The Omaha Sunday Bee Lars at Circulation THE OMAHA DEC Best A". West PART III. HALF-TONE SECTION. PAGES 1 TO 4. X VOL. XXXVIII NO. 23. OMAIIA, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 22, 1903. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. DOMESTIC SCIENCE BIG FACTOR IN NATIONAL CORN SHOW Woman and Her Advanced Work Will Form a Large Part in the School of Agricultural . Education at the National Corn Exposition at the Auditorium IF DISEMBODIED spirits ever return to earth for fair or fell pur poses the wraiths of two women already famed, but destined to be letter known to later generations for an accomplishment only Just beginning to be appreciated, will surely haunt the Model Kitchen department of the National Corn exposition to be held In On aha next month. But be that as It may, If Harriet Hecher Stowe and her sister, Catherine Beecher, were alive today they would certainly rejoice as no others could over what they would find there. In a equipped section of a specially constructed building In the gniip surrounding the Auditorium that is to house the Corn t how provision la being made for a department the like of which has neor before been Incorporated In an exposition. It Is to be known ;ih the Model Kitchen Beition, but Its scope extends over a vastly wider Held than that suggested by the name. It is to be a school of iJoiiKstlc science- and practically all the things that pertain to house hold economics will receive consideration. And It will not be a mere smattering that will be given out here. The section Is In charge of Miss Jessica Besack of Iowa State College of Agriculture and she will be assisted by a stall of lecturers from the State universities of . iil.lgan. Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and Colorado, l esl.'os other experts, Including Mrs. Nellie Kedzie Jones and Mrs. Mar-aret Blair. Never before has such a gathering .of experts as- nrn bled in tne interest 01 nome-maKins auu iuo (iivgmm iui mc will offt r will embrace the essentials of the courses that extend over a term of many weoks In the colleges and universities that Include domestic science In their curriculum; it will be a short course such as has never been offered before. ' A cooking laboratory, which is to be a model of its kind, will be equipped for a class of sixty and provision will be made for three classes each day if there is demand for it The laboratory wlU be open only to young women between 17 and 21 years of age, but the lecture course will be available to all women who wish to take ad vantage of it. The two combined embrace many special1 features not commonly available, including Milling and Chemical Analysis of Grains, Grading and Baking Tests of Flour, Comparison of Nutritive Value of Cereals; Meat demonstrations, Including Anatomy of Ani mals and 'the Location and Value of Cuts of Meat Thee will be lectures on "Food Principles," "Physic of Bread-Making," "Chemis try in the Kitchen," "Bacteriology," "Fermentation," "Setting the Table and Serving," "Personal Hygiene," "Textiles," "Drafting." "Home Decoration," "Domestio Art," "Labor-Saving Devices and Principles of Home Sanitation." Pictures and charts wUl be used in illustration of the lectures. Small Laboratory Fee A laboratory fee of but $2.50 will be ch d in addition to the regular season exposition ticket, the same f' being made for the lecture course. That these privileges ma be extended in directions where they will perhaps be most appreciated the farmers' institutes, or their women's auxiliaries, and the county superintendents of the states of the middle west have been invited to select young women from their respective communities as delegates to the Model Kitchen. Provision will also be made for a limited number of young women from Omaha, these to be admitted upon application. Perhaps our grandmothers would have smiled and not too in dulgently, either, at such elaborate preparation of a girl for home making, but times have changed since the good old days when grandmother prepared her simple, though abundant and wholesome meal from the good, pure products of grandfather's farm; spun and wove her own textiles and ordered her household after the simple demands of an age that would have "stood aghast at' the intricacies that are everyday matters with the men and women, and even the itixlldren of the present generation. In these days life is too full for rae young housekeeper to learn by experience along the long road her mother and grandmother traveled. She must go to school, and when the grammar and high school are finished, if she is not privil ege 1 to go away to college, she goes into business. She has little or r.o part In the work of the home, for when her school and business hours are over she must have recreation, or rest, or both. Scionce and art contribute equally to the idetl home of today, and neither Is a success without the other. The school of domestio sci ence supplements the college course and the business career and makes its graduates the best all around women that we have. It teaches women that successful housekeeping is a matter of Intelli gence and that anyone can bake good bread, cook good meals and succesc fully combat the majority of the artificial conditions that enter so largely Into every department of life today. The domestio science graduate knows all about proper food balances, nutrition of foods and Invalid cookery. Whether she be called upon to provide for the Infant or the invalid, the aged or the athlete, she knows what to provide and how to prepare It. And, further, she knows how to guard against the evils resulting from adulterations that en ter into practically everything she has to use; she knows the value of puie, fresh air and cleanliness and she knows, too, how to meet the mrny, many other things that enter into the Ufa of the home maker, because she has been trained in the why of doing as well as in the how. Knows the Aesthetic Side .' n 1 the is equally proficient In the aesthetic branches of house kee; rs. She appreciates the value of comfort and consistency and Ehe dees not overload her living rooms with cushions too elaborate for use, furniture too fine for the children to touch, and much less '.'vVr x- Ixyx . : ; : ' . , "xx; A; ' i 1 W rrv--- . A"- "A - J . A------A : V 1 . Ai-, -: V; rs-.X , JX A:1.; X X'A':'- - ' .-X -V A "A'- "7'-"'" '.:-,:" ' : V.XX-XXl yv -aXX -V-rA-X' v ; -,'-'' r ; :." - ... J V '. ' : :- '"A XXj "v ".J VAX' i '' ' X. f ; 1 jy Siy XT . , .r MRS. W. C. LAMBERT. sit npon; and wall paper and carpets In which every color of the rainbow clashes and Jars in a discord that fairly shatters one's ner vous system. Harmony Is the keynote of her household and it pre vails In the furnishing, no matter how simple they may be; in the serving of ber meals, whether she keeps three servants or none, and in an atmosphere Impossible to define, but that all must feel who come within her doors. These are the possibilities of the school of domestio science, but the degree of proficiency that its pupils attain lies wholly with the individual. If material Inducements will serve to stimulate the young women who will enjoy the privileges of the Corn exposition's Model Kicchen wonderful results should be expected, for the exposition management has provided a prize list proportionate in its generosity with the other things offered. Ranges, sewing machines, gold watches, sev eral collections of books, a fine violin and its case, carving sets, an ' assortment of enamel kitchen ware and a scor of other things ap pear on the prize list to be awarded for the preparation of foods. Any of these things are well worth the ten days' work independent of the proficiency that must be acquired in order to win them. Care for Young Women Providing suitable entertainment for the young women who will attend the laboratory during their stay in Omaha is necessarily an important question, but this, too, the exposition authorities have met and solved admirably. An advisory board has been appointed, in cluding nine prominent women of Nebraska and Iowa, of which Mrs. George Sheldon, wife of Governor Sheldon, is chairman. The other members are Mrs. Henry H. Van Brunt of Council Bluffs, Mrs. G. W. Wattles, wife of President Wattles of the exposition; Mrs. George Tilden, vice president of the Omaha Young Women's Christian asso ciation; Mrs. H. H. Baldrige, Mrs. Ella Squires, Mrs. Arthur D. Brandels, all of Omaha; Mrs. W. C. Lambert of South Omaha and Mrs. Bertha V. Thompson of Newport, Neb. These women have ar ranged for lodging and chaperonage that must meet the approval of any parent and also insure a pleasant as well as a safe visit for the young women. To this women's advisory board has also been left many of the other details so Important in providing for such an enterprise as the Corn exposition. The Young Women's Christian association of Omaha has volunteered its assistance and will detail special secre taries to chaperone the visiting girls. It has also engaged lodgings In some of the best homes of the city for the free entertainment of a limited number. The Sisters of Mercy will also help and will reopen their convent at Eighteenth and Cass streets, the old St. Catherine's academy, where a dormitory with sisters in charge will be maintained. This entertainment will cost the yeung women noth ing. Chaperones will also be provided for any other entertainment that may be extended the girls. To Harriet Beecher Stowe and Catherine Beecher domestic sci ence Is really beholden for Its very inception. They first broke ground, sowed the seed and through long and soul-wearying years cultivated the tender shoots which have at length developed into sturdy trees holding beads as high and as proudly as older growths In the grove of science. Mrs. Stowe, famous as the authoi of "Uncle MRS. O. W. WATTLES. Tom's . Cabin," and her sister, if they could return In the flesh, would be most gratified that the first national exposition to recognize domestic science as this exposition has done should be held in the west. For It was in the west that they met with their first success in this work and, besides this, it was in the west, where years later the work, given greater encouragement, flowered until domestic science schools, or at least domestic science currlculums, are established in thirty-three universities and colleges, while of lecture courses at farmers' institutes and of private schools there is no end. It was in Cincinnati, In the year 1840, that Harriet and Cather ine Beecher first broke ground. In the seminary for young women young "ladles" was still the popular term at that date in this school founded by them, the first systematic instruction, the first in struction, in fact, in a school. In domestio science was given. This fact is generally known. What is not of such common knowl edge, however, is that Catherine Beecher, a decade later, founded another seminary in Dubuque, la., and there, also, young women were taught a few practical things. This seminary did not flourish because a boom met the usual end of booms and residents could neither send their daughters nor even meet pledges of financial as sistance which they had made. Soon after this date Catherine Beecher published a volume widely known as a "cook book." It did Include recipes, but it was a much more ambitious attempt than the popular name indicates. Its formal title was "A Treatise on Domestic Economy." The table of contents of this book is most interesting. It begins with a chapter on "The Peculiar Responsibilities of American Women;" this is followed by chapters on "healthful food, clothing, cleanliness, domestic manners, care of Infants and construction of houses." A fitting climax is reached in the final chapters, named "Miscellaneous Directions," in which the care 6f a cow, the comfort of guests, smoky chimneys, flower baskets and waterproof shoes are considered. Iowa is Its Pioneer Although the Dubuque school was ill-starred, yet to the state of Iowa belongs the honor of the first large and successful instruction In domestic science. The Iowa State College of Agriculture opened its doors at Ames March 7, 1869. From the first instruction of young women In household branches was established as an Integral part of the curriculum. The matron of the girls' domltory was also stewardess and she worked her disciples two hours every day in kitchen, pantry or dining room. The presence of young women in the college at Ames is also of moment when the history of education of women is considered with reference to co-education, but this is another theme. In 1875 the trustees of the college arranged to have courses be gin in cooking and household arts, but these lectures were given to Junior girls only. In 1880 a kitchen for class room work was estab lished as an entirely separate institution from the kitchens where regular meals for students were prepared. In 1884 courses ta sew ing and laundry work were added and previous branches elaborated. Today domestio science instruction has grown to proportions MRS. A. D. BRANDEI3. unwieldy with facilities considered and to meet the demands new buildings are imperative Kansas followed Iowa's lead in 1873 at the Agricultural college at Manhattan. It is worthy of passing note that it is In the agricul tural colleges that the roots of this tree of knowledge have sunk the deepest to a depth. In fact, which makes uprooting impossible, a consummation, however, devoutly not desired by amyone. Activity at the Kansas college did not become strenuous until the winter of 1875-76, when Prof. Kedzie, an eminent chemist, was re tained to give a course of lectures on foods. The next year a kitchen laboratory was fitted up and in 18S2 Miss Nellie Kedzie, now Mrs. Kedzie-Jones, took general charge of the department of domestio science. Mrs. Jones has since retired, but still retains an active in terest in the work and will be one of the speakers at the National Corn exposition. On account of her long-held eminence her address will be heard with more than ordinary interest. First Work in These States . The pioneer work was really done in these two states. Like all innovations, domestic science had to struggle against the prejudices of the ignorant, the Jokes and sneers of the flippant and the active hostility of those -$enlghted persons opposed to the education of women at all, and this in spite of the fact that in an a priori way one would have supposed that these disciples of the "Kirche-Kuchen-Kinder" theory would have favored teaching possible wives and mothers how to prepare foodstuffs intelligently. Possibly there Is no cooking nowadays of the kind "mother used to make." The joke la worn threadbare, but let It be Incidentally remembered that "mother" did not have to deal with the hundred and one adultera tions which menace cooks in this day and age. Catherine Beecher and her sister would be the first to admit that in tho course of time problems undreamed of in their halcyon time have since arisen. Nebraska, Minnesota, Illinois and other mid-western states were later than Iowa and Kansas In entering the field, but they have made up for lost time and Nebraska at least now has unexcelled facilities for teaching domettlc science. The building for the purpose Is In fact one of the campus structures to which the undergraduate points with pride when he is towing a burdensome relative. If visitors to the National Corn exposition gain an adequate idea of the extent and purpose of domestic science instruction and those of ordinary intelligence cannot fail to chief credit for this wl'.l be due to Miss Jessica Besack, who has been in charge of the Model Kitchen. Miss Besack Is an Ames woman and her case has proven the exception to the rule that "a prophet is not without honor save in his own country," for In the current issue of the Iowa Agricultur ist, published at the college, occurs the following passage: "We are honored to announce that the Model Kitchen depart ment at the National Corn exposition which is to be held in Omaha December 9 to 19 is to be conducted by our domestic science editor, Miss Jessica Besack. It is claimed that she knows how to prepare corn for human consumption in 301 ways. Be this so or not, we know you will find her ready to tell you all she knows about the preparation of corn and Us by-products for the table." I ., m i i l..,., i .-n...,..!,,,! , I) mm mill 1 1 ''"' ' ""u. MjUfl"" """ t ' V"" A A--' f ..--a " ax - -- - - sm HA! i A Mm ( AA''XXAA- ! & yi rTirn "A . AA';; Vi mww I wi rFf(st XA ,TV'A f - - Mts J A ,;B rs.v- - wmit "' -f xw .rT ;-y. i .. - - - - : 1 , , . .-., ,...-..,. mmti i ints. ore-Ran TZLDCX, KITCHEN OF DOMESTIC BC1ENCE SCHOOL, MRS. GEORGE! U SHELDON.