Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 2, Image 10

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The Car
for Ladies
one that any woman can
drive with perfect safetv
eiegnni in an us appoint
ments -easy to operate
delightfully comfortable.
Queen Victoria
l( ear particularly adapted for ladles '
ua luiunow ina convenient for
driTinr in the parka oh the boulevards
m canine, pnoppinf, recaptions.
In imHiim aal ik. J
taqairamenu of tha soeisty woman.
Haa htrh ovarlmd eaparttr motor
and controller that will NOT arc or
elean. permlttlne ths om of the moat
daintv or elahnrata ammnm -.' 1
" danrerof Injury. Our two rjasnirav
Irmip Driven Coupe la interchawre
able with Queen Victoria kaiHa a, tu.
aaraa chassis.
Allow Ui To
Demonstrate . '
the Onoen Victoria Modal to you anraa
anamonn, inn enow too dow Mm pie. -J
eonrenlenf, liuurlone. thl pm.nlnr ?
Our deraonetrator la at four eervlre.
Just a Little :Bit
Better ! :
We are not satisfied to show jew
:efry aa good as others show. It Is
'our aim to show you something bettef
.-something different. Excellence of
workmanship,' beauty and exclusive
reds of design and the very best wear
ying qualities characterize every piece,
'and with our. reasonable prices., lnr
.'tending purchasers; can i tnofe..
'economically Jr;v"thaft' "elsewhere
Tou are cordially Invited to Inspect
"and compare.
SIAKOVOB Exquisitely mounted.
The selection has never been as
. fine.
00 S AIi BINOB Handsome, stunning
, effects in then popular shirt waist
rings, t
IiSY ALLIES! S Unique designs and
a variety of stone. A gift Very '
suitable, for young and old. ,. .
And a thousand and one thins that
our efficient force of salespeople will
take pleasure in showing you.
Albert Edholm
1 Jeweler and Silversmith
Ask for beautiful ftufrestlon Book.
I2l nMRS&IO.
fi- oKAhA'
Brooches, 'Chains and
, Rings always dear to the
heart Of womankind, hence
nothing more suitable for
Christmas Gifts.
We Would bo pleased t
have you see our collection
of jeweled, dainties, the rare
eleguncc and attractiveness
we are very proud of.
You know our succeiis wna
brought about by having
kept your faith and it is the
biggest asset of this grow
ing store. Our I 'earl Circled.
Crescents, Harvest Moons.
. ' ftunhurats and Bars' &ra : ". '.-
T more select and better
j priced tiign ever before,
. ranging , . ; ,- ;
S5.O0 to S500 -'
1320 Douglas. Street
f. We urge you to see our
T; Christmas stock at rmce.
Choose now and leave the '
- details of preparing, engrav
r. lng and -delivering to us.
JUL WATCH OntW on time
The Corn Show
1U be open in a tew days so you
.-better bave your clothes fixed tip
'now every Omaha citizen sboulu
look his best when the town is full
,pf visitors.
'. We make e specialty of quick
service, brlnK your suit in in the
morning ana you can bave it dry
Your overcoat niay need a new ?
velvet collar we'eul them on for J
i, ii.ou anq ..",. owing: to t
quality of velvet.'. - s
tllaf Whr nn rnnlte an appointment now II
JU ,by"P-ooe" ormaU. 11
Hi 19S0rainam t, Omaha, ires.' JJ
ly ' Tslapaona Bong-las 3961. . nr
Smarter Affairs Hate to Do with In
- trodnction of More Defcutantet.
Vflotn atf lleavelejaiartere, Kart Crook
and Fort Omaha Will Ulve Big
MIIMarr Rail at Borne
With women, I'm all lacteal mild,
A veritable marker,
. And married life, as days proceed.
Hut rtnders living, darker.
The only woman that at times
Can make existence lighter.
To whom I can ofctate ,t will.
Is merely my typewriter.
-The Weakling.-
The ' Hoelal Calendar.
MONDAY Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Cudahy
and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Baum. cotillion
at Chambers for Miss Jean Cudahy and
Miss Bess Baum; Monday Bridge, club
meeting at the home of Mrs. Joseph Bar
ker; Mrs. John Mine, attarnoon tea from
4 to S o'clook.
TI'E8DAY Tuesday morning musicale st
the home of Mrs. C. C. Allison, afternoon
reception at Brownell hall; melody club
meeting at tha home of Misses Lynn and
Olive Carpenter; Mrs. F. II. Ualnes,
luncheon; Mrs. W. A. Tsxton jr., lunrh
eon at the Omaha club; Mrs. Troupe Mil
ler, bridge party for Mrs. T. U Hunsakrr;
Miss Kail, D. D. club.
WEDNEBDAY Mrs. 8. V. Barkalow, tea
for Miss Carolvn Bnrkalow; meeting of
Mid-Week Bridge club at the home or
Mrs. Ben Cotton; Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
Baum, supper party; Mrs. Charles Arm
strong, New Kensington club; Mrs. H. M.
Johnson, K. K. K. club; Clematis club.
Mrs. I.ycholm; Mrs. Eldrlge, T. P. A.
card party.
THI'RBDAY Mrs. William A. Aycrlgg. af
ternoon reception for Miss Jean Aycrlgg;
All Saints' Social club, dancing and card
party at Wattlea' Memorial Parish Imaae;
Mrs. Franklin Hsrwood, at home at the
Slrehlow apartments; Mrs. B. E. IxveJoy,
Comls club: Peerless club, Mrs. O. G. OS
blrne; Yellow Boss club, Mrs. Norberg;
National Whist club. Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Fenwlok; Mrs. Held Talmage, C. T. Eu
chre Club.
FBIDAY--Mrs. Ben Brown ; Wood, dance
nt her home for Miss Carolyn Barkalow:
Mrs. F. II. Gaines, luncheon'. Mr, -and
Mrs. W. A. Pax ton Jr.. brhige dinner;
Junior Bridge club meeting at the home
of Mrs. Clarke Powell; Ban Boucl club.
Miss Curtis; H. G. L. club, Mrs. Walter
SATURDAY Mrs. Joseph Barker, lunch
eon for Mrs. R. B. H. Bell; Miss Elolse
Wood, musicals. '
The next three wfeka promise to be busy.
Indeed, for the fashionables and, while the
debutantes will claim first attention per
haps, other affairs of Importance are
scheduled. The home coming of the school
folks will enliven things and. In addition
to the afalrs -planned in their honor, th;
coming of the Yale Glee club , will occasion
one large affair and several smaller
things. '
A. much anticipated event of the socle 1
season will bo the military ball, to be
flven Monday evening. December 14, st
the Rome hotel In honor of General and
Mrs. Charles Morton and General and
Mrs. William II. Carter. The ball will
be given by the staff officers of Omaha
and the officers at Fort Omaha and Fort
Crook." The officers will all attend In full
dress uniform and the flags and banners
of the regiments represented will be 1n
evldonce. The announcement of the ball
and reception has created general Interest
In social circles and many are hoping
they will be Included in the list of In
vitations which will be sent on Wednesday.
The number of invitations will be limited
to 400 because of the limited space, so
many friends of the officers will neces
sarily be left off the list. Borne have re
ceived Verbal Invitations, but tho formal
cards will not be out until Wednesday.
It has been some time since Omaha has
seen a brilliant , army affair such as Mon
day evening's promises to be. Omaha Is
becoming a center of importance in army
circles. A fort Is located on either side
end the general offices of the Department
of Missouri are In town, which gives this
city an especially large numbor of army
officers. The army folk of both Fort
Crook and Fort Omaha are prominent in
social circles of the city and this fact
tends to make the ball Monday more
Jne Hall, Dorothy BtepheSa, CStherlne
Kenh.rt. Mary Narden. '
Another debutante was added to this
season's list Fstimlay afternoon, when Mr.
E. A. Cudahy formally presented her
daughter. Miss Jesn Cud.ihy. at one of the
smartest and largest receptions of the'
early winter. The spacious rooms -of the
Cudahy home on South Thirty-seventh
street were bowers of blossoms, mostly
gifts to the debutsnte, and between the
hours of 4 and ( o'clock about 300 guests
came find went. Mrs. Cudahy received
with her daughter In the reception room,
which Was profusely decorsted with Ameri
can beauty rosea Immense hanging baskets
(t chrysanthemums filled esch window
throughout the large room. Her gown was
a dlrectolre costume of lsvender satin with
trimmings of self-tcned lace and gold. Miss
Cudahy wore an empire costume of white
net over white satin, handsomely trimmed
with Venetian lace. The library was
decorated with yellow and white chrysan
themums, snd in the music room KIlRrncy
roses and lilies rT the valley wr used.'
Assisting Mrs. Cudahy were Mrs. O. I
Miller. Mrs. Charles Ehlverlck, Mrs. J. C.
Cowln, Mrs. F. H. Davis, Mrs. fl. D. Barka
low, Mrs. John' 8. Brady, Mrs. A. C. Smith,
Mrs. Clement Chase,- Mrs. C. T. Kountse,
Mrs. Ben Gallagher, Mrs. C. C. Allison,
Mrs. J. M. Daugherty, Mrs. F. A. Nash,
Mrs-. Charles Deuel, Mrs. C. Will Hamilton.
Mrs. Herbert Rogers, Mrs. Joseph Cudahy,
Mrs. C. M. Wllhelm, Mrs. Joseph 8. Bar.
ton, Mrs. Guy C. Barton. Mrs. G. B, tkn,
Mrs. C. J. Green, Mrs. G. W. Wattles.
Mrs. Chnrli-s, Martin nnd Mrs. Joseph
Barker. Among the assisting party were
the season's debutantes and Mrs. Cudahy'a
out-f-town guests. Miss Josephine Cudahy
of Milwaukee, Miss Mary Donaldson of
Minneapolis and Miss Margery Edwards of
Chicago. Mr. and M-s. E. A. Cudahy and
Mies Jean Cudahy gave a supper at their
home In the evening for their out-Of-town
guests, Mls Margery Edwards of Chicago.
Miss Mary Donaldson of Minneapolis and
Miss Josephine Cudahy of Milwaukee.
Their guests were all members of the
younger set.
'Good Cleaners and lyers," J.
1313 Jotics tiu ., 14tli l'lioiu's. !
lilTlinnO ' Having book manu.
fl II 1 rtllrrt ' . rime novel.. uoetrv
nwniviiw hlvry, senoalogy, any
thing that got to n.aka a e)lk, bouk are
tnvlled to correipima with rut.
Uaalag Co., 110. XilUune lilUg., New iuik.
Pleasures Past.
A matinee party at the Bur wood Sat
urday afternoon Included. Mr. and Mrs.
Charles O'Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ter Ketcham, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. White
and Miss Mildred. White. Following the
performance they had dinner at the Loyal
An enjoyable surprise party was given
Friday afternoon for Mrs. H. D. Fisk In
celebration of her birthday. Those present
were: Mrs. 8am Eagan. Mrs. John Kinney,
Mrs. R. Anderson, Mrs. J. Brunner, Mrs.
J. Frleden, Mrs. H. E. Hopper, Mrs. t C.
jveesiers, Mrs. James Davis, Mrs. E B.
Eagsn and Mrs. J. F. Qulnby.
The Shirt Waist cluh met with Mrs. J. J.
Mullen. The home wss neenralet wltK v.).
low and white chrysanthemums. The mro
Ders present were: Mrs. William Faulkner,
Mrs. M. Wakorsky, Mrs. F. E. Under,
wood, Mrs. A. M. Lempany, Mrs.' S. Hi
Faulkner. Mrs. H. U Underwood, Mrs. E.
P. Rogers, Mrs. W. F. Wallace and Mrs.
Dr. F. A. Nelson. ,
Mr. Snd Mrs. Arthur C. Smith gave a
dinner Friday evening at their home in
honor of Mr. and Mrs. Parker of Boston
who are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Caldwell. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs
Parker, Boston: Mr. and Mrs. Victor Cald
well, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Burgess. Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Cudahy. Mr. and Mrs. N. P
Dodge Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Smith. '
Mrs. Colt Campbell entertained the mem
bers of the "Klatter club" at a special
meeting Saturday afternoon at her home
n honor of Mrs. Irvln Hunsaker. who will
leave next Wednesday for Fort Leaven
worth to reside. The next regular meeting
of th. club will be Wedn.sday at the home
of Mrs. Paul Wernher. Those present were:
Mrs. George West. Mrs. Rufus Harris, Mrs
Fred Buchan, Mrs. I. Hunsaker. Mrs. Colt
Campbell. Mrs. George N. Roberts. Mrs
Paul Wernher. Mrs. Hubert Hicks. Mrs.
Miles Chumblea.
Mrs. A. J. Poppleton threw cpen her
spacious home on Sherman avenue Satur
day evening for the annual musicals given
by the Altar guild of Trinity cathedral.
The houae was profusely decorated with
chrysanthemums, roses and carnations. In
the dining room a color scheme of red was
used, red roses terming the centerplecs for
the teble. and tha room was lighted with
red-shaded candles. An Interesting pro
gram was given by the following well
known mu.icl.ns: Mrs. Myron Learned,
Carl S.beskl. Miss Von Manafeld. Mis.
Cecil Berryman. Madam Borglum. Miss
Alice Kennard and Mrs. Baxter. At the
reception which followed thoso In the re
celvlng line were Mrs. A. J. Poppleton
Mrs. E. E. Balch. Mrs. B. 8. We.tb.ooke
ana hiss uaisy peine. Auaimlng through
the rooms were Mrs. George Voss. presi
dent; Mesdsmea Walter T. Page, Charles
T. Kountse, W. 8. Poppleton, M. T. Bar
low. Luvlen Stephens. E. H. Patrick, Frede
rick Lake. J. 8. Weltxel. Frank Haller
Mtsses Prances Wessells. Dorothy Morgan
Elisabeth Congdon, Catherine Thummel'
Stella Thummel, Margaret . Fahs. Carolyn
Barkalow, Jeanie Aycrlgg, IX rot hy h,h
Prospective Plea sores.
Mrs. Max Morris and Mrs. Emll Gang
will entertain the second of a series of
brldgo parties next Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Jay Deuel Foster hHS Issued cards
for a buffet luncheon for Wednesday aft
ernoon, December , at her home, 1405 Geor
gia avenue.
The Old Time duo. will be entertained
next Wedensday afternoon by Mrs. Joseph
Bigger at her home, on Twenty-second and
Miami streets.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barker will give a
large reception New Year's day at their
home on South Eighth street In honor of
Mrs, Barker's sister, Miss Louise Peck.
All hints' Social flub will give Its open
ing party Thursday evening. December S. at
8 o'clock, at the Wattles' Memorial Parish
house. .It will be a card party and dance.
Mrs. Troupe Miliar will entertain at bridge
Tuesday afternoon jcornpHmentary to Mrs.
Irvln L. Hunsaker. who, with her husband.
Lieutenant HunsskerJ ' leaves Wednesday
for tnelr new station St Fort Leavenworth.
Plans are being made for the entertain
ment of the Yale Glee and Banjo clubs,
which will be In Omaha Christmas day.
Among the entertainments planned will be
a dancing party at Chambers, which will
be In charge of Mr. and Mrs. Luther
Mrs. E. G, Eldrldge of 615 North Thir
tieth, street will be hostess at: the next
meeting of the Ladles' ' auxiliary to the
Travelers'. Protective association, which'
will be. Wednesday afternoon. The. as
Mating hostesses will be Mrs. T. Smith and
Mrs. O. D. Klpllnger.
Mrs. Franklin W. Harwood will be at
home Thursday afternoon from' 3 to 6
o'clock to her friends at the Btrehlow
apartment. No. 10. No cards have been
Issued. She will be assisted by Mrs. Wil
liam Giller, Mrs. Alfred M. Longwell, Mrs.
Paul Burleigh and Miss Grace Conant.
Mrs. T. L. Kimball will give a dancing
party December 21 at her home, 2230 St.
Mary's avenue. In honor of her grand
daughter. Miss Lets Holdrege, who is at
tending school at -Milton academy, Milton,
Mass., and who will arrive home about
December 20. 1 The guests will include the
school set. Mrs. Kimball will also enter
tain at bridge during the holidays for Mrs.
Ed A. Holyoke of the H. O. ranch, near
Madrid. Neb. Mr. and Mrs. Holyoke and
small son will spend the holidays with Mrs.
Hplyoke's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W.
Holdrege. - -'
Come anal Go fionslp.
Mrs. Katharine Roberts is home from
her extended visit in Mexico.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McCord are expected
home next week from New York City.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Hayes havo re
turned from a short visit In Minneapolis.
Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Hall are expected
home tomorrow from their visit In New
York City.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence of Cedar Rapids,
la., have been visiting their brother, Mr.
J. S. Lawrence.
Mr. and. Mrs. J. B. Huteaon returned
Saturday from Chicago, where they have
spent the week.
A son was born Friday to Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Cowdery. Mrs. Cowdery was for
merly Miss Bessie Hungate.
Mrs. A. J. Haselton has recently moved
here from Kansas and taken a house at
662 South Twenty-eighth street.
Mrs. Millard Langfeld left Siturday even
ing for Baltimore, Md., where she was
called by the illness of her mother, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Oould Diets will leave neitt
Tuesday for an eastern trip, when they will
visit in Washington, D. C, and New York
Miss Dora Ness of Kansai City arrived
Wednesday for an Indefinite stay with Mr
and Mrs. M. D. Carmean at 1617 Ppencer
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Goodwin and little
daughter left Saturday for Newcastle, Ind
after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Frank B
Judge and Mrs. Howard Kennedy, Jr.
and Miss Nan Cunningham spent Thanks
giving day with Mrs. Kennedy's people in
Grand Island.
Mr. and Mrs. George Charters arrived
Saturday morning to spend a week as tho
guests of Mrs. Charters' parents, Dr. and
Mrs. Lamhofer.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jackson will sail
Tuesday from San Francisco on the stet;ner
Mongolia for a four months' trip to Hono
lulu and Japsn.
Mr. and Mrs. Gurdon W. Wattles, who
have been spending a fortnight at their
winter home in Hollywood, Cal., will return
Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Alice G. Mllle and daughter. Miss
Ruth Mille, have returned from Wllber,
Neb., where they visited Mrs. MUle's psr
ents,' Dr. and Mrs. Goodell.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Kountse. who havo
been spending a fortnight In New York
City, and who were expected home Mon
day, will not return for a few days owing
to Illness of Mrs. Kountse.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren M. Rogers sail to
day from New York City on the Republican
of the hlte Btar line, taking the M dlter
ranean route, and will land either at Naples
or Genoa. Their present foreign address
is care of the Midland City and London
bank, London.
Miss May O'Rourke of Los Angeles. Cel.,
and Miss Peggy Polleys of Minneapolis.
Minn., will arrive the latter part of next
week to be the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Oilmore until after the debut reception
it Mil miv2'S A
Special Offerings of
Gloaks and Suits
Following our custom, we have arranged many special offerings in Wo
men's Fine Apparel for December shoppers. Trade the coming week will be
very heavy and you will find it much easier to select your cloak or suit before
11 A. M., when the rush of the day sets in. -
Beautiful Suits at $50 to $85
Your Choice All This Week at $45
In order to reduce our stock of expensive ' ,
suits, ranging in price at $50, $G0, $75 and $85, , '
we offer this week many extraordinary values
in fine garments. These suits are all tailored
in the height of fashion, of the finest materials
procurable. Xo charge for alterations and your
choice of any suit in the store for $45.00.
Wonderful Cloak Values
In this collection will be found the most
select and exclusive models highly tailored and
no two alike. They are made of the finest qual
ity of broadcloth and Kersey interlined and
lined throughout with Skinner satin 54 inches
long. Some are plain tailored, others neatly
trimmed in braid, satin ojv bengaline, fitted,
semi-itted Directoire and Empire effects. Most
wonderful cloak values, at
$15, $19.50, $25, $29.50, $35 and $45
is d
Buy Your Furs at the Elite
High grade quality on which you
can positively rely correct, beautiful
and individual styles these are the
things which are making this reliable
house so favorably known to a most
exclusive patronage. No more com
plete assortments of the season's popu
lar furs are to be found anywhere. We
specially direct attention to our Er
mine, Mink, Lynx, Squirrel, .' Fox,
Beaver and Blue Wolf Sets.
Now in the best time to buy your Holiday Gifts. Stocks are at
thfelr best and contain many exclusive articles that cannot be duplicated
! which are usually first to go. No Christmas Gift conveys a more deli
Card Cases, Pass Cases, Leather Books, Bill Books or a Waterman
Fountain Pen. Our Calendars are now or! display and we would like
to have you see them.
Xlie lVloycr Stationery Co
and dance given by them for their daugh
ter. Miss Amy Gilmore.
Lieutenant Nathan Shlverlck, who came
from his station at Fort Sam Houston,
Tex., to be best man at the MUlard-MerrUm
wedding, was the guest of his mother, Mr.
Charles Bhlverlck, from Sunday until Fri
day of this week.
Wedding and Engagements.
The wedding of Miss Ellen Clabaugh,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Clabaugh
to Mr. Gilbert Carpenter, will take place
Wednesday evening, January 6, at 8 o'clock,
at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Clabaugh,
1922 South Thirty-third street. Rev. T. J.
Mackay of All Saints' church will officiate.
The marriage of Miss Viola Cahn, daugh
ter of Mr. Albert Cahn, to Mr. Isadora Wit
mark of New York City,- will take place
Monday evening, January 18, at Temple
Israel. An Interesting feature of the wed
ding will be the wedding march, which has
-been written for the occasion by Victor
Herbert, who is an Intimate friend of Mr.
A large variety of Christmas gifts and
home-made candy will be found at the
First Methodist bazaar, 313 S. 15th, Elks'
Bldg., Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Luncheon served.
Superintendent of Institute Admits
Giving; Campaign Fnad
Last December. .
"There Is no misunderstanding between
Mr. Lindsay and myself now Qver the con
tribution," said C. E .White, superintendent
of the Institute for the Deaf and Dumb,
Saturday morning when asked about the
statement made by Harry . C. Lindsay In
the morning papers. "I talked to Mr. Lind
say over the telephone after the contro
versy arose and we agreed perfectly on the
"When I saw my name listed as a con
tributor to the recent republican campaign
fund I called up The Bee and made the
statement that I had not contributed any
thing to the 1W campaign. When I talked
to Mr. Lindsay he told me It was the con
tribution made by us last December thut
he had Included in the report. It was re
ceived too late to be Included in his report
for 1907 and consequently was Included In
the' report for 1908. I have contributed
nothing to the 193$ campaign fund."
Agepts for
New York
15th and Farnam. Omaha.
jLiuujft. mu uiiu uiy
At C D. Drown Cos
Christmas things -are at their height. . There is
beauty and brilliancy on all sides. The new art room
is ready. Come in and absorb Christmas suggestions.
You Don't Have to Buy
Just look around and enjoy, the beautiful things..'
v a . '
JEWELERS 16th and Farnam
1896, he had followed several walks of life
before entering the medical profession. For
the last three years he had been an as
sociate professor In the medical department
of Nebraska university.
Dies of Septic Pneumonia Saturday
Morntna; at Methodist
Dr. George H. who hnd been
associated with Dr. Htrold Gilford as an
oculist and aurlst 1M96, died of septic
pneumonia at 10:30 o'clock Saturday morn
ing at the Methodist hospital. He had nm
been well eince last spring, and ai'ter an
operation to remove a large ubcess In his
abdomen, about six weeks ago, he fulled '
be re'.l.-ved and sir.tlc pneumonia resulted.
A wife and 10-year-old tlaugliter, Heh n.
survive him. They live at Tlilrty-fourth
and Hawthorne avenue. The funeral Is to
be strictly privste and complete arrange
ments for It have not yet been made.
Dr. Blcknell was 44 years old last Janu
ary. His old home was at Roisvllle, 111.,
where other relatives now reslile.
graduate of tha Omaha Medical college In
Original or Copy Repaired In Court
Ilefore Petition for Probate
Is Heard.
A copy of the so-called "lost" will alleged
to have been made by Joseph A. Connor
and leaving a large bequest for the found
ing of five parochial schools In Omaha
mint he filed in eoitntv court before tho
petition for a probate of the will can be
ri"ZT7 Ore
This institution is the only one
in the central west with separate
buildings situated in their own
ample grounds, yet entirely dis
tinct and rendering it po.Blble to
classify raees. The one building
being fitted for and devoted to the
treatment of noncontagious and
nontnental diseases, uo others be
ing admitted. The other. Rest
Cottage, being designed for and
devoted to the exclusive treatment
ct select mental cases, requiring
for a time watchful care and spe
cial nursing.
Rent a Sewing Machine
$3.00 A MONTH pays the rent on a beautiful, J
t up-to-date, drop-head madiine, complete with all jf
the latest attachment. What rent you pay.ap- S
pliea on purchase price It you 6eclde to bny. i
Our Rent Machines are delivered at your home.
No trouble, no expense. Just call us ufj by phone. 4L
rVI - t. t n as f - t-s r n
1 Corner 15th and Harney, Omali.
Telephone IHuitflu 1603. Indepondrnt A-1603.
1CIearinj Sale of Fine Hals?
Every hat in our stock will
be sold this week below cost. t
Christmas Shopping
Our large Christmas Stock Is now complete and you are especially
invited to look it over and get our prices before making your selec
tions. Fine Cut Diamond Rings from $7-00 up to no limit.
Roys' Wntches, U)0, fli.OO. $:l.tM), IU.OO, .VOO; good thin models.
Complete Lines In 11KASS, LEATHER. Cut (ilu-s aud Fine Jewelry
now on display. .
8end for. 1908 Catalogue
Postage Paid FREE.
15th and Douglas Sts.