Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 9, Image 17

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Arrival at Peking of the Dalai Lama
of Tibet.
Saprena Hri of Baddalsta Now
Howard la. 1llow Teaaple, from
mlt II I m Depart.
PEKING, Bppt. 28. The Dalai Umi has
Arrived! i
To the tum-tuming of the kettle drums
hung over the necks of shaggy Mongol
pontes, to the flaring and the brasslness,
the blaring and the aaaslnesa of shrill Chi
nese horns, to the ruatle of thoae bright
yellow Umi robes, to the clatter of 400
doughty Httle pony hoofs, the clanking of
the swords of their Important looking Chi
nese soldier riders and the choruses of
sharp, shrill shouts to hustle the street
crowds out of the way of these same
riders as the cavalcade swings along and
horrors! to the toot-tooting of the rail
road train whistle, the Dalai Um of Tibet,
the Jewel of Majesty, the Sovereign Treae
ure, made his way into the capital city of
the Middle Kingdom today.
The sftt chunking harmony of the oamel
bells djwn by the city moat along the
railroad rhythmically keeps time with the
chewing, chewing, chewing of 200 mouths la
eocentrlo motion as the camels wait to be
loaded by their Mongol and Tibetan bag
gage smashers. Bmall mountains of yak
skin and hair-covered boxes, each capped
by a shock of matty, black hair and
mass of coarse winter clothes lust as black
though not originally so as those which
cover a dusky Tatar watcher upon whom
the water of the moat, dark as It Is, yearns
for a chance these lines of hills hedge
In the army of desert-traveled beasts along
the freight tracks. '
Odor a necessity.
And this odor, as of richest Llmburger
after many days, and that other, as of an
Ellis Island detention room are these
proper things to present to the sensitive
nostrils of the Dalai Lama upon his ar
rival? Proper? Perfectly. Forsooth, he
could not thrive without them. These odors
belona- to him aa well as these mountains
of boxes, their sources. Hard sticks of
Mongol cheese and quantities of Tibetan
yak butter, to be chewed upon all the day
ion aa the Tatars drink their tea and
alt and butter soup, line the Inside of these
Three hundred rumbling Peking carts with
scraggly little horses blinking for rest, are
doing their bast to eat away some part of
the box mountains. Possibly they are car
rylng away some of the rolls of camel hair
and wool Tibetan cloth or some of the
gold and silver articles, presents which
the Delal is to give to help square matters
with the emperor and also to scatter -among
thi Chinese officials. Here a line of nny
khaki olad Chinese, each with a big bog.
on his shoulder, winds through tne mass
of baggatfs. " J -
The Dalal's vanguard or servants are tak
ing life easy. They are the srueats, and
they know It Bo let the other fellow do
the work.
What they lack In hustling ability they
supply In causing merriment. Bee over
In that modern frleght car the world s prise
baggage smasher. : -
He's av Cr Dalai. .
Stripped to the walat, his upper garment
hanging like a second hand clothing shop's
Stock In full blow around his middle, frowsy
locks twined with dust and dirt, a foolish
grin spreading over his face, a medieval
Old Black Joe Tarterised stands framed
In the doorway. A foreigner steals up
fjom behind a box to snap his picture,
"ytyth a Punch and Judy, apelike laugh he
jumps back Into the car and cautiously
peeks around to see what la happening.
No spirits are going to get hold of him
out of that mysterious black box If he can
help It. And the crowd of Chinese looking
on from the opposite bank roar with merri
ment at hi superstition. They roar again
when In an unwonted moment he Is enap
peded. But he Is a humorist himself. Bo
the leering grin spreads Itself again and he
proceeds contentedly.
Over on the fear platform of the railroad
yard the hundred brown ponies for the
Dalal's followers are getting impatient. But
now the Chinese soldier-police, of the city,
two companies of them not very many
for so august a personage are manoeuvring
In a scattered fashion to try to get Into line
for the arrival. '
They are a pretty, natty looking crowd
compared with the usual shambling speci
men around the city. They are almost
Jaunty In their khaki uniforms, their guns
are well polished and the usual weak In
the knees, caved In chest and stomach at
titude, has given place to an erectness that
would do proud the German army learning
the goose step.
Officials Are Baay.
The welcoming officials, too,' are getting
busy, but not very enthusiastically. The
highest rank man of the lot, and he not
too high, would seem to be anxious to
have the show over and get off on more
Important business or pleasure. China Is
not ke-towlng to the Dalai I-ama today.
It la merely buying him flatter candy, of
fered on a big flat hand that can do a lot
of spanking for pouting children.
The dragons of the yellow flags are
crawling convulsively In the fluttering
wind, the two police bands are getting
ready to brass forth modern music, when
"Lot la!" (He ha come!)
The train pulla In, rustling, sllkclad Mon
gol and Tibetan lamas bustle up to the
main coach, a yellow sedan chair, a pea'
cock reamer ana a spangled umbrella, an-
- other sunshade of yellow drapery, . are
, t
Valuable Item
for EVJcn
Health and strength hitherto un
known will be felt surging lu rich
red blood through the arteritis and
veins and life's greatest ambition
may be realised as never before. If
Ui following special ueaunent la fol
lowed by those men ana women, too,
who. ate etrluken with the moat
dreaded of all afflictions, nervous
exuaustlon, accompanied with such
symptoms aa extreme nervouaneas,
inaoiiinla, cold exlremlttea, melan
cholia, heaitaWiea. conailpatloii aud
dyspepsia, kindney trouble, dreadful
oreania of direful disaster. Inutility
In venturing ana a general inaolluy
to act natuially at ail tlinea aa other
people do. Lack ut polae and equilib
rium In men la a constant source of
embarrassment even when the public
least upt-ct It. tor Uie bene III uf
thoae who want a maturation to full
bounding health and all the happi
ness accompanying It, the following
home treatment la given. It contains
no opiates or habit forming drugs
whatever. Mix It at homa and no
one will be the wiser as to your af
fliction. .
The treatment I simple, thorough
and correct- Leading urusglsts aup
ply the main tinctures, extracts and
essences in one ounce bottle, ready
to mix. list- three ounces of ayrup
saraaparllia compound, rrtlx with one
ounce compound fluid baimwort,
and stand two hours Add one ounce
coiuLoujid ekaence carUtol, and uue
ounce tincture cadomene. (not car
doinoiu) compound. Shake well and
lii a a tablaapvonful after each meal
and one at bedtime
The Ingredienta are used for var
loua prescriptions.
Sj;), M?
rushed up to ths car and there steps off
from a modern private railroad coach the
living god.
"What? The living god? The live
Buddha? A god come to earth, and that
In a railroad roach? At least say a flying
machine." Possibly the grim old Peking
city wall, looming Its forty ft of gray-
rteaa aloft and stolidly regarding the pro
cession from almost directly above the
head of the "living god," utters a few ap
propriate remarks In somewhat more con
vincing Chinese terms than these and then
tries to settle back to lake care of the
usual afternoon's nklsha and cart snd dust
snd coolie rush under Its gorgeous 1160,000
chlen men or front gats pagoda.
But It cannot rest
"Who Is this Dalai Lama they hava been
doing so much talking 'about her for the
last two months, anyhow?" The old em
brasured wall with Its big butteresses,
though not from Missouri, would like to
be shown.
Uod of All the l.aaai.
Well, he's the god on earth of all lamas
the Buddhists of Mongolia, Tibet, China,
part of India and Central Asia. From
upon his citadel the plateau of Central
Asia, Tibet, the exclusive, and Lhaasa, its
holy of holies, 16.000 feet above the. or
dinary mortal does he wield his sway,
He holds In absolute rein these rawboned
Mongol of powerful frame, the hardy de
scendants of the hordes of Genghis and
Kublat Khan and of the Huns that spread
devastation over Europe.
From the grsssy plains they rove about
and worship him and make pilgrimage to
him. His effulgent majesty holds in aw
the simple-minded Tibetans who have no
land, no possessions of their Own, but by
til grace axe allowed to exist in ths
sacred land we knos) as Tibet. His ars all
ths lands, ths wealth, the lives within Us
borders; their is the privilege to exist by
his graclousness.
They know no temporal power on earth
greater than the Chinese empire. Eng
land's Dreadnoughts, ths mailed fist, etc.,
are nought to them. But they would stir
things up against China, even China, the
awe Inspiring, If Uie Dalai Lama were not
treated In proper style. With these two
Tartar tribes, the rover of the flowery
plains of Mongolia, the dwellers in the
lofty fortresses of Tibet, simple, supersti
tious, who would kill one of their number
before allowing him to depart from de
votion to the Dalai to profess Christianity,
does his power chiefly He.
Oot an Early Start,
Back In 632 A. D. did the Dalia have his
beginning. Then was there merely a plain,
ordinary king rullag the land of Tibet
But Just before this time, aa the result of
the persuasion of the young Chinese Bud
dhist wife of King Srong-Tsau-Oumpo,
Buddhist missionaries had mude their way
Into the heights of ths Himalayas from
India and the king had turned Buddhist
In that year, he had sent to India for
the holy scriptures of Buddhism. But the
devil worshippers were not pleased. Their
long devil driving whips cracked Viciously,
the tusks of their ferocious false heads
they put over their upper bodies aa they
drove ths devils out In their wild dance
projected ominously. So they massacred
the Buddhists,
But these returned, they grew the more
rapidly, they became powerful and wealthy
The old chiefs of the land Instead of using
the abbots and divines to foster their own
power, as they bad expected, had to fight
for the very existence of their strength.
There grew up the Red Caps -and th
Yellow Caps the Reds the military body
striving to make use of the religious . to
forward their designs, the Tellows ths re
ligious body with popular support-
Genghis Khan Started Trouble."
Eastward In China Oeonghla Khan had
swept down upon the country and coa
quered it. Kablal, his son, reached up Into
Tibet when he had spars tlms In Ui and
made his favorite Buddhist priest the
supreme lama of the empire, king of the
great and precious law. giving him tem
porai power In Tibet And now do ws ap
proach the first real Dalai Lama!.
This was a victory for the-Reds, but not
for long. The Tellowi" finally triumphed,
and In Hit their chief priest the Dalol
Lama, became the sole temporal power In
Tibet. A divine origin was discovered for
the Dalai Lamas by the fifth of the line
about 1360, when the Reds were driven out
of power entirely. About 1760 the power of
China over Tibet was firmly established
Babies In Tibet have to look out for
themselves on occasion or they may b
snapped up to become a Dalai Lama before
they know It In former times all the ba
bles who were born exactly the minute the
Dalai died not a fraction of a second, more
or less supposedly were collected. From
them by lot was the new dalM selected, and
in the near selection did evidences of divine
origin Immediately appear.
How Ha Happened.
But the present dalal's arising was differ
ent. It began to appear that the lot waa
not an absolutely certain method of discov
erlng in whom ths divine spirit of the de
parted dalal bad reincarnated Itself, Bo
particularly pure priest from one of the
great lamaseries of Tibet waa told to go
rortn -and find a successor when ths next
dalal died.
wandering by the side of a lake near
Lhassa he saw the reflection of the new
Dalai In the glassy surface. Hs found ths
living counterpart of the lake picture in .
peasant'a cottago as he returned home'.
This wss dlvlns pointing Indeed.'
"So this Is ths personage who thought
he must needs have a roadway built ovor
me Instead of riding In through my gate
like ordinary mortals!" continues ths old
Pekln wll. "They say that uar-d -
with his predecessors when I was younr
and didn't know any better.
But things have changed. Dalal Lamaa
from that stick-in-the-mud place, Lhasa
aren't so much. We're some pumpkins ourselves.
"How about these electric lights and
steam road rollers and automobile. ' th.t
we're so busy with! Must ride Ovor ma on
a special roadway! Why, in two or thre
years we'll be bringing htm tnto Peking on
a pay as you enfer trolley car and collect
ing his fare at that!"
And the haughty mistress, $150 000 Chlen
Men Pagoda disdainfully curves up th
corners of her pagoda roof nose even
higher into the air.
Bnddhlsts' Holy Monntaln.
"Where has he come from?" is the wall's
next query.
Off west of Peking about 800 miles there
rise out of th poppy fields of opium rid
den Shansl province the sacred five peeks
of the Buddhist holy mountain, Wu Tal
Shan (Five 'Peaks, mountain). For many
centuries It ha been venerated. It has
been th center of thousands of toilsome
pilgrimages. , . v t ;
To have his bones " burled -there Is the
ambition of every Lama priest. It t said
to be one of the oldest sucred mountains
In ths world., In s softreetfu! valley are
th center of Interest, the temple moat
of them reposing In beautiful groves of
re. a. wunra.i wmi me rugged bareness
Of th mountain. Surrounding this valley
are th flvt sacred peaks:
From ner am me hiatal come. Fee ,.
beat part of a year had he been Hying
mere. its nan len uiassa behind htm In
ju wnrn iu , jpruisn expedition Under
Colonel Tounghuaband went up from India
to break In behind bis closed doors snd
flattering overtures to the Dalai,
factually prevented from bugging In th
land and camping, a source of uneasiness.
on the northern boundary of India.
Ths Dalai was not anxious to meet the
colonel. Away he went Into Mongolia. He
has been on a traveling education trip ever
sines. '
Woe upon the poor land through which
he passed! He must- travel In style. .His
ravenous crsw of follower must be fed.
bis train must have hundreds of cam
els and horsea The best of the. land
must b their. And the countryside round
about provide all animals, etc., and foots
II bills.
Then when his train ' has been horsed,
housed -and fed the untamed passions of
these supposed celibates loose themselves
and womanhood In the country about Is in
eopardy. Entertaining the Dalat is not an
enviable Job. He comes Into a land which
Is prosperous and happy; he leaves It poor
and devastated. If the walls from some of
the districts count for anything.
The people are glad to see him go. The
departure of an uninvited guest whose
rough codger followers demand aa their
right everything one has. for nothing. Is a
happy event for a meek and long suffer
ing people. ....
But the Dalai was In no hurry to come to
Peking for his audience with the emperor.
He knew he had been almost a naughty
boy In 11 king the Russians so well and tak
ing so much ctndy from them. He knew
that Papa China recognised what Russia
was after and had no loving feelings to
see the Dalal's Valuable toy, Tibet, coddled
Into a shaggy paw.
Tries to Dodge Peking;.
He also knew that really the only thing
hs was wanted for In Peking was to have
Papa China assured that, while, of course.
he could have a little fun of his own wltn
his toy Tibet, it really was papa's prop
erly, and that he, the Dalal, must always
be a good boy and do what he was told.
"But," may have thought the Dalai, 'In
our travels we have learned that there are
other countries more powerful than China.
We want them."
So he tried hide and seek with Papa. He
was coming, but always next montn, until,
as It was said, "Big Man" Tuan Snlti Kal
in the grand council advised the emperor
to send lor the Deshl Lama, second In com
mand In Tibet Then the Dalai cume on
the Jump. From Wu Tal he traveled
about 100 mile over country and thence to
Peking by the Peking-Hankow railroad.
HI train has pulled in. Unhallowed for-
elgneis, who, as usual, on the strength of
being foreigners, have pushed In and over
awed the Chinese soldier guard ot honor,
crowd up to the car to see the face so long
hidden from public gaze.
A bodyguard of a dosen Tibetan soldiers,
"The Dalal's Own' step off and line up.
They are a gentle looking lot who seem not
altogether sure as to what these things
are that they are carrying over their shoul
dersrifles. They make no attempt to
clear away the foreigners to make room for
the Dalal to step off the car Into the yellow
chair, but get out of the crowd as soon ss
possible and take their stately position in
front of the procession, where things are
Dlasrast Is Apparent.
Who Is this shrewd, thin, sharp faced
young Tibetan who stands on th oar plat
form and wears so disguested a look a he
gasa at the shoving pack of foreigners?
"A pretty way to meet a living god," he
seems to mutter.
His yellow robes rustla as he passes in
side a plan a campaign for getting the
Dalal out without being seen. He Is the
Dalal's secretary, and no sluggard, but
possessing ths qualities of a modern busi
ness man.'
They come. First are four solid , look
ing Tibetan Individuals whose chubby,
broad figures and fat faces ' fringed with
long whiskers, give them the appearance
of good Dutch Transvaal burghers. Only
their rich yellow silks do not fit the sug
gestion of ths Transvaal.
They shield with screens the Dalal, who
wears blue spectacles. He steps quickly
Into ths chair, affording spectators only a
passing glimpse, and la pff down the plat
form to drink tea wi'h the welcoming of
ficials and depart
These attendants of tho Dalal are a pic
ture. Her Is one stiff-boned old Mongol,
head shaven. so close that there Is not a
vestlgs of a hair, yellow silks contrasting
fiercely with a dusky face that would seem
to be better fitted In the dusty rough rid
ing clothes of a wandering plainsman and
topped with the equivalent of our high
hat a boardlike thing that resembles a
plate bearing a temple structure. The near
baby blue ribbons that harness this ma
chine on the tanned shaven head are a
comlo opera in themselves. Hs reminds
one of the country wedding, where top bats
of ancient design rock In delicate balance
on the tip top knob of heads all too big.
Banner In the Parade,
Here this lean, strapping fellow carry
ing the peacock umbrella resembles what
a wiry Bowery newsboy would look Ilk
dressed In soma fond mother's son' big
white frilled collar and ribbon bow and
carrying the "Our Little Lamb" banner
In the Sunday school parade.
The Chinese officials are not enjoying
themselves. See ' those carrying th
Buddhlat Idols, and think how little dif
ferent from the gruff old bachelor, loft
helpless with a - squalling, s-months-old
baby In bla arms to watch after. So the
procession moves, on. They mount all
except the Dalat, who Is carried quickly
In bis chair. - . ,
Out In ths streets leading Into the Tar
tar city crowds of Chinese line the road.
The foreigners look down from the top of
the wall. In the country where the Dalat
traveled , the people had to kneel. But
they do not even think of It here, only
laugh and stand and crane to get a look.
The crowd is not impressed at all, but
rather regards the parade in something of
the humorous vein. And this Is the atti
tude of the best Chinese. Some who take
things a little more seriously and who
cannot forget his love making tendencies
with the Russians would say "kill him be
fore he gets, away." Others merely shake
their heads and say that he will never be
anything more than practically a pris
onerguest for life In one of Peking'
But listen to this fat. Jolly, wis Chinese
gentleman who stands alongside of you:
"A good plaything," Is his verdict.
So th Dalal 1 carried out to live In th
great yellow tempi, that charming old
lama headquarters, where lodged in former
time the Mongol prince who cam to
Peking to pay tribute to the emperor. It
tumbled old' building have been repaired,
roadway out from the city have been
built and pltnty of soldier stationed about
to add dignity.
From hers Issue many rumors that spread
about the city, how ths' Dalal Is fencing
with ths emperor to see who Is th greater.
Now we hear that th official ar de
manding that the Dalai kotow to the em
peror at his audience and that the Dalai
refuses. Again, It Is said that the Dalai
demands that hi counsel and approval b
made requisite before any measure Is da
creed for Tibet; otherwise be will not be
responsible for upheavals In that territory.
And meanwhile from Tibet came rumb
lings. Ths people want their god back.
Also they have no us for ths Chinese resi
dent ofticlsl there (Biiao Er Feng), who
With two Chlness atnbans or legates has
Schaige of the military and foreign relations
SJ?V''. 11, Ass
se that th big Russian bear from th. I of th land. They demand his recall
north, who, It wss rumored, was making J The Chinese government dearly needs to
Only three week's more and then CHRISTMAS. The time WHEN,
What present is more acceptable than a beautiful sweet toned piano?
A Christmas present for everyone in the home to enjoy. Onr pianos will
give continuous satisfaction for a lifetime.
A Piano will bring refinement us well as pleasure into the home. It
will bring young folks to the house and you will admit the .musical girl or
young man is the one most sought after socially. Let us help you select
a piano from our beautiful stock aa that present. You can make Bmall
payments down, say $10.00 or $15.00 and the balance in small monthly
1 We will deliver the piano to you Christmas Eve. You will be glad to know that in all Omaha there is
but one place to visit when seeking a Piano or Player Piano. The Player Piano is, the new kind of piano that
everyone can play. You'll find in our Piano Warerooms the World Standard and best instruments, such as the Knabe,
Sohmer, Fischer, Chickering Bros.Estey, Wegman, Schaeffer, Price & Teeple, Smith & Barnes, Smith & Nixon, Ebersole,
Milton, Franklin, "The only perfect Piano Player, the Angelus," Knabe-Angelus, Emerson-Angelus and Angelus Piano.
At once you will admit that the presence of so many famous pianos in one house gives THAT HOUSE THE AC
KNOWLEDGED LEADERSHIP. This with our prices makes Piano Buying very easy. You are welcome to have the
privilege of examining and trying any of our instruments to your heart's content.
Just a Word About Our Exchange Department
Her yow wiU find Uie greatest piano burgains ever offered. We
are crowded for npare and the prices on these lnstruments.ln some cases,
are one-third of w hat they cost to manufacture. . AU these pianos have
been thoroughly repaired and put in fine condition, gnaranteed by us.
Cut put tills advertisement and bring it with you or select one of
thege bargainB and we will deliver it to you CHRISTMAS KVE. These
prices Include the delivery of the piano to your home and a Ixtutlful new
scarf and stool.
1 Walter's Upright, Rosowod caEe $75.00
1 Mueller Upright, Ebony case $85.00
1 Pease Upright, Ebony case r $105.00
1 Sohmer Upright, Ebony case $125.00
1 Franklin Upright, Mahogany case $137.00
1 Kohler & Campbell, Walnut case... $145.00
1 Wegman, used two years, Mahogany case. . ........... .$145.00
1 Estey, used 7 months, Mahogany case....
1 Chickering Bros., used for concert.
1 Ebersole, used a short time, oak case
1 Bush & Lane, almost new, French Burl Walnut
1 Large Fischer, regular $500. Mahogany case. . . . f ... .
1 Large.Style EBtey, regular price $500, Butternut case.
1 Knabe, used for concerts, Mahogany case..;
Organs at . $5 $10 $15 $25 $30 and $35
Square Pianos from $10 $15 $18 $25 $27 $27.50 and $35
1 Kreiter, Walnut case
1 Schaeffer Upright, used six months
1 Ivers & Pond Upright, used six months
1 Fischer Upright, used a short time
1 Chickering & Sons, ((Boston)
1 FiBher Upright, used 1 years, oak case
$175 .00
'H&ydei Bros.
"Always In tho Lead"
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To say that you will
use our line this
winter when you go
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Runs through, daily, to LOS ANGELES, via j
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Equipment and Service the Best that Money
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'Phones: Bell Doug. 1828, and Ind. A-3231.
put th screwa down hard on tha Dalai
and Kt him more aecurfly under tnumn.
then quickly return him to Tibet to bring
tranquillity once more into the- land.
So did the Dalai. 84 year old hla lour
pradweaaore have never auoceeded In liv
ing over eighteen, yeara-come to Peking.
Hia power, aa hl name Impllea "boundlaaa
aa the ocean" may be bounded when he
Mr a. "Joky" Ward Has Coa? PUet
tow Kta Edward la Calltoa
UONDON. Nov. . (Bpaclal.)-It has been
definitely arranged that King Edward will
vlalt the Hon. Mr. and Mra. Johnny Ward
t their new home, Chilton Lodge, Berk
ahlre. Immediately after they gat settled
early in January. The purchaea f the ae
tata Is not yet competed, but will be ar
ranged before that time.
The daughter of Arabaaeador Reld and
her Engltah hue band, eonaider themselves
very fortunate In having secured so fine
a place as Chilton Lodge, und before they
heard that the estate, which formerly be
longed to Sir William George Pearce, Bart.,
was for sale, they had inspected a auore or
more places on the market. But In every
caae, . the housea did not meature up to
their expectations. As a matter of fact, it
was only by the Unreal chance that they
secured Chilton Lodge.
Hearing that it was for aule, accom
panied by Mr. and Mrs. Reld and Georglna
Lady Dudley, they motored down from
London to look It over. They had decided
to take It, when they discovered a man
walking In the grounds, and subsequent In
quiry developed the fact that he was Sir
Alexander Henderson, who haa been called
the "Mark Hanna of England," and that
be had bought the estate that aame morn
ing for ffcJO.000. Some time later, Sir Alex
ander heard of the Incident and Immedi
ately ezpreased his willingness to re-sell
the place to the Warda. and the offer was
snapped up.
The Chilton Lodge' estate Is situated on
the border line between Berkshire and
Wiltshire, a little over sixty miles from
London. It eomprlaes about 2,331 acres of
ground, sight farms and seventy-three cot-
tagea and lodges, In addition to Chilton
Lodge Itself. There are about 2S4 seres of
woodland, providing excellent shooting, the
average annual bag of the last three sea
eons being about S.flOO head. The river
Kent, which forma a purt ot the southern
boundary of the eatate, affords good trout
and grayling fishing. . . ,
The mansion Itself la a aubatantlully built
structure of Bath atone and red brick,
partly in the "classical" style of the
Georgian period, with an Imposing portico
on the south side. It atanda on an eleva
tion In a beautiful park of ICO acres, and
la approached by a fine winding drive from
tho village of Chilton Foliat.
It Is the intention of the Wards to reserve
a apeclal room for hia majesty, who Is
expected to be a frequent visitor because
of hia sincere attachment to both Mr. and
Mra. Ward. Although no definite decision
haa been come to yet. It is very likely that
his room will be that known as the "Cela
don room," on the first flour, with a large
dressing room attached. The room meas
ures 24x30 feet six Inohes, and is at present
fitted with a magnificent carved wood
mantel. Mra., Ward, acting upon the In
timate Information which her husband pos-
aeaaes, Is taking considerable pleasure In
fitting up this room for the king's use.
The stabling accommodations are not
large, but will probably meet the needs ot
the young couple for the time to come.
The coach-houae provides standing for ten
carriages and the stable haa six atalls ad
five l.joae boxes. Jn addition, there Is a
newly erected motor garage, accommodat
lng aix cara.
Fwrty-Sevea Per Ceat ot Stockhold
ers of This Syalem Beloaa;
to Weaker Sex.
iVEW YORK, Nov. 18. Women own forty
seven per cent of the stock uf the Pennsyl
vania railroad with a value of more that
tl8,uuO,U0O. Thus nearly half of the aeml
annual dividend of the road, 9,437,639 which
la being distributed today goes to women.
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