J; 'Hie Omaha Daily Dee rot'XDED BT EDWARD ROSEWATER. VICTOR ROHEWATER, EDITOR, Entered at Omaha poatoftlca M sacond Naae matter. TERMS OF HUBSCRIPTIOK. Pally P (wlthnat Sunday , yef..4W Dally 11m and Sunday. ane year DKLIVERED BT CARRIER. Dally Pee (Including Sunday), per week.. 15c Dally Bee (wlthoitt Sunday), per wetal..lO Evening Bee (without Sunday), per week Evening Fee (with Sunday), P wwk, Sunday Bee. um year "2 Saturday Bm, one year Address all complaints of Irregularities In delivery to City Circulation Department. omcM. Omaha The Bee Building. South Omaha Twenty-fourth and N. Council Bluffs If Scott Street. Chlao IftU Marquette Building New York Rwmi J1O1-1108 Na. M West Thrty-third Street. Washington 736 Fourteenth Street N. W . CORRESPONDENCE. Communication relating- to new and edi torial matter ahould be addressed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order payable to The Bee Publishing Company. Only 2-crr.t stamps received In payment of mall account. Peraonal check, except on Oir.aha or eastern exchanges, not acceptod. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss.: Ueorr? B. Teechuck. treasurer of The Bee Publishing Company, being duly sworn, saya tnat the actual number cf full and mmpl-te copies of The Dally. Mornir. Evening and Sunday Bte printed during the month of Octobet. 1808. mas aa follow: I 37,100 IT 7,TM 2 M,B0 II MM 1 96,880 It 37.SO0 ' 4 ...36,300 20 T,oOQ 37.890 21 7,M0 ( 37,600 'ii 37,680 7.... 33,600 23 37,730 1 37,330 24 37,400 .... 33,130 2 a 37,100 10.......... 38,80 20 47,760 11 t. 38.660. 27 37,640 12 37,700 it 33,330 It 37,330 2 9 37,830 14 37.610 10 37,640 II 37,730 II 37,900 H ..37,780 Total.... 1,174,770 Lea unsold and returned coplea. . 8,873 Net tota 1,166,896 Dally average 37.008 GEORGE B. TZBCHUCK, Treasurer. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me this 31st day of October. 1WS. M. P. WALK UK, Notary Public. WHEN OUT OF TOWH. Snbaerlbe-ra leavlas the city tem pera rlly shoal hava The Be availed to them. Address) will be changed aa often as requested. At last accoftnta Morse, the. "Ice king," was still In the cooler. Germany I .anxious for Balkan peace, while Russia Is seeking; Balkan piece, i That extra session of the legislature may be eq slow In coming that It will never, get here. . Maryland ,1s the only member fif (he electoral college team that will do a split trick in,. the rush. It Is not' too early to renew the agi tation In favor of asbestos whiskers for the 1908 Santa Claus. "Philadelphia Is being robbed," says the North American. That hardly Conies jindcrt the head of news. ' g V M . ' Kusslnn officials profess to see war in the Balkans. ; It Is caster to hear ol wf in the llalkans than to see it. Nebraska moves up to third place In corn production for 1908. with Illi nois and Iowa leading by but a small margin. ' "There wilt" be another election," says the Commoner, "In 1912. The patient man will wait for 1912." He'll have to. The reported consolidation of the. big; telephone companies has been de clared off. It appears they could not get connection. Thanksgiving day will be celebrated In the proper spirit by the (00,000 mill hands who have returned to work since November 3. Mr. Bryan is to try his hand at duck shooting when he goes to Mexico. This Is lese majeste on the memory of the late Grover Cleveland. r A prominent actress declines to tell how she will dress for Salome. An Impression prevails that It Is not neces sary to dress for the part. When the duke of the Abruirl fin ally gets to the point of proposing Mies Elklns will not be able to retort that "this Is so sudden." No question about the return of prosperity. Two Connecticut mills that manufacture alarm clocks have resumed work on full time. An Oklahoma Inventor has asked for a patent on a flying machine that is built like a bird. Probably modeled nlong the C N. Haskell lines. "Russia's naval chief Is to retire nuder fire," says a cable from St. Petersburg. Most of the Russian navy has been retiring under water. The president of the New York Academy of Medicine says alcohol Is a wluable food. Perhaps, but a man Aould not eat too much of it. Mrs. Howard Gould says It costs 175,000 a year to keep in society. It costs about that many heartaches for the average New York woman to keep out. . The statement is made that Mrs. Taft buys her Christmas presents months In advance. Women every where will make it pleasanter all around by emulating Mrs. Taft'a ex ample. ', ' ' ; Democratic editors are now protest ing against putting Frank H. Hltch ctck in the cabinet. However, there is a suspicion that the democratic dinars will not have the last word in tr t iO.9cr.ioa of Mr. T3V rablnet. THE MXT PARAMvVXT. Having failed to land him in the White House on three successive and different paramount issues, it may be presumptuous to discuss Mr. Bryan's next paramount Issue before the wreckage of the lst has been cleared away. Coming events, however, cast their shadows before and that another paramount la In prospect around which Bryanltes will be asked to rally is al ready heralded by our old friend Ed gar Howard In his Columbus Tele gram, which comes as close to being the official Bryanlte organ as anything could be with the exception alone of Mr. Bryan's own Commoner. Judge Howard has been an Intimate associate and a faithful follower of the Sage of Fairvinw at all times. When Mr. Bryan came out for government ownership of railroads Judge Howard hoisted the government ownership banner and formed himself Into a gov ernment ownership league, with him self as president. When Mr. Bryan called In government ownership as an Issue Judge Howard hauled down the flag, but merely put It aside where he could easily get It at the first oppor tunity. He Insisted all along that Mr. Bryan bad not abandoned advocacy of government ownership of railroads, but had merely agreed to let It rest temporarily and was just as much com mitted to it as ever. And now comes Judge Howard with public notice that the government own ership of railroads la to be listed aa the next Bryanlte paramount. This Is what ne says about It: We believe sentiment for public owner ship will arow very fast, now that the peo ple have bad a new object lesson in the power of the railroads to control elections. We believe It will arrow so faaf that at the next' presidential election this problem will be almost paramount. We believe that Mr. Bryan would have polled a million more votes than he received last week it his party had boldly declared In favor of gov ernment ownership. At no time since the acceptance of the doctrine of government ownership has the Telegram wavered In support of It. and today we regard It a the great Issue upon which the common people of the country will unite to wrest the national government from control of those who now administer public affairs In harmony with the wishes of corporate wealth. Now, we all have fair notice, and Mr. Bryan, too. The little inconsistency In the fact that were It not for the rail road opposition to the republican ticket here In Nebraska Mr. Bryan would not have carried his own state may be ignored and the claim that Mr. Bryan would have polled a million more votes had he stood squarely by his government ownership doctrine Is not worth while disputing. All we need say is that, if Judge Howard speaks by the card, as he usually does, the next paramount on which Mr. Bryan will try to lead a forlorn hope will be the government ownership of railroads. THE KAISER'S DIPLOMACY. The remarkable demonstration in the German Reichstag, in the frjrni of a criticism of the kaiser for that In terview in which he "talked Turkey" to the British people serves chiefly to direct attention to the unique position of Emperor William in political and diplomatic Europe. Those who Imag ing that the exciting scenes In the Ger man congress presage a curtailment of the Independence of the kaiser forget that the emperor has a will of his own, and ineradicable belief In the divine right of kings, and. what is more to the point, has the power under the Ger man constitution to do just about as he pleases. This Is made plain by a quo tation from the constitution which readB: The emperor shall represent the empire among nations, declare war and conclude peace, in the name of the aame, enter Into alliances and other conventions with for eign countries, accredit ambassadors and receive them. For a declaration of war In the name of the empire the consent of the federal council shall be required, ex cept In case of an attack upon the terri tory of the confederation, or Its coast. So far as treaties with foreign countries re fer to matters which, according to article 4, are to be regulated by the legislature of the empire (that la to aay, trade, passports, colonisation and emigration, protection of German trade abroad), the consent of the federal council shall be required for their ratification, and the approval of the Diet shall be necessary to render them valid. The entire direction and control of the foreign relations of Germany, save only in the matter of treaties. Is vested in the kaiser and he Is at liberty to lec ure England, bullyrag France, scold the Balkans and make faces at Russia, if it pleases his royal will. There is not a word In the constitution requir ing blm to consult the Reichstag, the chancellor or anyone else about hla conduct of foreign affairs. The kaiser regards himself as the divinely ap pointed custodian of Germany's for tunes and does not consider himself In the least bound by man-made con stitutions. He makes policies and Ini tiates them without regard to his chan cellors and the German people, con vinced of his patriotic loyalty, have hardly protested against his one-man rule. As a matter of fact, the interview which created such excitement throughout Europe contained little that was new. Practically every fea ture of it was known to diplomatic Europe, except perhaps the statement that when the British were meeting reverse after reverse in the Boer cam paign the kaiser sent to his grand mother. Queen Victoria, a plan of ac tion which was finally adopted and led to British success In the conflict. Un der all the circumstances, there Is lit tle prospect that the kaiser's peculiar diplomatic methods will cause any lasting change in bis relations toward other European powers or affect bis position with the Reichstag or the peo ple. Germanys' high place in world politics today is due largely to Emperor William's efforts and Ms little ulain talk to his British neighbors will likely result In no harm. A LESSOX is jy TRUEST. The receipt by the State department at Washington of a draft from Madrid for $599,850 concludes the payment of a claim against the Spanish govern ment which has been in process of set tlement for seventy-four years and which furnishes an illustration of the rapidity with which Interest accumu lates on unpaid obligations. Under the terms of a treaty made with Spain in 1834, certain American cttUens were awarded claims aggre gating $599,850, with interest at 6 per cent, pendtng final payment. The Spanish authorities pursued their usual policy of putting off until to morrow everything that should be done today and so paid the interest regularly until the outbreak of the Spanish-American war In 1898. At the conclusion of that struggle, the In terest In arrears was paid and the annual interest has Since been kept up. The final settlement shows that Spain has paid In excess of $3,500,000 In interest, or a total of more than $4,200,000 In settlement of an or iginal debt of $599,850. The bright feature of the incident is that Spain has recovered sufficiently from its disastrous colonial experi ments to be able to pay as It goes. THE JTETT SEX ATE REGIME. The reiterated announcement that Senator Nelson W. Aldrlch of Rhode Island will not be a candidate for re election when his term expires two years hence calls renewed attention to the Tact that while the senate remains republican, with a prospect of so re maining for at least six years, there ha3 been a marked change in its per sonnel and a practical passing of the old regime which achieved the reputa tion, deserved or not, of refusing to respond promptly to the will and best interests of the people of the country. This work of senate reorganization libs been In progress for several years end several members of the old guard had been displaced by younger blood and more progressive men before the opening of the 1908 campaign. Sen ator La Follette opened the program by defeating the stalwart Quarles of Wisconsin. Senator Spooner of the saino state withdrew In time to save a fipht, allowing a La Follette choice to take his seat. Curtis of Kansas had succeeded Burton. Dixon had come from Montana and Pettus and Morgan of Alabama, Lattlmer of South Caro lina end Bate of Tennessee had been tucceeded by representatives of the young democracy of the south. Ab a result of the elections this month, or of the primaries preceding them, several other changes are slated for the next congress. McCreary will be succeeded by a republican from Kentucky, but this republican gain is offset by the loss of Hemenway of Indiana, who will probably give way to John W. Kern' as a consolation prize for his defeat as vice president on the Bryan ticket. Brlstow will suc ceed Long of Kansas and the change is looked upon as a victory for the pro gressive republicans. Cummins will succeed the late Senator Allison of Iowa, and Crawford will succeed Kltt redge of South Dakota. Ankeny, an other "reactionary," . has been de feated by Congressman Jones in Washington and Fulton of Oregon will probably be succeeded by Cham berlain, a democrat, who must be elected by a republican legislature un der the peculiar state primary law. The venerable Teller of Colorado, who has caucussed by himself since 1894, will be succeeded by a democrat, Charles J. Hughes' of Denver. Senator Piatt, whose career In the senate has re flected no credit on either the nation or his state, will give way to a repre sentative New York republican. In Ohio, the legislature is republican, but Instead of Foraker will likely select some man In sympathy with the Roose-velt-Taft policies. Missouri, although choosing a republican governor and giving Its electoral vote to Mr. Taft, has a democratic legislature Instructed to return Stone to the senate, Governor Folk having been defeated in the pri mary expression. All In all, the changes In the senate hold hope of progress in the reform legislation needed and demanded by the country. x WITHOUT EXTASGLIXQ PLEDGES. The statement of Chairman Hitch cock that President Taft "will not be obligated to any individual through any pledge made during the campaign by any member of the national commit tee" must be reassuring to the country although those who know Mr. Hitch cock and Mr. Taft, would need no guaranty of the latter's entering upon the duties of his office without any ante-election bargains or promises that would diminish his freedom of action in an administration for which be must bear the responsibility. Just before the election in 1904, Judge Parker made the charge that Mr. Cortelyou was collecting funds In Wall street on pledges of Immunity to trusts If Mr. Roosevelt were elected. The president promptly and vigorously denied the charge and It was soon proved, after the election, that there was no warrant for tb Parker charges. In the four years that have elapsed, Wall street, by Its unceasing and re lentless war against the president and his policies, has demonstrated that the Parker accusations were far from the truth. Pledged to a continuance of the Roosevelt policies, Mr. Taft would have far greater reason for rejecting overtures from corporate interests and for keeping free from any entangling alliances with all who have so bitterly opposed the work of the present administration. Our amiable local contemporary, the World-Herald, calls attention "to the manner In which consolidated wealth Is encroaching on the (newspaper) publishing field." The World-Herald ought to know. It cannot forget the big block of money put into Its own coffers by the silver mine bulltonalres In 1896 to convert It to the advocacy of 16 to 1 free coinage. The democrats have made a net gain of five In membership of the lower house of the next congress. The "only democratic congressman from Ne braska" will have two more democratic associates from this state after March 4, but he will still be in a lonesome minority. Iowa commercial bodies are going to ask the legislature to make an ap propriation to encourage the Immigra tion of desirable citizens Into Iowa. This should be coupled with an appro priation to encourage the emigration of undesirable citizens out of Iowa. Governor-elect Shallenberger will make a pilgrimage to Oklahoma to look Into banking conditions there. It Is a safe assertion that the more he studies the Oklahoma bank guaranty law the more he will find In it that should not be copied in Nebraska. Even though the cause is not dis closed, Omaha's first big fire this season should be a warning. See to It that the flues are clear and the com bustibles at safe distance before the cold weather requires the furnaces to go at full blast. South Omaha's professional poli ticians are already beginning to pro test against possible annexation legis lation. Why should they get excited? Did not the whole democratic legisla tive ticket win out in Douglas county? The last Howell-RaDsom city char ter legislated all the republican city officials out of office. And then the people of Omaha filled them up with a new set of republican city officials. Returned Italians, according to a cable from Rome, are celebratiug Mr. Taft s victory in Italy. Too bad Mr. Taft will not have the appointment of the Sicilian postmasters. The real explanation comes from the democratic Charleston News and Courier, which says that "the demo crats lost last week's election at Chi cago In 1896." It will be a relief to the president to be able, aft-ir March 4, to pick his dinner guests without consulting the newspaper correspondents or the gen eral public. A Luta Opportaalty. : New York Sun. The efforts'"bT. well meaning men to In duce Mr. Bryah 40 become a revivalist eon tlnue. Whether, successful or not. some other man .must be found to revive the democratic party. ' Shoemaker, Stick te Yoar Last. New York Mail. Hereafter baukera will be bankers, pure and simple, not would-be "Napoleona of finance." 'So tha lw has always contem plated; so a public opinion, no lunger blinded by the glare of quick success and meretricious method, will Insist; so the fed eral courts have decreed by successful criminal prosecution; so this state has or dered by statutes which make further chain banking Impossible. SafrguardtBaT the Public Domala. San Francisco Chronicle. There la an active movement on foot to bring about the withdrawal from the market of all the public land which may be made available for cultivation by creating irrigation systems. It may ap pear to some that It Is a case of locking the door of the stable after the steed has been stolen, but those well posted know that there Is a good deal of Uncle Stem's domain which may appear worthless to day that will at some future time be made as valuable as any land out of doors. A Warning; to Falrvlew. Brooklyn Eagle (Ind. dem.). The democratic executive committee, the hoadquarters of which are In Columbus, O., have already put forward Judson Harmon, governor-elect, for the presidential nomina tion In 1912. This has been done without the consent of the Peerless One and without consultation with him. If the Peerless One would not lose his title as the perennial democratic candidate for the presidency, he must be up and doing. The campaign for 1913 must be begun now. There Is no know ing whai damage to prescriptive rights may be done by these restless and Impudent country committees. In eternal vigilance only Is the price of continued presidential nominations. There are, indeed, treacher ous and faithless murmuring up In Minne sota of a name that sounds like Johnson. Time must not be lost. POSTOKKIt'K COM MO SENSE. Special Local Parcels Poet Serriee on Haral Routes. New York World. The postoff'oe deficit for the fiscal year was 16.910,O". Part of the falling off Is due to financial depression, part to the fact that the rural free delivery does not yet pay. Postmaster General Meyer urges a spe cie! local parrels pott service on the rural route to make them self-sustaining, as well as to be a be on to the farmer and the country merchant. He suggests as a rate 5 cents for one pound and 2 cents for esch additional pound up to eleven. All the rural carriers use horses or automo biles to save their leg. An average bur den of only fifty-five pounds a trip would mean an annual business of 115,000.000, nearly all profit. Would a man in private business hesitate to act op such a show ing? Mr. Meyer Is known to be favorably dis posed toward a general parcels post. Pre sumably it la because he despairs of get ting It that he modestly suggests a half leaf measure. The four reasons why we, unlike every other civilised nation In ths world, have no parcels pott still hold as they did when John Wanamaker first stated them. Those four reasons weie and are the American Express company, the Adams Express company, the Wells-Furgo Ex press company and the United States Ex press company. They are not good rea sons, but they are strong ones. A n N V O083IP IX WA9HIXGTOX. Carreat Rveata nleaaeel frasa tha Amy aad Kr Register. The chief signal officer of the army has under consideration the disposition of Com pany I of tha signal corps, when It returns from Cuba with the Army of Cuban Pacifi cation In February. It wilt probably be as. signed to either Fort Riley, Kansas, or Fort Oglethorpe, Ua. Its present strength Is ninety men, but It will be reduced to about seventy-five men on arrival In the United States. This company Is organ ised as a field company, and It Is the In tention to maintain this organisation Intact, on the same basis as the other signal corps field companies, Company A at Fort Leav enworth, Company E at the presidio of Ban Francisco and one of the companies at Fort Omaha. The War department recently received a communication from the father of a mili tiamen who was said to have contracted a disease while attending the Joint maneu cers In his state. The fond parent wa of the opinion that the general government should reimburse him for the expenses In curred In restoring the guardsman to health. He has been Informed that there Is no appropriation available for such pur pose and that the state troops do not be come a part of the army when they take part In joint maneuvers and do not at any time enter Into the service of the United States. His case Is clearly on for the state authorities to settle. The War deparment will shortly publish to the service a circular setting forth briefly the various decisions which have been rendered concerning tha employment of army bands in consideration of the prohibition Imposed by, or restrictive clauses Incorporated In, the army appro priation act of May 11. There has been much doubt on he part of the military au thorities as to the application of the law, especially In those places where the em ployment of the army band was desired and where If that were Impossible no other band would be employed. It Is still a question whether this situation could be regarded as furnishing the conditions of competition with civilian musicians, which Is a factor In the employment of the gov ernment band. Three new questions concerning the pay ment of the death benefit have been be fore the War department last week. One Is the case of an enlisted man who was drowned from a boat ha was using with another soldier "In search of shells." It Is held that a qualified approval has been given by the department to certain forma of athletic sports, but It has never been held that crabbing and gathering shells or aquatic exercises generally, were In cluded In the list of authorised sports. The death of the soldier Is, therefore, regarded as not In line of duty. Another case has been that of the suicide of an enlisted man who killed himself In a period of mental de pression. In the absence of testimony that the mental condition was Incurred by the fault of the soldier. It Is held that the soldier was Inssne and that the Insanity originated In the line of duty and that the aulclde may properly be attributed to the same cause with Justification for regarding the death as having occurred In line of duty. A third case embodies the death of two men of the coast artillery corps who were killed by a collision of an electric car with the automobile In which they were riding In the streets of San Francisco. The men are considered as not having been ordered to perform any duty which re quired taelr presence In the automobile. They wero absent on pass and on private business, neither being In a status of duty at the time of the fatal accident. It Is accordingly held that In these cases the deaths were not contracted In the line of duty. : . - INCREASE OP TRAFFIC. Saoald Pat an End to Talk of Rala Inst Freight Rates. San Francisco Chronicle. Manufacturing activity will aoon bH again at Its height and the railroads of the coun try will have to handle both the raw ma terial and finished products. In prepara tion for the Increased traffic. It Is stated that already the railroad companies of the country have confirmed orders for Iron and equipment aggregating nearly 1250,000, which has been filed subject to confirma tion after the election. Reports filed with the Interstate Commerce commission show that the operating expenses per mile of road are already nearly equal to those which prevailed before the panic, In which case they will unquestionably soon; exceed them, and the operating cost per' mile Is a very good Indication of the volume of business. Of course, averagea for the roads of the entire country prove nothing what ever as to an Individual road. They only show general conditions and tendencies. The business of the well managed and most successful roads must In the nature of things be above the average. Among these successful systems none stands higher than the Union and Southern Paclffc, whose business suffered much less during the period of depression than most eastern roads, whose tonnage depends so largely on manufacturing activity. There haa been much talk of raising freight rates by reason of the largely Increased cost of operation, which cannot be denied. The plea was made that, while fixed charges had not decreased and could not do so, the falling off in tritfflc had been so great that the profits did not afford fair re muneration to stockholders. With the rapid Increase of traffic, which Is evidently Im pending, the public will not believe that there la Justification of any Increase of rates until It Is proved In court. And such proof, to be satisfactory, must make it clear how much ensh has actually been In vested by stockholders and how much profit Is. claimed as compensation for risk. That some profit is Just no honest man will deny. That unreasonable profit should be permitted no honest man will contend. That there was risk In early railroad build ing Is proved by the enormous mortality among early railroad corporations. Those which survived the period of wrecking are doubtless entitled to Income on more than actual Investment. But the majority of our present railroad corporations are reorgan isations and the new cash Invested at those times was not put at much risk. In this respect each road and each system Is In a class by Itself and must be Judged by the facts as In their cases may appear. The Increment ot value In a railroad pushed Into a wilderness cannot be called unearned Increment. Those were Investments which made other Increment pomible. Railroad companies are entitled to all that they have earned, but the public will never consent to allow them all that they and the com munities which they serve can earn. There must be give and tuke. It Is probable, however, that rapid Increase of traffic may remove the subject from discussion. Why Dlstarb the Dead t Boston Transcript. The decision of the Georgia Daughters of the Confederacy to erect the monu ment to Captain Wlrs, not at Anderson vllle, but at Richmond will be received by the Richmond people with feelings more easily Imagined than described. There Is not room for It near the Lee nor the Washington monument, and Rich mond may well wish that Oeorgia would let the dead and unbeautlful rest fill CREHAl Made from healthful grape cream of tartar Will make twice as much good bread biscuit and cake, pound for poundas the lowpricedimitations made from alum and alum phos phates, and will make the food appetizing and healthful. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is not only economical but makes the food more wholesome BOOSTS AXn KNOCKS. Chicago News: Mr. Bryan insists that providence and not the republican party gave Nebraska Its bountiful crops. Victor Rosewater should hasten to oppose this political heresy. Indianapolis News: In thanking the re publican press for the splendid work dur ing the campaign, Mr. Rosewater rather leaves It to be understood that he docs not believe The Omaha Bee did any real harm. Ord Quiz: Whatever the result of the election may be Tha Omaha Bee deserves much credit for the able work It has done In this campaign for the cause of republi canism. Its editorials have been brisk and to tho point. It Is the only dally In the state that lias done Its whole duty. Fullerton News-Journal (dem.) The elec tion returns In Nebraska will do one good thing. It eliminates Vic Rosewater as the leader of the g. o. p. this very presence has been obnoxious to the big, brainy men of tho party and they are ashamed to follow in his wake. They are secretly rejoicing In his overthrow and downfall. Weeping Water Republican; The Omaha Bee was the only state paper that gave loyal support to the republican ticket. The straddle-the-fence papers of Lincoln as sisted as much aa anything else In turning the votes to the democrats. Yet even their Influence would not have made the change had not the railroads, against whom Gov ernor Sheldon had turned his batteries, passed out the word to slaughter him. The distillers and brewers controlled a big vote and It could safely be counted against Sheldon. Wan oo Wasp: Whatever the enemies of young Mr. Rosewater may say to the con trary The Omaha Bee was the state paper that gave encouragement to the republi cans at all times In the campaign Just closed. The talk about the breweries, cor porations, etc., causing the defeat of the republicans In this state Is well enough, but the attitude of the three daily papers In Lincoln, had more to do with the Ne braska "landslide" than all other causes combined. PERSONAL NOTES. If everybody who owes a letter would write It a considerable dent would be mrde In that postal deficit. The foster father of "Chlmmle" Fadden was burled In the New Tork landslide. "Hully gee! Politics la on de blink, see?" "Adorned by a $40,000 necklace" Is part of the description of a recent bride How ever, It Is possible to be a successful bride without this. Harry Devendorf, secretary to James S. Sherman, aa congressman, will he ap pointed secretary to the vice president. The pcaitlon pays $4,000 a year. The horse Is growing in public estina tlon. For the first time In the history of New York horse shows he Is said to be at tracting more attention than the toilets. The government has decided to ask ths supreme court for a writ of certiorari In tho Standard Oil case. This Is a fine chance for tho courts to show whether the writ of certiorari Is worth all the trouble It makes In the newspaper cfflces. A practical Joker In a New York suburb, who pretended to be dead In a church yard and then scared the church choir by coming to life, waa sent to Jail. This Is a humorous way of appreciating Jokes of the kind which should be prevalent In every community. The death is recorded ot Miss Julia Cias kell, daughter cf the author of "Mary Bar ton" and . of "The Life of Charlotte Bronte." In her childhood Julia was the pet of Miss Bronte. Mrs. Gaske.ll has tnM us that a strong mutual attraction ex isted between thtm. "The child would steal her littlaj hand Into Miss Bronte's scarcely larger one, and esch took pleasure In this apparently unobserved caress." HARNESS BARGAINS AVlieu the Greenfield Har ness Company quit business we bought their entire stock of harness AT 0NE-HALF THEIR INVOICE tRICE. We have all styles, both double and single, and will sell them, as long as they last, at prices that will pay you to investigate. JOHNSON & OANFORTH S. W. Corner lota ant Jones ts., OMAHA, NEB. MB smilikg Lines. Wife Here's a passage In the Bible about the "lean years." lingular expression, Isn't It? Huh I don't know, my dear; we often talk about our spare moments. Boston Tran script. - Miss Dibley She was bragging about how successful lier 11ruior party whs. She salit It wound up "with great eolw." What's erlaw" anyway? Miss Mugley Why, I guess , that war the dewrt. Ildn't you nover eat a choco late oclaw? Catholic Standard and Times. "I know mom about that woman than she knows about herself." "Huw can that-be possible? "rJaslly; I know she lnn't pretty, but sh doesn't." Houston Post. Eve-Why do you lug that broken um brella about with you? Adam I sympathise wMh It. Since It lost a rib, It's never been the same Cleveland Leader. ."Speaking about the slat style of flgura have you seen the six Skimpton girls?'7 "Yes. They look like a picket fence out walking." Cleveland Plain Dealer. "I'm troubled a great deal with head aches In the morning," said Luachman. "Perhaps It's my eyes; do you think I need stronger glasnes?" "No." replied Dr. Wise, meaningly, "what you need Is not stronger glasses, but fewer." Cathollo Standard and Times. "Uncle Mose," said the drummer, ad dressing an aged colored man who was holding down a dry goods box-in front of the village store, "they tell me that you re member seeing General Washington. Is II true?" "No, sah." replied the old man, "Ah uster 'membali aeeln' him. but Ah don't no moh since Ah done J'ln'd church, sah. "Judge. NATURE STUDIES IN AFRICA ssssaaaBaaaai ' - W. J.' Lampton In New York Worl The Lion arid the Unicorn, !l ' ' ' 1 The Lyre-bird and all . The fauna ot tho Afric wilds Are waiting for the call To Hire, them from the hunting man And to the timber tall. The Elephant will pack his trunk This Is no Joke, although, It sounds like one, because unless He packed It, don't you know. He couldn't get along at all, Wherever he might go. The Walrus on Sahara's wastes Is scratching In the nand To make a hnlo to hide himself Tom that destructive hand; And Ducks, with life-preservers on, Are out vt sight of. land. The Orlsily Bear will climb a tree, As Grlsslles always do; The Red Deer of the White Nile field Are looking mighty bli-e, And Bengal Tigers, in their strlpos. Have skipped from Timbuktu. The tall Giraffe will dnk hla nut And tie his neck In knots; The Leopard will, with due regard For safety, change his spots, And all the Tapirs will light out To fire the Uottentats. The fierce Opossum and the 'Coon, Through fear will lose their fat. The Drum-Bird In the forest deep Will beat a wild rat-tat, And Vampira, everywhere disturbed. Will go off on a bat. The Afrlcanus fauna bunch Is booked to get Its share When Roosevelt strikes that sunburnt land And opens up for fair; And If there be an Octopus In hiding anywhere Between the Cape and Pyramids "Twere b tter he beware. A Work of Art The artistic design and per fect finish which distinguish our beautiful overcoats ' at $40 and 150 are equally char- acterlstlc of our overcoat at $20 and $25. The difference Is chiefly in the materials. Our line of suits Is made up of all the latest models and' fabrics. A lilk will convince you. Shirts, neckwear, gloves, mufflers and hats in correct styles. BrQwingKing Ipl'S Company Fifteenth and Douglas St. ' OMAHA R. S. WILCOX, Maaafcay K r 'li V. .1 1 4 t i li-