10 Want - ads ilTttManli far tha ad MliuM will be takea sjatlf la as. be avealaaj edltlsa aad til as. for the mnilii aad Baaday dltlaaa. fash mast waHr all ardera fas waat ada aa a aiTcniwarat will k aeestd fee leas tkaa 10 mU far first laaertloa. Rates apply ta either Tka Dally ar aadar Baa. Always eaaat als worla fa a tlaa. Cowklaatlaaa af laltlala ar aaaakcra eeaat aa aaa wwf. CABIf RATE! rOR WAWT ADS. REOl'LAR CLASSIFICATION Oaa laaertloa, par llae, 19 eeate, Twe ar mare eoaaeeatlva laeertlaaa, par llaa, II caata. Back laserttaa saada aa add days, lO ecata par llaa. il.BO par llaa par naoath esceatlaa; tkat Ffl!lHP!D ROOM ADS, Rtn leeaaiaaal! by eaah, tka rata will bat Oaa laaertloa, 4 caata par llaa tkraa ar ale eoaaeeatlva laaer tloa, 8 caata par llaa eacii laaertloa eavea ar Mara coaaceatlTe laaertleaa, S caata par llaa rack laaertloa CO aaata par llaa per anoath. Wait aaa for Tka Baa sear be left aaa la rear Meoraer draga;lst" they are all braack affleea for Tka Bea aaa roar aa will be Inserted Jast aa promptly aad oa tka aaaae ratea aa at the aiala office la Tka Bee Matldiag, sevaateeath aaa Far aaa atreetai Alhach, W. C. 40th and Farnam. Beranek, g. A.. 1 a. 16th St. Heohl Pharmacy. 7J0 H. Wlh t- Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Nab. Bemls Park Pharmacy. 33d and Cuming. Blaks'a Pharmacy, 326 Sherman Ave. Coughlin, C. R-. th and fierce Sis. Clifton Hill pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave. Cnnte. i. B.. Slat Ave. and Farnam St. i.rlssey Pharmacy, fc4lh and Lex Bts. Csimak. KmlL 124- H. 13th Bt. Khlers. B. H.. 2S02 Leavenworth Su Foster & Arnold. Ill N. 3th at. Freytag. John J., :14 N. 24th Bt. Florence Drug Co., Florence. Neb. Uolrimsn 'barmacy, arth at-d Lake Stn. Oreenough, U. A., 1026 B. luih St. ilrrenough, O. A., 1W4 8. loth Bt. Hayden, William C, StM Farnam Bt. Jlanscom Park Pharmacy. 1401 8. lh Bt Hoist, John, (.'4 N. lBth St. Huff, A. L, 224 Leavervworth Bt Kins, K. 8., 2834 Farnam Bt. KounUe Place Pharmacy, i04 N. 24lh Bt Patrick Drug Co., 102 N. 24th Bt. I.athrop, Charles E., 1324 N. 24th St Peyton, L. K., 24th and Leavenworth Bta. Kara ion a Drug Co., 24th 81. and Amca Ave. Pchaefer's Cut Price Drug Co .. 16th and Chicago Bta. ' Schaefer, August. 2031 N. Mth St. Schmidt, J. 11.. 14th and Cumlr.g Sis. Htorm rharmacy, lth and Martha Bt. Walnut 11111 Pharmacy, eoth and Cuming 61s. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Bts., Worth. O. H.. 40th and Hamilton Bta. LODGE 1VOT1CBB. The. members of Capitol lodge No. 3, A. F. and A. M., are earnestly requested to meet at Masonic temple. Sixteenth and I npltol avenue, Sunday, November 16, at p. tn , sharp, to attend the luneral of our lute brut her, Oeorge W. Forbes. Car- iiHKfcM to housf and ce.netery. iiy order of JOSEPH B. FRADENBfRO, Mauler. MARRIAGE LICENSES, The following marriage licenses have been Ismied : Name and "Residence. Age. Orrln 8. Kenniaon, South Omaha 21 May ma Doylu, South Omaha 19 Oacar eioshorn, Shelby, la 23 Bust Stelder, Shelby, la 18 Howard R. Pmlth, Omaha 24 Rae A. Stevens. Omaha 22 Peter M. David, South Omaha 23 Marie F. Bukac, South Omaha 22 BIRTH AD DG3ATHS. Births Luther Rlnehart, 2841 Douglaa street, girl; A. 8. Kurta, 3109 South Thir teenth street, boy; Martin Fogarty, Four teenth stn-et and Capitol avenue, girl; Ad lloo Lathrop, 4M1 Davenport atreet, girl; C. A. Elbourti, 27M Humllton street, girl; Wil liam J. Harvey, 1612 North Twenty-first stn-et, gliT: William M. Orove. Ml North Twenty-fourth street, girl; John Wills, 816 Kouth Twenty-second street, boy; Carl Thorson. 2757 Webster street, girl. Deaths George A. Stauffer. 8718 North Twentieth atreet. 31; Frances S, Krelle, 1813 Vner street, 8; George W. Forbes, 6313 Florence boulevard, 74: Anna Rosenbaum, li!2 South Fifteenth street, 1. ANNOUNCEMENTS THE CITY OARBAQE CO., office 4th and Leavenworth bta. '1st Uouglas 1387. ill m B'.ON PAINTINQ-8. H. Cols, U03 Douglas. n ss AUTOMOBILES BEND for our list of second-hand auto mobiles. DER1UHT. I1U8 Farnam. (2)-67 THRKE one-ton commercial automobiles; prices, ihuu, van ana 11. ew. Apply w. s. Balduff, loZ2 Farnam rit U (68 BEND for Ust of 2d-hand cars. Colt Auto- msblla Co., 303 Farnam St (2 M2lo uo BARTER AND EXCHANGE TRADES of real estate, merchandise. stocks and Income property a specialty Do not answer unless willing to pay com mission. Viulck deal certain. No dungs for llstlna. Have manager trading de partment who doea nothing else but match deala. Write today. Abbott Really Co.. 415 Braitdols lltdg., umana. ... (3)-863 CITY property for automobile, all kinds of land for Income property or mer chandise Tell us what you have, and whttt you want, we will match you. Wall Investment Co., 4ol Bee Bldg., Omaha. t3)-M880 i THK BEST farm In Brown county, South Uukolu. for sale, or will exchange for slock of general merchandise or farm liiililoiuente 111 good school town, f . M Jo.lin, Frederick, B. u. (3i MM4 1H FOR BALE or exchange. Improved farms In Iowa ana nrvrasna iir clean stock 01 general merchandise. B. w. lioyd. t r moot. Neb. t3 M&43 19 160 Acres In Gregory county, 8. D , to trade for 4-cyllndrr touring car. Addrn. Y 4-i. care Bee. (3) M254 27x FOR EXCHANGE Will trade for Iowa or fc'outh Dukota land, income property In ciunty seat town of Z.juo tn western Iowa, renting for $:o a month; lot I'UO feet trout with three oualness buildings and house; value $o.UU0, all clear. B-x 374, Neo! a. la (:) M J6? 20 BUSINESS CHANCES TO GUV in or out of business call on UANUtBTAU Room 403, Bee Bldg. (4l-7 FREE factory altea with railroad frontage. Cheap electric power available. Town of 6.0UU people. Inquire Holdrege Lighting Co.. Holdrege. Nb. (4 M(tt7 1 FOR 8ALB Bnap for some one. Paying slock hardware. Reason for selling, part ners cannot agree. Can be purchased at discount Addreaa. A 617, Bee. l4-23 Ux WANTED Young man of ability to take charge of business throughout slate; must have some capital. Call at 716 N. 30th St (4-M147 17x $10,000 will buy nine-tenths interest in a well established real estate business with property Interests In a growing auburb of Denver; will clear over 86.11O annually. Addreaa P. O. Bos U6, Denver, Colo (4 M970 S JtiR 8ALii-8mall drug atock and fixtures. Il.tfXi; good town; might take go d real eatalt. C. E. Abbott. Fremont, Neb. (41-M978 18s DRUG stores for saps everywhere. Knlest Msw York LUs Bldg. W BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) 1 BIO business opportunities In the new town of Ralston. This town has new a large Stove Factory under construction and a Car Works soon to be built and offers fine opportunity for opening a bunk, hotel, hardware store, grocery. dx-JS store and several other lines of business. For further Information, ad drees Hhlmer A Chase Company, Agents for the P.alston Townslte Company, 19 Farnam St., Omaha. Iloth 'phones (4 7M HARDWARE and harness stork for sale In a small town: only stock of this kind in the town: good farming community; Invoice a little ovr 4.'t: no trndee. Ap ply to A. F. Eberly, octavla. Neh. (4,MIM lx BUSINESS DIRECTORY Chiropodist. PR, ROT, R. t, 16C I arnam Bt Doug. MOT. 15) -Gil Creameries. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. (5)-7 Ceateat Bloeka. If'tOU object o the sameness see our line. We have he most up-to-date styles In length, height and faces. Always a large stock of well seasoned blocks on hsnd. Oldest plant In Omaha. . maha Concrete Stone Co., 3th Ave. and Bahler and Belt IJne. 'Phones: Webster ise, Webster Independent B-301. (l)--40 N2J Cklaa Palatlaaj. CHINA decorating, order work a specialty. Lessons Tuesuay. Thursday and Satur day. Firing dally. Leather craft, atalns. leather and dlgr.a. Mra. C. C. Hon gate, 884 Brandels Bldg. Tel. Red M to) SOI Dreasmaklng. IK FAMILIES. 2971. Miss Sturdy. Tel. Doug. (5) 673 McDowell Dressmaking school. WEi rr""m t& ( DRESSMAKINO and alterations; Woman a Exchange, 182.' Farnam. Tel. D. ,.VL (0) ji5 IN FAMILIES Misses Weldler. Tel. W5. (b 137J D4x Kdaeatlooal. Boylcs Business College Enter any Mme for courses In stenogra phy, typewriting, bookkeeping. English. Night and dsy sessions. Catalogues frca. H. B. Boyles, President, Omaha. Neb. Boyles Telegraphy School Boylea Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Official train ing school U. P. R. K. ; positions guarsn teed. Booklet free. (-)- FlorUta. HEBS BWOBODA, 1416 Farnam St. (o) 4T78 U HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. Tel. D.T2JJ. it) S! I J. H. BATH. 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. 3000. (i 478 Flaaaelal. TO LOAN-LOW RATE. In sums to Money suit. 310 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 2SW. UNION LOAN COMPANY. ()-?. MONEY tn loan on real estate at low rates. W. B. Meikle. Ramge Bldg. () M Safes. Shatters, Eta. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. Q. Andreen, Prop., 102 B. lOlh to-Wl Hotels. THE BCUUTZ, European. 16th and Harney Oateopatby. JOHNSON INS., 41 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1664. t sa Dr. Katheryn Nlckolas, 608 N. Y. ,L. Bldg. Maslo sal Langoagea. FRANCIS POTTER, teacher of banjo, man dolin and guitar, boa Barker Blk. (&) 418 o9 v Maria. Rtorlagr. EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., office 214 N. lolh St., warehouse 2107-s ixara BL (6-686 Prlatlagi. I BEFORE placing your 19u calendar order don t tail to see our unporiea line. L,yng etad & Jorve, printers, 16th and Capitol Ave. ioj oa EXPONENTS of good printing. Prompt and first-class work guaranteed. ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO.. 112 S. l&tb St Tela. Doug. 6562. Ind. A 2532. W aiw u Dcatlata. BAILEY A MACH, 3d fir. Paxton. D. 1086. (5)-67 hortkaad Reporter aad Notary. P. J. 8UTCLIFFE, depositions. 628 Bee. Tel. tDouglas lwa. w- koo Repalrlasj. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.-First-claas work. 161SH Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 994. (51-6S9 SHOES repaired right, called for and de livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co., 1804 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 7567. (5680 Water Fillers. 1310 HOWARD St. trlul. Missouri filter; IS days' 6)-91 HELP WANTED-FEMALE Clerical aad Office. WANTED Competent young woman to take care of an office. Must be alert and good tit figures. Keierences requiieci. Ad dress P 642. care Bee. (71 M171 17x Factory aad Tradca, WANTED Experienced bindery girls. Ap ply between 10 and 12 a. m. Omaha Print ing Co., 94 Farnam. 02a EXPERIENCED chocolate dipper wanted at ly ball's, 1518 Douglas St. (7 M242 20 Hoosekeepcra aad Domestics. GIRL for general housework; family of two persons. Mrs. liarry is oil, J1K r arnam. (7)-76J EXPERIENCED girl for general house work In small family, i.s: Maroey Hi. (7-M218. GIRL for second work, $-H) per month. Mrs. M. A. Hall. 118 N. 39th Si. (7)-M:'35 17 WANTED Experienced cook: good wages. Mrs. Arthur C. Smith. 13o3 Park Ave. (71-M720 WANTED A good, competent girl-for gen eral housework, Ii07 leavenwortn. Tel Harney 1725. 17) M243 WANTED Girl for general housework; no washing, aua l-'ariiam Bt. () x ju GOOD girl for general housework. 616 Bo. rU. Red 4676. l7 404 16 NEAT, capable girl for general housework. 1714 8. 32d Ave. Tel. Harney 3129. (71-MIS2 11 WANTED Good girl for general house, work; no washing: wages, $6 per week Apply at 816 8. list Bt (7-H2J WANTED Experienced cook at $408 Jack son St.. two In family; no washing. Tel. Harney 21. (7)-X4 18 WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, good wages; four In family; no children. Apply euis turning. C7)-M26g WHEN writing to advertisers remember It only takes a stroke or two of the pen to nieuUou the fact that you saw the ad THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1908. 1 You cqliv through BEE want ads HELP WANTED FEMALE (Continued.) Mlareltaaooaa. EARN easy Christmas money: no selling. I want Information and will pay for it; tewn or country. Address O 516, care Be. (7) S19 Nt'RSES' COLLEGE, Denver: six weeks completes; diplomas; open December 10; s Itti ply fine. (7) M'3S 2x HELP WANTED MALE Age ats, Solicitors aad Salcasaca. WANTED Solicitor end collector for country work; position permanent, wnn good Income Address Q-44. Bee Office. tSJ-MXi7 AQENT8 wanted for the moat complete oil gaa burner In the world; no wick, no smell; generates kerosene oil into a fine gas; It fits any cook stove or range; nothing like It; onc-thlrd cheaper than coal or wood. THE ECONOMY BURNER CO., Dept. 6. il and klO N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. ACTIVE agents will find It profitable to solicit life, endowment and accident insu rance for Equitable Endowment company, office, 621 Bee Bldg. 76 WANTED Salesman of good address by strong, local company, excellent oppor tunity for right man; salary and com mission; must be able to give good ref erences. Address P-&07, Bee Office. (8) M808 NOTICE AGENTS Gas made from any grade coal oil; 100-candle rower gas light six hours for one cent; genuine Imported lHiups, wonderful Invention, big money selling either the lamps or burners. Write Mercantile Supply Co., 4136 N. Newstead, 8t. Louie. (!) M2M 17x WANTED Traveling salesmen by local Good firm, fcxperlence not necessary. Income. Address O 641, Bee office. () M119 SIX WEEKS' INSTRUCTION in sales manship: position as tiaveling salesman with responsible firm guaranteed. Ad dress Bradstreet System, Rochester. N. Y. (9) M250 17 Boys. WANTED A bright office boy; must be i yeara old. Apply superintendent. J. Lv Brandols & Bona 9 249 17 Clerical aad Office. CO-OPERATIVE OPPORTUNITIES. HARDWARE salesman to take full charge or retail buernesn. 11,200. Furniture salesman, experienced, 175-1100. Experienced blller for lumber firm, $60. Three soap salesmen. SG6-175. Salesman experienced in stationery, tla -1100. Experienced Insurance man. good' salary to right party. - Meat salesman, 876. Clothing salesman, 115-820 per week. Stenographer, who has some knowledge of telegraphy, 145-860. Stenographer, some experience. 849-I&0. These and MANY others MUST be filled AT ONCE. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 675-77 Brandela Bldg. (9)-M9 17 DRUG CLERK'S position. Knlest. N. Y. Life Bldg. (91-693 TWO clerks to assist bookkeeper, 860. Billing clerk, lumber experience, $60. Drug clerk, young man, 860. Furniture und carpet salesman, $J0 per weea. Watchmaker, salary depends. Liquor salesman, $76 straight. Bond salesman, capable of making $3,000 to i,uuu per annum. Salesman to handle soap line. $75 to $100. Coal salesman, good territory, $100. Call or WTlte for a complete list. WESTERN R KF. & BOND ASS N., INC., Suite ii'1 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9) 248 W Factory aad Trades. WANTED Dent Int. a rood all around man or laboratory man; good first-class salary to right party. Boston Uenlists 13i9 O St.. Lincoln, Neb. t9) M817 19 WANTED 500 men to learn barber trade and take position waiting our graduates. ew weeks completes. Constant practice furnished. Scholarship Includes tools. In structions, demonstrations, examinations and diplomas. Cull or write, Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14lh (9) MS83 i'Jx WANTED Wood turner and all around machine man. Omaha Wood Working to., ivm b. ism m. ( aiisu n Mlseellaaeoaa. WANTED For U. B. Army, able-bodied unmarried men between ages of Id and 85, citixens of United Stales, of good cnarauier ana temperate menus, vino can speak, read and write English. For In formation apply to Recruiting Officer, 13th and Douglas Sis., Omaha. N-b.. or Massachusetts Bldg., Sioux City, la., POSITIONS open for young men for elec tric railway motormen and conductors, at salaries of $80 to $100 per month. Write at once for full particulars. Na tlonal Railway Training Ass'n., 947 Cen tral Bldg., Kansas city, Mo. ()-MJ07 NovSOx FREE enploymenc Dept; Business Men's Ass n; 110 lees, iaii b M. X. Life Bldg. W !H WANTED -Young men. 18 to 35. for rail way fireinen and brakemen; $80 to $130 per month; promotion to engineer and conductor, $150 to t-OU. Many positions now open. Write today for full particu lars. National Railway Training Ass'n., r.7 Central Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. (9)-M2u Nov30x BOTLE3 TELEGRAPHY SCHOOL. Boyles building. Omaha, Neb.: official training school U. P. It R. ; positions guar anteed; booklet free. (9) M318 WANTED Railway mall clerks; com mencement salary $N00. Many examina tions soon. Preparation free. Write Im mediately. Franklin Institute, Dept. 270. Rochester. N. Y. (9) M468 Dec. 6x AN Al man, singe, age 40, with 20 years' rxpc-rience reeaing cattle ana doing tHrin worn, wants permanent position with good Y 14. nod farmer. Best of references. Address care Bee. (9) M185 18x TEAMS WANTED Apply to Coal Hill Coal Co. 209 8. 16th St. (9) Mv9 20 WANTED Train news agents. Apply 1114 W. Broudway, Council Bluffs. (9) M226 WANTED Married man to deliver milk. Alamllo, 1X13 Farnam Bt (9) M256 18 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Vehicles. "OIJ HONESTY" $3 horse blankets wear like iron; heavy, strong, long-wearing. (11) M504 VI FOR 8AIj:-All my livery vehicles snd 20 head of horses; a complete outfit and first-class In every respect. C. H. Bon der, Hooper, Neb. (11) Mao3 lKx FOR BALE Standard bred mare and run about Price, $300. M 639, Bee. . UD-M14J 17x FOR SALE Harness and wagonsr- Pacific Express company, 11 Harney tit. (1U-M269 llx LOST AND FOUND LOST A urse containing $5 check and money; reasonable reward on return. Mrs. Flesslng, ill So. 18th St. 'Phone Iouglas 17. (12) M341 18 FOUND Dark bay horse: owner csn have same by paying for ad and feed. Ad dress :tU N. ttlh tt- (12) 247 Is bBv or sell a farm a MEDICAL BEST nerve brace for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman aV McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. (13)-696 , FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Bis.; special attention paid to con finement cases: all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Cans answered day or night. (13)-12S ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or WTlte to the matron or tne salvation Army Homa for Women st 24 N. 24th Bt. Omaha. Neb. (13-M.:-89 MONE TO LOAN MONEY loaned salaried people and others without security; easy payments. ui flees tn 66 principal elites. Tolman, room 613, New York Life Bldg 14)-M793 ARE YOU IN DEBTT If so, see us. We will show you an easy and quiet way to get out. Wa will lend you enough rn your furniture, piano or other personal pioperty to put you "on your feet" and help you supply yourself with the coming winter's needs. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CU.. 118 Board of Trade Bldg., 16th St. Entrance. Telephone Douglas 2296. (14)-M299 OFFERED FOR RENT Boardlag; aad Hoonas. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. t llM lill DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Far us m," yioi 1 vv FURNISHED robm and board; everything new and strictly modern; first-class neighborhood, at a reasonable price. l;il Wirt St (lo)-393 BOARD and rooms, lst-class board. 2211 uouglas St. llij ftiJ.s nvi GOOD board and room; private family; close in; modern. 608 N. id St (15)-MK9 21x DESIRABLE ROOM Fine location; walk ing distance. Excellent board, 211 8. Sth Bt - (15J-M212 22x FURNISHED room; excellent table board; for two young men. Tel. Red 61.1. (15)-244 22 FIRST-CLASS room and board In private family at 610 M. 23d St. (15) M2i0 23x Famished Rooms. FURNISHED UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS In All parts of the city. If you are looking for rooms do not fall to get our list Copts you nothing. P. O. NIELSON & CO., RENTAL AGT3.. 703 is. x. Lite Bldg., 'Phone uoug. (lo)-7o2 LARGE, light, clean comfortable room. Modern house. Prlvato family. Terms reasonable. 216 N. 23d. (15) M873 20x ROOMS for genltemen. by day, week or month. The Chatham, 110 8. 13th St. (15J-231 LARGE front room, adjolrlng bath; uee of piano, teiephene and library. B-S B. lHin Bl. 'Phone Douglas 4236. (15) Mtill LARGE, light, warm front room, large enough for two. Breakfast If necessary. Hanscom park district 'Phone Harney 662. . (15) M8o7 18x BASEMENT rooms. 1120 N. 17th. (15)-821 DESIRABLE furnished room, with family board, 2630 Capitol Ave. (lb) 857 lax FURNISHED rooms, steam heat, flat 4 Davldge Blk., 18tb and Farnam Bts. (15)-M139 21X NICE, newiy furnished front room; mod ern conveniences; good neighborhood; very reasonable. "Phone Red 3946 or Call 637 9. 26th Ave. (15)-M14C 17 NICELY furnished room for gentleman, $2.50 per week; private family. 27i Far nam St. (15) Mlo3'21x FURNISHED rooms. Tel. Douglas 7245. 2209 Douglus St. (16)-124 flx NICE front room, strictly modern; In pri vate family. 533 8. 6th Ave. (16) M229 17 DESIRABLE, nicely furnished room, reas onable; strictly modern. 2611 Pierce. Phone Ind.. A2098. (15)-M262 x NEWLY furnished room, bath with fur nace connection. 316 N. 19th St. (15) M257 23 X Apartmcats aad Flats. M R flat Bcargo, N. 24th, South Omaha. Hall, 433 Rams Bldg. Red 7406, (161293 FIVE-ROOM BT. LOUIS FLAT. 2508 Bherman Ave. Furnace, Gas. Electrlo Light Cement Basement Window Shades. Birch Finish.. HASTINGS &. HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam Bt Ask for Rental Department. (15)-708 FOR RENT In walking distance, desirable 6-room flat, excellent repair and modern; furnace, bath, etc.; good neighborhood and paved atleets. 2646 Dodge Bt Rent, $30. GARVIN BROS., 1804 Farnam. (15)-707 FOR RENT 713-715 N. 20th St 2 8-room, all modern new flats, $45 per mo. each. Will lease at special rate. Flelachmun & Son, 336 Bee Bldg., Phone Red 6231. tl6)-M!!93 CENTRAL, steam heat, all modern, 4 roora and bath, corner flat 220 N. 23d. (15) M871 FOR RENT 9-room modern flat at 624 S. I61 h Si.; second floor, $46; A No. 1 refer ences required. Conrad Young, 1518 Dodge. (15) 7i STEAM-HEATED FLATS. Hardwood, modern, ranges, hot water, A rooms, well llghtct), $23 and $3o; 6 rooms, outside corner. $"-"7 and $31; 6 rooms, out side corner. $32 and $H9. Reference re quired. BEM1S, Paxton Blk. (15)-M227-Dec. 14 6-ROOM modern flat, 1112 So. 11th. (15)-S27 FOR RENT To adults, lower apartment, 6 rooms, wllh large reception hall, $35, 647 8. 27th St. Apply Douglas 6451. U5)-M174 17x Housekeeping Rooms. UNFURNISHED rooms for light house keeping. 2573 Harney. (15) M 401 2f'X SUITE of monVrn housekeeping rooms. 2026 California St. (16) M879 2ox COMFORTABLE 4-room apartment, on block south Hanscom Park school, fur nished complete for housekeeping. 1713 Georgia Ave. (15) M815 18 THREE furnished or unfurnished rooms, heat and light; private family. 2224 I'ralt Bt. Til. Webster 4ol6. . 115) M234 17x Faralsked Hoosea. FOR RENT A ten-room Itouse, all newly furnished, strictly modern; In best neigh borhood; must rent immediately on ac count of sickness. Address C 546, csre Bee, (15i-M23 22 x Hoases aad Cottages. FIRE INSURANCE HASTINGS & HEYDEN. INS., AGENCY. S2Q 8. 17th Bt. 'Phone D. I6u6; A-316L (15)-71l HOUSE for rent 1116 Burt 8t (14-71 OMAHA Vsn snd Storage Co., pack, move, store II H. goods. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19lb: office, lio Fsasn. TL Doug. li9. (151726 OFFERED FOR RENT T 1 llooses aad CottstaTeeCoBtlaaeaU ONE 4-room house. 1V:4H Pacific, IIS. Ons 6-room house, inn") 8. 11th. l-"0; modern except heat Tel. Harney 4J04. Ernest Stuht (15)-M771 8-ROOM house, modern except heat: has range, shades and good barn; rent Owner will Install furnace at I. 2621 Chicago St (15) M267 17 3502 No. 28th Ave.. 7 rooms, $16. 8517 Seward, 6 rooms, 116. Both 'phones. Bemls, Paxton block. (15) M730 MAGGARD VAN STORAGE CO. Tel. D. 1496. We guarantee moving pianos. H. H. goods. (15)-721 HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. (16)-717 TTnTTGVa In all parts of the city. nuuuukj Crelgh 80ns & Co, Bee Bldg (15) 716 111 N. 28th Ave., 7 large rooms, modern except furnace, very convenient; rent low to good tenant Apply at 007 N. 19th St (16) 713 SEVEN-ROOM house, Just west Hanscom Park, $24. 'Phone Harney 1566. (16) 713 6-ROOM modern house, with barn. 2630 Parker St., $18. F. D. Wead, Wead Blk., lMh and Farnam. (15) M209 17 10-r. modern house, 2217 California, $30. 8-r. modern house, 630 8. 26th Ave., $35. 8-r. modern, hot water heat, 2417 Caldwell, $33.. 6-r. modern and barn, 2630 Parker, $18. 6-r. modern house, 4S23 N. 27th St., $15. 5-r. cottage, 2515 So. 2oth Ave.. $15. 4-r. cottage. 15L-7 N. 21st St., $12.60. 4-r. cottage, 2104 N. 2!)th St., $9. F. D. WEAD, Wead BlK., 18th and Farnam. (15) M212 17 HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwa ded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 391. (15)-714 FOR RENT New 6-room modern cottage, ZB13 uinney St. Tel. Webster 1762. (lo)-M182 21 FOR RENT 4-room house, 2801 Miami St. (15) M150 17 FIVE-ROOM cottage, 6317 N. 26th St., $11 C. G. CBrlberg, 9U' N. Y. Life. (15)-M17o ALL MODERN, warm 8-room house; best lurnac-e; nanscom rrx aistrict; open piuiiiumar- r or price lei. weo. (15)-M874 STORE ROOM, 1306 N. 24th, $16. 7 rooms, second floor, 13C2 N. 24th St. $17: modern except heat; 6 rooms, second floor, 1106 N. 20th, $15; 8-room modern house, 24th and Binney Sts., $30. Chris Boyer, Z2d and Cuming Sts. (15) 795 EIGHT-ROOM modern brick flat. 3007 Pa clflc. For information 'phone Harney 3283. . (15)-724 FOR RENT Ten-room modern house, nr. Dainty 1669. (15) 224 16x ROOMS, modern, 406 N. 23d St., $35: good neignDornooci (15) M228 21 2562 JONES ST., 10-room, all modern, $40; t-room modern rial, aM in. mst and Ohio. $J0; water paid. J. W. Rasp Co., 6n9 tsranaeis uiug. (16) AloMO 5-ROOM cottage for rent 2108 Lake St. (15) 408 16X 6-ROOM house, 2509 Corby; block from car $15. 'Phone Doug. 3978. 15)-MS.5 2ux FOR RENT To private family only, that commoaious ana attractive residence No, 2oa Dodge St., $75. Alfred C. Kennedy. 200 First National Bank Bldg. Telephone jjougias ia. (13) 723 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. (16) 725 LIST your vacant houses with Walter Breen company, N. Y. Life Bldg. (16) 727 HOUSES Peters Trust Co., N. Y. L. Bldg. (lo) 731 7-ROOM house, $23. 627 So. 27th St. , (lu)-359 TWO 6-room houses, $18. One 6-room house, $20. One 8-room house, $30. All modern except heat; located on lltb, ueiween Aiason ana racmc ots. 'Phono Harney, 4204, Ernest Stuht. (15) 890 6-ROOM house, modern except furnace. 718 Hickory St. inquire 307 So. 17111 St (16J ?76 7-ROOM houso with bath, all modern. 1026 N. 33d St. Tel. Harney 49. ' tlS) 817 16x FOR RENT CHEAPEST HOUSES IN OMAHA. 6 rooms, modern except heat, $20 per month. rooms, city water ana gas, xitj per month. i rooniB, city waier, s per month. Apply 606. Brown Blk. (16) 858 19 Halls. FRATERNITY hall, opposite public library, grouna noor auauonum, noiding 660, with stage; best dancing floor In the city; also S lodge rooms at $5, $7 and $9 for two meetings a month. See Janitor on prem ises. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1714 Farnam St (151-846 Offices. DESK ROOM for rent In an office located on the busy corner of 24th and N 8ta., South Omaha. Call Bt Bee office, 8. O. branch, 24th and N, new addreao. (16)-M577 FRONT OFFICES. Two outside offices, south front, on second floor Conservative Bldg., 1614 Harney St. Oak finish, gas and electric fight, steam heat, janitor service. Hustings & Hey den. 17o4 Farnam St Ask for rental de partment (15) M266 17 Stores. 1408 Howard St., large store room and base ment. 32x132, wholesale and retail. N. P. Dodge Co.. 1714 Farnam St. (15) 844 BCARGO BLOCK, South Omaha, new, 620 N. 24th. Ha l, 433 Ramge Hldg. Red 7406, (15) 72s 14(i8-10 Howard St., steam heat. Ill S. 15th St., steam heat. (15) M168 a BRICK store with full cement basement. 1320 N. 24th. F. D. Wead, Wead Rldg., Wth and Farnam. 15i M211 17 OFFERED FOR SALE Faraltorc. FURNITURE SALE 1 heavy oak office table 42x72, carved legs and in first-class condition. 18 chairs suitable for waiting room or dining chairs. 1 office 1ck chair. 1 case for filing or keeping papers. Apply R. W. Baker, Supt, 100 Bee Bldg. (16) 461 TWO folding counter stools, mahoaanv finish; been used a short time and will sell cheap, tail uee oince, Omaha. (16) 141 Ostrich Plasaea. , BEAUTIFUL heavy French droop Plumes. 17 inches, $2.45, worth $5. Other grades half retail store prices. Address 1314 Har ney. Tel. Red 3516; our agent will call (1-7J WHEN writing to advertisers kindly men, tton The Be. Typewriters aad Itwlsg Macklaes, IF YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR A TYPEWRITER IT WILL BB TO YOUR INTEREST TO INVESTI GATE WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER. NEW OR SECOND-HAND. ADDRESS E 210,' BEE. .. tl) 7 OFFERED FOR SALE Typewriters aad ewla'Macklaee. (Continued.) TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES. ALL THICKS. For sale, for rent; very low charges If rented for 6 months; all rent paid applied if purchased; slightly used and rebuilt ma chines at H to H mfra. prices; Bond today for large bargain list and fx ceive our offer. ... , B, F. BWANSON CO., INC. 120 Farnam Bt., Omaha. (16) M104 18 TYPEWRITER Before you buy or rent 1 . 1. . r alK S. nrnf. one eneiiim- 1110 v.. c-mi'i. . - - writing In sight machine; write for cata logue. Call or 'phone B. F. Swanson Co., Inc.. dealera, 1614 Farnam. Omaha. (16) 731 Plaaoa aad Otker Maslcal laatrasacats ONE excellent upright piano; ore cash register, one double case gom rt. rt. watch, one diamond stud and one ladles gold watch. 214 Karbach block, 29 S. 15th 81. 'Phone Douglas 2964. (16) M618 Mlseellaaeoaa. DRUGS at cut prices; freight raid on all $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Cunaha, Neb. (161733 INK BARRELS We have on hand a number of these bar rels which we will sell at 60c each. They are fine for rain water or ashes. Call at press room. Bee Publishing Co. (14) 277 Wire Cable for Sale Ws have three pieces of 4 Inch cable, 151 to 250 feet each, for aale at a reasonable price. Call on engineer. Bee Bldg., Omaha. (16) 27b FOR SALE Elegant Mission counter and partition, stained top; will sacrifice at a bargain, with privilege of renting office. I am In 601 Bee Bldg. (16)-MS4l FOR SALE New and second-hsnd billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments, Brunswlck-Btike Collender. 407 S. 10th St (16) 734 A LOT of stone for coping, window and door sills; also fancy pressed brick for sale. Apply It. W. Baker, Bupt Bee Bldg. (16) 951 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tail. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodg Bts., Omaha, Neh (lB)-733 We have three pieces of 4-nch cable, 150 to 250 feet each, for salt at a reasonable price. Call on engineer. Bee Bldg., Omaha. (161276 BEND us your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha, (16) 733 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint Bherman & McConnell Drug Co. . (16)-736 SCHOLARSHIP, good for six months' night schooling at Boyles College, cheap If taken at once. S 508. Bee. (16) 818 18x PATENTS PATENTS THAT PROTECT Three books for investors mailed on receipt of 60 post age. R. 8. and A. B. Lacey, rooms 29-31 Pacific Bldg., Washington. .. C. Estab lished 18'j9. (17) 737 D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117, (17)-738 PERSONAL APPLY Satin Skin Cream to wet skin wipe dry; secures satiny, smooth skin. 2.c. (18) HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. (ls)-,42 SYRINGES, rubber goods by mall; cut prices. Send for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (18) 739 THE ARNOLD MASSAGE VIBRATOR for giving the celebrated vibratory mas sage at home for poor circulation and ail ments of the nerves, brain and vital organs; Invaluable fur rheumatic, neu ralgic and paralytic atfectlcnu; endorsed by physicians; thousands sold; produces health, strength, beauty, vigor and vi tality; agents wanted everywhere; write for free 80-page book. H. K, Hartliun, 619 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (1S)-MS42 D12 rUB BIT.ViTlnM AX7V1V 1 ..I , . . Aim ....... mit.il, 1 a.iui L , XJVm. 1 1 . runul, anji ...11 111 N. 11th St., for cost of collection to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Douglas 4136 and wagon will call. (18) 785 JOHN CANE Is in town. Now Is the time to trim ttees, trellises, grapevines. Tsie- phone Douglas 4t4 or A-3049. 18)-2S Decl MASSAGE E!T,rtc-v't7- US. Si floor old Boston Btors. (18) 287 Decl PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. Kln, 1324 N. 24th. Tel. Webster 3559. (181-741 M AfrNFJTTntratment and b,th- Mm- omitn, ivt M. lain. Id floor. (18)-6.'7 DR3. ROGERS' private confinement home, ziut arnam ou t-none uoug. bj30, city, (18)-695 Nov24x YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers sre Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association rooms. 1518 Farnam St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. (18) 268 A HOME for a w man during confinement We find homes for babies where mothers cannot care for them. Mother Lee. 40) Bancroft Si 'Phone Douglas 1921. (18)-801 Jan?7x OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg. (la) 740 MASSAGE treatment. 109 B. 17th St.. room s aa It. fits 1 C 0. farm, juruun. ot o. REAL ESTATE REAL. ESTATES DEALERS REED ABSTRACT CO.. Est. 1S56; prompt service; get our prices juo arnam oi. (l8)-74j BENJAMIN It E. CO.. 477 Brandela Bldg (19) 746 GEORGE & CO.. 1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 756. (19)-J4 PAYNE INV. CO.. first floor N. Y. Life. (lS)-74f REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO., CHA8. E. WILLIAMSON. President. (1)-MH63 CITY PROPERTY FOR BALE. $900 SNAP. With 4-room cottage, has city water, full lot, 60x125, must be sold. F. D. WEAD, Wead Bldg., 18ih & Farnam. U9i M210 17 FIFTY-FIVE ACRES On West Dodge road, nice tract of 55 acres, wllh good 7-room house, barns and other buildings; road paved to Omaha; price re duced for quick sale. WM. DICKEY HEED, 421 N. Y. Life Bldg. ll)-M2C4 18 FOR SALE Lots on Florence boulevard; street Improvements free; bargains. Ad dress L 637, care Bee. 11) M200 Ux AN eastern owner has two houses In Hans com Place rented tor $70 a month: every thing modern; paved street; east front; will sell at a bargain; one block north of Hanscom Park. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1. New York Life Building. (li 75 LIST your property with Chris Boyer. 2IJ and Cuming Bta FOR 8A LEt Full lot, 35th and Cass, south west corner; make offer. Addn-Hs 1 547, care Bee. (19-M2.:i Ux WHEN replying to a Bee want ad ,re menber It will take but jn extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the -Jcl that you saw the sd in Tha ua. RFA1 FSTATP rAkM AND R A.N CM LAND FOR iAI.tl Colorado. situ iNh a-ntTIT LAND. Denver Greeley district, vnder Irrigation: sugar beets, airalla, general isrmu.a fruit raising; low price, easy payments. National Investment Co., 6nf Brandela Bldg., Omaha, let Douglas 6691. (30 781 THE IIAGADORN INVEST MENT COMPANY, 16U Tremont Si., Denver Colo. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in NEBRASKA AND COLORADO LANDS Some good Investments In western Ne braska lands. We have large holdings of lands in the Inmous SAN LUIS VAL LEY of Colorado, which we sre offering at very low prices, w.th permanent water rights. The most productive lands In the world. Write us for circular and price list of lands. MAIN OFFICE, 1618 TREMONT ST., DENVER, CO! A). (20)-M45 Dec6x FOR BALE I will sell my ranch tn Rio Blanco Co., Colo., 100 acres, a good farm and stock ranch; for further Information address Mrs. Emma C. Collins, Basalt, Colo. (20)-M101 17x Nebraska. 10 ACRES A B A R O A I N. Improvements worth $800. Rich soil, near good market. Rented for 12 per cent of price asked. Must sell st ones. Owner, 3ii Meredith, Omaha. (20) 229 FOR SALE A GOOD FARM WITH GOOD COMFORTABLE buildings. Will sell with small payment down and 10 years' time on the balance, rather than rent. Address, N-64.0, care Bee. (S-M-113-17x GOOD CHEAP LAND. Section land, western Neb., $3.18. per acre; $700.42 cash, balnnce 8 yeara, ill) each year; low rate of Interest. Owner, P. O. Bex 154, Council Bluffs, la. (20 M3R9 J9x NEBRASKA IMPROVED FARM Menick County, Nebraska. ' Two of the best Improved farms In Mer rick county, four miles southwest of Central City. One of these consists of 426 acres deeded land, with about 200 acres accrued land on the Platte river. One mile water front. No better land in the state. Ides I for stock raising. The other Is a quarter section, full Improved. J. C. HUTE80N, 213 S. 16th St., Omaha, Neh. (20)-M221 Tsxss, FOR SALE 6,944 acres of Gray county. Texas, land, on good terms, and dirt cheap; need the money. Make fine subdi vision. I,. B. Hendrlckson, General IV livery, Kansas City, Kan. (30) M263 17x REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT 35-acre fruit farm, on paved road, mile from car. Call Webster 3021 between 8 and 7 p. m. (21) M240 18x REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS of $600 to $5,000 oa Omaha resi dence property. O'KEEFE REAL E STATUS CO., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. (22)-781 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam Bt. (231-758 PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO.. N. T. Life. Private money; $500 to $5,000; low rata. (22)-7J LOWEST RATES Bemls. Paxton block. - 22i-767 FIVE PER CENT money to loan on Omaha Business Property. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room t New York Life Bldg. . . (32)-76l WANTED City losna Peters Trust Co. ... ,-. t$3-JM. i , MONEY TO BUILD. $500 to $200,000 st current rates. W. H. THOMAS, 603 First Nat Bank Bldg. (22) 753 PRIVATE FUNDS to loan on second real estate mortgages. Apply room 218 First National Bang Bldg. Bell Phone Doug 231. (22)-t00 Nov 29 PRIVATE MONEY NO DELAY- GARVIN BROS.. 1804 FARNAM. (22) -755 $100 TO $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. (22) 75 MONEY TO LOAN-Payns Investment Co. (23-760 PRIVATE money to loan. J. H. Sherwood. 816 Brandels Bldg.. (22) 7H WANTED-TO BUY HIGHEST prices for 2d-hand furniture, car pets, clothes and shoes. Tel. Uoug. $971. (25) 73 , OLD MAGAZINE Omaha. Walker's Agency, (36)-M727 deer RIGHT prices paid for 2d-hand furniture. voIKci, biuvcs, ciuiamg, suoes. l el. Ked MOL (36)-7S4 USED runabout Douglas St. luto. J. K. Shine, 1613 (26) M255 19x WANTEDSITUATIONS POSITION WANTED. Bookkeeper; special or permanent work; twenty years' experience. Address D 648, care Bee. (27)-M258 19x STOVE REPAIRS WE have In stock (no delay) repairs for every make of furnace, steam or hot water heater, water fronts. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS, 1208-08 Douglas St Telephones: Bell, Douglas r; Ind.. A-8421 1 Blankets: We have a large line of Lap Robes for Automobiles and Car rlHges: Bear Robss, Galloway Robes, Plush Robea, Imitation Buffalo Robes, Broadoloth Robes, Rubber Interlined Robes, and many others. Also a full line of Horse Blank eta and Covers. Alfred Cornish & Co. 1310 rAKHAaf ST. LEGAL NOTICES THE SOUTH OMAHA AND WESTERN RAILROAD COM PA N Y Special Meet ing. Omaha. Neb.. October 7, !. A spe cial meeting of l" stockholders of lliS South Oiuuha and Western Hull roan Com pany will bt held at the ofiice of the Company In Omaha, Neb., on Friday, Ie ceiiiber 18, 1S). at 11 o'clock a m., for the purpose of authorlxlng and providing for the bale of the railroad of T'.ie South Omaha and Western Railroad Company, with Us franchises and appurtenances, its real etate and personal pnperty, to Union Pacific Rellroad Company, the considera tion for KUi h sale to be Hie cancellation of thu bonds and satisfaction or the mort gage of said The South Omaha and West ern Railroad Company, and the assumption of all its other indebtedness by the said Union I'acific Railroad Company; and for the purpose of transacting all such other business as may legally uome U-fora the Heeling. For the purposes of the nteettpv the books for the transfer of st' ck will ho closed at 3 o'clock p. m. on Monday, December 7, 10C8, and will le reopened at lo o'clock a. rn. iti Suturday, D"ramher 13. IV. T. M. OWR. Secretary. OadtnDlf The Twentieth Century Farmer A fclva Agriealtaras raves. 4 'If i 9 CM . I