THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23. 1003 Want ads Advertlsesaewts for, the vraat a rolimni will ee taken atl 12 aa. tfce eveala edition aaa aalll fr the morula aad toadey edltloaa. Cash mast arcosapany iall ardera lor nil ad aad aa advertise saeat will be accepted for le than lO ceale lor first Insertion. ' Ilate apply to either The Dally or ftanday Bee. Alrrnya eoaal sis vrorde to a llae. Combinations Of laltlala or nalere roaat a oae word. CASH RATES FOR WAST ADS. RF.Iil LA It CLASSIFICATION On InaerlloN. aer llae, lO ceate. Two or mare coaaeetnlre Inaertloae, er llae, I rents. Kara Insertion made on odd tiara, 1 rente per line. l.nO per line per month exception: that FIHMSHED ROOM ADS, vthea accompanied by caah, the rate will be i One laaertlon. centa per llnei three or sis eonaeentlye Inaer tlona, 3 centa per line each Inaertloa m More cnaaecatlre Inaertloaa, 3 eenta per line each Insertion I SO rente per line per inoata. n . j in. The Bee may he left at any of the followlnaj r atorea one la yoar "corner ma;laf they are all branch offices far The Bea and onr ad will ba l.aerted jaat mm promptly and on tha aama " the mala office In Th Bea Bnlldtne;, Seventeenth and Farnam etreete. Albach. W. C, 4mh Frnam. Reranek, 8. A.. 1403 9. 16th St Recht Pharmary. .20 8. lbtn Ht. Benson Pharmacy. Benson, Neo. . Urmia Park Pharmary. Md and cumlnf. Flake's Pharmacy. 225 Sherman Ave. Coughlin, C. R.. 6th nJP r",n'"rv Xvi Clifton HU1 Pharmacy. Ell WUltary Ava. Cente. J. B.. list Ave and Farnam U rlsser Pharmary. 24th and Lake Bts. Cermak, Emll, 1204-6 8. 131b 8t. Killers, B. H.. 2i I'fJ''".?!'' B Foster & Arnoldl. 213 N. 2Sth ; Freytag. John J.. 1914 N. 24th St. Florence Drug Co.. Florence Neb. Goldman Pharmacy. 2th and Lake Bts. Oreenough. O. A.. 125 8 lhf l- Oreenough. Q. A., 1624 S. lh St. Hayden Wllham C. 20 Farnam t. Manacom Park Pharmacy. 1401 S. 39th St. Mulst, John, i-z in. im m. Huff. A. I. 2S24 Leuvei.worth 8t. King. R. 8.. ZP Fart.nm St. Konnti Place. Fharniacy, NB,Mth 81 Patrick Drug Co.. 1008 N. 34 h 8t Latl.rop. Charles E., 1324 1 N. 4tli : SI. Peyton; I E.. 24th and Leayenwort h Sts. Baratoga Drug Co.. 24th St. and Ames Bc'rmcfer's Cut Price Drug Co., Wh and Chicago 8ts. B-haefer. August. 2031 N. lth 8t. fichmldt. J. ?.. 14th and ln "n,. pterin Pharmacy, 1th and Martha Hts. Valnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and t. liming fst Walton Pharmacy. 20th and Orsce Sts. Wn.tli, Q H., 40th and Hamilton 8ta. I KUAl. XOTICE. Nollce to Carpenters. . i ,i nixvlal meeting Nov. 17 a re- . vuh taken till Tuesday cvmliiK. Nov " i. at which lime unfinished ouhI- n. fo,- which aperlai meeting tailed, will be acted upon. Pel t'arpt nterafnlonNo. ' ill- . va order ANNOUNCEMENTS ' TUB CITY GARBAGE CO... office 4th and 1 eavenworth sircuts. Tel. Douglas 1381. S1UN PA1NT1NO-S. H. Cole, 130! Douglas. (!)) BLOM(jVlST- K0-J4 Paxton Block. -MASSAGE Tel. Douglas 19. (1) 278 D16 AUTOMOBILES BEND for ur Hat of seootid-hand auto bubllea. DERIUHT, 1818 Farnam. (2) 667 filCND for list of 2d-hand cars. Colt Auto mobile Co.. 2015 Farnam St. (2) M210 20 SECOND-HAND automobile for Bale, 1908 4-cyllnder vara, roauer, wnn rumme seai; good as new. Seo at Derlght's, 1818 Kar- nam bt. (31 MMIZ 24 BARTER AND EXCHANGE 1 ACRES 111 Gregory county, S. D.. to trade for a, 4-cyllnder touring car. Address Y-4tS. care. Uee. (3) M254 27x TRADE8! TRADES! Farme, town property, mdsn., everything. Stringer & Child, Paxton Blk., Omaha. 3)-M344 D18 FOR SALE, or will exchange for good clear land, a two-atory double brick atore building located In eastern Nebraska county heat town. Renis for 8116 per month. Olve full particulars ot what you have In firat letter. Address J. Liv ingston. Nebraska City, Neb. (3)-M398 23x FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE 640 acres very best wheat land near InnJsfail, Alberta, CsnuOa; exchange for Income property. Address, I i 601. care Bee. (3) M579 23x BUSINESS CHANCES WOULD cimr.ret myself with a hustler In the ioal va.altf business. One that Is well acquauitia with the city. Have had five years ..xpt il nc handling farm and ranch lauds. rtctennoes exchanged. W. W. Mitchell. Its: j ityuncer St. "Phone Webster 4875. (4)-M404 RESTAUR A N'F for sale at a bargain If taken soon. Owner wishes to leavi the city. 128 West Broadway, Council Bluffs. (4) M2MS 24 x $10.0K) WILL BUY nine-tenths Interest In a well establish d real estate business with property Interests In a growing suburb uf Denver; will Wear over (MJU annually. Address P. O. Box 6Su. Denver. Colo. (4) M970 28x DRUG stores for sale everywhere. Knleat, New Yt-rk Life Bldg. ' (4, 0,9 FOR BALE My grocery business $2,600 more or less: terms cash; good opening; couoty-seaL town. Inquire quickly. W. p. Fulton. Red Cloud, Nob. . (4 M336 26 EXPERIENCED physician desires a coun liy locaiiunf. best of references Y j.y, care Bee. . ? . t4 M577 24x 'iO GET In It out of business call on (JANGESTAD, Room 403 Be Bldg. t4)-70 fj CAN be safely Invested In an estab lished manufacturing business with the ner. No scheme. Address M ti"5. Bee. (4) MG37 24x BUSINESS DIRECTORY Chiropodist. 2, 1506 Farnam St. DR. ROY. R. Doug. 6497 (a j?l Creameries. DAVID COLE Crekmery Co. (5)-47i Cement Blawka. IF VOU object to the sameness see our !lue. We Uave the most up-lodate styles ui length, height and faces. Always a u.tte stock or well seasoned blocks on lii.i.d. oldest plant In Omaha. Omahu O.'icrel Stone Co.. 2kth Ave. and Sahler ana Belt Line. 'Phones: Webster kmi, Webster 4:J1. Independent B-3oll. - (5) 402 N23 China ralatlna. CHINA decorating order werk a specialty, lessons Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day. Firing dally. leather craft, stains, leather and designs. Mrs. C. C. Hun ale, 94 Brandels Bldg. Tel. Red 14)4. ' (5)-S5l Dressmaking;. IN FAMILIES 2;i. Miss Sturdy. Tel Do.;g (i)-:i K'Dowrll Drenstuaklng school, 1(23 Farnam (0) i DRESSMAKING and altera! loins. Woman's rA.-hni. Ifc a Firnim. Tl Done. anil. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Dressanaklai L'oatlaaed. IN' FA MI LI 23 Mi Me Weldler. Tel. W. Vi. (6)-M37J D4x TERRT ladles' tailoring, dress cutting and designing school; can be taught by mall. ?th and Farnam. (5 13 D17 Edacatleaal. DECEMBER 1. FIRST WINTER TERM BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS. Business, 'stenography. Typewriting, Teleg raphy. English. Catalogue ready and free. An dress It. B. Boylea, Prealdcnt. Omaha. Official training school of telegraphy I'nion Pacltia railway. (5) Mill Florlata. HESS & SWOBODA, 1416 Farnam St. (6)- I HENDERSON 1519 Farnam. Tel. D. 1263. (5J-677 J. H. BATH. 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. 30no. (&I-4K8 Financial, MONEY; rTO LOA N-l. O W RATF.. In sums to suit. 810 Bee Blrtg. 'Phone Douglas 294. UNION LOAN COMPANY. MONET to loan on real estate at low rates. W. B. Melkle, Kamge Bldg. 5)-tiM Safes, Shatters, Kto. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a specialty of fire escapes, ahuttera, doors and safes. , O. Andreen, Prop., 102 8. loth. (&)-81 Motels. THE 8CHLITZ, European, lth and Harney (6) 682 Osteopathy. JOHNSON INS.. 418 N. T. U Tel. D. Dr. Katheryn Nlckolas, 60S N. T. L. Bldg. (61684 MoTlaar and Storlnn;. EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co.. office 214 N. ISth St., warehouse 2307-9 lzatd St. 6-6S5 Printing;. BEFORE placing; your 1909 calendar order don t ran to eee our lmponea line. L.yna:. atad Jorve, printers, 16th and Capitol Ave. (5)-68S EXPONENTS of good printing. Prompt and flrat-claaa work a-uaranteed. ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO.. 312 8. 18th St. Tela. Doug. 562, Ind. A 25S2. (5) M4u'4 ( Dentlata. BAILEY & MACH, 3d floor Paxton. D. 106. (&)-6i7 Shorthand Reporter and Notary. F. J. SUTCLIFFE Depositions. Bldg. Tel. Douglas 190G. 52S Bee 5l 6S8 Shoe Repairing;, RAPID f HOE REPAIR CO. First-class work. 1818H Capitol Ave. Thone Red 994. (51-689 SHOES repaired right, colled for and de livered free. Standard 6ho Repair Co., 1804 Fnrnam St. Tel. Douglas 7067. () 90 Water Filters. 131 HOWARD ST., trial. Missouri filter; 15 days' (51691 HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory and Ttades. WANTED Experienced bindery girls. Ap- fily between 10 and 12 a. m. Omaha Prlnt ng Co., 924 Farnam. (7) 825 Housekeepers and Domestics. WANTED Experienced cook; good wages, Mrs. Arthur C. Smith, 1303 Parke Ave. 7)-M720 WANTED A competent cook, high classed Danish or Swedish prefered; good wsges, no laundry. Mrs. Ernest E. Hart,- 526 3d St.. Council Bluffs. la. (7) M301 ONE or two good girls for general house work, small family, good pay. Address Mrs. Theodore Rlemers, Fullerton, Neb. (7) MS43 26x WANTED A house maid as girl to do second work; references required. Tel. Harney 625. 406 8. 40th Bt. (7)-442 23 WANTED A good cook In family of three; big wages, no washlns;; references Re quired. Tel. Harney 2577. (7) M62.' Zi Mlscellaneoas. NURSES' COLLEGE. Denver; six weeks completes; diplomas; open December 10; simply fine. (7 M266 24x WANTED Girl for doctors room 7. Crelghton block. office. Apply (71-236 21 HELP WANTEDMALE Areata, Solicitors nnd Salesmen, ' AGENTS wanted for tho most complete oil gas burner in the world; no wick; no sim-ll; generatea kerosene oil Into a fins gss; it fits any cook stove or range; nothing like It; one-third cheaper than coal or wood THE ECONOMY BURNER CO.. Dept. B. 80S and 810 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. Neb. (9)-709 ACTIVE airents will find It proflUblo to solicit life endowment and accident Insur ance for Equitable Endowment company; office 521 Bee Bldg. 9) 705 to sell our home snd office specialties; NEWLY furnished room. bath, with fur easy sellers, good marrln. E 598. Bee. nace conntctlon. 316 N. Uth ft. 9l-Ma,J 24X (15)-M7 23X Clerical aad Office. TO gentleman. strictly modern furnished , room. $10 per month. Tel. Web. 2511. DRUG CLERK'S passion. Knlest. N. T. (15)-272 23x Life Bldg. (9)-J93 ' . ROOMS furnished or unfurnished: first Factory nnd Trades. floor. 206 8. 25th Ave. (15) 315 24x FIRST CLASS 1obTom post tor wanted; SOUTH front room, modern brick house. must be able to do good work. Send ref- 22u8 Douglas St. (Ui)-M340 2ux erences with wages desired. Job Depart- "T . . , ment. Norfolk Dally News. (9i-Mt37 24 FOR JtENT-Newly f urnished front room , for one or two gentlemen; modern con- W ANTED Men to lean the barber trade; veniences; private family; breakfaat and thoroughly practical course: 60 chairs con- dinner If desired; 'phone Red 294 or call atantly In use; careful lnsttuctors; tools 637 South 16th Ave. (15) M574 24 given: life scholarship; wsges Saturdnvs; positions waiting: wonderful demand for LARGE aouth front room, newly furnished graduates. Call or write, Moler Karber and decorated, also one other room. 123 College. 110 S. Hlh St. 9i M428 26x South 25th Ave. (16) Mi? 2ix WANTED Butcher for backroom and LARGE well furnished room; furnace heat, aiaugliler houae. $45 a month and board private family. 216 No. 23d. and room; must be ajber. Hahler A John- I (15) M5i6 D5x son. Sidney. Neb. (9) M422 23 Apartments aad Plata. Mlacella neons. 1 $-41 R flat. Scargo. llti N. :4th. South SODA Dispenser. Reference required. Ad- Oinaha. Hall, 423 Ramge Bldg. Rtd 7406. dress Box 99. Sioux City, la. (9) M394 $$ F081TIONS open fcr young men for el--- FOR RENT 118-715 N. 80th St. t 8-room, trie railway motormen and conductors, all modern new flats, $4& per mo. each, at aalarle. of $ to $100 per month -Will lee.e at apeclal rate Flelschman 4i Write at one for full particulars. Na- Bon' M Bee Bld Phon Beo,t!iill;,c., tional Railway Training Ass n. 47 Cen- ' (lai MM! tial Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. . . " til waff N'nvsnv FOR RENT 9-room modern tlat at 624 8. WANTED Young men. 18 to $6. for rail- nc "I"""4- Conrad Young. 1618 Dodge. way firemen and brakemen; $) to $120 - tu iH Ii month; piomotion to engineer and . . , ; T lonductor. $l5) to $i00. Man" positions YOUNG man to share finely furiilaned now open. Write today for f ull parttcu- .r.?ra; 7nbl' Ifrros. 70! rViinani. lars. National Railway Training Aaa n 'Phone Harney 2066. (U) M6o4 it 9 a 947 Central Bid... Kan... n.y Mo. 8TE AM -HEATED FLATS. - NoviVx Hardwood, moderti! raga. hot water. UOTLES TELEGRAPHY BCHOOU ''"i!' w" i'h,,,-d'. it afi mlm? ' Boylea Omaha. Neb.; offxlal o."'"1 corneSv-' .nd.4 V, ra' out" training school C. P. R. R.; pcsllion, r?! J'M?? PaJtoBlk er'nt' ..nutd: booklet free. (9)-M.n ,ulr,, BtMla- F"t0nu",Ma!7.Dec. celn!en'tKVrfi' C" ManVk;;.Zm FOR RENT Very fine apartment: l.ard- m?irf. WrnirJlt'- frt .""."" ' d throughout, steam heat, tiled balh modlafelv Fnk?in 1 natftufi D..' "" ''" fin"1 P'""'1'1" J""lor service; WANTED A sober, reliable man of about rpt i r- ciiLMXf t v . u years, large to ststure. for night wsich- lilt Ol 1 rILM . . man. Hold Apply tlUi references. Millard . 19I-M647 U I 13 a m m avet m ads" are HELP WANTED MALE Miscellaneous Contlaaed. FREE Employment Dept., Business Men's An n; no fees. Call 5.6 N. 1. Life Blrtg. WANTED Train news agents. W. Broadway, Council Bluffs. Apply 1114 (9)-MlM WANTED--For V. 8. Army, able-bodied, unmarried nirn between bkcb of IS and 3F cltlsena of I'nitril States, of gooU .churai'ter arid temperate habits, who can spoak. read and write English. For In format'on apply to Re-rultlng Office:1, 13th and Douglna Sts., Omaha, Neb., or Massachusetts Bldg., Slcux City. la. (9) 6S8 WANTED Experienced man. competent to take t'haige of a wholesale and retail building material business, both the buy ing and selling ends; must be acquainted with builders, contractors and retail trade of this city; satisfactory reference re quired. Address J 633, care Bee. (9I-M4SR 24 HELP WANTED M AI.K OR KKM A I.E WANTED Ladles or gent: city work: 865 per month; address J. M. Bennett, Gen eral Delivery. (10 M4i4 23x WANTED Ladles or genti, lc.ral work. 83.50 per day. address 6: care Bee office. 10-MI2S :3x LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Vehicles. FOR SALE A high grade driving mare, hay, weight 1.07S: price, 8175; also a first class runabout. 8100. Tel. H-S40 or ad dress M-638, care Bee. ' (1D-M296 OLD HONESTY" 81 horse blankets wear like Iron; heavy, blrong, long-wearing. ; (ID M904 D4 MEDICAL ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 384 N. 24tti St.. Omaha, Neb. 113) MoS FREE MEDICAL ard turlcal trea'.mvnt at t rrlgruon Medical college, J4th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or nlglit. (13) 123 BEST nerve brace for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills." $1 a box. postpaid. Sherman MK'onnell Drue; Co.. Omaha. (13) 695 MONEY TO LOAN BORROW CHRISTMAS MONEY NOW and tke advantage of our special HOLI DAY rates. Your first payment will not fall due until January. There will be no extra charges for this either. You tan get It by telephoning Douglas 2295. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Bosrd of Trade. 16th St. Entrance. (141-3:8 MONEY loaned salaried people and others without pecurlty; easy payments. Of flcea In 66 principal cities. Tolman, Toom 613, New York Life Bldg. (14)-MT93 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; and Rooms. VIENNA hotel; private dining rocms; cafe. (16)-698 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (15)-700 FURNISHED room and board everything first -clnsn new and strictly modern neighborhood, at a Wirt St. reasonable price. 123 (16) 3M FIRfcT-CLASS room and board In private family at 610 N. 23d St. (15) M270 23x THE GEORGIA. 1040-44 8. 29th St.; suite with private bath, double rooms, single rooms $25 and .upward. (15) M337 D1S . FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms, en- sulte or single, with tttDle board; modern. 2W6 Pacific. (16) M341 25 x MODERN-206 S. 26th St. Tel. Doug. 5428. (15)-M339 D2 FOR RENT 3 furnished rooms, modern; breakfast If desired. 2724 Caldwell St. Tel. Webater 1644. (16) M575 24 WARM well furnished rcom. with board; Hanscom Park district. j1 Pacific St. 116J Mfc8 2S DESIRABLE ROOM Fine location; walking distance; excellent board. '.'IS S. 25th St. (15) M65.1 21)x FURNISHED room, with board; steam heat. 816 S. 22d. Flat 35. (15) M655 25x Furnished Rooms. FURNISHED UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS in All parts of the city. If you are looking for rooms do not fall to get our lis l. Costs you nothing. P. O. NIELSON & CO.. RENTAL AGTS., 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2204. (15) 702 ROOMS for gentlemen. . month. The Chatham, by day. week or 110 S. 13th St. (15)-291 LARGE front room adjoining bath; uae of piano, telephone and library. 628 S. 19th St. 'Phone Douglas 4236. (15) M611 BASEMENT rooms, 1120 N. 17th. (IB) 821 Elegant 6-room apartment. Harnev SUM. 115) Ux mm using "BEE want confined to Omaha not OFFERED FOR RENT apartments and Flats Contlnned. e-ROOM modern flat, 1112 So. 11th. (15)-827 llonaekreplnc llooma. BITITE of nicely furnlalied rooms; every thing modern; gas stove, etc. i(Ci Cali fornia. (15) M)7 2x THREE desirable unfurnished rooms; low rent to right party. 1520 N. 26th St. (1S1-M636 24x lloasee and Cottaces. OMAHA Van and Storage Co.. pack, move. store H. H. goods, storehouse, iiso-34 N. 19th; otfice, ItM) Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1569. MAGGARD VAN STORAGE CO. Tel. D. 1496. We guarantee moving planoa. H. H. goods. (12) 721 6-ROOM house, city water, $16. Apply 8220 (15) M618 24 California St. fi-ROOM modern house, In Kountre Place, fr.r one or two families. Call Douglas l'.o2 or Webster 1016. (16) MS 23x DESIRABLE' new 6-rooin modern house, oak finish, polished floors, at low. rental for the winter. A. J. Patrick. Tel. Har- . ney 3564. 16)-M634 23x , 7 ROOMS, second floor. 1S62 N. 24th St., $1; modern except heat; o rooms, second floor, 1106 N. 20th, $15. Chris Boyer. 22d and Cuming Sts. (16) 795 6- ROOM cbttnge. newly painted and papered, modern excert heat; Bemla Park district, paved street, hslf block from Harney car line. Apply 3210 Hamil ton St. (ft) 449 24 A NEW 6 and 6-room cottage, ttrlctly mod ern. Inquire il24 Miami St. (151144 FOR RENT 6-room house, in fine condi tion $10. 419 Dorcas St. (15)-M593 28X FOR RENT Modern house, 8 rooms and reception hall, laundry room, floored at tic, open sanitary plumbing, good repair, close In on Dodge 8t., only $30, with water. Owner, 1820 Spencer St. 'Phone Webster 4875. (15) M613 HOl'SEHOLD GOODS packed, forwa -fled: cheap freight rates; moving: and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. iu Doug. IS. (16 714 FIVE-ROOM cottage, 631T N. 26th St., $11. C. O. Ctrlberg, Dli N. Y. Life. (15)-M175 EIGHT-ROOM modern brick flat, 3007 Pa cific For Information 'phone Harney 3388, lla)-724 RENT OR SALE New house, 6 rooms and bfth, complete In every particular: firs. cla&s neighborhood. Tele. Harney 1327. (15) 277 2.( MODERN 8-room house, well St. Inquire 2514 Cald-(15)-320 24x FOR RENT To private family only, that commodious and attractive residence No. 2025 Dodge St., ITS. Alfred C. Kennedy, 2C3 First National Bank Bldg. Telephone Douglas 722. (15) 723 HOUSES. Insurance. hlngwalt. Barker Blk. (16)-J2i LIST your vacant houses with Walter Breen company, N. Y. Life Bldg. 15J 727 HOUSE for rent. 3115 Burt St. (16)-71 8602 No. 28th Ave., T rooms, $15. J.-.17 Seward, 6 rooms, $14. Both 'phones. Bemis, Paxton block. (15) M730 HOUSES, fliiti. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. (15)-717 HOTTSRS ,n " J"rta of the city. UUUOrjO Crelgh Sons A Co.. Bee Bldg. (161-716 7-room, new house, lot 50x127, 2909 Mander- son, sj.atm. w. Jrl. uates. (15) M435 23 SEVEN-ROOM house, just west Hanscom rark. f24. Phona Harney 1565. (15) 713 ONE 4-room houae. 10244 Pacific. $11. One 6-room house, 101714 S. 11th. $20; modern except heat. Tel. Harney 4204. Ernest Stuh (15) M771 TWO 6-room houses, $18. One 6-room house. $20. Ono 8-room house, $00. All modern except hest; located on 11th, Between Aiason ana racmc Bis. 'Phone Harney, 4204, Ernest Stunt. (13)-S00 FOR RENT A desirable West Farnam residence; 8 rooms: servants room and store room on third floor; billiard room and laundiy In basement; strictly modern and up-to-date; hardwood floora and finish first floor; In excellent repair; lease If desired. BENSON & MYERS, 412 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. (15) M533 23 10-room modern house, except heat, 2217 California $30 8-room modern houae, with new furnace, 530 8. 26th Ave 35 8-room modern houae, hot water heat, 2117 Caldwell 33 6-room modern house, except heat, with barn, 2630 Parker 18 6-room modern house, except heat. 2215 Seward 20 6-room house, 4823 N. 27th St 15 F. D. WEAD, Wead Blk.. 18th and Farnam. (15) MtflU 24 10-ROOM house, modern, suited for large family, or eauy t3 get roomers. Tel. Har ney l5!l. (15) M613 23X 2818 LEAVENWORTH. 6-r. mod. cottage, $5. 27U So. 9th. 7-r.. new, all mod.. $16. tri No. SSth. near Burt. 8-r.. fa6. 2506 Maple, 7 rooms, all modern. $27. t'O. O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1001 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A-2163. (15)-M581 24 A SPLENDID 6-room house rent In good condition; storm doors snd windows for $:o per month. 1S15 Corby St. Tel. Web. 2S73. (15) M546 23 HOUSES Peters Trust Co.. N. Y. L. Bldg. (16)-7ii 7-ROOM houae. $2X t2T So. 27ih St. (15) 359 ONLY $24 for winter. All modern 8-room house, near Hanscom Park. Fine furnace. Phone Webster 1798. " (15) M091 FOR RENT 4 rooms on first floor apart ment, city water, tolletv1519 N. 18th. $12.60. C. M. Bachmann, 436 Paxton Blk. (16) M40J 6-ROOM house, modern except furnace. Hi ilUkory el. inquue no. hi. (le ".t 6-ROOM house, modern except furnoce, 1323 8. 28th St. Call Tel. Harney 2359. (16) 356 4-ROOM cottage. Douglas 916. ' 836 Park Ave.. $25. Tel. (161364 I ROOM, all modern house, 4907 Webster St. (Dundee), nesr car, perfect repair. Harney 125. Leivltt. (151411 21X (-ROOM cottage, partly modern, with large yard. W. J. DERMODY INVESTMENT CO.. 836 New Tcrk Life Bldg. Douglas (10$. (15) 363 21 Tel. A BARGAIN In rent, 7 rooms, modern ex cept furnace, near In, three blocka from Farnam atreet car line; very low to good tenant. Apply at 6u7 N. 19th St. tl6 M613 FOR RENT 10-room modern houae. Isrge lot. $U). 25t Bristol 8t. (15i M573 29 x FOR RENT About Dec. 13, a seven-room house; 'has large lot. part.y modern, wltn bath, good furnace, all In good order; will rent lo a good tenant for $25 per month. Apply at 13 Ohio 81. H5i Mosl J4 EIGHT dollars a month, 'three room cot tage, newly papered and painted, in walking distance. Inquire at 2I4 Daven port BU 115)-MC2 fix 1 OFFERED FOR RENT Honses nnd Cottages Contlnned. FOR RENT. 9-room, modern house, In flrst-elana repair, near Hanscom Park, wltn good barn. W. J. DERMODY INVESTMENT CO., 836 New York Life Bldg. Telephone Douglas 61c8. (Id) 261 21 Italia. FRATERNITY hall, opposite public library, ground floor auditorium, holding 65u, will) atage; best dancing floor In (he city; also I lodge rooms st $5, $7 and 89 fur two meetings a month. See janitor on prem ises. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1714 "arnain 8L UiJ sti Offlcea. DESK ROOM for rent In an office located on the busy enrner of 24th and N Sta.. South Omaha. Call at Bee office, 8. O. branch, 24th and N, new address. (!5)-MJ7; DESK room. Inquire at room 332, Chamber of Commerce. (16) M619 24x Stores. 8CARGO BLOfcK, South Omaha. nw, 520 N. 24th. Ha l, 433 Ramga Bldg. Red 7(06. (16) 72 FLOOR' SPACE, on Douglas near 14th, of two rooms: one site 60x60. other 22x.V); could be used for lodge or business; has steam heat and light. F. D. WEAD, Wead Blk.. 18th and Farnam. (15) M630 24 1408 Howard St.. large store room and base ment, 82x132, wholesale and retail. N. P. Dodge t Co.. 1714 Farnam St. (15) 844 1408-10 Howard 111 8. loth St., St., steam heat, steam heat. (15)- M5S6 28 STOREROOM, with cement basement. 1320 N. 24th St.. $2S. F. D. WEAD, Wead Blk.. 18th and Farnam. (ISl-MSGl 24 GOOD atorage room In the wholesale dis trict for rent. , W. J. DERMODY INVESTMENT CO., 836 New York Life Bids;. Tel. Dousrlas 5I0R. (15) 3S2 21 OFFERED FOR SALE Foraltore. TWO foldlns counter stools, mahogany finish; been used a short time and will sell cheap. Call Bee office. Omaha. (16) 14J NO. 6 Radiant Home hard coal stove, $2U; Majestic lange, $30; almost ne-. 1'4 Corby. Call Monday. (16) M646 2J Typewriters nnd Senlng Machines. TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES. ALL PRICES. For sale, for rent; very low charges If rented for 6 months; all rent paid applied if purchased; slightly used and rebuilt ma chines at to mirs. prices; scna toaay for large bargain list and receive our otter. 16-'0 Farnam St., Omaha. (lfi)-M544 25 IK YOU ARE IN THE MAKKET FOR A TYPEWRITER IT WILL BE TO YOUR INTEREST TO INVESTI GATE WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER. NEW OR SECOND-HAND. ADDRESS E 210. BEE. (16) 670 Ostrich Plnmea. BEAUTIFUL heavy French droop plumes, 17 inches, $2.45. worth $5. Other grades half retail atore prices. Aaaress U'I4 Mar ney. Tel. Red 3516; our agent will call, (16) 7:D Miscellaneous. DRtTCS at cut crlces: freight raid on all $10 orders; ratslogue free. Sherman it McConnell Drug Co., Oinaha, Neb. (16) 733 INK BARRELS We have on hand a number of these bar rels which we will sell at 50c each. They are fine for rain water or ashes. Call at preas room. Bee Publishing Co. (16) 27 Wire Cable for Sale Wa have three pieces ot Inch cable. 154 to 260 feet each, for sale at a reasonable price. Call on engineer, Bee Bldg., Omaha. 110) FOR SALE ElegarU Mission counter and partition, stained top; will sacrifice nt a bargain, with privilege of renting office. I am in 601 Bee Bids. (16) MS41 FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunwlck-E:.ike Collender. 407 8. 10th St. (16) Ui HOMEOPATHIO tall. Sherman 16th and Dodg- remedles. wholesale, re nt McConnell Drug Co., Sts., Omaha. Neb (16) 73S We bave three pieces of vi-lnch cabin. 150 to 250 feet eaoh, for salt st a reasonable price. Call on engineer, lie Bldg., Omaha. (161276 SEND ua your mall ordera for drugs; freight paid on $10 lota. Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. (16) 733 BHERWIX-WILLIAMS CO.. best mixed paint. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. (16) 736 TWO cash registers, 402 S. 15th St. ono gas arc lamp. (16) 448 GOOD Acorn cooking ctove, 2 soft heating stoves. 2018 Davenport R'. coal (16) M550 25x PATENTS PATENTS THAT PROTECT Three books for Investors mailed on receipt of 6? post age. R. S. and A. B. Lacey, rooms iS-Jl Pacific Bldg.. Washington. 3. C. Estab lished Hu9. (17) -737 D. O. 7117. BARNELL. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red (17) 7:tN PERSONAL HALL'S safes, newt. Id-hand. 1818 Farnam, iu iU 6YRINGES. rubber goods by mail; cut prices. Send for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. (18) 7J9 THE ARNOLD MA8SAGE VIBRATOR fur giving the celebrated vibratory mas sage st home (or poor circulation and ail ments of the nerves, brain and vlial organs; Invaluable for rlieumaiic, neu Talfiie bnd paralytic atfectlons; endorsed by physitiana; tnousanda sold; produce health, atiength. beauty, vigor and vi tality; agents wanted everywhere; write for free sO-page book. H. K. Harthun, 613 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (18) MS42 D13 t XfiV. Electric, vibratory. 120 So. jyiAOQ.AVJ.Cj j,lUi Room f fojrth I floor old Boston Biore. (18) $7 Dtcl THE SALVATION ARMY solicits csatoff clothing; lu fact, anything you do not reed. We collect, repair and sell at UI N. 11th St.. for cost of collection to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Douglas 4116 and wagon will call. U 7a A HOME for a w man during confinement. We find -homes lor babies where mothers cannot care for them. Mother Lee. 4u) Bancroft ot Phone Douglaa 1921. Its) aui Jan.-ix PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Sirs. Dr. K.r.g. U24 N. i4Ui. Tel. Webster Wt 41 YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as str aotiers are Invited U visit the Youns Woman's Christian association rooms. It8 Farnam St.. where tliey will be directed to suitable buaiding places or otherwise assisted. 116) 2t4 PERSONAL SATIN Skin Fotb r uoe. n't show, perfu i ll tnu skin, riesti, while, uiK. ir . (18) DISAPPEARED FROM HOME Fred Tcleen left home In the nlghl of Oct. 12, without telling of bis going; his age,' Is; 6 feet tall, wiight 114 poumla; light, com plected; light hair, dressed In gray suit; light hat. plow shoes. If. found please wire me, his father, at my ekpense. A. F. Velcen, AlinwoUh. Ntb. lid! 4;'.4 tix A fJNF.TTP treatment and bath. Mme. li . DRS. LUG EMS' private confinement borne. tin Farnam S.. Phone Doug. city. (l5)-0i W 'JV-4X OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg. (1J i M JOHN CANE la In town. Now Is tha tlmt to trim tices, trellises, ri p-vltiei. laiS' phone Dougias 4o4 or A-t49. 1)-M Dad MASSAGE treatment. 6. Mrs. Jordan. 109 S. 17th St.. room (18) 866 2ox J MAftQCERADE South 20th St. for rent. XtIS ( 18) 412 Dec 19 LADIES-For Immediate relief write Ioctr.'ss Pearl. 8o. Omsha. Neb.. P. o. Box 110. (18I-M541 24x REAL ESTATE HEAL fcJSTATK DEALERS REED ABSTRACT CO., service; get our prlcea. Est. 15&; prompt 1710 Farnam St. (l)-745 BENJAMIN R. E. CO., 477 Brandels Bldg 19)-71i GEORGE CO.. Tel. 16D1 Fnrnam. Douglas 756, (l)-: PAYNE 1NV. CO., first floor N. Y. Life. U9)-i48 REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO.. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, President. 1?)-M6i3 CITY PROPERTY FOR IAIB AN eastern owner has two houses in Hans. com Place rented for $(0 a montn: every thing modern; paved street; east front; win sell at a bargain; one block'Dorlh of Hanscom Park. . . - THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1. New York LIU Building, (l-75$ Dairy Farm; FOR RENT-About 130 acres In East Omaha; 90 acres In pasture and timber; balanc3 plow land. Full Information st The Byron Reed Co., 'Phone Doug. 297 212 S. I4th St. (I9)-368 21 DUNDEE HOMES New S-room hous. built for a home, unable to occupy It now; will s?ll essy terms. -til) Underwood Ave. Tel. D. 4113. . . . .. (19I-M467 21 SIX-HOOM modern cottage, except heat; east front, full lot, one block from the car. i.9.12 N. 23d St. Tel. Webster 1673. . (18) M624 23x FOR SALE A new houae. Just finished; everything first class; all modern; a beautiful home. Call at 2409 Emmet St. , . (19)M527 29 LIST your property with Chris Boyer, 2JJ and Cuming Sta. (l)-32 VERY CLOSE IN FLAT LOCATION. Best location for high-class flats In city; ground 80x148; adjoining High school. I. CONNER, owner, 331 Board of Trade. (I91-M670 24 FIVE-ROOM cottage, large pantry, gas, bnth. furnace, $2,000; reasonable terms. 2462 S. 17th St. (19) M456 24x REAL ESTATE r'AkBI AND uAaI.ii UAU FOR SALE Colorado. THE HAG ADORN INVEST MENT. COMPANY, 1613 'liemoiil St.. Denver Colo. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in NEBRASKA AND COLORADO LANDS Some good Invert munts In western Ne braska landa. We have large holdings of lands In the famous SAN LUIS VAL LEY of Colorado, which we are offering at very low prices, permanent wator right:. The most productive landa In the world. Write ua fur circular and price list of lands. MAIN OFFICE, 1616 TREMONT BT.. DENVER. COLO. (20) M456 DecSx FARM AND FRUIT LAND. Denver Greeley district, under Irrigation: sugar beets, alfalfa, general farming and fruit ralaing; low price, easy p.iymants. National Investment Co.. 582 Brandels Bldg.. Omaha. Tel. Douglas 6691. (20)-751 OPPORTUNITY EXTRAORDINARY Irrigated land, ten miles east of Denver; best soli and Irrigation 1n the state, at lena than 25 per cent of its real value. Twelve sections bought by Scuth Omaha and Council Bluffs ahrewd investors during the past 60 days. This land is advancing rapidly and an In vestment meana a fortune in the next few years. Come wtlh us next Tuesday and see and be convinced. National Investment Co., ' C&2 Brandela BUlg. Omaha. Neb. (20) M5fll 23 Ml'ST RAISE CASH. 800 acres alley land, 32 miles east Denver. 230 broken, till fenced; sub-lrrisated: must stll $10.W acre; terms. A.uress 8 6ia, Bee. (20)-T)M40 28x Nebraska. ' TWO FARMIJARGA1NS We have two farms in Custer pounty which we wIhIi to close out within the next thirty days and In order to do so we are offering them at little more than half their actual value. They are as follows: Is'o. 15:5 acres 7 miles from good rail road town, on the main line of the 'Burllne ton, all gentle rolling upland, not rough, no canyon; 4.0 acres choice tillable land; 175 acres under cultivation; about 40 acr'8 enclosed by good fence; fair Improvements, consisting of 4-room dwelling, stable, new corn crib, hog house, poultry house, good well with steel windmill, pump and tanka. This Is a splendid all-round farm for com bined atock and farming. Price. $20 per aero for the next thirty days. fio 2 4o aTea 10 miles from good town on I'nion Pacific; practically all tillable; 160 acrea under cultivation; 240 acres fenced pasture; fair buildings with good well, windmill, pump and tanks. A snap at $20 per acre. Reasonable terms will be given upon the above. Epr particulara write or call on BENSON & MYERS. 412 N. Y. Lifo Bldg., Omaha. . (20I-M634 23 160 ACRES fine land only 6 miles from Grand. Island. Neb. This Is most excel lent land and may be had at a big bar gain and on special terms. For terms, reason fJr selling and full particulara address owner. Box 122. Lexington. Neb. (20)-M393 27 X 10 ACRESA BARGAIN. Improvements worth $M). Rich soil, nesr good market. Rented for 12 per 'eat of price asked. Muat sell at once. Owner. 3493 Meredith. Omaha. (2d)-:' NEBRASKA IMPItOVED rAHVli Meriick County, Nebraska. Two of the beat Improved farms In Mer rick county, four mllea southwest of Central City. One of these consists of 4J$ acres deeded land, with about 200 acrea accreted land on the Platte river, one mile water front. No better land In the stats. Ideal for stock rslslng. The other Is a quarter section, full Improved. J. C. H liTESON, 213 8. 16th Omaha. Neb. I20)-M221 WHEN writing to advertlaers remember It only takea a airoke or two of the pen to mention Its fact that you saw lbs ad In Tns Bea REAL ESTATE WANTED FOR RENT. 400 acres 2 miles west of S. umalis ll.iv land, pasture and plow lind. $1.0 per acre. ' ' ' TUFT BYRON T.EEH CO.. Phone Doug. 213 S.Mth Ft. (21) .V 21 REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS of 8600 to $5,000 on Omaha rest. deuce property. 1 ' O'KEKKE REAI ESTATE CO., Itwl N. Y. Ufa Ulug. - 22)-7l WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith Co.. l Faroam St. 122) -JAi PAYNE. BOSTWICK CO. N. T. Ufa. Prlvais money; $6uu to ti.OuOj low rate. l-7i$ LOWEST RATES Bemla Paxton blofa. PRIVATE FUNDS to loan on second real estate mortgagee. Apply room 81 First National Bank Bldg. Bell Phone Doug. 14:8. (g)-00 Nov 9 "FIVE PER CENT " ' money to loan on . . ( - Omaha Bualness Property. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room I, New York Life Bldg. , t32j TSJ WANTEDClty LHsna. 'Patera Trust Co. , 22)-Ji4 MONET TO BUILD. $Vi0 to $200,000 0. current rates. . '. W. H. THOMAS, to First Nat. Bank BldJ. l2$)-i5J PRIVATE MONET NO DELAY- OARVIN BROS.. 1604 A KNA (22)-755 ln TO roooo made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., mth and Farnam. (22)-',5 . Good 6 Farm Mortgages Always . on band nnd fur sale Id amounts from $300 to $3,00.). BENSON & MYERS, ,412 N. Y. Life Bldg. (22i-M.M3 2.T MONET TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. ($2-7t ' i . PRIVATE money to loan. J. H. Sherwood, til Brandels Bldg. - (22)-7l FARM mortgages, 6 per oent; $2,0)0 U, Patterson, Patterson Block. 22)-MS16 ffl REAL ESTATE WANTED " . . 1 . rT.: WANTED To buy best lncoin nroprrtv; (buMnrss preferred), $16,W; will bu,- pu : vate party. Address C, 613, core Bee. (25) Mito) 23x . WANTED-T0 BUY HIGHEST ptievs for 2d-hand furniture, tar., iMuiuci aiiu suues. let. uuug. 491. (26) 76i OLD MAGAZINES. Omaha, Walker's Agency, (26)-M727 dec9 RIGHT prices paid for 2d-hand furniture, carpets, stovts, clothing, shoes. Tel. Rej 401. ' 'C!i-;6 FRAME store building to move, north side. "1 J. H. Pnrrotte, Board of Trade. ' ' ' (!3t-M694 2 WANTED-SITUATIONS REFINED Christian woman would like po sition as housekeeper or nurse. Addrms H,652, caj;eBeej (2?) Mm Six STOVE REPAIRS-' WE have In stock tno delay) repairs for very make of furnace, steam or hot wau. beater, water fronts. OMAHA 8TOVE REPAIR WORKS. . 1206 -08 Douglas St . . Ttlephonea: Bell. Douglas 9uu; Ind., A-342V, foi T LEGAL NOTICES J. THE 6OUTH OMAHA AND WESTERN RAILROAD COM PAN Y Special Meet ing. Omaha, Neb., October 7, lv A srr ciai meeting of the stockholders of the South Omatia and Western Hallroaa C0111 parjy will ba held at ti omen of the company In Omahu, Ntb., on Friday, 1 cember IS, 190B, at II o'clock a ni., for the purpose ot authorizing and providing fur the sale of the railioad of The Soutu Omaha and Western Railroad Company, with Its franchises and appurtenances, its real estste and personal pupt-rly. to 1 nloor Pacific Railroad Company, the conslueru- . tlon for such sale to be the cancellation ti( the bonds and satisfaction of the mort gage of said The .South Omaha and West ern Railroad Company, and the assumption or all its other indebtedness by the said Union Paoli'lii Railroad Company; and for the purpose ot transacting all auch other bualness as m legally come before the neetitiit ( or tho purposes of the tneetli." the boohs for the transfer of stock will be closed st I o'clock p. 111. on Monday, December 7, 19C8, a'ld will be reopened at 10 o'clock a. m. on Saturday, December 19. 1903. T. M. ORR becrutaty, OSiltnDU OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. CANADIAN PACIFIC CKBiiTMAi nxcTTBSiona. V nv I lee. 5. 11. Third clsss ratea from Omaha. To Hamburg, Bremin. Antwerp... To Liveroool. London, Glasgow.. To Scandinavian points !S.0o 63.7S S7.6U O. Mi. aisjauuH . 338 . Clark Cbloag-o. HI. SMOKE. SOOT AND HEALTH Effect of soft fori Boralnaj oa Prop erty and Life In Lars . Cities. What niny be considered from IV ''' din's point tf view the most hurtful ef fects of so't coal smoke are polnt'd out In the New York Medical Record by Dr. John W. Walnwrlght of New York City, one, of them Is that It robs a community of the aunlight which Is essential to physcal well-being. An. ther is that tho imperfect combustion which liberates unconsumed particles of carbon also generates poison ous gares. A third is that In -rd-r to. ex elude the sool from tlielr homes many per sons Phut their windows and breathe ' vitiated almrtphcre Indoors. Dr. Warn- wiight does not believe that smoke eer-,4 else a germicidal Influence. Cm the en ttary, he Ihlnks tlat there Is some telstloft. between the heavy mortality from tuber culosis In bl towns like Msnchcrter anil lycds. England, and (he smudge will which' they are continually overhung. ' In direct as well as direct hurra Is attributed by Dr. Walnwrlght to the same agent,, I11 his opinion, by depressing the spirits and causing mental Irritation It aggravates the condltl' n of those who suffer from certain., diseases of tho heart and nervous system. ( Murh tn'schi'-f Is also done by nmok to clothing nnd merchandise. A Chicago man asserts tlt the damage to his gocds m a stifle ye.r from this cause ' amounted .to $200.(00 and the statement Is not absolutely Incredible. ' HHP, If It Is' true, what' must be the losses In th.- viiol? ills where he lives, and In s ore of other 1 luces lit, the west afflicted in the tin e manner. . Fortunately , New York C".y hits .Win bllhered biucIi less than icany cities lra Centura of p r ulaCvn b this licd'ttticc., 4 it' the incre.tsln? use of soft ruu( a'l'iutt - lest in ss in the use of it mad c .rrecti' e meaauiea nteeasai y ' here .-New York ftiJj bt nt. 1 i.i . f By using the various ut.-Dar tnients of The Bee Want Ad images you st lit boat reaulis' at lbs least expena.