Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1908, HALF-TONE SECTION, Page 4, Image 20

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Beginning Monday
The Most Gigantic Bargain Sale of Seasonable Merchandise Ever Known Do8,nnlnB ?0der 2ii
November 23d
(7 rn
Laces, Jewelry, Dress Goods,
Underwear, Cloaks and Suits,
Carpets and Rugs, Furnishings,
Clothing, Housefurnishings,etc
Domestics, Ribbons, Notions,
Millinery, Silks and Ribbons.
The Louisville Dry Goods Company 5fi:i Ferguson-McKinney Dry Goods Company of St. Louis
Our buyers secured through Ferguson & McKinney great quantities of the very cream of the stock at wonderful bargain prices, and this great
stock, together with .many other cash purchases, justify us in offering our patrons the season's choicest merchandise at prices that will not be met again in many months. So enormous are the stocks that it will be impos
sible to display but a very limited number of the lines in any one day. , Every day will see new bargain surprises offered until all the stocks are disposed of. Out-of-town customers should order by mail if they cannot attend.
Read Every Item, there's a distinct Price Saving every time. Mail orders will be promptly filled and satisfaction guaranteed.
From the Louisville Dry Goods
Company Mock.
No. 1 Kilk Ribbons, in all colon;
il price, yd Ho
Satin and Taffeta Ribbons, In all
colora, at. yard lo
ISo fancy Parataa Xlbbona Bo
8Bo fancy Vsrslaa sUbbona. . . ,10o
3 So fancy rsrslaa Klbbons. . , ,10o
Wool Dress Goods
aFrom the Louisville Dry Goods Company Stock.
600 pieces of German and French fine Drew Goods. Their
price, $1.25; our price 501
Black Drees Goods. Their price, $1.15; our price. . . .4i)C
300 pieces of Suitings. Their price, $1.60; our price. -39
250 pieces of all Wool Dress Goods. Their price, 85c; our
Dress Goods'. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. 10' 12 4 15 and 1J)
I IV A t It I 11 : V
Sheets and Linens
From the Louisville D . Co's Slock
lobhlnn price 5 He, our retail price.
lonninp price 1 c, our nun
price oc, uui irmii . .............. .
flrx Mn inr rot rill nrlce.
price 12ic, our retail price........
Jobbing price ii.ou, our reuu v "
Yard-wide Fheetlnss.
Yard-wide Sheetings,
Linen Dollies. Jobbing
Linen Dollte. Jobbing:
Ilnen Dollies, Jobbing
laniasK 1 anie i, lotus.
Damask Table Cloths.
1 1 i . ir.ku -1 . u .
Darpaek Table Cloths, Jobbing price 3.00, our retail price.
Jobbing price 11.60, our retail pr ce..
jobbing price 12.00, our retail price.
, . . .60
,. . .80
... .3o
, . . SOa
. . 6o
Kroin the lxiuisvllle Dry Good
Company stork.
8S0 Corset CoTer Embroideries lOo
25o fine Inserting!, yd loo
7So Skirt Tlouncliiys, yd 890
$1.00 Hew pattern Embroideries,
yard 39c
Fromthe Louisville Dry Goods
Co's Stock in our High Grade
Linen Dept.
Scotch table linen, warranted pure
flax, heavy and good for wear,
worth 76c yard. Monday, yd-4S
Belfast satin damask table linen.
2 yards wide, grass bleached, all
pure linen, worth $1.25 yard,
Monday, yard 60
German hemntltched table cloths,
all sizes, pure linen and union,
. a mixed lot, values up to $2.60
each, Monday, each $1.10
Irish dinner napkins, good size,
pure flax, full bleached, assorted
patterns, worth $2 dozen, Mon
day, 6 for 59t
Bafnsley and Steven's crashes,
large assortment, strictly high
grade goods, including all linen
glass towelings, value up to 15c
yard, Monday, yard 9
German hemstitched huck towel?,
different sizes, heavy and absorb
ent, plain, white and colored bor
ders, a decided bargain, at 17c
each, Monday, each 9
Mail orders filled with promptness.
From tht Louisville Dry Goods Co's Stock
Cotton Their jobbing price 50o
Our retail price 38o
Cotton Their Jobbing price 7Bo
Our retail price 49o
Cotton Their Jobbing price $1.00
Our retail price 680
Cotton Their jobbing price $1.60
Our retail price 79o
Cotton Their Jobbing price $2.00
Our retail price 6o
Their jobbing price $1.60
Our retail price 75o
Their jobbing price $2.60
Our retail price 91.10
Their jobbing price 13.00
Our retail price fl.38
Their jobbing price $4.00
Our retail price $1.88
Their Jobbing price $6.00
Our retail price $3.83
Their jobbing price $6.60
Our retail price $3.98
Their Jobbing price $3.00
Our retail price $3.98
Fromthe Louisville Dry
Goods Company stock
Men's Wool Hose Heavy
quality, 39c values, at 19c
Men's Wool Hose In all col
ors, to 25o values, . at 12Vac
and , 10c
Ladle' Hose All wool and wool
fleeced, 60c values, at....J5
Ladles 39c Hosiery, at 19
Ladies' 19c Hosiery, at 10t
Children's Hose All sizes, heavy
winter weights, values to 35c,
at, pair 15, and 1Q
Men's Underwear
From the Louisville Dry
Goods Company stock. -Men's
All Wool Shirts and
Drawers $1.50 values, in
all sizes, at 69c
$2.00 Wool Underwear All
sizes and colors, fine qual
ity, at, garment 98c
Wool Fleeced Underwear
Blues, grays or fancies,
worth to $1.00, at, gar
ment 45 c
Men's Undershirts and Drawers-
Extra fine quality fleece, on sale,
at, garment -35
Men's 60c Fleeced Underwear
All sizes, sale price 20s
Men's Combination Suits Fine
wool and wool fleeced; such
makes as Dr. Wright's health ua-
derwear, etc, sale prices
3.50 values $1.98
$2.60 values 1.50
Dr. Wright's Fleeced Shirts or
drawers,' $1.50 values, at..ftft
Men's Blue Flannel Overshirts
Trimmed with large pearl but
tons, have reinforced sleeve, val
'ues to $2.00, at. .75 and 9S
fpup .! From the Louisville Dry
jcmrciry Goods Company Stock
$1.00 Circle Brooches at 6O0
Very new and popular pearl or
rhlnestone settings, 3 sizes, $1
value 50
Solid Gold Beauty Pins Plain, en
graved or with pearl or turquoise
settings, square or round corners,
all sizes, new designs; values to
$3.50 pair.
$1 $1.50 $1.75 and $2.0O
Bur Plus worth to $1.00 New de
signs in plain engraved stone.
Shell or enameled, a(ll sizes, at
10 25c 35 and 50
Link Buttons Worth to $1.00
Beautifully embossed deBigns In
rose or roman gold and polUhed,
worth to $1, at 15 25 50
Misses' $6.00 Watches $2.95
Dainty enameled watches with
fine Swiss movement, choice of
8 colors, just 100 In the lot, great
"ap, at $2.95
Solid Gold Brooches Values to
$10, pearl settings with genuine
diamond or opal center, greatest
value ever $5.95
Solid Gold Cuff Buttons Big as
sortment, values to $8.50, sale
Prices $1.75 to $5.00
Neck Chains, Hat Pins, Cuff But
tons, Cuff Pins, Baby RlagB, Etc.,
In endless variety, value to 60c,
on sale Monday
Hundreds of articles In Jewelry
worth to 76c; displayed In main
aisle, Monday, at 25
From the Louisville Dry Goods
Company Stock.
$1.00 to $2.00 values 39c and
59c Liberty satins, satin
majestique, directoire sat
ins, chiffon satins, beautiful
messalines, 19 and 27-in.
wide, Foulards, Seco silks,
Rajahs; 19, 27 and 36-in.
black taffetas, black sateen
duchess and messalines, col
or Peau de Chines, Louis
ienes, silk broadcloths, cash
mere taffetas, 27-in. novel
ties, 20-in. evening bro
cades, etc., etc., a magnifi
cent line for selection, actu
al values from $1.00 to $2.00
Undoubtedly the choicest line of
new Bilks ever shown at the prices.
From the Louisville Dry
Goods Company stock.
Pins, per pkg lc
Needles, per pkg lc
Pearl Buttons, per doz. . .lc
BeBt Sewing Thread, spool. . . .4
100 yd. silk, per spool 5
Darning cotton, spool l
60c pad hose supporters. .. .19
15c Children's hose supporters,
at 7H
Hooks and eyes, per card....l
And hundreds of other staple
and fancy notion Items at corres
ponding bargain prices.
" Domestics
rrom the X.onlsTLUe S. O. Oo's. Stock
Arnold's Flannelettes; their Jouiiiih
price 16c, our retail price 7io
Arnold's Flannelettes; their Jobliinn
prlre 10c, our retail price 60
Paclfio Flannelettes; their jobbing
price 1 2 io, our retail price. . . ."Ho
1'uciflc Flannelettes; their Jobbing
price 10c, our retail price 60
White India Llnons; their JobbliiT
price 10c, our retail price 3V4o
White India Llnotm; their Jobbing
price our retail price SHo
Apron Checks; their Jobbing price
tc, our retail price 14
Linen Toweling; their jobbing price
10 Vic. our retail r!c3 7Ho
Linen Toweling; their jobbing price
8 Vic, our retail price So
Linen Toweling; their Jobbing price
7 Vic, our retail price 3Ho
Napkins, dozen; their Jobbing priro
fi.50, our retail price 85o
Napkins, dozen; their jobbing price
$1.25, our retail price 7So
Sheetings, 10-4; their jobbing price
23c, our retail price 18o
Sheetings, lt-4: their jobbing price
22c, our retail price 16o
Leather Goods
and Laces
From the Louisville Dry
Goods Company stock.
Only two lots of our Immense
purchase can be shown on Mon
lay. Other lots offered later.
LACKS Appliques, bands, edges,
etc, to $1.00 values 19c
HAND BAGS $1.50 values, In
black or brown, 1 2-lnch . . . . 69c
Women's and Children's Outer
From the Louisville Dry Good3 Company stock.
$15.00 Long Coats at $5.00100 garments, all new styles for
selection; actual values to $15.00; choice 85.00
$35.00 French Coney Fur Coats; sale price $18.50
$6.00 and $6.00 Walking Skirts in
Panamas and fancy mixtures
handsome new styles, sale price,
at $2.95
$1.50 Coney Fur Scarfs. . .$59
Children's Coats Big assortment,
values to $5, at $1.98
Women's $5.00 and $6.00 WaUts,
silks and nets, choice. . .$1.98
$1.25 Sateen Underskirts. .(9
Women's Dressing Sacques, values
to 75c, on sale, at. 25
Flannelette Wrappers Values to
$2.00, sale price 70
$1 and $5 Shawls, choice. $1.50
Covert Jackets Values up to $10,
sale price $4.95
Women's Waists worth to $2.00,
big assortment, choice. .. .79
Children's Caps and Bonnets, vaU
ues to 75c, choice 19
and Pillow Cases
From the Louisville Dry
Goods Co. stock, in our high
grade Linen Dept. Monday.
$1.10 Sheets, size 81x90, each 85c
$1.00 Sheets, size 1x90, each 75c
30c Sheets, size 81x90, each.. 69c
SOc Sheets, size 81x90, each.. 59c
95c Sheets, size 72x90, each. .75c
89c Sheets, size 72x90, each.. 65c
75c Sheets, size 72x90. each. .59c
bc Sheets, size 72x90, each.. 55c
12V4c Pillow Cases, 42x36, ea. 9o
16c Pillow Cases, 42x36. ea. . .lOo
15c Pillow Cases, 45x36, ea...lOc
18c Pillow Cases, 45x36, ea...llo
50 elegant Marseilles Bed Spreads,
strictly high grade, first class
goods; heavy pronounced pat
terns, knotted fringe with cut
corners, slightly mussed, worth
$7.50 each; Monday, each $2.75
100 hemmed Crochet Bed Spreads,
full size, heavy and durable,
good value at $1.25; Monday,
each B0
All mail orders receive our
careful and prompt atteation.
Drugs and Druggists'
Sundries from the Louisville Stock
2-grala Quinine Capsules, per dozen Bo
S-graln Quinine Capsules, 3 dozen B5o
Laxative Tablets (Vascuruttes), dozen fio
Witch Haiti, per pint B5o
Hay Hum, per pint ....1 3S
Lime Water, per quart lOo
Hydrogen Jeruxlde 60, lOo and 33o
Graves' 19e Lyons N. ISo
gozodont 17o ttuthymol 19o
lOo Cardock's loo
16o Colgate's 16o
16o Royal 120
97o Java Rice 97o
39o Kicker's 39o
ISo Adherente l&o
Vloletas ISo
Ormond 37o
Haydun Bros.' Special. .. .170
Colgate's Bo
Williams' Barber Bar Bo
Turtle OH Shaving Stick.. So
Mennen's .
Kicker's . .
Pozzonl's . .
Carmine . . .
Pompelan Massage Cream,
at 390, 490, 690
Consuelo S3o
White Rose Glycerine, two
bars for lBo
Jap Kose 80
Absorbent Cotton at before unheard of low prices.
Toilet articles all go at lowest prices ever known.
Grand Millinery Bargains Monday
$2.00 Trimmed Hnta, regular $3
values, at, choice $1.00
Fancy Feathers, Long Aigrettes,
Breasts, Etc., worth to $1.50,
choice 19 and 10
Ostrich riumes, 18 and 20-in.
long French curl, black only;
values to $8. .$3.50. $2.50
300 Trimmed Hats, regular $5
values, at, choice $1.08
Natural Coques, Long Breasts,
beautiful, fancy effects; worth
to $1.50, choice 49f
Ostrich Plumes, very wide, heavy
French stock, black and colors,
values to $12.... $5 and $6
f 1.60 Black Felt Flats Big assortment for selection, Monday. 59
All Millinery marked In plain figures here.
Rugs and Carpets
From the Louisville Dry Goods Co. Stock
$18.00 Tapestry Brussels Rugs 9x12 size; sale
price $11.48
$30.00 Extra Axminster Rugs 9x12 size, sale
price ...$19.98
$15.00 Tapestry Brussels Rugs 9x11 size; sale
price ; $10.98
$30.00 Seamless Wilton Rugs 9x12 size; sale
price $17.98
$20 Fine Velvet Rugs, 9x12 size, sale price $14.08
911 Seamless Brussels Rugs, 6x9 size, Bale price.. $0.08
$15 One Seam Brussels Rugs, 8-3x10-6 size, price. $11.48
$45 Wilton Velvet Rugs, 9x12 size, sale price $32.50
$5.00 Axminster Rugs, 36x72, big line of patterns.. $3.49
$2.50 Sample Rugs, no two alike, 1 V4 yd. long, at.. $1.25
$2.00 Sample Rugs, no two alike, li yd. long, at.. 98c
$1.50 Sample Rugs, no two alike, 1 V yd. long, at.. 75c
fl.OO Sample Rugs, choice 49c
50c Ingrain Carpets, half wool, big range of patterns,
yard ' 29c
Ladies' and Children's
Fromthe Louisville Dry
Goods Company stock.
Ladies' 75c silk fleeced Vests
cr Pants White or gray,
at 39c
Ladies 50c Vests or Pants
All sizes and colors; on sale
at 25C
Ladies 39c Vests or Pants
All sizes, heavy quality, at,
each 19C
Ladies 25c Vests or Pants
Heavy weight, white or
gray 15c
Ladies' Union Suits, all wool or
silk and wool; values to $5, sale
price $2.50
Ladit's' Wool I'nlon Suits, regular
values to $3, several different
styles, at $1.50
Ladies Vests and Pants, values to
$2.50 garment, silk and wool or
all wool, at 98
Chililrtn's Wool Vests and Pants
values to $1.25, big assortment,
all sizes 50J
Children's Vests or Pants, 50c val
ues, on sale, at..v 25
30c values, at 19
25c values, at 15 1
Shoes from the Louisville Dry Goods Co.
Men's kangaroo calf bluchers, men's satin calf plain toe bals
and men's box calf bluchers, styles worth to $2.50, $1.50
Boys' and Youths' Satin Calf Bals and Bluchers, worth up to $1.75.$1
Women's, Misses' and Child's $1.75 and $1.50 dongola lace and blucher
Btyle shoes $1.00
Children's fine patent colt cloth top, button and lace shoes, also fancy
top dongola shoes, at 75 and C9t?
Women'! vlcl kid. welt and turn sole, also gun metal, button or lace,
worth up to $3.50, at $1.08
Men's or Women's all felt and plush slippers 39
'From the Louisville Dry Goods
Thomson's Glove Fitting Corsets,
one big lot of regular $1 values,
medium bust, long hip models,
with hose supporters attached,
front and side, sale price.. 75
75c Corsets In fine coutll, splen
did assortment of models, hose
supporters attached; all steel
filled, choice Monday 49
$1 and 75c Bust Ruffles, pads
and bustles, sale prices Monday,
at 25 and 50
Clothing Bargains
From the LouisviUe Stock.
$15 and $18 Men's Suits. . . . $8.75
$15 and $18 Overcoats.... $8.75
$12 and $15 Youths' Suits $8.50
$12 and $16 Overcoats $8.75
$ and $6 Knee Pants Suits $2.85
$5 and $6 Boys' Overcoats. .$2.85
$3.5u and $4.50 Knee Pants Suits,
at $1.85
$3.60 and $4.50 Boys' Overcoats,
at . $2.85
$1.00 Knickerbocker Knee Pants,
at 09c
75c Knickerbocker Knee Pants,
at .... 48c
50c Knickerbocker Knee Pants,
at 29c
fieedt Bargains In Crockery
8-ln. dinner plates. 8 for..lO
Soup Coupes 6 for 25
Handled Cups and Saucers
6 for 450
Sauce Dishes O for 20
Covered Dishes 25
Vegetable Dishes, each 10
14 and 16-inch Turkey Platters,
each 49
Colonial Water Glasses, 6 for 25
Wine Glasses O for 20
Celery Stands, each 10
Berry Bowls, each 9
Genuine Atkins Saws
25c on Iht
Two thousand rnoln Atkins' Saws, entire bankrupt stock of a whols
sals Hard wars company go on slt Monday from a5o up rip, panel, cross
cut, ate, ato., sto.
Tho last of our Western Washers on
aule at 93-60
Larpe 30c Coal Hods, last sala. . . .160
SO Clollu-H Plus, best white quality,
for lOo
Large No. 3 size Iron Wagon, worth
2 'i'u, only une sale to close then
out $1X0
C0c Furnace Hhovels. fits the door, 35o
60c lartcu 1 'Inner liurkets , lEo
I .urge $1.00 Waffle Irons 69o
Sirs, t'otts' $1.25 atts Sucl Irons.. 7So
L'l lam:tKd Wash HuIIit. worth u
to Si. DO each, on sale for 60o to $1.00
J5c Parlor Hrooms ISo
3 Co KiiaineKd LHah Pans ICo
Hammers, Hatchets, Tack Hammers,
etc lOo
$l.Io Men's Handled Axes, only.. 640
Genuine Atkins Huck Maws 390
fine Cunihlualion 1'lyers, ntcLi I plated,
for 89c
6-lnch Monkey Wrench, only 1 So
Laiy Double Koastsra 86o
600 (bankrupt stock) large Self Itaat
Iiik Hunter, worth S00 each; on
sale for only 98c
Hetter than 8avory Roasters, only 790
The (tenulne Knsy Ak-Sur-Hen Wimh
Machine, worth 17.60 to $10. UJ, Mon
day SJ.98
Hound American Wash Machines, to
clotte out Sa.CO
Stove Dept. Steel Ranges
The Mikado, with high closet and 18-Inch
square oven. Just like the cut. It is
nickeled In Imperial style; am ranges
that look Ilka this, but of. interior make.
' ars told at from $45.00 to $60.00; our
price, set up In your house, Including
pipe, etc, $20.50
Base Burners The
Master Economy, the
only genuins soft coal
base burner on the
market. will also
burn hard coal. Guar
anteed to hold (ire
for 48 hours, Why
pay $60 or $60 for a
Base Burner when
you can buy the
Master Economy like
the cut with 4 6-inch
fire pot for . . $
4-Hole, Steel Cook Stove $8.9S
Best Polished Pipe 25
Best Coke Iron Stove Pipe lOt
Coke Iron Elbows, plain and adjustable 15
Best Russian Iron Elbows 25a
Corrugated Elbows
Grand Opening Monday of Our Mammoth New
$5,000 Tea and Coffee Department
We have Just completed the largest and finest tea and coffs department west of New York City. Monday, we
want every lady In Omaha to come In and get a beautiful carnation free. Also to every purchaser of 1 pound of
tea or coffee, we will present to them a handsome, decorated Japanese Tea Cup and Saucer, or Bread and But
ter Plate, as souvenir. We roast all our own coffees. Everything Is Iniuglit green. In Us nutural state, so
you are assured of getting fresh roasted and highest quality of coffee grown.
Fancy Maracalbo Blend Coffee, open
sale, per pound 15c
Fancy Maracalbo Blend Coffee,
opening sale, per pound 17 He
Fancy Porto Rico Blend Coffee, open
ing tale, per pound 20o
Fancy Oriental Blend Coffee, opening
sale, per pound ...23c
Fancy Ankola Blend Coffee, opening
sale, per pound 23c
Fancy H. B. C. Blend Coffee, opening
sale, per pound 3c
The beat M. 4. J. Blend, the finest
grown, per pound 35o
Three pounds for $1.00
Choice Sun Dried Japan Tea, lb.. 25c
Choice Basket Fired Japan Tea, per
pound ; 30c
Fancy Spider Leg Japan Tea, per
pound 353
Fancy Moyune Congon or English
Breakfast, per pound 35c
Fancy Moyune Gunpowder Tea.
per pound 35c
Fancy India Ceylon Tea, per lb.. 38c
Fancy Formosa, Oolong Tea, per
pound 38c
The Best Tea Sittings, per lb .... 1 6c
Grocery Bargains For The Opening
The best pure cane granulated
sugar at less than Jobber's cost.
48-lb sacks Highland Patent Flour,
at 1 25
10 Bars Beat 'Em All, or Diamond C
Soap 2Dc
Per box, 100 bars $2.50
6-lb. Choice Japan Rice 25c
Domestic Macaroni, package 6c
The Best Hand Picked Navy Beaus,
per pound oC
3-lb. cans solid packed tomatoes. 8 c
1-lb cans Best Brands Lye 6c
Jello. per pWg 5c
Dr. Price's Malt Vita, Egg-u-oee.
etc., per package 6 He
Our regular low prices on all fresh
vegetables and fruits.
Lace Curtains and
Front Louisville Stock
Brussels and Saxony Lace Cur
tains of very flue quality, 8 7
pairs in the lot phenomenal
values at, pair, $17.5U, $13.0(1,
and 12.50
4tf pairs Embroidered Swiss
Lace Curtains, great bargain,
at, pair $.i.ot
71 Puirs Irish Point Lace Cur
tains, great snap at, ealo
price $.YlH
110 Pairs Brussels Curtains
beautiful patterns, snap,
at $1.2.1
89 pairs Nottingham Curta.ns
elaborate dtsigus, sale price,
pair .25
CO Pairs Novelty Curiums
Splendid bargains, at, pair,
$1.8 and $ !-!
(O-inch Couch Covers Persian
Bagdad or orientals special
bargains. $2.0M to KSH.50
Jfl.liO oriental Couch Covers -st
Thanksgiving Week Special
in Dining Room
$2" .i' a D'niii ' J ablts
like cut, fine quartered cak, 0
ft. extension, at $1.00
Other Extension Tabid Bitralns
prices from $5.50 to $20
An elegant Hue of Leather Seat
Dining Chulra al1 Ire bf st makes
at $2.50, $:i.23, $5.15 up.