cal endar year, but the bankers have no cause for worry because of the statement j which they will today make to the comp j troller of the currency concerning their I business at the close of banking houra last Friday. IV low statements show a com j parlson with a year age and also with I September 3, 19ns, at which time the last j call was made. The comparison with both aaies snows well for the banks wnen all things are considered. Depoalta Stroas;. A comparison is first made with a year ago, when tho call was made on December 3, 190. and this shows a gwtn In deposits of B.06&.71S. The report, when aent to the comptroller, will make the following com parison with a year ago dn deposits: Dec. I. Nov. 27, BRIEF CITY NEWS riavs Rcot Frlnt It, Sodoipb F. Swofcoda. Fublle Accountant. Ira atovtika for Quality cigars, 31 S. ISth ICurand a lessons In dancing. Tel. D 1041 Rinshart. photographer, 13th Farnam Jxn, 117 N. 16. Douglas shoo. Ji.iO. E;utljl Life policies sight drafts at i.rlty. II. L. Neely, manage-, Omaha, -hljadelphla Parties have sold to frank .. l'll.helt lot JJ. block 99.punctee, for For Zaii Oas or Electric Heading l-diis mak- itcfptiibiu. presents. Crn.ea l f5oi. jljlc. Uurgesa-Granden Co., next to o offii c i;i: Howard St. 'the Ladies cf lh First Presbyterian n. ;rch wiii eivo their unnuai dinner and .'.IN Fr'duy, December 4. in the church I'.trior.s. S..vort?i'nlli and Dodjje streets. SlEiharges In Bankruptcy Jud-e W. Ii Mui:mr of the l'nlted Slates district court hna Just granted discharges in hnnk ruptcy to Lewis C. Hime of Ointthu and -Mix J. Smith of Iiei.son. Yoar Money and Insurance Paper should be kept In a fir and burglm I roof safe deposit box In the Amei lc.e. tfi.fp Deposit vaults In The Bee bulldi.is Boxes rent for only $1 a year. Want Concern Declared Bankrupt Many in i.lura of ho Independent Packing company if gjuth Omaha have petitioned the I'r.ited States' district court that the Independent Packing company be declared bankrupt. The aggregate claims amount to over $l.'rtO and are for numerous small amounts. Time for Bilver Wadding Snmantha Drtbert has applied to the district court to have her marriage to Daniel Drebert celebrated tw. nty-flre years ago in Madi son county sot aside. They have four children, one of them being a minor. She charges non-support and asks for alimony and an allowance with which to support the chlid. Wool Men Are Indicted l,eslle King und Charles U. King, prominent officers in the Omaha Wool Warehouse company, have be-n indicted by the grand Jury on charge of assault with Intent t commit gnat bodily injury. The. complainant is John N. Bauer, a wool expert, who re cently sued them for S5",Ci, asserting they assaulted him and' Injured him badly. The alleged assault took place at the warehouse and was the result of a disagreement. Old Members Invite Hew One Jeff Bedford and Oscar J. pickard, the two democratic members-elect of the county beard, have been asked by the old mem bers of the board to be present at the meeting Thursday morning, when the plans for the new court house will be discussed with John Latenser, the architect. The commissioners extended this courtesy be--ais. the building will he constructed while Mr. Bedford and Mr. Pickard are n office, and their opinions were desired ')cfoie the plans were adopt d. Bonnet Babies and Overall Boys An afternoon with the "Mother of the Sun bonnet lo bleu and Overall Boys," will be given next Thursday at First Congrega tional church, under the auspices of the Omana Settlement association. Miss Cor bctt, author of these attractive pictures, wlil give the chalk talk, drawing a picture every two minutes. These will be sold In the audience. Miss Corb'ett came to Omaha a ehort time ago to appear before the Society of the Fine Arts at an Invi tation affair and next Thursday afternoon will be her first public appearance. Internal Bevenue Beoelpta The Inter nal revenue receipts for the month of November show a substantial Increase over those of the corresponding month of last year. The figures are. for November, 19o8, J2H.S-ftl.4S, and for November, 1'7. Jl34.903.40. or an Increase of about JW'.OiO. This Is also an increase of flS.oOO over October of the present year. The November receipts for this year are about normal or a little better than normal and are accounted for First National Omaha National 1". S. Nations.) Merchants' National ... Nebraska National 1'nlon Work Yds. Nat. Packers' National S. O. National Live Stock National Iin7. !f lln.742.T9 $11.4r.7.7M , 10.2-S.2SO IO.C49.9Sa S.3S0.11S 5.7rtn.442 1.P75.M 3.24'. 277 1.H74.275 S.556.4S4 9 817.326 5.9M.2W5 1.914.19"-. 3.4S7.W 1.93.936 4'T2.93 Nervous and dyspeptic, when I bs gn to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. " I suffered great distress from Indigestion, could sleep only a little at a time, and my rest did not seem to do me any good. " In fact I often felt worse In the morning than when I went to bed. "Friends urged tue to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, w hich I did, and I soon knew I had found a medicine that would do me good. " It seemed to work like a charm on my blood, gave me a good appetite, nd my stomach and other digestive organs "felt so much stronger I could eat almost anything without distress. " I tell my friends to tak Hood's Sarsaparilla for all blood troubles and for dyspepsia and nervousness. It certainly is a grand tonic for the nerves and digestive organs. It works quietly, but steadily and certainly." Miss Clara A. Dearborn, Tilton, X. H. Hood's Satsaparllla effects Its won derful cures, not simply because It contains sarsaparilla but because It combines the utmost remedial values of more than 20 different Ingredients, each greatly strengthened and en riched by this peculiar combination. There Is no real substitute for it. If urged to buy any preparation said to be "Just as good" you may be sure It is Inferior, costs less to- make, and yields the dealer a larger profit. Get Hood's Sarsaparilla today. In usual liquid form or In chocolated tab lets known as Sarsatabs. 100 Doses $1. Westiderj Make Things Warm for li fitt Pnntifil I 1 DEMOCRATIC MEMBERS SCARED Proposed Opening of Street or t o linaton Tracks (an sea All the Trouble. SS.OO SAVED ON YOUR. NEW WINTER SUIT Possilily you're s k o p t io u 1 about this savins the ensiot anl quickest way to prove it to your ntire satisfaction is ly seoiiiir these suits. Tl e session uf the nty council iasl night was a warm one. owing to a re-opening of tile question of a viaduct over i Thirty-ninth avenue. A larse delegation of nu n and women from t lie west side j again appeared and they curly demon- ftrated that they were in no mood to !. I easily put off. Frank Dworak Introduced the ordinance, to op, n ll.i' stri ct across the right-of-way of the iiuriington rail- ! way and moved the adoption of the re port. He asked an affirmative vote on the ground that It would by impossible to compel the railroad to build the viaduct until the street was opened. He said that the city had already paid out $00 for the right-of-way. outside of the right-of-way across the railroad. The cliy attorney ad vised thut the only charge remaining was the appointment of appraisers for the dam age to the right-of-way of the railroad company. Nevertheless, nil of the demo cratic members voted against the ordinance for the reason, they said, the Burlington company would resist the ordinance. This had the effect of bringing down the sharp est criticism yet heard against the city liked eaudust and cream and found that i officials. Patrick Roderick demanded to It agreed with them, to eat all they wanted ! know why they had turned against their of it. j recently given promise to vote for the ordl- Outdoor exercise, not indoor exercise nance. One of the women made a similar around a pool tablo with smoke-laden air, j dpmand, and not getting a satisfactory was urged upon his youthful hearers by the , answer, declared vengeance against all mmmm 'mmm Totals 4S77S81 4S Money la "Working." Comparing the deposits at the present time with those at the time the last re port was made, rVptember 23, shows a falling off of SSM.SM. but this Is accounted for by the greater activity In business which has set the money to "working," as one bank president expressed It. The report on deposits shows: SeDt. 2. Nov. 29. im. 1!HS. Ill.IWiMO IU.4V7.7M ll.L'lS.TW 10.84.93 First National (miaha National .. r. S. National 9.717.69S Merchants' National .... .48i).; Nebraska National l.l.TJl Packers' National 2.16.71J South Omaha National.. J.S.'O: I'nlon 8iock Tds. Nat... 3.133.H44 Live Stock National 4i4,3So 9.617.33! 6.994. rw; 1.914.19S 1.9i3.93.i 3.14S-33n 3.47.i2 4-12.9C9 Totals t49.532.50O 45,8?.5,607 More Money Loaned. The comparative statement will show there Is $2.5'X,flOO more loaned out by the Omaha banks at this time than a year ago. when the banks were a little fear ful of loaning their money. The compar ison of loans and discounts shows: Dec. 3. '07. Nov. 29. 'OK. Omaha National I KMo.075 ) .7W 333 First National I 9. National Merchants National Nebraska National I'nion Stock Y'ds Nat'l Packers National f-outh Omaha Nat'l.... Live Stock National.... speaker, and In this he quoUd of the life of the president who spent his young days when poor In health In the woods or on the western plains. Today he said that the president is one of the most per fect men in the nation, physically, health fully and morally. Dr. Sperry's last lecture will be deliv ered this evening. 6.S1S.912 6.3U2.1M 3.727 4S4 l02 .991 2.11&.3 1.702. 405 2.013.241 6.714.379 . 9 67 3.736.527 917.951 2.155 464 1.61S 926 1.785.135 319.641 Omaha National .. through the Increased shipments of alcohol rnited States Nat rroin tne Omaha distillery to California for fortifying wines, and is an evidence thai business is reviving. KM02 640 H0.6U024 Leas Money at Intereat. In comparing the loans and discounts with those at ' the time the last state ment was Issued, It is seen there Is a falling off of $604,792 In loans, which Is shown in the following statement: Sept. 23, Nov. 29, 18. 19-. ...$6,594,313 $ 6.70i,S23 Finest and Largest Assortment of JAPANESE HIGH ART GOODS Ever brought to the city will be sold at Public Auction, without limit or reserve, at 524 SOUTH 16TH STREET OPPOSITE HOTEL ROlClE . Sale Begins December 2nd At 11 A. M. Daily Seats Reserved for Ladies.. JAPAN IMPORTING CO. 7.c9-.ao? 6.736.1& 4.140 114 911.765 1.648.3M l.SfiS.oSl 1.916.602 33S.K3 6.714.37 6.609,679 3.755.527 917.951 1,618.92 1.7S5.135 2.155,464 219.641 Merchants National .. Nebraska National .... Packers National South Omaha Nat'l I'nion Stock Y ds Nat'l Lave Stock National Totals $31.24 s $30,643,024 la-eaervea Are Strong;. The cash resources of the nine national banks of Omaha and South Omaha show j an increase in comparison wun totn a year ago and also with last September, when the founer call wai made. The comparison with a year ago shows: Dec. 3. '07. Nov. 27. 'OS. First National $ 5,178,220 $ S.S5,S Omana National 3.672.91 l'nlted States Nat'l ... 3.U8.93 Merchants National .. 2.5o3.!3 Nebraska National .... 9"9 717 fnlon Stock Yds Nat'l 1.534. 92 Packers National 528.727 Soutli Omaha Nat'l.... 2,182.558 Live Stock National 4 122 9-M 3.840.516 2.618.75 954. 87 1,679 814 G2K.360 1.942.770 142.357 $21,287,231 Totals $19 8)10,116 Million and Half Gain. Over I1.5l0.uuu gain In cash resources is also shown in the comparison with Sep tember 23, as Is shown by the following table: Sept. 23. 1!8. 4.ii6.43S 4 Wj A 2,19 599 2.727.494 849,845 7i,816 1.946.761 1.575 39) 232.198 First National ..T. I omaiia Natlmal rnited States Nat'l .... Merchants National .. Nebraska National Packers National South Omaha Nat'l I'nion Slock Yds Nat'l Live Stock National.. Nov. 27. li. $ 5. 806. 806 4.122.963 3.&4-I.616 2.618.758 9M.87 628.31 1.942.770 1.6:).ri4 142.357 Totals .$19,618,179 $21,287,231 A Personal Appeal. If we could talk to you personally about the great merit of Foley's Honey and Tar, for coughs, colds and lung trouble, you I never could be Induced to experiment with J unknown preparations that may contain I some harmful drugs. Foley's Honey and ! Tar costs you no more and has a record I of forty yeara of cures. The success of your printed matter depends as much on its appearance, as upon what it says A. L Reot. lacorporatod. 1210-1212 Howard Street. Omaha 20 OFF I On Traveling Bags. Ladies' Handbags. , Ladies' Neckwear Folders. Music H lis. Attorneys' Imminent Kolls. Toilet sei. ncnic oeis. ruing sets. Shaving SeiS. Automobile Lunch tiets for parlies of two, four and six: Folding Drinking . ups. riasii. mil books. I'ocltet ii inks. Collar and t-'uff Cases. Men's Hat Cases. Cigar Cases. Money B,ts and Military Brushes. 20 discount will be allowel m all the above mentioned euodi until Jan. 1. 1909 You are cordially invited to Inspect this line whether you buy or The lino comprises many Imported articles, aa aeu as auiwiuc, ana u uie not. choicest to be had. tKiod Oooda at very low prices. OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY 1209 FARNAM STREET i STRONG MEN NEED OF TIMES i Dr. Sperry Speaks at Y. M. ". A. on ecelty of Balldlna; l's the Body. Declaring that in his opinion the fifty J years ahead will prove to be the largest i ind most Important years In the history j of the nation, Dr. Lyman B. Sperry. i en address to a large audience In the as sembly room of the Young Men'a Chris- tian association last evening, said that i now as never before will the world want and demand strong men strong physically, strong healthfully, strong mentally to carry on the work of the world. The ad dress wis delivered to young men and was the second of a series of three he Is giving under the auspices of the association. The doctor spoke mainly as a physiolo gist, though slightly as a moralist, and the large part cf his address was taken up- In explaining the functions of the vari ous organs of the body. Some of these were passed over lightly, others not. He said he agreed with the old German who said: "You can't get a ting tnti a ting when that ting Is full of some other ting." and for thla reason If a man's mind la full of trash he cannot get Into his brain good, wholesome, useful thoughts and In formation. The stomach was described as one of the most Important organs, but the speaker did not censure man's sppetlte. Instead, bs told his bearers that if they INDIAN WOMEN IN THE TOILS Absorb Too Mneh Klreirater During; a Tonr of the third . Ward. Dove Eyes and She Bear are the poetic names of two Winnebago squaws who, with others of their tribe, are at the Mid land hotel, attending the present session of the federal court. ' Last night these two maidens, becoming weary of the. tedium of court procedure, went on a little slumming expedition, se lecting the Third ward as the scene of campaign. Early In the evening they were missed from the hotel and the police were requested to locato them if possible. But Dove Eyes and She Bear are wise. They selected a favorite nook. In a he-idaclie par lor and proceeded to absorb any amount of firewater, the ssme appealing to their aboriginal ta.te. About midnight they started back to the hotel but i-ould not f'nd the way. Pi-rsean Hayes and Officer Dillon located them at Twelfth and Davenport and took them to the station to await the arrival of Louis Grayhalr, who was looking for them. About 1 o'clock this morning Grayhalr arrived at the station. Then followed a spirited and vigorous conversation. In the most choice and courtly Indian at-his command the chief informed the women that unless they put on their red shawls' and went with him to the hotel he would gtve' them a punch In the neck. " democrats now in the council. She said. "Hasburgh, you'll never get another vote on the west side of the city." From the hall many men and women shouted threats of retaliation, and much confusion reigned until the committee from the west side withdrew wth a promise to come back again. As a sop, Matt Peterson moved that a ' committee of the imrrovement club be ap pointed with the council to wait on the Burlington to see If the company would promise any thing. The mayor at once made the appointment. J. B. Watkins took occasion also to de mand with considerable vehemence that the city hasten the paving of E street. He in timated that this Improvement would not cost the city a cent and a.ked if there was ; reason why the improvement should be delayed. The city attorney undertook to show that the necessary steps had been forwarded without delay and this led to pretty warm passages between him and Mr. Watkins. Watkins made the assertion that ono serious drawback to public improve ments in South Omaha was the fact that certain attorneys had made it their business to overthrow all the special assessments for paving improvement -and force the pay ment on the city at large. In the midst of that discussion the council adjourned to meet In regular session. The council was informed that the Rock Island and Vnlon Pacific Railroad com panies had agreed to a grade crossing at Twenty-fifth and V street and that the crossing would be In operation shortly. This information will be received Joyfully by the residents on the south side, who have been forking for three years for this concession. The arrangement was com pleted yesterday between the council and the railroads. In routine affairs the council considered the report of appraisers on Thirteenth Wo don't "Vkiinp" the (junlity tto make this price it wouldn't pay us our clothing is the kind that always hrinjrs the wearer hack for his next garment. The very latent styles, colors, fabrics and patterns are shown in every size of these suits. They are strictly hand-tailored and show the careful atten tion to detail that is only found in the hand-tailored garments. This would he n bargain at most stores for $120.00, .but as always we can and do sell the best suit :n town for $15.00 -''' ", J"" OXAJKA'S LSADXVO CXrfTXXXS. The Last to Go A man will undergo great privation and sacrifice before parting with his home. ' That is why we consider the security offered by us the best obtainable, for those who wish an absolutely safe place for their savings. , Our loans are made only to members of this Associa tion, men of good character and standing. Security values are carefully determined and the per centage of loans to value of property is maintained at 50 per cent. Can we interest you in our stock? Omaha Loan & Building Ass n S. E. Cor. 16th and Dodge Sts. G. W. L00MIS, President G. M. NATTINGER, Sec'y W. R. ADAIR, Asst. Sec'y The Bee Reaches the-Consumers They reallred the foree of the argument street, allowing Jl'K) damajre for a proposed and gathered themselves together. As they j change of grade between V and Harrison left the station they were si 111 using some forceful Winnebago In explaining how it all happened. A Frightful Kiperlrnee with biliousness, malaria and constipation, Is quickly overcome by taking Dr. King's New Life Pills. 25c. Biaton Drug Co. POLICE BOARD QUITS EARLY Little Even In the Way of Rontlne Baslnesa to Occupy the Time. The regular meeting of the Board of Fire and Police commissioners was held last night, but the amount of business trans acted was small. Charles Keeseo, a mem ber of Hook and I-ndder company No. 1. was discharged fiom the service for sleep ing on duty and leaving the engine house without permission. When reprimanded for being asleep he put on his coat and went home and the board considered that such a man had no business on the de partment. Charges of sleeping; on duty were a'so preferred against Firemen Gustave Fager berg, Frank L. Valentine and Leonard Brown. Charges of sleeping on duty were pre ferred against Police Officer W. U Stul'. All the charges were laid ovt one week. and approved the report of appraisers for change of grade of L street from Thirty third to Forty-fourth. Ilrcelpts at Tarda I .n rare. The month's business in the yards has been satisfactory on the yhole. Receipts have reached 94. '.'So cattle. biBi-So hogs and 30. sheep. In each case this Is a large excess over tho month of November of last year. In cattle the figure is less than for six previous years, with the one ex ception. Hogs have exceeded all records with the exception of the great year of 1904 In the period of six years. The re ceipt of sheep could be called only fair. Prices of hogs and cattle have been fair for the entire month, $5.0 Is about the average for hogs. At the close of the month the year's receipts shows 947.103 cattle. 2.216.T31 hogs and 1.975.133 sheep. This is a decrease of 14..553 cattle, but an Increase of hogs by 122.176 and sheep by 25.91S. Too Many Knives. F. J. Quinn, Dan Clifford. Tom Donnley, John Hlggins and Harry Donnley were ar rested by the South Omaha pjllce yester day afternoon for having in their posses sion a lot of valuable knives. All fice men were released Monday morning' from the county jail after a thirty-day sentence from South Omaha for having a lot of hardware, Liquor permits for the present year were j and showing evidence of vagrancy. They Issued to Leo J. Hort of the Millard drug ! had only been out a few hours, but when store and C7 P. ' B. Tobln of 11'"S North arrested had ten or fifteen pocket knives Sixteenth street. Both of these drug stores ! apiece. It was evident that they have oooty have recently changed hands. A bill for $10 from the Thomas Kllpatrtck company was presented, evidently without the knowledge of Commissioner Cow.r, who is mmager of that concern. He recom mended that the bill bp disallowed and stated that he would endeavor to have his house donate the bill to the city, as he re gards It as highly Improper for city of ficiala to sell goods cf any sort to the city. On Wednesday morning we will place on tale a purchase of 2' coats that were made to sell at R3.00. . and rS.OO for $19 50. See page 2 for ad. ORKIN BROS., 1510 Douglas St. from some hardware store hidden some where around South Omaha. Where the knifes came from originally is not known. Many of them are of ;i high grade. Captain J. C. Trouton had seven separate battles with F. J. Quinn in taking him from Thirty third and y streets to the Jail. In each battle he knocked the man down four or five times. This free exhibition of Queens bury tactics drew a crowd of over 300 be fore the Q street viaduct was reached. Quinn was In a great rage at the jail and tore off all his clothes, going naked Into his cell. Most of his trouble was due to liquor. HOTELS. Hotel Rochester ROCHESTER, N. Y. Hi Open August 12, 1908 Rochester's Newest, Most Magnificent, Completely Appointed, Up-to-Date Fireproof Hostelry. Rochester has long been in need of a first class modern hotel, and the owners of Hotel Rochester have not spared any money in providing the traveling public with every comfort and luxury that can be procured at the hrit hotels in New York. Citv and at ii moderate prices. ( Hotel Rochester 11 constructed of absolute fireproof material throughout so that it it impossible to bum. It " has 300 rooms; each and eyery room umii snkwir. r. w.a.iu4rirMtain. has a private bath. There are extra op.. w,i, i" ,irKf) weIl ,!ghted gample for the convenience of all salesmen. It is centrally located; a ihort block from the Court House on Main St., a few steps from the two leading theatres, across the street from the largest department store. Hotel Rochester is one of the chain of first class hotels under nhe abie management of Geo. VV. Sweeney; this chain includes the Hotel Victoria, N. V., Marlborough Hotel, N. Y. and Hotel Lafayette, Buffalo. Frery traveling man and tourist knows Mr. Sweeney and will feel at home at the Howl Rochester. Mr. William Horstmann, the manager, has been for years associated with the Hotel Victoria, N. Y., and has had a thorough training in high class hotels. The ratrs of the Hotel Rochester are most reasonabls considering the many comforts and luxuries it affords its patrons. Rooms with bath, $1.50 per day and upward. The restaurant will excel that of any hotel between New York and v-nicagof while the prices will be moderate. The Hotel's own Motor Can will meet all trains. I WILLIAM HORSTMANN, Manager Bee Want vAds Produce Results m ii m OIA.IVIOM D Are first choice with many persons for Christ inas gifts. Why not make a loved one happy when you can pet a ring with one regular cut Diamond as low in price as $3.00 and others from that price up to $1,200, or in combina tion with other stones at any price you wish to invest. A very popular one is known as a twin ring at $1H.50. We invite you to inspect these and other Holidav (ioods. S?airE!ocaTrTIaM7lTrdTJuArT" HOTEL C0LLINGW00D WEST SITI ST. Oa the Block Betwssa 5thAve.&B'way NEW Y01K an Offers select accomodations to dis criminating people. ABSOLUTELY FIRKPHOOF, and affords svsry facility for ths com fort of guests Situated in the very heart of ths city, In a very quiet neighborhood, con venient to all surface, tlubway and ele vated railway lines, and in the midst of ths shopping and theatre district Rooms With Bath $2 and Up. Special rates by the month or season. Restaurant a la Cart. I1T X. MOIBLIT, BB, Formerly of VewlsvrHoiMiewHavenCon 15-& DODGE m rooD FOR NLKVLi Weak and nervous men who find tl.e.r ijoer to work and )ouihtul vIk r gone nit a lestilt of over work tr mental exertlrn should tke OKAY S NtliVK Kf'OU WI.LH. Tnry will make you eat and r!e-r and le a man again. fl Boa; 3 tezes $3 50 toy mall. IIUMII k McCUIklLI, BkUO CO. Oer. lth sad IM4ge Streets OVL DBUO COMPANY ;or. leta trnl Uaiaey 8ts . Catkt. Vss TT T -A-W-F I There Is no better rem- edy for a cough, cold ,ore throat or la n g ,1 trouble than BtUai - "i-awHOWELL-S ANT1- KAWI Try a bottle, "io and tOc. xeve beyai. Boston's New Hotel Bult you and your friend's a hearty welcome. No pains will be spared to Boake your next visit a longer one. Excellent cuiure with terries the best, amid turrouadmgt fastidiously appointed. Everything new, aUrac. ' live and cosy, with prices reasonable j - Cor. Boylston and Wathinjio Sts. TEL. 4140 OXFORD. Dinner parties before and after ths theatre will leceive out special at tention. Ladies w'ea shopping will find it meet convenient to have luncheon here with every knows comfort and exclusion. Ainilie & Grabow Companj, Operettas Hotels Leaoa.TuiIeriM tt Eanpire, Beetea New Oeeea Hmm, Swejnpscott Hotel Titebfield. Jamaica. W. L