i 4 Au aaT-iM . r he Omaha unday Bee PART ONE NEWS SECTION PAGES 1 TO 8 ADVTRT1SE IN THE OMAHA DEE BEST IN T1IE WEST ' VOL. XXXVIII NO. 124. OMATIA, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER' 29, 1908-rX SECTIONS FORTY PAGES SINGLK COPY FIVE CENTS. ROW OVER MONUMENT SUMMARY OF TUE BEE CITY FACES DEFICIT MANY MINERS DEAD ftnadar. Xotrnkrr 9, 1908. Irish Cemetery Anthoritiei Object to O'Leary Shaft Inscription. Two Hundred and Seventy-Fire Men Entombed Near Marianna, Pa. Administration Running Short Despits Hig-her Property Valuation. 1908 Mtmders 1908 .sn: ,my tea in? m 1,2 8 4 5 6 Z 8 9 10 11 12 IS 14 15 16 1Z 18 19 20 2T. 22 23 24 25 20 2Z 28 29 SO " - FENIAN MEMORIAL OPPOSED ALL ARE PROBABLY SUFFOCATED TAXES RISE $300,000 IN 3 TEARS Suggestion "Patriot" Be Substituted Meets with Disfavor. Deputy Coroner Says He Does Not Think Any Will Survive. Every Fund is Denleted and Orders to Betrench Go Out. HOME RULE AGAIN TO PORE SMOKE POURING FROM SHAFTS FORCES ARE BEING CUT DOWN .i.. " v- ( v ' t mk 4 y Irish Parliamentarians Afraid English Liberals. of SOLDIERS' TELEGRAPH SERVICE Irish Telegraphers Make Good War Training Material Railway of Inland afe -Pleasure at Taft's Election. DUBLIN, Nov. 28 (Special.) A remarka- tile, situation lias arisen over the proposal to erect & monument In Glasnevlne ceme tery to the late John O'Leary, the famous Fenian leader. The committee which has the matter In hand had completed all ar rangements and the Inscription for the tombstone had been submitted to the governing committee of the cemetery and approved by them. The Inscription was tentrraved and the stone all ready for erection when the committee received a letter frum the cemetery authorities taking exception lo the words "Fenian leader" on ttu- tombstone and suggest ins; that they hi.u:j be changed to "patriot." Till suggestion was, of course, promptly r. Kiulat;-(i by the committee and the uenutciy committee was Informed that If U withheld Us consent to the erection of jr thu i J lemc memorial 1n lis present form In the tery It would be erected somewhere elise. .There the matter rests for the ceme tery authorities have not answered this communication yet. The objection to the words, "Fenian leader" seems to be particularly absurd. John O'Leary was nothing If not a Fenian and he was proud of It. The Idea, of some of the objectors seems to be that the honor paid to an apostle of the physical force movement may embarrass some of our modern politicians In their new alliance with the English liberals. Irish to Soaad England. This alliance by the way seems to be entering on a new phase. The liberal party Indeed la no nearer giving a definite pledge for speedy horn rule legislation than It ever was but It seems to have arrived at a decision to allow the Irish members to sound the English liberal voters on the subject. In pursuance of this policy it Is announced that Mr. John Redmond, Mr, Devlin, Mr. Dillon and a number of other leaders of the parlimentarr party will be the principal speakers at great liberal meeting In various part of England. It la understood that the future action of the government -will depend 4argely - on how they are received by the liberal voter" at these meeting. Great Indignation 1 now being voiced in Ireland at the. joint action of the postof flc dWrtment and the war office, by which Vout iOO Irishmen will be thrown out of work and their plaoea taken by English soldiers servinsT with the colors. It has been deolded that the entire -work of build Ing and maintaining the telegraph line In the south of Ireland, shall be taken over by the War office, and a detachment of the royal engineers has already been ordered to Ireland for this purpose. About twenty engineers and eighty linesmen will be dlS' placed and it Is stated that if the experi ment works satisfactorily the rest of the country will be similarly dealt with. The excuse for the change is that a great part of the work consists in maintaining the signalling apparatus on the railways and that it is desirable that the soldiers should be thoroughly familiar with the rail ways system in time of war. No fault has been found with the civilian engineers. They are simply being displaced to turn the tele-graphs over to the soldiers for train Ing purposes. Ar.-ldent List Small. The excellence of the Irish railway ad ministration from the point of view of rafcty Is shown by a return which has Just been issued giving the number of deaths and other accidents on the railways of the l'n I ted Kingdom for the three months ended June SO. last. There -were 2y persona killed snd 1,740 injured during this period In the three kingdoms, and It I gratifying to note that not one of the falsi accidents occurred on the Irish rail ways, and only five persons were injured. These five were all railway employes, so that not a single railway passenger was killed or Injured In Ireland during the three months. - The saying of David that all men are liars has been 'extended , to Include all clocks, and there Is no doubt about Its truth If It Is applied to Dublin clocks. The mendacity of the public clock of the Irish capital la almost proverbial and they have not even the grace to agree with one another. The corporation has now taken the matter up and they ai likely to be sternly dealt with in the future. The city fathers are solemnly considering the firing of a cannon. larjo enough to be heard all over the city, at 1 o'clock every day. This Is to be a signal to the owners of sll public clocks to set their timepieces in order and it is also suggested that thoe who fall to do so should be punished by a small Tine. Rejoice Over Taft's Election. The election of Taft as president of the United States has brought joy to the north of Ireland. The linen trade in Bel fast has been practically stagnant for the last six months because of the dislocation csused by the election In its largest mar ket, and had there been serious danger of a tariff reduction the same condition would have continued until the amount of the reduotlon was known. Now. how ever, they are busy again. Thousands of workers In Belfast and the tther northern towns, who had been Idle for months returned to work on the Monday after the election . and orders are pouring In by every mall and by cable. Stocks In the United States are reported to oe very low and the Importers are calling loudly for goods. All this, of course, spell prosperous winter for Beirut snd the - north. Trinity college. Dublin, usually the most conservative of educational Institution, has gone In for a radical departure by organising a school of journalism snd the first aeries of leotures has been ar ranged fur the winter term. The opening lecture will be delivered about the and of this month by A. F. Robbins. ex-yreal-dsnt of the Institute of Journalists, and i (Continued on Second Pag,' THE WIATHIB, FOR OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS AND VICINITY Partly cloudy Sunday. Not miirli rhnnr In temperature. FOR NEBRASKA Partly cloudy Rundiiy. with probable rain In south and east por tions: moderate temperature. FOR IOWA Rain Sunday. Temperature at Omaha yesterday: yei our. Dear. ....' ....37 ....38 ....37 ,...3K ....42 ....45 6 a. m.. 6 a. in.. 7 a. in.... 8 a. m.... 9 a. in.... 10 a. m.... 11 a. ni.... 12 m...... 1 p. m.... 2 p. m.... 3 p. m 4 p. m.... fi p. m.... Hp. in.... 7 p. m.... Atl "",) ! M ! DOMESTIC. W. H. Hayward, Victor Rosewater and others from western republican headquar ters call on the president. X, Fage 1 Judge Kohlsaat severely criticised the breaches of trust of the officers of the Western Indemnity company In a cic- clsion granting Judgments against them. X. Pag 1 Cardinal Gibbons says the divorce sta tistics of the nation are a sad com mentary on the way of living. X, Pag 1 Snow In Kansas and the panhandles of Oklahoma and Texas has fallen to a con siderable depth. X, Fag 1 Women own 47 per cent of the stock of the Pennsylvania railroad system. William B. Montgomery was sentenced to fifteen years in prison for his thefts from the Allegheny National bank of Pittsburg. X, Fags 1 President-elect Taft accepts the chair manship of the coming conference on na tional resources. X, Page a Accused bankers of the Farmers and Merchants National bank of Pittsburg are convicted by a jury. X, Fag a Nearly 800 men were entombed by a mine explosion at Mariana, Pa, X, Fage 1 FOKUXOIT. French newspapers believe Mme. Steln- hell. who I suspected of murdering the late President Faure, gave order for the death of her husband and mother. X, Fag 8 Toung Turk declare themselves ready for war. X, Fag 1 XTZBSASZA. It is announced from Topeka, Kan., that the Union Pacific road Is behind -a north and south railroad to be run from Kear ney, Nee., to Belolt, Kan., snd tnat tne contract for construction has already been let. - -' , X, Fag a X.OCAX.. Development of oil and gas In Wyoming field ,1s attracting touch attention at present, , VT, Fag 10 Military honors accorded to the late Lieutenant Grimm, whose funeral was conducted under direction of the Fort Omaha garrison. VI, Fag Certain the revolver found in a sewer was not the one which figured In the Rustln tragedy, X, Pag S Early Christmas shopping a boon to both buyer and seller. VI, Fage a Extravagance by democratic city ad ministration brings on deficit despite enormous increase in tax receipts. X, Fag 1 What has been doing the last week in Omaha society. XX, Fag a Work of the women in club and char ity.. XI, Fa- a Gossip of plays, player and the play houses. ' XX, Fag Latest new in musical circles: U, Fag T Latest new among the builders and real estate men. VI, Fag 6 OOintXaXOXAXf AJTS XlTBUBTKIAXi. Live stock markets. TX, Fag Grain markets. VI, Pag Stock and bonds. VI. Page S COMIC BECTIOW, Buster Brown put great life effect Into a painting. Page of reading of Interest to the little folks. Some thing the women will like to know. Fortune hunter falls down in effort to gain Fluffy Ruf fles as a bride. Four Pages KAX.F-TOSTS BBCTIOV. Work of the Woman's Christian associ ation In Omaha. Management of the Omaha High school a big undertaking. Four hundred thousand ostriches In South Africa bring their owners 17,000,000 each year. Latest developments in the field of electricity. Fonr Page MOVXMESTTs) OP OCX AM XTAM8KXP. Port. Arrived. Balled. NEW TORK Lombardla NRW TORK Prtoiraa Irene.... LIVERPOOL, Suonla NA Pl.ES. Madonna... BOUuOUNB. Noordara. . PHILADELPHIA Hsntord. Kmp. of Britain. T. OHN8. N. B. HALIFAX Victorian. BUILDING TRADES . OFFICERS James Klrwln Circled President Association at Merlin in Denver. of DENVER, Nov. 28. The buildins; trades department of the American Federation of Labor today elected ihe fcllowing officers: President James Kirwin of Chicago. iri.1 Vice President G. E. Hedrick of Niw York. rWond Vice President James G.' Hanna han of Chicago. T!rrd Vice President Frank M. Ryan of Chicago. Fourth Vice President V. J. McSorley of Philadelphia. ' Firth Vice Prestdent-M. O'SullIvsn of Pittsburg. Socretary William J. Spencer of Dayton. Th convention adjourned to meet at Tampa. Flu., the second Monday !n Oc tober, 1908. . RECEPTION GIVEN OFFICERS Manila Army and Mnv- 4 lab Enter tains Visiting Men in Elab orate Fashion. MANILA. Nov. IS. The Army and Navy club gave a brilliant reception tonight In honor of the officers of the Atlantic bat tleship fleet. Over SH) officers of the nsvy were present. The receiving ll'ie Included Mrs. Weston, Mrs. Mills. Mrs. Pratt, Rear Admiral Potter. General MilU and Colo nels Mills and Prstt. Practically every of ficer of the army statKned at Manila and at Fort McKlnley was In attendance, as were also Governor General Smith and many prominent people of the Island and the scens was a brilliant one. First Rescuing Party is Driven Back by Heat. IRON CAGE IS HURLED IN AIR ('.levator Carried to Surface aad Blown Three Hundred Feet from ' Shaft-Two Men oat it Instantly Killed. BULLETIN. PITTSBURG, Nov. 28. Shortly after 9 o'clock tonight a rescue party broke Into the entry where the miners were entombed hv (he evnlnnliin in Marlanna and found all dead. The number of dead Is not yet known. , PITTSBURG, Pa.. Nov. 28. From an au thoritative source It was learned late today that 75 men were In the mine at the time of ftie explosion. The deputy coroner at Monongahela says he does not think any of them will get out alive. The first rescuing party of sixty was compelled to retreat on account of the In tense heat, utter getting within a short distance of where the men are believed to be entombed. PITTSBURG, Pa., Nov. 28.-A serious mine explosion occurred shortly before noon today at the mine of the Pittsburg Buffalo Coal company at Marlanna, Washj lngton county, and while there la nothing definite yet as to the number of fatalities. it Is believed many men have lost their lives. Rescue Party Enter. Shortly after 2 o'clock this' afternoon word was received from Marlanna that a rescue party had succeeded In entering the mine. The rescuers have been able to ad vance but a little way, however, and are attempting to force their way through the debris to where the miners were caught It Is persistently reported from Marlanna that there are 190' men entombed. The company officials stated there are luiiy 100 men. It Is believed, however, that the number will be from ISO to 200 men. It I not considered likely any of the miners will be rescued alive. The ex plosion was terrific and If all were not mangled by Its force, there seems little doubt that they perished In the subsequent fire or were suffocated by- ths deadly fume.. . v. w... . According to Stat Mine Inspector Lout- tit, there were between 180 and 200 men In the mine when the explosion occurred. In spector Louttlt had - been out of the mine only three minutes when the accident hap pened. At 1 o'clock, ah hour and a half after th accident, dense clouds of smoks were pour ing from the two shafts of the mine, but not a sign of a miner had been seen. Rushing as fast as steam can carry them, special trains from this city and Mononga hela are bound fc the scene of the dis aster. On them are officials of the coal company and many prominent miners who are considered experts on the work of rescue. The latest appliances from the new United States laboratory In this city which were recently tested before foreign and American experts for the saving of life in mine explosions have been hurried to th scene. The greatest excitement - prevails at th mine. A majority of the miner are Ameri cans and their families are at the mouth of the mine In a state of frenzy. Marlanna was built recently by th Pltts-burg-Buffslo Coal company. It necessitated a great outlay of money as it was the in tention to make the mine up to date and the living conditions of the miners the same as could be secured In a large city. The houses are of brick and each contain a bath room. When completed the town was said by foreign and American mine officials to be the most perfect mining town In the world. . Iron fa are Harled In Air. The heavy Iron cage which carried the men from the surface to the workings was blown 300 feet away from th mouth of the shaft. Two men who were on th cage at the time were killed, one of them having his head blown off. - But little hope Is entertained for th men who are entombed, a th fan house was partially demolished and th fan stopped for oyer an hour. Th explosion occurred In shaft No. 3 and the only way to reach the workings Is through that shaft, as shaft No. 1 Is not completed. Whether or not the men In the mine can be reached is problematical. Borne of the officials of the coal company believe It will be necessary to dig through X feet of solid coal before they can reach the workings. It Is said there I a large gas well in the vicinity. Whether the gas from this well communicated to the mine and became Ignited or whether powder and- dynamite used for blasting purposes exploded cannot now be ascertained. John II. Jones, president of tho Pittsburg-Buffalo Coal company, was almost a physical wreck when he learned of the accident in this city today. J. W. Paul of the United States Mining Testing station located here Is on )ils way to the scene In a special train, carrying patented helmets that make work in ths most dangerous mine possible, and with these Mr. Paul expects to be able to save many lives, unless the force of the ex ploeluii was exceptionally heavy. Three foreigners who were at the mouth of the mine when the explosion occurred are in the hosrltsl in a critical condition from injuries rectlved when the mine cage was blown out o! t lie shaft. ' fobs Will Need HI Loan. NEW YORK. Nov. 28. Cable advices re ceived here from Havana ssy that as the time for evacuation by the American trcops draws near. Governor Magonn and President-elect Gomes will hold a confer ence on Sunday next to ducusa Important matters pertaining to the future conduct of the Cuban government, particularly the question of meeting some of ths pressing treasury obligations. It is reported In Ha vana that a loan if t3J.000.Ouo will be neces sary and, according to ths present un derstanding, that Bpeyer at Co. of New York will take It up. From the Washington Star. WESTERNERS AT CAPITAL Men from the Campaign Headquarters Call on the President. ' HAYWARD MAKES A BIG HIT Nebraakan Makes Only Set Speech at Hitchcock Bssqaet in Present ing; the Soovenlr to the Chnirman. (From a, Staft Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Nov. 28.-(3peclal Tele gram.) An exceedingly pleasant Incident occurred to William Hayward and Victor Rosewater today in conjunction -with their call upon the president as representatives of the Chicsgo headquarters, having charge of the western halt of the country for the republican national committee. These gen tlemen, with Fred W. Upham, assistant treasurer at Chicago; David C. Owen, post master at Milwaukee, assistant sergeant-at- arms at Chicago; L. J. Behn, chief clerk at Chicago; Victor Mason, assistant secre tary of the national committee, and Charles F. Brooker, national committeeman from Connecticut, paid their respects to the pres ident. .Mr. Roosevelt was exceedingly cor dial la his congratulations to these repre sentatives of ths Chicago headquarters, who came on to attend the dinner tonight in honor of National Chairman Frank H. 1 Hitchcock. "We did beat them to a frazzle, didn't we?" remarked the president, enthusiasti cally. "You boys from the west didn't have to look in the dictionary about that word franle, did you?" And the president laughed heartily. Mr. Rosewater, when the laughter had subsided, remarked: "Yes, and next time we will beat them In two frazzles," which seemed to strike a re sponsive chord In the president's mind. President Likes His Sine. Looking at Mr, Hayward, at his strong, vigorous, athletic build it was the first time Mr. Hayward had ever met the pres identMr. Roosevelt exclaimed: "You are built like a center rush; I don't know whother you ever played that position or not?" "No, he played right tackle and fullback on the University of Nebraska team when a student there," suggested Mr. Rose water. I The president paid Mr. Hayward a fine compliment by saying that he had repeat edly heard of the good work that Mr. Hay ward had done at Chicago, and he was glad to mcut so splendid a representatlva of the west and finding him so to his lik ing. Referring to the loss of Nebraska, the president said to Mr. Rosewater and Mr. Hayward, that Nebraska did well under all the circumstances and that they had no reason to eel badly about Its loss. "The victory In the United States wss suffi ciently large to forget that Nebraska for the time being had entered the democratic column." Mr. Hayward. secretary of the national committee, performed the pleasant duty to night of acting for his associates of both the New York and Chicago headquarters, by presenting a magnificent souvtnlr to Mr. Hitchcock. It wss the only formal speech made at the banquet, at which nearly sixty representatives of the national committee, Including Charles P. Tah and Arthur I. Vorhys, were present. During the, evening a loving cup was presented to Mr. Mason and a silver service to Mr. Oul ahan, who was In charge of the literary bureau in f.e New York headquarters. NORTH AND SOUTH RAILROAD Union Paclfle Raid to Be Behind New Line from Kearney to Belolt, Kan. TOPEKA, Nov. 28. A charter was granted todsy to the Dakots, Kansas ft Gulf railroad, which will build a line con necting the western terminus of the Union Pacific at Bejnlt. Kan with the Union Pacific at Kearney, Neb., a distsnc of 110 miles. The directors are mostly New York men and the company Is backed by the Union Pacific. The capital Is $3,000,000. The contract for building the road has been let to the Interurban Construction com pany of New York and construction . will begin within a yean BREACH OF TRUST CENSURED .In l are Kohlsnat Enters Judgment Asvalnst Officers of Western Life Indemnity Company. CHICAGO, Nov. 28. Judge Kohlsaat of the federal court yesterday gave a decree in favor of the Western Life Indemnity company- for 1310,000 against General George M. Moulton. Its president, and Ed ward I. Rosenfeld, former manager, as well as a decree for S125.000 against Wil liam H. Gray, who preceded Rosenfeld as manager. The S?00,000 wss, according to the evidence, a sum ostensibly paid by th Western Indemnity company in 1906 fot"tlst 'of , policy-holder in av- alleged worthless company. Judge Kohlsaat' rul ing primarily was based on the proposition that the three defendants failed to pay adequate attention to the protection of the policy holders. At the time when the Improper transac tions took place. In 19C6. Moulton was major general of the Illinois National Guard and head of the Knights Templars In the United States. It was In the year mentioned that the Knights Templar and Masons and1 Life Indemnity company be came the Western Life Indemnity com pany. Gray was paid $125,OCO by Rosenfeld, practically out of the assets of the com pany, to assign his contract as manager to Rosenfeld. This sale of the contract was held by Judge Kohlsaat to be illegal. Inasmuch as It was a contract of trust and dealt with a fiduciary position, and so could not be assigned. Gray la now or dered to return the money. Moulton got an Increase of ralary when Rosenfeld became manager under the Illegal transfer of Gray's contract to him, the Increase being from $1,500 annually to MO. 000 annually. Because of this, it Is claimed Moulton, in Judge Kohlsaat's view, shut his eyes to Rosenfeld's operations and permitted things to be done which were against the Interests of the policy holders, who were looking to Preildcnt Moulton for protection. Judge Kohlsaat severely condemned the breaches of trust Involved. YOUNG TURKS READY FOR WAR Claim Great Britain Has Pledged It self to Prevent Any Ex ternal Dancer. BL'DA PE8T, Nov. 28. Naslm Bey. the representative of the Young Turk com mittee, has given an Interview to the .Pester Lloyd, In which he 'says: "We are not afraid that Austria-Hungary will declare war on Turkey. W ar pre pared for war, and moreover we hav ob tained from Great Britain an official guar, antee against any external danger." , LONDON, Nov. 28.-Offlclsl circles here are at a loss to understand on what Naslm Bey could base such a statement as he is alleged to have made In a Buda Pest newspaper. No such guarantee has been given, and It Is surmised that this Is merely the expression of the optimistic Impression crested on an eastern imagination by the presence of the British fleet In the Aegean sea. It la suggested also that it may be a perversion of what Nazlm Bey really said, published to support the antl-Brltleh cam paign In Austria, which seeks to show that Great Britain is trying to Influence Turkey to resist a settlement with Austria Hungary. PITTSBURG BANKERS GUILTY Officers of Farmers aad Merchants ?f a tlonal Convicted on Nineteen t'onnts by Jury. PITTSBURG, Pa... Nov. 28. -A verdict of guilty as Indicted was returned by the Jury in the United States court todsy In the case of C. E. Mullln, cashier; R. K. His sem, president, of the defunct Farmers aad Merchants bank of Mount Pleasant, Pa., and E. II. Stelnman, former president of the Acme Lumber company. The jury re tired late yesterday afternoon and reached an agreement at I o'clock last night. The verdict was sealed and read when cort opened today.- The Indictment charged Cashier Mullln with misapplying funds of the bank, and Hissem and Stelnman with aiding and abetting him. The shortage. It is alleged, amounted to $140,000. There are nineteen counts In ths Indictment and on each count the three At fendants ara liable to from five to ten years In th penitentiary. A motion for a new trial will be made. JUDGES TO COME ON MONDAY. Governor Sheldon to Name Fortunate Ones at that Time. TALK OF LAW AGAINST NEPOTISM Governor Khallcnbersrer Will Have Chance to Redeem His Promise Regarding- Railroad As sessments. .,- .-(From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN Nov. 2S. (Special.) Governor Sheldon will appoint four judges of the su preme bench next Monday, bright and early. JuBt previous to that he will issue a proclamation proclaiming that the constitu tional amendments relating to th Invest ment of the school fund and the judiciary have carried. Those lawyers who fall of appointment will have only themselves and their friends to blame, for each and every one has had an opportunity to see the governor and evidently, from the crowds, each availed himself of the chance to talp up his favor ites. Law Aanlnst Nepotism. Tears that have never before been shed will overflow and cover the state house with-wet; brothers will be separated from brothers, wives and husbands will be torn asunder; sons will be driven from tho sight of. fathers; uncles and nephews and nelces will no longer nibble from the same pie-counter If the democratic legislature carries out the threats of some of the members and prohibits the employment of relatives by state officers and heads of de- partsments and Institutions. Never sine the old pop days will the people have such an opportunity to wit ness a wholesale good bye and breaking up of a happy home. During the last few years the state house has been the home of many members of the same families, and nepotism has become so rampant that "Family Apartment Jouse" is a good name for the capitol. , The practice has been condemned, but 10 no effect; party success has had no weight against the extra salary, and now a new legislature, which has none of the offices to give out promises to abolish the practice. In many Instances, public office has been a family snap and nesrly every inspection of the vouchers in the office of the state auditor brings forth the name of a wife or other relative of a state officer who has drawn pay from the state. Barton to Name Staff. 8. R. Barton, auditor-elect, la expected in Lincoln Monday, at which time he Is likely to appoint his office force. It is re ported on what Is usually reliable authority that Pearce of Pawnee county and Bhehan of Kearney will be the two deputies, the former taking the place of John I pierce at the head of the Insurance department. It la probable that one, if not both, of the county treasurer examiners' will hold over. These examiners are E. J. Robinson snd John Tulleys, and the Indications are that Tulleys, at least, will hold over, providing, of course, the democratic legislature does not change the appointing power from the auditor to the governor. W. I. Stltt of Grand Island is liable to get a job as one of the bookkeepers or a clerkship, while Ed Lawrence seems certain to continue as bond clerk. Lawrence having grown quite a bunch of hair on his head since living in the state house atmosphere, Is anxious to continue, for four years more, in hopes of getting a full crop, and Mr. Barton, It Is reported, hssn't the heart to refuse him the chance. Land Commissioner-elect Cowles has not shown up at the state house since his elec tion, but it Is understood he Intends to clean house In Ills office and not leave a vestage of the old administration. Incl dentally, while Mr. Cowles has not both ered about the slate house, he was the only candidate for a stste office who came clean with all of his assessment levied by the republican state committee, so It Is teported. Free Hand for Governor. Many of the state officers are up In the air about making recommendations to the incoming legislature. There are a hit of things they would Ilk to e the legislature do, but If they make sugges tions they fear the democrats will turn (Continued on Second Page.) vy Lower on Hig-her Valuation, but Taxes Still Soar. BAD SHOWING WITH LAST REGIME Fact and Flanres Taken from in Records "how Democrats Arc Condaetlag Affairs of City Extravasrantly. Despite the fact that the valuation of Omaha city property has increased over $j0,ro0.000 In the last three veers and this Increase has resulted In bringing in nearly $300,000 more In tuxes than during the pre vious period while the republicans were In power, the present democratic city adminis tration finds that It Is running short ot funds and Is now facing a possible deficit. -This is the situation, even though the pres ent administration has had thousands upon thousands of dollars more to spend esch year than did the previous republican ad ministration. All city funds are greatly depleted and orders as early as last September were sent out to all departments to retrench and attempt to keep within the limit. At that time the engineering department laid off thirty-eight men, other cuts being msde since. The street commissioner Immediately cut his force and each week sees more men given their discharge. The normal force of street cleaners Is from seventy to eighty men. But twenty men sre now employed In this department, on account of the ex travagance of the department, which Is in keeping with the entire administration. What the Flaroreei Actually Are. . The city comptroller, In an official state ment of the condition of the funds on No vember 18, as sent to the council at its last meeting, shows that only $:.a3.K! re mains In tile cleaning and sweeping fund of $-M.i91.rt0. In the lighting fund but $9,377.34 remains of $13(1,57.C8. The public works de partment has had $154.1:3.85 with which to do Us work during the year, but of this large sum but $,39.S4 remains. Other funds have fjcen depleted In a greater or less de gree snd the available cash balance In all funds Is but $4-r.3T.O. The democrats announce that the fund are still In good shape, but that the small balances are due o their having taken up $76,000 of redemption bonds. . It took th administration three years with the greatly Increased valuations and taxes to take up this small amount, while during. tha last-j-e-t. publican administration with lower taxes, $1,000 (one-third again as much) of re demption bonds were cancelled. Taxpayers Pay in More Bloney. The bare levy under the democratic ad ministration shows a decrease of th aver age of 6.2 mills, but even with this decrease the taxpayers are paying Into the city treasury more money than formerly on ac count of the Increased property valuations and all this excessive tax has been spent, or will be at the end of ihe year. Under th democratic administration the taxpayers arc paying much higher taxes than under the previous republican administration. These, were the property valuations and the tax produced for the last three re publican years: Tax Produced Sl.41S.ti.U7J 1.171.681. 74 1.874,1,7.08 Yr. ltKil... 1SK.3... 1!J... Valuation. . lul.m 1,41 . 101,877,646 , 101.883,905 Total ..1309,454,930 $3.o2,449.M These were the property valuations and tho tax produced, or to be produced, under tho three democratic years: Tax Yr. 1107.. 1908., 1W9., Valus '.Ion. . $110, ((,. 85 . 117.412.ei8 . 13i.30j.74O Produced $1,?.'H.14.; MSH.O.Xel 1,U, ioi.lt Total 3:9,8M,843 $1,134. 4i0.97 Fonr Million More First Yea. The first year the' democrats weie lit power the property valuations were sched uled $4,000,000 higher tiiun during the last, republican year and the tax levy wss cut something under the previous levy. There was a big deficit In all funds and the dem ocratic mayor, who vetoed a higher levy, declared at the close of the year that ha would never do so again, as he got "noth ing but kicks and cusses throughout the year" for vetoing the levy, and thereby not giving the various departments the ex travagant funds they demanded. The second year, however, th democrat taxed the people of Omaha $1,48,0U.C1, or $114,846.93 more than the republican taxed them the last year of their administration. The third year the democrats Increased the republican levy still more, th excess amounting to $143,078.10. This last levy was voted by ths oouncil and approved by acting mayor on the night of August 4, over the protests of Councilman Zlmman, the only republican member, and the mayor as well. Mr. Zlm man fought the levy because of It being much higher than necessary, providing economy Is practiced in the departments. The mayor vetoed the measure, originally passed on July 28. ststlng In his letter to the council that the. levy anticipated th placing of $176,000 .ie In the sinking fund than necessary to pay th $2U,000 In terest. The veto was at first sustslned, but later. In the meeting of the council on the night of August 4, another resolution, appropriating the larger amount, was in troduced snd passed. L. ti. Johnson, pres. Idcnt of the council, In his cspaclty as act ing mayor during a temporary absence of the mayor, promptly approved the nlg'i levy before leaving the council chamber that night. In addition to these higher levies and th large Increase In taxes placed on the peo ple and received and used by the demo cratic eltv administration, the adminis tration has been ublg to have access to the whole of the funds. The comptroller Is authorised to draw warrants up to but 9 per cent of the appropriation for the reason that all the taxes are not alwais collect' d. This year, howavcr, t) per cent of all the taxes were collected by Octuber 1, and all those collected since haie been s- mm i clear gain for the democrats. Accidental shooting; at Stargls. BTURU1S, H. V., Nov. ai.-(ei)eclal Tel gi am.) Coroner Hrackett received word her last night that a man named Henry Brandchsck was accidentally ahot at Wut4