Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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mm city hews
Bare Im Trim It,
, . tlaaieafs. Sdhalaa, Jeweler.
, t. Swing- Bnrwm, 603 Braaaei Bit,
r - aaelp r. webeaa, Paue faMutoU
iKut((r QuilllrelMrt, Illl Utli
Kru4'ilHMMlttMeti. TlLD lIU
v..-. . miaeaart, photographer, lllh A rarnana.
Bawwiu. HTN. 1. bougies aba. 11.10.
BlsettteaA Wlrta a4 Beyetis Murgasn-
QriMncMnmr. Hit Howard street '
atwiaaato IUe Policies eight drefte at
Maturity. H. D. Keely, manager. Omaha.
r . " at Temple Israel Mabbl T. R.
Conn W1U talk at I o clock t at Tem
. j!e Israel on "A Jfteftectlon on Life."
-. The ladies of tha Flrat Christian church
.. .will hold a food sale In tha basement of
tha Bennett Co.. Tueeday, bef Inning at
4 10 o'clock. Homemade bread, mincemeat,
y plum pudding, etc for sale,
. yew saeaef aa ewlaeslee la a
. aafa deposit boa la tha Ameriean Safe n.
posit Vaults. In The Bee building, which la'
aosoiuieiy burglar and . fireproof. Boxes
tent for only la yar er II a quarter.
?," ,maJKe A4Jturta-lrollowlng
i . t'IB '"V week " adjustment of the In
' surance on the atock and building of tha
Nebraska-Mollne . riow company, which
aufTered from flra laat Sunday, It la an
- nouhced that tha adjusters havo left
: after completing their work and that tha
' matteiM satisfactorily closed, so far a
the plow company la concerned.
"Ba Ollmore, who Uvea at 2011 North
sixteenth afreet, "Was arrested by Offi
cer Brugman and Knutaon, charged with
being drunk, and abusing a home. Oil
more waa - driving Ma horse at hfgh
speed up and down Sixteenth atreet and
" would suddenly Jerk and atop It until tha
. animal was on the point of running
. away. Me la held at tha atatlon for trial
Monday , ,.
Twins Weigh Twsnty-oaa oaas
Twin war bom on Friday to Mr. and
, Mr ,. Frederick ffelaon. II JO Hamilton
... street, a .girl weighing twelva and a half
, rounds ana a boy weighing alght and a
, half pounds, a -combined weight of twen
ty -one pounda. Lr. Mllroy says that
both ,the children and tha mother arj
. doing, wall. Mr. Nelson Is a grocer at
, Fortieth and Hamilton atreeta.
Trlsute to Klnf Cora "Aye, the corn,
r lha. royal corn, within whose yellow
. heart, there Is of health and strength for
t IJ tha nations." This la tha motto on
the cover "of (lia new corn exposition
folder, which has Just been published
hy the "Northwestern road. The folder
I ' replete with Information concerning
" ihe' Corn show and contains many halt
tones'' of cofh ' artd a splendid bird's-eye
view nf tha city of Omaha.
IToffatt and' Charles Ceasing- The two
" Hoonh ' evangelist. Mcasra. John Mof
fatt and l. R. Charles, expect to begin
a aeries of gospel' meetings In Qospel
hall at !0 Farnam street Sunday avail
ing at 7:43. contlhulng ever night ex
'ccpt Saturday nlgliti. Singing will be
led by D. R Charles, ainglng evangelist.
All Christians "have been invited and
their prayers are eareatly desired. There
will be an all-day meeting Thanksgiving
,( dayrlO-J a, n... 3:30 and 7:10 p. m. A
special Invitation la extended to the pub
j.f."c . ..,.1 . -
Ae,uiree a righting Jaf Adolph
j , l,inqulsts a young man who Uvea at 1336
, Spalding, went home laat night Intoxi
cated ' and commenced making trouble,
lia' became Infuriated at his mother from
kome rauae and.'' securing a butcher knife,
threatened to kill her and also ran the
other 'members of ther" family from the
house and would not- permit them to,
-'senre'OfHer 'Weudserae-ealled and
' took 1 llnqulst to-the pllM atatlon, where
he Is charged with being drunk and abus
ing, hie mother. k
, Mat of Ike Meaaa Kmpleyed la late
aardlaat Cemmeree
. No country In he world does ao much to
protect ocean borne commerce from lore
, by coUlaion, with derellcta a doea the
l.'nlted Statea. For many years It haa pub
lished, a monthly chart . of tha "North At
t Iantic, which Includes among numeroua
Kema'of useful Information for marlnera
the locationa of all derellcta according to
the lateat reporta. For many years It was
tha cuatom to glva naval vessels and their
't fleers and crews an opportunity to see
active service by pursuing the elualva de
relict with the object of destroying It. The
ramoua dynamite cruiser Veauvlua waa
among those that uaed to get. a tittle gun
practice with a derelict aa tha target. For
.two years Ihe revenue cutter Mohawk haa
, been doing duty aa a derelict destroyer,
with ejeh success that the November hy-
, ilrographlc chart ahowa no derelict reported
iiiuio than once, or earlier than Septam-
- ber 3i un the old charts It waa not unuaual
to find aeveral reporta of the aama derelict
. tang'.ng over a period aometlmea of more
than a year,
in the course of a few days tha Seneca,
, a vrasl bu'ilt especially for putting these
lingt'ilng victims Of the wrath of Father
Noptune out of exlatence, wilt go Into com-
, mltakm. Thla vessel la the flrat built for
aucb a purpose In the world. In general
uptearance It will resemble the ocean going
, i avenue ruttera of tha United Statea, but
.U have two funnels to dletlngulah It
from the cuttera. It will be provided with
torpedoea and guna for firing explosive
' shrlla, and powerful towing appa
ratus for towing any wanderer, not too far
gone. Into a have of safety.
Tha government haa alao found a use for
wireless telegraphy In the protection -of
commeace from derellcta and Icebergs. A
few oaya ago tha hydrographlo office In
Uroad atreet received a wireleaa nveaage
.'from the ateamer Caracas, which had
aalled a couple of daya before for pono
Klco. The master of the ahlp reported
(atslng the sodden hulk of thu schooner
Howard,' Comt&n of PhiladalphU, and gave
the latitude and longitude and the hour.
Tha stubbed remains of the foremast were
atlll atandlng and lha wreck waa "danger
ous to navigation." In tha courae of a few
"""tiours tha message waa thrown to tba four
4 winds from eavaral of the . twenty-throe
government wireleaa telegraph atationa
scattered along thf Atlantic and gulf coasts
for the Information of all veeaela equipped
with, wireless, receiving apparatus.
Three tlmea a day at elghl-bour lntervala,
the houra being a. m., t p. ra , and 10 p.
an., wireleaa meaaagea regarding obstruc
tion a to navigation are m broadcast. A
Eat Toar ' FaTorit Fod Without!
Fear of Indigeitioa or Stom
ach Dhtmi.
Why not-start now today, and for
ever rid yourself of Stomach Trouble
and Indigestion? A dieted atomacn eta
tbe blues, and grumbles. Give It a good
eat, then take rape's IMapepain to start
the digestive Juices working. Thore will
be ne 4yapepsla or belching of Oaa or
eructations of undigested food, no feeling
like a lump of lead In the atomacb or
heartburn, sick headache or Dlaalnesa. and
your food will not ferment and ixJsoa
your . bit'lU. with eauioua odors.
t 'a pa's ptapepsln costs oal? t9 rents
fur a large rase at any drug store ktre
auJ -UVa.-'eve the aiostv(stluiie use
vessel at other times mny call up fheae
atationa and obtain Information. The fen
ces ' Will be eoilpp4' '"'Hh wlrcleaa tele
graph apparatus to that ' reporta may be
received from ahore and from passing
vessels.' New York Tribune.
II la Deteraalaeel, Xt by His
meat la (4ltlaw, bat by
His Easrlearr.
On the coaat of England the other day
a email pleasure ateamer bearing twenty
aix passengers, all men, ran upon a sunken
wreck and began to sink. There was but
one small lifeboat, and this would not hold
but half of tha paasengera. Thirteen might
be aaved, but the other thirteen would
have to plunge Into the at a and take their
In this emergency the captain, a young
Englishman, spoke up.
"How many married men are here?" said
Thirteen men atepped forward.
"Let these men get into the boat," aald
the captain. "We bachelora will try to
The married men eagerly aaarnted to thla
propoaal and in two minutes they were In
the boat and rowing for the beach. Just
then the ateamer went down and the thir
teen bachelora ' jumped Into the angry
waves.- They were willing to take their
chancea. They were willing to give every
advantage to their married brethren, who
had wives and children at home.
And did the heroic bachelors drown? Not
at all. They breasted the gigantic bil
lows Kke mermen and reached the atrand
safe and aound. And, then, pausing a mo
ment to draw breath, they plunged In
again to re sous the married men. Tie lat
ttu, cracy. with, fear, had managed to
awamp their boat within fifty yards of the
beach and were now struggling in the surf
and. howling for help. The bachelors,
shouting reassuring words to them, got
them ashore, emptied them of sea water,
rubbed their eara, calmed their fears and
carried them home.
Thla true story proves anew a thesis that
we have been maintaining In the face of
frenxled opposition and calumny, for the
laat forty-two yeara. Briefly atated, It la
thla: That the human bachelor la the yioit
magnificent being yet produced by the" evo
lutionary procesa. Far from being tha In
ferior of the married man, he Is, we be
lieve, infinitely the latter'a superior, not
only on account of his greater measure of
liberty, hla more philosophic mind and his
escape from petty distractions, but also
because of hi obviously greater efficiency.
He Is, In a word, the complete master of
hla environment which meana the aum of
the natural and artificial forces working
toward his discomfiture, enslavement and
dissolution whereaa the married man ia
alwaya handicapped by aome Inimical and
sinister Influence, whether It be a sentimen
tal tendency to yield to his wlfe'a Idiosyn
crasies or a supine inclination to submit
to hla mother-in-law'a ukaaea and edlcta.
According to the current view the mar
ried man la, Ipao facto, a hero. Thla view
Infecta even bachelora themselves, aa la
welt ahown by the propoaal of the captain
In the atory. It la revealed again every
time a freah panic arrlvea, for the bach
elora are alwaya discharged before the
married men. The theory aeema to be that
the latter are of more value to the world
a notion aa indefensible aa the kindred
Idea that the moon Is made of celluloid.
As a matter of fact, a man's value to the
world is determined, not by the domeatlc
condition, but by his efficiency. ' A man
who can earn $10,000 a year ia worth two
men who can earn put 15,000. A man who
can Jump thirty feet la worth fifteen fat
men who can Jump .but two feet. A man
who can eat a ham and two cabbages at
a sitting ia worth forty dyspeptics who
munch toast and swelback. And. finally,
a man who. In the face of constant en
deavors by fascinating widows, antbropop
hagua maiden tadlca and matchmaking
mammae, to lure him into matrimony, yet
managea to elude the hymeneal "hook, and
to live out hla days In a capella bkaaednesa,
doing the thinking of the world and serv
ing as a glorious example to youth thla
man la worth 100 who permit .themselves
to be dragged, ahrieking up the alale of
algha. their hair clipped short, their shoes
shining, tholr eyes bulging with horror and
plain gold rings In their veat pockets.
A soldier who dlea gloriously upon the
battle field la not entirely uaeleaa to the
world. It may be admitted with all truth;
but of Infinite greater value la the aoldler
who beatrews the field with the mangled
corpaea of his foemen. and then goea home
himself unharmed. Baltimore Sun.
Sad Fate ef Hlraaa Hlgalaa, a Mis
tsarlaa With a Pipe
A horrible example of the evils of to
bacco recently came to light In Miasouri.
Hiram Hlgglna, ' addicted to the weed
through nearly all hla 7 yeara, aroae with
the day, aaddled hla horse and, pipe In
mouth, rode fifteen mllea to town. After
Uaneicllng much Important business he
returned home In time to peel a peck of
potatoes for the noonday dinner, after
which he beguiled hla time by plowing an
acre of winter wheat land with a balky
mule. While thua engaged he observed the
futile efforta of one of hla "handa" en
gaged In breaking a yearling colt. Drop
ping' hla plow handles, Hiram atralghtway
addreaaed himself to the Job. The colt
flung him over a five-barred fence and
landed him on h'.s head. Hiram made his
ay In the house complaining of "feeling
a little tired." The country doctor, who
felt Hlram'a pulae and looked at hla tongue,
announced that he waa Buffering from too
much tobacco and sigely declared that If
be dldn;t atop tha noxious weed right off
short he would fill an early grave. Hiram
Ia It not time to curb the curae of nico
tine? Had not tha pernicious pipe sapped
hla strength think how many more mllea
tbla farmer could have ridden, how many
potatoea he might have peeled, how many
bard acres plowed and how many refrac
tory colta broken into docile palfreya! Let
Hiram and hla pipe be a dreadful warning
to octogenaiiana who dally with tobacco.
Iet them amoke clgarettea if they muat,
but let them steer clesr of tobacco. Wash
ington Post.
Bee "Want Ads" are business getters and
bualneaa stimulators.
of Indigestion - and Upset Stomach in
five minutes.
There Is nothing elae better to take
Oas from Stomach and cleanae the
Stomach and Intestines, and, besides, one
trlangule will dlgeat and prepare for as
similation Intfl the blood all your food
tbe aame aa a aound, healthy stomach
would do It. "
When Tlapepain works, your atomach
reals gala Itaelf In order, claana up
end then you feel like eating when you
come to the table, and what you eat
will de yoii good.
Absolute relief from all Stomach Misery
la siting- for you ss soon as you de
ride -to begin tsking Ulapepsin. Tell
yeur druggist that you' want Papa's Dia
epMn. because you want to be thorough
j vurel vf ludigestku.
Practical Feature! of the Technical
School of Germany.
Proeprete aad Actlvltlee af Varloaa
Inst Itetloaa A l.esaoa la
Kladeese Edaratlonal
In an address on "What the fnlted States
Haa to Learn from the Education and
Technical Training of Germany," recently
given before the Brooklyn Institute of Art
and Sciences. President Hadley of Tale uni
versity aald that the German people, aa a
commercial nation, must be reckoned with
by all natlona. He baaed hla talk on per
sonal study and observation while he waa
lecturing before the universities In Germ
any last winter.
Dr. Hadley laid particular stress upon
the growth and usefulness of the technical
schools In Germany during the. last halt
century. Before the spread of these schools
In Germany, he said, the Germans were
considered an Idealistic and aentimental
"Today they are Intensely practical," he
said. "They are. Indeed, more practical
than the Americana. They have become a
military race. Their Ideas are technical.
They value things for their value In dol
lara and centa or for the aoclal poaition
which these things give their possessors.
The kaiser haa been a leader In bringing
about theae changes In the vlewa of life en
tertalned by hla aubjecta.
"Our good technical echools are rare.
The graduatea of our technical achoola get
moat of their training In the ahop, on tha
farm or In the mine. In Germany the beat
part of the studeht's training; Is received
In the achoola. The objecta of the system
In the German schools are two to develop
the Individual and to advance the welfare
of the country by teaching the atudenta
what will beat advance the Interests of the
"The attitude of public mind In Germany
and America to the respective educational
ayatems Is significant. In thla country It la
regarded as an accident If a man who has
been taught the theories of commercial Mfe
in the achoola aucceeda when he beglna his
active career. In Germany It is considered
an accident if success comes to those men
who have not been trained In the schoola,
and an accident that ehould not be re
Statistics of Atteadaaee aaa Other
Items ef Interest.
The new 'directory of the University of
Wiaconsin. now in press, shows 3,237 stud
ents in attendance, exclusive of th vininr
dairy and agricultural courses and the aum-
mrr session, with these added, the total
attendance will exceed 4,600. The graduate
school has an enrollment of 218, an in
crease or fourteen over the enrollment of
laat yeaf la that department. Thla year a
freahman claaa numbers M5, ai Increase of
101. The largest Increase in attendance Is
In the college of agriculture, which thia
year haa 22S, an Increaae of eeventy-nlne.
or nearly M per cent gain. The college of
lettera and aclence shows a ateady growth,
the total enrollment being 1,849, an increaae
of 1. or nearly 10 per cent. The college
of medicine has thirty atudenta thia year
an Increaae of six. or 25 per cent.
In the college of engineering there are
674 atudenta thla year; In the college of
law 154, an Increaae of eight; In the achool
of music. 216. an increaae of fourteen; In
the achool of pharmacy, thlrty-eeven. an in
crease of four; and In the courae of com
merce, 207.
The three new coureee established this
year all have a good enrollment. The new
two-year middle courae In agriculture has
twenty-aeven atudenta; the new courae In
mining engineering twenty-one, and tha
new courae of chemlatry thirty-nine.
In order to Inaure prompt medical at
tendance and to prevent as fsr aa possible
developments of serious Illness among stud
ents, the faculty committee on hygiene, of
which Dr. M. P. Ravenel, head of the atate
hygienic laboratory and of the unlveralty
department of bacteriology, is chairman.
as arranged with those in charge of
uuuses wnere students IrVe t t,.,.. -
caae of alckneaa reported promptly to thia
lc" ca will be Inveatlgated
by the committee at once. Hv thi. i.
la expected that the amount of sickness
mung siuacnts. wh eh nn th. -
In the past haa been very email, m ill be re-
uucea 10 a minimum.
To maintain aa hygenic conditions aa pos
alble In all unlveralty class-rooms, labors
torles, and In the bulldin..
monthly reporta from thoae in charge of
these rooms are to be nwde to the com
mittee on hygiene. Careful Inveatlgatlon of
.r..i..i.un. neaung. ligntlng and general
sanitary condltlona In all nf h. ...t
ia to form a part of the faculty ommittee a
work 1n thia direction.
Kuo Feng-Nlng of Shanghai, China, a
ue.eiBie oi me tjnineae Flaherlea company
to the recent International fisheries con
gress at Washington, and Kohang Yin. who
la investigating tobacco at rnH n aw I UI.
country. Inapected the college of agriculture
i me university and the agricultural ex
periment atatlon.
Dr. Herbert Watney of Berkahlre. Eng
land an eminent Brltlah dairyman, visited
the dairy achool recently .and Dr. V. jj.
Smith, head of the department of agricul
ture of the Tranevaal. South Africa. In
apected the department of bacteriology
aolle. veterinary work and live atock. in
the tntereata of a contemplated colege of
agricultural at Praetorla.
Helen Theo Grove. '07, haa accepted a
poaition aa tutor to children of mlsslonarlea
In Northern Perala. and haa Juat left for
New York, from whence she will aall to
take up her dutiea In her new poaition.
First Grade Report of Lexlagt., Ma.,
The first grade period reporta were
recently sent out and they ahow excellent
w.rk on the part of moat of the csdeta
Two of the best foot ball players stand
right up at the top, ahowing that athletics
need not Interefere with school work
The health of tire corps of cadeta' was
never better. The use of boiled water for
drinking and other aanttary measures aug
geaud by government supervlalon and put
Into operation by Major Hickman, with hla
wkle army experience, have proven moat
Rev. Brlney of the Broadway Christian
church of Loulevllle. Ky.. vial ted ihe
academy and made a pleaalng talk to "the
sohool few days ago.
Senator Dolllver. the flrat man on the
lecture courae delivered a moat Intereat
Ing, practical, and Instructive lecture be
fore the students of Central college and
of tbla academy at the auditorium laat
Monday evening. The next number will
be given by Dr. Green on December 1.
The cadets are much elated over the
victory over Central High school in their
foot ball game on the 14th. Many old
Wentworth boya were rooters at the game
Every one la looking forward with much
Internal to the Thanksgiving Bsra,
Pcdalla with Kemper. Wentworth Military
academy haa not yet been scored against
and If they can hold down Kemper they
will close the season with a remarkable
Cadet Carpenter haa purchased a horse
for use In the csvalry drill and Cadet
Johnstone's father shipped up once from
Oklahoma for hla use. The cavalry has
proved a great feature and since the ex
periment hsa proved a aucresS many ad
dltiona to the troop are expected In the
laaatortaat Kaperlaaewts with Coal la
be Eaa-laeertaa; Department.
Tho engineering department of the I'nl
veralty of Missouri recently completed a
series of experiments dealing with the
storage of coal. Experiments were made
with coal exposed to the weather, stored
In dry basements and stored where It waa
either partly or entirely covered with
water. After four months the various
samples were tskrn to the laboratories and
tested to determine what chanses had
taken place In the chemical nature of the
coal. The coal exposed to the weather
was found to hsve lost 50 per cent in s
year. The coal stored In a danjp piste
waa found to havo deteriorated, but not ao
much aa the former. The samples exposed
in a dry cellar were found to be almost
as sound as when first taken from the
A new fraternity has been organised at
the university, to constat of men who at
some srme In their university career have
been expelled from achool. There are
eleven charter members of the order, the
emblem of which Is a cross bearing the
letters K. A. N. It. It is called the Kappa
The Savitar, the student annual of the
unlverrlty, la to have a girl representative
on the board of editors for the first time
In ten years. The co-eds of the university
have long desired to have a representative
on the publication, which la considered the
mort Important of atudent publications. In
the school. They won thla year by a
shrewd political trick. In the atudenta'
election the glrli: promised the arte and
aclence department their aolld vole against
the engineering and agricultural depart
ments provided tht arta Juniors would give
them a repreaentative on the Savitar. The
Jeal went through and as a result the girls
will have a voice In editing the annual.
Dr. A. Rora Hill, president of tha unl
vetrlty, was once offered M0 a month to
clerk In a country store. He refused Hie
offer, which was made when he waa teach
ing In a country achool during his youth.
He tcld of the Incident recently In a lec
tire at the Central High sohool In Kansea
City. Continuing. Dr. Hill said: "Don't
permit an attractive offer to divert you
from the broader purposes of life. Your
views will change as you grow older and
you will be able. to decide more wisely."
Soaae Talk ef Roaa Hill, President of
Mlawaarl Unlveralty.
Studenta and faculty of the State uni
versity are deeply Interested In the selec
tion of a chancellor to succeed E. Ben
jamin Andrews, who recently resigned on
the advice of his physicians. Many of the
atudenta and teachera aa well are In favor
of the calling of Rosa Hill, now president
of the Missouri State unlveralty. Dr. HIII
Is a graduate of the Nebraska State uni
versity and was for a time assistant chan
cellor. The report comes from Missouri, how
ever, that President Hill Is well suited to
the people down there and while he loves
the university of thla slate and naturally
would be proud to come back aa a chan
cellor to the inaytutlon he left as a
graduate. It would require a hard pull to
get him back.
At the unlveralty. farms these days the
principal work Is the preparation for the
National Corn ahow to be held In Omaha.
Every department will have an exhibit
at that show and the faculty believes the
benefit to be derived by the people of the
state from these exhibits will be second
only to the good that will be done the
school. The teachera expect the exhibits
tq attract attention to the university farm
and thua get the farmers of the atate
more Intonated In ita work. And. of
course, the more Interest there Is taken In
the farm work the more benefit will the
people of the atate receive.
The atudenta of the university have been
outdoing themselves this week In rushing
and pledging proposed fraternity members.
There haa been a banquet, dinner or some
kind of entertainment every night. Mrs.
Ruth Leavttt Bryan entertained tlie mem
bera of the Sigma Chi Friday night and
repeated the minstrel ahov which had been
presented to the members of the sorosls
some nights ago. Sixty-three gueata were
present. The rushing became sq strenuous
that It haa been decided hereafter the en
tertainment ia to laat only through two
Farmers' Short Coarse in Iowa State
AME8. la., Nov. 2i.-(PpeclaI The tenth
annual farmera' ehort course In live stock
and farm crops work will be held from
January 4 to January 16. 1W9, at the Iowa
Agricultural college. Thia course hus been
planned especially for the busy man. Many
special features have been added to the
work thla year, which have not been given
heretofore. Theae Include animal diseases,
farm machinery, soils, horticulture and
poultry work.
The equipment in all lines la stronger
than ever before. Specimens of the best
breeds of live stock will be secured from
the foremost herds and flocks of America.
These, In addition to tha excellent lot of
animals owned by the college, will furnish
by all odda the beat collection of animals
ever uaed for atock Judging work. A spe
cial feature of thla yeara work will be a
complete slaughter teat on cattle, sheep
and swtne, conducted by John Gosling of
Kansas City.
Special advanced classes have been ar
ranged for those who have taken work at
arty previous ahort courae at the college
or at the district ahort couraea of Iowa.
A fee of 13 will be charged those from
Iowa and to for those from outside of the
For further Information address Animal
Husbandry Department, Iowa State college,
Ames, I a.
A School laclaeat aad the Leeaoa It
Miss Gladys Williams, a teacher In the St.
Louis County Public achool. In a paper
read at tbe county teachera' meeting today
told how the word "Dear" made a bull
pupil become the leader of hla claaa.
"An eight-year-old boy had been In my
claaa nearly a year without showing any
capacity for absorbing knowledge." she
"He Just wouldn't study, and I had about
given him up aa hopeless. But one day he
did something that pleaaed me. and I aald
to him, 'that waa very nice dear.' "At re
eeaa he came to me smiling and aald:
" Teacher, you are tbe flrat one that
ever called me dear.'
"He waa ao proud of it that he aaked me
to write a letaVr to hia father certifying
that I conaluexrd him a dear. Hla brother
heard of 1t, and be worked hard lu hope
"A Mamf:
A pretty
neath mistletoe and holly." If
you don't believe it, read the Christmas love stories by Mary
Wilkins, Josephine Daskam Bacon, and Grace S Richmond, V . ,,
in the Christmas Woman's Home Companion the most beau- :
tiful woman's magazine ever printed. There are ten stories
of love, mystery and holiday merrymaking. One of them, T
" Three Thousand Dollars," is1 the story of a beautiful gftl "and a ' 1
magic safe, by the greatest of all mystery-weavers, the author
of "The Leavenworth Case" and "The Millionaire Baby ,
And there are Christmas love stories, Christmas songs, Christmas gifts, Christ
mas entertainments, page after page of old-fashioned Christmas cheer--all in
the December
At All Nevs-stands
that I would speak to kindly to him, too.
After that those two boys were the best
pupils I had, and there waa great rivalry
between them." '
Erfsjpadonal Motes.
ine nrsi winter term or noyirn college
begins Tuesday, December 1. President
Boyles announces that the enrollment and
Inllllrl&B iHlnn.A . ,
r. in..,, mo b iiiui-ii linger .aiienu-
anre than at any previous term.
Klchard C. Maclaurin, the present head
of the physics department at Columbia unl.
verally. Is to be the next president ef the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, to
fill the position temporarily occupied by
Arthur A. Noyes. The selection was made
yeaterday afternoon at a meeting of the ex
ecutive committee of the Massachusetts in
stitute of Technology corporation.
Woman'a traditional backward exit from
street cars Is destined to pass Into history
If plana of the Hoard of Education carry
for high school girls In Chicago are to re
ceive, in connection with their regular gym
naelum exercises, a course of lessons in
how properly to a light from a moving
car. The plan, calculated to revolullon
ite present feminine theories on the sub
ject already Is receiving a "tryout" at the
Lake View High achool. North Ashland
avenue and' Irving Park boulevard.
Miss Elizabeth Harrison of Chicago, one
of the prlnclpala of the Kindergarten col
lege of that city, aays that children would
be aa happy playing they are coal hcavera
or charcoal burners aa anything else, and
It would be as easy to teach them a useful
trade In achool as to teach t.iem to find
the cube root of numbers that are never
the children In the gradea in aome real
7T.-.k .T-UIL K,V .th""' respect for labor
that they do not aeem to have aa they
grow older. '
Lifelong: Bondage
to dyspepsia, liver .complaints and kidney
troubles is needless. Electric Bitters is the
gusranteed remedy. 60e. For sale by Bea
ton Drug company.
Small Seairolaa- Vessels Coastrarted
of Concrete hy am Insealaa
Italia at.
One of the latest uses to which con
ciete haa been put ia the construction c!
small seagoing vessels. Experiment made
by nn Italian. Slgnor Gabelllnl, satisfied
iiim that the material would serve foi
boats, both large and small. He strengthens
the concrete with bars of metal, following
the precedent established in the construc
tion of houses and other buildings, and
en t ng the advantages which he Is said to
hi ve discovered In this work Is thst his
hulls have a beautifully amooth exterior,
thus reducing the friction, which is hardly
credible, and that there ia so little weai
and tear thai the coat rf maintenance Is
Insignificant, which is also rather hard
to believe.
The proposition Is Ingenious, but wlillt
not necessarily absurd it msy not stand
the test of time. Concrete can be niacin
to float, of course, tnd here an J then
pei haps, wood may be so scarce and su-ol
plates so expensive as to give It an econo
mlcal advantage, but it la doubtful If a
rigidity like that of granite or marbl.j la
desirable In the products of marine archi
tecture. A concrete vessel might be moro
readily rruahed or pictured by a cl
llalon than a hull posaeaslr.g some elasticity
would be.
The origin of the Gabelllnl plan is not
fisrlosed. P'Sflhly It was suggeatel by
oi.e recently adopted for the construction
of piers .and credited to an Ameilein
army ergmeer, Major W. V. Judson. The
trarsportation of aolld blouka of concrete
to the place, where they are wanted aa
beaet with difficulties, but accordingly -it
haa been proposed to make them hollow,
launch them so that they will stay right
side up, and tow them to their destination
A test at Barcelona is said to have demon
strated the feasibility of tils method. It
Is now being tried both at Algcma. Wis.,
by the I'nlted States, and at Kobe, Japan
and its merits are obvious. In block
which are to rest permanently under water
unyielding consistency is a recommenda
tion, but, as we have suggested, ships are
"different again." New York Tribune.
If Vow Are Wver ZMfty Head Thla.
Moat people paat middle age suffer Iron
kidney and bladder dlsordera which Kuley a
Kidney Remedy woull cure. Btop the drain
n the vitality nd restore needed strength
and vigor. Commence taking Foley's Kid
ney Kemedy today. Sold by all druggists,
gtnuine Is in the yellow package, livid If
all druggists
,T. V X. iFv.. -. .NJ S3,- -i
$Ghoob-f4 Colleges
Arcadia (College
ARCADIA, M1S801HI. In the Modern Arvadia VaUer.
Just the School for Your Daughter
. PL'RPOSE To develope true womanliness. Careful attention to man
ners and morals. Conducted by the Ursuline Sistcii.
EXVIHOXMENT Picturesquely situated In thi3 beautiful Valley of Ar
cadia and nestled In the timber-crested hills of the Ozark range, thla school g
health record haa been remarkable. Specially designed buildings modernly
equipped and well lighted and ventilated. Hot water heat. Complete fire pro
tection. Ample and attractive grounds.
ClIUtlCTLIM Is comprehensive and guarantees a sound and refined
education. Exceptional advantages in music and art. ' You will be interested
in our free illustrated catalogue sent on request. Address
MOTH Kit SUPERIOR, Arcadia. Mlsaoarl.
"ii i awsiiiiiiTwmtiiffiTimrOTTa
Education la
power that turns the
wheels , of progress.
Why not prepare your
self through one of
our sixty engineering
courses to earn more
money. Our course in L n l
i't'eam. JRZlXlXl. ncluda.
Information, describing our n?JeS
mechanical engineering and over Jo
others Including electrlcaT . stationary
municipal, civil sd strur ural eEiT
eerlng. architecture, textllea toifii
preparatory, etc. ", college
American School of Correspondence
Mention Omaha Bee, 11-8-08.
Kearney. Military Academy
fort and th- In.Z.T t .17. "f" com-
ifui if roar reatsi nananda . . .
an,i ...Hv " " me
first n iki nur lv . - .
then make their work huerZafTn-"""""
aporta and aooljf tun'.
Odr dlaclpilre and training tend to l.ulid
character create habita of obedience
punctuality, neatness and a 1
icaponslhllity. nse of
Thorough Instruction; healthful Iocs,
tlotj; large cyninaaium; modern, fireproof
ratilo r'U t0d,,r tur '"""traced
SABST W. nilix, Bead Master,
atearasj, BTebraaka,
Nebraska Military Academy
A Military Boarding bchool lot
boya, ideal location Just outside
the city; large, well equipped
buildings; forty acres of ground.
A good place for boys who don't
fit in public schools. No entrance
examinations are given; regular
class work Is supplemented by In
dividual instruction; back work la
easily made up.
Pupils are received from fifth to
twelfth grades. Inclusive.
Write or tWa ojue.
BATWABO, upertateadtB.t
Lincoln. Kiu.
1 rW-
Tht; direct route
A straight line Is the shortest distance
between two points. Why not taech you
The complete keyboard. Smith Pre
mier. 1 tho WOBLD'I BXBX TTI
Free employment bureau
Stenographers re furnished to business'
men without charge .o school. ateae
grapher or employer.
Write for particulara.
He Smith-Premier Typewriter C.
L O. VLOWatlaT. Mgr.
Omaha, Veb. .
Information concerning .the ad
vantages, rates, extent of cur.
rii ulum-and otHer data about the
lie Bt Hclumla and colleges caa be
obtained flam the
Scbool aad College Inform illoa
Bureau of tbe Orotha Bee
All Information absolutely free a1
and impartial. Catalogue of any
particular school cheerfully fur
nialiod upon request.
In the public achool beeauae he graini
Ideas alow ly- Kuch children learn readl la
under Individual instruction. In couses
arranged especially for them. We edu.
rate mentally; develop physically: train
aoclally and provide medical care. Wrlie
for llluatrated catalogue. "
til lOWltl, IOIOOL,
Velura K. Powell. M. U.. BSD OAK. IOWA
fourteenth Avenue aad Marlon sit.
Denver Colorado.
Not a low priced achool. Best
equipped private school In the west
Highest sUndard Of scholarship. Ltl-
plum atitima to Weliaeley, V assar
J Hmiih, in addition to mastarn umverai- J
J lies. Introductory references required.
Own aa austM ar
Souai.s ft .i, t m
awrclal arictM,Bokkp.
lrnt a
' Regular cdllegs' preparatory couraea.
Mufcic. Art, and Coinmej-cial couraa u
fvred. llealthiul location. Ki
I erate. ( atal ntu sent on request. Ask us
sbout the echuol Address. Dr. Oeorva
Sutherland, r resides!.
ii li aani i iai T M