t k THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 190S. CONE WJLL BE CHIEF CLERK Saunders County M Seem to Hare lot galled Down. STOCK GOES UP SUDDENLY Practically Alt .' Hresntntlyen Wk Ifave Been Interviewed Sar They- Are for Hlat. ' ' l From a Staff Correspond- I. I,IN'OI.N, Nov. .-(SpcUI Telegram.) Tranmor Cone f Saunders county topp.d iff In Uncoln tonight between train while on a Mill hunt for representative who are favor hi to his candidacy for chief c'erk rf the house. Th report that tho favor Peking corporation were epposed to Cone ha caused hi stock to go up out in the mat and tt l a safe bet that he has the vierltshlp nailed down. Tliis, of conrse, , bring dependent Upon whether thoae mem lrs who have been here to aecure aeata Mte expressing the sentiment of their fellow members. ? Prsctlcally all4 of those wlio liftve been interviewed aald they are for I'nnc. Tonight Cone refused to aay Juet how many pledge he had, but he gave out the impression he had enough. Ira an Milk Cosablne. When Lincoln (eta Ita commlaalon gov- rnmcnt it la likely a treat many reforms lll be Inaugurated In thl city which will ic nf Immense value to at least the pior people of the community'. l"or Instance, the tee. trust In this city forces people to buy an Ice book coating 1 1 50 and to pay for it In advance before the company wll! permit the delivering of any ( at oil. The nvm cannot huy twenty-five pounda ' .- ICQ pounda of Ice and fay cash for It, but he inuat dig up t.'.M and pay for a ticket and then take hi Jv whenever the ice trust aeea 'ft to dme around and deliver It to him In chunks of twenty-five tc fifty pounds, more or less. It la just beginning to dawn upon a lot of people that there I no nee In having to pay !.60 to an Ice trust before (he trust delivers ita good and when the neat summer rolls around it Is very likely the Commercial club will be "kd to tnko a hand or some ordinance will be drawn which will put the Ice trust in the decent trust Column. ' And the same Is true of the milk man doing bualness In Lincoln.' "Buy a quart or get none" la the order Issued by some, of the big dairymen, Including the State Farm dairy. Commercial Clab at Work. j Lincoln has a Commercial club aa hard working for the Interest of the clty'aa any similar organisation In the world. Secre tary TVhltten is now Issuing a monthly pub Ilcatlon showing up the advantages of the city, and also showing how the members of the club can make themselves more use ful to the community in general. The last publication , shows "Lincoln the City of Business Opportunities." The Commercial tlub la shortly to erect a club house, to coat In the neighborhood of $50,009. stock In which will be sold. The house will be built and rented to the club at soma $3,000 a year. The building cor porallon will.be club members. The Commercial club la deeply Interested in the commission farm of government and Its menhirs t ks an te lv tnd leading rart In every private and public enterprise which affects the Interests of the city and Ita people. ' ' v ' ' C OLLISION ' JVKAsl HKO OI.Of'D Engineer ami Fireman klllt Is Wrerk.oa Barllng-toa. RED C1XLD. Nab., Nov. 21 Speclal Telegram.) Two extra freight trains on the Burlington railroad collided head-on about one mile wast of Red Cloud thla morning at T o'clock. 'George Bartholoma, engineer, and Donald Snoke, fireman of the cast bound- train, were Instantly killed The fog was very dense and tho east bound train waa coming around a curve at full epeed, trying to get Into the yard for No. - IT -westbound, , passenger. The other train, 'being 1 unusually long, had to go over the' yard limit and was back ing Into -the clear as the atouk train came round the curve. The crew on the westbound train ' Jumped and all escaped injury. Ueorge Bartholoma, the en gineer on the train eastbound, had slowed down, but wsi running at Much speed that the '. atop threw (he engine down an embankment, throwing him soino dis tance, killing him Instantly. Donald Snoke, the fireman, waa burled beneath the engine and It was some time before his badly mangled body was recovered. V. Lttchtenberg, the head, .brake-nan, es caped with' a dislocated ankle. All the men on the . taatbound . tralri were from McCook. ". . . - . The bodies were, taken to Amack ft t'haney's -undertaking rooms to - await further .notice from relatives. . JJir tpolo'ma is a brother of Mrs, .Philip Traut of this city Many cattle, were, injured and killed. Hundreds of people from miles around vUltr th ereife of ilie ac cident today. . . i- - , Table Hock Maa ' Olaaaed. TABLE ROCK. Neb.. Ncv. ;.- Special.) Curtis Bain was found by the sidewalk In the vicinity of the depot at 11 o'clock 'ast night In an unconscious condition, having been slugged earlier In the evening. How long he had lain there la not known. Whether robbery or revenge was the mo tive has not been determined. He had hot words with a fellow workman en the grade earlier In the evening, aad,thts party, who - ' t i LADIESSlit CASES We have some specially fine suit-cases built for ladies to carry. They have a style and atmosphere that comes from good making. Sewed edges, brass trimmings, linen lined. They are light, yet. strong as an oak tree. Handsome cases from $6 to $23. ; ' . .-. . .;.i ALFRED CORNISH & CO., Dealer 1b Harness. Saddle 'gad ' Trtvaling Good a. 1210 Farnam Street. - ::;'''';''.'.,-:?!';N Omaha Reg Factory Manufacturer of rug made of aid and wornou carpal s, Haadauuie, dure, ble aod eooaomiua.1, Uuu iu any eiaa. slew ihcanslaav IsM aTasavey at, Una Man. VesglM . lagesaaenu, Ann.- . J Lincoln Office Omaha Dee 518 Little Building Auto Phone 7417. Bell A-2598 C. M. Porter, Manager. waa with the grader from Lincoln, is miss ing, and he told a fellow workman that he waa sick and waa going to Lincoln, bain's head is horrhly bruised and it seems miraculous almost that he Is alive. Two sasplcioua characters boarding aa early freight were arrested and tnken before Justice Marble, but they were released, as there waa no evidence to connect them with the affair. Nebraska News Xotes. PERU The only diphtheria case reported In Peru for some time, proved fatal yee tcrday In the death of little 5-year-old Helen Richardson, daughter of Mr. and Mra. J. E. Richardson. PURL" Prof. 11. B. Duncanson haa re ceived notice that he has been appointed to the advlaory board of the National Health league, by the American associa tion for the advancement of sciences. WEST POINT An adjourned term of the district court for Cuming county will open on Monday, November 3, with Judge Huy T. Uraves of Pender on the oencn. only equity matters will be considered at thla term. WEST POINT The cltlsens of Bancroft. a neighboring village, are taking active stepa to aecure for themaelves a village lighting plant. Bonds to carry out the enterprise are proposed and doubtless will be voted by the cltlsens. , TECl'MHEH Word reaches Elk Creek. this county, thst Prof. R. Ei Hyatt, super intendent of schools there last year, died t the home of his father in Auburn, N. Y., on November B of tuberculosis. The young man had many frienda in Elk Creek. PETtU The large dredger which waa used in the construction of the large drain age efcnal north of Peru, has been sold to a New York firm Hnd la now being taken to pieces to be shipped by that company to some point where it will be uaed .by them. FREMONT The grounds of the Fremont Country club have been pnt In shape and not much remalna to be done except build ing the club house. A atrip of land haa been rented to aecure a driveway to the grounda and a house and lot leased for the use of the custodian of the grounds. M'COOK-The Cambridge High, school foot ball team went down In defeat before theMOook High school aggregation here yesterday afternoon in a score, of 19 to 4. A McCook team will play Arapahoe on Thanksgiving day. and the ahop team will play a Beaver City combination on the same aay. BT. PAUL Christian Dixon, one of the early settlers of Saum'ers count v, dlpd at his home In this city Thursday evening after a protracted Illness, cged 71 years He Icavea a widow and several grown chil dren. The family left here thla morning with the body for Wahoo. where it will be Interred In the family burial ground. PERU Frank Dixon, aecond number of the lecture course, lectured in Peru, this evening. Many additional season tickets were sold before the lecture, adding greatly to the already large number of holdera of these tlcketa. The remaining numbers of the lecture course will be as follows: Alma Smith. Dr. E. A. Stelnef, Adrian M Newens and Martin -O. Brumbaugh. WEST POINT-Fred Slngpiel, an old set tier and a well known citizen, lies at the point of death at the home of his son-in law. Colonel Milton Knight, at West Point Mr. Slngpiel is of advanced age and is suffering from cancer of the throat, which precludes his swallowing any nourishment causing his death from consequent exhaus tion. FREMONT Nine hundred and sixty acres of Standard Cattle company land at Ames were sold last week, leaving about 1,500 acres, Including that on which the village. herns, etc., are located. The prices ob Ined were much below what land of like quality la held at. The breaking up of the rancn into smaller farms win be a help to that part of the country. There are a few families living at Ames yet. - PAWNEE CITY-T. J. Mawkln. one of tl.e leading merchants of Du Bois. thl county, died at his home yesterday after nocn, after a long illness. Mr. Hawkins Is an old reeident of Pawnee county, having lived many .years In thla Ity. The funeral waa held Sunday. Mr. Hawkins left sur viving him three daughters. Mrs. J. A. Bendy cf Deadwood. Mrs. Frank S. Colwell of this city and Mrs. E. O. Whitford of rails city. WEST POINT The date of the forth coming corn ahow has been definitely fixed as November 80. The show will be held In the city hsll. Prof. Ray Moore of Lin coln, who has been selected aa one of the judges of corn at the National Corn ex position at Omaha, will be present and will pass upon the relative merits of the corn ahown by the farmers of Cuming county. Mr. Moore will deliver a lecture on corn growing at the afternoon session. PERU L. R. Dillon, who haa been run ning the Delmonlco hotel alnce last March, haa aold the furniture and fixtures to George Underwood. The latter geta Im mediate possession and will move In at once. Mr. Dillon haa rented the Zink prop erty and la moving In today. Mr. Under wood came here rrom Kanass last fall and haa been running a boarding house In Eaat Peru. He is a man of experience In the hotel business and will conduct a -first class house. PERU The Normal Young Women's Christian association will give a veatry aer vice on Thanksgiving day. Heretofore the midaemester vacation haa been held at Thanksgiving time, allowing the students to go to their homes to eat Thanksgiving dinner. Thla year the mldsemater vaca tion waa held during the State Teachera association meeting to accommodate the many atudents and members of the faculty who wanted to attend. And there will be no vacation at Thanksgiving this year and the students will remain in Peru, but they may eat their Chriatmast dinners at home. PAWNEE CITY-Mrs. Sarah L. Holg died at her home, four and a half miles north of this city. November IS, of a long Illness, from which she had been for some time practically helpless. Her bodv was Interred In the cemetery here . yesterday. Mrs. Holg was an old resident of Pawned county. Her husband. J. W. HM. was In the Ninety-third Illinois volunteer regi ment during the civil war. Mrs. Holg leaves three sons. Allmer of Montana and Em met t ana v uoer or uincoin. and two daughters, Mrs. Kate Lamar of Table Rock and Mra. May Hicks, who resides on the home farm. PAWNEE CITT-Two Pawnee county furmera have been appointed aaslstent Judges at tho National Corn shor to be held in Omaha December I to W. They are K- W. I'hase and Arnold Martin. Theae rre capame men and will no doubt perform the duties of judge In a manner acceptable iu rxnioiiora. air. mate will not make an exl Iblt. and will therefore ludg. mm grown In Nebraska, whlla Mi. Martin will I liriself make an exhibit and ba barred from .luuging cwm grown In Nebraska. Mr. Martin Is known aa the twenty-acre farmer, His little farm Is an example of what In tensive farming will d,, as he prudttces "" ' more on inis little tract than many ao oil or eighty acres. FB.K11 The senior class at a meeting r.iuiu,)i c-omur,a ine election of the Peruvian ataff. The staff aa it now stands is as ronowa: taiior-in-cbler. Glen U Jenkins; assoelate editors. Julia H. Van Driel and Mary A. Diimer; business man. ager, C. W. 6mlth; aaaistant business man. agera, C. W. Knoll and Ira Cartney; lit erary editors. Mildred Spencer and MlUred rnner; religious eouor, Dora Andrews athletic editors. Jesse Harris and Ora An drew; art editor. Ethel Williams; car loon let. May Frank; photographer. B. B Dedell: elm photographic manager. Ray- mono bl turns; music eanor, iena Lanmeri aiumni eanor. rri r ewenaon; aaslstan alumni editor. Uertrude Vandrlel; senior Class editor. Earl Meyer; general cl editor, Mabel Uarraley; debating editor, JUiw Beeiey; cluo editor. Ira Fogelatrom military editor. A. J. Hill; social editor, ule. Best-Ike: humor editor, Chester Ku.-, assistant humor editors, Helen rre nee and uuy Evereole. t If you. suffer from constipation and liver rouble Fo'ey' Orlna Laxative will eura you permanctly by etimulatlng the glgea- tiv organ so they will act naturally rolely'a Ortno Laxative do not grips. pleasant to take and you do not have t take laxative continually after taking Ortno. Why continue to be the slave et kill aa ttblets. gold by all druggist X !! ait ftarfolk. OAKLAND. Neb.. Nov. I? (Special Telegram.) The Oakland High aK-liool foot ball team plaved a hard-fought game with Norfolk H'-i'h. erhool team Sat urday afternoon at- orflk. resulting ia a score of to . Superintendent fenny of Oakland acted as referee and tiuper luUuUeul iiunler vf Norfolk a vaiptrn. OKLAHOMA AS A DRY STATE Nebraska Visitor Sizes Up the Situa tion There. VILE WHISKY NOT HAW) TO GET Edgar Howard Gives an Interesting llewrlptlon of His Personal Observations of Prohibi tion's Workings. A letter from Edgar Howard, who is vis iting In Oklahoma, and published in ins Columbus TelegTam, throw some Interest ing light on the prohibition ltutlon In that atate. By way of Introduction, Judge How ard declare he has always been opposed to state prohibition, and yet believes his pic ture of prohibition In Oklahoma I quite free) from prejudice. His story Is as fol lows: - . 'I propounded to thirty persons met at random the following question: 'Do you believe prohibition has come to stay In this state?" -1 was surprised by the unanimity of the replies to that question. The men to whom the question wa propounded rep resented every calling and clasa In cltlien- shlp bankers, preachers, merchants, rail road men, hackdrlvera, hotel men, farmers and ex-saloon keepers. Twenty-four of the thirty men declared their belief that Ok lahoma waa a prohibition atate, and would always' remain so. Six out of the thirty expressed the belief that within a few years public sentiment would turn against prohibition. These six were members of a Strong and growing society known a the Sons of Washington.' Thl society Is about on the lines of the Personal Liberty leagues In Nebraska, and .Its members are banded together for one single purpose, and that the overthrow, of All sumptusry laws. In discussing the. Tuture of prohibition In Oklahoma one must not forget the fact that the enabling act which brought Okla homa Into the elsterhood of states con- telred a clause for a prohibition period of twenty-one year? after the state should be admitted. Some lawyers lnlt that under that enabling act there Is no possi ble way of killing prohibition during the tw nty-one-year pcrlcd. Other good law yers believe the sovereign power of the state can be exerted to change the condi tions at the pleasure of a majority of the people. I shall leave that problem to the lawyers and turn my efforts to a study of the effects of prohibition as I find thm "Does prohibition prohibit in Oklahoma? Yes, and no. The situation is such aa to make Impossible the procuring of a drink of liquor by a stranger unless he procure it through the ministrations of some friend who lives here. In such cases it is caty. I visited several drug stores and tried to get a drink of whisky. I pleaded thirst, and even sickness, but every drug gist was pitiless, seemingly with no heart of sympathy for a sick man. Then I tried It In company with a gentleman who live nere ana wno knows the rope, it was easy. And yet I warn every Nebraska frtond against sampling prohibition whisky In Oklahoma. I do not believe It is whisky at all. It tastes not. nor smells like tha real thing. It smells like drugs, and tastes 1'ke llmberger smells. The druggist served It to us in a glass with phosphates. tasted the stuff and balked. My lawyer mend pleaded with the druggist to give us something straight. At first, the man said that would be Impossible as long a there were any customer In the store, Finally all the other 'customers went cut and then the man brought us the straight goods. I was sorry he brought It. It wa worse than the mixture. I am sure that If the druggist had been arrested and had been called to testify against him lie could not have been convicted by my evi dence. It was not possible for mo to swear that I had drank whisky. In fact, I do not believe It was whisky, but only a vile mixture of drugs with which to deceive the fools who, sneak into a drug store for something which a gentleman ought to take only in a licensed saloon or In his own home. I visited the sheriffs office and talked with that official regarding the enforcement of tlue prohibitory law. The herlff was an honest man, and he be lleves It Is his duty to arrest every man who defies any of the laws. He pursues bootleggers with splendid seal. And he finds plenty of opportunity to display hi seal. I wa told that there were no lea than fifty professional bootleggers In Enid. I wa talking with Fred Me In, a merchant tailor. While we wero talking ha pointed me to three men who passed his door and said that each of tha three wa a bootlegger. They were bootleggers In the sense literal. Each carried his bottle of liquor In hid hip pocket. When they met a regular cu tomer they conducted him to a secluded pot, gave him a snort out of the bottle and collected II cents. If the customer took two anort It cost him 25 cents. I examined the court record in an effort to discover the difference between the number of criminal cases filed during given period under license and a like period under prohibition. There waa not much difference In the record under the dry and the wet regimes. I asked the sheriff about Jail conditions before and alnce the adoption of prohibition. He aald there waa not much change. Thla county la about the siie of our own Piatt county, but the Jail la three tlmea aa large aa our Jail, and the sheriff cares for ten prisoner where our Sheriff Car- rig caret for on. I aaked the sheriff If prohibition had Increased or dimin ished hi guest Hat, and he aald it waa about a atand-off. Then I aaked htm the political complexion of tha county. He told ma It was brutally republican, and largely by aid of the nigger vote, and than I understood tha altuatlon bettar. "The only profit derived from atate prohibition Is that which accrues to the bootleggers, tha druggists, the Kanaaa City wholesalers and the express corn- pan tea. I wa told by thoce In position to know that not leas than on carload of expreaa packagea la received flere every week from the Kanaas City whole sale houaea, and proportional ahlpments go from that city to other Oklahoma towna. . I heard an agent for a wholesale house say that the whisky trad of two prohibition states Kansaa and Okla homa wai worth thla year to the' whole aal dealera of Kansaa City a profit of 11.000.000. If we of Nebraska ahould adopt prohibition the interior towns of Nebraska would be pouring a proportion ate golden stream Into tha wholesale houses of Council Bluffs and Sioux City. Ia It better to live under high license and keep the booxe money at home, or to adopt atate prohibition and give the money to the expreaa companies and to wholesale dealers In aoma other atate? You can get all kind of answers to that queatlon here In Oklahoma, but one problem appear to b definitely settled here, according to tha view of Iba vaat majority, and that Is that prohibition, ba It good or bad, baa com to Oklahoma to atay. Tha general argument In sup port of prohibition la that It lessens crime, lessens the coat of criminal courts and Jail and that It Improves tha moral atmosphere, and Oklahoma will have to overthrow that argument before Okla homa ran overthrow prohibition." riLBS CURED IN TO 14 DAYS. FAZ0 OINTMENT guarantee) t cure aay (as of Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding plies to to It 4) or money refunded. 10a. TARIFF ON PAPER DISCUSSED Agents of errspaper, Labor I alone and Paper Makers Heard by Committee. WASHINGTON. Nov. C A severe ar raignment of the s.M-.vled "raper trust" wa the feature of Saturday's tsrlff hearing be fore the house commit'.ee on waya and means, which was Id session until nearly midnight. After hearing arguments, mainly for a protective tariff, which occupied their at tention until after 5 o'clock, the committee listened to the testimony of John Norrls, representing the American Newspaper Pub- Ushers' association. Mr. Norrls argued for free trade In pulp nd print paper, giving many figure to show that the protection afforded the paper manufacturers by the present tariff re sulted In unreasonable prices. Representa tives of the Typograliplcal. Photo-En- that the Increased cost of paper reduced the gravers. Fressroens, and stereotypers and Electrotypera' unions supported Mr. Norrls' contention with the additional argument alze nf the newspapers and gave less work and lower wages. The paper manufacturer occupied the rest of tha time and were sharply ques tioned by democratic members of the com mittee. Arthur J. Hastings of New York, president of the American Paper and Pulp association, admitted that dividends as high as 24 per cent had been paid by the Cliff Paper company of Niagara, of which he Is the head, In addition to which the com pany had earned In twenty year HOO.OOO on capital of 1100,000. Chester W. Lyman, assistant to the presi dent of the International Paper company. the socalled "paper trust," read state ment giving detailed Information regarding the company. We are opposed to any reduction what ever In the duties specified for pulp," said Mr. Lyman. "We are most emphatically opposed to any reduction In the duty on print paper, Inaofar a it applies to news papers. So far as this company, therefore. Is conrerned. It Is content to leave the tariff as It Is. with the exception of the countervailing clause and a possible addi tion to the administrative act of the tariff law which will prevent foreign manufac turers from selling their output In this country at lower prices than prevail In their home markets." FR. WILLIAMS STAYS IN OMAHA Rector of St. Phllp Itbe Deacon Rejects Offer of Chnrrh In Boston. Rev. John Albert Williams, rector of the colored Episcopal church. St. Philip the Deacon, In Omaha, has been offered the pastorate of a large Boston church, but has refused it, believing his work lies in the west. Father Williams Is now in Boston conducting a mission, but he writes home that he has no thought of accepting the proffered pastorate of the eastern con gregation. He is expected home the latter part of this week. The mission which he has been conducting In Boston wa the first Episcopal conclave of the kind ever held among the colored people of that city. Of the Omaha clergyman and his work and the offer of the eastern church the Boston Globe says: Father Wlll'ams is ra'-d as one of the best educated, loga y".-d eloquent of colored priests In tliu American Episcopal church. He was born in London, Canada, forty-two years ago. He was graduated from the Beabury divinity school at Fari bault, Minn., and waa-ordained into the r.rleMhood at Omaha.. For a number of years he was stationed at Detroit, and so successful was he id-his work there that he was sent to Omaha to the church of St. Philip the Deacon. He is now assistant secretary of the diocese of Nebraska. Father Charles N. FieVl, superior of the Society of St. John the Evangelist, which has charge of the Church of SB. Augustine and Martin, heard quite a while ago about Hie work of the young priest and sought at the earliest moment to have him come to Boston to preside over the new church. The way fortunately opened for his coming as a mlssioner at the dedication of the new church, and while Father Williams has not consented to take charge of the church at the conclusion cf his mission work Father Field Is strongly in hopes that he will make up his mind to stay. Father Williams, by his modest bearing, eloquence and logic, haa made friends of a large num ber of the 400 cc romuntoants of the church. ABE RAYMER IS "ACQUITTED Verdict la Believed to Menu Collans of Riot rases mt Spring field. III. SPRINGFIELD, 111.,. Nov. 22.-Aftcr four hour' deliberation, the Jury In the caae of Aba Raymer, alleged to have been the leader of fhe mob In the race riot last August, last night returned a verdict of not guilty. He was tried on a charge of malici ous destruction of property. When tried several weks ago for murder. In connection with the lynching of W. K. Donnlgan. an aged negro, Raymer was also found not guilty. Tonight's verdict Is taken to mean a collapse of the riot cases. WOMEN FIGHT WITH KNIVES Mrs. Frank Graham Killed by Mra. James Crab tree In Dael Near Galnavllle. Mo. GAINESVILLE. Mo.. Nov. !5.-A duel to the death with knlvea was fought Saturday by Mra. James Crabtree and Mra. Frank Graham, sisters-in-law, In a lonely spot In the Ozark woods, about eight mile southwest of Gainesville. Mrs. Graham's throat wa cut, killing her instantly. Tha two women had quarreled over family mat ter. The place and the hour wa fixed. The lsters-ln-law went alone, according to appointment, and on the lonely mountain side fought out their duel. low News ftate-a. ATLANTIC Most of the deputies for the varioua county office have been chosen and the new one will issume their dntiea on the first of the year. AVbert Emtgh will be the deputy clerk of the courts. Alhert Worth the deputy treeenrerand O M Hnhsrt the deputy auditor. He will not. however. be-n his work until March I. Sheriff Uuval make no chsnae in his deputy. Bosley. renisinlng. and the auditor has chosen no deputy aa yet. ATLANTIC Mrs M M. Smith died last night about U o'flork at hr home In this city, death resulting from a etrnke of nralv.l Hlia Is "iirvlved by her husband and seven children, all of whom are living, and two sinters. The funeral services were held at her late home todav end Interment made In the Atlantic cemetery. ATLANTIC James Ijilr. a represents tlv of a wholesale grocery hniio in Omaha, snd Mrs. J. Orton were ir rested dav before veeferrfav on a charae of adultery and taken hfre Judge Ktnne In Anita. whr tha woman lives. County Attorney Ooodspeed was ee'lert there yes terday to attend the preliminary hear. In at which the couple were released tinder a bond f tISAA e-h and the case postnnned until next week. ATLANTIC rtus Dreager. employed a h eoal ehtitM rm. was t vlctl"n of a bad sccldent Wsdneedsy. when 'an ritiwe ,f enal fell en Ma oAt. breeklrg n of th bones n Ms Instep. He Is getting alone very well now. XXAN W. L. "te-n wns both ir. tried end rtsed BstuMsv Kv het"g -een lei a aold wateb l chain the HHwn rotinty ipuMIn of'lcls's eiect In enuresis Hon nf hie work f-r them ii ring he eampelsn. The -seh Veers the fMiowlne 4n'rlrtlon: "n,,M!cn Boys of 10 to W. I Stern, i natrman " MRHAt,t,TOWvFsr the thlr tin,. In twelve years John L- Tnman nf tM citv he Keen lvoed. w'" from the same wt. Hie latest divorce wee "-ranted in th Hnrv conn" ro"et at Nevade today. We was gran'ad a dlvoeee from Mary O. Inea" for deeeetlnn. He married hr at 1awA twelve years o. but was noon tftwsiM, Mvoree merld a foiiit ttnna. wea tv,red -""", ''et wife 4 n married the nrt wire the second time TWO NATIONAL LABOR BODIES Building- TraTes and Railway Em ploye: Meet in Denrer Today. ONE MILLION MEN REPRESENTED Latter Organisation Waa Forme alnrday InClndes All Rail way t nlonk Eieeft Train Service Men. DENVER, Nov. K. Tomorrow In tni city there will convene two national labor bodies, adjuncts to the American Federa tion of Iabor, whtt-h yesterday cloaed Ita annual convention here. These two or ganisation represent over 1.000,000 men, tha building trades and railroad employes' de partments, the latter an organisation of 450.000 men, formed in Denver on Saturday last. The building trades department will rep resent about 6H0.OO0 men, and the first session will be called to order by President James Klrby of Chicago, a leader In the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners. II. B. Perham, president of the Order of Railroad Telegraphers, will call the rail way employes together, and P. J. Flannery of Chicago, president of tho International Freight Handlers' union, will be tha secre tary. The building trades department of the federation has been In existence about a year, but the branching out of the railway employes Is a new venture that has for Its purpose the organization of every shop and track employe connected with the rail roads of the country. Pnrnose of New Organisation. The leaders hope to secure the co-operation and eventually tho affiliation of the trainmen, conductors, engineers and fire men, and tf.bs make the railway employes' organisation the most powerful of Its kind In the world. Its o'ljects are given as follows: To enhance the welfare of all railroad employes; to aid In more closely organising all such employes end seek v to affiliate them with the American Federation of Labor; to further the interest of employes by means of legislation, and take such ac tion as may be necessary to protect the Interests of the railroad employe. The organization represented snd those who will appear for them are: International Freight Handlers' union, P. 3. Flannery; Order of Railway Tele graphers. H. B. Perham; Brotherhood of Boilermakers and Iron - Shipbuilders of America, J. A. Franklin; International As sociation of Machinists, James O'Connell; International Brotherhood of Blacksmiths, J. J. Melckler; International Association of Car Worker, P. E. Rlchardaon; Brother hood of Railway Clerk. Wilbur Bragglns; Switchmen' Union of North America. F. T. Hawley; International Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes. A. B. Lowe; International Association of Steam Fitters of America. J. J. Sullivan. Eighteen Bnlldera' Unions. The building trades department will have eighteen powerful International union rep resented at its convention and will be in aesslon eight days. Gossip among the leaders tonight Is that Frank Ryan of the Bridge and Structural Iron Worker Is after the presidency, and also, that Kirby would like to succeed himself. William Costello of the Steam Fit ters, wants to be secretary, and Secretary Spencer, it is said, would accept re-election, Ryan and Kirby both live in Chicago. For the railway employe' prealdency. It is believed that H. B. Perham of the Tele grapher will be chosen, and P. J. Flannery named a secretary, simply making perma nent the temporary organization. MERRICK COl'MTV M 8 CORN SHOW Competition Lively and Exhibit of High Order. CENTRAL CITT. Neb., Nov. 22. (Spe cial.) The Merrick County Corn show, held In Central City wa a most successful af fair, both from the standpoint of attend ance and the quantity and quality of the exhibits. The exhibit were displayed in the academy of music, while the speaking and other exercises were held in tha opera house in the afternoon. The prise list wa well competed for, there being entries for about every item on the Hat. and In tha corn department the competition wa spirited. The sweepstakes for the best twelve ears of any one color waa won by Nel Skow who captured the 110 prlxe in thl event with twelve eara of yellow com. and also captured the $5 prize with tha same eara of corn In the yellow corn division. The prizes on the other corn Items amounted to about to, (3 and Jl respectively, for first, second and third prizes, and were either cash or an equivalent in merchandise. A partial list of the prizes Is aa follows: Best twelve eara of yellow corn: First, Nets Skow; second, Howard Raser; third, Lawrence Bice. Best twelve ear of white corn: Kirs'. L. J. Ferris; second, Edward Wagner; third. Wayne Wymer. Best twelve eara calico corn: nrst, F. E. Wymer; second, Rube Wolcott; third, Edgar Dally. Best single esr of corn: First, Carl Whit more; second, B. B. Rice; third, Issac Rill. Best twelve esrs of sweet rorn: First, Howard Brannan; second. Walter Ftogland. Best peck of yellow shelled corn: Firs. August Miller; second, A. H. Newburn; third. Willie Nitsel. Best peck of white shelled corn: First, Melvin Brsnnon; second, Earl Marsh; third, Rov Hltsel. Best peck of calico shelled corn: First, John Garrison; second, Clarence Bice; third, p. Wollcqtt. Best twelve ear of poo corn: Flrt, John Bcott: eeond. Marlon Fogland. Best (election of twelve eara of verities of field corn selected from any ona field; F'rst prize. Lawrence Bice. The sweepstake prise In cooking was won by Zella Williams, whom the J urges concluded had on exhibition tha largest and best collection of home cooked corn food products. The prise of flO for the largest delegation of school children from a country school was won by Mis lona Finch with her delegation of twenty-five pupil from dis trict No. I. The selection of two girls to go to Omaha to attend the National Oorn ahow, and receive free transportation, entertainment and Instruction, was put off until next Tuesday. F. W. Edmunds, who has the matter In charge, haa received about fif teen applications, but there are aome other who desire to com In, so he ha delayed the drawing to give them an opportunity to enter. On next Tuesday all the name of those who have made application will he put In a box, and two name will be drawn but, thoae to t given tha trip being elected In thl manner. The Judlng of the exhibits at the corn how wa don by Prof. C. W. Pugsley nd Mts Myrtle Kauffman. both from the State University Agricultural school. Both expressed themselves ss highly pleaaed with the exhibits, considering the Corn th b,-st that they had Judged so far this season. Th beat of the corn exhibited here will be taken to Omaha for tha Na tional Corn show next month. Previoua to tha program at tha opera house in tha afternoon, the Central City band gave a concert ea th afreet. At th opera nous address were made by Prof. Pugsliy and Mia Ksuffman. aad tnsre were few musical pumbera, MORTGAGE LOAMS Money on Business and Residence Properly at 5, 5i and 6 Interest Payments of principal, whole or part twice a year Apply to W. B. MEIKLE 20G RAMGC BUILDING COLE SEES INDIANS PLAY Coach Thinks Nebraska Has Oood Chance to Defeat Carlisle. PRACTICE FOR WABASH GAME Showing Cravrfordsvllle Team nut In Game yrlth DePssw Friday C'anaea Some Anxiety. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Nov. S2.-(Speclal.)-Coach "King" Cole if turned from Minneapolis this morning, whero lie witnessed the Carlisle-Minnesota game on Northrup field yecterday. He believes Nebraska will stand a good chance of beating tho Indians when they come to Lincoln next week. 'Minnesota played a brilliant game, ex plained the Nebraska coach at the training table this afternoon. "For the first tlma since the new rules were adopted three years ago the Gophers used the open stjl! of game wtih good effect. UTero rwara pass wa worked often by the Gophers and always for good gains. The bock field or the Gophers was In fine form and hit the Indian line hard. hTe Carlisle ends were kept busy stopping the fast Minnesota half backs. 'The Indians, of couise, were badly handicapped on account of having several crippled players. Baltnti and Captain Warteka were not in the game and several of the other playera were not able to enter the contest. The Indians played gamely, but the new men who went into the game were not able to do the work that the veterans ccu'.d have done. "By the time the Indi. is get hero next week they will probably be In good condl. tlon for a hard game. At St. Louts, Thanks giving day, they will have no trouble In winning, and I think that a bunch of sub stitutes will be able to take care of the Mound City warrior for them. Thl will give them a good chance to get their cap tain and other regular Into condition for Nebraska, i "Balenti, who has done such wonderful place kicking for them this season, will be In shape, and Nebraska will have to play great ball in order to keep him from making one or two field goals." Practice for Wabash Game. Coach Cole announced that practice for the Wabash game would start tomorrow at 2:30 o'clock. There are only three day In which to prcpre for the Little Glanta and "King" Cole intend to work his men every minute that he possibly can. So the prac tice will start at 2:30 In the afternoon and continue until darkness acta In. Since the showing Wabash made against De Pauw Friday, Nebraska has lost a great deal of the confidence it had about winning th game Thanksgiving. The Lit tle Glanta defeated De Pauw 13 to. 0 In a hard fought game. De Pauw outweighed Wabash Just about as Nebraska will, and. according to dope, ought to have won. The Wabash player, however, used the for ward pass and other open style play with uch good effect that they won easily. They played a wonderfuj game on the de fense and several tlmea when their goal w threatened held back the heavy De Pauw players. . Coach Cola fears that unless hi "peek-a-boo" and other open work play work successful that the Crawfordvllle men will ba able to repeat the trl?k per formed against Depauw. So thla week practically all of hi practice time will be confined to coaching his pupil to use th open plays with success. He says he has two new formi of the forward pass wlijch will be given to the Cornhuskers this week. He believes that with Beltzer passing th ball theje new play can be worked. Beltzer Is In good form now and ought to ba able to do some brilliant work against a light team Ilka Wabash. GOTCH CHARMS JOH.M BILL Champion Is Given Great Sendon la London V port lag Life. When Frank Gotch, champion wrestler of the world, landed In England November 4 he Was Interviewed by a "representative" of the London Sporting Life, who con cluded his fifteen-em wide column story with this solemn song: "Thus ended a very Interesting Interview, during which our representative wa charmed with Gotch' personality." The story Is largely a series cf answers by Ootch to questions put by the Briton. In the cours of which Gotch gives an out line of his life and career and touches upon tha Hackenschmldt episode at Chi cago on April 1 laat. He takes occasion to pronounce false, every word of Hack's drivel about being maltreated In that wrestling rnatoh. which made the Ameri can tha world's champion, and says he Is willing to meet Hack or any other man In the world. "Hackenschmldt's abilities are over estimated. He Is no terror nor s wonder." Gotch aald. And then he was asked his "opinion" of Hack, and la quoted ss reply ing quickly. "He haa no tlilnklng power. He tell you what he ia going to do befor he does It." r Gotch told th reporter be did not blame England for Its falpe Impressions of him and that match with Hack, for he said New York was prejudiced against him and KCUX MIXTURE CURES RHEUMATISM Tha thousanda of men and women who hav felt th torture of dread rheumatism will ba'glad to avail themselves uf the following prescription which will be found tha most effective remedy obtain able for jr-heumattam and all kindred form of blood diseases which cause pain In tha muscles. Joints, lam back, throb bing head and general debility; "On ounce yrup of Sarsapsrlila com pound; On Ounce Tori compound; half pint of high grade whiskey. These to be mixed aud ahaken well and used In doees of a teaapoonful befor each meal and at bedtlm. Th Ingradlent are obtainable from any well storked druggist who will mix It or It can ba mixed at bom a4 It la aid to show Immediate results gave vle to the false reports. But h said the moving pictures which are in F.ng land tan4 which were seen In Omaha w. uld set at rent all douht .s to the wnj he treated Hack; they would show Hnc to be a rank quiitvr and also not a closi purveyor of farts. "I am here prepared to defend my title. Gotch s;ivs In the conclusion of his Inter view, "and leave myself wholly and aoleli In the hands of the English people per fectly willing to abide by any treatment they consider I am entlth-d to bad if da served and good If merit Justifies It." The chamnion seems to hava mad I good Impression on the Britlaiicrs. who hav come to realise thev wero worhlpln dead one In the big Riisslon lion. Ootrh Is aceomranled bv Enill Klank. the wrest ler who formerly lived In Omaha and li so well known here. It was Klank whu rent the paper containing the Interview to a friend of his on The Bee staff. Thl Frank Goti-h vaudeville company Is in Eng land for eighteen weeks. Winter blasts, causing , pneumonlai cleurlsy and consumption will oon ba hero, Cure your oough now, and strengthen your lungs with Foley' Honey and Tar. do not risk starting the winter with weak lungs, when Foley Honey and Tar will eura th most obstltiata coughl and colds, and pre vent serious result. Sold by all druggists Dakota Farmer Killed. SIOUX FALLS, 8. V., Nov. S2-(Bfoelal.) By falling from his wagon Ferdinand Golder, a well knewn Muicninson county farmer, met his death. Th fall broke bin neck, death being Instantaneous. He wal 30 years of age and Is urvived by a widow, but had no children. The accident took place near the little town Of Menno, wlillt he was driving along with a hay rack upoi his wagon. 1 Ths Yellow Peril. Jaundice, malaria, biliousness, vanishei when Dr. King New Life Pills are taken. Guaranteed. 25c. For sale by Beaton Drug company. Writ Ambler. Mrs. Georga Blakely has been quito 111 at her home near Evergreen cemetery this week. Mr. Peter Jensen was robbed of $41 by sneakthlef at his Home in tvasi jimoirr on Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Howland left the first of the week for their new home on their ranch near Kearney. . Mr. and Mr. C. Gleason are rejoicing over the advent of a son at their home In Eckermnn since Monday, Miss Mary Hensman is very 111 with Inflammatory rheumatism at her homo on South Forty-sixth avenue, West Side. Mr. John Blake was taken suddenly 111 Sunday morning with acute indigestion and heart trouble and haa been confined to his bed all week. Mrs. C. F. Dalley and family are enter. J taining their cousin. M vn.,w!n',!'' and little daughter from Baasett, Neb.,, at their home in West Side. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Smith were called from their home in West bide to Bertrand to attend their mother, Mrs. Furman, who is quite ill. Charles J. Roberts and wife are enter taining their brother, Joseph Roberta and daughter from Wisconsin. He is also a brother of Mrs. John Blake. Mrs. John Gantx snd daughter Miss Ada, entertained Rev. W. B. Wetherell and Miss Reber. teacher of the West Cen ter 8treet school, on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hensman and family were guests of the latter's brother. Herman Gantx and bride, at their home on Thirty seventh and Marcy streets on Wednesday evening. Rev. W. R. Wetherell and wife entertained the members of Southwest church at th first of the series of cottage prayer meet ings, which they propose holding at dif ferent homes during the winter. Mrs. J. K. Sturgeon, died November . at her home in Ixs Angeles, Cal. She was a alster-ln-law of Mrs. J. S. lying of West Side and was for many years a resident of Omaha, only recently going to the. coast for the benefit nf her health. Interment t was at Los Angeles. Miss Nettle Cavendes, so well known here, was united In marriage at Burlington, Colo., to Mr. William Barker on Monday afternoon at 2 p. m. They left Burlington r Tueaday morning for their new home near Voma. Colo., where they will reside on tha ranch of Robert Cavendes, brother of tha bride. HAVE YOU TRIED ? It U veil knovn to b The Best Natural Laxative Water FOR CONSTIPATION and all disorder of the bowel and stomach. In fult bottU and tptlU What's Your Guess? Every person who takes a xasal a Tol Hanson's basement restaurant may guess tbs number who visit taer art sg tbs day. Th nearest guess wins meal book. (Xvery day this weak.) Tolf Hanson's Lunch Room The most attractive, 'brightest, alrleat and most economical lunch room In Omaha. A MUSE MIC TITS. THA.NKMJIVINU NIGHT ' It O U K n H O N TIUVKIAXit KH Colored Views Moving i'icturea FIIWT M. K. tTIUlCH - Reserved Seats at ComM. ' 1620 Douiiaa