THK OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 22. 1908. TOPICS OF TOE DAY OF REST ThanksgiTing it the Theme of the Pulpits Now. UHION SERVICE AT NORTH CHUECH All Protestant f Kas Place Mill Jola la Devalon at Ike , rreabrtvrlaa tloase of " IT Worship. '? ' A union thsnksglvlng service will he held In ths North Presbytertsn church. Nine teenth "and Ohio, at 1":) Thursday morning. Dr. Bpyker of Trinity Methodist EplscopsI church will preach. The choir of North church will lead the singing. Trof. Damp man will prealde at the organ. The offering will be given to the OM People's Home. Twenty-fourth and Wirt. All of the Prot ectant churches of Kountie Place will unite in this aervlce. Mualc at First Baptist church Sunday. MORNING 10:SO. Organ Prelude Mendelssohn Anthem-Send Out Thy Light Gounod Response Blackrper Choir. Organ Offertory Mendelssohn Baea Bolo O, Ood. Hare Mercy (St. Paul) Mandelaaohn Mr. W. T. Nixon. Poatlude Mandelsaohn EVENING T;. Prelude - Tours ABtbem-I Will Lay Me Down In Peace Oadsky Response' Handel . . - . Choir. Organ Offertory Lemalgre Anthem Consider and Hear Ma.. Pflenger Qartet, . Poetlude 1; Tt Margaret Boulter, organlat and director. The enorog choir of the North Bide Chris tian church, Twenty-aeoond an toouat afreets, under the direction of Mrs. H. J. Klrachstetn. will 1ts a concert at the church Friday evening:. The program Is made up of favorite songs, patriotlo airs and southern melodies. The Caatellar rresbyterlan Bible school has, among other features, organised classes. Two such classes that are specially Interested In the idvancement of the local work are the "Phllatheas" and the "John W. Phillips." ' These classes average In at tendance twenty ir.J fifteen, respectively. I Mrs. N. M. Stout Is the teacher of the former, while Percy Eeklldion Is the teacher of the latter. Both clasaea use the Bible as their official test book each Sun day and meet once eaoh month far busi ness. One object before these young people Is the assisting of the church materially, which they have substantially done from time to time. Music at the North Side Christian church: MORNING. Opening Sentence The Lord Is In His Holy Temple Invocation Response Lord's Prayer (chanted) Hymn America Alto Solo The Home rf the 8oul Mrs. T. F. Wiles. EVENING. Processional Cross of Jesus Invocation illsaponse Now the Day la Over I Utthem Father. 1 Bend to Thee....Hlmmel Walter Cady and Chorus. Recessional Saviour, Again to Thy Dear Name We Raise.. , The Union Thanksgiving services of the churches of the north side will be held at St. Mark's Lutheran church -at 10:30 o'clock Thursday morning. Rv. L. R. DeWolf, the new pastor of the Seward Street Methodlat Episcopal church, will preach. The men who hold official position In Presbyterian churches in Omaha will hold their annual dinner at the Toung Men's Chrtatlen association Tuesday evening at' :t0. it Is expected that 100 men will be in attendance. James H. Adams, treasurer of the First church, will read a taper on the aubject: "The Church a Business. Not a Charity." William H. Anderson, clerk of the session of North ' church, will have the sub ject: "The Demand for Business Methods In Church Management." J.F King, chair man of the trustees board of Westminister church, will tell how to "Finance the Local Church." ' Opportunity will be given for free discussion of these pipers. Music Interspersed. Rev. M. V. Hlgbee Is chairman of the confmlttee having the dinner In charge. Sunday being the eighth anniversary of the death of Sir Arthur Sullivan, the fam ous English composer, his mus'e alone wlil be heard at the Flrat Methodist church Sunday evening. The program will be as follows: , Hymn Nearer My God (Tune. St. Ed mund) .' Anthem O Love the Lord All Ye His Saints Organ Interlude from "Golden Legend." Chorus from "Light of the World," "Yea Though I Walk." (sung with out seoompsnlment.) Anthem Turn Thy Face From My Slna Hymn Onward Christian Boldiers (Tune, "Man Is As Old Asjjis Stomach" Thla Persian Epigram . Hie Real iaug of a Man's Life. The Persians were a very sagacious peo ple, noted among other things, for their deep thinking on life and 'the things which make up life. The above epigram shews the wisdom of their thought. When a man's stomach is able to fur nish new material to the system as fast or faster than the natural decay of man requires, then such a man lives his fullest aud his licit. When through wrong living or t!ui a man's stomach begins to tax the other oigans and takea from the bloml strength which It cannct give back In nourishment taken from food, then begin the dnth of man and he decays fast. The stomach is strong, splendidly strong, and can aland an untold amount of abuse and r.tglcct, but when It dies, man dies. The stomnch gives tons upon tons of good rich blocd every year to the. svstem and draws only 80 pounds of nourishment for Its own use. If. however, the food which It receives cannot be turned Into blood which Is capable of use by It e body, then the stomach receives no help from the other organs Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets contain the most perfect d'geative qualities known to science and at the same lime the most powerful. They will mix with tho ius utcca ct a sick stomach and dig.-st food In spite of the handicap. They w! stop gus making and bid breath. They tone up the nerves cf the whole digestive canal, Including those if the stomsch. A single Ingredient contains strcnglh enough to digest JO times Its weight In nilxed food. They have stood the test of time and today'are nice sought after than all their Imitators combined. They are us0 and endorsed by o,ooo phy sicians. Every drurgtst sells them, pries loo. It costs nothing to demonstrate their value. Send us your name and address ead we will send you a trial package by mail free, Addrsss F. A. Stuart Co.. loO fituaet Bias, MatahauM. Mica. St. Qrtrude.) Anthem Hearken Unto Me, Oh My People .' ' Hymn The Homeland (Tune, Home land ) Thomas J. Kelly, Director of Music. Beginning next Saturday and continuing over the following Sunday the Omaha Dis trict association of the Baptist Toung People's union will hold 'a rally at the South Omaha Baptist church. Among the apeakers from abroad will be Rev. O. A. Williams of Lincoln and representatives from neighboring societies. The feast of St. Cecilia will be celebrated Sunday morning at St. Cecilia's pro-cathedral. Fortieth and Webster streets at the 11 o i lwk mass, of which the celebrant will be Rev. S. F. Dowd, assisted by Rev. Tim othy O'C'allnghsn and Rev. D. P. Harring ton as deacon and subdeacon and Rev. Ed ward Glrasrn as master of ceremonies. Rt. Rev. Bishop Scanned will preside at the throne, assisted by Very Rev. John Jen notte and Rv. M. J. O'Connor, 8. X. as deacons of honor and Rt. Rev. Mnnslgnor 'olanerl, V. G., as aaalatant prleet. Father O'Connor of Crelghton university will preach the sermon. The public school system of Omaha Is to be the theme for the vesper service at St. Mary's Avenue Congregational Sunday afternoon at 4:10 o'clock. The pastor. Rev. L. O. Balrd, has a sermon addressed espe cially to the teachers for the occasion on the subject. "The Rellgtoua Value of the public Schools." The Invitation Is a gen eral one. extended by a irate of the church membership, asd all teacher and offioers of the public school system will be espe cially welcome. It Is desired to pay tribute to them for the work they are doing and to bring the church Into closer harmony with their work. The Omaha Methodist Preachers' union will meet at the Young Men's Christian as sociation building Monday afternoon at 1:S0. Rev. Dr. John A. Bpyker, pastor of Trinity Methodist church, will read a paper on "The Johannlne Theology." T. M. C. A. Notes. The association will celebrate Thanks giving by giving Its usual dinner In the gymnasium on that date. O. O. Smith of Counoll Bluff will speak to the boys Sunday afternoon. His tilk will be preceded by a series of stereopticon views. ' A dinner was given to Robert E. Lewis of Shanghai in the cafe Friday evening. Mr. Lewis told of his experiences In associa tion work In China. Preparation for the Boys' Circus Indi cates that It will easily overtop all previous ones. Many novel stunts sre to be put on and the animals are all said to be fit and happy. Secretaries R. O.' Babcock and O. R. Wagenaeller had charge of the soldiers' meeting at Fort Crook, Tuesday evening, and were favored with an audience of over 100. Dr. 'W. O. Henry will lead tho meet ing December S. The annual state convention of the hoys' department of the Young Men's Christian association will be held at York next week, beginning- Friday. Mr. Denlson is on the program and expects to take a number of the Omaha boys to York with him. Captain "Jack" Crawford, scout, poet and lecturer, will address the Sunday after noon meeting. The hour la 8:80 Instead of 4, as heretofore. Last Sunday In Lincoln Captain "Jack" was greeted by an audi ence of 1.500 men. He Is scheduled to de liver a lecture on his early life aa a scout Monday evening In tho association assembly hall. Dr. Lyman B. 8perry of Oberlln. author and lecturer on perannal purity subjects, will be with the Omiha association from Sunday. November 20. to Tuesday. Decem ber 1. He will lecture Sunday afternoon, November 29. al S o'clock to older boys, and again to the men at 4 o'clock. On Monday and Tuesday evenlnga at t o'clock he lectures to men only. See later s.n nouncements for subjects. V; TV. f. A. Notes. The me.mbershlp committee will give a party Monday evening, at the rooms at ft o'clock. There will be yi taffy pull and a program. Members only are Invited. Miss Bertha DavIs. business secretary, will entertain the secretarial force at din ner at tho Young Men's Christian associa tion next Wednesday evening. Following the dinner will be held the regular monthly secretarial meeting. Monday evening, the In-Hle-Name-Olrcle will meet at the rooms at b:15 for supper and later fur the regular monthly meeting. Bt which time O. L. Wright will speak on the subtect of "Good Citizenship." Mem bers only are invited. The association rooms will be closed all day Thanksgiving day. Members who have heretofore spent Thanksgiving evening at the rooms aro Invited to "Clei Two" and attend the . Thanksgiving banquet to lie given . by the board of directors Monday evening, Novemnet 30. at 8:30 o'clock Printed announcements relative to this banquet may be had at the Miss Ethel G. Hende. Industrial and ex tension secielary, will speak ac the gospel meeting. Sunday afiomoon at 430. Mra. W. H. Dale will have charge of the music and the new Alexander song book will he used for the first time In the as socletlon. The social hour will follow in meeting and light refreshments will be served. All women are Invited. Miscellaneous Announcements. Second Church of ChrUt. 8clen:lst. Lytic Theater, Nineteenth and Itanium Services at 11 a. m.; subject, "Soul and Body." Unity, Seventeentn and Cass, Rev. New ton Mann, Mmisiei Service at lo:;i0; ser mon. " l'nanksgivlng;" Sunday scuool at noon. Saist ga Congregational, Twenty - fifth and Aims Avenue Sunday actio il at 11 a. in. l.v.qing service al V:30. Judge Mutton will talk to Juvenile tourt work. Flrat Church of Christ. Scientist. Twenty fifth and Farntm. Chambers Bi lling-Sunday school at :4u a. tit . S.ndiy etvl.i 11 a. m. and a p. in. Subject oi le.aun-ser-rr.on, ' Soul and Body." First Presbyter'an, Dodge and Seven tienth. Rev. Edwin Hart Jcnks, D. D., Pastor Morning service at 10:3u. Evening service at 7:3u. Sunday school at noon. Christian Endeavor me. ting at 6:15 p. m. Church of the Covenant, Twenty-seventh and Pratt, Rev. R. T. Re!J. Pastor Services at 10:30 A m.. and p. in.; Sabbath school at 12 m.: Jjnlor Endeavor at 3:30 p. m. ; Young Peoploa' Society Christian En deavor al p. m. Trinity Cathedral. Capitol Avenue and Eighteenth, the Very hcv. George A. Beecher, Dean Holy communion at ti a. m., Sunday school and Bible class at a. m , morning prayer and i.Tinon at 11 a. m. evening prar and sermon at ?.X p. m. Grsce Lutheran, Twenty-Sixth, Retween Poppleton and Woolworth Avenues, Kev. M. L. M'liik. Pastor Church service at lit:46 a. m. and 7:S- p. m.. Sunilav scuool at 12:1a and Luther Iphkw at b.UO p. ni. Prayer meeting Weilnesoav night. Class of catechumens on Friday at 4 p. m. First Christian. Twenty-Sixth and Har ney, 8. D. Duti-her. Pastor Ribl school at 12 in.: W. A. DeHord. miperinteadem ; r reaching by the pastor at lit:) a. m. and -.30 p. in.; Christian Endeavor at ) p. m.; teachers' training class Wednesday at s p. m. First Congregational. Nineteenth ' and Davenport. IKrederlck T. House. Pastor Morning wcfshlp at 10: So. theme, "What I Think. Thai 1 Am;" evening aervlce at l ib. "What Jesus Teaches About Society;" Young People s Society of Christian En deavor at (:30. North Bide Chrlstltn, Twenty-second and Lvust. II J. Klrschsieln. minister Morn ing worship at 10:30; sormon subject, "Give Thanks I nto the Lord." Hlble school at 12 m: Christian Endeavor at li 16; evening ierlce at 7:30. sermon theme. "The Para d. x of Neman." vYainut Hill Methodist Episcopal, Potty first and Charles, E. E. Husman, Pastor cm at count vt church belli out of ie;sl. the church will Join In tin on tervt' et lih lite I we Avenue 1'resby tertan church morning and evening. feunday school In their cnurcii at 3 p. m. First l' Hrethten, Nineteenth in iH.tlirop nunjay school at to a. in. Preacu kng al 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. in. Morning Heme. "Tt.e Key to Prosperity;" evening. "1 u Heal Good." Special song service m tle evening. Cisss meeting al if m. Prayer sen it a vtediiesuay al S p. IP- Casiellar Presb tetian, Ralph H. Hoise man, M mister Morning, "The Lord's Hnirf nts to Me, ' a pie-Thanksgiving theme. Evening al ?:3o, 'The lnoi).pardnle Foun dation, bible school at It m. Young pro pa's service al o. Ontario and Paik Forest chapel Bible schools at I p. m. Hirst Memorial Methodist Episcopal CuurcO. Xulrty-ANuiU a-utl Lartmoxe Display tTiTiTl 11 . c WE'VE A GREAT DEAL to be thank- V' ful forhaven't you? We're getting the bulk of the homefurnishing business of Omaha and we're mighty grateful to the people for it. We know of no better way in which we can show our thanks than in our present policy of saving our customer every dollar we can in the cost of their housefuruishingp. We are dead in earnest in this and on this special Thanksgiving occasion we want to demonstrate it more thoroughly 1han ever before. The special offerings made this week are proof of our sincerity. Read them study them, come to the store and investigate them. Tut them to every test and if you don't find that we are saving you 25 to 35 per cent we won't ask you to spend a dollar with us. it Sii :CTWf fjprff China Closet Made of solid oak, bpnl ond design, adjustable shelves, double )5Q able value. Price S lid OakD&venport sofaBed Made with frames of solid oak. each corner post adorned with carving. UpholHtercd In a auperisr manner with veiour covering over on temp ered steel springs. Opens auto matically Into full size. bed. Price Combination Book Cases Book Case and Desk combined. made of solid oak. ncHtly carved and highly pollslnd. It's m ate a barsraln von can't enual 1 9 JJ anywhere It's impossl- I , uiv. nuiu pi icr I CU1UI i- r A ass) 25- i flBi H- ss. Pedestal Lxtension tables These tables are made of best selected solid oak and they're brilliantly polished. They jliave round to-is, fitted with Hartman's smooth riinning extension sliden. They have massive) pedestals and largo curved claw feet. These tablus extend to C feet. You can t match this bargain in .. . V. ,s i a 1. . . SI aUJ ULUri llUlt III Wllldllc K n Abarliifa ..ftrtnlntv S5a lr iirlo'. Sermon at 10:45 by the pastor, subject, "Do Christians SinV" Sunduy school at m:-n. Junior Kpwotth league at 3 p. m.. Epwoith league al t:W p. in., evening song servlco at 7:30. followed by a seitrion on "riin a Fatal Hindrance." North Presbyterian. Nineteenth and Ohio, M. V. Ili?,bee, I'asior Morning worship at In o'tliick; theme, "The Kot givepess of bin;" Sabbath school at 12 m; Yojng Peo ples' Society Christian Kndeavor at tt:i p. m.; evening worship at 7:', theme, "The tplritunl Cntapass. ' i'rayer meeting in Wednesday at S p. m- Hevcntli Pay. Adventist. North Twenty Fllth. Het ween Cuming unil Indiana. I.. A. Spring. Pastor-Pn aching Sunday at 8 p. ni., subject, "Tnanksgivtng;" Junior meet ing at 7 p. m. Als service every Satur day; Sabbath school at 10 u. m.. preaching at 11 a. m. Prayc meeting Wednesday evening. All are Invited. Trlnltv Methodist KpUn nnl. Twenty first and Plnn -y. llr. I. A. H!ker. Pastor Morning service at )i-30. aulijcrt, "Christ ianllv a Religion of F.illnx;" Sunday school, I? m. : Junior league 3 p. nv: tip worth league. 6:3D p. n..; evening servce 7:3i subject. "Show ng the WHte Feather " Prayer meeting. Wednesday 8 p. m The Walnut Hill Meth misi Cjngregatlona. will worsitip witii tho i,jii Avenue Ptta byterlan church dorlog tne pertoa of i 1uirs on their church. I.owe Avenue Pi eaby In ian. Fortieth and McholHB-Murning strvu-e at lu:3u; Rev. McCiiftin speaks. Kvenin worsulp at 7.3. sermon by Kev. E. K. Jlosinan ui Ualnui Hill Methodist. Plymouth Congregat'cnil. Twentieth and Spencer Or. I. tC. Jenkins wlh preach at l:3u a. m. and p. in. Mlsi Hecker will sing.' Sunday school at I.' in ; t 'iiiisnian i beavor at :30 p. r.i. MeCabe Mell.odl-t. : nd Fortieth rtieols. Rev. J. Ndrier Hornier, Paster Preaching by the p'jf. o: at II a. in. and st J 5u p. in. iiou.l'.a lu. iri', ' . n lmi oi tant UuesTlon;" (vtiina t, "Tho lionie of tlie BlesseJ." Peoples, Charles W. hrfvid". P.s"r Morning, "Hen. Soeing TiTouch a (1U Harkly; There. Fuce lo Fsre." Evening. "Jes'is Cstchlng Peter by the Hand.'' Prnf. Mcrtea has charge of the music. Westminster Presb.-terinn. Mason and Twnni) -ninth: Re . W. g Fulton. Pastct Morning worship at MV3u: evening servte at 7:3m p. ni; Sabbsih school and Bible classes, 12 m : Isrl street mission. p m. ; "iouuf People's ttovleiy Christian Kndcivor 1V1B 11(53.75 For U.(S) A Remarkable Value. Terms $2 Gash. 50c Weekly. This special as shown ahove is the very best value that has ever been offered to the peo ple of Omaha. Bed is made of heavy tubing and post, all sizes and colors. Dresser of elaborate design, serpentine top drawers, large French plate mirror, carved standards and brass drawer pulls, in oak or mahogany finish. Washstand made of same material and to match dresser; roomy drawer and compartment.- This special is a Q75 I I most extraordinary value. A L&re Steel rira Largj Heator These heaters have a largo radiating surface, have return flues and are powerful ... double heaters. They are elab orately trimmed ' in nickel base heaters that regularly sell at $35 They are complete with high shelf, s shown above, have large square (ivens, elaborate nickel trimmings ana extra neavy cast ings. Equal to any 2o riik-e on sale In Om aha. Our special to 14 0. You Can boy thetn at Hartman's 7n A I U H .41446 TRQ m r f nt :30 p. in. I'nlon Thanlssgivlng services In St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church next Thursday, 10:30 a. m. First German Free K angelical. Twelfth and DorcnaPreuchlng service at 10:30 a. m.. and 7: p. m., with sermons bv Rev. F. H. W. Hruechert, pastor; Hible 8abbath school at Zulu p. m.; expository Bible study Wednesday 8 p. m. Hanscnm "Park Methodist Episcopal, Twenty-ninth and Woolworth Avenue. It. Heott Hyde. Pastor Preai hlng nt 10 80 u. m. by District Superintendent Dr. William Co wit. Preaching bv the pastor at 7:."0 p. m. Special mute at both services. I.e O. Kratz. choirmaster. Sunday school at 13 in., Bert Wilcox, superintendent. Grace Kaptlat. Tenth and Arbor, B. F. Fellman. Pdstor At 10:45 a. m., "The Incar nation of the Holy Spirit." Young people's meeting at 7 p. m. Gospel service with stereopticon Illustrating mlasicn work in Cuba snd Porto Riro, 7:4S p. in. Sunday school No. 1, Tenth and Arbor, l m.; No. t. Fourth arid Cedar. i: p. m.; No. I. Thir teenth and William, 1:30 r. m. . . All Stints'. Twrnti -slxili ard Pewey A nuc Holy communion el 7:30 a. in. Church achool and Sunday s-hool at 4 a. m. Preaching service at 11 a. in. Vesper serv- New Method of Reducing Fat A news Item from Paris Informs us that the American method of producing a alim, trim figure. Is meeting with astonishing success. TIUs system, which has ma do such a wonderful Impression over there, must be the Marmola Prescription Taolet method of reducing fat. It In safe t say that we bsve nothing better for tnls pur pone In this country. Anything that will i educe tire -excess flesh a .pound a dy without injury to the xtomacn, the rank ing of wrinkles, the help of exercising or dieting, or' Interference with one's meals 1m a mighty important and useful additloi lj cl iiixatlon'a necessities. Jut such a catalogue of good results, however, follow the u.e of tliese pleasant, nariu lexH an! little fat reducers. W'e khv economical, bei'aui Marmola Ptv s ripttcn Tablets (made la accordance wHh tlie famous prescription I r-so ba ob tuned of any druggist or the matter, tne ftlarioola Co.. Hetroll, Mich., for In cents the large rue. whh h is a decidedly eco nomical price considering the number of tablets each case contains. : B B II - sn i H...H.. t ii it - sii iisssii laiiMt.Mi-aasifcSJiiPi i.nss 'irriariii r nisi tit i asiasiini arinnin-ns i " m vvx t.ftistw K''ZJLytZ iH i i9 r L hll ' fitfm n pisw: the True This Elegant Iron Dresser and world beater at the price Every Stove Guaranteed McDouaIl Kitchen Cabinets Ranges Made of best material, satin wal nut. Guaranteed for durability. An unexcelled cabinet. Try one 26L5 for 30 days at our risk. Complete as shown above. Special this sale. , price.. RAV Payable Weekly or Urn 1 Fnr Anv Sinvft in w 4 ...aj b Bf sj t a - 1 -S-W - 18 Douglas Street ire at 4 p. m. The kindergarten for chil dren of parents who wish lo attend the sen-Ices Is held during the hours of service in the parish house by Miss Howe. No charge is made for this service. First Baptist, Twenty-N'inUi and Harnev. Rev. J. W. Conlev, D. D., Pastor Service at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; morning aermon, "Deairlng to Hee Jeius;" evunimj. "What Is Man Religiously?" Pundav school at noon; young peunle's meeting at :30 p. in. Bethany Branch First Baptist, Ssfi) Ieavenwgrtli Sunday school at p. m.; goHpcl meeting at 8 p. m. Friday. Imiiianvel Barxlst. Twenty-Fourth and Pinckney, Philelus il. McDowell, Pastor 10:35 a. in.. "The Glory of Garnered Bheavea;" 7:30 p. m., "The Task of Seek ing and Saving Men;" Bible school at noon; a apeclal baptism.".! service at S:Si; the Baptist Young People's union at 6:3"). The apeclal revival meetings continue every evening at 7:45, except Saturday. All aro welcome. St. Mark's English Lutheran.' Twentieth and Burdette, 1.. Groh, Pastor Services on Sunday and Thanksgiving, 10:45 a in., ser mon by Rev. Mr. Sm'tli rf the seminary. 7:30 p. m.. sermon by W'lllert I.ampe, theo logical student; Sunday school at 12 m.: Young People, 6:45 p. m. The pastor Rev. Dr. Groh will be away over 8uiul-.iv. He will look after missionary work al Bruning. Neb. Central I'nlted Presbyterian. Twenty Fourth and Dodge, R. B. A. McBride, D.D.. Pastor Morning worship st 10:30, sermon on the "Ninth Commandment and the Danger and Doom of I.lnrs;" evening iwor ship at 7:30, sermon, "The Nation's J'et; a Temperance Sermon;" Suhbath school at noon, with special ntienlion to adult classes: Young People's Cluistian union and teachers' meeting at 6:30 p. in. St. Mary's Avenue Congrrgational. 8'. Mary's Avenue and Twenty-Seventh Rev. Lucius O. Balrd. Pastor-Morning worship at 10:30 o'clock, sermon by the pastor. si:ti J(t. "The Religious Value of the Public School"." (This service is In honor of pub lic achool teachers ) Sunday school at noon, vesper worship at 4:10 o'clock. Junior Kn Ceavor snd children's hour a! 4.10 o'clock; Young People's Society of ChrlMian En deavor at 6:45 p. m. 4'liflon Hll Presbyterian. Rev. Thomas B. Greenlee, Ph. D., Pastor Morning serv ice at W:Jv, evening service at J:3 Thanks, giving sul.j.cls will b- the themes al both services. Sonday school a I noon. Young People's Society of Chriatian Knot av-or 6. is) p. m. Ia)e Avt.-iiue Pi eli i-rlun. W al nut Hill Methodist Lpiscopal and Cliftun Bed. Washstand whern wouiu it ill 2559 L 1 'sinpaMar' a mm: Hot Blast Heaters They burn coal, wood, slack coal, coal si f tings, coke or rubbish. Burns its own gas and snioku. Is of handsome proportions and ornamented with nickel trimmings. The Monthly best hot blast beater Omaha at the sale price flur Slnrp !38 S BSJ SJ w p JS Again at an a riw txl2 ft. Hill church will hold union Thanksgiving servlev at 10:30 Thursday morning In Clifton Hill church. Rev. Nathaniel McGlffin will preach. First Methodist Episcopal. Twentieth and Davenport. Rev. Frank I.. Loveland, Pas or The pestor will preach a Thaiikegl sermon In the morning at 10:30. In the evening the large vested choir. Thomas J. Kelly, chnlrmas-rr. will civs a special musi cal pr rgrsm In e ebratlon of the eighth an rilvcttary of the death of Sir Arthur Sulli vtin, the great musical i omposer. Tl.a pas tor will deliver a brief address on 'Our Debt to Past Genius." Calvary Baptist. Twenty-fifth snd Hamil ton. Rev. E. R. Curry. Pastor-Services at 10:30 a. m and 7:30 p. m.j morning, "Occa sion for Thnnksglvlng:" evening. "Old as Dight;" Bible school at II m.; young peo ple's classes. 6:30 p. m.; young people's service. Wednesday. p. m.; midweek praise service. Thursday, 10:J0 a. m.; union Thanksgiving service at St. Mark's Luth eran church, chtirchea of the North 8 de uniting. Calvary Baptlah branch, Thirty fourth and Seward Sunday, S:30 p. m.. Bible school; Friday, 8 , p. ir . devotional service. Babies Strangled by croup, toughs or colds instantly re lieved and quickly cured with Dr. King's New Discovery. 50c and $1. For sale by Beaton Drug company. LET HARTMAN FEATHER YOUR NEST. I ' I Quartered Oak SicL-uoard Very elaborate design, has serpcillno frnnl, magnificent carvings ami carved c!:iv; feel. Has larare French heveled mirror, 'kn?1! Ynli ran' oinil this hnreniti .-Imp- a Tv. In Omaha. Such h t hing f 9 ne impossmie- at mm ii"ct. . Sanitary Steel Couches They aro mnde with heavy ang'" rtr-M fr;.us and have spiral spring support.. They niaku a most comfortable bed or n numt ry "K handsome couch, llnth side elevate when belnir tninnfnrni"1 from n Jf couch -to h bed. Sul' iiric Free Catalogue to Out-of- Town' People. : fli Chiffoniers They. are jnade in goldivi cwk finish, or In polished nialii'Hnny finish. Have flf large draw er and heavy I'rcncli l.evil"d mirrors. 1 1'e an x traordlnary cliiffun ler for the money. Special sale pri.-e. . . In Urussels Hup.s we'offer this hlgh-graile llruss.lo Hug amazingly low price. There .hasn't bwu of eiiual quality offered in ''.iialia In years at anywhere near tho p'lce These rugs are made without miter scums full "AH urAt'AH .ii. Thoir'r. matin i f I.hkI m all worsted materials price. In size 0 - B only, 911.89; In size sxv it. DAVIS DOES NOT TESTIFY Man C'haro-ed with Rastln Murder Not J Iteqalred lo Take Msiid at Insurance Hearing. Because his trial rn t'u- -!ini- f ni dering Dr. Frederick llus-lio i js oily :i week away. Charles K. '.m pot i -Oiilred to go rn the w! ncmi Mai'-I il t Ruetln Insurance hearing before Jud-o .a it lon Saturday morning. Mrs. .V-bio Hlce, the principal witness for the retold her story of her relations with Pr Unli;i and his efforts to Induce her to sho-t hlin. Her story developed notlilii? nc w. "Tho letter had no mcaninc i all." sin said In reply to a question about t Its- p n pose of the letter slii wrot" Dr. P.imiIii, to which the words "Polly. I o'clock.'' were appended. The letter also referred ti her baby, but she testified that she had no children. The hearing aas to perpetnat the tc! -mony for use In case Mrs. Kustin sue.i Ih Fidelity & Casualty company cn Hie ac cident policy her husband carried. Davit.' evidence will be taken after the criminal trial. Look Out and Don't Get Stuck . ofl a couple of pieces of window glam inaEgueradlng as eye glasses. They are Injury Instead of a benefit to th sight. If you need glasses at all yon need them accurately fitted to your vision. Our free eye examinations de termine the classes. Our moderate charges t-nable you to have the brut. H. J. Pen fold & I.esdinK Optician"., J 1 08 t-'aruaui Co. 2 SSX2EB35 4 hi