THE OMAHA SUNDAY HEE: XOVEMBER 22, 1008. GENTLEMEN'S Correct Clothes Fashions e-. " " "i ....... j- SMI nifr V, , i , :. : : -. ... . ' 1 i. ... ..... mi ' ' : J r ,1 iMM ma ir i LiTjT n aA lu SCHLOSS BROS & CO. Mae Liotnes nakers Baltimore and. New York ml .11 I h 3 a I. 1 1 t Mi I Initmment Filed oy Xebratk Trac tion & Power Company. ISSUE IS OVER ONE . MILLION for Distinctive Clothes for Men and Young Men . Cost no more than the ordinary kind- 'tis simply in the judgement of selecting There is just as much, difference in clothing, as there are in people Some are expressive in their general appearance they have character The style-esign-finish-workmanship-material-all contribute to the desiredeffect. j Clothes speak volurrfes why, not get the best Ak the Fashionable Clothes Shop of your town to show you the 1009 SCHLOSS models if they haven't the new models ,we will cheerfully send same, to them for your approval no obligation to buy;- 1 H 1 few THIS LABEL is your safeguard, see that it is on the clothes you purchase, recognized everywhere as the Hall Mark of a Gentlemen's good taste and refinement in dress. BaiumoreSclilossBros.6cCo. r or oaie by....... WI)ol&l Drapers New York MORTGAGE TO COVER BONDS M.r(ae Uteri All tk. Fraarklu Hllthta of (oirrta Oraard to Operate lit and Aro.nd Town of RaUton. To covera proposed bond losue of tl..W.- Ou) the Nebraska Traction and Power com pany, which ii organised to opernte In and around the new town of Ralston, hua filed a blanket mortgage with the register of deeds and the county clerk. The mortgage covers all the franchise rights of the com pany. Its real estate and personal property. The mortgage runs tj the Midland Guar antee and Trun company, as trustee for I he bondholders. The bond Issue will be dated October lo. 1808, and the bonds. though Issued In different denominations, will be due October 15, 1933. They will be of the face value of ll.OJO, f:M and $ll. The mortgage sets out specifically thesu franchises which have been acquired by th. company and which are covered by the mortgage: 1. The franchise granted by the county board to Shimer A Chase for the right to use Q street from the limits of 8outh Omaha tc Ralston for a street railway track. i. A franchise granted to William D. Crist for (in electric light, power and street rail way company In 1'anllllon. 3. A franchise for an electrlcTlght, power nu ..ireci rtiiway pmni in Kalston. i. A franchise to operate a street railway system in Ralston. - ' 6. A franchise to opernte a telephone and iciegrapn system in italston. Covers Other Property. Besides these franchises the mortgage covere right-of-way and other real estatu In Ralston owned by the company and Its personal property. Because It also Includes personal property It was necessnry to fllu It with the county clerk as well as with the register of deeds. One of the conditions of the mortgage Is that beginning October 15, 1'JIO, and an nually thereafter, from 2 to 4 per cent of the net earnings shall be sot aside to provide a sinking fund with which to reduce the principal of the bond Issue. The mortgage la signed by Mel Uhl, pres1. dent, and J. F. Emmet, secretary of the company. William t). Crist, general manager of the company, said last night the company had already disposed of about 150,000 worth of the bondc locally and would put the rest on the market from tlmo to time ns the property is developed. Th. first work of the company, he Bald, would be the building of an electric line from South Omuha to Ralston and the building of a power plant in Ralston. This line they expect to have in operation by hrlstmas. Later, he said, the line will be extended to I'apilllon and a sub-plant located there. This wilt give a line about seven mile. long. ' Mountain Top (Quality In piano making is the reason why the CELEBRATED STEINWAY PIANO has held its supremacy over nil other makes for generation!?. Try as hard as they may other makes have always fallen fhort in their endeavor to produce an equal to the Steinway. Xo other instrument comes higher than the "TIMBER LINE" in approaching STEIN WAY CHARACTER AND QUALITY. Steinway Pianos stand alone on the MOUNTAIN TOP of the world's effort to produce an instrument cap able of interpreting the soul's longing and desires. If you really desire the BEST, examine STEINWAY history and records. You'll find p. marvelous record of achievement. You are cordially invited to call at our salesrooms any day atd listen to a demonstration of Steinway tone production. x Write for Steinway Catalogues if you reside outside of Omaha. Schmoller Mueller Piano Co. Authorized Representatives for Steinway cG Sons Pianos. C" 13111313 Farnam St. Omaha., Neb. Tip SIPE'S TROUBLES ENDLESS Slan Who Lost Foot tn Accident Now In Fair Way to Lose Wife. v Louis V. Sipcs, deprived of his foot by n accident last winter, la now In a fair way to lose his wife. Friday afternoon he filed suit for divorce from Gertrude Slpe, charging her with Infidelity. Last winter Slpe was working for the Omaha Ice and Cold Storage company putting up Ice at Cut-off lake. Ills foot caught be- ween a pulley and cable and was so badly mangled it bad to bo amputated. The al leged Infidelity, he says, occurred last spring after the accident had laid him up. He also charges her with cruelty. The Omaha Ice and Old Storage company re cently compromised his suit for damages In district court by paying him 16.000. JUROR GETS THIRTY DAYS L'H. Anderson Pleads for His Family Before Sentenoe. ASKS JUDGE 10 GIVE HIM USZ Tolls Conrt Mo Realises It I. Worst v OaToaso Man Coala Commit, avTo M order. In Abject Hamlllty. Thirty days In "the county jail was th. lmpoad on' A. H. - Anderson, th. grand juror who wa dlshenorably dta charged from th. Jury last woes; by- Judge Sear, when h. entered, a plea of guilty to contempt of court Saturday , morning. Anderson pi.aded for a fine instead of l-i 11 sentenoe,: but Judge Bears declared' a money payment was not sufficient punish in.nt to fit -the offense and. refused to .hang. th." sentence. Anderson -not only entered a plea of guilty, but h. admitted th. enormity of th. offense. "I reallx. now, Judge, . it la about the worst oftens. a man could commit,pt murder," be .said In abject humility to the court. , Judg. Sears lectured him , severely, and Anderson, lesnlng against th. Judge', bench, humbly assisted th. court. Whan Judge gears hesitated and raked hi. mind to find word strong enough to fit th. situation Anderson supplied it. He assented to ev erything the court said in denunciation of him and meekly admitted he ought to be punished. After pleading guilty Anderson ask.d the court to make the punishment a fine and give him time In which to pay It. 'I have a wife and four children to sup port and I would like to get off as easy as possible so I would have more money for them." 'I am sorry for your family," said Judge Sears, "but I can't let that Influence me in this case. Tour offense was too grave. Tour action reflected on every member of th. grand Jury and on th. administration of Justlc. in this county and cannot b. passed over lightly. A fin. would not meet the conditions.',' After th. sentence was imposed Anderson ask.d tor a stay of execution, but Judge Beara refused to grant U Anderson', offense was in connection with th. testimony before the grand Jury of, Emma Brown. Her evidence implicated in her downfall a friend of Anderson's. Anderson met her and .ought to Indue, her not to testify against his friend. - He also mad. Improper proposal, to bar and ac cording to her testimony struck he when she refused. meeting of the council committee of the whole next Monday afternoon, when th. ordinance will come up for discussion. H. C. Peate, member of the Lincoln Typographical union, appeared before the organization and asked for Its endorse ment of W. M. Maupln of Lincoln, for merly of Omaha, for the position of state labor commissioner. An hour's discus ston waa provoked, the matter In the end being deferred for a week. The sanitary committee was delegated to Inspect sanitary conditions In the vl cinlty of Forty-first and Leavenworth streets, where a sewer empties Into an open creek and recommend what had be;t be done. Bent to FREE PiLE- CUT3E Demonstrate the Merit. Pyramid Flic Cure. of WW St Kaa Bono Fo Ota XI oaa So -. for Tim. W. hav. - testimonials by th. hundreds .hawing all Mages, kinds and degree, of pile, which hav. been cured by Pyramid Pile Mt. It you could read these unsolicited letters you would no doubt go to tUe nearest drug tor. and bus: a vox of Pyramid PI is Cur. at one, price fifty cents. We do not ask you to da this. Bend us your t roe .ad address and w. will send you a trial package by mail free, Ws'knj'.v wbl the '.rial package will do. In many vases It ha. cured pUaa without funks ivus,iit. If tt proTta Us value to you e.t'lr more from y-Hir druggist. This Is ,")r.ia It, noT Simply wrlie us a letter g;vlng your name end. address and w. will send you the trial packag. by mail la ulala t rapper free. Address Pyramid rtrue Co.. - It IVrimld Bldg , alars jjUtu. '"-.: amid ""ti BARBERS STAND BY ORDINANCE Object to Repeal of Os Compelling Those Who Ply Trad to Pas. Examination. . Declaring that it la heartily In favor of th. present barber ordinance which require, all barbers to pass examination as to proficiency and health before ply ing th. trad., th. Omaha Journeymen Barbara' union denounce, th. action of th. resurrected Master Barber.' union in petitioning th. city council to repeal the ordinance. Th. Journeymen barber, hav. drawn up and passed resolution, asking for th. retention of th. present ordinance, and at th. meeting of . th. Central Labor union last night that body backed up the barber, by adopting th. following resolu tion:, It has been railed to the at tention of this body by the Journeymen Barbers' union that an effort is being mad far th. repeal of an ordinance re ulatlng the practicing of the occupation of barriering in the city of Omaha; and, Wharea. bald ordinance haa for Itu purpose the protection of th. Interests of the public, a. well a. the legitimate barber, by fixing the qualifications neces sary to enter th. practice of said trade and prescribe sanitary rules for the gov ernment thereof; therefore, be It Resolved. By th. Omaha Central Labor union In regular meeting assembled that we heartily endorse the present law anl the enforcement thereof and that w. lend etery effort in pecurtng the enforcement of every provision therein. r.esident Guye of the Central - Labor union stated on th. floor that the employ ing barber, objected to th. ordinance on tliu gnund that they had to pay higher sal aries to men who come p to th. oiill nsnca provisions. A committee of thre. composed of William Brltton. Bert Nur ray and air. l.intine. n arpointej by the central body to inumpany a dele itv fvuiu .lu wdrjctvi' union to Hie NORTH SIDEWANTS KNOWN First Meeting- of New Clnh Formnlatea Plan, for Public Improve men ts. The building of a viaduct on Locust street from Fifteenth to Thirteenth street, th. construction of a storm sewer east of Sixteenth and south of Locust street and th. extending of the Sherman car line on the avenue north o Commercial street one mile to Out street were th. recommendation, of the North Side Improvement and Vlsduc club, organized last night. The club was organized In McKenna'a ball, Sixteenth and Locust streets, and the north end o th. city waa well represented. jnree sets or committees were ap pointed to look Into th. building of th. viaduct and th. storm sewer, and th. extension of the car line, and another meeting will be held In two weeks, whe th. committee, will b. expected to report progress. These officer, were elected: President, Joseph Redmaa; vice president, W. W Bingham; secretary, Cornelius Farrell treasurer, T. H. Daley. ELECTION FEE SUIT BEGUN John E. lu Glider and Robert Prltchard File Petitions In District Coart. Suit to test the right of election official who served November 7, 1906, to a fee (3 each from the county was started In dl. trlct court Friday afternoon by John Van. Ullder and Robert Prltchard. Van Ollder served on the board. In on. of the precincts of th. Twelfth ward. By a mutual understanding between the county, the city and the school board, th two latter bodies paid th. election board $3 each lit l'Jio and th. county paid th. ex prnso of moving and setting up th. voting machine, as Its shrs of th. expense. Va Glider in his petition asserts that th county should hare paid th. officials also, and h. recently filed a claim for that .mount. The county board rejected It and h. has appealed the district court. Th. suit will affect several hundred officials who served at the same election. Hee "Want Ads' are business getters and '-jui.arss ft'ur-lators. LOSS OF EYE WHILE DRUNK .PIPE ORGAN FACTORY COMING For the pisanter Foril Smith Sncs ititlonn Keeper for Five Thonsnnd Dollars. For the loss of an eye In a drunken fight with two companions. Ford Smith has be gun suit in district court for $3,000 against dward A. Roehrlg, the. saloon keeper who sold him and his companions the liquor on which they became Intoxicated. Smith says he is a speculator on the South Omaha market, earning from (100 to f2o0 a month. The evening of September 21, he says ho went to Roehrlg's saloon at tftlt North Sixteenth street, and began lo drink, becoming somewhat Intoxicated. Bud and U!nrge Weathcrford, two brothers, were in tho saloon, and he says they also drank too much. Tho three engaged In a fight In which Smith had his left rye Injured by a kick. A few days later he had tho eye removed. He says ho cannot ply his trade any more and will have to go to work at common labor. He holds the saloon keeper responsible for selling lliem liquor enough lo become Intoxicat.'d. Both of the Weathcrfords have been Indicted by the grand Jury. FRESH BALTIMORE OYSTERS. Canned In Baltimore and shipped direct to us. They have tho right flavor. S. II. Buffett & Sbn. 315 South Fourteenth street. CLAIMS) KINGS BEAT HIM Stahl Company la .Looking- for Sits for Plant la' This City. Three sites, the location of which is kept secret, are in consideration for the factory of the Stahl Church Organ company, which Is about to remove to Omaha from Avon, O. E. K. Bogan, vice president of the com pany, arrives thl. afternoon to confer with Hugo A. Stahl, who has been on the ground for sumo days, over the question of the sfte. That the company Is coming is beyond all question, for announcements to the trade have been printed and mailed and the company's new letterheads and other sta tionery hav. been prepared. The company will begin manufacturing operation, at once and will bring here a lares stuff of skilled organ builders and mechanics. In addition to the manufacturing 'of pipe organs, the Stahl company will maintain a large repair and building department, ,-Mid this is welcome news to Omaha church crganlsts and choirmasters, fcr it has, been necessary in the past often to send to Chicago for assistance, and in the event of a sudden breakdown on a festal day Ilk. Christmas or Busier, th. trouble colli 4 not be obviated in time to save the day. The Btahl company, the latest addition to the long list of new Omaha manufactur ing plants, whs fourded In Germany In 164 by Richard Stahl, father of th. three sons, who, with K. E. Bogan, are active in the conduct of the company. Manufac turing in America was begun In Ohio In ISM. The removal to Omaha la caused by a desire of better shipping facilities and because the western country is growing , faster than the east. The company will be the only one. it Is said, between Chi cago and San Francisco manufacturing pipe organs. It make them as low In price as $W) and frcru that sum up tn $10,000. INotloc. Bricklayers' union No. 1 of Nebraska. All member, are ordered to meet st Thir teenth and Frederick streets Saturday afttrnoon at 2 o'clock sharp to attend thrt funeral of our deceased ex-prcs'dent, Krrest Karnett. By order of the president. ' F. 8. GARDNER. By using the various departments of The Bee want ad pagea It Is essy to reich yis people who have money to spend. Former Employe of Wool lien Sues, Charging; Attack y Two Brothers. Charles H. King and Leslie B. King of the Omaha Wool and Storage company are defendants In a suit for J60.000 filed tn dis trict court Friday afternoon by John N. Bauer, an expert wool sorter employed at the warehouse. Bauer says in his petition he had trouble with the Kings November 11. He alleges that Leslie King knocked him down and .that both of them Jumped on his face and beat and kicked him severely. Ilia face was badly cut and bruised, he asserts, and his right eye permanently In jured. Bauer say. he wa. employed by J. A. Dclfelder, vice president of the Wool association, to sort and sell his wool. Official Vote on Nebraska Presidential Electors When The Blood Goes -Wrong Man Suffer, in Maqy I'lact-s Like A ' City Whose rknvcrs Spread Disease. When the blood of man becomes impure and filled with poison and decay it throws off the Impurities and Isavea them to force and fester themselves through the skin, Just like a city In whose .ewer, foul gases arise and escape up through th. cellar. Into houses, bringing contagion and detth. What a city needs Is a generous flow of pure water to carry along and away the aewage which breeds death and disease. What the system needs for the blood that la Impure Is purifier that will stimulate the flow of tho precious fluid, that will check th. impurities and remove them by the flow of the blood from the system naturally, without Irritstlon, Infection and pain. Calcium Sulphide Is the strongest blood purifier known to science and medicine. What pure, running water doe. to the Im purities In a city's sewer Calcium Sulphide does for the blood of man. Stuart's Calcium Wafers give the human body ail th. strength and vigor of Calcium Bulphlde, In better . form than any other mode of presenting it to th. system. A rocent article has stated that most Calcium SulphtdA preparations contain but SO rr cent of the strength of this wonderful cleanser, th. other TO per cent being loat by evaporation, chemical change or decay. Stuart's Calcium Wafers contain other blood purtfior. Ilk. Quassia, Golden Seal and Eucalyptus, each having a distinct function to perform; also an alterative and laxative to throw off through the human sewerage system (the bowels) the waste and poisonous matter extricated by the blood purifiers. These Utile wafers are a tremendous power and act with amasing rapidity In their work of cleansing th. blood and clear ing the skin. Bvery druggist carries them In stock; price 60c per box, or .end us your name and address and' sr. will send you a trtal package by mall free. Address r. A. fetuart Co.. Vi etuart Bl Jg , Marshall. Mich, ' O 3 c -Rerubllcan- X 1 a ft' 1 c r e Adams 1,97 1 .HK 1.W0 1,979 1,in 1.978 Antelope 1,668 1,"6" . 1.8fi8 l.ttto 1.KS4 Banner 175 175 175 17o 175 175 175 HlMlne 2V 1!1 1 JJI t9 iltt 1S B'-one l',6 1,:78 1 67 1.57 1.575 1,677 1,578 Box Butte 6t 5!tg 5:i8 MM 6!t" 5t" be Boyd KA !4 !"0 9(8 91S 916 Brown 6X8 5KS M bxi 6SS 6NI 68ft Buffalo 2.5JS 2.517 T,rl4 2.614 2.514 ' 2.514 2.517 Burt 1.SS0 1.KX7 1.S75 1,878 1.877 1.877 1.875 Butler 1.412 1,411 1,41 1.4"8 1.408 1,408 .m Cass 2.440 2.4HS 2.438 2.4;i7 2.4:t 2.4:i3 Cedar 1,C7 l.ii20 1.B23 l.ft-M 1,620 1,23 LSI 9 Chase 4" 39 39 3 X 4u Cherry l'.(M8 1.CM4 l.M5 I 1.015 1,044 1,047 1.047 Cheyenne 8KB . 883 82 881 SSI 881 80 CIhv 1.8!1 1.86 1,887 1.8 V.Ssfi l.ftxl 1.884 Colfax 1.159 1.161 1.157 I.K1& 1.157 1.1M 1.156 Cuming 1.W4 1.284 1.284 1.283 1.2X3 l,28'l 1.1-83 Custer 2.7X8 2.77 2.786 2.7m) 2,778 2.777 2.777 l)u kola 7:H i-'l 722 7 Jit 722 7 J:! J2 Dawes SnH 8H5 834 83i 8.T5 835 834 Dawson V.737 1.724 1,7:'4 1,723 1,722 1.721 1'.7.'2 Deuel 626 623 622 521 5:3 5-3 52:1 Dixon 1,257 1.254 l.k&2 1.2T.6 1.256 1.263 1.264 Dodge 2.437 2,437 2,437 2.43U 2.440 2.43H 2.436 iHinglas 14.066 14.0.8 14,060 14.0HO 14,064 14.0.V5 11,06,' Dundy 4Vi 485 4i6 4MJ 485 484 4X4 Fillmore 1.756 1.7.4 1.7 1.753 1,753 1.754 1.754 Franklin 1,03 1.079 1,081 1.07S 1,079 1.078 1.077 Frontier l.OfrS l.U4 l.oM 1,098 1.093 1.093 1,093 Furnas 1-4 1.40.' 1.3!7 1.3i" 1.397 1.S97 i',397 TJage 3,721 3.714 3.712 3,713 3,712 1.711 3,"08 Uarfiild 3i 3ii5 :M 3M 3ilft 8fi5 365 Gosper 499 495 497 195 497 496 495 (Irani 98 9.1 93 :1 91 93 tt Qreelsy 691 69 6-9 691. 689 ) 690 Hall 2.211 2.233 2.234 2.2.U 2.235 2.234 2.214 Hamilton 1.633 1.6) 1.631 l.i'M 1.631 1.631 1.630 Harlan l.'fXI 1.(78 l.r7x l.- 1.079 1,0x1 1.15 Haves 3T9 '7 J5 351 357 '6 356 Hllchcock 633 632 h3! 6 633 C31 632 Holt 1.541 1.639 1.51 1.642 1.6J7 1,539 1.536 Hooker 100 i' lort 10) 100 100 )' Hewsrd 977 973 !; 975 973 974 977 Jefferson 1.941 1.940 1.940 l,93i 1.936 1,'Wt 1.937 Johnson 1.367 1,356 1,354 1.351 l.a,4 1.353 1.3f,3 Kearney 99.1 9X7 987 985 9x5 9x7 916 Keith ' 368 W.S 369 369 369 39 Jo Keya Paha 422 5x9 39 30 3x 3! 3x9 Kimball 216 116 216 21s 215 210 215 Knox 1.871 1.867 1. ." T.8..8 1.551 1.861 1.86' Lancaster 7.428 7.4.T T.419 7.413 7.417 7.416 7.4.0 Lincoln 1.641 1,514 1.537 1.637 1,538 1.537 1.5.17 Leean 140 ! 40 140 14.) I4 14o i: I-oup 2)8 247 247 247 247 247 247 Mcpherson 234 234 134 231 231 234 2-34 Msdison S.137 2.074 2.068 S.071 2,073 2.071 2.071 Merrick 1.133 :M 1.132 1.133 1.132 1.132 1.131 Nance l'.''X2 1.W77 1.077 1.077 1,078 1.077 1.077 Nemaha l6Ji 1.5x2 1.5x3 1,5x2 1.57 V.581 r6Xt Nuckolls 1.519 1.517 1.516 1.516 1515 1.513 1.513 Otoe 2.3 2.242 2.24S 1 241 1.241 2,42 2.242 Pawnee 1.468 1,467 l.f 1,467 1,47 1,467 1.465 Pel kins 254 1-54 254 251 254 254 254 Fhelps 14)5 14(3 V.442 1 44J 1.443 1.44 2 1.441 Pierre Y.f'7 l.i!7 1.065 1M 1.066 1.066 1.067 Platte 1.5M 1.585 1.681 1,58.4 1.582 V.585 1.5x4 Pclk 1.171 1.113 1.115 1 113 1.114 1,112 1.112 Red Willow 1.242 1.138 1.237 1.1' I. S3 1.238 1.434 Richardson J.123 2.119 2.121 2.118 K.120 2,118 2.IU Rock 4 4 469 474 471 469 470 Buline 8.048 fc046 5,"I6 2.014 1,041 2 044 S.040 Barpv 9U 6 ! 9"5 93 iw 9C fcaunders tW) 1306 2,3"'' 2.3V3 2.3"! 281 .34j Scott's Bluff 789 7x7 7 x 7X 788 . 7x Reward 1,9 I.92 1925 1.924 1 925 1 9.2 1.915 ei triilan 7-9 ', 7i7 7i 0l 7'd 716 Hherman " 779 76X 767 77 767 76 ; fcioux 616 M6 516 5i 5!6 5I 514 P.tanton ?. 7i 79 7v9 792 "9 796 Thaver 1,714 l.T7 1,7" 1.7o7 1.7u7 1,7. J l,7i 7 Thomas 95 96 95 V, 95 95 95 Thumton 895 &90 89D 8s 1 S9! . 8x9 Vslley l.Oiil l."4" 1''41 1 010 1.041 1,040 1.040 Wsahlngton 1.693 J'.57 1.5-9 l.5xx 1 5x 1.5x8 1.57 Wayne 1.?'7 1.295 1.2 1.291 1 2MS 1.293 1.21 Webster I. 1.4i 1,6 1 1,44 1.40& 1,X Wheeler -236 2S 234 135 2'.4 2J5 a . York 2.3)9 2.2u7 ?.?' S.2U7 2.2j5 2.2o7 2.2u6 01 1,978 1.6T.6 175 2a 1.676 696 944 5X7 2.516 1.876 l'.4 2,436 1,623 3-i9 1,047 879 1.8X6 1,158 1.2X4 2,778 722 834 1.724 23 1,25 2.439 14.061 4X4 1.753 1.076 1.093 1.397 3,712 363 496 3 6X8 2 234 1.63(' 1.0x4 ?:a 6;i2 1.539 KO 974 1 9.'i8 1.85S 9X7 S11 3'JO 215 K860 7.14 1,544 '4i 217 ?35 2.072 1.132 1.077 1.581 1.618 2.2(3 r,465 154 1.445 1.067 1.5x6 V.115 1.2.18 2.121 470 2.053 9X 2.297 7x8 1 Z 7( 767 616 791 l.i" 9.5 1.043 1 5X-1 1.1'xi 1.404 235 2.2u s 2.3:rr 1,455 74 160 1,583 6x4 8MI 526 2.5K 1.215 2.1J9 2.37 1.733 838 1,2I 809 1.939 1.27 1.722 2,898 716 727 1.92 Z.V 1,100 2.664 15,583 391' 1.9X9 Vl8 847 1.618 3.129 363 634 101 1.072 2.229 1.661 1.158 '277 632 1.777 91 1,150 1.1T4 310 3:.4 124 2.106 8.540 1,382 155 170 165 1.878 1,081 V.t 1.674 1.623 2.411 1.1.5 265 1.2)8 1.095 2.4X7 1.264 1.317 2,258 334 2.249 V.( 2.679 5(9 2.029 733 95 4'l 823 I.T J 191 731 1.0)5 1.4.W l'.O' 1,354 2-".2 2.042 ? 5 f.323 1.452 75 160 1.678 6M) 890 621 2.618 1.211 2.1i 2,390 1,728 331 1.021 8i H 1,936 1.211 1.720 2, to:) 716 727 1.924 393 1.035 2.660 16.579 390 1,990 1.1V7 841 1.613 3.129 363 634 101 1.071 2 225 V 662 1,151 27.4 630 1,767 92 1.4.17 1.783 1.149 1,171 3o9 319 121 2.103 X.533 1.380 153 17) 165 V.81 1 1.079 92.5 1.677 1.62 1 2.411 1.117 265 1.23-, 1.W2 2. 4XJ 1.I.K 1.317 2,251 332 2.1-61 1.0X1 2.672 549 2.01 726 9:4 432 824 I, . 'I 131 73-". 1.M2 1,46 1.(55 1.35a 25.3 2.039 tr i Democrat Ic- I ; T. la'.s... ,.12.J7 121.593 ia,6:t 13S,5!; 12A'J LS.'-li in.199 12,S 131, 131,77 2.333 1.453 74 160 1.578 8X2 8X9 522 2.516 1.211 2.128 2,386 1.731 337 1.023 . Sii9 .1.937 1,262 1.722 2.891 716 77 1.921 3K) 1.1D8 2.662 16.672 390 1,990 1.295 840 1.616 3,126 364 633 lol 1.072 2,226 1.662 1.156 278 6 to 1,769 92 1.4.A 1.79'.' 1.150 1.168 SD 319 124 2.102 8.5U) 1.3X0 151 170 165 V.8o7 l.ONI 92 1.675 1,623 2.410 1.115 265 1.237 1 ,lJ S.4X1 1.191 1,316 2 255 831 .247 I'.OXO 2.673 5(8 2 029 628 921 1 6' 19 1? 7:3 1 o4 1 4-!( V.054 1.34 .a'. I'Xxi i;i,"3( 2.3:a 1,450 74 160 V,68i 6X2 891 621 2.616 1.211 2.3X7 1.72U 1.0.2 80T 1.939 1.260 1,723 2,889 714 725 1.0V2 1.097 2.659 16.560 391 1.989 1,295 841 1.84 3.128 364 613 101 1.070 2 224 1.6ii2 1,15 278 630 1,766 91 1.137 1.7X2 1.1(8 1.173 ) 319 124 2.IK9 8 5;4 1.3x1 153 170 165 l.xnt 1.079 924 1.675 1.524 2.411 1,115 264 1.k36 i ox 2.4X0 1.191 1.317 2.25.1 2.211 1 ,079 2.674 34.x 2.0 8 721 9.1 , 4.' 24 1. J9I Hi) 731 1.045 1 4.8 1.0 A 1.355 2. 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