Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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    '- of
Ofice 15 Scott Street. Both 'Phones 43.
Davis, drugs
Btoekart ells carpets.
Ed Rogers, Tony Faust beer.
Khrpert plsno tuning. Hospe. 'Phone M4.
Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phons ST.
Wood ring Undertaking company. Tel. 139.
Food choppers, (Ac. Petersen & Bchoen-
Ing Co.
C. C. Haynss. funeral director and em
balmed, 1U1 Brosdwsy.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. William Coppock.
1)0 Fifth avenue, jesterdsy. a sun.
Photography supplies. New goods. New
prices. Alexander's, t33 Broadway.
' Bluff City Masonic lodge will meet this
venlng at 6:80 o'clock for work In tne sec
ond degree.
Attorney I. N. Fllcklnger went to Tax
ton, Neu., last evening to look after his
rsnch Interests.
WINTER TERM Western Iowa college
opens next Monday, November (0. Bend
for catalog. Phone for Information.
Nets Madsen, recently sent to tit. Ber
nard's hospital for observation, will be dis
charged today by th commissioners on In
sanity. The preliminary hearing of Arthur Mass,
charged with forging the name of his
mother to a note at the Treynor bank, was
continued In Justice Cooper's court yester
day until December 21. M ' liberty
on bonds.
Esch and every ahlrt wa launder Is sent
home In a protex covering, the only laun
dry in the city where you get them. Give
tie a trial. Ws deliver to all parts of tho
city free of charge. Bluff City Laundry. 22
14 No. Main street. Tel. 114.
John C. Blraubbs, formerly assistant
ticket agent for the Rock Islaad In this
elty, has resigned to accept the position of
ticket agent at the city office of the Illi
nois Central, succeeding A. C. Spelter, who
lias gone Into the nwspaper business.
A marriage license was Issued yesterday
to Leonard Burgett, aged U, and Jennie
Schlcker. aged 17. both of Omaha. They
Were married by Rev. Henry DeLong at
bis office In the court house. Each was
Accompanied by a parent, who consented to
the issuance or the license.
- Mrs. C. D. Beers, formerly Miss Kate
son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Olson
Madison avenue, died yesterday morn-
at Denver. Colo.. wnere sne movea
fit A year ago on being married. Her
s,. Mrs. Charles Chrlstensen, and the
rs husband left for Denver last even.
(II early settlers of Council Bluffs are
11 ted to attend tne meeting or the 1'ot
rattamle County Historical society this
Inlng at 7: HO o'clock In the auditorium of
in public library building. Judge H. B.
emer of Red Oak will read, a paper on
, The- jnriuenoe or Iowa Men in the or
Cantsatlon of Nebraska as a 8tate."
The funeml of the late Mrs. Charles
iHensley, who died Thursday evening at
the home of her mother. Mrs. John Bens
.eoter. 1624 Avenue - C. will be held Sunday
v-ftefnoon at i o'clock from 8t. Francis
Xavler a church,' of Which deceased was
member, and burial will be In 8t. Joseph's
: Tha annual Thanksgiving spread for the
children of Rev. Henry DelOng's Indus
trial school wilt be given this afternoon
from noon until 6 o clock at the mission
)"24 Avenue F. The menu will Include rosst
beef sandwiches, ham ssndwiches. cork and
beans, hot potatoes, coffee with Dlenty of
tood cream, cake, cookies and, last, but not
ast. doughnuts.
SALMON Have you ewer tried our Clover
3esf brand of salmon? It Is always red,
nd ws have been selling the same brand
for tha last six yesrs, put up In two sixes,
1ft cents and 16 cents. In sardines we have
'a brand known as the Parsifal brand,
.(lacked In the best olive oil, IS cents per
an. In peas we have the Petit Pols brand,
'IB cents per ean," also the Marrowfat. 124
cents per can. Wa alwaya keep whole
wheat flour, put up In ln-pound sacks, at
9f cents each; graham flour at 36 cents.
Then we have sorghum In aft-cent cans.
Council Committee Proposes to Go
Slow in the Matter.
Canvass of Jtevr Territory to) Re Made
to See How Many Will Take Water
Before Decision Is Reached
to F.xtend Service.
tsken 111. Before Mr. Wolfe reached the
Masters home Mr. Masters was dead.
Mr. Masters waa 54 years of age. He
was a nstive of Lehsnan, O. As a young
man he came to Outhrle Center, la., and
a little over two j-caVa ago moved to
Underwood to engage In the general mer
chandise business. He Is survived by
his wife, three sons and three daugh
ters. The body will be taken Monday to
Outhrle Center, where the funeral and
burial will be held.
Councilman Jensen, chairman of the
commit leo on waterworks, and ills col
league are planning not to take any
chances In making the revised plans for
the proposed municipal water plant. Be
fore deciding on extensions of the wat.?r
mains In any of the districts now unsup
plled and which the waterworks company
proposed to supply In the event of being
granted a new charter, Chairman Jensen
and the municipal officials In charge of
the waterworks proposition Intend ascer
taining Just how many householders will
take water from the proposed municipal
One of the several objections to the
ulana for the municipal water plant as
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The Bee
November 27 by the Pottawattamie County
Abstract company of Council Bluffs:'
State Insurance company to Amos Po-
and. tiU, sel. ZK-T7-3S, q. C. (1 1
L. H. Metsgr to Mautle Metsser. part
lots 1 snrl Z, hlocK 6, jefrcrls sunoiv.
of Baylirs' mid., w. d 1
Mnhol E. WBeux: snd husband to
Osrsr A. Baumelster, part lot 107,
orlglnsl plat, snd lot B. block 16,
Stutsman's 2d add., w. d 700
Council Bluffs Pavings bank to Lee
Vanderloo. wllV feet lot 13. all lot
125 and e26 feet lot 127, original plat,
w. d '. 1.009
Niels Petersen and wife to 8. L.
Thomas, part Auditor's subdiv. of
lots 4 and i, block 2, Williams' sub
div. rf pnrt Mill lot. w. d 1,500
Julia Vnn Dusen and husband to
Chrlstinn Eherhnr;, lots 30, 31 and 31,
block 4. Weight's ndd.. w. d
Julius Pockert to Emma Pockert. lots
3, Z, 3 snd 4. block 1, Great Western
add., Mlnden, w. d VW
ANSWER FOR VAX CLEAVE Reciprocity with canaoa
Payne Wants Information on Tariff
from Any Who Enow.
Detroit Whnleaalera' Association He-
qaesta Negotiation of Treaty
for Free Trade.'
Representative Mlcaolas Lungwort
nd Others Indicate that They
Are Against I'nnecessnry
Friends of Colonel W. P.
Take Artlon.
CRESTON, la., Nov. 2S.-(Rpeclal Tele
drawn by City Engineer Etnyre was the gram.)-A resolution endorsing the recount
lack of service to certain districts at oi me congressional voie oi me tignin
present without water. Also there wj district was unanimously adopted, with In
no assurance that persons along some or aisience, mis auernoon at a repumican
the proposed new mains would become conference held her by the Eighth district
patrons of the municipal plant. committee and other leading repuDiicans.
The canvass by the waterworks coin- I A subcommittee was appointed, consisting
mittee of the property owners In the sec- of M. L. Temple, W. C. Chubb and M. L.
tlone where the proposed new mains ire Byers, to make an Investigation as to the
to be laid In the event of the municipal
water plant becoming a reality, will, It
waa stated yesterday by one or the com
mittee, be begun immediately. Tne can-
vass. It waa also stated, will be curried
probable results of a recount, and if ad
visable to report to the full committee. A
letter frcm President-Elrct Taft was read
by Chairman Stipe expressing the keenest
Interest In the election In this district and
DETROIT, Nov. 28.-K. F. Sutherland,
speaker of the Dominion of Canada House
HEA&H7Q or Tarllament, addressing the quarterly
meeting of the Wholesalers association of
Detroit tonight at the Fellowcraft club,
declared that If there was to be any Im
provement In trade relations between Can
ada and the United States, the Initiative
must now come from the United Btetes.
Canada, he said, had done Its part and It
waa owing to the attitude of the United
States that the Dominion had adopted the
preferential tariff and given Great Britain
and the other colonies trsde advantage.
The Wholesalers' association adopted res
olutions declaring that trade relations with
WASHINGTON, Nov. "We are fully
aware that the bill reported from the com
mittee will be Judged by tho people, not
In the light of view of those prophets or
critics who are Judging It In advance, but
In the light of what will be learned from Can,da could be greatly Improved, and
the bill Itself, and .from an examination that un(,or the Canadian intermediate tariff
of the material before the committee."
concessions could be granted to the United
In these words Bereno Fayne, chairman stateg lf the UUer ,overnment should so
of the house ways and means committee,
today replied to the letter from J. W. Van
cleave, president of the National Associa
tion of Manufacturers, criticising tha meth
ods pursued In revising the tariff.
"Of course if you have no information at
your disposal which would aid the com
mittee in the formation of a bill, I can
understand your refusal to appear. It you
have such Information I csnnot see why
you do not accept the invitation which has I, mmnutaetuni goodll can be obtanc)1
ur.en exienoea lo you ana wmcn is sun
held out to you, should you reconsider your
determination," concluded Mr. Payne.
What Vanclenve Said.
In his reply to the chairman of the ways
and means committee, which was in reply
to an invitation to testify at the tariff
hearings, Mr. Vancleave says
We would rather bear the ills of the
Dlngley tariff than to be a party to
request. The president and congress are
requested to take the proper steps to In
sure freer trsde between the two countries,
and It Is urged that In the contemplated
revision of the tsrlff of the United States
suitable provision he made by congress em
powering the president, or a commission to
be appointed by him, or by congress, to
complete negotiations with Canada where
more free interchange of raw materials
Old Offender Accused of Secarlnar
Money on Worthless titles
to I.nnd.
Japan and United States Keach Agree
ment Corerlng; Mutual Interests.
on principally In the outlying districts expressing the hope that Colonel Hepburn
where there la now no water service.
The committee, It is stated, also con
templates an entire rearrangement of the
location of the fire hydrants and tha
several councllmen will be consulted as
to Uie location of the hydrants in their
respective wards.
retain his seat in congress. Colonel Hep
burn has been opposed to a contest In the
district, but It Is thought If his friends
Insist he will consent.
Robber Loots Station.
MARSH ALLTOWN, la., Nov. M.-(3pe-
claLl A robber, wearlna a aDotted hand-
Y.M.C.A. TO CO LP TlinEE STORIES kerchef over h,8 fac(i held up Nght
Operator David Yates of the Rock Island
Baatneaa Men Pledge Aid In Raisins
tho Ponds.
ProspecU that the Voung Men's Chris
tian association building at the corner of
First avenue and South Seventh, will be
completed without lessening the slxe of the
structure as originally planned are now
bright. For a while It looked as If lack of
funds would necessitate cutting off the
third story, containing the dormitories, but
at meeting of representative business
men held yesterday noon at the Grand hotel
around the luncheon table. It was the
unanimous opinion that the building should
be completed as originally planned. The
men present promised their assistance In
raising the money necessary to complete
the building.
Thirty representative business and pro
fessional men were present at the meeting,
which had been arranged for the express
purpose of discussing the situation. B. C
Wade, general secretary of the Omaha
Young Men's Christian association, was
present by Invitation, and he not only
offered some most valuable suggestions, but
urged the business -men of the city to
take bold of the matter with a vim and
at Newton at 3 o'clock this morning, locked
him in a box car, where he was held a
prisoner for an hour, looted the station.
then turned the signal board to stop the
next passenger train, and thus prevented
wreck. Fifty-one dollars In money was
stolen and a check for (350. The robbery
was discovered by the crew of westbound
passenger No. 3 which stopped for orders,
ts the signal the robber had turned Indi
cated that it should do. Yates was held
up at the point of a gun while he was
passing through the waiting room cf the
station. At the point of the revolver he
was marched a quarter of a mile and locked
In a box car. No clue to the robber has
been discovered, excepting the handkerchief
which the thief wore.
NEW YORK, Nov. a. Mrs. Ellen Peck,
73 years old, ' was arrested tonight.
tarltf revision made In the old manner. To charged with grand larceny In securing
appear before you to plead tor certain money on worthless titles to land in
schedules would be to acquiesce In the e.-. .i... j in ....... ,
superficial and unbusinesslike methods of fc-ntuly. Her alleged victim, a local
investigation against wlilcn you protest, real esiaie corporation, loaned per z,4vu
we have carefully watched all the state- on a mortgage tirjon nrorjertv in that
rnents that have been made by you and Btate wnlch has been the cauge 0 mlga.
your associates In recent years, and in- .. , . . ....
stead of convincing us of the error of our tlon almost from the time of Its original
ways, we are more than ever convinced gram in n5 Dy uovernor Monroe, arter
that your present plans of gathurlng in- wards president of the United States.
formation, on whlcn the readjustment is
proposed to be based. Is wrong, radically,
absurdly, ratally wrong.
Mr. Vancleave sets forth his views re
gardlng an "expert, nonpartisan tariff
commission," and claims that It la Impos
sible for' the- wave and mean rnmm It f ,
in the limited time at Its disposal to make hre fo.r several Persons
CHICAGO, Nov. 28. Mrs. Peck, accord
ing to the police, has made and squan
dered several fortunes. It ts ascertained
that some of her negotiations have
formed the basis of popular novels. In
1905 she was sentenced to the Brldwell
Confidence Men Indnea W. B. Cun
ningham of Indianapolis to Place
3,000 In Tin Box.
. INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. 28. William B.
Cunningham. 83 years old, waa swindled
... , i, th.r h .nrtiUlnn hulldlns- here t of W.000 hera today by confidence men,
did not suffer tot 1ack or funds to com- Cunningham Is a retired fafmer. The loss
m.. It ortelnallv rhanned. "This " through a newly found "friend," who
money ought .to 'be raised without any
scraped his acquaintance In front of the
'K;; 6rT:tnVi., difficulty." said Mr. ."Every dollar Cunningham home. The "friend" took
catty we know - that we have the bes
serMfd raisins In town; there Is a dlfter
n, and they do not cost any more, )8
cents per package. Try a sack of Golden
Rule flow, the kind that la always good,
31.40 per seek. Bartel ft Miller. 'Phone 353;
Propose to '. Send Exhibits to tho
Horttenltarnl Congress.
Letters received almost dally by Freeman
I. Reed, general manager of the National
' Horticultural congress. Indicate that the
big fruit show to be held In this city next
month Is attracting considerable attention
and arousing much Interest among the
pupils of the rural schools throughout Ne-
brsska, and a number of exhibits from the
public school children of that state are
looked for. Among the letters received yes
terday was one from William Ritchie of
Sidney, superintendent of public Instruction
in Cbeysnna county, Nebraska. Mr. Ritchie
' This county wi'.l send one of Its boys to
the meeting of the Nebraska Horticultural
congress with , about forty small exhibits
which are to be entered there. Most of
.these exhibits will be of potatoes of re
markable perfectness. The young men In
this vicinity are taking keen Interest In
the progress being made by the congress
A and tha National Corn exposition In Omaha,
and we expect to be well represented.
- This letter. Mr. Reed says. Is similar to
many others he has received from different
counties In tha state of Nebraska.
- H. J. ' Balrd, formerly for twenty-stx
yeart a' resident of Malvern, la., now of
Delta county. Colorado, and secretary of
ttte Delta County Business Men's associa
tion, has written General Manager Reed
that Delta county will be represented at
the fruit show with" a large exhibit of fruit
and vegetables. He wishes Mr. Reed to.
he prepared to receive at any moment tils
wire for space. .
The headquarters of the National Horti
culture! congress were yesterday draped
with the offletal red. white and blue deco
rating material, which will be used In 'he
auditorium. Main street. In front of the
headquarters, was also decorated with the
bunting, giving that section of the thor
oughfsre quite a carnival appearance.
you business men put Into It will come back
to you many times over. It Is a good In
vestment. In fact, I know of no better Investment."
Mr. Wade s remarks aroused the en
thusiasm of the men present and they one
and all declared they would do everything
In their power to raise the money needed.
Mr. Wade was followed by J. A. Goodell
of Dea Moines, extension work secretary of
low State Young Men's Christian associa
tion. Evangelist Charles Cullen Smith also
addressed the gathering along the same
lines as Messrs Wade and Goodell.
Cunningham to a room at 149 West Ver
mont street and convinced him then and
there that he, the friend, had drawn a
$3,000 prise from Andrew Carnegie. The
"friend's" confederate conducted the "draw
ing." but before surrendering the 33,000,
said Mr. Carengle required all persons who
received his money to put up a like amount.
Cunningham waa appealed to by the
friend" to furnish tha $3,000. He was to
share In the proceeds. He obtained the
money at the Indiana National bank and the
prize" with Its equivalent was placed In
, tin cash box. The "friend," having busi
ness to transact then, gave Cunningham
the box, saying he would stop at the Cun
ningham home on his way to lunch at noon
and they would divide, Cunningham to take
back his own $3,000 In addition. When
an Inquiry wMoh can furnish an adequate
basis for any such tariff as the country
There waa little of Interest brought out
at today's session of the committee,
which was to finish up the hearing on
the metal schedule. While automobiles
are to be discussed fully at a later hear
ing, Charles II. Bherrlll of New York ap
peared today for the Automobile Import
era' salon, favoring a reduction on the
tariff for automobiles.
Aato Trnat Not an Infant.
He charged that there Is an Automobile
trust, which expects to get the duty In
creased. "Instead of an 'infant Indus
try,' seeking protection at the hands of
your honorable committee," said Mr.
Sherrlll, "It could more properly be called
a trust. The American manufacturers of
automobiles are divided Into two large
groups, one the association of licensed
automobile manufacturers, which is or
ganised about the ao-called Selden
She Is said to have swindled J. T.
Babbitt, a soap manufacturer out of $17,
000. At. another time she obtained a
loan on papers purporting to be certifi
cates of stock In an eastern railroad.
She was traced to Washington and New
York and brought back from the latter
place to stsnd trial. In Chicago she
lived in luxury.
Proceeds of Assessment Will Be I'sed
to Secure Increase In
Oovemasenta Aarroo to Consnlt Each
Other If Conditions Arlso Which
Threaten to Dlstnrh Exist
lag; Order.
WASHINGTON, Nov. a.-Desplte official
reticence. Information from reliable sources
has been obtained of an agreement of far
reaching Importance between the United
States and Japan, covering tha policies of
tho two countries In the Psclflc.
The sgreement Is based on the Idea of en.
couraglng and defending free and peaceful
commercial development In that ocean. It
contains not only mutual guarantee to re-
Til I t Mnh A,tA . 1. :
.,,,,,-, territorial possessions!
there, but defines the attitude of the two
countries towsrds China, binding each to
defend by every peaceful means China's
Independence and Integrity, and to give
equal commercial opportunity In the Chi
nese empire to all nations.
But more Important still, the agreement.
In the event of completions threatening
the status quo, binds the United States and
Japan to consult each other with a view
to acting together.
This sgreement has been drawn up In
the form of a declaration and consists of
five articles, of which the following Is a
faithful description:
. Tie first article gives expression to the
wish of the two governments to eneoursgs
the free and peaceful development of their
commerce In the Pacific.
The second is a mutual dlaclalmer of an
aggressive design, and contalna also a defi
nition of the policy of each government,
both as directed to the maintenance of tho
existing status quo In the Paclflo and the
defense of the principle of equal oppor
tunity for commerce and Industry In China
The third article contains a statement of
the consequent "firm" reciprocal resolution
of each government to respect the terri
torial possession In the Pacific of the
In the fourth article the United Statrs
and Japan express their determination, "in
me common Interest of all the powers," In
China to support "by all peaceful means
at their disposal," the Independence snd
Integrity of China and the principle of equal
commercial and Industrial opportunity for
an nations in the empire.
The fifth article mutually pledges the two
governments, In the case of the occurrence
of any event threatening the status quo, as
aoove described, or the principle of equal
opportunity, as above described, to "com-
munlcste with each other foV the ouroose
of arriving at a mutual understanding with
regard to the measures they may consider
it useful to take."
Tha London company for which Mr. M(
Crosky la engineer, will build a railroad
across the Andes mountains, and MoCrcsky
goes to that country at this time to sup
erintend tha work. . From Peru ha will go
to Buenos Ayrea, where he once resided,
where he will enlarge the work oa big
water power formerly put In by his com
pany. Tha trip from Peru to Buenos Ayrea
will be made east of the Andea mountains
and will Include a horseback ride of 300
DENVER, Nov. 28. An assessment of
1 cent per capita, which w'll total $2$,-
000 and which will be used tor increas
ing the membership as well aa making
the section more efficient In every way.
waa doclded by the building trades
branch of the American Federation of
Labor at the sessions of Its annual coa-
Datents. and the other the American Mo- ventlon here today.
tor Car Manufacturer association, which There are two building trades organ
does not owe allegiance to the Belden teatlons In St. Louis asking for admls
natenta. The Selden Datent Is an In- "1" to membership In the body and the
genlous device to maintain a high price presiueni wa. oiuerea ii.y w proceea ai
for automobiles among the manufacturers once to a.hat city, call a meeting of all
n.ino- tho n.tent. Un till now all at- persons interested ana try io erreci
tumnt. to break this trust have failed consolidation of the warring factions.
we of tta foundation la a United the election of officers will be held to-
States natent. which Is a mononolv morrow,
mntArl hv thn eovernmnnt.'
Mr. Bherrlll asked that the duty on NIUH I hlUtKS AKL ltNUM!)
automobiles be reduced from 45 per cent
to 30 per cent ad valorem, claiming that Bora Given Severn Whipping; by
the manufacture oi foreign automobiles Masked Mem Becnnso They
Involved tha use-of much American ma-I Refuse to Work,
chlnery besides bringing large business
to tne American carriage ouuaers. wno, WAVERLT, Tenn.. Nov. 2S.-Two boys
ne saia, maae u per cri.L i uuu.. nam.d BaKeri Mng ,. tn8 Tennessee
for foreign motor cars. . ,v, . fc.vera whlnnlna bv
J. It. nun. empioyea Dy me western i . . . ..t .... ,., for
Hard est yt Bodwell nnd Rlnklcy Stay
with New Clerk.
Roy Hardesty and Tracy Rodwell, depu- lunch tlrryt passed and the friend was still
ties In tha office of the clerk of the dls- missing. Cunnlnghsm opened- the box and
trlct court, will hold their positions under I learned of his loss.
Harrv M. Brown when he takes hold of
the office at the beginning cf the year. SULDItRS BREAKING CAMP
This announcement was mads yesterday
afternoon by Mr. Brown. Lemuel Binkley Condition In "Night Riders" Region
will also remain in the office as clerk. In Western Kentucky Jastlfles
Both Hardesty and Rodwell have served Removal of Troops.
ss deputies In the office of the clerk of HOPKINSVILLE, Ky., Nov. 28. The
the district court for four years, being ap- withdrawal of the troopa from the "night
pointed by H. V. Battey when the latter riders" region of western Kentucky began
was first elected. On H. J. Chambers suo- today. Tha first camp abandoned was at
ceedlng Mr. Battey as clerk last April they Hickman, where a family of negroes was
continued In their old position. murdered,
ine retention or Messrs. Hardesty and Soldiers this afternoon left Trigg county
Koowett ry Mr. Brown la most pleasing- to an(1 tno,e ,t Princeton. Gracey. Cobb, Daw
ine memuers ot me ox ana omers naving ,on and oth.r Diace- wm break camn to-
Close of Revival Meetings.
Ths union revival meetings, which dur
ing the first ten days were held st the
First Presbyterian church and during the
last two weeks at the Broadway Metho
dist church, will coma to a close with a
big rslly service at the latter church Bun
day evening. Evangelist Charles Cullen
Smith will leave Monday for Minnesota,
where be win conduct a series of similar
Sundsy morning at 10 o'clock there will
be a big union service at the First Presby
. terlaa church, conducted by Evangelist
Smith. In the afternoon at I o'clock
there will be a men's meeting In the First
Baptist church, conducted by Mr. Smith,
and at the same hour there will be a wo
men's meeting In the Danish Baptist
church, conductsd by Rev. Marcus P. Mo-riure.
. For the closing meeting at T S0 o'clock
Sunday evening at the Broadway Metho
dist church a special musical program Is
being arranged by Prof. Roper.
business In the office of the clerk of the
courts, aa they have both demonstrated that
they are the right men for the place by
their knowledge of the Intricacies of the
work of the office and by the uniform cour
tesy with which they have always treated
those hsvlng business with the office,
Mr. Hardesty about a week ago accepted
from Sheriff-elect McCaffery tha offer of
the position of deputy sheriff at Avoca
not knowing at that time that Mr. Brown
contemplated retaining him as a deputy In
the oflce of the clerk of the courts. His
present position is more to his liking than
that of a deputy sheriff, so yesterday Mr,
morrow. Guards will be left a Murray
and EMdyvllle, where conditions are still
feared to be critical.
Many protests have been sent to Governor
Wlllson sgalnst the removal of the troops
by cltlsena who fesr that the night rider
activity will be resumed.
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers
to Balld Headquarters Strnctaro
Costing; Million Dollars.
CLEVELAND, Nov. 28.' Grand Chief
Hardesty notified Mr. McCaffery that he Warr,n F" 8tone of th Brotherhood of
would prefer to accept the offer made him
by Mr. Brown. Sheriff-elect McCaffery at
once acquiesced In Mr. Hardesty making
the change and later In the day announced
the appointment of Frank Niemann as dep
uty sheriff at Avoca.
George Masters Dies Boddenlr.
George W. Masters, member the firm
of Reed 4V Masters, general merchants
at Underwood. Ia., died suddenly yester
day noon from heart failure.
Mr. Masters waa stricken Just after he
had aeated himself at the table to take
dinner with hie family. He suddenly col
lspsed sid before a physician could reach
the house expired.
On leaving the store to go to his horns
to dinner, Mr. Masters was talking with
a brother merchant, George Wolfe, to
whom he remarked that lie had never
felt better In hla life. Ten minutes later
one of the members of Mr. Masters'
family came running to Mr. Wolfe'a store,
asking htm to corns to their house at
once, as Mr. Masters had been suddenly
Locomotive Engineers announced today
that the plans for the brotherhood head'
quarters btf.ldlng here has been com
pleted. A twelve-story structure will be
erected In the downtown district snd work.
he ssld, would begin next March. It la
expected thst It will be completed in one
yesr. The building will cost $1,000,000.
I fiftri rmflFY n.l horses, cattle and
i Tweatv 1 emw of Bwcerawfal Buslneos
me visra M on rase Co
No eonneotion wiin tne rtras calltaa tkanadvo Tha ru.k vw--.
piin r tiu.i bn ail.
Shoo and Lcathtr Men Claim Xo Tariff
la Needed.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 28. -Preliminary to
the hearing tomorrow before the ways and
means committee on the tariff schedule
covering oundries, which Includes hides and
learner 1 manufactures, a conference was
held here tonlg-ht by representatives of the
shoe and leather trade. Delegates were se
lected to address the committeee tomorrow
anl urge that hides be put back on the
free list, a duty of 13 per cent being lm
poaed under the present tariff.
The principal claim they will make Is
that the large packing eetabllshments do,
rive the chief profit from the tariff on
hides snd that ths farmer and cattle raiser
deeds no protection, because the foreign
supply of hides Is so limited by natural
conditions thst It can never supplant the
domestic supply, which Is exhausted by the
demands of the horns market. The largo
packing Interests control upwards of 70
per cent of the wet, salted, sole and belt
ing leather hides produced In this country,
they will argue, and possess, therefore,
almost a monopoly of tho dornestlo supply
of such raw material, and aided by the
duty on hides, can control the f.rodu.ctjoa
of leather made therefrom
Bar Iron association. Including plants in
Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Missouri, asked
that the same differentials between steel
and Iron bars be observed and that the
duties be high enough to maintain the
small establishments.
John W. Walton of Cleveland, as a
dealer, Importer and consumer of wire
rope, asked that the duty on that article
be reduced.
'If you want to raise revenue you should
reduce the rates," advised Mr. Walton.
Now the American manufacturer gets
all the benefit and the government noth
ing, for the ratea are prohibitive."
Asks Specific Duty on Raiori.
Representative Vreeland. of . New. York
on behalf of a constituent, ueorge w
Kolns, who manufactures raaors, asked for
specific duty on rasors. The present
duty averages GO per cent ad valorem, but
Mr. Vreeland argued a higher duty was
necessary if the Industry was to become
profitable in the United States. 8. 8.
Brland of Philadelphia asked for an In
crease of 10 per rent on ball bearings.
iswigni divine-ot rvew-iura ueeirra inai
the tariff on pocket knives be retained.
Increased duty on small sises of chains
and a reduction on large sixes was the
request of H. F. Mattern of Lebanon, Pa
and Thomas T. Woounouse of Trenton
N. J.
Representative Nicholas Lnngworth Indl
cated that he was against unnecessary
"The total Imports of chains equal only
$70,000 a year," he said. "You manufac
ture In this country 35,000,000 worth, and
yet you went an Increase In the tariff."
Want Iinty on Lead Ore.
At the night session Arthur V. Davis ot
Pittsburg, a manufacturer of aluminum.
asked that the duties on aluminum be re
tained. The same request In regard to the
rates on silverware was made by Samuel
L.' Barber, representing a New England
silverware manufacturing company.
Asking that the present duty of 330 a ton
on lead In ore be maintained, C. E. Allen
of Salt bake City, representing roine opera
tors in Utah, and Edward A. Rosier, speak
ing for the lead Industry of southeastern
Missouri, addressed the committee.
Milton L. Llssberger, speaking for the
lead manufacturers, asked for a substantial
red jc tlon In the duty on lead ore and said
that the manufacturers were willing to
have the duty taken off ot manufactured
lead articles provided thay get their raw
materials free of duty.
At 11:45 the committee adjourned until
1:60 a. m. tomorrow.
Fnvora Tariff Commission.
NEW YORK. Nov. 23.-Resolutlons ask
ing for the creation of a permanent na
tional tariff commission were today passed
by the board of directors of the Merchants'
association of this city. The assoclstion
asks tor "an early, comprehensive and
thorough revision tit the tariff."
Provision Is asked in the expected tariff
legislation by congress for ths negotiation
ot commercial agreementa with foreign
nations on the basis of a maximum and
minimum tariff, conceding the minimum
ratea to foreign countries which reciprocate
by giving minimum rates onv American
reason, as given by the riders, that they
would not work
The boys were then told to go and show
the switches to a preacher and tell him
why they were whipped and ask him to
pray for them,
John Walker, who lives further up the
river at Daniels Landing, waa also visited
by a band of riders, who forced hlra to
run up and down a half-mile lane until he
was exhausted, while they cut at him with
hips. He was told he bad been talking
too much,
One Dead and the Other Unconscious
In Hoboken Hospital.
JERSEY CITY. Nov. 28.-(8pecUl Tele
gram.) John Ptkna and Joe Peterskoyshy
of Morse Bluff, Neb., were overcome by
gas at Fischer's hotel, First street, Ho
boken, last night. One of the men Is al
ready dead, and the other. Is expected by
physicians at St. Mary's hospital, to die
at almost any moment. -
Which man Is dead and which la still
alive Is not known by the authorities. Ths
clerk does not know which of the two men
registered aa Plkna, or which registered as
. The men were found at 7 o'clock this
morLlnf, when the manager forced their
room door to arouse them so that they
might oaten the steamer Amerlka for Eu
rooe. Medical assistance was summon.
Tho ambulance surgeon from St. Mary's
hospital pronounced one of the men dead.
The other was tsken to the hospital.
The men's clothing waa found hanging
In the room. In one trousers pocket was
$20 In currency -nd a check for $1.J0; also,
there were two tickets for Oderberg. Aus
tria. The men were going on a visit to the old
country. .Since settling In Nebraska they
had prospered, and are said to be well-to-do
cltlsena of thst stata. They were out late
last night, but' were not noticeably affected
by drink when they retired. The gas jet
In their room was turned on full blast
Kebraskan tioes to Sonth America.
TECUMSEH.' Neb.. Nov. 28.-( Special. )
Jsmes W. McCrosky, son of Mrs. E. M.
McCrosky of this city, arrived from Lon
don, November 16, and went from New
York City at once, to Peru. South America.
Natives rail Off n Celebration Rery
Mark on the American
Watching and waiting tor and celebrating
the result of the Cuban election, held No
vember 13. Is thus described by La Luc ha,
the leading newspaper of Havana:
"The Americans who watched some of
the things occurring last bight must have
recalled election times at home, for the
street cars which traversed the city loaded
to the gunwales with enthusiastic liberals,
banners and music, evoked many anilles of
approbation and encouragement. The senti
ment, "Go It, boys; may tho best man win."
was In the hearts of all the Americans who
witnessed the plentiful display of enthusi
asm. Many were the cars which were thus
losded, and the cheera and shouting her
alded their approach when they were sev
ersl blocks dlstsnt. On some of these csrs
persons were perched on the roofs, so
anxious were they to climb Into whst they
consldorod the band wagon.
"Skyrockets were generously supplied and
used In making the night merry, and It was
tho fact that a number of ekyrockets were
on one of these loaded cars which caused
sn accident which fortunately did not prove
fatal to any of the crowd. One of the
young men on a crowded car as It wss In
the vicinity of Ban Juan de Dloa park, set
off a rocket which waa held In such a
manner as to strike the roof of the front
platform where a portion of the crowd was
standing. As the rocket hit the roof burn
ing simxks were scattered over the heads
of those standing beneath. The flaming
rocket then fell to the floor sputtering and
making mad rushes like a scared cat be
tween the feet and legs of the dancing
crowd. Several other rockets which were,
on the platform wero Ignited and the ball
opened In great shape. The easy Cuban
walls was not witnessed, however, for tha
highland fling waa never danced with mora
abandon than It waa cm the car last ntght.
"Those who did not take an active part
In the car rides gathered In groups and
discussed the situation, of they were where
they could do so, they cheered the cars aa
they passed and were responded to In a
hearty manner.
"The most gratifying feature of the even
ing was ths perfect order which wss ob
served throughout the city. There were no
clsshes of any kind and when the news
resched this city of the shooting affair in
Clenfuegos regret was expressed on all
sides over the unfortunate occurrence. Dur
ing the evening many drove In carriages to
the homes of their friends who are candi
dates before the people to congratulate
them on the victory.
"The stores are all closed, but unlike
days of this kind In the statea the cafes
are open and doing business without having
any apparent 111 effect on the public tern-per."
Sent to Demonstrate the Merita of
Pyramid Pile Cure.
What St TaTaa Soma Tor Others, St on s
Tot Ton.
Wa have testimonials by tho hundreds
showing all atacea, kinds and degrees of
pllea which have been cured by Pyramid
Pile Cure.
It you could read these unsolicited letters
yon would no doubt go to the nearest drug
store and bus a box of Pyramid Pile Cure
at onoa, price fifty cents.
Wa do not ask you to do this. Bend us
your name and address and wa will send
you a trial package by mall free. ,
Wa know what the trial package will do.
In many cases It has cured pUoa without
fnrtfca trewfcmeat. St It proves Its value
to you order more from your druggist.
This is pair, Is It notT Simply write ua
a letter giving; your nam and address and
ws will send you tha trial package by mall
la plain wrappsr free. Address Pyramid
Drug Co.. 1M Pyramid Bldg., Marshall,
Wm- . txnriurs Results.
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