THE OMAHA SUNDAY DEE: NOVEMBER 22, 1003. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA I Roller thinfrs tn nnt fnr m mnnnv , - ' wm-W- J nk may a nap w sj sj mwwr W mar D ,":.. T-' ' ' WM fv 1 1 ( COUNCIL Office 15 Scott Street. HINOfl MKlfTIOX. Dvls, drug Stockert "Mils carpets. ' . ( BEE WANT ADS PAT. '.' . Bd Rogers, Tony Faust beer. KTmrl piano tuning. Hospe. 'Pho'n M4. , Lewi Cutler, funeral director, 'Phone V. Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. S3. Th weather la fine. Drop In and aea Hunter. '. -'' M HHTCKT MUSIC BALE SATURDAY AT HOBPIC 8. C. C. Haynea, funerai director and era balmer, lol Broadway. Photography supplier New goods. New price. Alexander's, 33J Broadway. WTTHK FRANKLIN PRINT, IT. BOTH 'PHONES 1. lol SO"TH MAIN. Bluff City Maaonlc lodge will meet this ""'"i ai o ciock lor work In the first dec. .. . Lffert' Invisible Bifocal lenses are'the treat est boon waarera of glasses have ever nown. The 11-year-old aon of A. Daniel Perry, 1211 Fourth avenue, who was reported to tha police a few daya ago as missing from hie borne, waa found last evening hiding in a dugout not far from his home. Tha Board of Park Commissioners held a special meeting yesterday to receive bids for tha Ice privileges at Big lake. The only bid received waa from the Kloomer Arti ficial Ice company, which offered tioti for tha year' lease. - The board deferred action until next Monday, when It will meet again. Chart Cullen Smith, the evangelist, will address a meeting for men Sunday after noon at 1:30 o'clock -In the First Congrega tional church. He will tell the story of "Win McClure; the Rescue of a Railway Engineer." There will be special mualo by a mala chorus,, which will render a number of railroad songs. , Dr. Quy Carleton Lee ' of Baltimore de livered hi lecture, "When the People Waka," to a good-alsed audience last night In tha auditorium of the high school build ing. Tha lecture, which waa under - tha auaplcea of tha Woman's Christian associa tion and for the benefit of the Jennie Ed mundson Memorial hospital, proved most Interesting, Rev. Henry Defying performed the mar riage ceremony, yesterday for Ben Frerlchs of Goodland, Kan., and Katie Unger of McOnok, Neb., and Howard Cowlrs of Sil ver City, la, and Maud Johnson of Beat rice. Neb. - The first couple was married In Rot. Henry DeLong'a office at the court house and the second couple at the DeLong mission, 1024 Avenue F. Tha body of tha late Lieutenant E. A Bloom, grandson of Henry Paschel of this city, who was Killed sepieniDer 27 in me Philippines, arrived here last evening enrouta to Washington, V. C, where the fnneral-will-take -place about Deeember -1 The body waa accompanied by Mrs. Pauline Bloom, widow of Lieutenant Bloom; Mrs. H. B. Bulng, daughter of Mr. Paschel. and Lieutenant Kelley of the Fourth infantry, United States army. Arthur Mass, member of a well known family of Treynor, waa arrested yesterday, charged with forging the name of his mother to a note for 35. The Information waa filed by Thomaa Flood, cashier of the Treynor bank, and the young inrin was taken into custody by Deputy Sheriff Wool man. Maaa waa arraigned yesterday after noon before Justice Obopcr.and his hear ing sat for next Friday. In default of a ball bond Masa waa aent to the county lajl. Charlea Dobbin proprietor of an express wagon service, was aummoned before Jua tta Cooper to show cause why he should not be punished for keeping his 12-year-old aon, Albert,-out of school.' The complaint was filed by R. Herner, truant officer. It , stated that the boy had been absent f mm school eight days glnce the commence ment of tha - school year. Dobbins ex plained that the boy had been kupt from school only when hei -the father, was sick and unable to drive the wagon. Th case waa continued for. a week,. Dobblna prom ising that -the bo would be sent back to school Monday. . . Thanksgiving, will soon be here. We are rrepared to serve you' with the best poul r sucar ae turkey a. geese, ducks and chickens. For today we have dressed chlck ns, per pound, 124 cents; picnic hams, fcter pound. cents; Diamond C hams, per 7tKund. 15 cents. We have good mine meat, per pound, 10 cents; Trinity church ladies' mince meat, per pound. 15 cents; large bulk ollvea, celery and fresh oysters. Our rmw canned goods have arrived. Council Bluff corn, per case, S1.V6; canned peas, per case, S2; tomatoes, pr case, I2.86; fancy canned pineapple, large can, per can, 30 cents. Orangea are getting aweeter, large onea only 80 centa .per dozen. Also bananaa and grapea. Leave your order early for poul try and get first pick. Remember, we make a trip to the west end every day. L. Green, 1M Broadway. We are getting our eyatera direct from th Nw York oyater beds. They are not kept In cold storage, but they are pecked In th Sealshlpt vessels with lc packed on th outside. They do not become water oakad Uk th common tub oysters. One pint will go as far aa a quart of the ortll nrv kinf and the flavor 1a all retained. You can ae the difference. Morrell'a mince meat, two pounds for 25 cents. We now bavn halibut chunks, 20 cent a pound; cranberries. .12 cents quifrt; Citron. 3S cents a pound; lemon peel, 35 cents pound. We have seedless raisins, 18S cents pound. We are making a aala today on pineapple eubee; they are very awell. To make it Interesting w will sell them at IS oents per can. W have made arrangement with eur farmer Customers to dress our Thanks giving poultry, so we will be Insured to Eave ail young poultry. . Bartel & Miller, telephone K. ' Recital at St.' Fraael' Academy. A pleasing rwltal, embracing both vocal tand Inatrumental numbera, waa given laat evening before a good-slxed audlanc In tha auditorium of th In stitution by th pupil of St. Franel academy. That of laat evening, it I said, waa th flrt of a erie of recital to be given during th chool year. This waa th program: To St. Cecilia Lam'olllotU Vocal Class. ' L '. Allegretto Haydn - Mabel Henderson. " ' , Vale. Op. 14, No. 1 Chopin Winifred Leahey. Butterfly Merkel Mabel Van Brunt. Recitation The Roman Architect Katharine Uullfoyle. ' . . , Vala .Kowalskl France Gallagher. Vocal Claaa. Anchored ...Veail Masurka Spring Song Lynes Mendelssohn Agnea Carey. I.uclle McAtee. MuslO of the Heart Clementina Gaunella. Second Vala Clara Gallagher. Ruatl of Spring Murrel Boyor. Dora Bella Anna McGuckln. Good Night Vocal Class. .. .Godard ,. .Binding Loese horn , .Emerson Marriage Lleeaae. Licenses to wed wer Issued yesterday to th following: Nam and Residence. C M. Anderson. Council Bluffs.. H. M. Thomaa, Council Bluffs.... Howard Cowles Silver City, la... Maud Johnson. Beatrice, Neb...... Ben Frerich. Goodland. Kan Katl Unger, McCook, Neb Age , 2: .... 24 .... 21 .... II .... K Cora plat guitar outfit, guitar caa. aet strings and Instruction book, all complete for IT.. A Hosp Co.. Pearl St., 28 8? Main St.. Council Bluffs. Ia. Call or write fop price and description. . A. A. CLAFHC & CO. LOAN MONEY QI! HOUSEHOLD FUEOTTUEB. ASTJ AST CHATTEL KECCRTTT AT ONIMlAir TEH C8CAI KAXZS. Twenty Yanra f llmnsnsfal ITastasn OOJKXra MAC! AXD BROADWAY, OVKS AM&KICAX KXFKXXIt Ks eonnoetUii with tit tlraa Utag tl innhi I th Clarh Mttmm Cx BLUFFS. Both 'Phones 43. DANISH LUTHERANS MEET r Annual Convention of lows. District Hold Two Sessions. DAKOTA ALSO BEPEESENTED Twnlr-Two Delegate from a Maay Charges la Atteadaaee Seaatoaa ', tt'onclea with Service Sanday Ereslsg, The annual convention of tha Iowa dis trict of the United Danish Lutheran church opened yesterday In the Danish Lutheran church at th corner of Ninth street and Avenue A with an attendance of, twenty-two delegates from the churches in Iowa and South Dakota. At the afternoon session Rev. Hans Jvlelsen of Boomer township was elected chair man and Rev. S. Andersen of Rolfe, la., secretary. Rev. Mr. Nielsen preached the sermon at the opening service in the morning and at the service In the evening brief ad dresses were made by several of the visiting ministers. The afternoon meet ing was devoted to buatness, Including the election of officers. The question of local missions is th most Important matter before the convention and some action is looked for today. At o'clock this morning ther will be a special ministers' meeting and at 10:20 the convention will resume it busi ness session. The afternoon will be de voted to bualnss and In the evening there will be a reaular church service. Th convention will close Sunday evening. I.KVF.KS WAITED AMWO' DITCH Claim that River Barks lT and Flood - . A number of Interested property owners appeared before the supervisors of Potta wattamie and Harrison counties, who held a Joint session aa a drainage board In this city yesterday afternoon, apd complained of conditions existing as trie result of no embankments or levees having, been con structed At the point where the Boyer ditch empties into the Missouri river. For a con siderable distance the water from the upper part of the district cuts ' Its own way towards the river, making excavation by the contractor unnecessary. As there was no excavation work, consequently there were no leeves thrown up at the sldeof the ditch, and when the river backed up the adjoining land was flooded. Th supervisor wer not certain as to their rlghta-in th matter. They wanted to learn before taking any action whether they had the right to order the construc tion of protecting levees now that the drain age contract waa completed, so they referred It to W.' H. Klllpack, special attorney, for th drainage board. M. Palmer of Pottawattamie county and Fred McEwen of Harrison county were ap pointed appraisers to assess damagea In connection with the construction of the Boyer ditch extension to Logan. This ditch w ill be known' aa aubdiatrlct No. 1. ... Tit Joint board adjourned to December 18, t which time It expect to take-action In he matter" of the Boyer levees. GRADING "FOB. STREET CAR LINE Cosipasf Expert to Complete This .Work In Thirty Days. . (trading for the extension of the street car Una to the Iowa School for the Deaf Is well under wsy, and according to Gen eral Manager W. A. Smith of the Street Railway company that part of th work of conatructlon will be completed In about thirty days, providing the weather condi tions are favorable. Work waa begun at th west end of th line at a point about a quarter of .a mil south of the city limits. There is little cut ting to be don along, th right-of-way, It being necessary to grade up th track about three' feet moat of th distance. Th Independent Transportation company Is negotiating with A. J. P. Bertschy, gen eral' manager of the motor company, re cently organised by local men, with a view to putting a car with a capacity of about fifteen paaaengera on McPherson nnd Ben nett avenues and Harrison street. This car, If an agreement is reached between th company and Mr. Bertschey, will be put into service aa an experiment to aacertaln what patronage It will receive from th residents of these districts which are with out street car facilities Real testate Transfers. Thess transfer were reported to The Be November 20, by the Pottawattamie County Abstract company of Council Bluffs: Freida Oodburgen, single, to Augusta oedburgen, lota 13, 14, la in diock M in Ferry addition to Council Bluffs, a. e. d t 1 R. V. Innes and wife to Niels Jensen, part of lot 1' Aud'a subdivision or sa4 of 24-74-44; part of lot 20 auo s subdivision ot set ek4 24-T5-44. s. w. d 65 Trustees of Scandinavian Lutheran church to Niels Jensen, lot 10 In block 30 of Howard's addition to Council Bluffs, except railroad, w. d Benjamin 8. Baker and wife to Min erva A- Gell, lota 3 and 4 in block 12 In town of Avoca, w. d F. H. Stow and wife to M. H. Ver poortan. lot s In block 3. In Jack son's addition to Council Bluffa, w. d Treasurer of Pottawattamie county, Iowa, to Benjamin Fehr Real Ks tate company, lot In Aud'a sub division of iu,l4 nw4 ot 31-75-43, tax d. correction Same to aatne; lot 1 In block 12 ex cept railroad In Howard's addition to Council Bluffs, lot 1 In Aud's subdivision of so 4 nwV, of 21-76-43. tax d. correction . 1M 3,300 6,000 Total, fiv transfers N. Y. Plumbing Co.. Tel. HO. Night, F-170. Matter la District Conrt. Henry Wohlers, Fred Rebehn and Mik Davey wer arrested yesterday under an Indictment on the charge of malicious de structlon o? properly. The defendant wer members of a party of young people who on the nlsht of October 27 went to the horn of R.- T. Ward in Bloomer township to charivari Arthur C. Ward and bride. Th detendanta. It ia alleged by member of the Ward family, demanded $6, presumably to buy aomethlng with which to drink the health of th bride and groom. Tha Wards refuaed to diaburse and the detendanta, ho. It la alleged, war armed with shot guns, vented their anger at being refused by ahootlng Into tha bouae. Each ot the defendant furnished a bond In the sum of pno for hla appearance In court. Mr. Mary Black filed suit for divorce from Sherman Black, to whom ahe was married September 1, 103. In thla city. Sh allege that treating her In a cruel and Inhuman manner he finally deserted her on October 18, 1K04, alnc which tlm he has not heard of or from him. City Solicitor Kimball returned from Dta Moines Thursday night and the trial of tha damage suit of Charles Carlisle against the city of Council Bluffs and Contractor E. A. Wlckham was resumed yesterday before Judge Oreen and a Jury. Cooeerts for If orttraltaral Coagreas. On of the entertainment features of -the National Horticultural congress will be the concerta by Prof. A. A. Covalt'a band of thlrty-on pieces. Concerts will be given every afternoon and evening during the week of the congress In the auditorium. Prof. Covalt la now engaged in assembling his men and has slready contracted with a number of the best band men In the west. One of the soloists secured Is T. Fred Henry of Des Moines Whom Mr. Covalt de clare to be one of the best cornetlst In th country. Work on the auditorium Is proceeding rapidly and without the slightest Interrup tion, The roof trusses sre all In position and enough of the sheathing has been laid to permit of th roofers commencing work Monday. ' An Important meeting of the directors and chairmen of committees of the National Horticultural congress Is scheduled for this evening at headquarters. As there are many matters upon which action must be taken. General Manager F. I Reed Is anxious for a big attendance. Inspeetlag School for Deaf. John T. Hamilton of Cedar Rapids, John Cownle of South Amana and Gifford S. Robinson of Sioux City composing the Stat Board of Control spent yesterday at the Iowa School for the Deaf. The members of the board were accompanied by Henry F. Llebbe, stste architect. The board la on It a regular tour of inspection of state Institutions. , While at the school the board took up the matter of granting the street railway company the right-of-way through a corner of the Institute grounds. It Is understood that the board acted favorably on the propositions, all of th member expressed themselves aa deeply gratified that the long promised street car service to the school was now about to be secured. Superintendent Robert entertained the members of the board at luncheon, other Bursts belns State Senator C. O. Saunders and Victor E. Bender. URGE JUSTIFICATION OF MIHDKH Attorneys Declare John M. Brown Was Defending; Crippled Wife. LAKE CITY, la., Nov. 21. Speclal.) Wlth little trouble a Jury was secured In the trial at Rockwell City of the aged John M. Brown, on the charge of murder. Only thirty member of th venire were examined'. The plan of th defense waa outlined by the attorney for the 72-year-old prisoner this afternoon. M. F. Healy of Fort Dodge made the statement for hla client and de clared, that the evidence would declar the Justification for th killing of the young Mr. Brown by her father-in-law. Th defense claims that during the two or three yare that the aged father and mother lived in the home of their son In Man aon. th daughter-in-law pursued a pol icy of cruel treatment toward- th mother, who I a cripple. Evidence will be, offered to show that on th day of th crime th father was .aroused by the crlea of. his helpless wife upstairs. 8ha shouted for help and he rushed up, and, the defense claims, found Mrs. Brown In the closet and the daughter-in-Uw attacking her. Attorney Healy atated th evidence would how th aged man struck at the young woman with an Indian club and was forced to protect his own peraon. . MARSHAL AND PRISONER SHOT Neither Danajeroaaly Wonnded and Latter Landed In Jail. FORT DODGE. Ia.. Nov. a. (Special Telegram. Marshal Victor Gabrlelson of Dayton and John Winter of Bokholm, ex changed eleven ahot during an argument following a row ralaed by Winter in the telephone office Thursday night. Gabriel son waa wounded twice In the leg just above ' the kne and tn the shoulder. Winter was shot in the hand, in the arm and was graied by bnllnts causing a scalp wound and a alight Injury on th abdomen. Winters was locked tn tha Dayton jail. Last night while there, 1, is guards saw htm pick the lock and make his exit, but put him back In again. He 1 now In tha county Jail her. Winters participated In a ahootlng acrape fourteen years ago In which Marshall Larscn of Dayton was killed, yis brother. Pari Winter was aent to the penitentiary on charges ot malici ous mischief. Minister Rendered Speechless. MARSHA LLTOWN, la., Nov. 21.-(Spe- clal.) Rendered dumb and forever speech less, la th fate that ha befallen Rev. J. G. Van Ness, D. D., formerly presiding elder of the Marahalltown district of the Upper Iowa Methodist conference, and a preacher who has a' number of important charges In Iowa, Including, this city, Mason City, Clinton, Cedar Rapid and Boon. Rev. Mr. Van Neaa recently underwent an operation for cancer of th throat. It was necesaary to remov on vocal cord and part of another. Rev. Van Neaa I now residing on a farm near Mount Vernon, Ia. I.a Follette on Old Them. MARSH ALLTOWN, la.. Nov. 21.-Spe-otal.l-Senator Robert M. La Follette of Wlaconain, In a lecture delivered In tht city Thursday on "Representative Govern ment," flayed the truata, conaolldatlon and merger, and charged them with corrupting government and Intimidating, inducing and ven buying legtalatora for their purpose. H predicted that the people of this coun. try would eventually have to either bow to th will of th money interests or subdue them, or the control of corporations. would pas under the direct management of the government. Fraaer Man Shoot Marshal. WEBSTER CITY. Ia.. Nov. 21 (Special TeUgram.) John Winters of Fraser, while drunk and resisting arrest, shot Marshall Gabrlelson of Dayton twice last night, one In tha leg and once In th shoulder Th marshal! returned th fir, ahootlng Winter In the arm and hand. Winter Is In custody. Both men will probably re cover. Man Wanted In Mlsaonrl Held. BOONE. Ia.. Nov. 21.-8pclal Telegram.) Fred Bailey, wanted In Milan. Miaaourl charged with attempted murder and se duction was arrested here in a resUursnt last night by Chief of Police Jones. When arrested h confessed all to tha police. Ha shot his wife three times, one bullet put ting out one of ber eye. Bailey waa taken back to Milan today. By ualng th varloua department of Th Bo Want Ad page yeu get th beat results at th least xpn. RA1NSBARGERS MUST WAIT Pardon Board Will Take Until Jan nary to Consider Their Cases. ADVERTISING MAN FOR IOWA Governor Cnmmlns Declare HI Intention I Do All In III Power to Heal Factional Differences In Repnhllcan Party. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. Ia., Nov. 21. (Speclal.) The Ratnsbargers. serving life sentences. In prison, sre not to know their fate until after a new governor takea his seat. Today the pardon board decided that th rasa had not been sufficiently Investigated 'for a conclusion and the case was deferred until the January meeting. The Ralnabargers, former head of a noted gang cf hors thieves, made a fine presentation of their ae and have raised a doubt as "to th certainty of their guilt. Some time ago members of the board personslly visited th scenes of the crimes and secured Informa tion as to the feelings of the people. It Is regarded as certain the Ratnsbargers will be released, but not immediately. The parol board today want .over tha esse ot George Weenis with th governor and In this rase It la quite probable that decision will .be rendered soon. The governor hss personally received plea In the matter ot the application for pardon of W. A. Richards, formerly Deputy United States marshal, serving an eighteen year term. Judge McPherson and offlcerj of the federal court are asking for this pardon. Iown Wants Advertising; Agent. On of the subjects considered most serf ously today at the meeting of the Iowa Stat Dairy association was that of having Iowa secure a good advertising man e peclally to set forth the agricultural posal billties of the state and to show to the world what Iowa can do In dairying. The suggestion cam from th editor of a dairy paper and was taken up enthusiastically by the members. The plan, which Is not a new one. Is to to enlarge the State Agri cultural department that It can get all.the Information relating to these various sub jects and disseminate the same. It 1 cer tain that at the coming session of the legla lature a move will be made to enlarge the appropriation for th agricultural depart ment and to authorize a considerable ex tension of the activities of th department. Short Coarse Extension Work. The Dairy association In session at Waterloo adopted resolutions recommending that the state legislature appropriate not less than $10,000 yearly to hold ahrt courses In dairying throughout the suit and to conduct educational meetlnga. It asked the general assembly to make an ap propriation to provide reasonable com pensation to owner of cattle slaughtered after having been tested and condemned as being tuberculous, to enact a law pro hibiting discriminations on prices paid for milk, cream and butter fat by any creamery In th state, and urges congress to maintain duties on dairy and farm pro ducts. Threaten to End HI Life- The threat of an Omaha man to kill film self -did .not deter Judge McPherson from sentencing Mm to prison. . The man was Eldon M. Tucker, formerly postmaster at Brooks, Ia., who pleaded guilty to em' besalement of . postofflc funds. When th case was called some time ago Tucker' at torney pleaded that he was 111 and couM riot come. Investigation ahowed this was hot quite true and the, case was called. Tucker I bookkeeper for the Omaha A Council Bluff Ice company. He aent word today that If he was sentenced to Jail h would cut hla throat and hi mother mad a plea for him with tears. He got, a year and a half aentence. Canaisi Deflnea Hla Poller. In a letter sent to a personal friend who had congratulated him on hla success as a candidate for senator, Governor Cummins wrote as follows, thus defining his atti tude and policy: I Intend to do all f can to make fac tional dlfferencea In 4owa a memory only: I want to ae tha party absolutely united, going atralght along the path of good gov ernment. If I can merit and hold the con fidence, you have so generously given me. In the future, it will add much gratification to my political life. Cnndldnte for Swiss Mission. S. H. M. Byers, of this city, formerly and for many years In tha United States con sular service. Is an active candidate for appointment aa United State minister to Swltserland. H Is of a literary turn, and ha written much for tha papers and magaslnea, but ha taken little part In politics. It I probable Iowa will have no other candidate for any foreign position. Epworth Lenarn Meeting;. Over 500 delegates from all over tha atata will assemble In Des Moines Thanks giving day for the first btennlel convention of th Iowa State Epworth league to be held hers for four daya. Some of th moat noted speaker in the country will be here, chief among them Dr. J. M. Buckley, editor of th New York Christian Advocate. Cap tain Jack Crawford, th poet scout, and on of th moat Interesting chsrscters on the lecture platform, will addreaa a men' meeting. Captain Crawford was with Custer at hi famous laat fight. lawn Now Note. CRBBTON A number of rases of scarlet fever are reported at Cromwell and several families are under quarantine for the dis ease and th school have been closed for a time. ATLANTIC -John C. Voorhees has filed his expense account In the' office of tha county auditor, stating hia expenses In the recent race for representative. The state ment show that he spent $1,440. IOWA CITY Herman Laufer, a well known pioneer of Iowa City and a resident her tor several decadfcs, died yesterday afternoon at the hospital at th age of 69 yeara. He waa a harness maker. FAIRFIELD Ms Farley, on of the victim of th supposed epidemic at Corning, whose life was despaired of for a time, has recovered sufficiently to re sume his duties In th drug store of the late Dr. Potter at that place. CRE8TON Whll hunting Thursday, Ray McNeer of Mllo was shot through the arm by the accidental discharge of his gun. He waa crawling through a fence when th hammer of his gun caught and dlacharged the weapon. It Is thought the arm may be saved, as the bona was not seriously Injured. ATLANTIC Teaterday in Omaha oc curred the marriage of Frank W. Whit- comb and Mlaa Mabel Oothard, both of thla city. Frank W. Whltcomb I a well known actor and baa lived hero alnce hla boyhood and Miss Oothard has also grown up here. CRESTON Th country horn of John Ellis, In Dodge township, was burned Wednesday. Only a few articles In the lower rooms wer saved. Tha loss will be complete, as th Insurance on the house hsd expired about two weeks ago nd had not bevn renewed. MARSHA LLTOWN Albert Borrenaun. a prominent young man of Avoca. 19 years old, lias been lying In his room unconscious for three days and three nlghta and the physicians sre not able to determine th cause of his strange malady. Sorrenaon complained ef feeling slightly 111. when he retired Monday night. When efforts were mad the following morning to arouae him, they failed, and he has not yet regained hla naea. ATLANTIC Sunday the local lodge of Knight of Columbus will have a grand Initiation ceremony, which will b followed Telephone Douglas 647 Rewtanrmnt on 2d Floor. CXI Dainty Meals at Moderate Prices. 1 Order your Thanksgiving Dinner here as we have made special effort to have all the world affords for this national holiday, including: vhI Fresh Strawberries Xew Blackberries Canteloupes Pineapples Fresh Figs Alegatan Pears Mail Orders Will Receive Careful and Prompt Attention. 17th and Ointirey.& 2X. nth and Douglas. i uk Douglas. Private Telephone Exchange Connects All Departments. Fifty Leading Newspapers located where the population is the thickest, as shown by this map, form THE DAILY CLUB They are the newspapers with whom advertisers and agents have no trouble because their rates are invariable and their treatment of customers uniform. 7' : t T-'v G M J J ( f j j X i J S- V. l " I ' a" zsrr r--u - V-sU-v'n Albany Journal Atlanta Journal Boston Glob Brooklyn Eagl Brooklyn Timet Cracago Daily New Chicago Record-Hera!1 Chicago Tribune - Cleveland Leader Cleveland Newt Cleveland Plain Dealer Des Moinc Capital Df Moines Reg i Iter 4- Leader If your goods are thoroughly distributed, take this list under consideration and if you want any information write The Daily Club, 901 World Building, N. Y. Gity. k by a banquet. At thla time they will take Into the lodge forty-one new members from th territory surrounding this city. At the banquet, which will be held In the evening at tho Mtsonlo hall, John P. Tlnley of Council Bluffs will be the toastmaster, and a good program ha been arranged for the rest of the evening. MARSH ALLTOWN Charles 8. Walters, who for eighteen years haa been connected with tha Iowa Central, and who for moat of that tlm has been district passenger agent, with headquarter tn Peoria, haa resigned, effective December 1. Mr. Walters will then go to Salem, Ore., to become connected with the Oregon Electric company. Mr. Walters Is very well known In railroad circles, In Iowa, where h lived until a few year ago. FAIRFIELD Fifty farmers of this (Jof ferson) county have banded together tn prosecute all huntera found on their lands because of disastrous fires which have oc curred ther recently nd are supposed to be caused by the carelessness of hunt era. The farmers derlare the hunters have become a nuisance and they do not propose to put up with It longer. One hun dred and fifty acrea of corn, millet, pas ture and timber land was recently burned, entailing a loss of $1,000. CRBSTON A queer coincident In name ha Just been discovered In th marriage of a Clarion dontist, who beara tho sums name as the president's son, Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., son of Theodora Roosevelt of Ackley, who was married to Mlaa Dot Sou Its of Ackley Wednesday. The young man with tho president's name la a grad uate of the Ackley achoola and later was a atudent at the state university and now follows tha profession of dentist. GRINNBLL A man calling himself William 8. Powell and claiming Oahkoah, Wis., a hla home had hia preliminary hearing thla afternoon in tha court of Justice J. F. Wllaon of this olty on the charge of assault on th person of Miss Larsen, a domestic In the employ of B. H. Bpaulding. and waa bound over to the grand Jury. Powell Is one of the canvassers of the city In the Interest of a feather renovating and mattress making business temporarily tn th city. IOWA CITT A rewrd of H ha been offered by Sheriff Black of Washington county for the arreat and conviction of the perann or peraona who blew up the aafe in the Prenyl store at Riverside, night before last. Ro fsr no traces ot the robbers haa been found. MARSH ALLTOWN Flv months of being an old man'a darling waa enough for Mrs. Josephine Peterson of Kensett, aged tt. wife of John Peterson, a rich property holder, aged 63. Mrs. Peterson petitioned for rjii alimony, but the coutJ granted her but IU.O00. The petition for a divorce was granted at Mason City yesterday. IOWA CITT-"Dark Pances." the Jov of the young men and women in the lorn a City High school, are no more If th edict of Superintendent H. E. Blackmar iaaued vesterdav Is followed. In a letter to the fathcre and mothers of Iowa City he tells them It Is "up to them" to prevent the pleaaura-lovlng porjlon of tha hlah school 1 . : Vt IT pi Z5 OMAHA'S PURE FOOD CENTER. Imported Endive Fresh Mushrooms Cranberries English Hothouse Grapes New1 Nuts, Figs, Dates HERE THEY AHE Houston Post Indisnapolit Nwt Jrsy City Journal Kansas City Star Uuiivill Herald Lowell Caurwr-Citizan Minneapolis Journal Minneapolis Tnbun Montomery Advertiser New Bedford Standard New York Evening Post N. Y, Journal of Com meres N. Y. Staati-Zeitung New York Time Oakland Enquirer Oil City Derrick Omaha Be Ottawa (Ca.) Evening Citizen Pittsburg Gazott Time Pmsburg Chronicle Telegraph Portland (Or) Journal Reading Pa , Eagl Richmond Tim-Dispatch Ssn Francisco Call Sl Joseph Nsw-Pr student body from turning off practically all th lights when the Blow, dreamy waltae are played by the orchestras. The board and superintendent will not Interfere, but they wish to Inform the parents of the "doings" of their children. FORT DOnQB-The work of transferring the furnishings of tho state home for un fortunsta girls, maintained by the Women' Christian Temperance union, from th abandoned horn In De Moines to tha homo here recently devded by "Father" L. S. Coffin, ha been completed. The name of the now home has been changed from Hop Hall to Benedict Homo, In memory of Mary Chase Coffin, "Father" Coffin' first wife. Seventeen Inmatea are en aconced In th new home that la being set tled a faat a possible. Miss Qarrlaon, the superintendent, declare that the place Is well suited to Its new usage and Is very grateful to Mr. Coffin. CRBBTON Judge Evnne In the district court her . yeaterdsy nipped a habess corpus proceeding In the bud for John Tet ter, a resident of Parnell, Mo.k charged with the crime of felonious aaaault upon the peraon ot Thurmin Rarlork In a Jus tic' court at Maryvllle, Mo. He waa ar rested at Bedford by Sheriff Humphrey and was being held for the sheriff of Nodn wsy county, Missouri. While extradition papers were being awaltod from Oovernor Cummin. Tetter began habeas corpus action at Bedford. Judge Evans wss Im mediately notified and ordered the accuaed man brought here and placed him unrir 11,000 bonds for an appearance at th coming aesslon of court at Bedford. FORT DODO B The federal grand Jury Thuraday reported four Indictments. Iris Doutrlch of Mason City waa aentenced to a year In the penitentiary and fined I W0 for robbing th poatoffire at Thornton and the Oreat Western atatlona at Thornton and waledale. Han Johnson of Fertile was fined SluO for having atolen 13 from the till of the Fertile pnstoffice. Kdward Lower, a Hampton youth, was sentenced to a year In the Fort Leavenworth, Kan.i penitontlary for having opened mall be longing to another that was put Into hla bog by mistake. The aentence was re mitted on Lower's good behavior. Mlaa Hilma Oleaon of Bancroft wa given a fine of U for mailing an obscene postcard. STATE COURT IS PREFERRED Governor Haskell Will Ask Hearst gait Do Retaraed Ther by Jadge. Ol'THRIE, Okl., Nov. a. -Governor Ha kell aid today that on th first day of th next federal court term at Omaha hla attorneys will ask that his damage ault for 1600.000 against William Randolph Hearst b r- manded to th tat court for trial. I November T. Mr. Hearst transferred th case to th federal court. If the federal Telephone Ind. al216 Open from 7 a. in to T p. in. Saturday from 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. Turkeys Ducks Chickens Geese Squabs Suckling Piga St Paul Dispatch St Paul Pionear Press Seattle Post-lmclligencar Springfield Repubhcan Springfield Union Springfield (III.) Register Spokane Spokesman Review Terr Haute Tnbun Toronto Glob Trenton Timet Troy Record Wamington Star Judg denies th request of Haskell' lawyer, tha governor believes th cao will then be aet for trial. He say way of knowing when th federal .court term begin. H Inalats th Asa Will ba pushed. AID FOR THE UNEMPLOYED Secretary ' Straa Develop Ceaer henalv Plam Walca Will B Aaasssceg Hooa. WASHINGTON, Nov. il.-AU th Dum ber of th cabinet attended the regular meeting today except Postmaster Qeneral Meyer, Secretary of the Interior Garfield and Secretary of Agriculture Wllaon. Secretary Btraua of th Department of Commerce and Labor had developed a com prehensive plan for aiding th unemployed ot th country. Thi plan he will announci and explain In his annual report, to be made publio In a few day. It partake of th principle underlying th organisation of th bureau of Information In th Immi gration service. When Secretary Btraua of tha Depart ment of Commerce and Labor waa asked today, Just befor th cabinet meeting, ll he contemplated a "shaksup" among tha official of th Immigration wrvic t New York, he replied that an Improvement ot th servlo waa In contemplation. "Publio offlc I not a prlvat franchise, as I myself will soon learn," seid th see reUry a h disappeared in th cabinet room. Mlsaoarl Maa Seek Property. PLATTS MOUTH, Neb.. Nor. H.-Sp-claI.)-C. C. Phillip of Maltland, Mo., I In thl city today to leara It any ef th Jewelry recently found near Weeping Water belonged to him. Burglar ntrd hi Jewelry tor through th tranaom over th door and tole about MOO worth of gold watch, bracelet and other Jew. elry. Th gold watchea In th posteaaion of Sheriff Qulnten wt all Identified by th Jeweler from Stella, Neb., by th num. ber on th watchea and hi prlvat coat mark. Mr, Phillip departed for Wplng Water to examln th good recently found by Frank Glbon. Ex-Sentor B. U Thorns and wlf, Sheriff Qulnten. a. W. At wood. Charlea D. Grtma and Walter Thoaaaa aJso want to Weeping Water la th former new automobile te further In. veatlgat th find. j Th .Bee Want Ad pages attar Ui best advertising medium, . r-