Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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Ball Doug. 618 Both rhones Beach All Dspte. Infl. A-1S41
Porter Who Stole $10,000 Trunk
Victim of Evil Impul$e.
wmggmi mm
Last Call Come Here Monday
The last day of the Great Black Dress Goods Sale. Come, watch
the crowds buy. .black goods Monday. Almost every -woman wants
at least one black dress or skirt. All broken lines to be still further
reduced. Every piece Is all aool, superior quality and a handsome
f 1.00 all wool chiffon Panama, 55c yard.
All 1.50 Pekln Stripe Mvelty, 79c yard.
All $1.25 Herringbone stripe Novelty,' 76c yard.
All $1.25 Parisian stripe Novelty, 76c yard.
The secret of the superior quality, beautiful deep rich black lies
in the fact they were all made by a noted French manufacturer.
This surplus stock came from an importer who wished to close the
entire line. Many pretty styles to show you.
NOTE It is the skill, thorough tailoring that gives our man
tailored skirts to your special order their smart air. Or perhaps
it is the good quality of the materials, for quality always counts.
See the petty models to choose from.
Scalloped Hand Embroidered Fancy Linens
Hand embroidered doilies, centers, scarfs and lunch cloths in
range of beautiful designs. Irish work and credit to Ireland.
Round dollieB, 6-in. in diameter, 60c each.
9-in. In diameter. 65c and 76c each. . ..
12-in. In diameter 85c and $1.00 each.
Scalloped Embroidered Scarfs.
Scalloped Emb. Scarfs 18x45, $3.00 and $4.00
Scalloped Emb. Scarfs 18x54, $3.50 and $4.50
Scalloped Emb. Scarfs 18x36, $2.50 and $3.56
New Winter Coats
This is the Coat Season. All the very newest and
most etyliBh garments are being shown on our
fecond floor.
Velour Coats, Covert Coats, Black Broadcloth
Coats, Fancy Coats, Evening Coats, Semt-Evening
Coats, hundreds of lovely creations to select from.
Coats from $15.00 to $75.00.
Silk Hosiery
Our Silk Hosiery represents Beauty,
Itlllty and Merit In the highest de
gree. We now have the fluent line
of Kmbroldered Silk Hosiery ever
submitted for your inspection.
Every pair hand embroidered ea-
Fec tally for us. The finest Silk Hons
n America. All patterns exclusive.
Prices: $2.00 to $10.00 per pair.
tea ' W
Synopsis Published, in Which He
Takei Fall Oat of England.
Two Gallons Moat Art Tog-ether or
Inited States Will Have to
Fight Japan In Less
Than Tear.
NEW YORK. Nov. 21. What purports to
be an "absolutely accurate and authentic
syr.cpsla" of the Interview obtained from
Kmperor William of Germany by Dr. Wil
liam Bayard Hale and subsequently with
drawn Just as It was about to appear in
the Century magaitne. Is printed In the
World today. The World declares that the
article as originally written was submitted
to Dr. Hale and that it appears today "as
charged by Dr. Hale."
The Interview It eald to have taken
place on the imperial yacht Hohenollern,
off Bergen, Norway, while Dr. Hale was
tlie emperor's guest. The World summar
ies the main points of the emperor's inter-
View as follows:
That King Edward of Great Britain
had been humiliating htm for more than
two years and that he a as exasperated,
tlat Germany was the paramount power
u all Europe and that England waa trying
d ntutrallze that pewer.
That he held Frai ce In the hollow of
its ham', and that Russia was of no ac
6 msvussm
No sale too larg:"tione too
small for us to handle. We
have regular Cut Diamonds
in Rings at $5.00, and
others up to SI, 200. Ear
Screws'Studs'Scarf Pins
, Brooches" Pendants" Lock'
ets and Cuff Buttons at all
ev ev " sk
prices. .
Let Us Show Them to You
Lunch Cloths
Lunch Cloths
Lunch Cloths
It helps to set His
Women's Mocha Gloves
Nothing finer or more comfort
able for the cold days than a good
mocha glove. We are Omaha sell
ing agents for Ireland Brothers'
makes and know these to be the
best. '
One Pearl clasp, best quality of
mocha, heavy Bilk lining, in black,
brown, tan and gray, per pair $2.
One clasp Mocha gloves, either
silk lined or unlined, In black,
brown, tan, red and gray, per pair
Cotton Challis
Faat colored, fine quality,
In beautiful line of l'rslan
and floral deiilgns. Juat
splendid for comfort cover
ings. , At special price,
$Ho yard.
count ' since " the disastrous war It had
staged with Japan.
"That If the pan-European war which
had been so much talked about was Inevi
table, the'' sooner it came the better It
would be. for him, becauae ho was ready
and was tired of the suspense.
Grent Britain Decadent.
"That Great Britain had been a decadent
nation ever alnce lta victory over, th
Trarsvaal and the Orange Free State, be.
cause it was an unrighteous, , ungodly
cause, and Divine judgment was bouni
eventually to overtake the powerful no
tion that waged auch a. War.
"That the Anglo-Japanese alliance waa
an iniquitous alliance against all the whl'.e
races, England proving: absolutely Its
faithlessness aa a.Chrlaflan nation; that
Japan waa honeycombing India with sedi
tion and flooding It with spies while pro
f easing openly to be England's frieltd ajnrt
. "That the only way to counteract this
alliance was for Germany and America to
ot together at an early date, or America
would have to fight the Japanese in ' ten
months. . -
"That In the event of a great war Eng
land would lose many ot her large colonies,
especially thoae In the Pacific, and that all
he would t"ke for Germany would - be
Egypt, though he would liberate the Holy
Iand from the yoke of the Infidel, pre
sumably meaning the sultan..
"That tho perfecting of the Zeppelin di
rigible balloon would give Germany a
powerful advantage In war, and It was
ready to make use of It to-the fulleat. ex
tent." o Serrecv Imposed.
The World declarea that Emperor William
know when he made these statements that
The Horn
Has precipitated a most prosperous season upon us. From all over
the great United States comes news of bounteous crops which indicates
a season of unprecedented prosperity and that money will be plentiful.
It certainly is a season of thankfulness. Not only are we thankful
for all of these great things, but are thankful for your valued patron
age of the past year. This great and successful store could not have
grown to its present basis without it. "Ve especially invite you to our
store on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday , of this week. Aside from
the great winter stocks which are now at their best; there will be many
lines specially priced. After Thanksgiving we, commence our Xmas
readiness. Better get those gift lists ready. t
Thanksgiving Linens
Three more days then Thanksgiving; tis time to think of table linens. Of course
every hostess will want her table to look Its very best. In many cases this means
a new cloth or a dozen napkins or perhaps some doylies. We are prepaVed to meet
you wants with linens thattiave character and quality and they are not high priced.
Buy the Thanksgiving linens at Omaha's best linen store Thompson, Belden & Co.
Lunch Cloths.
36x36, $3.50, $3.75 and $6.75
45x45, $4.50 and $4.75.
54x54, $6.75.
Majesty the Turkey off in a better manner to have your linens
Separate Skirts"
Designed by Bonwit. Models after Drlacoll and other
skirt specialists. Skirts ready to wear, made by men
tailors, at $8.60, (10 00, $12.50, $13.50, $15.00 and up to $35.
, Fine Furs
All the Christinas Furs are now here. Choice skins,
lovely new styles, in Lynx. Fox, Wolf, Chinese Sable. Mink
and other stylish furs. All the new Rug Muffs. See what
we show before you purchase.
Something New at Infant's
Wear Department.
The new things are always shown
here, first. Thursday's express
brought us these beautiful and ex
clusive robes; to be used for carri
ages or go-carts. Made of white
Mongolian lam. Cape Angora, genuine
Angora and Thibbet. All have linings
of fancy quilted .satin, satteen or eid
erdown. Prices $4.60, $6.00, $7.50,
"$8.00. $9.00, $12.50, $16.60, and
$25.00 each.
Now on display ot infants' wear de
partment. Stop and see them.
Dr. Hale waa an American newspaper man
and magaitne writer, but that neverthe
less the statements were made without
reservation and that no secrecy was Im
posed. The Interview had been formally
arranged through the German foreign of
fice, it is said, and that at the conclusion
of the Interview, Dr. Hale returned to
Berlin and told ' high officials of the for
eign office the success he had had.
' "They forbad him to publish It," the
World story continues. "Then they ex
plained to lilir. at some length that even a
hint at possibilities so serious, coming from
one who had been the emperor's guest,
might throw the wholo world. Into the most
disastrous war of all time. , The attitude
of these officials is said to have been that
the emperor was Irresponsible when he
gave way to auch fits of temper."
Foreign Office Bloe Pencils.
It Is said that Dr. Hale obeyed the In
structions of the foreign office In the prep
aration of his Interview.' but later, when
the manuscript was submitted to the high
German officials, "they are said to have
so butchered It that little which was worth
wbllo waa left." It was In this final form,
according to the World, that .the article
was accepted by the Century. It was prac
tically ready for publication when the re
quest came from Berlin that even the Inter
view In Its revised form be suppressed.
Then tho electrotypes and all copies of the
Interview were destroyed before the public
snnouncement that the Interview had been
withdrawn was made. ,
Follows Printed Form Handed Him
by Chancellor.
BERLIN, Nov. 21. Emperor William
made a public speech in this city this
morning on the occasion of the centennial
celebration of the formation of the city
council of Berlin. Instead of speaking ex
temporaneously, aa Is his usual custom, he
read his address from a printed form that
was handed to him by Chancellor Ton Bue
low. Hia majesty said:
"The municipality of Berlin was created
In tho midst of the fire of the wars of
liberation, but since that time it has been
developed by the devotion of the cttixena
of the capital. This gives me hope that
the municipality of the future also will
retain the spirit of true cltltenshlp and that
nothing will force Itself between the prince
and the people."
(Continued from First Page.)
operating expenses of the entire system
wers about 71 per cant of the gross earn
ings of the system. The gross earnings of
the company la Nebraska were $J0.64. 786.74
and tho operating expenses amounted to
$12,0O4.7W.t7. The company received per
passenger per mile In Nebraska 18.1 mills
and on the system 18.1 mills.
The receipts per ton per, mile in Ne
breaks wars 11.1 mills and on the system
71 mills. Tho average number of pas
sengers per train carried la Nabraaka was
seventy-two and on the entire system sixty-
Thirty-three people wers killed and 694
m j,. pajjflsjsjnsnassssasissesessnnsonsssssssssaBsssssssisBsssssssssssB
of Plenty
Embroidered Table Cloths for Thanksgiving
2x3 yard embroidered table cloths, $15 and $25 each.
2x3 yard embroidered table cloths, $25, $30, $35
and $45.
2Ux2U yard embroidered table cloths, $35 each.
. Women's Sweater Coats and Vests
Very new and comfortable Vests from $1.25 to $2.60.
Coats from $3.60 to $5.00.
Women's Fine Tailor-Made Suits
Our grand assortment of Fine Suits is still un
broken, tl ougli we have sold hundreds and hundreds
of lovely Suits this neason. We are . constantly re
reiving new things from the fashion centers .if this
great country. Monday some 30 Suits, broken sizes,
worth up to $30.00, at $15.00. No alterations.
Kabo Corsets
We have placed In stock several
new models of Kabo corsets all de
signed to supply the necessary figure
for the latest effect in gowns.
Among them the new long back with
the front severely straight producing
a very slender waist effect. There
are a number .of very distinctive
styles In the Kabo line, among which
are unusually well fitting models for
slender and over-developed figures.
Prices from $1.00 to $3.50 each.
Injured in Nebraska during the year. No
passenger was killed. Twenty-two of the
number killed were reported trespassers
and eleven were railway employes.
The company has capital stock amount
ing to $110,839,100 and its bonded debt Is
$1)13,061,000. During the year the company
paid $15,617,474 in dividends and drew from
the surplus fund $6,650,346. One dividend, ot
8 per cent and another of 6 per cent were
paid on the stock. The company paid on
bonded Indebtedness $7,126,003.33. It ex
pended $13,650,616.23 in betterments for road
way and equipment, which waa charged to
capital stock and $3,186,414.61 which was
charged to special funds.
Delegation Mlases Governor.
Governor Sheldon this morning went to
Aurora to join Mrs. Sheldon, who went
thero yesterday. By leaving when he did
the governor missed a delegation from Wa
hoo, headed by Chairman Hamilton of the
republican county committee of Saunders
county. Thla delegation came down to tell
the governor that E. E. Good of Wahoo
would make mighty good on the supreme
bench aa one of the Judges he has to ap
point. The delegation thought it had an
engagement with the governor, but the
dates evidently got mixed.
Cnpltal City Briefs.
Senator Norrls Brown came in yesterday
from Omaha, and after a consultation with
Senator Burkett left thla morning for Au
rora, where Governor Sheldon intended to
spend Sunday,
Company C of the Flrat regiment. Na
tional Guard, will have a banquet on the
night of November 24 at Beatrice. The
following have been Invited to be present:
Governor Sheldon. Adjutant General
Schwars. Major Phelpe, Major Birkner.
Captain Cook and Sergeant Ross.
Miss May Wlliarnuth, now stenographer
in the office of the adjutant general, will
become the stenographer in the office of the
state treasurer, I G. Brian, the first of
the year.
Booth Chicago Mills to Resume.
r-Hir-Arsn Nov. 21. Official announce
ment waa made today that work will be
resumed at once at the mllla of the Illinois
Bieel company at South Chicago, the
majority of which have been Idle for more
than a year, it was saio. mai e.uuu men
iii h ilr,i Immediately and that by De
cember 1 the mllla will be running In full
force, fcivlng employment to St leaat 12.0u0
make sura It Is boiled at least
IS mlnuUs. That brines forth
flavor and food value.
"There's a Retisn"
Pennants, Pillows, Armbands
.Thanksgiving Day relghton University and Haskell Indians will
Indulge in a foot ball game. Show your college spirit by waving a
pennant at-the game. Complete stock of Creighton pennants from
25c to $1.00.
Creighton University arm bands at 25c. Nebraska University
Pennants, Bellevue Pennants, Omaha High School Pennants,
Brownell Hall Pennants, 25c to $1.00. If we haven't what you want
we will order it for you, no extra charge. Complete line of felt pillow
tops representing different schools and universities, makes a fine
Xmas gift. Buy them now at our store.
A PHOENIX MUFFLER you will need one to wear at the foot
ball game Thursday. Has a sweater effect, an excellent covering for
the throat and chest. Snaps In front. ' All colors in plain and fancy
at men's department, each 50c.
Bargain Square in Basement, Monday
Remnants of unbleached muslin, regular 6cquallty, at, yard
2 He.
Remnants of 10c outing flannels, in light and dark colorings,
at, yard 6c.
Round Center Pieces
18-ln. In diameter, $1.60 and $1.75 each.
20-ln. in diameter, $2.00 each.
30-ln. in diameter, $2.76, $3.50, and $3.75 each.
45-in. in diameter, $7.50 each.
54-in. in diameter, $12.00 each.
Special Sale Fancy Linens Monday
100 dozen 35c eyelet embroidered dollies, Monday's price
15c each.
50 dozen $1.50 eyelet embroidered centerpieces, Monday's
price, 89c each.
75 dozen eyelet embroidered center pieces, Monday's price.
fi.bu eacn.
of a snowy white.
Round and Square Scalloped Table Cloths
and Napkins to Match
2x2 yards scalloped round cloths $6.00 and $7.50.
2Iix24 yd. scalloped round cloths $7.75 and $10.
2x2 yd. scalloped round cloths $10 and $12.
2x2 y yd. scalloped square cloths $6.75 and $7.50.'
2x3 yd. scalloped square cloths $8.76.
22x22 in. scalloped napkins $10 per dozen.
26x26 In. scalloped napkins, $15.00 dozen.
Blanket Department
Cotton Blankets at 39c a pair.
Sllkoline Comforts at 98c each.
Malsh Laminated Cotton Com
forts, size 72x84, at $2.00 each.
Down Comforts at $5.00 and
$6.00 each.
Crib Comforts, regular 60c qual
ity, Monday at 39c each.
"St. . Mary's" Wool Blankets,
white or natural, at $4.25 a pair.
Beacon Blankets at all prices
from 75c to $5.00.
Domestic Department
Cotton Batting for com
forts, size 72x90, one make
comfort, 76c, $1.00, $1.25
and $1.60 each.
(Continued from First Page.)
lean of Pittsburg, who Is now in Ireland,
la so deeply interested In the industrial
revival movement that he has announced
his readiness to back anv nrantlcal Indus.
'trial undertaking In Ireland with $50,000.
He is making a tour or the country, Inves
tigating its business possibilities, and he
declares that he will Interest a Urge
amount of American capital in Irish In
dustries on his return.
Thla la Death Mat is
Near Red Lodaje
Coal Mines
HELENA, Mont., Nov. 21. A special to
the Record from Red Lodge says that nine
men lost their lives as the result of a
fire in the coal mines of the Northwestern
Improvement company. These bodies have
betn recovered, but the others are believed
to be Irretrievably buried beneath thou
sands of tons of earth and burned to a
crisp. All the victims, with one exception,
vtre Finns.
The six men reported missing laat night
attempted to escape through tunnel No. I.
instead of going by way of the air shaft
Trey were overtaken by the flames and
suff tested.
Fate of Walter took. Who Abases
Little Ulrl la Soath
Omaha. " '
Walter Cook, convicted by a jury in
criminal court of a criminal aaaault on a
little Pouth Ornaha girl, waa sentenced to
twenty years In the penitentiary Saturday
morning by Judge Bears. Before senten
cing him Judge Sears overruled a motion
for a new trial.
Cook was charged with enticing two lit
tle girls. Hauls Rothhols snd Beulah
Graham, Into a room In the hotel in which
they all lived and committed the assault
on Hgttie Rothhols.
Report Reaches State DeaartmVat of
Troahlo oa Yangtae, Near
WASHINGTON, Nov. fL-The first re
port of an outbreak under the new regime
n China came to the State department
today from American Consul General Mar
tin at Hankow, who reported that a riot
had occurred on the Tangtae in that vicin
ity. The cause of the trouble waa not
Aaaroada Ftra Not Series.
BLTTB, Mont., Nov. IL-An official state
ment by the Amalgamated Copper com
pany today says that the fire In the Ana
condl properties Is no more serious than
Thanksgiving Candy Special
for Monday
Balduff's stand up pan caramels
plain and nut assorted regu
lar price 50c per pound, Monday
pound, only 30c.
It has been for ten years past and that
a full force of men will soon resume work.
Over Nino Million Bales Prodneed
from Growth of 1008 to Mid
dle of November.
WASHINGTON. Nov. U.-A total of 9,630.
563 bales and 26,638 active ginneries are an
nounced 1n the census bureau report issued
today summarising the cotton ginned from
the growth of 1908 to November 14 and the
number of active ginneries, against 7,300,646
bales and 26,621 active ginneries for the,
corresponding date last year. The report
counts round as half balea and excludes
The report includes 171,112 round balea
for 108, 142.210 for 1S07 and 200,866 for 1906.
Sea Island bales Included 67,136 for 1ft .
44,698 for 1907 and 30,671 for 1906. Sea Island
cotton . Includes Florida, 23,634 balea;
Georgia, 27,283 and South Carolina. 6,218.
Two Haadred Covers Will Bo Laid
for the Dinner at Commercial
t'loh Taeaday.
Arrangement of the program , for the
"Good Fellowahlp" dinner at the Com
mercial club Tuesday evening Is as fol
lows: Toastmaster Euclid Martin.
Thoroughbreds T. B. McPherson.
Good Fellowship T. W. McCullough.
Railroad Ties A. L Mohler.
Bulls and Breaks Bruce McCulloch.
Greater Omaha W. S. Wright.
The number of reservations made 1
Saturday noon makes It evident that tli
limit of 200 covers to be laid will be easily
attained. '. . .
rk crackling fire, an easy chair, a bottle or
Stars and Stripes to sip, and let the winds howl
without! Have you a case at home? Do you
know how much It adds to the enjoyment of a
winter's evening? Call us up tomorrow decide
It now and learn a hat good beer really Is.
Order a Case Delivered
Office 140T Saras St.,
Vhoas Bong. 10.
mm ui' hi i.miii.uiis ii in a.i'JUB
loan lnn In Helnnird from St.
Joseph and Indued In Jatl
lo Await Hie Law's
Demand i.
On the Impulse of a moment, Charles
I.ronarJ. porter at (lie llrnshaw hotel,
tripped and fell from honor to obloquy ;
with no evil premeditation, lie did a deed
In an Inatant of temptation that may aon.l
him from tl.e sphere ot simple respectabil
ity to prison.
"1 never thought of taking the trunk .
until an hour before 1 did."
This was the stittement made last nlfiiit
by Ionrfid, who admits he Mole a Jewelry
trunk containing $(0." worth of sample;
and stock from Charles F. Hartshorn. ii
traveling salesman.
Leonard arrived in Uniahu at 6:10 last
evening In the custody of Detective,' Van
Dusen, who went to St. Joseph r'rtiliiy
night to get him. After the arrlv, of Mm
train and while waiting for the patrol
wagon to convey them to the pollcejallin.
Van Dusen and Leonard sat In the Vjttln
room of the Burlington depot. I.eonm JVvm
very uncommunicative, but In answert
direct questions admitted taking the truiilr.
saying he knew of Its valuable contents
and that on the spur of the moment and
under a sudden Impulse he tried to gei
away with it.
"Any hotel reported ran tell by looking
t a trunk what Is In It." he said. "Shoe
trunks, hat trunks, clothing trunks, all ate
It is thought that the trunk was not even
opened by Leonard. He checked It to Pt.
Joseph,, but It waa Intercepted at Hamburg.
Ia. and Leonard was arrested when Ills
train reached Bt. Joseph.
When asked what his plans were In the
event he had not been arrested, Leonard
aid he had made none and had not even
thought of how he would dispone of the
Jewelry. He says he has no relatives.
He is well dressed, wearing a dark suit
and srotless linen, but wore no overcoat.
On his arrival at the police station he wa
searched and locked up to await trial, as
he has already been Indicted by the grand
Hear Admiral Sperry Writes Letter
la Which He ftpraka of
MANILA, Nov. 21. Roar Admiral Sperry
addressed a letter to Governor General
Smith tocay saying that It had been de-
ciueu not to grant iut men ui ma Aiwmit
battlrshlu fleet leave of absence' during
the stay of the ships in Manila bay. Thla
decision, the - rear admiral soys. Is based
on the advice of the medical of I hers of the
fleet as well as his own convictions. The
letter statea that the dally reports of the
Health department ahows the presence of
cholera in Manila and that during tlie
progress of the epidemic a large percentage
of the cases reported were dead or mori
bund, showing that they had been con
cealed. Iowa Pioneer Dead.
WEMSTKR CITY. la., Nov. 11. (Special
Telegram ) N. A. Helen, a prominent resi
dent of this city alnce IU6, dl(d at his home
this afternoon, eged 87 years. His son,
C. D. Helen, was the founder of the Des
Moines Tribune.
Beatrice High a Winner. '
egram.) The Beatrice High school foot
ball team defeated the Wymote eleven here
today by the score of 44 lo 0. The home
team played all around the visitors and won
in a walk. .
General Henry N. Nevlua. commanding
general of the Grand Army of the Republic,
with a party of sixteen will arrive In
Omaha on the morning of Decern bm , the
date of the opening of the National Corn
exposition. The party will bo enroute to
Salt lJke City, via Denver, where they
will be from December 13 to 17. The com
mittee goea to Salt Lake City to arrange
for the annual encampment of the Grand
Army of the Republic which will be held
In Bait Lake City next summer.
George W. Cooper will leave Omaha Mon
day for Klrksvllle, Mo lila former home,
to enjoy a brief visit with a brother who
resides there, and will go thence to Florida
to spend the winter In quest of rest and
recreation. Mr. Cooper will return t)
Omaha In the spring lo resume the practice
of his profession. He haa leased his h'-mn
on Hurt street for the winter and his offlcei
in the Brown block will be occupied In his
absence from home by Attorney George
Is the Time to Clean Up
Special! For this Monday only
we will Bteam or dry clean' and
press Gents' Suits, Oravenettes
or Overcoats for $1.00. Work
called for and delivered. AVe do
anything in the line of cleaning,
dyeing, pressing and repairing.
U. S. Cleaning Co.
414 North 10th St.
Omaha, Neb.
Phones I BelL Song. 1S7S. Xnd., B-16T8
Koto Yea mast briar this
id van tags of this speolal.
aa to ft
A foaming, refreshing,
satisfying drink that
makes sturdy men and
women. " . . ..
Green Trading
3.00 In Stamps (30)
given with each te
losen case of Uri
bottles, de
livered In
the city fur.
Out of town cut.
toinors add fl it for
case and bottles.
l.SO in Ktampe (ill
3 Hen with each' two
oaen caae uf small
bottles. 1e- 9 )C
livered In J l.flj
the city for. . .w
Out of town cus
tomers add fl ltS lor
caae and bottles.
Itrop us a postal
rani or telephone us
to deliver a csee to
your home.
ad aad Hickory,
Xoag. lSSi.