Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1908, Page 6, Image 6

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Office 15 Scott Street
Both 'Phones 43.
Burner that Attempt Will Be Made
to St Aside Compromise.
Attorney- General SaM e Belle
that Company la Liable for
Fall Araoant r for
p. m. Each evening during tha week thara
will ba a, aerrlca at T:S0 o'clock and tha
morning services will ba as follows: Mon
day. 10 o'clock; Tuesday, o'clock; Wednes
day, t o'clock; Thursday, 7 o'clock; Friday,
( o'clock; Saturday, 10 o'clock. '
Each service will ba thirty minute In
I duration, except tha 10:16 o'clock services
ACTION on Sundays
The Rev. Messrs. Knickerbocker, Mackay,
Browne, John Williams, Bell and DlfRS of
Omaha will give meditations at the evening
service, beginning Monday evening, No
vember 30. In the order named. At tha
10:15 a. m. service on Bundey, Deoember t
W. A. Jaberttro will deliver an address on
There Is a possibility that the arrange
ment entered Into between Pottawattamie
county and the Portland Gold Mining
company, whereby the latter is to pay
120,000 and certain costs la full settle
ment of tha 1,000 suits Instituted by tha
county to collect taxes aggregating over j
1 800,000 from" tha company and Ita Indi
vidual stockholders,' may be sought to ba
set aside.
Tha movement to have the settlement
set aside, if made at all, will come. It Is
said, from the state authorities. A per
son who Is known to be In tha confidence
of Attorney General Byere la authority
for tha statement that the attorney gen
eral la opposed to allowing the settle
ment to stand and that be Is considering
the advisability of taking steps lu. court
M have it annulled. i
It is cald that Attorney General Byers
holds that a settlement of a suit In
volving the large amount of money that
the Portland company tax case does, for
such an Insignificant sum aa 120,000 Is
against public policy. The attorney gen
eral, it Is said, holds further that if the
Portland company or its Individual stock
holders were subject to' the payment of
taxes on the stock, they were liable for
the full amount sued for or nothing -at
all. Once the suits were begun thoy
should have been determined by the
courts Is said to be the opinion of the
attorney general.
The amount that the state will receive
from the settlement with the Portland
company will be very email, whereas if
tlit 1.000 suits were prosecuted to a suc
cessful termination It would receive quite
a considerable sum as Its proportion of
the taxes thus collected. The state. It
Is contended, was never consulted by the
authoritlea of Pottawattamie county rel
stive to the proposed settlement, and if
It had been,' the attorney general, It Is
aid, gives it an hts opinion that It
would not have consented to any such
That the Portland company and its in
dividual stockholders, If liable at all, are
liable for the full amount of taxes as'
seised against them and this question
should have been determined by the
courts la the view of the matter ex
pressed, it Is said, by the attorney gen
. M. K. Schleicher of Minneapolis, a mem
ber of the firm of Fleener & Schleicher,
who had a contract with Pottawattamie
to "ferret'' out taxes which had been
omitted to be assessod has written to
County Auditor Cheyne Inquiring when
and how the firm of which he Is a mem
ber may receive its commission on the
settlement. Under Its contract this firm
was to receive 15 per cent of all moneys
recovered Into the county
Strut-tare Start te allele into
ladlam Creek.
For a while yesterday the old fire station
at the foot of Bryant street ' waa In Im
minent danger of aUdlng backwards Into
Indian creek. Aa It was the structure,
which had been Jacked up on blocks pre
paratory to being moved across the street
while the new fire station Is being con
structed, sank about two feet at the south
J. XL Hollenbeck, who has the contract
for moving the building, waa haatlly sum
moned and about 4 o'clock in the afternoon
he got a gang of his house movers to
gether and before night the old house waa
drawn on to terra firm and safety.
The driving of the piling close to the
rear of the building Is believed to have
been responsible for the building sinking.
The constant jarring from the pile driver
loosened the bank and yesterday morning
a long strip of It subsided about four feet
at the rear and east of the fire station.
The fh-st warning the men of No. 3 com
pany received that the building was sink
ing was about 11:30 o'clock, when some of
the timbers cracked with a sound like the
explosion of a shotgun. The first thought
of the men was for the horses whose stalls
were in the ena oi me Dunning nrxi me
Iowa Legnelature Will Hare Plenty
of laws to Enact.
State Make Bid fer PMltloa
In Ceaselar Service 8. H. M.
Byers After "wise
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DBS MOINES, Nov. 23. (Special.) That
the Iowa, legislature which meets In Jan
uary will not be without abundance of busi
ness is now certain. Members are already
preparing the bills. A great part of the
session will be devoted to measures relat
ing to business affairs. A meeting of vari
ous business organisations is to be held
here next month to plan a campaign for
a number of measures, among them the
following Just as a starter for the legis
lature: An insurance department, w:th commis
sioner appointed by the governor and ap
proved by the senate, to have full charge
of the Insurance business.
whether or not a corporation can own and
manage a saloon and sell liquor at retail.
This case comes from this city. It having
been decided In and appealed from the dis
trict court Saturday e morning. The su
preme court decision will have a widespread
Influence In the state.
Chsrles Dolhoyde and Charles Marx, sa
loon managers, were Indicted by a recent
grand Jury for nuisance for the Illegal
selling of Intoxicating liquor.. They pleaded
not guilty and set up their defense that
the Des Moines Malt company owned the
saloon, tliey being only the managers. On
a motion to dismiss the case was taken
from the Jury by Judge Bradshaw and a
verdict for the saloon managers given.
The state, through the county attorney,
will appeal, basing its appeal on the mulct
law, which It contends gives tha right to
retail liquor only to Individuals.
Balararlan Rallwar Employes Attack
Deputies with Searrh Warrant.
OSCEOLA, la , Nov. 23. (Special Tel,
gram.) Howard Martin was killed at Mur
ray last night by having his skull crushed
by a member of a Bulgarian extra gang In
what proved to be a pitched battle In the
dark. A search warrant for stolen goods
was sworn out by O. E. Garret. Mayor
Rtiffler deputised Martin, with others, and
Reorganisation of the State Railroad com- I J"' Parted to search four cars occupied
positions appointive, as " l"" wnen iney reacnea me
o-i;uiu cr me occupants resisiea ana urea
through the door.
A fusillade followed, several hundred shots
being fired. But one or two men were
Martin's body was not found until morn
ing. A fire alarm was turned In nnd 200
armed men gathered quickly, but the Bul
garians surrendered at daylight without
opposition and all are under arrest. They
claim that they thought It was robbers, as
Saturday was payday.
Murray is In a state of great excitement
and violence is threatened. Martin was a
butcher and 40 years of age.
mission, making positions appointive, as
formerly, and greatly Increasing salaries,
and adding to the powers of the commis
sion. Exemption of moneys and credits from
taxation, providing for taxation of mort
gages only when filed.
Providing for taxing state banks by as
sessing all stork to the bank as in the case
of national banks.
Law for the organization of trust com
panies separate from banks, strictly to
handle trust funds.
Assessment of the terminals of railroads,
depots ami other property where located
instead of Including It In the general value
of the railroads and distributing the taxes.
New law for inducts in cities, taking it
all away from the railroad commission and
placing It in control of cities, and making
railroads entirely responsible.
Aarrlcaltaral Extension,
Enlargement of state agricultural depart-
creck. and the animals were hastily led , ment and adding t0 the funds for the agrl-
comrjinati n
Into tho street. The heavy
chemical and hose wagon had been left
standing In the street while the building
was being screwed up.
Investigation showed that the south erd
of the building had dropped about a foot
and word waa sent to Contractor Hollcn
beck to come to the rescue. About 4 o'clock
In the afternoon there was another crack
ing of the timbers and the building settled
nearly another foot. It was then decided
that the structure must be moved to pre
vent It toppling Into the creek and Hollen
beck and his men got busy. By 8 o'clock
the building had been moved about twenty
five feet on t'o terra flrma. Hollenbeck
will begin this morning moving the build
ing across the street on to the Steinkop
lot, where It will remain until the fire sta
tion la completed.
While the building is being moved across
the street the chemical wagon has been
given shelter In the shed next the patrol
house which holds the city ambulance, and
the fire horses have been provided with
stalls in the police stable. Chief Nichol
son's buggy and horse are quartered in a
stable at the rear of the lot where the
treasury i building is to be moved to.
cultural extension work to the end that
Iowa Industries should be better known.
Uw to require annual dividends on In
surance policies and Improvement of the
laws relating to hail insurance companies.
Laws to stop the pollution of Iowa riv
ers by sewage from the cities, nnd to fur
ther safeguard tho health of the people.
Creation of a state tax commission to ad
vine as to taxation matters In the state.
Ion In Consalar Service.
Orlando 11. Eaker, one of the Iowa men
In the consular service, has been trans
ferred from Sydney, where he had long
been, to a post at SandHkan, North Bor
neo, which statement conveys very little
Independents In Obla and Indiana
Take Flaht Against Bell Com.
panics Into Conrt.
CLEVELAND. O. . .Nov. M.-L'nited
States Judge Taylor yesterday, granted an
injunction sgalnst the American Telephone
and Telegraph company (Bell, long-distance
system) and the Central Union Tele
phone company (Bell company operating In
Ohio, Indiana and Illinois), restraining
them from Interfering with the business of
the Independent companies operating In
those and adjoining states. The injunction
was granted at Cleveland, upon the appli
cation of Clarence Brown, general counsel,
and James S. Bralley, jr.. president of
tho United States Telephone company, the
Independent Distance Telephone company
operating la Ohio and adjoining states In
a suit brought by that company.
Jt Is charged the Bell company 1s ouriu.
ing the policy of buying Independent ex-
n wniniiiiwiw T .is Hi' inmsa waa nr-sn ' ii'ssim ii " ssi iasa 1 1 iiassii' ay.s.aiwiwawasw mm, .samiia swtaawtajsw iiiiisi wish mm s n
.IfeCjtiliXil ?-f 'It Vic I
yz&s J i,rl
"Hu,.eM,itc -AlLLNXf ) V ""l"
through ita "discoveries" of omitted or
unassessed taxes. Its commission on the
IS per cent basis. If the compromise set
tlement I permitted to Stand, will
amount to 13.000.
In li! letter to the county auditor Mr.
rVh'.cli'er "iiys that, while the amount
to be pi. Id In by the Portland company is
much lis than the amount due, the set
tlement of the rases on that basla waa
doubtless hftter than to continue the
litigation. In lew of the uncertainties
Involved This was the view taken by
the Pottawattamie county authorities, i
1,. tUm. n .1 B. I. A 1- ....... tltU I
Of Sandakan a. the resident, of fisnrlskan f"-0" -ellln Bell exchanges where
do of Iowa. In a recent letter Consul Baker
paints a fino picture of Sandakan, and al
though It is near the tropics he points out
that It Is regarded us a very healthful
place of residence. He does complain, how
ever, of the snakes, lizards, monkeys, ou
rangutans, rhinoceros and elephants.
mere are competing companies, and In
some Instance absorbing Independent com
panies, by merger and-consolidation, or di
vision of territory, so as to eliminate com
petition and establish a complete Bell con
trol. This 1s said to be In violation not
only of the Sherman anti-trust law. hut
I also of the laws of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois
Several Omaha Rectors Will Assist at
St. Paul's Church.
At the services at t?t. Paul's Episcopal
church yesterday, the rector. Rev. John
William Jones, made announcement of the
"week of prayer" tobe held In that church
the same as It will be In other churches
throughout the United 8tates. These spe
cial services will commence next Sunday
and continue over Sunday, December .
On the two Sundays service will be held
it I i. m., 10:tf a. m.. 12:30 p. m, and 4
Contractor Hollenbeck said that he was
unaware that It was the Intention of Con
tractor Saguln to drive piling Sunday,
otherwise he would have made arrange
ments to move the building sooner.
A water pipe directly under the old fire
station burst yesterday morning and, owing
to the blocking and other timbers under
the building, the break could not be got 'at
and the water company was compelled to
shut off this main. The closing of this
main shut off the water from Vine street
the entire distance from Bryant street to
First street, and on Bryant street from
Broadway to Washington avenue. This left
the city jail and police headquarters with
out water and residents on Vine street were
forced to haul water in buckets from wher-
hever they could obtain a supply.
An effort to locate the break will be
made , the first thing this morning. It is
not known whether a Joint was broken or
merely the service pipe Into -the fire sta
tion. The break, whatever It may be. is
supposed to havo been caused , cither by
the Jarring of the piledriver or by the
weight of, the heavy timbers placed under
the fire station preparatory to moving it.
(From New .York World. May 5. Mg
Cooper No Longer Talks. As He Says Others
Now Do It For Him.
Mrs. Graham and' Mr.
Gainesville, Mo., Flaht, bat
Neither la Injured.
GAINESVILLE. Mo., Nov. 23 -The stcry
stnt from here lust night to the effect that
-Mrs. James C'rattree and Mrs. Frank Gra
ham, sisters-in-law. fought a duel to the
death In the Ozark wocds, was grossly ex-
tiggeraiea. mere was a fight between the
woir.eii, but neither, was seriously hurt.
The Immense sale of Cooper's medicine
n New York continues to liu-rcaac t.i
Honda v Cooper's headquarters wn pack
ed with people all d ty waning to talk
with the young man or hU assistants.
In speaking of hU itucceas In New York
CeopiT said:' "It U this way evui y -liere
1 . Am ( have sail befors. tne atom
ch causes most uf tho i:;-r,ealth of tl.Ia
generation. . am amo.itul ccaua
Jooper'a Niw Discovery put the d!ge
tie apparatus lit shape, then v.aturt doe
the rest.
"I no longer haj to nvike i.ny elalmi
for the medicine. I let others do th
talking; -tills beats anything I ioull say
on the subject. Nine out of t. n ncre to
day have been sent by friends who ar
taking thr. medicine. More people- are
new calling to . thank me for the relief I
"For from seven to nine day at a time
I nav suffered iht torments of purga
tory, with no relief. During thla time I
would be bent double with cramps, could
I not even take lliuli food, and would n-l
get a wink of sleep.
"When 1 first heard of Cooper buing I.:
New York. O an Id, 'here's anolh'r Vest-
i erner iio ha come to gt Eastern
money; well, lie gets nunc of mine
After a while ( htard of muiy poople who
were being benefited, nnd I figuieu that
New York. I said, 'here's another West
one day abou a month nan I stumbled
In to aee him. so weak I could nardly
stand up. I took the treatment home
nnd at the end of the first week began to
see so nui results. I continued, and At the
end of the third week I felt actually like
a dead man brought back to life.
"( have been a great smoker ill my
my treutment lias brought 'them '.him
have Mine to talk with. What luuld I
say that .would icmparn with thW?"
The following Is a aampl of what peo
ple uay who. u ('ooer stated, are no
comlTg ir. numbers to thank him:
(Korge Bedell, cf No. 31 Marlon street,
Brooklyn, when lmer lewed. said a "Oth
ers have had their say about this Caopvr
medicine, sn I will give mine. I am
within oi.e mcpth f sixty-five yuan old,
ani have had chronic gaatilc lixlijutlon.
litis rrh O." tr. stomach ana extreme cou
tlpr.ton for twenty-five yet:s. During
:vry year of tnls time I have been con
lultlr.g physicians ud specialists sr.1 I
hate taken enough til's and prescriptions
to load a boat.
I life, but of iate eaia I have had (o atop.
I could no longer reltah a smoke, aa the
tobacco Mlekened me. I now unioke wlili
greater enjoyment than for many years,
ulth no evil effects. I ean sleep aound
ly in any position, nnd do not toil and
thrash. In fart, all my complaiuts have
oay lor tne past two weeas mat cms man
came to Few York. I nait) he lives long
to enjoy his auccss, for If ever a man
deserved it .t does."
Cooper' Xw Discovery, -th Hindi
cine) flint astonished Ntw York City,
is now on hale at leading drug store
throughout the luitod Slates. Auk
tour druggM for it.
Another . Iowa man has been located for j and other mates. This policy is said to be
years in an oui-or-tne-way place in theisnown oy tne official reports of the offl
TT 11.1 I 1 1 . t. , n . I , I . " L
i ainmi.u igiiiTui-vuniiu cowen. ji is re - . wtl uiieciors or the Bell company
eouru mai wun ine nenin or Macrarland, t aiocanoiarrs..
ioa now lias Dut three men holding good
consular positions in Europe.
For Minister to Swltserland.
S. II. M. Byers of this, city Is going hard
after the Swiss mission. He hopes to have
the hacking of the . politicians who do
things and to secure the position as a
reward for political activity In these many
years. He formerly lived at Oskalncsa and
for political services was rewarded with
twenty years In the consular service, where
he became perfectly familiar with the for
eign service of the country. Now tne
consular service Is taken out of the hands
of the congressmen and is made practically
a life service. The Swiss mission pays
M.EO0 a year. It is supposed there will be
no other lewa man a candidate for any
place !n the foreign service, in which case
it Is certain Major Byers will have eaay
sailing in his ambition.
Snle of Oleomargarine.
The sale of oleomarrarlne Is rapidly In
creasing In Iowa under a new policy In
augurated, and, strange as It may aeem,
us aio l Being pushed right Into the
c'airy districts. Des Molnis, which has now
come to the front as one of the big butter
making cities of the state. Is consuming
large quantities of oleo for table use. U
Ic sold as oleo or butterlne and ihe forms
of the law are complied with. The stuff
Is not artifically colored and really has o
little color In it that it would be hard t)
convict the dealers. There ire 110 ole.i
licenses In the state now and their number
Is increasing as the business Is being ex
i ftndtd Into the small towns. Waterloo
j has the largest number of licenses, fifteen
j In all, with Des Moines having thirteen.
Other cities have: Clinton nnd l.vons
twelve; Dubuque, ten; Cedar Rapids, thir
teen; Independence, five; Fort Dodje,
three; Marshalltuwn, Manchester. Ames
and Cedar Falls, two. each, and these one
each, Burlington, Coggon. New Hartford,
B'file Plaine, Baldwin, Central Cty, Coles
burg, Delmar, Denlson. Grundy Center,
Guttenberg, Hurstville, Iowa City, low
Falls, I.nmont. Lost Nation, .Mas inville,
Maquoketa. Olin, Onawa, OUurnwa, Park
ersburg, Secvers, Winthrop nnd Wyoming.
Secret Divorce Net la Favor,
Secrecy In divorce cases is not to he
lenger tolerated lu the courts In thli
county. Judge Brennnn has decided that
henceforth, ut least in his court, there are
to be no hearings In private. It lias been
common to have private hearings In divorca
cases and this has resulted in so much
scandal that they are to be abandoned.
Candidates for One Place.
There are at least five candidates for one
place which will be disposed of by the
State Executive council in January. Tills
is tiie position of secretary of the council.
The place is at present held by A. II.
Davison, who has been largely Influential
In making the position one of real Import
ance In the affairs of the state. Now the
candidates for the place are Amos Brandt,
deputy auditor of state; 0!e O. Roe, head of
the insurance department; D. W. Hltes and
vassius etues or the archives department,
Byrkitt, formerly deputy secre-
Two C'owe Suffering vlth Disease
Found In Dairy In Phlla
' tlelphla.
PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 23.-The first
cattle In this city found to be suffering
from aphthous fever, or hoof and mouth
disease, were located today through the
department of health and charities. In
spectors learned that four cattlo had been
shipped from on Infected district near
NorrJstown, Montgomery county, to Jacob
Haesler, a dairyman. It was found that
two cows were suffering from the fever.
They were in a pen with fifteen others,
and aa a matter of precaution, tho depart
ment killed the entire herd, confiscated a
large quantity of milk, disinfected the
barns and quarantined the place.
A report that reached Dr. Ieonard Pear
son, the state veterinarian, that eight cattle
had been shipped from an Infected district
to a slaughter house In the lower section
of the city, caused the Inspector to quaran.
tine that place also and order the destruc
tion of the cows and 2i sheep In the yards
with them.
Dr. Herbert Fox, chief of the laboratory
of the state department of health, who was
sent to Danville last week to examine seven
children supposed to have contracted the j
cattle disease, said today that there need I
be little fear of the fever becoming epi
demic among htimans. He said he docs not
believe the disease Is lnter-communicable
between cattle and men by butter and milk.
BUFFALO. Nov. 2S.-"The ltuatiesn looks
good," said Commissioner Pearson of the
state department of agriculture tonight..
"No new cases of the foot and mouth
disease have been discovered In western
New York since last Tuesday and unless
unfavorable developments come on the re
opening of the East Buffalo stock yards
should be but a matter of a few days."
The commissioner returned from Albany
this mornlpg and spent the day at East
Buffalo with P. B. Wende, Dr. John Claris
and Sheriff Smith watching tho progress
of the work of cleaning the yards and pass
ing upon applications for permits for
through shipments of live slock.
DETROIT, Nov. 23.-Dr. Frank J. Fless
of the local branch of the bureau of animal
Industry, with two other veterlnarles, In
spected today the herds of cattle In Livonia
township, twenty miles from this city,
where hoof and mouth disease Is suspected.
Four farms were visited and about 100
cattle were found afflicted with the sus
pected disease. After his inspection Dr.
Fless said he would not state positively
that the cattle have hoof and mouth dis
ease, aa the sickness resembles in some
respects' myocotic stomatitis. He reported
the situation tonight to the bureau of ani
mal Industry at Washington, with a request
that exports be sent to further examine the
suspected herds, which havs been placed
In quarantine.
Colds Colds
Cold after cold, tough after cough.
g cold no sooner cured than
nother one conies. It'ggtadbtbit,
this taking-cold habit. IVbgt you
AJt wm Wnv If Ay-', OUrrw VW U w" ?ed," ,h"TUI b"k "P
aof JhetfAartoAf ssJkw r eacA com. thighgbit.beglinngmedmembrtoei,
kmmm mil W M. Th, folio A.. KfW. strengthen wetk tissues f .Vafi
Davison will be retained.
Will Get m Neiv Curator.
It la expected that on Monday a nw
curator of the state historical department
111 be named by Governor Cummins. The
library board haa recommended a candi
date and the governor is considering the
! matter. The place has been temrxirarilv
filled by Mr. Harlan, assistant curstor.
The names of Prof. Stiembaiigh of Iowa
City and Prof. Herriott of Drake are be
ing considered in connection with the place.
MARSHALLTOWN. la.. Nov. 3 -"Special
-For the first time since the Iowa
mulct law went into effect the supreme
kourt of the state a 111 be asked to decide
No otber medu ine for "Woman'".
Ills in the world has received uch
wide-spread and unqualified en
dorsement as Sias Lydia K. Pink
bain's Vegetable Compound, made
from native roots and herbs.
No other medicine hns nuch a
record of euceens for woman's dis
eases, or such hosts of grateful
friends as has Lydia E Pinkhaui's
Vegetable Compound.
For more than 30 years it has been
the standard remedy for feminine
ills, Inflammation, Ulceration, and
consequent Spinal Weakness.
It has relieved more cases of Pack-,
ache and Local Weaknesses than
any other one remedy. It dissolves
and expels tumors in an early stage
of development
Irregularities and periodic paina,
Weakness of the Stomach, Indiges
tion, Bloating, Nervous iTostration,
Headache, General Debility, quickly
yieid to it also deranged organs,
causing pain, dragging Herniations
and backache. Under aH circum
stances it acts in harmony with the
female system. v.
It removes that wearing feeling,
extreme lassitude, "don't care "ana
"want-to-be -left -alone" feeling,
dizziness, faintness, sleeplessness,
flatulency, melancholy or the u blues.
These are indications of Feminine
disorders, which this medicine over
comes as well as slight derangement
of the Kidneys of either 6ex.
Women who are sick end want to
fjet well nhrnild refuse to accept any
substitute for Lydia H 1'iukhauTa
Vegetable Coui))uuJ.
Three Members of Rescue Party
Perish In Attempt to Rescue
SALT LAKE CITY, Nov. :3.-Four men
perished yesterday in the working of the
Utah Copper company's mine at Bingham.
When the day shift withdrew It was
known thnt one Italian miner. Dlmlniek
Bhatta, lay unconscious and probably life
less In one of the mine levels where he had
gone In the performance of Ills duty. An
other miner was thought to be missing.
Foreman F. Kent 8nilth started down an
Incline tunnel, followed by Hugh Burns and
Ueorgo Wilson, two shovel men. They did
not return. Other mine employes waited a
reasonable time and then ventured into
the tunnel, nfter taking the precaution to
tie ropes to their waists.
Smith and his companions were found
where they had fallen In their struggle to
regain the outer air. Bhatta was found
later. He had been dead for hours. The
second missing Italian was not in the mine.
Fear of Possible Outbreaks Causes
Regent to Tnke I n usual
PEKING, Nov. IX-Whllp ail Is quiet
at Peking, detachments of troops guard
the city Kates and gendarmes are on
duty at the approaches of the forclRii
legations. The government hai not
ceased to take precautionary mtaiurei,
for revolutionists are xpreaulng all
kinds of reports, which might act like
firebrands to tne spirit or uneasliiD.-n un
derlying present conditions In China.
There have been rumors of an Insur
rectionary movement In the south, but
this has proved to be only u minor out
break amongst the artillery and cavalry
stationed at Nanking.
Nevertheless it has been thought ad
visable to post a guard at ear-h of the .
gatea of Peking and half companies of j
Chinese regulars are now under arms at
these points.
Isrlar aad Klrvateil l ines and Pro- 1
nosed tibmr to Have t'nlflrd J
Control. j
1 !
CHICAGO. Nov. :3.-Tlie Reeord- Herald
tomorrow will say that plans for the unlfi- j
cation under the control of one company
of all the surface and elevated railroad I
lines In Chicago, together with the propjs. d I
subway, are under consideration by local
traction men and eastern capitalists. The
electrical corporation which now furnlaheti
most of the per is said to be the prospec
tive operating body. John J. Mitchell,
president of the Illinois Trust and Saving?
bank, declared that the combination could
but be effected for many uiunUn.
TailorsWho Hedge
YOU arc not hard
to fit. You have
been told that
you are, but the real
trouble lay in the
fact that your tailor
did not know how
to fit you. He was
hedging, so that if
your clothes did fit
you, he could prop
erly impress you with
his skill; and if they
did not, he could
have a soft place to
fall on.
We do not deny
that there are scores
of capable and trust
worthy tailors in
America who turn
out satisfactory clothes. But the chances are
that you have not found one of them in your
town. If you have we congratulate you and
pass on. If you have not we say this to you:
You can be properly fitted in Stein-Bloch ready-to-wear
clothes. They will give you style and personality.
When you try them on you see upon yourself the best
expression of the season 's fashion as manifested in the
acknowledged centers of style at home and abroad. The
expense you are put to is surprisingly small when reckoned
in the light of what you receive. They are ready for you at.
the best clothier's in your town.
Writ lor "Sminnew," correctly illimntini tht secerned Fall ind VV inter SitIm. Ii'i tne.
The Stein-Bloch Company
rVi V'V' fflr''if
'jrais iABiLrrDKt ViTtAHS 'j
Tailors for Men
Offices and Shop-it
Rochester, N. V.
New York t
130-132 Fifth Avenue,
a Tint: 'i mi n
(ittHiv'i i;i:D to
Peerless Group Remedy
Whst mother has not aiperlenosd the harrowing fear of nronp-and many lis re
been tho time, wnen a luirrr-up call in sent or ib phrnleian to rellnTe a little
mnerer from croup. But all tbl can be obrlated br keepirui a bor of uprinuie a
F-erlra 4 roup Rrwxlr In the bouae. This rsmedr l irom a prescription or a
phr.lclan that bad aft) y..r experience In practice, and be claim that tins reuiedj
never failed him In cam uf croup.
Mprlnklo'a Prlraa Croup Hrmrd; Is peouhar t" Helf, at It l an etrnal
application, dntns wr with the neceutty of pouring drusn down a youug child, a
practice tliat should not be Indulged la a long a. it can be avoided.
Thla raraedr has bean noirt for years on a potltive g"rntM r-"'
or ftrlro or rrinMly rrfuiMlrd. and 1 liareby suihorna ell dealer, to refund tue
urlcu where the remedr diai nut do all that is claimed lor it.
A safe and iinre remedy for the care of Croup and the relief of Conshi, Cold.,
rrh, A.thins. Wh.ioptiis Oouah imd all kindred rtl.ea-e.. For sale by driifni.nt, or
ed ou ut pri"e, 60 cent., by I. A. HFKISHttE, Villa .'. !
Sy...!..! in mi.lp.ii. .uma. "u.u.i ia hi i a""""""" J
aMiiir1-' - ii ii ir ....... .. i ii inwnmniw
Storm Goats
The kind you can wear fordress, street
or auto. Fancy mixtures or plain,
colors. Storm and military collars.
1608 Harney SI.
Beo Want Ads Bring tho Returns