n TTTR OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 22, 1903. f 4 UlUraCBftuMcN ARE D015C Settl JQit'btn of Corn Exposition JLmj Reflect Benefits to Clabt. CL T. TJ. AIEOUICES OTPICEES r rrift FmMnli of IftoMkt FrtmtiOTx (ourat t. !? State StmnsUas; fraaHltfi. Th. ttvVJ kltchfn section of the National Cs ntoHUcn b. held In Omaha D ctojbsr t to U should b of especial Inter flt ta club women of Nebraska and Iowa. TSfiatts all ulll not bn able to take advantage oi. tho exceptional opportunities It will af fnt4 In domestic science, the plan adopted T the nuinagnneiit by which delegate, to till lection are to be appointed makea It yttsSots tot eluba, especially those Inter td hi household economics, to (ft much H second-hand, at least. The laboratory, n'olch la to be equipped for a-claim of atxiy, will be open only to young women between th- ages of 17 and 21 yr-ars, .but tlics young women are to be appointed by theth famjers Institutes or their women's auxiliaries, or by the county superintend rata. It would be well worth while for the rluba to interest themselves In these ap pointments, for the young women taking; tbla model kitchen course will have valu Mo suggestions to take back home. Mlsi Jessica Ban ark of the Iowa State College at Agriculture, who Is In charge of the woman's section of the exposition, wtll be Misted In the modfl kitchen by a corps of professionals. Including Mrs. Nellie Kedsle Jones, so well known to rlub women .and Mrs. Margaret Blair of the University of Minnesota, ex-chalrman of the General Kcdrratjon's domestic science committee AD the other lecturers are from the facul' tlea of neighboring state universities, while JIlssj Besack'a assistants In the laboratory ate all women trained In scientific cookery. Many of the women expect to spend the tea days of the exposition In Omaha for tfce advantages of the lecture course, which 'will cost, for the season, $2.50 in addition tsj the price of the season exposition ticket, which la also $2.50. The laboratory fee is km &50 In addition to the season ticket State W. C. T. U. Officers. .Nebraska Women's Christian Temperance talon has announced the following official lis of Its officers and department super intendents elected at the recent state meet' la' gat Hastings: General Of fleers President, Frances B, Men Id. Osceola; vice president, Susanna Jv. Dally, University Place; corresponding -.iTinr7, rjmma i... orarreit, central t:ity: recording secretary, Medora D. Nlckell, Beatrice; treasurer, Mrs. Laura Tairirart. 221i Burt street, Omaha; superintendents i uBirarimppii, anu-narcancs, Mrs. u. B. Corey. alio Vine, Lincoln; Christian cltlsen shlp. Mrs. Sarah Culver. Alhlon: r-rrtl .-nil Mrs. Flora Valentine, Pawnee City; domes tie science. Mrs. Mary Moody Piigh. Omaha; evangelistic, Hev. Jennie Starkey, Aurora; franchise, Mrs. Mary Jay, 1118 wood, Lincoln; flower mission, Mrs. L. 8. '"!, nouin -i wenty-tirst strevt. Lin coin; juvenile . court, industrial education nn anu-cnua laoor, Mrs. Clara Burbank, jonn Twenty-fourth street. Lincoln U'erature. Mrs. K. W. Kendall, University Place; legislation and law enforcement, general officers; Loyal Temperance Legion, m. vance, wymore; mothers mwungs, Mrs.' Flora Valtntine. Pixn . CltTi-nierey and relief, Mrs. M. D. Plumb, J1 M street. Lincoln; medal contest. Mrs. ..nFiwn j. onnmpton, mmont; medlral tem perance. Mrs. Minnie AHUIn. Wvm.,r.. ' Helen Horshelm, 4914 Chicago nnyaicaj euucation, Kev. -nnoti rainier, waveriey; peace-and arbl- "n, mra. Anna IMIckerson, St. Kdwsrd: preaa Mrs. , Adelaide Hood, Twenty-fifth im ininipy, uncoip; railroad work, Mrs. V. M- Woodward, David City; scientific irmrnnnt instruction. Miss Josle Sulli van, imiverrgity Piaoe; social meetings. asrs. i:naries Florida, Comstock; Sabbath u. i L rrna Hansen. 'Wymore """""j" m:iuii worn, ivirs. f. Hartley, iJineoin; systematic giving, Mrs. Stella V Banks. North Platr; templo, Mrs. Helen Hornby. Valentine; temperance and lubor Mra. Dora Molar; Young Men's Christian aasurUtlon. Lincoln ; Union oWrker. Mrs . M. cianin. University place; Union ""Prier. Aoeiuioe iwoa, Twenty- nV. nd Oudley. IJncoln; Union Signal solicitor, Mrs. Ida Klump, Aurora; work among foreigners, Mrs. George P. Carley Thirteenth and Harrison streets. South nana; work among Indians, Mrs. Lydia Bx-Prealdenta to Serve. iTe executive board of the Nebraska Federation of Women's clubs has an nounced that Mrs. Draper Smith, former state president, has consented to serve In an advisory capacity on the state federa tion's Industrial committee, of which she n chairman for several years. Mrs. v. iu Langworthy of Seward, also a former state president, and chairman of the art committee, will serve In an advisory ca parity on the art committee. Six of the i.nrer state presidents have accepted places on standing committees which prom- aies well for the work in the state. , . Woman's -Club Note. The Woman's club social science depart ment will present two most interesting sub jects Monday afternoon. The phtlosonhv of Kmma. Goldman, during her recent visit to Omnha. will be presented by Mrs. C. It. Ulwer. Mrs. Harriet H. Heller and Mr. Ll-.tabet.i Scars and -Mr. Ellis V. Graff, irlmlpal of the Omaha High school will talk of the "New View Point In Kduca tlon." Mr. Graff 1 as recently attended sev eral educational sessions of Importance and hl3'3 Idress will Include some discussion of tlirs,-. Be sides the department members, mothers of high school students are Invited to alimo. Tim Ttrmprrm win h?" promptly at Mfl orrV. The miTrrA t-rrVs iV-mrl-asrni wTd meet at I rlfs Ttwoday afternoon. Mrs. J. U Adams rtlna; as leader. Mrs. T. II. Tracy wta present the current topics ana Miss liOvW.ind will sing, accompanied by Mra. John lUarmon. Mrs. Kdward Johnson will ghre teport of the Boston' biennial. Tho - literature department will meet Wednesday morning at 10:S0 o'clock. Mra. Millard langfeld acting as leader. Thomas Bailey Aldrlch will be the author con sidered and Mrs. T. Mayer will read a paper on the "Difference Between a Short Story and the Story that Is Merely Short" contrasting "Voice of the City" with Ald- riohe's "Margery Daw." Mrs. J. H. Dumont 111 give a paper on the "Difference Be tween a Short Story and a Sketch con trasting Aldrlche's "Two Bites at a Cherry' with Irvlng'a "Rural Life In England." Mrs. Albert Edholm will give selected read. trigs from the works of the authors of the day. The art department will meet at 10 o'clock Friday morning, tho following subjects to be presented: "Rome the Republic and the Pantheon," by Mrs. G. C. Bonner; "Roman Round Table," Mrs. William Grlgor; "Evo lution of the Christian Basilica." Mrs. W. H. Hancock; "St. Clements," Mrs. Henry McDonald. As the regular meeting diy of the musi cal department falls on Thsnksglving it has been postponed until December 3, when Mrs. Edith Waggoner will present the pro gram. Announcements. Mrs. Cynthia Westover Aldcn, president of the International Sunshine society has undertaken the gigantic task of raising JGO.OOO before December V. The nursery and kindergarten for the blind babies of New Tork are the objects of her efforts and she has called upon all men who care for theso little unfortunates to help her The first of the monthly meetings of the women s auxiliaries oi ine i-yniscopai churhces of Omaha, and South Omaha, will be held Friday, November 27, at 2:30 o'clock at St. Andrew's church. Miss Corbett. originator of the Sunbonnet Babies and the Overall Boys, will give one of her very interesting illustrated talks Saturday otemoon, December 5, at o'clock at First Congregational church, In the Interest of the Omaha Settlement asso- edition. 4- $18 o SI Mont Silly o G O 1 Ttiis hanViOTiie pndnatal "tMbPtiKlon table Is ex- grtljr es doocrlbod and la tcnirstrfy illostratod. Piwitirely tlie ffrrtct Taluo ercr offrrd In a high grade pod rot aJ extension table. A most notable example of the UNEQUALED VAIiUES that this store continually presents to the people Oof Omaha and vicinity. Never before has there been offered Oyou such an opportunity to oDtain a nign gTaae reuestui Ertejusion Table at a price usually asked for an ordinary dining room table. This low price we are able to quote only duo to the fact that these handsome tables, were made especi ally for us and were purchased in carload, quantities. They are constructed by expert workmen and every Opart receives the most detailed attention. You ... i . i i nevery positively never naa sucn a grana op portunity to duplicate this value. Think of what other stores offer you at $18.00 and $20.00 and you will certainly recognize this .iiiti o G O O O O TERMS: SI Gash, Ql.OO rvionllily W These HANDSOME PEDESTAL TABLES are constructed of SOLID OAK of a specially selected and beautiful, grain. They are finished in a high grade vnrnish and have a beautiful golden oak finish. They have easy sliding extensions of a patented design. The entire Table is rubbed and polished to a piano finish and will add grace, elegance and luxury to any dining room.' The ped estal or base is of a very substantial construction and is of a fine characteristic design. There is no man, no matter how small his income, but can afford to have one of these tables, as the terms nre very exceptional and apply only to this table. ARMY TO ENLIVEN SOCIETY (Continued from Second Page.) tend the horso show, which took placo thore last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Smith will return this week from tho east, where they have been visiting for the last five weeks in the principal cities. Mrs. Godfrey llolterhoff of Los Angeles, who has been the guest of Judge and Mrs. W. A. Redlck for several weeks, left Satur day evening for her home. Mr. Isadore Wltmark of New Tork City, fiance of Miss Viola Cahn, who has been spending the lust week in Omaha, will leave Sunday for bis home. Mr. and Mra. Ourdon W. Wattles, who are spending a fortnight at their winter home In Holly wood, near Los Angeles, Cal., are expected home Saturday. Miss Jeane Wakefield has returned from a short visit in unooin ana win leave on Tuesday for Kansas City, where she will remain until after Christmas. Mr. Pawling of Milwaukee end Lieuten ant Nathan Bhlverick of. Fort Stn Houston have arrived for the Mlllard-Merriarn wed ding, which takes place Tuesday evening. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. I lerry DeM. Hopkins at Port Towesend, Wash., Thursday. Mrs. Hopkins was formerly Miss Gertrude Kutgers Rlngwalt of Omaha. Mrs. B. W. Nash leaves Sunday for(New Tork, where she will spend the Thanks giving holidays with her daughter. Miss Frances Nash, who has been at Mrs. Burner's school In Washington, D. C. The many friends of Lieutenant and Mrs. Irwin' L. Hunsaker will regret to learn that they expect to leave Omaha shortly to join his regiment now Btationed at Leavenworth, Kan. Lieutenant Hunsaker is an aide-de-camp to General Morton. Miss Ruth Brandels left Saturday for Cincinnati to spend the winter, the guest of Dr. and Mrs. David Wolfsteln. The tea which Mrs. A. D. Brandels had planned to give on the afternoon of December 2 has been postponed until Miss Brandels returns, owing to engagements Mrs. WolfBteln has planned for Miss Brandels in Cincinnati. Tuesday evening, November 24, Dr. and Mrs. Wolfsteln will give a largo evening reception and dancing party at the St. Nicholas hotel to Introduce Miss Brandels and social affairs have been planned tor each day until the holidays. m--u-L snaz-i y- -n ""v s s r-" r .,. 4 j WV. WW KjSJ w w w W WW WW Wws wo w W w W WXa w W O WE AOSQLUTELY CUARAMTEE TO UNDERSELL ANY HOUSE IN OMAHA AND THEREBY SAVE YOU 25 TO 40 tJ .00 Pedestal Extension TaMe Only SlOiO'o Q O O O O O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 690 FOR THIS ELEGANT Q CHIFFONIER V Q As a Most Extraordinary Value This Thanksgivinjs; Special is Actually worth $18.00 Special Sale $s Price only.. JL The "Kanlstoop' Sh-.uldcr Brace and Suspender STROHC. EFFECTIVE SIMPLE The only brae that brace. Positively cures the babit of stooping. Produce, thai military effect ao desired. Women', Glrla'aiid Bojra, all size $1.00 Men , all sixes 91.23 Bold enly ty th. foUowlaf flesUsrsi MIESS-D1LL0M DRL'G CO. B. B, Cornel ltUi and rmta aTtreais, bole Mannfacturrra and Distributers, C. BtMDICT CO.. IBC OAUAJtS, OAUTOsUrXA. XATB8T 8TTl.ll. ninOT TIT. rmt-wiaa work at afoAaraM moss. 1 Si aV r M L Fox Ladies' Tailor and Furrier aa uinvwoin trrmxxT. Have your fail and winter suit made at our piaua. Though new tn Omaha. In the short period of time we have demonstrated ur superiority in evei j oiu uver omera, to Um maoy who already nave triad us. ly uo naa dau m uii ai uur b-r what she says. Our pr aWouieae 1b fit. style and wurkmanahiy is 5Q50 FOR THIS FABR1C030 u LEATHER COUCH TEBMBl tl.00 Oaah, SOe Wtekly. Positively the greatest value ever offered In this character of a couch. It is substantially made and will rive the best of wear and service. Sani tary construction. RUG SPECIALS $6.00 Art Reversible, extra strong quality, sale price S3.95 $10.00 Brusael Rugs, 9x6 size, good wearing quality, Bale price, at 9G.35 $15.00 Brussel Rugs, 10-6x8-3 beautiful patterns, sale price, at $10.50 KM- F- AFTKK r.VVMKNTS ON ANY CMX)I)S I'ritCHAS KI NOW CAN IJK MADK IF RO DKSIHKD, COM MKNCINO JAM AUY 1. :g!c?tl!8'. o o o o o o o Yon "Win Always Find the Be Talon Her. mple tjir ratifies o o S O n S 0 For this Massive Gold u0 Coin Base Burner TX&MSt S3. 50 CaaHi $3.50 Monthly A fnost wonderful value and la, by actual test, the most econom ical Base Burner ever constructed. Every one a Double Heater. Thoy have large patented fir pota and special alr-tiitht maga zine. They are beautifully nick eled trimmed and every one bears a positive guarantee of satisfac tion. , S yf 75 For this Economical kt' Soft Coal Heater CT TZBMSt BOO Weekly. Positively the best value ever tffred In a soft anal heater. It is thoroughly guaranteed and is a most economical stove. . It is heavily constructed and is hand somely nickel trimmed. OOOOOO! J rmrsi.il.Aj 0 turn :.rvri. rt.Tvcirr?'n'i.aia;. swmiiviPwwftjsM r mam 75 fOR THIS WILTON VELVET RUG SIZE 9x12 FEET TERMS! $1.60 Cash; BOo Weekly. Here is certainly a very big value and one that I" appreciated by everybody. It Is made of selected material and Is very closely woven. Comes In very rich colors, and Is positively without an equal In this city. $18!!! for This Magnificent Brass Bed TXSMS: 91.60 Cash; BOo Weekly. Exactly Ilk. Illustration.) Positively ine neai value ever OTrt-rua anywnerp in a Brass Bed. It is substantially constructed sml is made by expert workmen and with ordinary care should last a life time. Very highly polished. Jt comes in me run size oniy. Our Prices Will Always Be Found to Be the Lowest. 1 1613 a TARNAM STREETS. OMAHA. o o o o TEBUli BOo Weekly. (Exactly Uk. Out.) Tt la made of solid oak and has five large and roomy drawers, very best construction, has French bevel plate mirror supported by heavy standard. The entire chiffonier Is highly polished. This High Grade Steel J O P50 Q ""CS! Range for TERMS: ta.80 Cash. 13.60 Monthly VmT This high grade steel range, complete with upper warming cloHct as shown in illustration, is certainly the best value offered anywhere. It has a large 16-Inch oven, nickel trimmings and is as bestos lined. o o o i Be Well Dressed Thanksgiving Day $ There Are Great Advantages in Making Your Choice Here SUITS aoid OVERCOATS PENALTY BE A COP FOR YEAR Judife Scares Countryman by '"Threat ruluK to Place II Im on Po lice Force. The threat to sentence a man to a year's service on the police force as Dunlshment for having discharged A revolver on the street and for hav Ing then thought someone else did the shooting, was the novel Joke played on Charles l'orter, a farm worker, in pollc ' court Saturday morning. When lie had told his story, Judge Crawford told him he had a good mind to sentence him to walk the streets as a t luecout for twelve months. 'Please, Judge, I was Just fingering th. gun in my pocket and forgot it was loaded. The bullet hit the pavement and I thought it had come from a seoond story window." 'But what If it had lilt your brother, who was walking along with yoir?" asked Judge Crawford, endeavoring to scare Porter from repeating the performance. "I n-never meant to m-m-murder any- body," stammered Porter with a frightened look on his face. "Please don't give me a heavy sentence or make me stay till you get a Jury. I'll go right back home and start shelling corn again." 'Well," replied the Judge with a wink ot his eye that the frightened farmer did not see, "we have some vacancies on the po lice force caused by some of our men being killed while on duty. I'll let you off with a year's service filling one of th. vacancies." This stumped Porter, whose real nam. is said to be Qreen, but lie made one last ap peal to th. occasional humor-loving Judge and officer, in the court room, and he finally was told to go and finish his corn shelling, after which, he said, he would re turn to serve his sentence, if necessary. 1 tlX I V nm J Refined1 tn Pattern N Excel' lent In 0O "rJSTOf I Pglnt ol W fa Your own self-respect demands that you look your best and make a good appearance on Thanksgiving Day. Jf you wish to ba careful about the amount you spend this year on doth aa, Brandels can Berve you better than any other store, be?au8e we sell high class, hand-tailored clothes at really moderate prices. Three spciais, at 25 NO VERDICT INJtURDER CASE Jury tat Gu Schmidt Trial Dlaasjree. ad Asotbrr Hearing; la ta lie Held. Unable to agre. after being locked up twenty-four hours, the Jury tn the Uus Schmidt murder case was discharged by Judge Sears at noon Saturday. Th. Jury went out about 11:30 Friday and. according to th. statements to the court, had stood seven to five on the question of man slaughter or acquittal from the first. It is understood th. majurl'y favored a verdict of guilty of manslaughter. Schmidt was charged with causing th. death of Lars Jensen, an old man, with whom h. was living. Iarsen in his dying statement declared Schmidt had kicked him in the side during a quarrel over some beer glasses. Schmidt denied kicking the old man and asserted the Injury came from his straining himself during the tussle. Schmidt was remanded to Jail to await a new trial. LIGNITE COAL ON RAILROAD Northwestern Makes Riperiment Material Which Is Plentiful In Wyoming. of The Northwfstern has experimented on oil burning engines in Wyoming and Is now experimenting with an engine to burn the lignite coal which la so plentiful In that state. It I. reported that the new en gine recently put Into service on the west ern division lias been meeting all require ments in a successful manner. The new burner was designed tj burn Hudson coal and Superintendent CuntHlon is very much pleated with the experiment. It is expected the success of the trial will re sult in th. building of more engines of a simitar type. It la also thought this will lead the Northwestern to extend its lines to th. coal fields west of Shoshoni. Two large steam shovels and a large force ot men are busily at work pushing the Platte valley line of th. Union Pacific into Wyoming. Steel is going down rapidly and th. track should b. into Wyoming in a short time. Every effort is being mad. to push th. work as tar as possible before cold weather puts a stop to th. work. RIVER NAMED FOR BRYAN Repabltraa Stream's Nam. Will Be thajiged by DesaoeratL , Leslslatare. It is reported thai 'on. of tb. changes contemplated by th. newly elected fusion legislature as a result of Us success over the republican party will be to change th. nam. of th. Republican river. It Is sug gested th. nam. will ba changed to Bryan. rs. Buster's Exclusive Oats V BIfl Reduction Sale for Thanksgiving Week During the coming week we offer every Hat, includ ing beautiful and striking models in the late modes, at 334 Discount This discount is abso lute. This is the week to make your money go furth est. If you need a winter hat, if you would like an extra one come here this week. MRS. MUSTER 221 No. lGtti St. Loyal Hotel Block M SpecIalJShowme 1 ATS... I I 1 I I I I J I 1; of dainty and attrac tive styles Included In this L off 3 Sale It Is an .asy matter to do bualna through Th. Be. Want Ad columns.. Is Not the Only Automobile Made But Is The Best Value of Any Machine Sold COMPARE SPECIFICATIONS WITH OTHFIW. THEN COME AND EXAMINE 1 HE OVEKLANO. MODEL j ENGINE Four cylinders cast separately, (five bearings 3Q on main abaft). (SO H. P. 4-lnch. bore, 4-lnch. stroke. Water cooled thernio-Bjphon. WHEEL HASE 105 Inches. 32x3 Q. D. Tires. TRANSMISSION Foot control, planetary. IGNITION Double system, REMV MAGNETO. ENGINE The same as Model 30. MODEL ( WHEEL BASE 110 Inches, Tires 34x3. 32 TRANSMISSION 3 Speed, Sliding Gear, Selective. 31500 ( IGNITION Double system. REMV MAGNETO. NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR MAGNETO OR GAS LAMPS. Call, p!'on or write fur a demonstration. WHILE SHOPPING tt you ar. p.rplaz.d or.r th. mUlinsry question Tlslt HAIVSOlM'S CAFE BEAUTIFUL A .quiet rest here a Uttl. afternoon ua and you will surely hav. aa Inspiration. Oar land ay TabU XVHot. will satisfy th. most exacting. Bp.clal Thanksgiving Tabl. XVHot. (win. Included.) Our preparations for this occasion will warrant us telling you that our Thanksgiving dljiner will be such as has never bei-u attempted in this city. Give yourself a treat, pine litre that day. i miii iuusi ii n i mi i tun v im jjian wTgnnsM'Ss: iri PHONES. Doug. 2133. A-1523. Brick P. Kuhn, 1812 HARNEY STREET, Oppottite Library. n ssi 'jf'.sa mmi'm?fl''l, sins mi uj n u nn Machine j pays the rent on a beautiful, machine, complete with all Jf I its. wnat rent you pay ay- i Rent a. Scvvli $3.00 A MONTH up-to-date, drop-head the latest attachmet plies on purchatie price it you decide to buy. Our Rent Machines are delivered at your hom. No trouble, do expense, Just eall us up by phone. Nebraska Cycle Co. Corner 15th and Harney, Omaha. Telephones Douglas 10B3. Independent A-l(ifl:l. s rttiwul eutnpariaun la umaa