n THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBEH 22, 1908. f Gossip About Plays, Players and Playhouses BOYD THEATRE n u I f 4 ft D RAMA. WrtouS ami crtmlo held th steir m Omihi theater the peel We and tVih wh iim reel yi'r'Ml tW hate been many plng th ticket taker hare nlnr4 to th utmost th plehtUttil of aftering f th kind. rremoat In Importance to those who taM the binge most seriously, or most painfully, ka yM will. al tfl drama Jurt oref, with the. well nigh lnmifariWe art ing of Theodore Robert aa Joe Portugal anil Guy Standing In the role of Oiarley Steele. There have been a, ti-w, not tnan)r, but a fer. who liavtl m carM frreatly f of the dramatisation tf gfr Gilbert prk er'e grel novel, but In tribute to Rebrrt' ubtle and sincere portrayal of the half breed Cnrk tnurVrr With hi dog-Ilk devotion to tap lawyer who kaVot) him from the gallows, to thia of acting, crltlca hv Spoken with a elngt voir, calling It oae of the greatest things done today on the world's stage and ranking It worthy to be. classed With masterpiece of tliM paat. It there t Any little Nrd Which iymhtd le ucfs. artistic and financial, that feathered Crefttlir rnttst hare continuously perched In the fMe of the Burwoow the oVt) bygone day. The 6ornpany hag done greater and more vital playa, but none whrch will outlive the simple, human charm of "The Professor- Love Btory," written by that JaMra M. Barrl of whom It ta well aald, "Th lord triuat have hn prmid the day he put Barrle on earth." The cotnrdy afforded good parts to many of the company, particularly te Mr. bacon. Mian Elliot role waa not rich In oppor tunity, but she did much With little male rial. It shtitiM ta remerrrbrd that hdw ever muoh writer on esthetic theory dlsa gr on other p1nt, they unite In saying that the essence of art la tha cxpreswioB of a meaning. When with scanty r&cllUle an actress conveys ao concrete a slgnlfl canoe, with the finest nuanves Clearly de fined and the whole full-rounded, the ad ' ie;tive artistic" In Its first artd fullest sense deserve ta be applied. The limitations of the role were sever, stringent. In fact. Had Mis Elliot been In artistic enough to try to force the part, the effect would have been most disas trous, but she did not and because of her jumcious restraint was rewarded With a success to which tier audiences gave thor ough appreciation. When a contrary dispo sition Is ao rife that it to eohaVJered one of the major ex-Ma of present day acting. the virtue shine out, all the more bril liantly. Aside from the work of Miss Elliot, Mr. Bacon and their fellows, ind he charm of the comedy in Itself, the play romlshed cne theme ot discussion throughout th week which has an omuslng aspect. As those who saw It know, the French phrase "Cherchei la Femme" Is used with amus ing result, particularly In a following Incl dent. Bonte of the auditors ch way either did not know the meaning of the Injunc tion to hunt the "womtTi Th the cash or did not catch It becaun phrase lit a, foreign tongue Is harder to apprehend than one In a native language. The hest part of the failure of tim to grasp th point lay not In this, but In the conscious air of superiority whrch trrbst tI thote Wh& did wore. so disposed. For the fascinating Yvette'S Rngttsh u the heroine Will be made a renthfromn Who ph EngMsh with an acceht. Thefe Wilt be hf Ihhjt-J. In fafl, the Oullberl Is going t- cut sori felt igethnr hrafrer, and go In solely for attaight 4fama. Frohrnan hM th Amerlettfl tlghli of tha lllfsott play, but not of the Knob lauch adaptation. If Yvetle (lullbert to America, however, she Will probably fto In Ihe Knoblauch version. Alan, the himnt wnieh Tiatigs ovr Frnh man's pretty Aldwych theater Is not yet lirted, and Fahnl Ward's bMef season Wllh Jerome K. 4rohie'e hew comedy ''Fanny fend the Servant Problem" follow "Paid In Full' Into an Ill-timed oblivion tonight. It was A more than ordlnhfUy Rood play, hilt It treated ah eld thefne lit an uneipected way, whkh ta a dangerovle thing to do. Henry Arthur ones' new play, "Holly fterotmlrtg HcrsHf," ptit fm at the Hay fi.arket this Week, and dse for production In Atn?rrP later en, contains about the liveliest, most effective quarrel between a Dukbaad and wife that fan be found on the stage or In life, either. That quarrel, ks conducted Ay Bthel Irving fend Robert Loralne, and lasting some ten minutes, ful fills the Ideal onea aet before hie by ah American manager. Who said: "I don't care how rotten A play M. If It haa five mlnutea toward the end of the third act so ripping that It makes a bored first-night udlence alt up and forget Itself, that is tho play I'll pay good money for." At Mr. Jones gave tie ten minutes Instead of five, he ought to get twice the money. But It (a difficult to ay how much of the reward he ught to divide With Ethel Irving, for It waa her one big chance in th play, and the made the most of it She, the 'Dolly" of the play, haa no tense of the value of money and hills are her beaettlng sin. Bo When the pr n preached a powerful New Tear's eve eermon. Mis tress Dolly resolved to reform. And her husband. Who was In the habit of losing hie temper over thoew b'!li . Vcsolved to reform, too, Dolly's cousin and a married woman guest at Dolly's house were qjrry Ing on a rather dahgefoua flirtation, and they, too, resolved to reform. The first three acta of the play take place In Dolly's drawing room on New Tears day and by the time we reach midnight In the third act all the good resolutions are broken, the flirtation la "on" fiercely and Dolly and her husband are having their scrap. The cynical fourth act Is an almost exact repetition of the first act, taking p'aoe on Mew tear' day of the following year, with the tame people In the same sur roundings, doing the same old things In the same old way, and proving the truth of the theory of the old professor In the play' (he Is the husband of the lady of the flirtation) that people are not free moral agents, but hetpleea Victims of the chance arrangement of gray matter In their brains. But after the first five minutes the fourth act la rather a bore, for ybu know pretty much what everybody Is going to do and t.iy. in fact, the Wht.in play la mere nn exposition of a motel theme than a well hunt drama, and the pit and gallery had no healtatlort In manifesting by "boos" their unfavorable opinion nf lt--ll tf It, that I, except that gorgeMia quarrel. Which brought forth a storm of applause. Charles Frohmart'a return to Londol1 for A brief atnjThas added Best tt an other wise stagnant season. Blnct his arrival a few days Ago, he hat been talking in hit cheery, optimistic way of hla plana, en at least nf which will be Interesting ss a side l'ght on the perpetual popularity of "Peter Patt" In this prtuntryi Despite th fact that J. M. Barrle "What EVery Woman Knowt," It playing to the largest receipt In the history of the Duke of York's theater. It will be withdrawn shortly to mkke Wy for the "Boy Who Wouldn't Grow t'p." tt took Mr. Frohrnan and J. M. Harrie less than five minutes to de ride upon this when thpf once got together, for they were of exactly the same frame of mind on the matter. Chrlstmas-tlme wlthrtut "Peter Pah" would be almost un thlnkb!e, and besides, would Be a serious affroht to the children bf txihdnrt. Just how the cast will be made up. It Is hard Id lay at present, but Mr. Frohmatl with his undeniable tact and faculty for having hit vt Id everything, Will un doubtedly see that Pauline Chase and Hilda Trevelynrt art folihd Ih their old parte of "Peter Pan" and "Wendy" when the at traction la revived. Another nf Mr. Frohmhh's bland concerns Ellallne TVrrlss, the wife of Seymour Hicks, and one of the most popular comediennes Oft the Bhgllsh stage. Mr. Frohrnan con siders Miss Terjlss hat earned the right to appeer "Oh hett oWh" as a star, Instead bf, as hitherto supporting her nusnann, ana plll present her at such early next year. Meanwhile .Seymour Hicks, who can b depended upon to do the unconventional at all times, hat made a novel proposal td the beauties of Great Brltlan. Mr. Hlckt theatrical rompany haa become known at the "Seymour Hicks Matrimonial agency" through the extraordinary number of Itt members Wh8 have, Within the last ylf, married Ihto the peeraae or Into afHuence. Hicks haa complained that too large a number of hit chotut beauties have beeh stolen from him Ih thia way, and now seeks to fill bla depleted ranks. He hat received so many applications that he hat turned them over to a local paper with the understanding that It submit photograph! of the aplieants to Its readers fcnd permit them to decide their comparative charms. The successful maids will be given placet In the chorue of his company at salaries varying fom 1B to 2& a Week. ' JOHtf AVA CARPENTER. Coming tlventa. Cohan A Harris present the famous miisl cl play, "Forty-Five Minutes from Broad way," at the Boyd tonight, with many of the original cat, new scenery, now cos tumea and a general overhauling under Music and Musical Notes Midway in the week at th Bdyfl Wal "The Man the Hour," to which a largo attendance on Its return visit testified to the appreciation locally of a play to which a great critic gave the aucclunt but force ful eulogy, "Here Is a play which meant something." lfiarly in th .week William Collier, UH Wcerled among American comedians as an J tor fcnd as a man, played "The Patriot," with the assistance of Miss Helen Hale and an excellent supporting company. Mr. Collier ban gon from here to face the most ilfflcult on'eal which a player meets opening In New York. Tonight the cur tain ot the Grrl; k theater of that city will ring up cn hli new play for the first time. It Is to be exjected that there will be some hostile cs'ltlilsm ot thia comedy. There are many who demand more body In a play than "The Patriot" posscsac. But the vehicle, at least as played by him, Miss Hale and the others, really Is meaty enough for a farce comedy, and "The Patriot" purports to be no more. Certainly of tho acting ther Will be little or no fault finding. Had the comedy no other merit It would at least be Worthy, as giving Coiller chance to make smile follow amile, chuck re com ,on chuckle, and laugh reap after laugh. Besides and this may be Impor tant In time to vme 4t serve t mark th change from musical comedy to drama of Helen Hale. Mis Hale has for several years been exploited by press agents aa a Wellesley college girl as she is. She has been re marked by every reviewer who did "Wood land; or. The Yankee Tourist," as a young woman whose native refinement made them discriminate her from a hundred other soubrettes In musical 'comedy. She might have continued a auccess In that work as long as L,ulu Glaser and Fay Templeton have done. A more ambitious effort art her part M pleasant to contemplate, not only because such a desire is worth while In Itself, but because, as she has already demonstrated, ah haa besides the wish, the talent and temperament to succeed In a richer field. Bhe ahio has the necessary brains and tho education, two fairly. Important factor, the lack ef which have held back, More tat eated men and wm niv th stage than anything else which could b named. On thing Is certain: gh will not lack for opportunities, tor she hts alno the heevca-glven faculty of making all who know lier like her well. At the Krug that popular old standby, "McFadden'a Flats," did a lg business at the opening of th week and was followed by lyman Howe's motion pictures.; "Sold Into Slavery," a thrilling melodramp. also packed thia playhouso later In the week. The Orpheum preaented a bill which pleased its patrons and good business re atilted all week. E ABT Bufiday, In this column, th person who writes It had some thing to offer for considera tion In the difference be tween "energy" ana 1 ''effl clency." Since that time other thoughts . on the matter have oc curred to him. For example, take that question of studying abroad. There are so many people Who go abroad and who are very "energetic" and apparently Very busy accumulating knowledge and education, end still they are not becoming "efficient." We have had many examples of people who have gone abroad to study, who have stayed and worked and plodded, and yet they have not taught the "efficiency" hsMt. They can. talk about various teach er and methods. They cart do everything but thow their efficiency. The writer heard a recital by some Amer kun girls at a certain place In Berlin lust year, n wet simply pathetic. It Wat Worse than pathellc. It was terrible. Those potir girls thought that because they were in Berlin they must be on Hi right track. The one who writes this could name a doien Vole teacher lit Omaha who could have put those girl in the right way and could have made something ot their voices. Now, here cornea th Musical Courier of New York with an editorial, and by tha way, the editorial In that paper are alwayt bristling, they are to full ot point. It "Among the 1,430 American music stu dent who Went abroad this tall for study, were I,3K 'second Melbat.' 1,286 'second Paganlnls,' 1,284 'second Rubinsteins,' 1.2S3 'second Beethoven,' i,2S( econd David offs.' Most of them traveled tecbhd class and Will b second class also When they return." These figure are startling, and It should be hoted that they Apply only ts tlinst who have gone abroad "this fall." And the pity of It is that some Will porno back "second class," Inefficient, and some will die of disappointment and grief, and aome will be broken hearted und Will hot have the courage to come back and will try t en it H. It Would tie very' Interesting to" read an article on "Tho American student abroad and what becomea of him or her," written by the brilliant Mr. Kluinenberg. The Musical Courier is scored ofttlmes because it makes people pay If they want recog nition In It columns, and It I tald that the Courier will slight and underestimate their work If they Ho not yield to the suggestions of the business of flee, it But one d. e not have to go o 'it side Omaha to find that condition). And the Musical Courier does not pre tend to be In the business tor Its health. There I ho writer on musical subject today Whose article fere so full Of Straight Virile common sense and who haa such a tremendously forceful way of putting It before one, a thlt tame Mr. Blumenberg of tne Musical courier. This la not an advertisement. The musical critic of The Bee was formerly connected locally with that papeis but he Is not at present. TONIGHT AMD MONDAY cohan Aaia tr,n GEO. 11. COHAN'S xvsioax. Tanritrx Unites s Broadway With SCOTT WELSH as "Kid Burai" AITS TH ORiatsTAt. COHnAT. TBI PLAT THAT 1MESSE A.X.X. AMEBICA. assBSSLSijn.ja.'mwH "T tt m m '.iiif " ffrx 'gg.'t 45 9 BURTON HOLMES Colored View9 TBAYSivoatrsa Deliver by Motion Pictures BEBL1, Wtrretebrt IS VARIS, December X.OMDOBT, December 0 rtl (la Moroo)f SmmM ! AX.B COOBI nOstBTSta.SO, ta.00 as fl.SO, Otea rrlday, Vovsmbet 97, Court Mat Clove Moa, Kov. 30 Slngl Ticket, 1, TM, Ma aad iftei CM 1. THREE NIGHTS BEGINNING THURSDAY MATINEES THAN KSOI VINO AND SATURDAY SAM M. and LED BSVfcBBV tu) AAnonao t THIS WEEK'S ATTRACTION Foyd'a Tfcey Braf Thtattr . . . . Snrwond Tte Or pa mm Theatef. Palm Theattr. . . . Camatapfeen . ."yerYy-flve Mlntii from iodwwy'w Sttttaa Holmes' Motion Picture ' . ."Otrl" "The Connty Chairman" "Ta Creel t)lr BsVsnge" "FrlM, th Wandering MosKaa" Jti'arteeeee" , a4tvtn Moving Ptctnrea Tallin; rlclurea saw narcre ED PHONES Bell.Doua. IPiOfi:. nrt. A-lf A CHARMING BILL FOR TUANKSG1VING WEEK TO START ST TODAY HENRY' MILLER'S CHEAT SUCES "if if at the Bur- wood, It' bully." "MERTSSAaSE" A OOaTUME PkAY BY OB MILLS. MATINEES: TODAY, TUESDAY. THANKSGIVING DAY A SATURDAY tf9 YVKTTK GriLBKIlTH NEW PART Wwst Kiobliark, an American, Will Adapt Blssoa'a Work. LONDON. Nov. 21. (Special.) Edward Knoblauch, the American dramatist who acta aa literary adviser tot Leh Ashwell aad haa beea In a considerable measure responsible tor her luck In getting uccs firt play for the Kings ay heater. 1 the adapter of the Ulsaon play, id be called In English "The Captivating Florence." In which Yvette Outibert la to aiak her first appearaiH-e oa th legitimate atage in an English part. Thia Is Ihe play Joatpit Urooka cam r frona Near York ta ar rang tor. aad It Will we produced here. In January under hi moHagvoient. Coder th lltle f "Marriage d'EtoIle" It ran all last winter In Pari with Jtanne Granivrj In tb prlacljMU part-that er a cnarming conil opera alar, with a daughter of a lageable age, who fti4a that for the hter'a aak k must settle down late k staid niotner-ln-law . where (tic coma bv cut fee ! hter out If h had keen Mis Evelyn Hopper lias launched her first cohet-rt with success, and th It en titled to th hearty support of the people for the balanc of the season. It la t be regretted that the program arrangement Of former years was not carrK-d on, for the program In this cburne ts altogether too commercial and In bad taste. This was doubtless aot Mise Hopper' fault. An artistic program I Just a necessary to a first class recital a a dress suit rrain a' rrrpondent and constant reader comes the following: "The Atchison Qlobe says Topeka thinks Flint superior a n entertainer to Calve. Well he is." To which a!d correspondent adds: "tot fear you will not know Who Flint is. I will state he Is a hypnotist. ' Such Is Fame." Thia hi certainly hard!, Flint. "Bhlpa that pat in J tie night fnd tpeak to each other In passing." One of these shlpa passed laat Sunday night and the musical critic f The Bee had an unusual experience. tjulte unexpected aome friehda of Mr. Wl'-r Dale, i)e well known opcaho, "pasaed through Omaha on the way to Ltneolti to give a concert," and they grave a delightful Informal pro gram for a few of Mrs. Dale's friends. The great tuprisa wat the playing of Mr. BUov gaard and of tlie best violinist the writer has heard for many days. He is a Danish musician and splendidly equipped. 'He played here years ago doing solo work with Mr. Walter Damrosch. His pianist. Mis Alice McClung, Was A revela tion both lit her mature technique and power and In her gift of being able to name Instantly any note struck anywhere on the piano. Miss Bertha Orlnnell showed a mezzo-soprano voice of very good quality. 6n December third, there will be a song recital byIr. Cart Bobeskl which will be well worth the attention of thinking musi cal people; the full program will be printed In this column next week. Unfortunately, but unavoidably, the ah noncement of Mr. BIghiund Londberg'S recital and Mr. Sobeski'a were made aim ultaneuosly. Mr. Landberg's recital will be held at Edward Crelghton Ihstltute hail, which Is an Ideal place for holding musical affair. Mr; Landberg'a program will also appear In this column hekt week. Notwithstanding the fact that the Men delssohn choir has been very careful In Us choice of member, and In spite of the i fact that every one Shares the burden of the expenses, through a membership fee, It la gratifying to be able to state that a splendid choir haa been formed of about ninety serious musical people who have kindled a flra of enthusiasm which will soma day be felt. The rehearsals are not open to the public, and admission to them I to be obtained only by the consent of the conductor. The conductor, who Is also the Writer of this column. I, of course, donating hla services, and the ob ject of th choir Is serious and honest study. No member Will be received after December 1. y It 1 with pleasure, that attention Is drawn to the program of the piano recital to be given next Wednesday evening by Mr. Martin Bush. Here is a young man who Is becoming "efficient." He I or ganist ot the First Congregational church and was re-engaged thia year by that or ganisation at a handaome Increase In alary. Mr. Bush waa connected with a local .business firm until recently when, upon the advlc of hi best friends and some of the leading musician, he decided to give up entirely hi business connection and devote himself to his profession. Mr. Bush's program appears below, under the heading "Musical Notes." The suggestion haa been made that Bun day, December 13, being In the very midst of the National Corn exposition period (December to II) at Omaha, the leading choirmaster of Omaha should make up their programs of harvest or nature music. This would b very interesting and ap propriate, and coming so aoon after Thanksgiving mualo it would not be bard to do. Sacred musical comp- sltionM abounding In allusion and references to corn, grain, th fields, nature, harvest. etc., are vary numerous, and it would be a very good idea to act on this' suggestion and lead the thought 'from nature up to nature Ood.'' The suggestion la passed on td th choirmaster with the hope that they may see fit to adopt It. The choir master of the First Methodist Episcopal church will adopt It with the consent of hla pastor. THOMAS KELLY ROBERSON TRAVELOGUES Illustrated with colored views and motion pictures SECOND OMAHA SEASON First M. E. Church Four Thursdays at 8: 1 5 p. m. Thanksgiving. Night Palestine Free Concerts Th Musically Inclined Public mre corMpUy Intltotl to r nt visit any afternoon and enjoy miP Piano Plnycr Concerts. Xo ctiArgp Is made and yon enn well spend an hour with wt when down tow n on a shopping trip. SCII.ViOLLEK Sl MUELLER PIANO CO. 1311-13 Farnani 8t. The greatest attraction Is the Advance Showing of popular tall styles at Riley Sisters MILLINERY 911 OT7TX 18TK bTTSIBT. J. I, BRANDEIS & SONS Halrdrssslng Dept. Second floor. Ifnlr liresslng and MaTcol Waving BOo Shampooing Boo Massaging and Electric. Vibrator. OOo Manicuring for ladles and gentle men BOo All kinds of hair goods at lowest piires, Appointments made by phono, " Heidelberg 9 The witchery of the plae Ilea to tta lallaftl hospitality. Th enlstn I nneqnaled and th Beldelberf Habit 1 ear a good oa. In Connection with the New Held It Hotel. 316-20 Sontti 16th Street w.sssBSBSsanassssssssasBBsssssssBSBSBsasssss FALL H ATS HOW KSABT Stcphons a Smith 307 Bontn lftb. MS Rortn 16th. The J. IL Penlold Co. VTB ZiBAO. OTXftS rOLLOW. oiazrTxrio ovTzciAJia See Our Srw Terto ram. 108 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. Business and Calling Cards Wedding InTltatlon. Announcements, Etc., printed or engraved at short notice. KstiKfftctory work guaranteed. Write for prHes aad aamles- arrKKS-ziz.z.oir druo Co. printing and KngraVIng Dept. Wk and Taraaaa at. Why heat up yonr coal range JtiHt to he4it water, when k KM heater will give you enough hot water for a bnth in a few mlnnte. Tl'e aeil them.; Omaha Gas Co. 1 . n CBEIQHTOW Mm leal Ktu. On Wednesday evening Mr. Martin Bush will play th following program at Bchmoller Mueller hall! Bull, opus 1 D'Albert Aiicmunae, lourante. barabande, Ua Volte and Mdsette. Olgue. Nocturne, 13 flat minor, op. I, No. 1 t'hopln rcnem, u iiat minor, up. ok Two lntermessl up. 117. No. I. E flat major. Ob. 117. No. . O sharp, minor. March, up. SI. No. 4 Uuiicerto, A minor, op. 14,...,.... Allegro, molio modcrata, Adsgio, Aiiegro, mouersio sun marcato. the personal direction of the actor-author-manager-composer and director, George M. Cohan. This production Is now In It fourth year, and because of the excellence of its book, the tunefulness of Its music, the wit of Its lines and the logic of Its story, still holds first place In the esti mation of ainufment lovers. There are beautiful girls and a cast of clover ar ti.sts, including Scott Welch, Frances Oori di n, Mary K: Cunard, Elizabeth Dtw, Susan Clilsnell, Eugene MacQregor, .Tamos A. Davott, James H. Manning, Marry Gwyhette and twenty other. Because of the growth of the Burton Holmes Travelogue and the constantly in creasing interest In the same In all rjart of the country, Mr. Holme has consented to offer a duplicate serle of last season's Travelogues, Which will be delivered In the cities which he will be unablo to Visit, the new lecturer being Mr. Wright Kramer, a cultured yoifng Bnstonlan, who has been oh the stage a number ot years, and Who by training is perfectly f'Ued to speak th line and disclose the pictures of the v' rious .Travelogues. Mr. Kramer has ap peared as a member of Mrs. Patrick Camp. be!l'n company in England, and he hit likewise figured consplcucusly and uu ceRfully us a member of the Anierlcni cirrpanlea presenting "The Stolen Story," The Rond to Yesterday" and "The Round- l"p." for several seasons Mr. Kramer has been Mr. Holmes' traveling companion abroad, ao he is not only In full sympathy with tr. Holm' work and methods, but he has seen and studied the scenes d? scribed by Mr. Holmes with his own eye Mr. Kramer will offer the Travelogues on Berlin," "Vienna," "Paris," "London" and "Fez" exactly as Mr. Holmes gave them. One of the novelties of the theatrical tea son will he een when the Messrs. Shubert present Clyde Fitch' laUt omely, 'Gt-ls," at the Boyd, beginning Thursduy night. In thia humorous play Mr. Fitch dlscuHse In his cwn Inimitable style the ptopoHition ot femininity, In the primitive Htages of In dependence. The a'lthnr Is a past master In the art of depleting feminine foibles, which Is probably ne reason why lie cnos to treat this serious subject humorously, knowing well that no argument since th day of Adiini has In the h ast affect edth psychology ot tl.e sex. The play la written atound three pretty young girls, living In ttudlo apartment In New Tork, who resolve among themselves that men are distinctly disadvantageous appendage, Without whom they oould well afford to fight their own battles. After repeat!! humorous complications, the three girls go the way their. hearts dictate, and, naturally enough, to the very men they had affected to despise. The first and last scenes ars laid In the girts 'studio, while the second act shnvs a law cfflce, where two of th girl are employed. Aa usual In Fitch plays, there is a surprise scene, and thia time It Is so novel that the management refuses to divulge It. The cast I coin. pocd of metropolitan player and th pro Auction is complete duwn to the smallest detail. A matinee will be given on atur day. liraniiia Raff Urleg CAMERAPHONE IhEMlEh- 1403 Douglas at. Three Days, Beginning Sunday Th World' Create Soeeutrl Comedienne. Eva Tanquay Durxranra out. aonf Kit from Tluffy Baffle. TMOMM01T ft AT. Skit from Bsrl aad tb Girl. Admission lOo Children 60 - GAPT. JACK CRAWFORD "Poet Scout" V. M. C. A. ASSEMBLY ROOM Monday 8:15 1. M. ADMIHHIOX Under- 16 15 rents 1C and Over 23 cents ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE MA.TDTSB DAILY, 8:18. SVSB.Y MIGHT, 8:15. Week Starting Matinee Today Bra TBAirxBorvura wiik bhi..; m THEATER lB-ao-Me-9B Matinee Today lOo-aSe-fteo The Harvey Family Tare X.adlss Two Osntlemaa Including Kurope's Most Vamou Lady Aerlallst. Claud & Fannie Usher Playing Their new Blang Claasio, "Tagan'a Deolslon." ' The Murray Sisters American Girls with American Song. Just a Buneh of Tuneful favorite. BIG City Quartette Messrs: Rover, O'ltara, Hamilton A Meed. Vinie Daly Late Feature. George M. Cohan "Oreorg Washington, Jr." Raffin's Simian Porformers Introducing the Flying Trapeze Baboons. Hibbert & Wazrren The Pianist and the tnnesr. ' KINODROME Always the newest In Motion pictures rates ioo, too, soo. 2 Days ? MatlosB Today Th Origin! rrodnetlon of ' oeo. adb'M roirriCAi. ooksst County Chairmanl IlMt Tim at opalf FtIc. H 2 Days Starling Tuesday, Nov. 24 Hailnee Wednesday A. X. WOODS Tinim A YITAfc DaVASf A OT OOHTXOV IUTUT The Creole Slave's Revenge tory that wUl appeal. Takes from life y a weU knows autnor. S Days Starting Thanksgiving Matinee. MATINEE SATURDAY i JOE HORTIZ Haas Musical comedy after a wo k of serlcu plays will open the week at the Boyd thea ter. At the Burwood, a play haa been chosen for the Week which It is believed will not only keep up tlie record for at tendance at that playhouse, but possibly Increase It. It 1 "Heartsease," th drama tisatlon of tha Charlotte M. Tong ncwl ty Hnry Miller and Cnarle KUlo, th on (amoua fur hi playing In "Tb Orei Divide." and the other a the author of "The M'irio Masler" and "The Lion and the Mouxe." Miss Elliott is to play Miss Neville and Mr. drew will have the lead ing masculine role, Kriu Templx. It la a great costume pluy and will be handsomely staged. Scotty AVelsh will play Kid Burn, a tt.e young New Yorker exiled to New Itochelle In the Cohan musical comedy at the Boyd. The company Is a most clover one and the rest of the "Forty-J'lve Min ute from Broadway" company 1 clever. George M. Cohan ha written no more pop tlar offering than thia and It may be re marked ncne which 1 more deservedly so. TUeNfay the houe will be dark and Wednesday will come tho first of the wtekly Burton Holmes Travelogues, given by fir. AVrlslil Krumcr, one of the most novel and most attractive entertainment of tho sen sun. Clyde Fitch' latest and best comedy, "fill is." played by the original company, Will close the Week. For Thanksgiving week the Orphnum offeia an Inviting bill of advanced vaude ville, with the famous Harvey family of wire performer and acrobat headline act. A neat little sketch, male quartet, conedlan. girl with nimbi feet, pretty gown and clever songs; monkeys that do all sort of atunta, klnodrume views, show ing the Tigers and Cubs playing for world honor those are some of the good thini offered for the week. The liurvcy family represent ' the very beat in the art of slack and tijilit wire performing; also difficult acrcbatlc f'.-uts. For Instance, It has beeen generally sup posed that only the Arabs could perform th "butterfly" turn. Arthur liuivey prac ticed for ten years and lias mastered this feat, which ho presents during the act. The work of the Harvey sisters on slack and tight wire Is what might be termed mar velous, without making any Idl use of the word. The Big City quartet consists of Messrs. Gu Red, bass; Geoffrey O'llara, second tenor; Fred O. Hover, first tenor; J?ck Hamilton, baritone. Each member ot this tinging organization is a eUolst and ren ders a solo number during the program. Chicago Film Exchange America' Foremost run Stater S47 te 800 Brandei Bid?.. Omaha, flee our pli ture at the aiuerapnone Theater. DoUKlas and Hth Sts.. Nebras ka a best picture show. Talking Animated Pictures HI . m I H OOMCTO-XATKBT SOBESKI Za "Frits, th Wandering- Muslolan." OITSBatAjr. Song Recital Tnnndsy Uvenlng, Deo. 3rd, 9 Colock Sclunoller & Mueller Auditorium Ticket 60 nt and On Dollar at flchntoller & Mueller' Omaha's Ieading Instructors 1 S m J flfrr-. 4JI I III Jean P. Duff ield TEACHER OF PIANO Hlutlio-i-Sulle 104-5 lloyd TheaUT Utiililiiig. CARL SOBESKI (Ixmtlon New York liobton) The Art of Singing Studio 1011 Davenport. Miss Anna. Bishop (Contralto.) Teacher of Sinking titudjo I7!ii IavcnMrt Street. Telephone Douglas 5:). The Boyd Thcalrc Schoolof Acting A practical training school for tho stage. Rehearsal end montbly criticism performances at Lyric Theater. Advanced student form school stock company. ; prpfesalonal , experience while gtudylnj. . j ; . " (lUXAjr rrrox, Z tree tot W. 9. BraOEH, ManagM Advertise In THE OMAHA DEE Best West Fine Hats at Firo Salo Prices We suffered only a water loss ""'-Monday we will place on sale One Hundred Fine Hats at your own price"Don't fail to come in. F. 1VI. Schadell 1S22 Douglas tCantinued en Pg tight.)