THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 20, 1903. 'I mmU Peng. JUST HALF PRICE Tho Most Remarkable Sale of Colored Dross Goods Wo Ever Know Commences Monday S1.00 New Pokin Satin Stripe and Novelty Check. 50 cents a Yard You should see them these surprising new fabrics, the patterns and colors. The ex clusiveness and variety will appeal to careful dreefs. Search the. city over and you'll not find dress goods to equal these anywhere else under $1.00 to $1.25 a yard. Nq scraps, no remnants, no bad .patterns, no second grades. Every piece a new piece and full of quality and right up to the minute in style and finish. Look at it in any light you please this sale Monday will excel anything that has taken place during the last year. You can see these dress goods displayed in our Sixteenth street window. NOTE A Great Opportunity Buy your Dress Goods now and have us man-tailor your skirts to your special measure. See the pretty models in Dress Goods depart ment and window. , it r The New Leather Bags Are Here The very newest styles In the very best qualities at the very lowest prices are now being displayed at our Leather Goods department. Theae beautiful Leather Baca make an Ideal Christmas gift. New Automobile Baca made of black seel leather lined. Have neat coin purses and plain strap handle. New Carriage Bags In black and brown seal, also wal rus leathers. New Hand Purees In black and brown seal, fancy calf and alligator leathers. All hare Inside change pocket and trap handle on back. New styles In Combination Furses, 'also fine showing of Men's Bill Books. Leather Collar Bags In black, brown, red, tsn and gray. All have nice linings. Prices: 11.26, $1.60, $2.00, $1.60 and $3.00 each. IBT f J 7 kaix. "y&f OBDXB BUTT. l B-ll-28-'08. TAFT WILL ACCEPT CHAIR . f aaaaeaaasaaaaw Jretident-Elect Will Preside Over Governors' Resource Conference. JTJrCHOT TO FILE nrVtNTOBT nlef Forester Will Make Iterow snendatlona Covering Many Phases of Conservation Problem. WASHINGTON, Nov. .-President-elect William H. Taft has accepted an Invitation to preside over and address a joint confer ence of the National Conservation com mission with the governors of the states In this city December an event which brings together an assemblage of the na tion's leading men In commercial, financial end political activity, and whose Im portance may be expected to rival the noted White House conservation confer, ence held by President Roosevelt last May v The Joint conference will be In progresi tour days, and that space of . time will be fraught with wonderful possibilities to ward shaping an epoch Ir. the country's commercial advance. In fact. It Is the first conference-wherein tangible data as to the scope of the natural resources In the Vnlted States will be Issued by the commission and a practical plan mapped out whereby conservation may "be ac complished. President Roosevelt will deliver an' ad dresa the opening day, as will ether dis tinguished men. Including governors, sen ators, representatives, bankers, business men and others. I. 3. Hill, .John Mitchell, Andrew Carnegie and a score of other representative men have eccep'ed Invita Hons to be present. - 8'nce the conference seven months sjto when the president qulckoiied the Interest of the entire nation In jone of Us tnest perplexing problems, the National Conser vation commission has made an inventory of the natural resources of the country. This inventory, which embraces water mlnernla, forests and lands, will be pre sented by Qtfford Plnchct, chairman of the commission, who In hle.raport to the pres lrtont January 1 will make recommenda tions which both the work f the commis sion end the Joint conference may sug fest as vital In solving the conservation rrcbltm. Stars and Stripes BEER A crtckllns fir, an & chair, a bottle ot Start and Stripe to alp, and let tb wind howl without! Have you a case at home? Do you know how much it adds to the enjoyment of a winter'- evening? . Call -ua up tomorrow decide It now and learn what good beer really ia. Order a Case Delivered WILLOW SPRINGS BREWING CO. Off tee tQT IWMf sit., rewery, S4 and Xlckory. raeae e.' loa. Phone Doug, lata, m Hot a Wwim Alt Pepta. Ina. Domestic Department. Special kale of Cotton Chains In beautiful new Persian designs, regular Gc quality. Monday at, a yard 3 Vic. Cotton Batting at 10c, 16c, 20c and 26c per roll. Large Comfort size bats at 75c, $1.00, $1.26 and $1.60 each. Ask to see the new patterns of "Serpentine Crepe." This fabric appeals to tbe women of taste as the new est and prettiest of cotton dress material with a crinkle which will neither stretch, wash, Iron or wear out. Price 18c a yard. Flannel Department, Basement. "Corsets 9 9 The new "Kabo" Corset shown here is without a peer. Comfortable and light, yet very durable. Fits better, gives more style and shapelier rounded lines than any corset ever worn. Has long, sloping hips, shapely waist and high bust. Al- lows complete freedom in every move ment, yet gives due firmness for support. Price 3.00 Each When in the store stop at our Corset department and ask to see this popular model. ' ROW OVER MONUMENT (Continued from First Page.) tbe setopd It December by A. B. Walkley, too flramatlc critic of the Lonton 'Times. It 1 appropriate-that Trinity should take the lead ki teevhlng Journalism as a pro fession, as so -many of the eianta of both 'English and American Journalism have been Irishmen. , jr.. X- CUL.LEN. TENNESSEE MILITIA FIRED ON Soldiers Guarding Mill I ear II a in -bare Are Attacked by Mgnt Riders. MEMPHIS. Tenn., Nov.':8.-A dispatch from Vnlon City, Tenn., to the- News Heimltar late this afternoon confirms re port of an attack on a detail of militia by a band of men, presumably night riders, at the Gleaaon aaw mill, near Hamburg, last night. According to the dispatch, one of the soldiers waa wounded In the hand and about fifty shots were exchanged be tween tbe military and the attacking party. The attack followed the firing on three men by soldiers who discovered them In the mill yards. The Intruders, when chal lenged, refused to halt. Spasmodic shoot ing continued for several hours and was followed at midnight by a fusillade. When the fire was returned by the soldiers the band, composed of about thirty men, disap peared. With the arrival of reinforcements from Camp Rankin a search was made, but none of the aaaallants could be found. The placing of guards at the Gleason mill waa because of threats that It would be burned If operations continued. UNION CITY. Tenn., Nov. is.-Flfty. In dictments were returned late today by the grand Jury Investigating the recent night rider raids In the Reel foot lake region, which reached a culmination a pionth ago in the lynching of Captain Qutnten Rankin uf Trenton, Tenn. $N0W IN SOUTHERN STATES Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas Pas. kandles Visited ny Heavy Fall ot Melatnre. KANSAS CITY, Mo Nov. 28.-A heavy rain and snow, tho latter from six to twelve inches In depth In some places, has 'alien all. oyer south weetern Kansas, In the Oklahoma and Texas panhandles, and A pure, wholesome, healthful brew of the best malt and hops spark ling, foaming, refreshing. Green Trading Stamps 93.00 In Stamps (10) given with each two uosen case of Urge bottles, de- nft . llverea In T tbe city for..t,,u Out of town cus tomers add for case and bottlea 91.60 In Stamps (It) 81 veil with each two utn case of small bottles, de- gke nc livei-fed In 51 H the city for.. . Out of town cus tomers add 1 III for case and butties. Drop us a postal card or telephone ue to deliver a case to your home. A- 1941 BATH-RODE . Blankets ' Beautiful new designs and soft, pretty color ings. One blanket makes a bathrobe for man or woman. Our paper pat terns will show you how. Prices, per blan ket, $1.75, $2.50, $3.50, $5.50 and $6.50. Cords and tassels to1 match blanket at, per set of 3 pieces, 50c. as far southwest as New Mexico during the last twenty-four hours. In Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico and eastern Colorado, the anow Is heavy enough to Impede rail road traffic. Snow and aleet extended as far east as Dodge City and Bucklln, Kan., but east of these points only rain la fall ing. Today's Is the first real anow of the rear In Kansas and Oklahoma. There Is prac tically no wind and no suffering among live stock. The wheat crop will be greatly benefited by this Ihoisture. SIX SUFFOCAJED TO, DEATH Air Supply Cat Off from Men Work ing in Salt Mine Shaft Near Detroit. DETROIT, Mich., Nov. 28. Six men were suffocated to death this afternoon in the village of Oakwood outside the western out skirts ef Detroit. They were at work 5C0 feet down In a shaft being sunk for a salt mine, when the canvas tube which rup plied them with air became clogged and the shaft filled with gas. The Oakwood con tracting company has been engaged In sink ing an 880 foot shaft for the Detroit Salt company. The alx men who lost their lives this afternoon were at work excavating 500 feet down In the shaft. Their survly of air came from a two-foot 'canvas tube which ran down the shaft from the surface of the ground. In some unknown manner this tube either became tangled or clogged this after noon about J00 feet down from the surface. With the air supply shut off the shaft rapidly filled with gas and the men were suffocated. It was some time before rescuers from the surface could reach them, and then they were at first, sbla to extricate only four of the bodies. . i The dead are as follows: EDWARD BROOKS. FRANK WILL AY. GEORGE GIBBONS. JOE DAILEY. U P. PETERSON. WILLIAM HOLT. AH except Holt are married men and leave families. The six were doing repair work 350 feet down In the 900-foot shaft. The contractors state that they had failed to properly connect 1E0 feet above the can vae tube, which carried air down the shaft. With the air supply ahut off sulphur gas rapidly filled the mine and suffocated the men. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Slto Selected for Federal Bnlldlng; Donate! by Cltlseas of low Falls. (PYom a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Nov. 2.-8pee1nl Tele gram.) The secretary of the treasury his selected the site for the publlo building at Iowa Falls, la-, located at the northwest corner Of Main and Kstes streets, owned by Abble J. Foster. This lot is donated -to the government. Postmasters appointed: Nebraska. Lake aide, Sheridan county, Harry T. Troupe, vice A. 8. Miller, resigned. Iowa, Fernald, Btory county, Reese Hilburn, vice R. J,. Drake, resigned. South Dakota, Butler, Day county. Charles A. Potter, vice C. Goodell, resigned; Florence, Codington county, Hattie L. Meyer, vice H. L. Burn stadt. married; Greenway, McPherson county, Henry B. Zenk. vice J. i. Luts, resigned; Little Eagle. Boroman county, SSBBBSBaaSBBBaBBaBBBBBBBBBBBaaBBBBSBaaBSBaeBBBaSl 1 Lorena M. Bandera, vice B. Commons, re signed; Pennington, Pennington county, Elisabeth J. Haleton, vice 13. J. Fan ran wald, married. Applications to organise national banks ware approved today as follows: The First National bank of DyersvUle, la;, with 000 capital, by W. E. Beddow,.W. H. Nes haus. D. J. Murphy, W. C, tarle and I. M. Leppert. The First National bank ot Gary. 8. D-. with M.0OC capital by T. M, Anthony, John Bwenaon, Christian Ander son, Samuel Leylsyn, Q.. JL Fries and J, A. Thomson. I NET ABOUT HUE. STEINHEIL Remarkable French Woman Believed to Be Murdereis. IjIEN LURED BY HER CHARMS Her Salon Daaallnarly Brilliant -line- baas' Hat and Probably Rf nM by Her Order, la the Belief. PARIS, Nov. 28. The gtelnhell case continues to be the aensatlon of the hour In all France. No one ventures to say where the revelations will end. The po litical aide looms larger and larger every day and the Interest harks back aiwaya to the tragic death In Paris In 18V of Felix Fure. president of France. M. Faure died In the midst of the Dryfua excitement. The most minute details of the scene In the room where he expired In the, com pany of Madame Btelnhell are today fla grantly published by even the republican newspapers. Up to the present time this incident In the career of Madame Hteln hell has only been referred to covertly. The royalist and anti-Dreyfus organs de mand an official Investigation Into the death of M. Faure and Intimate openly that M. Faure, aa the Insuperable obetacle to the leaders of the Dreyfus agitation, was the victim of a plot. They have put forward the old allegation that M. Faure Intended to yield to the petitions of the Dreyfusarda and sign an order' for the revision of the case, and consequently he was poisoned. Verdict aa to Faere'e Death. The only reason to believe that M. Faure did not die a natural death Id found In the fact that hie body discom posed with unusual rapidity, and to offset this are the statements of five of the best known physicians who certified that he died of cerebral hemorrhage. The other etory, that Madame Stelnhell waa present when ha passed away, seems unfortunately to be true, and great regret la expressed that clrcumstancea have now compelled the disclosure to the world of thla old acandal which the Faure family and the frlenda of the former preaident thought waa burled with hla body. Hhat letters containing evidence of M. Faure'a relatione with Madame Btelnhell were eurrendered after his death probably la true, but the Idea that these communi cations contained compromising etate se crete la rejected by all who were behind that aoene at the time. With regard to the crimes themselves; Madame Btelnhell's husband and her mother, Madame Japy, were found mur dered In the Stelnhell home In Paris on May 31 of thla year, and at the aame time Madame Stelnhell waa discovered bound and gagged; the net Is drawing closer and closer around the wife. Stories of her numerous romantic affalra with peraons of note In political and artistic circles are coming to light dally, and they prove what a remarkable woman she waa. ' "The Charmer of Men. She is now called "the charmer of men." Her salon was daztllngly brilliant. Her last lover, in whose eyes she declared she wanted to Justify herself, has now been discovered, and his Identity furnished a clue to a motive for the crime. He Is a rich widower and resides in a famous chauteau near Mealeres, In the department of the Ardennes. He la not implicated in the crime. When seen by a Journalist thla man, who la the father of three children, protested frantically at the disgrace an exposure would brlnftv He-said he waa ready to commit suicide! but nevertheleu he made a clean breaat of hla relations with Madame StelnhelL He described how he had met her at a reception at the Steln hells. Tho gathering waa a distinguished one. He soon got Into the habit of meet ing her at the "Oreen Lodge." a villa at Bellevue, which Madame Stelnhell rented under the name of Madame Provost. Mar lette Wolff, the cook, whose son waa ac cused by Madame Stelnhell of being guilty of the murders, lived at the lodge and waa her mistress' confidante. This waa early last year. "For a month it waa an exquisite Idyl," said thla man In describing the episode. "Madame Stelnhell aald aha adored me, and at each meeting she made her avowala and swore I waa the only lover ahe had ever had." Woman Dealea Pair Rtory. "She told me her peat," . the widower continued to the newspaper man, "and denied thla goaalp of her relations with other men. Sh4 insisted particularly that the Faure story waa a legend and aald ahe could .prove that ahe was home 111 at the time of M. Faure'a death. She ad mitted, however, that ahe hated her hua tiand and aald ha led an Infamous exist ence.' She detested her mother, alao, for having forced her to marry Stelnhell. She asaured me that ahe would get a divorce and marry me." Continuing his explanation, thla man re lated how the acalea gradually fell from hla eyea. When the apell waa broken he returned home. Madame Btelnhell, how ever, continued to pursue him and tele phoned him every day. On the morning of the crime ahe called him up by long distance telephone, but the wire waa not working well and he could barely understand .what ahe aald. Finally ahe exclaimed: "I am satisfied, for I have heard your voice; that la enough for me." The next day, when he learned of the murders, he suspected the truth and cama to Paris. He aaw Madame Stelnhell and told her never to' see him again until she had cleared herself. The prevailing belief In Paris today ia that Mme. Stelnhell deliberately had her huaband and mother asaaaslnated. Possible Political Developmeate. The possible developments of the political aide of the case can best be likened to a pawder magaxlne, and the Preyruaards are moving heaven .and earth to explode It. absolutely regardless of the national scan dal that may result. M. Berry, conaervative, gave notice In the Chamber-of Deputlea thla afternoon that he Intended to present an Interpella tion en the matter. The aensational afternoon papers are filled with the wildest rumors and the most minute articles concerning the death of M.. Eaure. It haa been predicted al ready that Madame Stelnhell will be de clared crasy and locked up in an asylum And that In thla manner all further pro- ceedlnga will be stifled. As a matter ot fact, the experts agree that ahe la today a complete nervous wreck, even If ahe were responsible at the time of the crime. Several newspapers pretend to know the name ot the asaessln fit Btelnhell and Madame Japy, aa well aa that of hla ac complice- Late thla afternoon the widower who admitted he waa the last lover of Madame Stelnhell cama into Parle and voluntarily told his story to M. Andre, the examining magistrate. The name of thla man haa not yet been disclosed: EMPEROR'S DIAMOND; JUBILEE Franrle Joseph Entertains Delegation of Elarat Hendred Officials, Who Asanre Hla ef Loyalty. VIENNA. Nov. .-Emperor Francis Jo seph today received a delegation of 800 offl ciala of the emperor, Including the Austrian premier, who congratulated him on hla di mond Jubilee, The premier made a speech In which he aseurrd hta majesty of the ateadfaat loyslty of his subjects. The em peror replied that the work of the aervants of the empire mut aiwaya be baeed on the law and must never be Identified with any political party. Both bounce of the Austrian Parliament were In seeelon today and speeches of enthuslaatlo loyalty wero made In each. JUDGES 10 COME ON MONDAY (Continued from First Page.) them down because of the source of tne Idea. And then some of the officer be lieve It Is beyond their Jurisdiction to make recommendations to a legislature and governor of the opposite party. One thing, however, has been practically agreed upon by the holdovers and that Is Governor-elect Shallenberger will get an opportunity to assess rallroacia all by hla lonesome next summer. Ono of the reaaona why the democrats urged the election of the Alma man waa because, they aald, he would Increase the value of railroad property and reduce tha value of farm lands. At least two members of the board have said alnce election Ihcy will vote for any motion Mr. Shallen berger makes In reference to the asseaa ment of railroad property. There two with the new governor will constitute a majority of the board. So the new governor will be vtlvon a free hand to keep his pledge to Increase the value of railroad property. A ma jority of tho holdover board members will also vote to reduce the value uf tarm lands If the new governor makes the mo tion. Consequently no governor ever went Into the executive office in better shape to carry out hla pledges, and If 'he new governor falls to keep hla promises and flnda it impossible to keep them for other res.sona the blame will be entirely his own. Certificates of election have been made Credential for Klectorn. out to the democratic electors by Gov ernor Sheldon and a letter aent them to appear at the executive office "at noon Saturday preceding the second Monday in January" to meet and organize. On the Monday following that meeting thoy will meet again and eelect a messenger to take the vote to Washington. OLD ENGINES FOR MUSEUMS New York Central Lines Will Present Them to Technical Schools of Coaatry. (CHICAGO, Nov. El (Special Telegram.) Instead of establishing a museum of Ita own to preserve Its relics, the management of the New York Central lines has decided to donate whatever It haa of historical value to the colleges and universities of the country. To start the work the com pany haa presented to Purdue university in Lafayette, Ind., an old Eddy engine. the only one of lta type in existence, which was built in Springfield, Mass., In 18TS, named Marmosa, and numbered 39. This school already haa fn lta museum five distinct types o( old locomotives and the Eddy will make the sixth. The Mar mosa haa for aome time been uaed for heating care at the Worcester, Mass., terminal of the Boston & Albany road; The Eddy la sufficiently small to be trans ported on an ordinary flat car. . The standard weight ot englnea built In 1871 waa about 100,000 pounds, while the stand ard of passenger engines now on the big roada ia 276,000 pounds. The Eddy waa way under the standard of the year, It waa built. and embraces several . peculiar features. The New York Central syatem la made up ot some of the oldeat roada in the country and it la be lieved a search will find a great deal that will be ot vaJue to the schools of the coun try. Of course In the distribution most ot the stuff will go to the technical echools. DIVORCE EXHIBIT DEPLORABLE Cardinal Gibbons Comments I'nea Shonlng by UnltedT States One In Twelve Marriages. BALTIMORE. Md., Nov. a.-Cardinal Gibbons commented today on the divorce statistics recently sent forth. It was a deplorable exhibit, he aald. that there was not a united effort to combat the evil If we are to remain a Christian people. There must be more stringent legislation on the subject, he declared. Referring to the ahowlng of one divorce In every twelve marriages, the cardinal aald: "But when we come to observe more closely, we find that as tho Catholica do not tolerate divorcea they muat be ex cluded from thla atate, which makea the ahowlng actually one divorce in every ten marriages. Could anything be more shock ing? The data ahowa that the divorce rate la higher In the United Statea than In any other civilized country in the world." He added: "The marital tie la becoming less and less binding, and unless some thing can be done to check the evil, the results must be appalling." MANY ANIMALS AT THE SHOW Rerord-Breaklasj: Competition Marks International Live Stock Ex hibition at Chicago, CHICAGO, Nov. 28. With more animals than were ever shown here before the International Live Stock exposition opened today at tha International Amphitheater and adjacent buildings at the stock yOrda, to continue for the next, twelve days. The exhibits are from twenty-two atates, Eng land, Belgium. Canada and Mexico. Today's program Included conteata between audenta of agricultural colleges for 15.000 worth of agricultural scholarships offered by J. Ogden Armour. One feature waa a com parison by rigid contests of practical ex- A Snap in Tailoring Prices Reduced to $28 Suits $20 S40 Suits $30 Every Suit Cut Fitted and Made in Omaha Select One Now While Patterns are Good HERZOG TAILORING CO. 219 North 16th Street Feel Better, Look Better, Eat and Sleep Better Hood's Sarsaparilla will renew your vigor and vim. clear your complexion and improve your color, increase your appetite and aid your diges tion, and make your sleep refreshing. It multiplies and develops the red blood cor puscles, gives health and strength to the white corpuscles, and is the greatest curative, tonic and preventive medicine the world has ever known. It is scientifically established that pure blood ia indispensable to the proper performance of any function of the body. Without it, neither the stomach, liver, kidneys nor bowels, nor any other bodily organ can work well. Hood's Sarsaparilla makes pure blood, and it is in doing this that it accomplishes so much. It eradicates scrofula and all olher humors, cures eczema or salt rheum, catarrh, rheumatism, and dyspepsia, relieves that tired feeling, and build up the whole system. It gives the best possible protec tion againxt all infectious and con tagious diseases, by making the tyilood'a Sarsaparilla effects lta wonderful cures, not simply because It contains sarsaparilla, but because it combines the Utmost remedial values of more than 20 different ingredients, each greatly strengthened and enriched by thla peculiar combination. There is no real substitute for it. If urged to buy any preparation aald to be "just as good," you mey be aure It is inferior, coats lesa to make, and yields tbe dealer a larger profit. Begin taking Hood's Sarsaparilla today. Get it in the usual liquid form or in chocolated tablets known as Sarsatabs. 100 Doses One Dollar, perlence not obtained In college with the oretical farming. The management pre dicted a record-breaking attendence. WATER POWER IN SIOUX FALLS Blajr Project Second Only In Import ance to Harnesilnn ot St. Anthony Falls. 8IOIJX FALLS, 8. D., Nov. 28.-(Bpeclal.) By the harnessing of the Big Bloux river, which flows directly through Sioux Falls, the greatest water power development In tha west thla year Is fast n earing com pletion In thla city. The development of the water power of the failaof the Big Sioux river at a point In the northeastern portion of the city waa financed by the American Trust and Savings bank and the Thomas J. Bolger compar.y of Chicago. Hatf a million dollars haa been expended. The project la second in Importance only to that ef the development yeara ago of the water power of St. Anthony falla, which haa made Minneapolis one of the greatest manufacturing cities of the west. The water power of the Big Sioux river haa been developed by a company organ ised under the name of the Sioux FalU Light and Power company, with a capital of 1760,000. The company haa an authorlaod bond Issue of $750,000, of which $500,000 Is out standing. The company purchaaed and conaolldated with the Caseade Milling com pany, the capital of which was $160,000, and the Queen Bee Mlllinr company, with a capital of $600,000. The officers of the new company are: President, ' K. W. Coughran; vice president, W. O. Haley; treasurer. George B. Caldwell: aecretary, Fred H. need. Mr. Caldwell Is a Chicago man, being In charge of the bond depart ment of the American Trust and Savings bank of that city. The company owna about twelve . acres of land along the Big Sioux river, extend ing front a point below the famoua falls of the Big Sioux to the business center of the city. It controls the flowage from the falla aome three mllea up the river. The water power of the Queen Bee Milling company was furnished by a, dam across the river. Just above the falls. A massive retaining Wall haa been built on both side or the river by the new company, this extending from a point far up the river to i point a short distance above the falls. FIFTEEN YEARS FOR CASHIER William B. Montgomery Sentenced to Thle Term by Pittsburg Judge. PITTSBURG. Nov. 2$. William Mont gomery, former cashier of the Allegheny National bank, which failed for over $1,000,000 some time ago, waa sentenced .o serve fifteen yeara In the western Pennsylvania penitentiary today by Judge Jamee 8. Toung of the Vnlted Slates court. Montgomery waa sentenced upon two Indictments charging Mm with tha embesxlement and abstraction of over $500,000. Contrary to expectations, there were no argumenta when the motion for a new trial came up today and Judge Toung immediately pronounced sentence. Attorney Marshall, the banker's coun sel, aald: "Thla enda the eaae. I do not think that a writ of error will be asked for." Before being sentenced Montgomery waa given an opportunity to make a statement and said: "I never took 1 penny ef the bank's money for my own uaa. The way I have been treated remlnda me of the old days of witchcraft. I waa willing to go on the stand and waa not allowed to and eny ease waa butchered up. I had no oppor tunity ef refreshing my memory from the booka of the bank. I waa led to bellevo by counsel that my caae would not be tried until four or five weeka after the term of court waa opened and then was hurried Into court before I was pro pared. I never took money of the bank. Move the Balance of Our Winter Suitings Quickly $33.00 Suits to Order HOTEL LOYAL BLDO. white blood corpuscles healthy and strong so that they can destroy dis ease germs which attack the red blood corpuscles and bodily tissues. " My appetite was gone and I was In an unstrung nervous condition, unablo to sleep. I became thin, pale and looked ten years older. I was languid and tired all the time. " Hood's SarsAparilla restored me to perfect health. It aided the worn-out nerves of my digestive organs to do their duty. 1 slept peacefully the entire night, and now I feel new life and vitality course through my veins. Within six weeks 1 was once more my former self and have for the past year enjoved the best of health." Julia C. tiso.v, Atlantic City, N. J. At one time, about five or nix years ego, I was worth over $1,000,000. but In the financial flurry my fortune dwindled. The bank also lost, but I think with a proper bank examiner It would not have been closed." Montgomery made a request that he he sent to the federal prison at Atlanta, Ga., but Judge Young said the sentence could not be changed. ROCKY COMFORT BANK ROBBED Cracksmen Secure fit, ZOO and MnWe Their Kacape from Missouri Town. CASSVII.LE, Mo., Nov. . The Citizens bank of Rocky Comfort, Mo., was robbed this morning of $3,200, all the ready money In the bank's safe, and all the papers of the bank were destroyed by the use of explosives. A hardware store was robbed of all the weapona and ammunition that could be found. The robbers stole a hand car belonging to the Missouri & Northern Arkansas railroad at Wheaton, a email place about four miles north of Rocky Comfort, leaving the car three miles east of Wheaton. Rocky Comfort la an Inland town four teen miles west of this city and If about three mllea from the railroad. Reporta say there were four of the robbers. Railroad . tools were used to effect an entrance to the bank. CROKER AND MURPHY TO MEET Lender and Ex-Boas of Jew York City Will Talk Over the Situation. NEW YORK, Nov. 18. The World sayl ' froflj "Charles F, Murphy will return today Mount Clemens. Mich., and Is expected to meet Richard Crokcr this evening at 'ha democratic club'a reception to Croker, Frlenda of both expect that after the meet ing something definite will be forthcoming to dispose 6f the renemt-J and persistent rumors about the object of Croker'a return. Tammany men are sure there will -be less talk of Croker'a coining back after the boss and the ex-boss have talked. So far la the district leaders are concerned, no stock has been taken in tha story of Croker's taking hold of Tarumany." NEED NOT DISCLOSE PLOTTERS t'nlted States Commissioner Rules antes of Russians May Be Ket Secret. CHICAGO. Nov. S.-United States Com missioner Foote had difficulty In restrain ing an outburst of applause today when he declared that Christian Rudnwlci, the Russian revolutionist, need not divulge the names of his comradea who had plotted with him against the csar In Russia. Attorney Rlgby for the Russian govern ment. Insisted that these names be given or all Rudowics' testimony stricken from the record. Clarence Darrow of counsel for the defense, wrathfully declared that the evidence demanded had no bearing on the case. T The court'a ruling waa of vital Impor tance to the defendant. PREPARING F0FT CEREMONIES Edict Issued Fixing; Beginning mt ' Reign of Pn Yl for New 1 Year' Dny. PEKING, Nov. .-An edict was Issued today ordering tho necessary sacrifices pre paratory to the ceremonlea of December 13 to mark the ascension to the throne of tho infant emperor, Pu Yl. Another edict of today flxea the beginning of thai Hsun Hsuang Tung era (the reign of P4 TO fr New Tear'a flay and aets forth that Pu Yl makes hla ascension to the throne Imme diately because, having received thla great responsibility' from Kuang Hsu, the. lato empenor, be must lose no time In under taking It. .J D. II DECK, llgr. 65) Ofll ' Ua 4LaV