The Omaha Bee AdvwrtU In THE OMAHA DEE Best t'hn. West PART II. EDITORIAL SECTION PAQES 1 TO 8. UNDAY VOL. XXXVIII NO. 23. OMMIA, SUNDAY MOKXIXG, NOVKMUKU S1NOLK COPY FIVK CENTS. ) 190$. v r i 4 The Holiday Handkerchiefs Are Ready Tele time by the forelock and buy Christmas Handkerchiefs early. They are kMt bought now. Ws have Imported direct and save you Jobbers' profits. Pure Linen Handkerchief for women luo, ISO, 260, 35o Pure Linen Embroidered Hand kerchiefs 16c, B6o, 3au, bOo Linen Initial Handkrchlfs ' at l&o, a So, &o, BOe Armenian lace trlmmid Hand kerchief a. .. ,80, 750, $1 to 93 Duchesse Lace Handkerchiefs at a, a.60, aj to aio ' TOM MEN. Linen Handkerchiefs at 15c, BSo, 3So, BOe, 750 Linen Initial Handkerchiefs at ISO. 880, 35o, BOo Silk Handkerchiefs. .600, 75c, SI KOSS1T1 OX.OTZ SAZ.ZS. Fine Imported Kid Gloves. 2-clap. gray, tan and white. $1 val..7o Imported Cape Uloves, 1-daap. black or tan, 11.25 values 9M Klbow length Cape Olovea, lined throughout with Mllanaise silk, Par:s Point Kmby, t-clasp, pique or overseam atltch, best colors, all IS values, at 150-Page Fashion Magazine for 5c As fine a I5o fashion book aa m ever published. The Winter Quarterly tyle Book, featuring every Ladles' Home Journal Pattern. Buy any loo pat tern you like and thia handsome magtalne goes with it for five cents. Tell about and Illustrates Latest Winter Fashion. Kmplre down. Fashions Tor coming season. Fashions for boya and girls. Stencil Embroldeiy Designs. Ideas In Needlework, Xmaa Suggestions, Ktc. Oet It at the patisrn counter. V TT1TTTTT7i II fllll: I ' OUT rLOWXmS TO THAiTHGITIHG Spe cially fine display Monday and week. New, fresh cut, and beautiful.- LoweBt prices. II I M Wool Blankets 2.48 We put on sale two cases of fine large heavy wool blankets Monday at an ex traordinary low price. They come In gray only, with bright borders; the" stock In them is soft and fluffy; jubt such a blanket as you would expect for $3.50; while tbey last at, pair White Woolnap Blankets A cotton blanket with the texture of all-wool, auft and dur able, with silk edges, 3.uo ari 75 very 5c '2.48 values pair. , MUSLIM 36-lneh, Bleached Muslin, fine arsde, worth almost double Monday, yard. Main Floor, Rear. Newest Furs iAwk to Hennett's for fashionable furs. W are now showing every late style from Ute leading furriers. Christmas buying 1ms com menced. Monday WpeolaV A genuine American Mluk Ret, large 4 stripe pillow muff and 54-lneh throw scarf; $50.00 value 939.60 ltlver Mink blended scarf ties, throws and muffs, handsome piecea In the latest styles. The neck- nieces are es.uu ' r I , m.,ff. r. SS. 00 Black Turs Fashion says they are correct We have Mack French lynx, black martin, black wolf, blsck fox and black real lynx scarfs and rug muffs, each 96.00 to 966.00 Holiday Stationary Another installment from our recent purchase bi ought forward from stock room and offered Mon day at unheard-of low prices. Ail are attractively boxed for glft-glvlng. 26c boxes In one big lot, 1 Pretty holly boxes, with on sale for 10c 1 high-grade, papers.. 3o Anotl er table holds BOo Another lot embraces nnd 75c boxes at... 990 boxes up to VI. 59-490 LIms Books Indestructible and washable, sold) last for 25c, now. . .' ' ,iwo OEB1ITT oral. A handsomely Illustrated year T. ILUO, Augusta J. Evans' great book, now for the first time at B60 book, formerly $3.00 our price oO A memborhlp .loin Dennett's tjite Fiction Llbrarv nSe with a purchase of any late book at 91-03 $10,000 THANKSGIVING SALE OF LINENS Fine linens surprisingly priced. Our special Thanksgiving offerings. The best time of all the year to replenish your linen closet. 72-inch Bleached Table Damask, all linen, handsome ' patterns, our 80c line, at, yard 7So Extra heavy double 8atln Damask, 72-Inch, magnifi cent linens, worth $1.85 yard, for 91.33 Bleached all linen Drnner Napkins, 24-Inch, worth $2.75 doaen, special 92-95 20-Inch all linen $1.65 Napkins for 91-39 Pattern Table Cloths, 2 yards square, our $'2.60 line, vry special 91.98 All other sixes reduced in same proportion. Napkins to match all cloths. y Sale Ostrich. Plumes $r Whatever You Miss, k"W5: &SkS hls mmense Pur" S Don't Miss This Sale, Come and See IcSx: chase Goes on Sale Monday y the Dig Display. JJ x and All Week. N Never in Omaha Millinery Retailing Was There Such Another Sale Here's and event planned and prepared for months ago. Several thousand magnificent Plumes from America's representative plume importers and makers. Made especially for this sale in Omaha. The goods in this sale are not old brittle stock, with the life all sapped Out of the flues. They are soft and pliable with a brilliant silky lustre, and with most graceful poise of any plumes ever turned out by expert makers and finishers. Exquisite willow effects with thick drooping fronds. We bought theBe plumes at most wonderful price-saving ever known. Even at regular prices they would be cheaper than any ever shown in Omaha this year. It's the greatest collection of plumes ever assembled In a single sale. It's the chance of a lifetime. Thousands have been at tracted by the remarkable window display. Could you think of a more appropriate and pleasing Xmas Gift? Every size plume, every color. You cannot fully reallze'the excellence of these bargains unless you come. Be early MONDAV. JUST A FEW EXAMPLES TO ILLUSTRATE. 12- inch' Plumes, always $1.75, for 13- inch Plumes, always $2.25, for ..98c $1.39 15-inch Plumes, always $2.75, for . Fine large $10.00 Plumes, for $1.89 $5.49 Handsome $16.50 French Plumes, for $22.50 Plumes, assorted colors, choice $9.98 $12.98 Dress Goods A November Press Goods Sale that knows no parallel for low pricing. And what makes tho offering most attractive is the high quality and desirableness of the good offered. Hundreds of pieces; skirt and suit lengths to go like this , $2.50 Broad- cloths, $3 Bilk I Mixed Goods. $2 Poplins, $0 Fancy Hroad-I cloths, all colors 90 CENTS $1.60 Eroad-v cloths. $1.26 811k and Wool J Plaids. $1,501 B 1 a c k Voiles, $1.25 Monalrs. $1.50 Serges,) Tafretas, Poplins 69 CENTS . A Monday SUk Bargain A very large lot embracing every kind of silk worn this season, fancy and plain silks, every color. $1.00 Messallnes, best colorings. . . , $1.00 Crepe de Chine, many shades., Taffetas and Peau de Cygne , $1.25 Plaids, brilliant colors $1 black Taffetas and Peau de Sole J 1 Silk Velvets, factory ends up to 6 yards; every shade, best $1.60 quality, yard 59t Velvet Suitings, fancy effects, new greens and browns, very fashionable, worth $1.60, our price 69? Dress Ginghams, choice new 15c styles for 7V4 Choice 59c Yard y y Our Thanksgiving Sale Pllfe f GUT GLASS Etc 'p : MONDAY Not a sale In name only but a sale with clean cut price reductions. Thousand of pieces of very choicest genuine American Cut Glass, Etched and Austrian Gold Glass ware, by far the largest collection ever shown under one roof In Omaha, in a great sale Monday. Thanksgiving neds are nowhere so advantageously purchased as at Bennett's. Genuine American CUT GLASS 6-lnch handled nappies, Bradbury cut $2.98 value, at '. 31.08 Heavy cut, 8-inch Bowls, regular $3.60 values .-. $1.75 Sugars and Creams, fine cutting, per set $2.35 8-Inch deep Nappies, Paris pattern, $4.50 value $2.08 Hlph shaped Sugars and Creams, at, pair $1.50 Hose Bowls with gold framed mir ror -.$2.08 Cut Jewel Boxes, silver trimmed, t : $5.00 Footed Fern Dishes silver lining, each ..$2.08 Sterling silver top Salts and Pep pers, $1.50 value for $1.00 Cut Glass Water Tumblers, $4.60 values, dozen $2.50 Heavy Cut Water Tumbler, fan pat tern, $8.00 value, dozen.. $3.50 NEEDLE EDGED GLASS Jnst In, every piece perfect; Whiskey and Cordials, worth $2.60 dozen, each 10 Tumblers, full size, worth $3 dozen, each 15 Wines, Cherries,, Cocktails, Claret, Sherbets and Costard Glasses, worth $360 and $4.00 dozen, each '. . . .20 Hollow-stem Champagnes, Goblets, Saucer Champagnes, Footed Sher bets, also Ffrger Bowls and Plates, worth to $6.00 a dozen, each 25 VENETIAN GOLD GLASS Made In Austria. 3.60 Candlt Sticks for $7.00 Comports for..",.... $1.75 Rose Bowls for.... $4.00 Bowls, 7-inch, fancy. $3.60 Fancy Vases for:'. . . $1.00 Handled Nappies for Heart Shaped Trays at. $2.48 5.25 S1.15 $2.75 $2.50 75f 980 STOVES fteauced Prices. penlnsuiar btoves at lesA than evor sold tor at this season ol yoai-. a ii Grand Base Burner for 35 4 Peninsular Bane Burner for -8 $27 Art Base Burner tor a $11 Home Oak Heater fur . 46c Planished Iron btoveplpe.. -3oo Iron Stovepipe, joint .....ISO And 10 Stamps. , Furnace Pokers ...'T-.tOo" And 20 Stamps. Stove Fokers. . i lOo l And 10 Stamps. Thanksgiving Needfuls Food Chop per a . Mo, $1.08, S1.38 40 buimps. Brownie Double tor,,19o All Enamel Boast ers for 480 Savory Roasters, up from 880 Link Roaster, up from . ...,:1.7 40 Stamps with any 48c or over. CARVING SETS v All kinds. Bird and flteak Carv ers, price from 7 so to tia. Double Stamps with each set Thanksgiving Sales - - fi Ark iMif Dining Room Furniture You don't buy to best ad vantage if you fail to see Jlennett's . stocks. We sell furniture of the most sub- ' stantlal kinds for less than you'll find elsewhere. Pays to investigate. This Handsome Table is firmly construct ed of solid quartered oak. Massive pe destal with arched and claw-foot sup ports. Has a 45-Inch round top and ex tends when opened to 8 feet. It's a beauty and has a high piano polish. Best $30.00 Table C1 in town ysmt.lJ Ooldsn Oak Chiffonier As UlustrHted, is of solid oak uml a handsome piece of furniture for the dining- room. Don't think you 11 see anythlng" llke It under $25.00 Weathered Oak Dining Room Suites, true . mission style, special until Thank giving: 10 Off We give Double Trading Stamps with Furniture purchases Monday. Toothsome Groceries for Thanksgiving The Big Bennett Grocery eaters to your every requirement. The parity and wholesomeness of oar goods Is anq.aes slonea. Xook to as for jroa supplies. 'PS one your order If more convenient. Deliveries always prompt. Bennett's Golden Coffe, lb .26c And 20 Stamps Teas, assorted, lb 4 8c And 40 Stamps Pride of Bennett's Flour..,, $1.56 And 60 Stamps Capitol Extracts, bottle 18o A nl 1 0 Stamps Plum Pudding. Fr.-Amer., can 3"'c And 10 Stamps Soups, Franco-American, qt 35c And 40 Stamps Clam Chowder, large can 20o And 20 Slumps Capitol Miicemeat, 3 pkgs 25c And lt (Stamps New Raisins and Currants, lb 10c New Evaporated Aprlcota, lb 12 Vic , , California Prunes, lb Dc N GERMAN CAKES Specially imported by us direct from Germany. Very delicious, l&u and 25c dozen and 6o to $1.00 each. Peanut Butter, 1 Jars Tea Garden Preserves, Jar... Hartley's Marmalade, Jar,.., Ciackeio, large assortment... Capitol Baking Powder, lb... A. B. C. Catsup, bottle Katavla Boiled Cider, bottle.. Full Creum Cheese, lb , . .20c And 10 Stamps , . ;30c And 10 Stamps . . . 20c And 10 Stamps , . . lOo And 10 Stamps ,-tc And 20 Stamps . . .23c And 10 stamps . . . 25e Anil 10 Stamps . . . 20c And 10 Stamps CANDY DEPT. In Grocery New California Figs, pkg., 6c and 10c Imported Figs, lb., lie, 20c and 25c New Dates, per pound. loo Suited Peanuts, per pound 10c Mixed Canity. 10c, 12Vic and 15c Dennetts For the Late Styles in TAILORED SUITS And still no let np to the incom ing new fashions. The suit stock is today as replete with new styles as the early season's display, and it's bringing the business. Those who appreciate the new modes will find abundant "choosing here Monday. A striking new model just In Saturday, is of finest broadcloth and serge, has a Iodk 4 8-lnch. snug-fitted coat with tucked and turned cuffs and velvet collar; lined throughout with striped silk. Has a 15- gored skirt with wide welt seams, trim med with satin buttons, and loops. A rich refined model, at $35 OXE I1ECK FItOCKS It s the reigning fal and nowhere else will you find a bet ter array of them. A new broadcloth frock that clings snugly to the form Is just in, had two rows buttons and loops down front; Persian vest effect; new pointed cuffs and Dlrectolre sash; comes in black, navy, green, brown, smoke C C and wistaria LOXG COVERT COATH Full length, 54 lnch. models of finest hard-twist English Covert, tight-fitting, seven welt seams. In back; comes also in black broadcloth $29.50 PANAMA SKlItTA new line and entire ly new effects, all best colors at $7.50 nd $8.03, TAILORED NET AM) KATIX WAIHTM Net waists In gray, white and cream, tailor pleats and fancy front or yokes; tailored satin waists, button trimmed, best colors $5.05 U flt 1 .1 I : ' N J EDMISTE'N GOES TO JAIL Former Populiit Leader Geti Fine and Priion. RESULT OF LaInd CONSPIRACY May of Kieeslles Uraalea Vmtll Ie . .tmker 1, ts Allow Prlswaer . .-re His Affairs Bfre Utss; Jail. a...(i Edmisten of North Platte, tur ner slate oil Inspector and former chair man of the populist state committee, pleaded guilty In fedoral court to 'a charge f conspiracy to defraud the government in Thomas county land deals and was fined $1.(W and sentenced to four months In the Uncoln county JaW-t North . Platte by Judge W. H. Munger Saturday afternoon. Bdmlston was Indicted by the federal grand Jury In Omaha June 4, 1906. on three counts of perjury, subornation' of perjury and conspiracy, and on June 15, 1908, of forgery In seeding to defraud the govern ment out of use, title and possession to large tracts of land In the North Piatt land district The case was called for trial February M, 1907, but the defendant failed to appear and his bond of $5,000 was declared for feited. On April $. of the same year, on motion of bis attorneys and on proper showing tho order of February M. forfeiting bis bond was vacated. The trial was set for some months later, but the defendant was unable to appear on account of Illness and the tease has been continued up to the present time. Nr. Edmislen "was is court with bis at torneys, W. a Summers of Omaha and E. B. Strode of Lincoln. Both attorneys made an earnest plea for a light sentence In view of the long publlo service of the defendant and his hitherto good character. I'ponthe reuuest of the attorneys for the defendant, a stayiof execution was granted until December 1. to enable the defendant to arrange his affairs prior to entering upon his term of Imprisonment. The Lin coln county Jail was selected aa being the present home of the defendant. The plea of guilty was made upon one Indictment tor conspiracy, the other indictments tor perjury, summation of perjury and forgery being dismissed by the United States dis trict attorney. CLYDE COMES TO PLYMOUTH Watertewa, . ll.f Clergyman Accepts Call to Pastoral la t Osaaha. Rev. i. P. Clyde of Watertown, 8. P., haa accepted the call to the pastorate of the Plymouth Congregational church, Spencer street and Florence boulevard, and will enter upon Ills new work the first Sunday In December. He will aucceed Rev. F. W. Leavltt, who resigned last July to become principal of Franklin academy. Since that time the church haa peon without a pastor, the pulpit being supplied by other ministers. Mr. Clyde, who Is at present paator of the First Congregational church In the fourth largest city in South Dakota Watertown, with a population of about 1.000 will come lo Omaha with a record of a good work well done, and Plymouth church, the third largest of the nine Congregational churches In this city, looks forward to an era of growth and good fellowship under his mln Istry. The new pastor haa ministered to the wauu of the South Dakota congrega tion three years and seven 'months and dur ing that time the mortgage and interest on the church debt has been paid off, more than one-half of the present church mem bership has been added, and while the city has Increased 3.000 In population, the church, In point of membership, financial strength and benevolences, has grown faster in proportion to the new Protestsnt popula tion. The church and Sunday school 'at tendance have also Increased to a remark able degree. This haa been done despite differences in the church. ' That Mr. Clyde ia a fearless worker in his chosen field of labor was not only shown during his pastorate In Watertown, but also In the address he made his people when he read hla resignation to them last Sunday. He lias all along ledl a fight agalnat the gamblers and other social evils In his home city, but In his resignation he talked directly to the dissenters in the church the moneyed interests who had made, he said, the pastor's work all the harder and thrown handicaps In his way. PYTHIANS NEXT WELCOME Kalgkte Will Be la Omaha ss4 Their Nasno Will Be la the Bis; I Arch. "K. of P.-Welcome." " This will be the next lettering to appear In the new welcome arch, across Farnam street, by the city hall, and the city elec trician haa the letters all ready to put up on time, and not a day or two late as has been tho oaae at other times by reason of authority not having been given him to procure them. The letters will be put, In plsce on the arch Monday morning to wel come the delegates who will come to the city that day to attend the celebration of the fortieth-anniverslty of the founding of Pythlanlsm la the west. CREDITORS GET PAID IS FULL Omaha Loan and Trust Company Will Pay Dollar for Dollar. POTTER DISCLOSES IT IN REPORT Bevelver Shows by Statemeat Balance Oafstaadlna- to Be S24,845, and This Will Be Carefully Liquidated. Creditors of the Omaha Loan and Trust company, which failed six years ago, wlU be paid 109 cents on the dollar. ' ' This gratifying condition Is disclosed in the report of the receiver, William K. Pot ter, which has been approved by Judge Ken nedy of the district court. The report shows the balance of claims now outstanding to be $21,643.08 and Judge Kennedy has ordered the receiver to pay theae In full on his showing that there Is money enough In his hands to do so. , Mr. Potter has practically wound up the affalra of the company and the report made Saturday is practically a final report, though a subreport showing that the money has been paid will have to be filed later. All that remains now Is the puytaent of the mcney. When the company failed six years ago It had creditors scattered all over the county and it was feared for a time they would lecelve only a email proportion of their money. Mr. Potter waa appointed receiver hy the court and during his receivership he has made cash collections amounting to al most $1.WU.0!j0. He now has on hand a cash balance of over $27,000, which Is more than enough to wipe out all the unpaid indebted ness. ' An unusual feature of the receivership is also disclosed in the report. None of the assets has been used to pay the expense of the receivership. An Income has been col lected from the business transacted which after dedutting the total expense account, the account for repair and care of the real estate and the attorney's fees, leaves a bal ance as profit to the assets of $JXuoo. This has enabled the receiver to apply all the assets and a little more on the payment of claims. Statement of Liabilities. In the report the receiver calls the spe cial attention of the court to the following statement showing disposition" of liabilities, as well as results attained during the re ceivership: '' Cash received from O. L. 4 T. Co $ 4.417.26 Cash collections made by receiver 1.8S9 031.67-$l,fc93,448 92 Cash disbursements by the re ceiver under order of couit I,86ti,4i3.i Cash now on hand 27,uuw.&i laanuities poo, settled and otherwise ili' pc sed ol ss fo.lows: liuaianteed nilgi $2, 491,225. 00 Ji lls payabltt 2(l,i'KI .Si Deben urn bonds Z.iJl.'jd Encumbrance on com pany n al estate Gt n-ral rllma pay able acrount Otl er liabilities Clairrs allowed by the court (or whl h re ceiver's reilif.cutes vere issue,! Allowed claims still unpaid Allowed claims reduced by pay- menu, ieu, fluents ana Ulvl- deuUs declared Other liabilities existing prior to appointment of rei eiv.T. but not shown on iompan'a books, paid utuler order of couit 665.450.00 6,2K.16 2,!ti.97-$3.&S,8il.a3 t:.4'.7.60 24.Clc.0N 297.822.4: 1.781.47 C arious I adertakera' algtaa. There are tiiree undertakers' signs in dlffeient parts of Philadelphia which have (ailed forth both humoroua comment and vigorous protest. The first Is of doubtful stgnliicaju-e, the second brings a natural fear of death to the reader, while the last speaks of the ceremony attendant al daain In the light of a formal farce. The first sign is to be seen in the northern part of Hie city, end reads: "A step In the Klght Direction." One is' at a loss to know whether this refers to death or the couish of the surviving relatives. The second sign sdvertises complete funerals at reason able ratea and concludes: "We have done It for otheia and tan do It for you. The last sign advertises: A hall, a minister of any denomination and every requisite for a modern and up-to-date burial. Philadel phia Record. WAREHOUSE OF SIX STORIES International Harvester Company (eta Permit for Erection of New Building;. Building permits were issued by the city building department Saturday for the erec tion of the six-story brick warehouse of the International Harvester company of America, the permit calling for the ex penditure cf $66,000 In the erection of the building. The new warehouse will be built on the south side of Capitol avenue, be tween Eighth and Ninth streets, the found daiicn for the structure being now nearly con plete. The Harvester company's warehouse will have, a frontage of lao feet on the avenue and will be 81 feet deep. It will be six stories high above the founrtutl' nhnd will be us near fireproof as It can ba made, fireproof brick and concrete to be used in its construotlon. E. D. Plue of Chlce'eo Is the architect and Mc-Ocwan & Jacobberger of Omaha are the builders. The work of the super structure will begin at once and will go ahead rupidly despite weather conditions. Other permits Issued Baturduy include the following: W. II. Hatterothe, Thirty fourth and Arbor streets, frame dwelling, $6,000; D. V. Sholes company, Thlrty-fiftli and Martha streeU, frame dwelling, $1,600; U J. Nelson &. Co., Tenth and Seward streets, frame shed, $o00. Is to love children, and no home can be happy without rJAxr "" "" them, yet the ordeal through of C ATATTTlTTiTI?' which thc expectant mother GA Mlil U J l?fLLhmust Pas usuay so full V. w of suffering and dread that she looks forward to the hour with apprehension. Mother's Friend, by its penetrating and soothing properties, allays nausea, nervousness, unpleasant feelings, and so prepares'the system for the ordeal that she passes through the event - with but little numbers have : J .L. : oaiu, u is wui in its wcigni in - - s book coaiaiuiag valuable In formation mailed free. Oa BEaSrULD R8EGULAT0 CO. Adesta, C, mm