Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
Pages 1 to 10.
A Papr ftr th Horn
Best t". West
A Tough Customer!
Saturday, Jlovmbtf XI, 10.
Gas Main in Brooklyn Ex ies,
Wrecking Street.-' -
Head of Oil Combine i Cross
V Examined for Five Hours.
1908 AoiMBRi 1908
FortyThousand-Dollar Jewelry Trunk
'and Robber Are Recovered.
3 4 5 6 Z
10 11 12 Id U
1Z 18 19 20 21
24 25 20 2Z 28
Victims Smo
Heath In Fl'k.
Water M.
, - Bsroed to
V rlsa- Broke a
r Mswats LIU
Remembers Bat One Instance Where
Company Received Them.
Bills Baggage of Wealth to Himself
at St. Joseph, Missouri.
8 9
15 16
22 23
29 SO
V fit'
It Earn Half Billion Dollars in Few
Mr. Kelloa Will Require All Day
- Monday end Greater Part of
Tuesday Arch bold Cornea
NEW YORK. No. 20. For over five
hour today John P. Rockefeller. witness
for the defence In the government suit to
dissovle the Standard Oil company, faced
an unceasing fire of questions from the
federal counael, Frank B. Kellogg, and
When adjournment waa taken u .til Monday
the head of tha oil combine waa still being
cross-examined on the charges that the
? company In Its early days accepted rebatea
to tha disadvantage of Its rivals. Mr. Rock
I ; efeller'a cross-examination will probably
I not be concluded until late Tuesday, as
t Mr. Kellogg made It known that ha would
i question Mr. Rockefeller on every detail of
tha company' business.
' ..The Immense earning; power of the oil
combination was sharply brought out In
today's hearing: when Mr. Rockefeller, after
stating that the Standard had paid divi
dends amounting to (40,000.000 in 1807, said
, Jf It hsd earned aa much more, and that this
(was added to the company's surplus, which
was stated by the government's counsel to
be 1300.000,000. It waa further declared by
Mr. Kellogg that the company, within the
last few years, had earned nearly 1500,000,
ooo. The course of Mr. Rockefeller's testimony
In the bands of government counsel ran
not so smoothly as yesterday wh.i he
told his story under the direction of f.lendly
counsel, but the ' rapid-fire interrogations
of the prosecutor' were always met with
A unshaken Imperturbability and readiness to
" answer, except when, as he explained:
"It la quite Impossible for me to remem
ber after thirty-five years. I do not re
call." . , Mr. Rockefeller waa questioned closely
, regarding rebates which the Standard was
charged with receiving, but with the ex
ception of the agreement with tha Penn
sylvania railroad, which Mr. Rockefeller
explained gave the Standard a rebate be
cguM it . effected . an equalisation of oil
shipment. . Mr. Rockefeller could not re-
rail any other rebate, though he thought
It was likely that he might have heard of
It at tha time, v.
' Tli a president of tha EUndard OH com
pany, when he learned that tha govern
ment counsel would not be able to con
clude tha cross-examination .by tomorrow
. night, suggested an adjournment until Moa.
dip, which waa agreed to.
' Cross-Examlnatlom Begins. .
Mr. Rockefeller waa agnln on the witness
stand when tha hearing, was resumed today.
Ills to -examination,' was at once begun
by Frank B. Kellogg; the special district
attorney. , '
Mr. Kellogg aald that the cross-examlna-"
tlon would not be confined to the period
between 1W3 and li&i. concerning which Mr.
Rockefeller gave evidence on his direct ex
amination, but would cover also subsequent
developments which were connected dl
1 rectly with those of the period described by
Mr. Rockefeller.
In response to questions about the haz
ardous nature of the oil business owing to
the possibility of failure of supply, Mr.
Rockefeller . said that the production of
rruds oil In the Pennsylvania field had
A steadily Increased from 1S62 to 1900. Mr.
1 Kellogg read figures from an official report
thowlng that the Pennsylvania field reached
ita highest point of productioa In 1900.
Mr. Rockefeller denied that the supply of
rruds oil had alwaya been ample and as
Sorted that it had fluctuated, but that the
supply is larger now than when he was ac
tively engage? In business. He was asked
titfout the development of oil fields In Ohio
TY'id Oklahoma, but aald that he knew little
M about them, as they , had been actively
I worked alnee f1 retired from business. He
described the drilling snd production of
oil as of tha character of a mining business.
He said It waa the policy of his company
to pay for Its oil at the wells and that the
larger part of tha oil It refined was pur
dialed from the Voducer.
Prosperous Front Start.
"You Bare been prosperous sine the be
ginning?" asked Mr. Kellogg.
Da you consider a business hasardous
that en an original Investment of W7.000.0W)
paid eivlJend amounting to 1191,000,0(0 and
bad left a surplus of $300,000,000?"
1 do not, con.kler the amount of money
mMn. determines whether the business Is
' hi'-aedous or not." said Mr. Rockefeller.
I lie Mil then asked about the trust iirai.
I Isnent'of l!i nJ whether the trust certlfi-
tales did not show a value of tTO,ooo,0(.0 and
that the stocks held under the agreement
had an actual value of gf6.710.S9s.
Mr. . Rooke feller said he , believed those
figji'ts to be corre.t. Mr. Kellogg then
SB? ! whether the stork certificates Issued
tiwreifter were for stot-t dividends or for
akllt$ rial properties aoqjlred, but John U.
Mlibfrn of Mr. Rockefeller's counael ob
ject if on the ground this waa not' within
the acope of Mr. Rockefeller's direct testi
mony. Mr. Rockefeller replied:
"'l suppose so."
After Mr. Mlllburn had again objeeted
Mr. Rockefeller aald that a stock dividend
of tU.0C0. waa paid In W and that the
stet k of the company waa then $91.328,0:0.
Then up to the present time there had
been Wsued $13.ll0.o for cash or property?"
asked Mr. Hello.
I cannot tell."
EaVVn, that would make the total value
S'ix caan ana pruprnjr lumea in exclusive
money earned and turned bark Is to the
Mr. Rockefeller said he did not quite
comprehend the increase of l$.eoo,0j. and
Mr. Kellogg dU&uulnued thta Una of in
quiry. He neat sskee: '
. Whera'Htste tosses Is.
rThs reoord ehous that up to 1W the net
nlnge Of the company wore
j. What was the dividend in 107?"
1 -1 stioukl ssy about 40 per cent" ;
IV frrfet was about JJS.OOO.Owr
JThat would bs a mlllloa In fsvor of the
Ji pVr old sTtendard." eaid r- Kooksfsller.
' (Continued Ott Second Pag )
VH'INITV-Fnlr and warmer Saturday.
FOR NEBRASK A Fair Saturday, and
warmer In east portion.
FOR IOWA Fnlr and warmer Pnturday.
Temperature at Omaha yesterday
5 a. m
A a. ni....
7 n. m....
D a. to...
III. m
.10 a. m....
11 a. m....
12 m
1 p. m....
2 p. vn
5 p. m....
4 p. m....
K p. m....
6 p. m....
, 7 l.
5 p. m
9 p. tn....
. 43
, 47
. Mi
, o
. ti
. 5
. 53
. 51
, 60
Frank B. Kellogg In his cross-examination
of John D. Rockefeller Is making
in effortto find out what risks the oil
company runs In its highly profitable
business. rags 1
An explosion of a gas nmln under a
Brooklyn street engulfed worknion and
men, women and children who were on
the street at the time, over twenty. It is
believed, being killed. Fag 1
The Department of Agriculture la mak
ing a determined effort to disinfect all
possible places where foot and mouth dis
ease Infection exists. Foreign ports are
already closed to American hay and cat
tle from northern cities. Fag 1
The police officials who guarded Mor
ris Haas in his cell are charged with con
duct unbecoming officers in refusing to
admit an agent of the prosecutor. Pag 1
Senator Scott, after a viait to Judge
Taft, says he Is confident the president
elect has plans for a progressive and
courageous administration. Pag S
The First National bank of Fort Scott.
Kan., failed yesterday. Pag
Richard Croker returned to New York
yestrday on his first visit to America lu
four year. ' Pag 8
Robber at Attica, O., held the cltlxena
at bay while they went ahead with work
that netted them $8,000. .Tags 1
The defense outlined Its case In the
Lamphere trial yesterday, claiming thai
Mrs. Ounness is still alive and has been
een on several occasions. Pag X
Th French cruiser Conde struck the
rocks off Corsica and Is in a perllouj
position. Pag
Chancellor von Buelow' Is tired of his
place and Is anxious to resign and as
sume the comforts foprlvate life:
Pag X
..e-.. ... TCBXAiXA. ' .: ...
The station agent of Mllford waa robbed
of $80 while he was attending a Burling
ton train at the station platform. Pag 3
ZaOCAXb .- .
Mexicans who sre coming to the Corn
show, are anxious to. know what kind of
clothing It will be necessary to wear. .
" Paa 9
Bishop Scannell will sail Thursday for
Europe on a visit to the pope, Pago 9
Army officer who saw service In China
speaks In terms of high praise of the late
empress dowager. Pag 41
Street .cars meet In collision during the
early morning hotirs Hnd several people
are slightly Injured. Page
Commissioner McVann of the Omaha
Grain exchange talks to Ames students
on the marketing of grain. Pag 11
coancxmoxAi axo utdvstkxaiv.
I.lve stock markets. Pag 17
Grain markets. Pr 17
Stocks and bonds. . Pag 17
.. Laura... i..
. Lultanls. .
. Koanlg AltMrt.
, La Uavola.
. ..Teutonic
,.. PIlllallelpMsit
., Itatendam
...liaUs Romanic.
...Mar. Washington.
.. Haniburs Raglna 4'IUlla.
PLVMOITH K. A. Victoria....
QVBEN8TOWN.. Adriatic
Pare Food Board Hears Teatlsnoay of
Expert (.herniate oat This
I'oiat. )
WASHINGTON, Nov. 20. Admitting the
existence of nitrous acid In bleached flour,
but denying that it renders the product
harmful to health, several experts for the
millers of the country today, appeared be
fore Secretary of Agriculture Wilson and
members of the Pure Food board in a
hearing to determine the status of bleached
flour under the provisions of the pure food
and drugs set.
Secretary Wilson refused to admit as
evidence a letter from Prof. E. W. Rock
wood of Iowa, slating that nitrates in
bleached flour are removed by yeast, ren
dering the flour harmless.
Prof. W. 8. Haines of Rush Medical col
lege, Chicago, contradicted some of the
theorlee held by Dr. Harvey W. W. Wylle.
the governments ruie food expert. Prof.
Haines held tht there should be alarm be
cause nitrates are found in bleached flour,
aa It would require' an enormous smount
of this aulistance to kill a person.
Prof. AUswhv of Nebraska told of his
experiments with the saliva of Individuals,
to show Jhat nitrates are present In human
bodies, and that if nitrates are taken Into
the system through the eating of bread It
la tn less quantities than already exists.
Th millers concluded their testimony be
fore the board today.
Repabllraa la fclera .lrateaat
Getrraer Face of Retaras
tr Thirty Votes.
JEFFERSON CITY. Mo.. Nov. 30.-On
the fax of ths official returns. Including
precinct corrections. Jacob F. Gmellch, re
publican, waa elected lieutenant governor
by thirty votes and the other minor repub
lican csndldstes wer defeated.
This vote does not Include amended re
turns, which give Painter a .net gain of
sixty-three, snd If counted for him tn the
legislature.' will elect him by thirty-three,
votea. The legislature must cast up the
official vote, declare what return shall
bo counted and th esult. The lieutenant
goveraor Is the only official office In doubt.
Ths corrected vote on governor follows:
Hadley irep ), $&..?; Cowherd Idem..), $40,,
u6$. Hadley majority, 15,87?.
NEW TORK. Nov. 10. More than twenty
persons srs believed to havs lost their lives
as a result of th explosion of a gas main
at Gold and Front streets. Brooklyn, today,
rraclcally th whole street from Btoopllne,
between Gold and Front streets was
tumbled Into a fifty foot excavation in
which fifteen or more men were working
and several persons who were walking
along the street are believed to have been
carried down.
It Is believed that every person who went
Into the excavation ,wss killed Instantly
or some others were drowned. Fifty tene
ment houses on the block are In such dan
ger of falling Info the trench that the
occupants have been ordered out by the
police. The most Intense excitement pre
vails for blocks around the scene of the
accident and the streets are filled with
' walling women and children who have been
unable to get any word from relatives
who were known to be In the vicinity when
the explosion occured.
At least one woman and three little girls
are said by the police to have been swal
lowed up In the cave-In which followed
the explosion. Four of the men who were
burled In the csve-ln are reported to have
escaped by crawling through a sewer which
opens Into the East river.
Street Torn I'p for Rods,
The explosion tore the street to pieces
for rods on either side, and the twelve
men who were working In an excavation
for a big sewer pipe were burled by the
debris which fell In upon them and are
believed to have been smothered or burned
to death In the fire that followed the ex
plosion. Ssmuel Trout, who lived near
the scene, lost his life In attempting to save
a woman who was passing through Gold
street at the time of the explosion snd
fell Into the trench. Trout waa caught
by the fl.ime from the blazing gas maid
and roasted alive. The woman was dragged
out of the trenoh and saved by a boy. - "
The workmen ware digging a trench
through Gold street for the Installation of
a thlrty-six-lnrh sewer pipe. The excava
tion was to be nearly forty feet deep, and
as the laborers removed the earth the
walls had been shored up by large tim
bers. With Charles Schlffmeyer, a city
Inspector of ewcrs, overseeing the work,
th men were working In the bottom of the
trench when an accumulation of gas from
A main which had been accidentally broken
during the course of th work, exploded
with tremendous force.
Water Mala Barats.
The supporting timbers wer ripped away
nd th high dirt wall toppled over on
Schlffmeyer and his men. A targe water
main also was broken by the fores of the
explos'.on and a perfect torrent of water
began to spurt up through th mass of
wreckage. Almost side by side with these
geysers roared the flames from the gas
escaping from the broken main.
Firemen and workmen fromi th city water
department and the gas company worked
desperately together In an effort to check
the flow of gas and water and to relieve
the men who had been Imprisoned. ' There
seemed little hope, however, that any of
thoes who had been at work at' the bottom
of tha trench could havs escaped death.
Their bodies are believed to be burled
under tons of earth.
The explosion was followed by scenes of
Intense excitement. Every building for
blocks around had been severely shaken.
A large Roman Catholic church and a
parochial school received nearly the full
force of the shock. In the Immense crowd
which flocked to the scene were mothers
who feared that their little ones in ' the
School building were In danger.
saassssBSsaaa v
Old Tanisiar Chief Visits New York
for First Time la Four
NEW YORK. Nov. 20.-Rlchard Croker,
who for years directed the destinies of Tam
many hall before he retired to lead the llf
of a country gentleman at Glencalrn, hi
big estate ' In Ireland, returned to New
York merely aa a visitor, he said, to see
his old friends and renew old acquain
tances. That he contemplates again enter
ing the field of politics In New York City
where he so long held sway, he has posi
tively denied. It Is expected that - Mr.
Croker will remain tn the United States
about six months and it is likely that a
portion of that time. at least, will be spent
In southern California or some other sec
tion of the country where the winds of
winter are less sever than In New York
' Th old Tammany leader had aa compan
ions on the voyage across th ooean his
daughter Ethel; his nieces. Mrs. Bowman
and Mrs. Benjamin Bewlstt and the later'
husband. All th member of th party
wer astir early ibis morning snd Mr
Croker waa on deck when th big steamer
drew up for the usual stop St ths quaran
tine station. He had especially requestod
that no demonstration of any kind be made
by his friends In this city upon his arrival
and In compliance with hla request his
reception down the bay waa a quiet one.
Iwis Nlxton, one of Mr. Croker' closest
political frienda and who himself once held
the reins of power In Tammany, was wait
Ing at the quarantine station, however, and
waa one of the first to clamber up the sides
of the, big steamer. There waa a warm
exchange of greetings and then ths old
Tammany chief told his friend that bs had
wsited breakfast for him and hurried him
away to the dining room, whore they break
fasted together.
This visit of Mr. Croker to America I the
f rst he has made in four years. His last
Journey horns waa a sad one, as he had
been hurriedly recalled to attend tha fun
eral of his favorite son, Frank, who had
been killed while driving a racing auto
mobile at Ormonde Beach,. Fla.
roar Mea Killed mm Barllasrtoa Read
Brtxrca Hlathlaasl aa La
Orassti III.
CHICAGO, Nov. So. -Four track laborers
on a handcar wars run down by a Chicago,
Burlington aV Qulncy railroad paaaenger
train between Highland and LOrange,
111., today and killed. There wer nine
men on ths handcar. Th others cased
with alight Injury.
Th 'accident la said ts have been trse
to a mistake on the part of the laborers
who put their car on th wrong track.
From th New York Mail.
Four Children at Danville, Pa., Con
. tract Foot and Mouth Disease.
It Is Believed that Spread of riaaae
Will Bs Cheeked Soon Mora
Stock Yards May Be
WASHINGTON. Nov. M.-Alarmlng re
sults following the outbreak of a contagious
foot snd mouth disease in New York and
Pennsylvania, causing those states to be
quarantined against interstate shipments of
cattle, etc., were shown today In advices
which reached secretary of Agricultural
Wilson, stating that four children In Dan
ville, Pa., had contracted the disease. A
rigid Investigation Is In progress to de
termine whether others have become
similarly affected. The officials believe
that the spread of the contagtou will be
checked, although admitting that the
situation Is grave.
Vigorous efforts will be made by the
Department of Agriculture to stamp out
the deadly contagious and communicative
ailment among cattle, known aa foot and
mouth disease, which has been discovered
to exist among live stock in Pennsylvania
and New York states and aa a result of
which Secretary Wilson yesterday Issued
an order quarantining these two states.
During the existence of this quarantine, the
Interstate or foreign transportation, tarlllng
or driving of cattle, aheep, or other
ruminants snd swine from the two state
is prohibited.
The order Issued by the secretary yester
day, which became effective Immediately,
makes the quarantine exceedingly rigid.
It even goes so far as to requlr that "no
railroad car or boat, within th area
herein quarantined, which have carried
live stock, shall be moved Interstate until
the said cars or boata have been cleaned
and disinfected with a S per cent solution
of carbolic acid."
' Shipments of dressed carcasses of calves,
heep and other ruminants, Interstate
or to foreign countries, are prohibited un
less the hides or skins snd hoofs srs re
moved. It Is required further that when
shipments are being made from and to
points not in either of th two states,
quarantined, the car containing the live
stock must be sealed by an employe of
the bureau of animal Industry- If the
shipments are unloaded enroute within the
quarantined territory. It must be Into
pens or. ards specially cleaned and dis
infected lor the purpose under the super
vision or an employ of th bureau of
animal Industry.
By these vigorous meaaures the depart
ment hopea to prevent th disease from
spreading widely.
Th disease waa first discovered In a
load of eighty yearlings shipped from th
East Buffalo stock yards to a point In
western Pennsylvania. Df. W. P. Wende
of th bureau of animal Industry, has gon
to Michigan to Investigate a suspected
source of the origin of tha present Infec
tion. It is announced that more than 3uo
men wtll start today to disinfect the East
Buffalo yards, which work will require
three wseks. The t'nlon Stock yards in
Pittsburg were - ordered quarantined yes
terday, but the managers announced last
night that this probably would bs re
moved today, so fsr ss ths Pittsburg yards
ars concerned.
Peassylvasla Allva to Daty.
PHILADELPHIA. Nov. S0.-AU the re
sources ef ths stats of Pennsylvania will
bs drawn upon. If necessary, to stamp out
(Continued oa Second Fag.)
Nebraska Gets Almost Three Thoo
. asm at . Dollars as Percentage
of Land Sales.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, , Nov.. 20. (Special Tele
gram.) The reclamation vfund account fronj
the state of , 'Nebraska has, been, adjuetad.
During '.the f iscal' jrear (1908 there were . re
ceived from fee and commissions V6.lK.pi,
of which amount $2S,7o6 93 was earned, by
various registers ' and receivers, .leaving a
balance of such moneys of $4?'.3H.35. The
surplus arising from the net proceeds of
the sales of public lands snd fees and com
missions aggregate $109.2ii4.82, which amount
will be credited to said fund. '
i The account with the state of Nebraska
for the same period has been adjua'.ed. The
groaa proceeds from sales of public lands
In ' Nebraska were ' Sti8.9T3.62. from' which
mount Is deducted the pro rata share of
expense chargeable to the state of $8,98S.5S,
leaving 9,9S8.e7 aa the net proceeds, of
which amount the state Is entitled to 6
per cent, or $1,999.40. There were received
frcm the sale of Indian- lands in Nebraska
during ths said period $4,545.00 and from
fees and commissions the sum of $64.956.3&
Major General 'John F. Weston, now In
command of the Philippines, has been as
signed to command the Department of Cali
fornia, with headquarters at Ban Francisco,
Vice Brigadier General Fred A. Smith, who
Will be assigned to other duties. Major
General Duvall will succeed to the Philip,
pine command. '
Mea Who Gaarded Haas Are A censed
f Coadact I'sbecomlsg
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 20. William J.
Burns, special agent of the district attor
ney' office and chief detective for the
prosecution In the bribery-graft Investiga
tions, last night filed with the police com
mission charges. alleging conduct unbecom
ing an officer against Policeman Charles
Blakeley and John Attrldge, th two men
detailed to guard the cell of Morris Haas,
who shot Francis J. Heney and afterward
committed suicide.
In the complaint It Is alleged that a few
hours before Haas took his lifo the off!-,
cer refused to permit Bums to enter tha
cell and examine ths prisoner In ths inter
tsts of the district attorney's office. The
hcsrlng was set for November 27.
At the same session of the board charges
were preferred against Albert Baker, a
Kearney street saloon keeper. . who is al
leged to have expressed satisfaction when
he learned that Heney was shot and to
have revved his associates In the prosecu
tion. It is charged that Baker is an unfit
ut-rson to h Id a license to sell liquor.
Lssshero Will Sek to Prova La
Porto Wornaa Has Beea lets
Slaro Klre.
PORTE. Ind.. Nov. JO.-The siste hav
ing rested Its ease today tn the trial of
Ray I.amphere, sccuaed of the murder of
Mrs. Belle Gunness and children. Attorney
Worden msds his opening statement for
th defense.
Attorney Worden said that he would
prove thst It was not Mr. Gunness' body
which wss found In th ruin of the house,
that Mrs. Gunness had been seen since the
data of her alleged death by a neighbor
and by two girls.
Roadjastaseat t'osnaslltco Declares tha
Pisa ESTeellve from ths
Present Date.
NEW TOstaC Nov. 10. -Ths readjustment
committee which has beea at work on a
reorganisation of the Westinghouse Inter
ests, declared today tha reorganisation plan
ffeclH from this date. .
Treasurer of Republican - Committee
' Gives List of ' Contributors.
Governor-elect Names His .'Private
Secretary and Chief Clerk Con
fers with Sheldon on
, , Supreme Court Judges.
(From a Staff Correspondent.) '
! LINCOLN. Nov. 30.-(Speclal.)-H. C.
Lindsay, treasurer of the republican stale
committee, today, mailed to the county
clerk of. Pawnee county his report of the
receipts and expenditures of the republican
commit tao during ;the recent campaign. The
receipts totalled $41,716.36 and the expendi
tures were about $300 In excess of that
amount. Some of tho bills are as yet un
paid, so the exact amount of expenditures
Is not yet figured, though tha expenditures
Will exceed the receipts about $200. A large
portion of the expense was due to money
sent to the county thalrmen In sevnty
elght counties Just before election to be.
used 111 getting out the vote. Will Hay
war, who was chairman of the state com
mittee until selected secretary of the na
tional committee, drew $400 for salary out
of this year's receipts: Secretary Frank
Corrick was pa'd at tli rate of a
month and Secretary J. M. O'Neil received
$125 for his month's work. Chairman Kelfer
refused to accept any salary for the work
he did at headquarters, following his selec
tion ss chairman sfter the state convention.
Treasurer Lindsay also worked without a
The largest contributor to the Nebraska
campaign was the na'.lonal committee,
which sent $2f.05O to the state committee
treasurer. D. E. Thompson was the largest
Individual contributor, he having given
$1,000 of which $500 was turned back to
the committee of Lancaster county. Where
heads of state Institutions are credited with
large amounts the money was collected by
the superintendent from the employes of
the Ins'ltutlon.
List of Contributors.
Following are the contributions of $11 or
more: C. E. White, superintendent rf the
Ieaf aud Dumb institute, $176; George Coup
land, regent of the Slate university, $100;
John C. Wharton. $155 67; republican na
tional committee. $26.ii60; W. B. Kern, a iper
Intendent or Heatings asylum, $tiO; 10. B.
Cpwles, candidate for land commissioner.
$L'40; A. P. Beemer, warden of state peni
tentiary. $l!d.60: J. T Morey, principal of
th school for blind. $130; M. R. Hopewell,
candidate for lieutenant governor. $IOfi; L.
O. Brian, candidate for state treasurer.
$100; George C. Junkin, candidate for secre
tary of atale, $1J; H. C. Lindsay, clerk of
the supreme court, $130; George K Sheldon,
candidate for governor, HSU; J. A. Williams,
candidate for railway commissioner. $175;
Silas A. Barton, candidate for state auditor.
$150; Charle E. Mugoon. governor of Cuba,
$100; R. R. Sixer, postmaster of Lincoln,
$:0ft; L. D. Richard of Fremont, $100; R. B.
Schneider of Fremont, $100; D. E. Thomp
son, ambassador to Mexico, $1,000; F. W.
Collins of the Department of Justice at
Washington. $100; W. K. Andrews, auditor
of the I'nlted 8tats treasury, $150.
The following amounts were contributed
by other state offnera, deputlis and candi
dates for state offices: J. I.. M I'rl. n.
state superintendent. $16: K. C Bishop, can
didate for atale superintendent. $."i; W. T.
Thompson, randldate for ettormy general,
$L0; B. Royse. secretary of the fctute Bunk
ing board. $50; W. B. Rose, deputy attorney
general, $36; Henry T. Crarke. Jr., railway
commissioner, tgfl; C. B. Anderson, regent
of the State university, $106; H. J. WInnelt,
(Continued on Third Page)
Omaha Detectives Land Him Just
Four Honrs After His Deed.
Charles Leonard, Porter, t'oafeaaes
Ills Attempt to "teal C. F. Harts
horn's samples at ' tha
Henshaw Hotel.
It took Just four hours for Captain Sav
age and Ietectlvis Steve Maljney snd
Charley Van Ih-usen of the Omaha pollco
force to effect the capture of Charles
Leonard, the Henshaw hotel porter who
checked Charles F, Hartshorn's $40,000 sam
ple trunk of Jewelry to himself at St. Jo
seph instead of to tho owner at Council
The large trunk was taken from the hotel
to the depot soon after 8 o'clock Friday
morning, Intercepted at Hamburg, la., less
than two hours later and Ionard himself
was arrested by the Bt. Joseph police when
he reached that city about 2 o'clock Friday
' When accused of the theft Leonard ac
knowledged that he did It single-handed
and said he would return to Omaha Imme
diately. In the meantime Mr. Hartshorn
had gone before the county grand Jury. .
which la now sitting in Omaha, and had
secured an Indictment charging the porter
with having taken the Jewelry, so that
when Leonard arrives in the city this
morning he will be licked up Immediately
to answer a charge that will probably land
htm in the penitentiary for a number of
Switched the Checks,,
Switching baggage check on the trunk
of valuable was the method Leonard
adopted to secure possession of It. In the
presence of Mr. Hartshorn, In front of tha
Henshaw, about 9:30 Friday morning, he
affixed a t'nlon Pacific baggag ticket to
the cumbersome box of samples, 1 but as
soon aa the owner tird left the scene In
the belief that his trui-k, along with a
steamer trunk In which he kept his personal
effects, had been started on its wsy to
th Union station, Leonard quickly sub
stituted Burlington baggage checks on the
two pieces end ordered the transfer driver
to haul them to the Burlington depot.
Ionard could do this knowingly and
without danger of Immediate detection, as
he wss In charge of the transfer and receipt
of baggage belonging to the hotel's guests,
After so doing he donned his street clothes .
and left the Henshaw without giving notice,
or asking for his pay. When hla sbsencs
was discovered, Joe Keenan. chief clerk of
the hotel, thought that he had merely left
disgruntled, as Mr. . Keenan had repri
manded him earlier In the .morning for
some minor ncgligenco.or misdeed;
Gets Cine at Depot.
First suspicion of the disappearsnce of th
Jewelry arose when Mr. Hartshorn at
tempted to claim It at the Union station by
presenting the duplicate tag which Leonard
had given him. Finding that th trunk
were not there. Mr. Hartshorn Immediately
telephoned to the other depot, thinking th
baggageman had made a mistake and hsd
sent them to the wrong depot. At ths Bur
lington station the baggageman told him
that the private steamer trunk had been
left there, but that a man had checked tha
other to St. Joseph on tha train thajt had
Just left tho city.
Only ten minute marked th tint be
tween the departure of th train and Mr. '
Hartshorn's srrival at ths .' Burlington;
depot from th other statiton, but this hsd
given Leonsrd ample chance to escap Im-,
mediate capture. However, ( a telephone
message to Hamburg, la., effected th de
tention of the valuable trunk, the railway
officials at that point being Informed that
a certain described trunk contained Stolen ,
Jewelry and should be held.
But Leonard was' not known anil could
not be Intercepted st Hamburg, so the
wires between Omaha and Bt. Joseph were
kept warm with descriptions and Instruc
tions, sod Leonard was p'ad under ar
rest the moment he alighted from tha train
in that city.
Just 40,000 the Valasj.
. About $10,000 is given as th estimated
value of the Jewelry which Charles F.
Hartshorn carried a sample from the
house of Krements & Co. of Newark, N.
J. His home Is also In Newark. H ar
rived In Omaha Thursday to show hi Una
to local Jewelers and say that Leonard
helped him pack his esses of valjsbles Into
the large trunk after visiting one ef the
stores, so that the porter knew accurately
the contents of the box. According to th
traveling man tills Is the first time he ha
ever had serious trouble in th handling of
hi trunk of sample.
A telegram to Krements aV Co. Friday
evening nctifWd them of th temporary
loss of the goods and of their speedy recov
ery and the capture of the thief. Chief of
Detectives Savage was characterised by
the Jewelry salesman aa "a grand old man."
and Detectives Maloney and Van Deusen -did
not lack for their share of the praise
as a result of the wonderfully quick work
of recovery and capture.
Charle Leonv.rd Is between IS and 3S ,
years of age and had been working at ths
Henshaw aa elevator conductor, porter and
baggage clerk for several months. He lived
at the Continental hotel while off duty. It
In said at the Henshaw that he was con
sidered quite honest and trustworthy and.
although he came to the hotel from out of
town ned wss not weil known In Omaha,
he had not had trouble or been concerned
In theft of which his local employer had
any knowledge.
Vice President of l.arae St. I.onls
Hank Mar Become Head of Has
aa:t Illy laalltrflon.
KANSAS CITY, Nov. :v.-!t waa stated
here toi.iiy that there was s slrong p' 'di
sunity that J. V. Perry, vice president of
the National Bunk of Commerce pf ti.
Louis, would be anointed president of the
National Hsnk f Coniniere of Ksusaa City,
succeeding W. B. Ridgely, alio reslgnei
yesterday. Mr. Perry arrived hers todsy
from St. Louis and went Into confarenra
with the .directors of the local bank. Bt.
Louis men hold a big bloc of stoUc hi ths
Kansas City Institution.