Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 2, Image 10

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The Car
De Luxe
The Baker Broajrhara
is a most convenient and
dependable car for city re
quirements. Holds four peo-
le comfortably elppant
ifl-nifled distinguished in
appearance, and roui
style and quality which
ere markedly fuperior to
any other make.
are the "standard of the
world" and cannot be ex
celled in simplicity, eae of
control, noiseless operation,
elegance of material and
finish and the resulting
lone life to batteries, motor
and car.
Let Ut Sbow Ton By
Actual Demonstration
We shall be pleased to
have you phone ut for an
appointment. ?
1990 TWMB BU, Omaha, kTss.
Televhona Douglas 391.
The Trade Mark
of Quality
la so closely associated with an
' article from EDIIOLM'S, that the
girt bears a tdouble significance
,to the recipient. The coming of
the Yule Tide, and the thought
of loved ones, brings many new
aad .excluBlre designs In
that fnr pleranra and economy of
prices, Is ahead of any previous
showing In Omaha.
Ask for our beautiful booklet
and Christmas Suggestions.
Albert Edholm
Jeweler ami Silversmith
Headquarters, Fort Crook and Fort
Omaha Officers Will Give Ball.
Week's Calendar Well fill vltk
Affairs f More Tfc (
Interest lab Mtl
M ill Fill la.
Genuine Antique Mahogany Dining
Room Set, Colonial Sideboard, 8 chairs
and table. Will Bell at a sacrifice. Any
reosonable offer, considered. Ad drew
Bee, J-635, 'or 'phone Douglas 737
after 7:00 P. M.
J ,-jPT520 DOUGLAS S7,tf"
Would you like romethlng la
Jeselry that Is distinctive end
Individual? We can makj I,
' for you; epeclul Ueslaiu In
rtnga, brooches, pendants, etc.
executed to your prder, at rea
sonable cost.
If at all Interested, eoms
and let us . dt-monstratu uur
ability to successfully produce
art work In gold uud Jewels lo
saset your ideas and taste,
Suggoslloiis and estimate fur
any such work cheerfully fur
nished. Tou may not realise
the raaanltuJe and merit of
ur splendid wit shops
thousands have been ror.vlr.oeJ
by experience. Ther is yet
due, with nir immense stork
of precious and amil-preclous ,
stosrea an 1 hand-matte .nount
Inag, to eui Oarlstaae Or
ua aaj dellstr "cm Obis.
r.eaiembar 910.00 buy
Omega Vatrh, - that has f ea
tures which no other uaicU
In the world equals for the
Jewelers and Opticians,
ISM Douglas St.
Iter (kserai,
I do not blame you. Beatrice, dear,
For wearing such a bonnet.
With frill and luce and fluffy things
And trrtles of ribbons on It.
It beauty nnd Its magnitude
Will always csuse remark.
And when I kiss you 'neath Its shade
We're almost In the dark.
-The Flirt.
The Social Calendar.
MONDAY Young Married Peoples tXn
ring club meeting with Mr. and Mrs.
Etta Wlllnrd and Mrs. S. 8. CsMwell at
the letter's home; Mr. Barton Millard,
luncheon at Hanson's for the men Cjf Ms
wedding party; Mr. Cleorg-e Redlrk, bach
elors' dinner St the Omaha Club for Mr.
Psrton Millard and the men of Ms wed
ding party: Monday Bridge club at the
home of Mrs. Isaac Oiles; Dr. and Mre.
George U. Miller house warming at their
new home: Mr. Will Peaae. theater party
for Mlae Lola Westbrook; Mrs. Thomas
Kllpatrlck; tea for directors of the Visit
ing Nurses' association.
TT" E8DAY Wedding of M's Nathalie
Merrlam and Mr. narton Millard at Trin
ity cathedral; reception st the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Merrlam; Mrs. A.
C. Towell. afternoon reception for Miss
Katherlne Powell; Mrs. William Kier
tesd, bridge partvj debut reception and
dance for Miss Ruth Brandole in Cincin
nati. WEDNESDAY Meeting of the Amateurs
at the home of Mrs. Gilbert M. Hitch
cock; Midweek firings club meeting at
the home of Mrs. Iut Nash; Mr. and
Mrs. Dnvld Raum. supper party at their
home; Thanksgiving ball at Metropolitan
club; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamilton,
dinner party.
THt'HSDA Y Thanksgiving day; open
houae at D. A. A. club.
FRIDAY Mrs. George Flatner, bridge
luncheon; Original Bridge club meeting
at the home of Miss Jeanne Wakefield;
Junior Bridge club meeting at the home of
Mrs. Harry Montgomery; University of
Michigan stag dinner at Hanson's cafe;
Mlee Itortenae Clarke. Delta Gamma
meeting; Mrs. R. R. Davis, Kappa Kappa
Gamma kenslngton.
SATURDAY Mrs. R. A. Cudahy. after
noon reception for Mlas Jean Cudahy;
fourth annual muslcale by the Altar
guild of Trinity cathedral at the home of
Mrs. A. J. Pnppleton; dancing party at
' Brownell hall.
The officer's or Fort Omaha, Fort Crook
and the headquarters are planning an elab
orate reception .ind ball to be giren In
honor of General and Mrs. Charles Morton
and General and Mrs. William H. Carter.
The ball will probably be given at the
Rome hotel, Wednesday evening, December
9, although definite arrangements have not
been completed. It Is several seasons since
a military ball has been given In Omaha
and it will be one of the events of the
season and Is being anticipated by the
Omaha people as well as the officers and
their wives. General Carter has recently
taken a short leave of absence and expects
to be In Omaha for a few flays about De
cember 7rto 10 and will later relieve Gen
eral Morton, who Is at present In com
mand of the Department of the Missouri.
The committee oa arrangements for the
ball Include Lieutenant W. N. Haskell of
Fort Omaha, Lieutenant Troifpe Miller,
aide-de-camp to General Morton, and Lieu
tenant Mlchaeila of Fort Orook. Later a
number of other officers will be appointed
to assist.
Dr. George L. Miller and Mrs. Miller will
celebrate the fifty-fourth anniversary of
Dr. Miller's coming to Omaha by giving
an elaborate house warming at their new
home at 49 North' Thirty-first street,
faouig Curtis Turner park, Monday even
ing. The real anniversary was October
la, but as the new home was not completed
they decided to turn back the calendar a
month and then Invite all their friends In
to celebrate.
The first house occupied by Dr. Miller
was located oa Twenty-fourth street near
Kelloni school. It wsa a Cottonwood shanty,
rough plastered with clay and lfme. The
single room was parlor, library, living I
room, bedroom and bedroom. The furni-1
ture was made of cottonwood slabs and the
chairs' were three In number, home made. ;
Dr. Miller has Just completed a new and
attratclve .home of the bungalow style,
with every modern convenience, which Is
a model of beauty and quite a contrast
to his first home In Omaha. This, how-
ever. Is not the first modern residence he
erected. Some years ago he built a beau
tiful stone mansion at Seymour park, near
Seymour lake, which, with all hla treasures,
was destroyed by f1i.
Among the out-of-town guests who have
sent their acceptances for the house
warming are General Grenvtlle M. Dodg;
of Council Rluffs and his daughter, Mrs.
Montgomery, Miss Emms Morton of Arbor
Lodge. Nebraska City, Bister of the late
secretary of agriculture, J. Sterling Mor
ton, who was an Intimate friend of Dr.
Miller, and Hon, and Mrs. A. J. Sawyer
of Lincoln.
Over luu guests wUl be present Monday
evening to enjoy the hospitality of Dr.
na Mrs. Miller, Including many of the
oldest settlers of Omaha.
While announcing that he has ao desire
to prescribe what women shall wear on
their heads. Bishop Williams of the Episco
pal church asks that all women who attend
the wedding at the Cathedral Tuesday
night hare their heads covered, In accord
ance with the Immemorial ru'.e of the
church.' The women can wear what they
plense, Jn accordance with the requirements
of Christian courtesy and consideration for
others who would like to see and bear.
For once, the bishop asks that the women
bow not to dame fashion, but shall observe
the rule of the church and wear modest
and seemly apparel In the house of God.
He alao requests that all unnecessary con
versation ia the church be avoided and be
come reverent Christian people.
Twenty-fourth street, Thursday1 evening.
The prlsea were won toy Mrs. Will Wiyn
and Mr. Robert Chumhiy. The next meet
ing will be In two weeks at the home of
Mrs. Will Fenwick. The' members are:
Mr. and Mrs. A. King. Mr. and Mrs. W. M.
Rhyn. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Fn wick, Mr.
snd Mrs C P. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. J. Turk
and Mr. and Mrs. R. Chumhly.
Mrs. Jerome B, t'arrott and Mr a. J. Burr
Taylor entertained at bridge Wednesday
arternnnn. Chrysanthemums were used fot
decorations. Prises were won by Mrs. Roy
Longley, Mrs. W. L. Klerstead and Miss
Keya These present Were; Mrs. Charles
O. Tftlmtige. Mrs. Sam Skllllng. Mrs, John
Meacham. Mrs. Earle R. tlles, Mrs. Tom
Rurchmore, Mrs. W. I. Klerstead, Mrs. i
Hal If. Roberts, Mrs. Roy Longlry, Mrs.
Frank Burchmore, Mrs. C. S. Voorhees,
Miss Keys and Miss Violet Burchmore.
Mrs. Jerome Magee and Mrs. Ben Cotton
entertained at bridge Saturday afternoon
at the home of the former, in honor of
Miss Lois Westbtook of Ogdensburg, N.
Y., guest of Mrs. E. 8. Westbrook. Those
present were: Mlas Lois Westbrook, Mrs.
a 8. Caldwell. Mrs. E. 8. Westbrook. Mrs.
Louis Charles Naafj, Mies Gertrude Moore
head, Miss MaryAlice Rogers, Mrs. Wll
lard Hosford, Mrs. W. T. Burns, Mies El
dred of Jackson. Mich.; Mrs. Samuel Bums,
Jr., Mrs. T. F. Kennedy, Mrs. Daniel Baum,
Mrs. C. Y. Smith. Mrs. Joseph Barker, Mrs.
Herbert Wheeler, Mrs. J. A. C. Kennedy
and Mrs. Eva Wallace.
The Z. Z. club entertained at dinner Fri
day evening In the parlors of the First
Methodlat church. Covers were laid for
thirty-five. Dr. and Mrs. Lowland, Mr.
and Mrs. T. F. Sturgeas and Mr. and Mrs.
J. O. Detweller were guests of the club.
The members present were: Misses
Burdette Bummers, Edith Vapor, Fear!
Roberts, Susie Loftus, Agnes Scott, Martha
Moss, Tatlence 'Walker, Anna Prange,
Klsle Wylle. Frances Loftus, Rogena An
dresen, GoKlte Ulterback, Gertrude Dake,
Fay Carter, Jessie Barnes, Franoes Brooks,
Louise Yatea, Murelle Barnes, Haaelle
Loveland, Grac I'tterback, Blanche Lewis,
Mabel Jackson, Lulu Cummins, Gertrude
Coe, Mae Cook, Effle Coe, Mrs. J. W. Mo
Culley and Mrs. C. K. Cummins.
Thursday afternoon Mrs. C. W. Chllds en
tertained at her heme in Benson In honor
of her daughter. Miss Mary Gertrude
Chllds, whose engagement to Mr. Henry
II. Thomas has been announced. The rooms
were decorated In red and green, with red
shaded lights. Dinner was served In the
dining room, where the sane color scheme
was carried out. The guests were seated
at one long table having at each end mini
ature telegraph poles banked with roses
and ferps, from which the place cards,
small red hearts, were extended. Little
Harold Robbing, nephew of Miss Chllds,
acted as messenger. The guests were
Mlsaes Alta Thomas, Francis and Jessie
Buller, Georgia Morton, Lin a Washburn,
Ella Graven, Mattle and Effle McGuire,
Edith CarteT, Mattle Nevins and Gertrude
Chllds of Benson; Ruth Anderson of Coun
cil Bluffs; Mesdames C. W. Chllds, Mar
garet McGuire, A. L. Thomas, Bertha
Gross, A. C. Thomas, R. W. Bosworth of
Benson; James Robbins and A. Beattle of
jfmssmmmmmmmm, eimeiiJWsWis...wi .. paeeiWB,..i.jgi t1MIU . j HW '""mUJasUmMMWil1illM 1 ffiinHM!-1IIWnll,l IfMlllflslU MD'lWiWIlt i.U WWHBiaiifJIB
j . ; ;
"pZZ 1517 FAltWAM ST.
ment W
Have Ever
Now Is the time to have your
wlater clothes cleaned and re
paired. We have a rerular department
for repairing and altering both
snen's end wojneu's cktthlug.
- We put In new linings, put on
celret collars aad new buttons, put
aew skirt braid and bands, etc
Our prices are very reasonable
and workmanship first-class.
V tol Cleaners aad by ere."
1B13 Joaea Street. Both rhonee.
- P. 6. Out-of-town business re
ceives prompt attentloa. Write for
price list.
Plawatirea 1'ntt,
The H. G. L. club was entertained Fri
day by Mrs. R. C. Druesdel and the high
cores for the sflernoun were made by
Mrs. D. T. McGratb aad Mrs. J. Q. Mc
Lean. The next meeting will be la -two
weeks, at the home of Mrs. Walter Bryan.
Mrs. Charles Davis entertained the Na
tional Whist club at her home, 3UA South
This institution is the only one
la the centre 1 west with sesrste
buildings situated In their own
ample grounds, yet entirely dis
tinct and rendering it possible to
classify cases. The one, building
being fitted for and devoted to the
treatnjent of noncontagious aad
BwnueaUt diseases, ao ethers be
ing admitted. Tbs other. Best
Cottage, being designed lor and
devoted to the exclusive treatment
cf select mental cases, requiring
for a time watchful care aad spe
cial, aurslng.
Prospective Plestsnres.
A dancing party will be given at Brownell (
Hall Saturday evening.
Mr. Will Pease will give a theater party
at the Bovd Monday evening for Miss Lois
Westbrook. I
The next Tuesday momlrg muslcale will
be held Tuesday. December 1, at the home j
of Mrs. C. C. Allison. j
Mrs. J. C. Hammond will entertain In
formally Friday afternoon for hw daugh
ter. Mrs.' A. G. Phles of Hanna, Wyo. '
Mrs. Thomas K II pn crick wrill give a tea
at her home 'Monday afternoon for, the
directors of the Vhltkig Nurses' associa
tion. Mr. and Mrs. Exra Millar and Mr. and
Mrs. S. 8. Caldwell will entertain the
Yourg Married People's Dancing club at
the home of the latter Monday evening.
The Diets Athletic association will keep
"open house" Thanksgiving day at Us club
tot ma. Thirtieth and 8paulding streets,
from 8:J0 o'clock until midnight. During
the afternoon there will be a foot hall
game end In the evening a dancing party.
The committee In charge are Mr. Franlt
Harrison, Mr. Jofin T. McMahon and Dr.
Hayes Gsantner.
Two debutantes will be introduced this
week. Mrs. A. C. Powell will give an aft
ernoon reception from 3 to 6 o'clock Tues
day for her daughter, Miss Katharine
Powell, and Saturday afternoon Mrs. Ed
ward A. Cudahy will open her home on
uth Thirty-seventh street from 4 to I
o'clock to introduce her daughter, Miss
Jean Cudahy, who was recently crowned
queen of Quivers at the A k -Bar-Ben ball.
A number of Omaha students will arrive
Wednesday from the. University of Ne
braska. The members of the Kappa Alpha
Theta aororlty 'who will spend their vaca
tion In Omaha are Miss Alice McCullough,
Miss Orace Rohrbough, Miss Irma Staples,
Mlns Olive Hammond and Miss Mary Pahs.
Those from the Delta Gamma are Miss
Esss Gould. Misa Margaret Guthrie and
Miss Ruth Raymond. The alumnae mem
bers r.ave planned an afternoon party In
their honor on Friday, November 17, at
the home of Miss Hortense Clarke, and
tre members of the Kappa Kappa Gamma
to arrive are Miss Doris Wood, Mlas Ma
Belle Hervey, Miss Ann Dennis and Miss
Helen Shole. An Invitation party has
teen phtnned in their honor oa Friday
afternoon, November 27, at the home of
Mrs, B. B. Dp vis.
One of the large social affairs of the
week will be the wedding Tuesday evening
at Trinity cathedral at I Jo, when Miss
Nathalie Merrlam, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Nathan Merrlam, will become She
bride bf Mr. Barton Millard, son of Mr.
and Mrs, W. B. Millard. Rt. Iter. Arthur
L. Williams, bishop of the Episcopal church
In Nebraska, assisted by Rev. John Wil
liams, rector of St ttaraasaa. will officiate..
The wedding party will Include Miss Mil
dred Merrlam, sister of the bride, as miM
of honor; Mrs. George Refill k, matron of
honor; Elisabeth Congdon, bridesmaid, and
little Miss Katherlne Barton, flower girl.
Lieutenant Nathan SMverkk of Fort Sam
Houston will be best ssaa. The sabers win
Include Mr. Milton Darling, first usher, aad
Mr. Pawling ef Milwaukee, Mr. W itlard I
Butler, Mr. John Redick. Mr. Richard
Buum, Mr. Paul Gallagher and Mr. George
Redick. The ceremony will be followed
by a reception st I o'clock st Iks borne bf
the bride's parents on S?uth Thirty-seventh
street, when those assisting, besides the
wedding party, will be Misa Mary AUce
Rogers, Mlas Helen Davis, Miss Jean
Cudahy, Mlas Bets Baum, Mlas Hilda Ham
mer, Miss Mary Morgan, Mrs. Edward
Crelghton. Mrs. Kra Millard. Mrs. K. C. 1
Honest Values in Ladies' Apparel
We believe we have demonstrated leyond qupstion
the reliability of this house. Not alone reliability in
merchandise nnd reasonable prices, but iu attention and
servicers well. The flattering expressions we receive
daily and our increasing large volume of business are
truly evidence that our high aim to build upon the pro
gresvsive lines of up-to-date merchandising ivS appreci
ated by the public.
Splendid New Garments This
Week in Tailor Made Suits
In all the leading shades, from $15.00 to $45.00, wi
a sjiecial feature; also coats
in tight find semi-fitting or
- empire effects from
$15 to $
Furs of the Highest Qnaiity
There is every reason in the world why
womeq who need furs should buy them at the
"Elite." You buy your cloaks and suits here,
why not furs? They bear the same label and
guarantee of satisfaction that all "Elite" gar
ments do, besides we can save you from 25 to
50 on a furrier's prices. Our stock is liberal,
stylish and correct in price.
The great CuMo-Cost Millinery
Sale Continues Monday at
1S08 Douglas Street
You Get
What you
' when you get it et
we never substitute.
'Phons Doug. SI
15th and Famsm
as it m
Christmas Suggestions
Why sot take advantage of the lj
(eptlonal advantages this store Offers
to buyers of Holiday Good.
Never before have our stocks been
so varied or Interesting ss they are
now, an4 sever before have ws made
such preparations for Christmas husl
niHH. This store hai. for years, been the
moot lntrettir.g ts discriminating
buvers of any more in this country.
fcarly purchasers tell they are
deiichted with the showing we have
maua of an sUiess variety f inter.
ewtinff articles at madvrate prices."
Owing lo the fsct that our stock
contains few duplicate articles, we
suKKit and Invite an early inspec
tion, whether intending to purchase
or not
C B. Brown Co.
Jrwelers and SUvrrsmrtha.
. 16th and Farnam
Barton. Mrs. W. B. Millard, Mrs. fcdwia
H. Jenks. Mrs John Williams, Mrs. John
Botrrke. Mis. Fred Cola snd Miss Jesse
. J
rsac G Oosslsi.
A soa was bars Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs.
U F. Crofoo.
A soa was born on Friday marntng to
Mr. snd Mrs KUar Bcott.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cudahy are staking
a ahvrt visit wi New York City.
Mrs. Peterson of Schuyler, Neb., Is the
guest of Mr. sad Mrs. W. L. Usskker.
Mrs. Elisabeth Kleffaor returns today
from a visit with her da uc-t iters la Ksnsas
Mr. snd Mrs. Chart E. Black have r
j j tsrssd Cross a fortnight's visit ia Ctilcmg-s
with Mrs. Black's sister, Mrs. 8. "H. Cot'
j ton.
Mitts Butnj Monrhesd retains Monday
fixrsn Chhgo. accompattrd by Mrs. Brsd
Jars. 1L 8. Jay of Mlunrsjulis fa tas
gut-at of tx-r daughter, Mrs. Braes ' Fbnd
Mrs. Whitcomb of Chicago Is lug her
daughter. Mrs. Warren Black wtU snd Mr
Mlas Myrtle Bunk will r4rs Wednesday
from the setirrraMy at Lin.'Ola for the
Thanksgiving holiday.
Ms KatSertn Otrfisall and Mrs. M
Mltcbell snd daughter, Nancy, have sosm
to Oieycaas, Wya. for s short visit.
Mr. sad Mrs W. IL McC'ffd are rislUag
Is Kesr York Ctty, they west ts st'
In the Newest Tool Affairs.
London emoke, ued tops
with plain ideal kid vanapa;
also tlie new blue nd brown
suede tops of this shoe made
in button with war tope.
BhoTrn only at Borosia, the
exclusive women's shoe
Soresls boys and girls'
shoes are best made and fit
th feet naturally. Misses'
and youths' noiseless ehoeo
have rubber heels.
Our boys' double sole calf
shoe, on the latest foot-form,
last, is the best hi the world.
203 Sow h 15th St.. OMAHA
As Christmas Time Approaches
Toward iho
Store Worth While
Here are suitable Christmas
gifts in the greatest profusion
in a range of prices that meets
every desire . and all in abso
lutely correct designs. The
season's most charming, capti
vating novelties, the solid sub
stantial, "always right" sta
ples of all that's correct, the
best is here.
Inexpensive Patterns in Great Profusion
No tnatter how modest the price you want, come liere and let
us show you the astonishing range of prices we offer.
Stick Pins
Solid G-ld
A wide variety
of exclusive pat
terns, from the
highly srsats to
th plain snd som
bre. Tou can find
Jvnt the patters
and price you want
in this line.
Solid Gold
- Beautiful designs
with settings of
coral. In plain and
cameo patterns,
turquoise and opal
matrix, and plain
seal rings la new
snd latest styles.
Special Dia
tnond Rings
We have a choice
rot beautifSl, small
stones, clever and
petite, and particu
larly appropriate
for gifts,
price Is
$3.75 lo $75 $3 to $40 S20
Mawhinney& Ryah,Je,
Tou could hard
ly believe the pos
sibilities attained
in the blending of
settings snd de
signs In these
clever pins. large
tons settings,
hand engraved.
$3.50 to $30
Jewelers Q SilTersmithi
5th nd Douglas Sts.
, The
Good Music.
Perfect Service.
Correct Appointments
and s
Special Sunday
Dinner de Lux
Just a ttttla bit better than before.
ThU evening from to 8 O'clock.
$1.00 Per riate.
Tables mar be reserved la edTsncs
PHONES-Douglas 2008; A4282.
Hotel Loyal
Opposite tbs Post Oince.
n rn
Rented $100 a month, including free library privileges.-
Kent a Pianola Player and open the way for
every member of your family to enjoy Music. Thone or
call. The player will he delivered to you tomorrow.
1311-1313 Farnam Street
INO. A1625
1 To Christmas Shoppers
Exclusive Designs la Desk Sets, Card Cases, Letter Books, Pocket Books, H
f? Brldgs. WtiUt rts, Crlbbage Sets. Poker Seta. Addresi boom. g
P ink Stands. Portfolios, Writing Cases, Twine Boxes.
The Finest Line ot Calendars We Have Ever Had.
p 1616 Farnam Street
All our fancy back comb snd hsir ornaments, aji the err latest etytes .
iCaUnud ) TUrd rM-i
g,ooo aviain xsxx.m fi
rented to rdr la le tslon. Wi bav.
st.rera.1 slses sn1 styles lower than this
some higher. Engraved dt--ut labt-ls In
mdUio tuts TriMu la per tswusand up.
rvsrrosr tvajsK cxtrJrr
Co tubs
F. LI. SC HA DELL. ooulVA . 1