Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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' Office 15 Scott Street. Both 'Phones 43.
C. C. KYntri," funeral director and em
balmer, tn Broadway.
Photography supplies. New goods. New
prices. Alexander. 33J Broadway.
Good aecordeona. 13. It and to at A.
Hospe's, 19 Pearl street. South Main
street. Call or writ for description.
Finest mo.k of Christmas pictures,
framea and arta In the city to select from,
a: reasonable prices. Horwlck, 211 South
Main street.
M: Wlnnlfred Stelnbaugh, 2l Lincoln
avenue, who was 'operated on for appendi
tl'ls at the Edoiunrtnon hospital Thursday,
la selling alonas, mY-tly.
Ir. O. OVBmtth. pastor of the Firt Con
gregational church, will address tha boya'
meeting In the Omaha Young Men's Chris-J
association i ii is aiiernoon.
John A. Goodell of Des Mulnea. extension
work secretary of the Statr- Young Men'a
Christian aaaorlatlon, la In the city In the
in'erest of the local association.
. O-vlng to the numerous cases of acarlet
fvr tn the neighborhood and among tne
children of that district the Board of Edu-
llon and tne Board of Health yesterday
co-operated In fumigating the Avenue B
Judge' II E. Dcemer of Red Ofl-k "will
apeak 'before the Pottawattamie County
Historical society next Saturday cvenhig
on the s'lbteet, "T!ie Influence of Iowa
Men In the organization of Nebraska as
a SMate."
A burglar attempted to break Into the
residence of Congre ssman Rmltli on South
Seventh street Friday night, but was
frightened away by Mrs Fmith. By tho
time the police reached the hou'e the bur had dlsappcarer.
W. L. 8mlth, a grocer at 2301 Broadway,
was arrested yesterday, charged with as
sault and battery oti Thtirl C Blackburn,
an employe of the C'ltlsens' Das and Elec
trlu company. He gave bonda for his ap
pearance In Justice Cooper's court next
The Pottawattamie Gun club will hold
A Thanksgiving turkey shoot this morning
and -afternoon at Its grounds at Manama.
A large number of turkeys, geeso and
ducks have been aecured by the manage
ment for the lucky ehoolers. The losers
will receive, crows.
Thej street railway company filed notice
of appeal yesterday from the award of
the sheriff's Jury of appralsera In the con
demnation rase brought against Mra.
Theresa Neunaa by the company for the
right-of-way for Ms line to the School for
the Deaf. Mra. Neunas was awarded ll.ono
damages. i
Harry Bolton, proprietor of the Graham
avenue grocery, waa arrested yesterday
afternoon, charged with resisting Constable
Wsker of Justice Cooper's court whllo In
the performance of bia duty. Baken went
to Bolton's place to replevin a slicing ma
chine and Bolton resented the officer's In
trusfon. He aelsed Baker by the throat,
but -the latter soon had the vendor of
groceries on his back on the floor. Baker
mat some skin off his face In the encoun
ter, but waa otherwise uninjured. Bolton
gave bonds In tho sum of JiOO for his ap
pearance In court next Saturday.
Harry F. Pierce Filei Voluntary
Petition in Bankruptcy.
Omaha Man Said to Be Creditor tc
Extent of Foair Handred Tnoo
Dollars Involved la
Mining Deal.
of contestants listed. " The contest will
close Monday, December . 14. and the
prlxes will be awarded on Saturday night
at the closing of the meeting of the congress.
Judge Maey Holding; His Last Teraa la
This City.
Judge YV. W. Macy of Harlan, who will
retire from the district bench at the beginning-
of the new year, closed the No
vember term of court In Fremont county at
Sidney, Friday and Saturday held court rK
this city to hear an equity case transferred
by agreement from Fremont county. The
equity case In question Is a suit brought
by J. H. C. Stuhr of.Mlnden. this county,
against '. D. Butterfield of Hamburg and
Involves a claim for damages by reaaon of
the taking of part of a large tract of land
In Harrison county for drainage ditch pur
poscs and also for a reformation of the
feleed given by Butterfield to 8tuhr. The
'matter was taken under advisement by
Judge Macy.
Judge Macy Is now holding his last term
of ourt n the Fifteenth judicial district
lief ore retiring from the bench after a con
. tlnuous service of twenty years. At tho
beginning of the year he will be succeeded
by Uugcne B. Woodruff of Glenwood, who
had no opposition at the recent general
election. Judge Woodruff will begin his
judicial duties at Logan, where he will open
the January term of court for Harrison
lounty on January 5. Judge Macy haa still
two terms of court to preside over, the
November term In Mills county, which
opens at Glenwood next Tuesday and at the
December term In Page county which opens
at Clarlnda' on December 15.
At. the close of 'the court session In Sid
ney. Friday afternoon. Judge Macy waa
preaented with a gold-headed cane by the
members of the Fremont County Bar aaso
elation. The presentation speech waa made
by Senator William Katon of Sidney.
In a voluntary petition of bankruptcy
filed Saturday afternoon In the I'nlted
States court, Harry F. Pierce of this city
schedules liabilities, aggregating to;.447.
His assets consist solely, according to the
papers filed In court of a half Interest In
the Perseverance Mining and Milling com
pany of Owyhee, Idaho, sad to be of
doubtful value.
Of some fifty creditors the schedule of
Pierces liabilities shows George W.
Holdrege of Omaha, general manager of
the Chicago, Burlington & Qulncy railroad,
to be the largest. Pierce lists an indebted
ness to Mr. Holdrege of $400,000. which Is
secured by the capital stock of the Fer
serverance Mining and Milling company.
At the same time Pierce's Interest In the
Idaho mining property Is stated by his ot-
tornevs to be subject to a Hen of JiO,O0O
held by Mr. Holdrege.
William Barker of this city has a claim
of $fi0.97. which he has assigned to Ernest
E. Hart, president of the First National
bank of thia city. This clslm Is said to
be connected with transactions Involving
the purchaae by Pierce and Barker of the
atock of the Idaho mining property.
Another claim listed Is that of George
H. Lyons of Omaha for $36,000. It Is said
that Lyons claims this amount as com
mission for the aala of land formerly
owned by Pierce to Mr. Holdrege. Thia Is
one of what the attorney for Pierce say
are "contingent" liabilities of their clienl.
Ferdinand Wels. a former well known
business man of this city, now residing In
Des Molnea appears In the list as creditor
to the amount of $10,000. This claim.
Pierce's attorneys say l connected with cer
tain oil atock transactions between Pierce
and Wels. This Is also claased by Pierce's
attorneys as one of the "contingent"
One batch of claims listed which aggre
gate $10,KS represent notes which Pierce
endorsed with William Barker for the pur
chase of blooded horses.
Many Claims Dlspated.
A. T. Fllckinger of the firm of Fllcklnger
Bros., attorneys for Harry Pierce, said that
much of the Indebtedness scheduled by
their client should be classed as "contingent
liabilities." Many of this class of claims.
he said, wera disputed by Pierce.
According to Attorney Fllcklnger. Pierce,
who was supposed to own considerable
land and other property, does not now own
a single acre. "Mr. Pierce today has noth
ing." said Mr. Fllcklnger. "All of the land
which he owned haa been recently trens-
ferred to Mr. Holdrege, the tranarer being
duly recorded and publlahed. Mr. Pierce
will have to start at the bottom of the lad
der again."
The Item of $400,000 scheduled as due Mr.
Holdrege Is listed as repreaentlng notes
given by Pierce In payment for the stock
In the Perseverance Mining and Milling
Harry P. Pierce Is tho son of Mr. and
Mrs. Francla J. Pierce and was Interested
with them for a number of years In the
shoe business. Soma yeara ago he was re
ported to have made a large sum of money
In Texaa and other oil stocks. His business
ventures, however. It Is said, have not
turned out well lately and It has been
known for some time that he has been
more or less financially embarrassed.
Vacant Palnlt at Des Molaes to Be
At the session Saturday afternoon of
the district convention of the United
Dai Ish Lutheran church the maintenance
of the mission work In Des Moines,
Davenport and Mollne, III., was one of
the most Important questions con
sidered. After the matter lisd been ex
haustively discussed the convention de
cided that this work should be main
tained at the three points. Rev. W.
Bundo-ls In charge of the Davennort
M oil tie field, but the Des Moines mission
Is at present vacant. It was decided that
a minister should be assigned there as
soon as possible.
A special meeting for the ministerial
delegates was held in the morning, at
which ethical matters were discussed.
The afternoon waa devoted to the dis
cussion of the local mission work and
other business matters. Last evening
a preaching service was held, several of
the visiting ministers spesklng.
Rev. Jens P. Heede, pastor of the Dan
ish Lutheran church at the corner of
Avenue B and Ninth street, where the
convention is being held and the members
of his congregation are entertaining the
visiting delegates.
The convention will close this evening.
There will be three services today. At
10 o'clock a. m. will be a communion
service, followed at 10:30 o'clock by the
regular Sunday morning service, with
preaching by Rev. F. Andersen of Rolfe,
la., and Rev. O. Bllcher of Vlborg. S. D.
At 3 p. m. services will be conducted at
the Danish Lutheran mission, corner of
Twenty-first avenue and Eighth street,
with a lemon by Rev. A. Klrkegaard of
Pcranton, la. M o'clock In the even
ing the Ladiea' Aid society of the First
Danish Lutheran church of this city will
serve supper In the basement' of the
church for the visiting delegates. The
convention will close with the evening
service at $ o'clock The preaching at
this service will be by Rev. E. Hansen of
Beresford, S. D., and Rev. J. Federsol of
Ethan. 8. D.
GoTernor Cummins Clean Up a Large
Number of Applications.
State Sells Farm Located Yiear Fort
Des Molnea for Handred and
Seventy-Fire Dollars Per
si rzn
Overcome by Heart Fallare While
Retnrnlaer to Home.
Louis Ryan, an old soldier who lives on
his farm about five miles northeast of this
city with the family of William Baughman
to whom he rented the place, dropped dead
on the road shortly after 11 o'clock Friday
night while walking home from "box
supper" at the school house In Garner
township. With Ryan were two sons of
William Baughman. The trio had gone but
a ahort distance from the school house on
their way home when Ryan stumbled and
waa only prevented from falling to the
ground by his two companions. They had
no sooner assisted him to an upright post'
tlon when Ryan fell to the ground and ex
plred without uttering a word.
Deceased was 70 years of age and death
was due to heart failure. Coroner Treynor
waa notified and after investigating the
case decided that an Inquest was unneces
sary. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon
at 2 o'clocjt from Woodrlng'e undertaking
rooms and burial was in the Gregg ceme
tery. The funeral was in charge of en
campment No. 8. Union Veteran legion.
- sheriff Depatles.
Sheriff-elect Thomaa F. McCaftery
yesterday announced the personal of his
tafr. , H. A. Waddington. who was the
defeated republican candidate for county
recorder, will serve as office deputy in
the sheriff's office. Clarence Woolman, at
preaent field deputy under Sheriff Canning,
. will serve In a similar capacity under Mr.
McCaffery. Henry C. Leuch. a former
member of the local police force and more
recenttjr'm motbrman on the Council Bluffs
Omaha line. Hill be the other field deputy.
Captain L. b. Cousins, who preceded Mr.
Canning a sheriff, will serve aa district
court bailiff and deputy sheriff, a position
he held before be was elected sheriff.
Ueorge I.. Hill, former custodian of the
county court 1;buse, will succeed Frank
t.lailup aa jailer at the county baatile. Tl.s
appointment of Itoy Hardesty as deputy
sheriff at Avoca has been previously an
nounced. Harry M. Brown, elected clerk of the dis
trict court, is expected to make public the
Tiar.icS of his 'drp.itles today or tomorrow.
He h been out of the city since election
and only returned home last evening. ,
i Haitfhti
r No.lLow
I ' 1 Ko.l Medium
57 Ko.S Higher
Collars 225c
, Made
Retain Their Style
Successfully Combat Laundry litraine
- -Af Best Furnishers
tnnn FfiD w enJ aarveua aea
rUUU I UK W,o find their power la
work and youthful ior
oae aa a reauit of ever
wirk er mental exirtloo abouM taaa
I.HAfS XtAW tu FOOU PILLS. 'I hry wi.l
ana ee a
'ere er me
X sioi .at c4 Sleep at
. '" .u eg"'
' ! K 3 texts IU tf
Cer. II 111 aal Xoie Streets
ob do coarin
ilex. I ft u4 atee ia Cutaafe
Contest for Sale of Grenteat Nnmber
f Membership Tlokete.
In order to intereat every man, woman
and child In Council Bluffs In the National
Horticultural congress, which is to hold Its
first meeting In this city next December,
and for the purpose of increasing the mem.
bershlp In the organisation, the general
committee has decided to start a member
ship contest and will give six handsome pre
miums to the man or woman, boy or girl
who secures the greatest number of new
There- will be a first, second and third
prise for both men and women, the six
prises aggregating In value The con
test Is not confined to boys and girls only.
but is open to the seniors as well as the
juniors, and the prlxes have been made at
tractive for either.
For the first prise for the women or girls,
the congress will give a diamond ring val
ued at $100. donated by Emil Leffert. The
--ona win oe a White sewing machine.
vaiuro. at donated by the Nebraaka
Cycle company, and the third will be a
ailk dress, valued at $26. to be donated by
the E. A. Hunter company. In this last
prlxe the successful competitor will have
the privilege of selecting any pattern In the
Hunter store up to the amount donated.
For the men and' boya. three prizes will
be given. The first will be a double-barreled,
hammerless shotgun, valued at $40.
The donor cf pr'te has not been an
nounced as yet. The second premium will
be a suit of clothes madato the order of
the peraon winning the prise, not to ex
ceed $a. Dunham Dunham are the
dorors. The third prlxe Is a $30 overcoat
donsted by the Thomss Metcalf company.
The tickets, which cost only $1. will
entitle the holder to one year's member
ship In the congress and admlsalon to
the main building during the entire pe
riod of the congress, December lt-19. It
will alao entitle the holder to place ex
hibits, free of charge, and will also give
the holder one vote tn deciding the lo
cation for the ifext meeting of the con
greas. It Is thought that this point will
sell great many of the tickets, aa it
will -Intereat every cltjzen in swelling
the liat of local members In order that
when the matter of location comes to
a vote of the members of tho National
Horticultural congress they can cast
their votes In favor of Council Bluffs.
Other cities are after the meeting for
next year. 6t. Joseph wants it and ma
start a similar campaign for getting
An effort Is to be made to Interest the
school children in the contest and tt Is
thought that Monday there will be aev
eral hundred young people at the offices
of the general manager. Freeman L.
Reed, asking for tickets. Mr. Reed is
anxious, however, to have it understood
that the contest Is not alone for boys
and girls, but that it is for the grown
ups as well.
Monday will be tiic ' opening of the
ticket aelllng contest, and all those who
desire to cuter into the content ahould
call at the office of the general man
ager in the Day Hess building, where
Debt of City Redneed.
The monthly statement of the financial
condition of the city Issued Saturday by
City Auditor John F. McAneney shows
that the net debt of the municipality was
reduced during the month of October by
$34,S6:.55. The net debt on October 1 was
$109.K3.16, while on November 1 It had de
creased to $75.260.SO. This reduction was
brought about by the receipt of $45,214.92 by
the city treasurer from taxes and other
sources during the month.
On November 1 the total caah held by the
city treasurer was $136,452.04, made up as
follows: Cash balance In city general funds,
$99,173.33; cash balances In Improvement
funds, $29,299.46; library fund, $7,979.04.
The caah on hand tn the city general
fund, amounting to $99,173.33, waa made up'
as follows:
General $3,459.99
Police 8.4M 90
General sewer 9.CM.27
Bridge 9.S4M3
Road 2.005.84
Judgment 463.75
Lighting S.442.24
Water 7.G10.M
, 6,o3.43
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES. Ia.. Nov. 22. (Special.)
One of the most remarkable pardon cases
In the history of the state was disposed of
todsy by Governor Cummins when he com
muted the life sentence of George Weems
to thirty years In prson. The board of
parole had, upon a compromise, recom
mended commutation to thirty-two years
and the governor cut off two years more,
which, with "good time" earned, leavea
Weems with a year and eleven montha yet
to serve. The remarkable part of it Is that
originally Weems was sentenced to be
hanged and It Is an open secret that the
court Itself would have been in danger and
the jail would have been broken Into and
the prisoner lynched at the time if the
sentence had been a light one. Governor
Drake commuted the death sentence to life
Imprisonment and now Governor Cummins
fixes a term for the sentence to end. The
governor gave aa his reason the good char
acter of the man and the appeals of his
sged soldier father; but in fact there la
acrlous doubt as to the guilt of the pris
oner, this fact becoming known only In
recent years. Weems and two others were
convicted of killing Conductor Redpath In
Des Moines in 194. One of the others
turned state's evidence and got a short
term. The third Is now Insane. The
theory of Weema" friends Is that while he
had been with the party Just before tho
murder he waa not with them at the time
and that the one who turned state's evi
dence was really the guilty person.
One Fell Pardon.
John G. Bteele, an old man, who killed
his neighbor In a quarrel tn Monroo
county, was given full pardon by the gov
ernor and the papers were signed today.
Frederick Hansen, serving a life sentence
for criminal assault from Bcott county, had
his sentence commuted to twenty-five
R. 8. Myers, who had recently suffered
from an operation, was granted full pardon
on recommendation of the board of parole.
Fred FIvecoat of Clarke county was pa
roled. He was one of a party of men that
sought to wreck a train for robbery
A. C. Sheets of Lyon county, serving five
years, gets a pardon December 23; and
James Lane, convicted of aecond degree
murder in Hardin county and under a
twenty-five year sentence, is paroled.
The Ralnabarger case waa continued and
apptlcattona of G. A- Williams, Charles
Stogall. William Tool, and M. B. Foster
wera denied. '
Governor Cummins also cleaned up
great many minor pardon matters today.
Wife Desertion Law Upheld.
The state won a case on appeal in the
supreme court today, a case involving con
struction of the desertion law. Judge
Wright, in Story county court, had released
Frank Dvoracek, indicted for deserting his
wife and children, 1 The court holds that
the court where the wife lives has juiisdlc
tlon and also that the form cf Indictment
need not be specific, but generally state
the facts. The question of whether or not
the desertion is willful must be left to the
The following court decisions were handcl
B. F. Loose, appellant, against John
Cooper. Polk county, affirmed.
ueorge U. vv right, Efpuant, against tr.
R. Northrup, Polk county, reversed.
Bank of Latham. appellant, against
Marlon Mllllgan, Cerro Gordo county, af
firmed. Bertha M. Crowell against C. C. Crowell,
appellant. Polk county, affirmed.
Now in
pood taste
at luncheons.
dinners, banquets, etc.,
served with soups, bouillons
and salads.
Crushed Crackers in soup are no longer
good form. Loose-Wiles' Saratoga Flakes thinly
buttered take their place.
The nutty, mealy flavor which we obtain .by our exclusive
recipe adds zest to the course.
Loose-Wiles' Saratoga Flakes are made in the finest
bakery in the West the baking rooms are on the top floor.
The ovens are all white tile. I he whole bakery is flooded
with air and sunshine.
These finelv flavored Saratoga Flakes coma to vou
J 1 w
in triple-sealed, wax-lined, damp-proot packages
whole and crisp firm and flaky.
Insist on Loose-Wiles Saratoga Flakes look for
the blue end seals.
At your grocer's, 15c
Makers also of t
Takoma Biscuit, 5-10C
Graham Crackers, 10c
Tony Oysters, 10c
went home, loaded a shotgun, met Nichol
son and shot hlin and while standing
over him said he was glad he had done
the deed. Carr pleaded guilty July 13.
He was Indicted by the grand jury Sep
tember 21. charged with murder In the
first degree. Judge Wright today ac
cepted Carr's confession of guilt of mur
der in the second degree. Carr is 22
years old. Friends are working to have
his sentence made as light as possible.
Mr. Burton Discusses Situation After
Talk with President-elect.
Funded debt
Pond loan, interest
Water works, sinking...
Indian creek
.. 224.83
.. 21.415.92
.. 4.494.6S
Real Estate Transfers.
These tranafera were reported to The Bee
November 21 by the Pottawattamie County
Abatract company of Council Bluffs:
Jessica J. Sledentopf and husband and
Ellen M. S. Haas and husband to
Caledonian Investment company, lot
S In subdiv. of lot 155; lot 3 in subdiv.
of lot lt in original plat of Council
Bluffs, except portions, q. c. d $ 1
Same to Benjamln-Fehr Real Estate
company, lot 21. block 31, Central
aubdlv.. q. c. d
Almira Thayer, widow, to Ed Peppel.
wl, nei 20-74-39. q. c. d
Fairfield Thayer and wife to Ed Pep
pel. aame. q. c. d
Loretta McMaater, widow, to Ed Pep
pel, same, q. c. d
M. Mathlesen and wife to C. Bradley,
part nwVi 11-74-39. q. c. d
John Gegen. widower, to May McDon
ald, lot IS. block 13. Howard's add.,
w. d I
Frederick Arthur Sweet, unmarried,
to Mary L. Sweet. n&O feet lot 10
and n50 feet of elS feet lot 9, block
11. Bavliss' 2d add . o. e. d
Benjamln-Fehr Real Estate romnanv
to H. H. Bralnerd, lot 21, block 31
Central anbdiv. w. d
Jamea N. Rlahtnn and wife to'c. 'H'
Williams and Maude Williams, part
Verdict In Case of Man Who Killed
Son'e Wife at Manson.
ROCKWELL CITT. Ia., Nov. 22. At an
early hour Saturday morning the Jury In the
trial of John M. Brown, accused of the
murder of his daughter-in-law, Mrs. George
G. Brown, returned a verdict of guilty of
manslaughter, the penalty for which is two
to eight years. The attorneys for the de
fense will undoubtedly ask for a new trial.
The wrime for which Brown was con
victed occurred In the palatial Brown home
at Manaon. Ia., Saturday morning, August
29. It was one of the most sensational
tragedies In the criminal annals of that
section of Iowa. Brown beat to death with
an Indian club his daughter-in-law, Mrs.
George G. Brown. The killing was 'the
outcome of a family quarrel which started
at the breakfast table over the Invalid wife
of tho aged man, whom the young woman
was alleged to have abused. After killing
his daughtei-in-law. Brown walked down
town and surrendered to the town marshal.
Mrs. George G. Brown had been very popu
lar In Manson. She was a leader In the
Congregational church work.
Brown' defense was that he killed the
woman In self-defense and also that her
treatment of him had affected hia mind.
ExeeatlTe Will Exert All Hie Iain,
ence Against Any Effort to
Obatract Carrying; Ont
People's Wishes.
F. C. Furbish against Consolidated P. and
F. Mutual Insurance company, appellant,
State Sells a Farm.
The state of Iowa had fourteen good
farms, every one worth more than $ino an
acre, but today tho state sold one fine
farm for more than $176 an acre. This was
a tract bought a few years ago near Fort
Des Moines for a state camp ground, but
afterwards found to bo unsulted to the
purposes. The tract was sold for $3,210, a
part of which will be applied on a new
rifle range being fitted up by the state
near here.
One Railroad for Sale.
Judge McPherson in the federal court to
day ordered the sale et auction of the
Newton ft Northwestern railroad at Boone
to satisfy a claim of S2.5O0.0uO by the Old
Colony Trust company. The road Is 104
miles long, from Newton to Rockwell City,
and In part tht right-of-way is used by
the Fort Dodge at Des Moines electrio line
under a lease.
if. Msthiesen and w I fe' to" C. Bradley
nln seW snd 4 neV4 30-:-40. also
ne sw; 1S-74-S9. w. d aa
Totaf. eleven trsnsfers.
Marriage Licenses.
Licenses to wed were issued yesterday
to the following:
R. E. Lanedon. Omaha y
Alta Fay Kendle. Council Bluffa!!""3
rr J-f- Staerker. Omaha
Marie I. Dace. Omaha
A. Rudolph Walter. Council Bluff si!.. 24
ru uooourgsen. Council Bluffs 24
Tony Massara. Omaha j
Mary Holyappel, Omaha.
Sam Sterverwslt, Ames. Ia
Florence Perkins, Ames. Ia
C. J. Lewis. Council Bluff
Mina C. Stewart. Council Bluffs..
CJnard Friendly te Thrift.
WEBSTER CITT, Ia.. Nov. 22.-(Spe-clal.)
At the school for officer of
the Fifty-sixth regiment. Iowa National
Guard, held In Fort Dodge, a resolution
was adopted asking Governor-elect Car
roll to retain Adjutant General Thrift
during bis administration. The report
has gained aome currency that either
General Byers or Major Prims war
slated as Thrift's successor
lows) Pioneer Dead.
WEBSTER CITY. Ia.. Nov. 22.-nSpecial
Telcgrsm.) N. A. Helen, a prominent resi
dent of this cily since l?Zt. died at his home
this afternoon, aged $7 years. His son,
C. D. Helen, was the f. under of I La Des
tkksu will be given out and tUe names j Moines Tribune,
Carr Pleads entity tu Harder.
FORT DODGE. Ia.. Nov. 22.-(Speclal
Telegram.) Wilbur Carr of Cowrie to
day pleaded guilty to the charge of mur
der In the second degree and will be sen
tenced Wednesday. Carr was engaged In
a drunken brawl at the Gowrle depot
on the night of July 11. when Thomas
Nicholson, marshal of Gowrle, attempted
to take him home. Carr broke loose.
Ninety I'er Cent Of Omalia's
People Take Notice.
The Br. Ifott Flan of Making- Vara re
Oo "Back On the Job" and Grow
More Hair Is Attracting At
tention Xa Nebraaka.
Iowa Nrn Motes.
CRESTON Rev. J. C. Orth, formerly
pastor at Walnut. Ia.. was formally In
stalled pntor of tho Presbyterian cnurcli
at Lenox last night. Kev. J. P. Linn of
this city assisted in the Installation.
MARSHALLTOWN The plant and
bulne88 of the Northern Condensed Milk
company of Waverly has been purchaeed
by the Mohawk company of Rochester.
N. Y. The sale was closed today at a
price said to be $126,000.
CRESTON A change In the Afton Sav
ings bank occurrt-rf this week wnereoy J.
W. Coen, Ira Gnpp. O. B. Emerson. M. W.
Keating. Dr. Phillips and Will DeLay bo
come stockholders' In the bank. Mr. Black
well still rcta.ns a controlling Interest.
MARSHALLTOWN George Nicholson,
a well-known resident of Mount Pleas
ant today filed suit for $10,000 agiunat
William MacDorman for the alienation
of hia wife's affections. Sensational
charges of infidelity are made in the pe
tition. MARSHALLTOWN Miss Emma Elch
meler, aged 21. of Gladbrook. committed
suicide last night by taking poison at
the home of her slater, Mrs J. Boldt.
Melancholia, supposed to have bem
brought on by ill health, was the cause
of the act.
IOWA CITY The Cedar Rapids A
Iowa City Interurban yesterday an
nounced plana for a $5,000 freight depot
In Iowa City. The erection of this
building waa made possible by the es
tablishment or a joint ireiRni rate w mi
the Northwestern at Cedar Rapids.
ELDORA-I. Griffith shipped S00 live
tuikcvs to Ottumwa this wevK. Tho streets
of Eldon were Jammed for several hours
by wagons bringing In the Thatiksglving
blrds. The total weipht cf the turkeys wa
8 15C pounds and there are hundreds mora
tuiktys left at Eldon for consumers at that
IOWA CITY The cornerstone of the !
new law building will probably be laid '
shortly after January 1. when tho low i .
legislature visits tne university. ureal
progress is being made on the building,
aa the 100-foot derrick ueed on the Flem
ing building in Des Moines lias greatly
aided the contractors in rushing the
work tills niontn.
C RE8TON Kx-Fcnatc r J. B. Harsh hat
made a formal announcement of his candi
dacy for congressman of the Eighth dis- I
trlct two veara from now. providing health i
and a desire of rpublicans over the ills- i
u let for hia candidacy ri features of cue .
primary at that time. He atats that ha1
will not enter any strenuous or long drnwn !
out contest nor spend time and money in ;
a acramble for tho position. i
FORT DODGE The federal grand Jury 1
that has been sitting In this city hai '
handed In Its final report to Judge H. 1
T. Reed. Four indictments were found i
Kridav, making a total of eight returnea. I
The "four of Friday are against John j
Cantle of Lake Mills and Fred Parker
and Galen Wle of Buffalo Center for
K...,ileEine anil two for mlaapprnprla- i
tion of postofflre funds against Wilbur
F. Ladley of Bancroft and Mrs. M. J.
pierce of Homer.
CREST' IN W. A. Oliphant, brother of
Grant Ollpliant wh se d.-ad body waa
found in ore of the DtS Moines parks last
Boptruber. has found a clue to the alleged
murder, so It la said. Ho has made no
eviileme known only to Governor Cummins,
in whom lie submitted It. and on the
HOT SPRINGS. Va.. Nov. 22,-Presldent-elcct
Taft and Representative Burton of
Ohio had another extended conference Sat
urday, at which the speakership question
was discussed as well as "nearly every
thing else," as Mr. Taft put It afterwards.
What the present state of mind of Mr.
Taft Is on the speakership question and
what will be his future attitude la made
apparent beyond all question In a state
ment for publication by Mr. Burton after
the conference. Mr. Burton first explained
that he was none the less a candidate
for the senate than when he came here,
and that on his return to Washington on
Monday he should give more vigorous at
tentlon to the canvass In Washington. He
then said:
"In discussing the question of the speak
ership I am not assuming to seak for Mr.
Taft, but only to expreaa what seems to
me what Is clearly a correct view of the
situation. The president-elect made cer
tain promises during the campaign. One
was for a thorough and honest revision of
the tariff. This does not necessarily mean
that rates In all schedules will be lowered,
nor that any legitimate right or Interest
of either capital or labor will be disre
garded. It doea mean a careful re-examin
ation of the whole subject. Besides the
tariff there were other promises contained
in the party platform and reiterated by the
president-elect which must be fulfilled. No
doubt Mr. Taft would oppose Mr. Cannon
very reluctantly, but aa the head of his
party as well as the president-elect of the
nation he la bound to meet the expectations
of the people and to Insist upon the observ
ance of party pledges.
"The speaker has great power In repress
ing legislation. If thia repressive Influence
should stand In the way there would be but
one course for the president-elect to pursue
and that Is to exert his Influence against
"It Is to be hoped there will be such
harmony and concert of action between the
president-elect and Speaker Cannon that a
contest will be avoided."
Judge Taft made no statement for publi
cation on the -subject. Those who have
talked with him aay that his determination
to prevent "obstruction" Is most vigorous.
Mr. Burton wished to make no prediction
as to what the outcome of thin determina
tion would be, saying that the whole situ
ation, as he saw tt, was contained In his
statement. Regarding the possibility of his
being. a candidate for speaker, Mr. Bur
ton's answer was that he was "none the
less a candidate for senator, because of his
visit here."
Foley's Honey snU 'la. clear the air
passages, stopa the Irritation In the throat,
soothes the inflamed membranes, and the
most obstinate cough disappears. Sore and
inflamed lungs are irea'irfl'and strengthened
nd the old la expelled from the aysteiu.
Refuse any but the genuine In the yellow
package. Sold by all drugglsta
Most Wonderful Healing;.
After suffering many years with a sore.
Amos King, Port Byron. N. Y.. was cured
by Burklen's Arnica Salve. 2oc. For sale
j by Bcaton Drug company.
What Bread Will You Serve?
Before the oysters come j-ou'll nibble at
the Bread. "With the celery you want Bread.
"With the Turkey you must have Bread. "With
the salad there's Bread. You wouldn't serve
second-best Turkey, or other parts of the din
ner will you serve any but the best Bread-
that 's a part of all
courses! There's but
one best Sundgren's
7SO So. 28th St.
Passes: laracy StM; lae. 4-J4I7
How to get It
It's easy to get
genuine Htindgren's
Buttercup Bread.
You don't need to
take a poor Imita
tion. Ask your own
grocer for It and If
he doesn't aupply
you, drop us a pos
tal card, giving us
his name. We will
tell you of a not hi r
store that will be
glad to deliver But
tercup Brca to you.
Im It today. '
A Ticket via lh
-fttekf Lta,
"Beauty draws us with a single hair."
Is the way Pope figured It out In his
poetic way. Using the Pope standard of
values, the Hesslg-EUIs Laboratories of
Memphis have given to the world In Dr.
Nott's Hair Tonic a remedy of lncalcuablo
worth. The man who knows he's growing
bald generally learns It from aome friend
who tells him: "Old boy, you're getting 1 strength of it the governrr has seen fit to
a bit scarce in the thatch!"
lniureg a pleasant, gpeedy and ggtlafactory trip... The Limitd. learluf
Omaha Union Depot at 1:05 every venlng. Is Electric Lighted through
out, U equipped with latest Pullman Sleeping Cars. Free Reclining ,
Chair Cars and Observation End Parlor Cars with Dining Room.
Dinner Is served after leaving, and breakfast served before arrival
at t:35 the next morning.
Telephone, CeJl or Write to
97. O. DAVIDSON, City Passenger Agent.
Vhoaa Ooaglaa IN. ISIS r arm am trees, Omaaa.
It only takes a little while for a bare
spot as big as a nickel to assume the
proportions of a horse-shoe.
It Is to arrest baldness, entirely eradi
cate dandruff, put an end to the pre.!
of destroying microbes and to maintain
a healthful condition of the hair and
scalp, that Dr. Notts Hair Tonic Is
marketed. It Isn't a "Quess-lt'll-do-lt"
sort of remedy. This tonic has made
good. It won't grow hair on a billiard
ball or put hair on heads that are bald
through Inherttsnco. Ninety per cent of
the case of baldness, however, are
eauesd by seborrhea, and It is to that
16 per cent that Dr. Nott's prescription
appeals as bottled magic.
There isn't a belter hair dressing fjr
men or women on the market today.
Tou can find Dr. Notts Hair Tonic on
sale at Myers-Dillon Drug Co. Omal.a.
One bottle will be given free. Ask about
offer a reward of VJ for the arrest anil
conviction of the m urderer. The Oliphant
family, who live at Orient, a ar.ort aia
tance from here have always firmly main
tained that Urant Oliphant was murdered,
altl ouxli the chief of the Des Moines de
tectives rtr-clared he committed suicide snd
ceased working on the case -a few. days
afti r the body was discovered.
CRESTON V. II. Keysor of Brldge
wat'i. oti the Burlington north branch out
of mi In the illy yster.ljy center
ing w'th l-a! officials In regard to build-
lug a at Krtdgewater. tie represents
the I'Wtl to httvo a pn( uUtion of from ' !
to m and tmit a thrl.tng hus.mfs Is don
hy the m.-reli.ints of that place and cites
thxt the freiKht niel passenger business
last year that the present depot,
who.e waiting room l.s Txil feel, with a
freight room lxl2 in which to h.mdle over
1 .& . pounds of local freight annually,
aaa wholly Inadequate for their ac.omruo-ilati-n.
and unlet ihe officials took some
action ard that r.aht soon the cit,en
proposed to lake the matter before Ihe
commissioners. He whs before Superin
tendent Ntwtcn wnh I la grievance. hi
asked them l'i wait L lit II Iv-cirihir 10.
when lie hoped to be able to pfomlt them
a ptw depot.
V. LOuss. U. . A.
AkMlalalr rirewrMf. tJ. , .
Mm Centralis' l-Maied.
On BUck fawn Pal Oka. Cmmm uJTWe sae Car Ua' '
Moan iaeewy mJ. RATESt tl 00 u Si 50 kf.
'? V'"""", Uo-S-.iO.R--.Ew.
i0 m Mk w Una. uiPfli.ST
1 1 1 is si i Sena. r" n Casny fmm II Ant