A. V.H. ! OFFICIAL' COCT COMPLETE Democrttio FIuraliti in Donglai "Leu Than Thought. IXEDES BUU3 KRAUS CLOSELY Bryan's Lead la Coanty tpprnil- tatrlr 1 ,fi VO T w a Mink Men ea HMk Ticket Separated by 1.B1T Votes. The official count of the vote In Douglas county, completed yesterday afternoon by the canvassing board, thowa that the dem ocratic pluralities on several offices were not so large waa at flrat expected. The cleeeet race was between Kraua and I'd Ieeder for representative. Kraua winning by only 179 votee. The highest pluralltj on the ietrtslatlve ticket wae received by Ranaom, who had L17t more votea than his nearest republican competitor, Bryan' plurality In thai county was ap proximately 1,600. Harrington, the high elector on the democratic ticket, received 1,817 moro votea than Belt, who waa high tnan on the republican. The complete official vote follows: Republican Electors Bell l f? linger .. ?;-!M Robblna 312 Baldrlge K Katon ., , JJ-J Unrlburt 23 Democratic Elector Harrington I?'i!S ering J? Wstske Neble ; " !: Bhawvan Weber 5f Bwanaon J?- Cameron lb,o t Prohibition Electors Nesbtt J George Rrower ; Hurt '. Lafferty 2' Sorts list Blectora' Rlanton i" Phillips ..... 7?8 Hollander "W Melcher W Ashby "98 T,egler 7C9 Stratum .......... J Oovernor Fhallenberger .,... IS.23 Sheldon 13,610 Harbaugh "3 Teeter 27 Shallenberger's plurality, lieutenant, Oovernor ' Garrett ...,?. Hopewell ........... Jorgenson ..... j.. Llnch, ............. . 2.663 14.fM 73 219 1,027 is.y , 14.XI1 239 90S Oarrett'a plurality Secretary pf Btaita ' . riatewood Junkln ..... berly . Hockenbercef O&tewood'a plurality Auditor i ii Price Bartoix Price' plurality Treasurer Mackey 15.198 14,611 0.7 ... 15.M5 ... 14.W4 itrian Mackey's plurality Superintendent bbott Bishop . Bchell Abbott' plurality Attorney General Fleharty M Thompson frasey ' Fleharty'a plurality Commlaatoner Publks Lands and Insjs , r Eastham r'BaaUiaAV!p'!uriAlCtl.'.U.'. .' . 721 . 16,2 . 14.407 . 762 . 802 . 15.S:9 . 14,411 . 751 . 948 Bulld- . 18.279 . 14.477 . 5i Railway" Commissioner Cowglll , 15,751 , 14,14 , 7t WllUama ... Plnkenkeller Cowgill's plurality n 7 7 flanareaamaii Hitchcock - 16.033 Jefferts 13.842 Vorter 687 'Hitchcock's plurality K.... State Senator Ransom 2, lH 1564 BflCCIfl The back is the mainspring of woman's organism. It quickly calls attention to trouble bj aching. It tells, with other symptoms, such as nervousness, headache, palas in the loins, weight la the lower part of the body, t' at a woman's feminine organism needs immediate attention. In such cases the one sure remedy which speedily removes the cause, and restores the feminine organism to a healthy, normal condition is LYDIA ELPINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND Mrs. Will Young, of 6 Columbia Ave., Rockland, Me., says : " I waa troubled for a long" time with dreadful backaches and a pain in my aide, and was miserable in every way. I doctored until I waa discouraged and thought I would a ever get well. I read what LydU K. Piukham'a Vegetable Compound had done for others and decided, to try Hi after taking thaoe bottle I can truly aay that I never felt o well in my life." Mrs. Augustus Lyon, of East Esffl, Pa-writes to Mrs. Ilnkhara : "I had vary save re backaches, and prein--4own pains, I oouldot aleep, and had no appetite. Lydia . Pink ham's Vegetable Compound cured me) and made me feel like a new woman. " FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. link, ham's Vegetable Compound, made from root and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, Kriodid pains, backache, that bear g-down feeling, flatulency, indiges. tion,dixxineeA,or ua rvous prauuuom. l A Cil Lincoln Offies Omaha Bee 518 Little Building Auto FK.ne 7417. Bell A-2 SOS G. M. Porter, Manager. ranner - Unwell ..... Ai'.k ns -,'manaon M Oil ton Koa Rmsom's plurality .. Tanner's plurality ... Howell'a plurality ... Ftale Representative Roland Connolly , Shoemaker I'liomaa it, It i(olires toecker Howard Kraua Leecler Knutnky nest , Iiervoy Wapptch Tin ker I'arnes 15.712 15.i i. 16. wa 15, IS. too 15.2M 16.&5 "1506 14.V42 14.7K3 , 14.4U 1 4.39 i4.ia 14.319 14.C.S 14.175 13,i8 Rtone Foeter 13,264 Roland's plurality 9r9 Connolly's plurality R9 Phncmakfri plurality SW Diomaa' bluralltv wu M2 4fl 4H2 213 '.. 1.9 Butfa plurality Holm'-a plurality Ptoerker'e plurality Howaxd'a plural. ty Kraua' plurality School Fund Amendment For Against Hupreme Judges' Amendment For Against County Attorney Knirllsh Hoillster 19.776 154 29.633 148 Engllth'a plurality 3.533 Coroner ' Heafoy 15.123 Brewer 14.5J Heafey'a plurality 540 County Commissioner Third D:strlct, Vn expired Term Harte 14.618 County Commissioner Third District. Full Term- Pick arc! 15.6S2 Walsh : 14.116 Bankey 7.5 Plckard'a plurality l,5b County Commissioner Fifth District Bedford 15.755 lre 13.M5 81lver 732 ' Belford's plurality I,f20 Detention School 112,000 Appropriation For 2,959 Againt 1,010 ELECTRIC STOCK GOES TO COCRT Both Claimants Have Represeatatloa Peadlas Settlement. BEATRICE, Neb., Nov. 16. (Special Tele gram.) As a result of the suit filed In The district court a few daya a fro by Paul Hor bach and others, residents of Omaha, to secure possession of certain atock held by L. E. Watson and other parties of Beat rice, the plant of the Beatrice electric com pany is now in the joint possession of C. L. Wilson, representing the Horbachs, and L. E. Watson representing his own Inter ests. The property will remain In their charge, with W. S. Johnson aa superinten dent until the caae la tried In court. President D. W. Morrew of the Beatrice Electric company and number of the old board of directors. Including Paul Hor bach, arrived here today from Omaha. A meeting of the directors waa held and a resolution passed dispensing with the ser vices of L. E. Watson and appointing C. L. Wilson of Omaha to take his place aa manager, but Mr. Watson refused to reoog nky; the action of the- board or turn over the property. ' Mr. Wilson claiming- f was the owner of $51,000 of the 1100,000 stock of the company. An agreement waa finally reached whereby Mr. Wilson and Mr. Wat son are to remain temporarily In charge of the company's affairs. The Horbach estate claims to own practically all of the atqck of the company, and while a majority of It has been In possession of E. J. Sul livan, he had no authority to aell or dispose of It. The estate alao contends that Wat son does not own a majority of the atock and that hla claim is made for the purpose of assisting Mr. Sullivan In getting the property away from the Horbachs. MURDER CHARGE IS DISMISSED Impossible to Seeare Evidence Agalast Italian. FREMONT, Neb., Nov. 16. (Special Tel- egram.)County Attorney Graham In the district court today dismissed the ease ag-alnat Paaquel Crlstlano, who waa charged wtth the murder of Tony Genova last month. It waa Impossible to secure any additional evidence than that produced on the preliminary hearing. One of the leaders of the Italians who waa present at the fight said that he did not dare to tell all he knew. Crlstlano was badly atabbed In the fight and waa In the hospital a week before being taken to the jail. He la entirely recovered and went back to work with a Burlington grading gang this aft ernoon. Society Gets the Children. . BEATRICE. Neb., Nov. 18. (Special Tele gram.) The Dyer habeas corpus case, which haa been In the district court the last year, waa aettled out of court today and the two children, a boy aged 8 and a girl aged 11. who were taken from the Ne braska Children's Home society of Omaha while Mr. and Mrs. Dyer were residents of Thayer county, were turned over to the Institution. Mrs. Quivey of the society was here In the Interest of the children, the case having been set for trial In the dis trict court this morning. Vim Shotaran on Wife. KEARNEY. Neb., Nov. IS. (Special Tel egram.) James Barton, a young colored man, shot at hla wife here thla afternoon with aingle barreled shotgun and four shot toojt effect. The wounds will not be fatal on account of the distance from the weapon. Jealousy led up to the affair. The shooting took place at the home of a friend for whom the couple had recently been keeping house. Barton haa been placed In jail awaiting chargea. Bee Satlsflea Ifta Wants. PILGER, Neb.. Nov. 1. (Special.) Alex Rogers of this place has taken the Omaha Dally Bee for twenty-alx yeara continu ously and haa never missed a copy. Now, If there Is another subscriber to the paper that can beat him let ua bear from them. Mr. Rogers aaya he "haa found The Bee reliable at all tlmee and expects to take It as long aa he Uvea. 4 ebraak News Notre. PLATTSMOCTH Jerry McHugh of South Bend and Miss Euna Towle of Wabash are to be united In marriage on November 23. PL ATT8 M OUT H M r a. H. E. Palmer ia reported to be seriously ill n her home In Omaha. Her husband -ind daughter have been notified. PLA TT8MO TH George M. Keller, a rod 61. and Mra. Maggie Undaay, aed 46, are to be uniLed In marriage next Wednesday. iuth live In South Bend. PLATTBMOUTH The Platteroouth Tele phone company haa commenced the erec tion of a two-story brick building In Kira wood, which will be used for the central of fice by J. N. Woodward. Pl.TT8MOfTH-Ralph W. White, who haa l-en the general manager of the Bell Telephone company In this city for about elfhl years, has been transferred to No- raska City, and bia salary Increased 13 per month. TECVMSEH Oeorire E. Hotchktn. man ager of the Model Milllna; company of this city, Is negotiating with the town of John son. In Nemaha county, with a vlow at moving the milling plant of that company, now In this city, to Johnson. MAXWEI.L-S. S. Reynolds of Maxwell has paid his election bet to J. H. Adams Paturday. Tho bet was If Bryan was elected Adama was to push a wheelbarrow with Reynolda ajid If Taft waa elected Reynolds waa to push Adams around a block. , SARGENT Mrs. George Sherman, who named Bargent, and waa the first post mistress at this place, some thirty years ago. left Saturday morning for Lincoln, where she will Join some friends and to gether they will spend the winter at Long Beach, Cel. HASTINGS Mrs. C. 1 Barrackman, who attempted suicide last Wednesday by awal Inwlng carbolic acid, la recovering satis factorlly. 8h haa been suffering with tuberculosis and her attempt to commit aulrlde waa prompted by despondency on account of her alcknee" SARGENT 8u e Inti ndent of 8 hools H M. uncaney have a t . .he Methodist F-Flscopal church Saturd ry evening for the benefit of the school library. The house was packed. His subject, "An Axe to Grind." was ably handled. Misses Crown over. Sturm and Shafer assisted by Mrs. Slnlnger, rendered some very acceptable music. TECUM SEH Rev. Robert Lldrtell, D. D., pastor of the Tecumseh Presbyterian church, will begin a series of evangelistic meetings In his church tomorrow evening. He will be assisted somewhat by Rev. J. Herbert McConnell of Hebron, and H. J. Fnders will have charge of the music. The meetings will be continued for an In definite period. TABLE ROCK The Pawnee Oounty Sunday Hehool association assembled In the Methodist Episcopal church st Table Rock, Friday, last, and continued In session until Saturday morning. A strong program had been prepared and was carried through without a failure. C. D. Meigs, a national worker, from Indianapolis, lnd., was pres ent and gave three strong addresses, bo lides giving many helpful suggestions Tor all .departments or worn. arise mum Stoc-ker, superintendent of the primary work, gave several talks pertaining lo mai work. About seventy delegates were In at tendance. COLUMBt'S Among others that are ..tiv innrht after hv the newly elected governor, to get their advice In the matter of running things, are Colonel C D. Min, M. U. I and Senator John Barnes, or course uovernor-eieci BniiicniTri ,.... .v,. afford to give much time at any one place, for there are others who are hungry, so the governor-elect Just (like the pilgrim) wss here Just for a night, and he earned more about what he ought to do. In that night than he could have learned In aeven counties. PI LG ER Paul Felblekorn. a brick mason, who whs working on the new school build ing this morning, fell from the second storv window to the ground. He waa badly bruised but no bones were broken and un less he is Injured Internally he will prob ably recover. He fell head first, but turned a somersault In the air, atrlklng on hla hlpa. PI 13 ER A large force of men Is at work on the waterworka and the contractor ex nects to have It all completed In forty daya. HARVARD James Flscus, aged about 42 vuu P. veaterdav mornlni after a de cline 'of several months. Friday morning, v. .. nn hia winrimlll tower to repair It, became chilled and getting Into his house told his wire ne woum noi uvo imih, -allv falllna- until his death. HARVAHR Miss Paulua. who attempted Y. i ... nn Ufa 1at week. Is still liv ing and recovery atlll doubtful, but aa the bullet came out, having gone through the body coming out near me snouiuor "'. there would be strong hopes were It not that Miss Paulua seems to desire to die and will do nothing to neip recover. oTTinir nnrv-Mnlnr Pemberton. of V ' ni...r nf martial music has been giving the local martial band three weeks' Instruction to close with a big concert at the opera house. I Gl'IDE ROCK-Mrs. William Kitkpatrlck of Guide Rock died at Kansas City. Sun day. She had been in falling health for eome time. She spent the summer in Idaho, but getting worse went to Kansas City. She . . .... i k..Kn,4 th- am a 1 1 leaves Desiaea ncr huou.hu, FRIEND A Sunday school Institute, con ducted by Prof. J. A. Baber of Lincoln. Baptist state Sunday school superintendent, was concluded yesterday afternoon. Thia Institute, held within the bounds or the York Baotlst association, aimed primarily to benefit the churches of this group, but Its results were such that the churches of other denominations of this city shared Its benefits. Prof. Baber Is an educator of long experience and a teacher who Is a credit to his profession. His purpose Is to bring the Sunday schools Into line with the twentieth century methods of organisation and teaching.. HASTINGS C. O. Anderson, an emoloye tiivnn Rrn- . rvalnters and decorators. waa arrested last night on the charge of forging his employers' nsme to some twenty-four checks for $15.26 each, ten of which he succeeded In passing at local stores yesterday afternoon ana iasi nia-ni. He waa taken In custody by Chief Wld lie waa waltlnar to board a west bound passenger train. T- signature of hla emnlover was so sklllfollv Imitated that It was impossible to dlatinsruish be tween the srenulne and bogus without com parison with stubs In the check biok. He made email nurcnaaes ai eaon pm-- wi he negotiated a check and practlcallv all of the gooda thus purchased and $147 In money were found in nis possessioni THIEVES GET A COLLECTION Crab Varlaaa Articles, bat So Far as Police Know Get No Money. Thieves stole 160 cigars, two kits of tools, a sultcaae and a large piece of sheet copper frcm varloua persons Saturday; but so far aa Is known by the police, no money was secured by burglara. The cigars were taken from Lewla H. Roblnaon'a store at 1023 South Tenth etreet and the thief was a judge of good cigars, too, for he took the best he could find. K. Llninger of 481$ Underwood avenue had left a auttcaae, con taining a number of women's silk waists. on the rear platform of a Council Bluffs street car Saturday afternoon, but someone got off the car with It before the car left Council Bluffs. The tools stolen belonged to John Peterson of Thirty-sixth and Y atreets. South Omaha, and to R. E. Llveaey of 8828 Hawthorne avenue. Peteraon's tools were taken from the Labor temple, while the others disappeared from the Patterson block The thief who stole the large sheet of copper from the Great Western Type foundry had a job to carry It away, as It waa rather bulky and weighed elghty-slx pounds. l.aat Game for Normal Team. CEDAR FA LI J?, Ia.. Nov. 16. (Special.) The Cedar Falls High school Tigers went down In defeat In their game with the team at Iowa Falls by a score of 18 to 12. But tthe normal foot ball team on Saturday won from their visitors from Charles City college by a score of IS to This will be the last game of the season for the Normal team. Scott's Emulsion is for coughs and colds as well as for consumption. It's easy for Scott's Emulsion to cure a cold or cough and it does it better than anything else because it builds up apd strengthens at the same time. Don't wait until you get Consumption or Bronchi tis. " Get Scott 's. ' Sana this advartissawat tetwthar wtth Mane ef PA fa wakh H appears, yam address and tmm ctats to cover eosuas, and ne arid sca4 yon a "CoiapMe Handy Atlas e the Workf' u a SCOTT BO WML 40 Pssrl Street, New Verb HEALTH PART OF RELIGION Material Science Advances Faster Than Relation of Hind to Matter. CHURCH A HEALING, MINISTER Dr. Renae Saye Reaetlen le Inevitable sat Time Hae Cease, far More Thenaht Tewarne Thlaaa Snlrttnnl. The last century was a century of ma terialism; and no wonder. It witnessed the most remarkable progress of material sci ence," said Rev. Frederick T. Rouse at the First Congregational church Sunday morn ing In a sermon on the eubject of "Re ligion and Health." The telescope and the spectroscope re vealed the secrets of the Infinite heavena. Chemistry showed the order, wonder and beauty of the molecular worlds. Through Mology the tawa of physical life were dis played, and the germ theory of disease started on Its wonderful conquests. Tho ev olutionary sciences had their Inning. And the physical mastery of the world was brought on Its course. 'Yet the nature of the ego, the relation of mind to matter, waa aa far from solu tion as ever. The ultimate cause and na ture and purpose of things was still un known to science. The reality and nature of God, spirit and the unseen was aa far from knowledge as ever. We were like some farmers whom I know In Wisconsin, they had great farms, barns, wonderful stock, yet their houses were the poorest. their fare the worst and the self or the soul seemed to have no home or care. 'A reaction was Inevitable) All through the human world we find springing up from untutored sources an affirmation of spirit above flesh. Doctors are declaring that personality counts more than medi cine and autosuggestion and psychotherapy are In the air. And added to all matter Itself Is being dissolved from "stuff" into something more like will or thought force. The age of the spiritual has dawned. Faith In Solatlnn. 'Incantations, holy water, Dowlclsm, amulcta and blessed rosarlea, bread pills and autosuggestion all have their cures. The healing of scripture need no longer be explained away. They all have their ex planation In one word faith. Thla Is the age of the revival of faith. "(a) The ' church haa neglected Us hy gienic function. A business man told me his daughter sat on the edge of the car seat In fear of a wreck all the way from California, and consequently had to be op erated on for appendicitis, and it cost him $1,000. Who was to blame T The preacher. That girl was a good Christian and a mem ber of the church, but her pastor had failed to teach her that H was a part of religion 'not to fear, though the earth be removed.' "(b) The church must return to Its heal ing ministry. Wisely, and with limitations. It must still remember 'the prayer of faith .hall aave the sick.' "(c) The relaUon between sin and sick ness, and religion and health, must he re affirmed. Fear, anger, despair, hatred pro foundly affect secretions. And on the other hand, the type of character created by Christ, calm, loving, .patient, unselfish, fearless, trusting. Is the type best able to resist every form of disease." CHRIST CONCEPTION OP RELIGION Follow Me" la the Sammnry of the Savlofa Doctrine. "The Christ Conception of Religion" was the subject of the sermon of Rev. J. W. Conley at the Flrat Baptist church Sunday morning. The text waa Trom, Galatlans vl:lS, ''for as many as wli .according to this 'le, peace be on them and mercy, and upon the Israel of God." Dr. Conley aald In part: , "As you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk with Him. The subject of religions le very comprehensive. Many of them are false. The religion of Jesus Christ was summed up In two words: 'Follow Ma.' "My purpose Is to give you an outline of the essential features of the Christian life, The false religions are not alone the heathen religions. We hve them in Amerloa. and there la much falsity In some of our so-called evangelical churches. "The Pharisees' Idea of religion was that of something to be taken on and not within. It. was with them a I galtun. the whols con. ceptlon being In the observation of some form. They had no Idea of the abounding life In the soul or of an outgrowing life from the soul. The faithful of the Phara slacal churches were admonished strictly to observe the ordinances of feast days and all other outward manifeetatlona of their religious ordinances. There Is In the church of today too much of the superficial ex position of eccleslaatlclsm. So a religion that puts form above life cannot endure. "Religion la a power within the soul, as Interpreted by Jesus Christ. It is the en ergy which works within, a power within the soul. . . "God does not aak man to dethrone hla reason. Truth Is so Immense that we can not take It all In. The trueat faith Is that faith which thinks. It Is wrong to think that our colleges and universities are prone to Influence a leek of faith In religion. On the contrary. In these Institutions are being laid the foundations for the sublime truths." SOCRATES A HERO IN DEATH Refaaee te Abandon Faith Even' ta Save Hla Life. The story of the life of Socrates and of hla appearance before hla judges was told Sunday morning In an Impressive manner by Rev. Newton Mann at the Unitarian church, the lecture being the first In a series on "Famous Scenes of Moral Hero Ism," to be delivered during the winter by Rev. Mr. Mann. His theme be divided Into several parts, including Greece In the time of ft. k rates, his course of life aa senator, under the thirty tyrants, Plato's estimate, unpopularity, charges preferred against him, the jourt, complainants' representa tion, Socrates' defense. Judgment of" guilty" rendered, determination of penalty, final word of the condemned and death. As summing up the character of Socrates, Rev. Mr. Mann read his laat words to the Judge who had condemned him and after reminding the judges that In condemning him they had set a reproach upon their city which time Itself would not efface, he proceeded without rancor and said: "Perhaps, my friends, you think that I have been defeated becauae I was wanting in the argumenta by which I could have persuaded you to acquit me. If, that la, I had thought it right to do or say anything to escape punishment. It la not so. I have been defeated because I would not plead before you aa you would have liked to hear me plead, or appeal to you with weeping and wailing, or aay and do many other things which I maintain are unworthy of me, but which you have been accustomed to from other men. But when I waa de fending myself, I thought I ought not, be cauae of the peril I was In, to do anything unmanly, and I have not changed my mind now. I would much rather defend myself as I did i nd die, than as you would have me do and live. Both in a lawsuit and in war there Are some things which neither I nor aay other man may do In order te escape from death. In battle a man often sees that he may escape from death by throwing down hla arms and falling on his kneee before the pursuer to beg for his life. And there are many ways of avoiding death In any danger. If a man will not scruple U say and do anything." He told his judgee he preferred hie fate to theirs and that Instead of snuffing out with hla lire the spirit of his work they will only arouse others to do his work. "The state of death Is one of two things, either the dead man ceases wholly to be and loans all sensation, or as the common belief Is, It is a change and a migration of the soul to another place. 'But now the time has come and we must go hence. I to die and you to live. Which la for the better la known to God and to God only." When at last the hour came he bade them all farewell and drank the hemlock with unfaltering serenity. sea, overwhelmed by Almighty Ood In their unholy Ventura" MISSIONS AT KOU1STIB MEMORIAL Women Take Charge of the Evening Service. The services at Kountse Memorial church Sunday evening were held under the aus pices of the Ladles' Home and Foreign Mission society, with Mrs. Allen Koch pre siding. Mrs.' Amelia Pearson read an In teresting article on the entrance of the mis sionary box In the family. Mra Oleva Kuehn read the principal paper, on "The Immigration Problem." Four young women were ushers and col lectors. Master Russell Tetard sang one of his finest solos. UNHOLY VENTl'RES AS OF OLD Trnsts and Corporations Same ne ' " Oppressors of the Ancients. Bf ginning with the earliest Bible history and advancing step by step through that cl ronology up to the escape of the Israel ites from the Egyptlana by passing through the Red sea. while their pursuers were drowned In the flood of watera. Rev. M. V. Hlbe at the North Presbyterian church Sunday told of the holy and unholy ven tures of Bible times and compared the un holy venture of the Egyptian alave drivers to apprehend the Ieraelltea and keep them In captivity to the oppttsslve rule of trusts rrd corporations of the present day. Mr. Hlgbee took Ma text from Hebrews 11:29, "By faith they passed through tho Red sea as by dry land; which the Egypt ians assaying to do, were drowned." At the outset of his discourse the pastor called attention to the fact that the chosen people passed through the Red sea "by faith" and made the statement that It was no more wonderful or no more of a miracle for Ood to part the watera of the sea and let His people pass through on dry land than It la for Him to cause the century cactus to bloom but once in 100 yeara. "The sacrifices of Cain and Abel, the acceptance of Abel's sacrifice and the subsequent murder of Abel by Cain was but the beginning of a period of great sin which In ever Increasing sway ensnared the hearts of men, until only one true family remained, anil Noah built the ark and rodo out the flood of forty days and forty nights. It was a holy venture of Noah's, but the most holy venture was that of Mosea when he led his people up to the shore of the Red sea and the watera opened and they passed through to safety, the water cloelng over the Egyptians who followed. It was a holy venture of Moses, but It waa an unholy venture of the Egypt lana "There are many unholy venture now, and anyone who would become a reformer must recognise this and must also recog nise this one principle: The greatest good to the largest number must be continually end assiduously sought, Anything to keep the people from worshiping God on tho Sabbath day is an unholy venture. "Egypt held the Israelites In slavery, to grind down and get out of them all that they could. Whether conditions are the aame now I do not say, but they tell me You Can Think Think details. Slow and sure you will see the ideas line up, fit in, join together, and some day the complete creation shows forth and you have what you have patiently built SUCCESS. B U T You absolutely must have a Healthy Machine, a strong, well-fed BRAIN to work with. Feed It! GRAPE-NUTS food is a genuine, trustworthy Brain Food. WHY? It contains in digestible form the natural food elements taken from Nature's storehouse, the field grains, which the life forces selected to build the soft gray filling of the brain. Phosphate of Potash, Albumen, and water the only things , that make it, and these elements are in Grape-Nuts and will be absorbed by the system when the same thing taken as drugs will not, for Dame Nature is a more skillful compounder than man. The big Americans and Englishmen who .do things have found out the sturdy value of (Gj Food, and use it. Ask the next brainy, successful man you meet if he eats Grape Nuts. 14 POSTUM CEREAL COMPANY, Limited, r HALF-MINUTE STORE "The Model Store of the Middle West." la the way the Chloajre Apparel Gasette, one of the greatest trade papers In the world, headed an article describing this etore In the Issue of November 11., Tha Appaml Gaxette le In close touch with every clothing store in the U. 8. and ought to know what constitutes a model store. We feel complimented. THE NEW m boms or QUAX.XTY exoma A man should be as particular about Ins UNDERWEAR as ha Is about Ill-fitting underwear Is a great annoyanoe. No trouble about the fit of our underwear. Our spe cial sizes maka tho fitting easy. Our great assort ment makes the choosing easy and our "lower than elsewhere" prices makes the selling of It easy. LEWIS UNION SUITS Winter weights. Jersey ribbed, Egyptian fj "f "")iaa:t ' cotton, equal to other makes. Silk trimmed, tl.SO values drawers that great corporations and 'trusts and organisations, some of them fostered by government, I am told, are grinding men under their heels, the same as did Egypt of old. Like Egypt of old. too, there are great organisations. I am told, that are not giving Just payment for the employ ment cf their hands, and therefore I be lieve I ought to raise my voice and say that such corporatlona and trusts are un holy venturea. "I would like to call back the waters of the Red eea and show the tryannlcal com mercial Institutions and the corrupt poll tlclans of today Pharaoh and the Egyptian aoldlera lying there at the bottom of the SHANGHAI LEADER IN OMAHA Robert E. Lewie, Prominent Man la , Orient, Will Make Two Ad. dresses Friday. Robert E. Lewis of Shanghai, China, one of the religious and commercial leaders of the orient, will be In Omaha Friday and while here will deliver two addresses on widely different aspects of life In the flowery kingdom. Friday noon he will be entertained at luncheon by the Commercial club and will deliver an address on "Com mercial Conditions In the Orient." In the evening he will bo the guest at a banquet at the Young Men'a Christian association and will speak on "The Wealthiest and th Wickedest City in the Orient." Mr. Lewis waa a leader In the movement of spreading the Young Men's Christian association to that part of China contiguous to Shanghai. - He has organised a number of associations there and Is recognised aa one of the religious leaders of the empire. He alao stands as high In the commercial circles. As secretary of the Asiatic asso ciation, an organisation of commercial bodies In China, he has come in close touch with business Interests of the country. He kas twice be.n entrustel with Important poli 1 : t ? 'if r I i ft UCCE "There's a Reason" BATTLE TALK STORE his overcoat even more any $3.60 garments of F NATURAL WOOL taped drawers, shirts or regular " $100 A Others at, garment BOo to $3.00 Union Suits $1.00 to $20.00 tical missions to the United States, once to Secretary Hay and once to President Roose velt. It Is said his report to President Roosevelt waa Incorporated In one of the presldent'a messages to congress. AUSTRIA TO MASS TROOPS Proposes to Shew See via the Error of the Coaree It Is Paraalaa. VIENNA, Nov. 11 It Is seml-of Hot illy stated that owing to Servla's continued provocative attitude, the Austro-Hungarlan government Is determined to take special military measures without further delay. These measures will be purely of a de fensive nature, consisting probably .in the concentration of large bodies of troop at strateglo points In Bosnia and Crotla. ' It la reported that Servla has recalled its minister from Vienna, but this cannot be confirmed. CETTINJE, Montenegro, Nov. 18. The Montenegrin government has sent a pro test to Austria-Hungary against the cross ing of the frontier by Austrian guards on several Instance, and their Refusal to re tire until the Montenegrin frontier guard threatened to fire. 4 It is asserted that Austria Is accumulat ing huge quantities of war material-and greatly strengthening the garrisons along the frontier. HYMENEAL Smith-Stevens. y Miss Rae S. Stevens, daughter of Robert S. Stevens, and Howard R. Smith were, married Sunday at J:30 by Rev. Charles W. Bavldge at hla residence. . They were ac companied by Mr. Waller Hamraon. Mlsa Emma Stevens and Miss Anna Doyle. Halm-nrooka. . Miss Agnes Brooks of Florence and Victor E. Holm of Walioo were married by Rev. Charles Bavldge Saturday at 8 p. m. CREEK, MICHIGAN, U. 8. A. I , , i