Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1908, Page 8, Image 8
JE OMAHA DAILY BEE: "WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1903 Want - ads A4rnlMnrali for was waat ad enlaataa will $ takes aatll 1 a. tha trnlif s-dltloa mm aatll a. for taa aoralag aad far edltlaan. Cash snast Mar all orders fa waat a da a ad aa advertisement will ha accented far lens taa a 10 crata fa flrat Insertion. Rates aaplr ta cither Taa Dally or Bandar Bra, Always raaat 1x atrii ta a llaa. Combinations at laltlala ar anasbera eon at aa aaa war 4. VAftn BATES FOB WAST AD9. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION Ona Insertion, rr llae, 10 eeata. Twa ar rnsra enaentlve Insertions, er llae, re at. Back Insertion saada oa ad days, JO cents per llaa. fl.BO llaa er snaata excepting that rrnirisHED-room adi, when accompanied by eaeh, tha rata will he i Oaa laaertlon, 4 eeata per llae three ar sta aoaiaecatlTa Inser tions, 8 eeata per llaa each laaertlon seven ar more eaaaecatlre Insertions, S eeata per llaa each Insertion) 80 eeata par llae per anonta. Waat aaa for Tha Bea mar ha left at ear af tha follawln dragr stares one la rear "corner draa-sjlst" they are all branch affleea for Tha Bee and year ad will ha laaerted Just aa premptlr aad aa tha aame ratea aa at the mala office la The Bee Building, seventeenth aad Faraaat streets! Albach, W. C, 4Hh and Farnam. Beranek, 8 A., 1403 8. 16th St. llecht Pharmacy. TJO 8. 16th Bt. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Bemis Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cuming. Blake's Pharmacy, 2825 Bhermnn Ave. Coughlin. C. K.. 6th and Pierce Sts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 12U Military Ave. Conte, J. B.t Hat Ave. and Farnam 8U Crissey rharmaey, 24th and Lake BU. Ceimak. Kmll, 1204-6 8. 13th at. Killers, IS. II., 2'2 Leavenworth 8b Fustsr & Arnold, 113 N. 25th Hi. Kreytag. John J., 19)4 N. 24th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence. Nek). Goldman Pharmacy, auth ai.4 Lake Sta. Ureenough, O. A., 1025 8. loth St. Oreenoush, A., 1624 8. 10th 8L Ilavtlen. William C, 2M Farnam St. IlaiiRCom Park Pharmacy, 1401 8. 23th BL Hoist, John, 624 N. Kth St. Huff, A. L.. 2924 leaverworth Bt. King, K. 8., 22.18 Farnam St. KounUe Place Pharmacy, 2604 N. 24th BL Patrick Drug Co., 10)2 N. 24th St. l.atlirop, Charles K., 1324 N. 24th St. Peyton, L. K.. 24th and Leavenworth Sta. Huraloga Drug Co., 24th St. and Amel Ave. Bchaefer's Cut Price Drug Co., lth and Chicago Sta. H haefer, August. 2031 N. 16th St. ttchmldt. J. H.. 24th and Cuming Bts. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Sta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming Sin. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Sts. Worth. O. H 40th and Hamilton Sta. DEATH AJTD FUNKHAL NOTICE. iltWIaalallllllMaUt CONRADT Albert F.. at Hastings, Neb., November 9. IS. Funeral Thursday afternoon at 2:80 p. m. fmm residence, 3304 Merldith avenue. Intermerjt Forest Lawn cemetery. Frlentds Invited. LODGE NOTICES. 1'nlon Carpenters, Take Notice. The funeral of our late brother, A. W. Taylor, member of local union No. 427, will take, place from his late residence, 2220 North Twenty-seventh avenue, Thursday, November 12, at 2:30 p. m. All members are earnestly requested to be in attendance. By order commlttee-at-large. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage license! have been issuud: Name and Residence. Age- Henry Petersen. Omaha 21 Blanche A. Henry, South Omaha 22 Ivan W. Custard, Irvlngton, Neb 22 Anna Tlbke, Benson 18 Nicholas Apostal, South Omaha 28 Flra Abusan, Houth Omaha 33 John Qulnlan, Omaha....'. 31 Marie Bulllvnn, Sutith Omaha 24 Kmll C. Zlmmerer, Omaha 35 Mary A. Straub, Avoca, Neb 32 Lewis Bader, W'ahoo 24 Oolda Keay, Weston 23 Torrance G. Pettegrew, Omaha 22 Goldie M. Starkey, Omaha IS Joseph A.' Janulth, Omaha... 35 Laura D. Malta, Omaha 26 Joseph Kudlsc, Omaha .-...28 Antonla Flats, Omaha 33 Ed Wagner, West Point, Neh $0 Kwimiv Porath, West Point, Neb 30 -BlHfTHB AND DEATHS. ''Births Morris Green. 202O Nichnlu iinu.1 boy; Jacob Robinson. 902 North Sixteenth street, girl; Joawph Kastl, 1123 William street, boy; Harry Hodson. 1802 Sherman avenue,- girl; t'arl Sail m id t, 2904 South Cen tral boulevard, boy; E. D. Hoff. 2424 Bris tol stroct. girl; George Christensen, 8M Kansas avenue, girl; E. u. Ingman, 617 roppieton avenue, Doy. Deaths W. R. Hardy. Fifteenth and Mar. tha streets. 62; Emily M Brown. 3006 Pop rletou avenue, 1; Mrs. Robert Greenwood, Thirty-fourth street and Meredith avenue bn; James P. Murphy. 1837 North Nineteenth atreet, is; tjnrat Klley, Bt. Joaeph's hoa. pltal, 25. ANNOUNCEMENTS - THE CITY GARBAGE CO.. office 4th and ieavenworia Die. ei. uougias 1367. l)-65 B'.GN PAINTING 8. Jl. Cole, 1302 Douglas. Medical Swedish Movement Treatment as riven at the Blomaulat maa. sage parlors la highly recommended by the leading physicians for the many ob stinate und stubborn chronlo diseases. 4'e develop and beautify tha face and A'-k. Thla Institute Is equipped with inid.::,s, appliances. X-ray electrical vl bralora, etc.; also give osone. electrical ana vapor patn irsatmenta. M0-2J4 Pax ton Block, 'Phone Douglas 1K0. (D-M2M DJ EXPERIENCED accountant, will open or ivevfj vw, uui mmm aj tst, vre nee. - q MM AUTOMOBILES BEND for our list of second-hand auto mobiles. DH.R1UHT. Ult Farnam. 2-s7 THREE one-ton commercial automobiles; prices, fow, aiwv mil fi..Wfc Apply w. 8. uaiduii. itkS carnaui ai. U) a$ fcEND for list of 2d-hand cars. Colt Auto mobile CO.. VJJ ( urntm 31. (1) M21i so I . J ivui in, " m iiflui l, ,1. p, , shape; newly painted; car runs quietly and smoothly; good tires; $n for quirk sale; car is woitn l,w; cost 11.600. C. W Lindsay. Anttion, la. t2 M7t 1$ BARTER AND EXCHANGE WHY pay more, whan you can buy or ex change for any part of u.uu acraa of beautiful, level, black, prairie land, close to me railroad in lexas, at rrom 1U to lift aa acrer Agents wauiea. Aadreaa N llaiaey, MB aionaauoca. cnicago. MS73 11 TRADE! TRADE! TRADE! We handle trades exclusively. On commls slon only. Do not answer unless wlllln to pay per cent commission, if willing list wun us. wuica aeai certain. N charge for luting. No matter how larg or small your deal, list with us for aulcl returns. ABBOTT REALTY CO.. 4U biandeia Blag-., Umaha. tJ 389 HAVE $76 DENTAL ORDER FOR K1K8T CLA8B WOKK ONLY WITH Xr.I'l'TAKUt DENTlaT. SATISFACTION UlARANTrJKU. WILL EXCHANGE- AIJi OR PART rOH UHUCKKlfiS. '.'LDTHINU, FVR.Nl Hi his on (.AHrtriw Huukt tu, Kbfe au OXH ST. r)-M78 llx BUSINESS CHANCES A BUSINESS MAN TRYING TO GET ALONG WITHOUT AD- VERTISING MAY BE LIKENED UNTO A BASHFUL LOVER STANDING AFAR OFF IN THE , DARKNESS, THROWING A SI LENT KISS TO HIS SWEET HE A RT--H E MAY KNOW WHAT HE'S DOINGBUT NO ONE ELSE KNOWS OR CARES. "While vou have it in mind, take a minute and a postal and write or a free conv of that verv. very OF GRASS." Heading it will be good for what's the matter with vou besides helping vou. It's free. Address CAR SIGN HEAD QUARTERS, 310 South 12th St., BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued.) LOT 22, block 4, Bedford place, to trade for horses. Inquire Mctacnron i;oj vituv, 20th and Lake. (3) M729 12x I OWN high-class driving team, which I will traoe. tor an huiuiiiuuhw wui w, i.ul more than $1,600. Will ray difference, If any. In cash. Don't offnr old wornout trapa. Address 8 694, care Bee. () M567 14 BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE Business and furnishings of ten room roomum ni rn'oiums nwumo, rooms all occupied; will sell cheap. P. O. Box 108S. Lincoln, Neb. (4) M668 llx TO GET In or out of business call on (4) 670 FOR SALE or trade, bakery and confec tionary, doing gooa Dumneaa in juuu town. Address Y-10, care Bee. (4 M504 18x MUST 8BLL QUICK. At aeventv-flve cents on dollar, clean, up- to-date stock of hardware and qu ensware of fifteen thousand dollars. Long estab lished trade and a money maker. Must be sold quick. Wire or call. J. R. ADKIN8, Room 4, First Nat l Bank Bldg., Council BlUIIS, la. (41-M479 SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. it ill V. . . .. ..I n 1 11 nn.tfWilBl trwt ftf hardware and queensware of fifteen tnou- .J 1 1 .... a Mn htt., At Q hllHht.,1 hlial mm uvuai.. . " -v . . ...... ness In Eastern Nebraska, Must go quick. I'all Or Wire J. X. aumii, nuvm xumi Natl. Bank Bldg., Council Blutfs, lowa tV unto DRUG atorea for sale everywhere. Knlest, New York Lire iiiug. w w DO YOU want to buy or rent a hotel or a good meat market, or a large or email blacksmith and wajron business? Let me, know what you have to sell or trade, or what you warn, to buy. I have It. A. Warner. Harvard, Neb. (4)-M722 12 FOR BALE Rooming house, 10 rooms; Iineiy iurnisnea, Ruua locsiiun, nwu on tor selling Address FM5, care Bee. (4 M726 llx CAPITAL FURNISHED Industrial, manu facturing, mining, oil, gas ana railway stock and bond issues sold direct to in vestors; commission basis. Samuel Gra ham & Co., Selling Brokers, Montreal, Canada, (4)-M767 llx BUSINESS DIRECTORY Chiropodist. DR. ROY, R. 2, 1608 Farnam Bt. Doug. 4D7. (6 71 Creameries. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. (5)-7 Caipet Cleaning;. A. K. JETT, cleaner and layer. Ind. 3-209. loj sawn Cement Blocks. IF YOU object to the sameness see our line, we have the most up-io-aaie aiyiea In length, height and faces. Always a large stock of well seasoned blocks on hand. Oldest plant in Omaha Omaha Concrete Stone Co., 2bt.h Ave. and Bahler and Belt Line. 'Phones: Webster 84, Webster 4231. Independent B-S018. (5) 402 NvIS Calaa Palatine. CHINA decorating, order work a specialty. Lessons Tuesuay, Tnursaay ana duiui day. Firing dally. Leather craft, stains, leather and deslgr.a. Mrs. O. C. Huii gate, 8S4 Brandels Bldg. Tel. Red 64S6. (6) $51 Dressmaking; IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy. Tel. Doug. 2973. (t s.J McDowell Dressmaking school, 162$ Farnam ID) OH DRESSMAKING and alterations; Woman's Exchange, 1S22 Farnam. Tel. D. Sou. (6) -678 IN FAMILIES Misses Weldler. Tel. W. 4455. (5) MIIJ UX DRESSMAKING SCHOOL TiVa a (.nurae with Torrv 30th and Far nam Bts. If not satisfied, money refunded. (51-MlM 11X Kdaentlonal. Boyles Business College Enter any time for courses In stenogra hy, typewriting, bookkeeping. English. 'lcht and day sessions. Catalogues free. If. B. Boyles, President. Omaha. Neb. Boyles Telegraphy bchool Bovlea Blritr.. Omaha. Neb. Official train ing school V. P. R. R. ; positions guaran teed. Booklet free. (6)-iU0 FlarUta. HE8S ft BWOBODA. 1415 Farnam Bt. 5)-7. L, HENDERSON, 1619 FXrnam. Tel. D. 1263. (6) -477 J. H. BATH. 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. 3000. 16) 7B Flaaaclal. Money TO T. O A N LO W RATE. In sums to ult. 310 Bee Bldg. 'Phnn. TVtna-laa UNION LOAN COMPANY. ay-tr. MONEY to loan on real estate at low rates. W. B. Meikle. Ramge Bldg. (6)-fo0 afea. Shatters, Bte. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and aafca. O. Andreeii. Prop., M 8. 10th (uj aoi ItetcU. I THE SCHLITZ. European. 16th and Harney U am Oeteopathy. JOHNSON INS., 11 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1C1. , fij 43 BUSINESS CHANCES clever booklet. "TWO BLADES Omaha, Neb. (4) M7 11 BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued.) Dr. Katheryn Nlckolas, 608 N. Y. L. Bldg. is) 6s4 Mnslo and Lanarnaajea. FRANCIS POTTER, teacher of banjo, man dolin and guitar, 606 Barker Blk. (5) 418 n Moving; aad Storing;. EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co.. office 214 IN. ittlh til., warenouso zai-v izara ou (5) 686 Printing;. BEFORE placing your 1909 calendar order don't fall to see our imported line. Lyng stad Jorve, printers, 16th and Capitol Ave. w EXPONENTS of good printing. Prompt and llrnt-class work guaranteed. ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO., 812 S. 18th St. Tels. Doug. 6662, Ind. A 2532. (6) M424 D5 Dentists. BAILEY A MACH, 3d fir. Paxton. D. 1086. Shorthand Reporter and Notary F. J. SUTCLIFFE, depositions. 628 Bee, Tel. Douglas 1906. (5)-88 Shoe Repairing;. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.-First-cIass work. 1618ft Capitol Ave. -pnone riea wt. 10) 4XS SHOES repaired right, called for and de livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co., 1804 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas .7567. (61-600 Water Filters. 1310 HOWARD St.. Missouri filter; 15 days' trial. (6) 6i HELP WANTED FEMALE Agreatn and Sitlealadtea. WANTED S&lesfady. thorousrhly expert enced In furs. Cloak Dept. Hayden Bros. til m 12 WANTED Cloak and lult salesladies; must have long experience. Cloak Dept. Hay den Bros. (7) 760 li Clerical and Office. Experienced bkpr. to 1 andle everything;, $76. Cashier, $8. Btano.. Smith Premier, $66. WESTERN REF. ft BOND ASSN., INC., Suite 72L N. Y. Life Bldg. (7)-763 10 Factory and Trades. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework in small family, that could go homo nights. $129 Pacific. 'Phone Harney 732. (7)-M615 WANTED A girl to learn dressmaking. 1822 Farnam. Call at once. (7) M733 12x TWO markers wanted at the Evans Laun dry, Lincoln, Neb. (7) M768 13 Housekeepers and Domestics. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework in small family, who could go home nights. 8129 Pacific. 'Phone Har tley 73X (7) M616 WANTED An experienced cook at onre. 3614 Jackson St. (7) 746 GIRL for general he use work; family of two persons. Mrs. Harry Nott, 4019 Farnam. (7)-752 WANTED Housekeeper, age between 25 and 35 years. T. Teller, McCook, S. D. (7)-M669 14x MIDDLB-AGED respectable woman to help care for children and help with house work; will be treated as one of the fam ily; no laundry work; good wages to right party. 3335 Woolworth Ave. (7) 707 GIRL for general housework; best wages; moaern convenience. Phone Harney (7)-710 Ux WANTED Girl for general housework. load rarx Ave. Tel. Harney 1436. ' (7)-711 15x WANTED Experienced cook; good wages. Vf , ... U . . C i.w .ana . iwiiiui oiuiiM, i juo rum Ave. (7)-M720 WANTED A good girl for general house work; keep a 3d girl. 1029 8. 29th Bt. (71-764 WANTED Girl for general housework; rwo in family; nice room, good wages. 1312 B. S2d Bt. (15 M774 15x Mlaeellaneons. WANTED Refined lady with good business ability lo arrange for concert engagements out of town for well known artists; pay ing proposition. Call 2u3 Barker block. (7)-712 llx GIRL aged 16 to wrap bundles. Apply at office Neb. Clo. Co. (7)-7l6 11 WANTED AT ONCE T ady singer at the Cameraphone theater. Only those ex perienced In singing Illustrated songs need apply. (7 M744 12 HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors aad Saleantea. WANTED Solicitor and collector for country work; position permanent, with good income. Address U-449, Bee Office (9)-M357 WANTED Traveling man by local firm 5ood position fur a business getter. Ad ress H-6UU. Bee Office. U3b AGENTS wanted for the moat complete oil gas burner In the wotld; no wick; no smell; generates kerosene oil Into a fine gas; It fits any cook stove or range; nothing like It; one-third cheaper than coal or wood. THE ECONOMY BURNER CO.. Dent. K. and 610 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. Neb. ( TV ACTIVE agents will find It profitable to solicit life, endowment snd aucldent Insu rance for Equitable Enduwnicut company. office, ttil lit fcldg (9) i6a I T .i A Jt. 1..2M mm 2a-a f e-w-. M La M I a i y it its iu uu&iiiuoa in viumum Tho BEE is liko digging a woll HELP WANTED MALE Agents and Salesmen Contlnaed. WANTED High class city salesman, 501 JEr0 X7UUUII1I. t-7 aeaVIV aa Boys. WANTED Office boy 15 years old. Apply Mr. BlemUg. People's Store. (9) 751 11 Clerical aad Office. BILLING clerk. ! Profit and loes clerk, $60. Steno. and clerk, $H6. Drug clerk, good man, $50. Salesman Bee us if you want a position paying straight salary. Call or write for a complete list. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASSN., INC., Suite 721, N. Y. Life Bldg. (9-762 10 DRUG CLERK'S position. Life Bldg. Knlest, N. Y. (91-683 Factory aad Trades. WANTED Twenty union bricklayer, at once. Wlckham Bros., 19 Scott St, Council Bluffs, la (9)-M837 12x WANTED A first-class barber. Clark Brandt, Atlantic. Ia. (9) M731 14x WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. Will equip and place you in your own shop or in good position In few weeks. lon't overlook thlif chance. Investigate. Moler Barber College, 110 8. 14th St. (9)-M45t 12x WANTED A coatmaknr at once. Carl P. Lindecrants, MolUrege, Neb. (9I-M723 13x WANTED A printer for foreman In a country office. Address Will Rice, editor Central City Republican, Central City, Neb. (9) M770 11 Mlaeellaneons. WANTED For U. 8. army, able-bodied, unmarried men between ages of ii and 35, citizens of Inlted States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For in formation apply to recruiting officer, Wh and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb., and Massachusetts Bldg., . S.oux City, la., 0,6S8 CHICKEN PICKERS WANTED. Paying 2Vsc for hens and 2Hc for springs; model, clean picking room; several months' steady work for all arriving here within the next week. SWIFT AND COMPANY, FAIRBURY, NEB. (9) M7X2 FREE employment Dept; Business Men's Ass'n; no fees. Call 626 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9)-6S4 WANTED Young men. 18 to 35. for rail way firemen and brakemen; $80 to $130 per month; promotion to engineer and conductor, $160 to Many positions now open. Write today for full particu lars. National Railway Training Ass'n., r.7 Central Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. (9) M2o9 Nov30x . BOYLE9 TELEGRAPHY SCHOOL. Boyles building, Omaha, Neb.; official training school U. P. R. K.; positions guar anteed; booklet free. (9) M313 YOUNG MEN to prepare for coming ex amination for railway mall and other fovernment positions. Superior lnstruo lon by mall. Established 14 years. Thousands of successful students. Sample questions and "How Government Posi tions Are Becured" sent free. Inter-State Schools, 324 Iowa Ave., Cedar Rapids, la. (9)-M324 15X POSITIONS open for young men for elec trics railway motormen and conductors, at salaries of $80 to $100 per month. Write at once for' full particulars. Na tional Railway Training Ass'n., 947 Cen tral Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. (9)-M307 Nov30x WANTED Railway mall clerks; com mencement salary $). Many examina tions soon. Preparation free. Write im mediately. Franklin Institute. Dept. 270, Rochester, N. Y. (9)-M468 Dec. 6x LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. CLEAN-UP SALE. t Big cut on all our ton and open delivery wagons, drays and trucks, to make room for two car loads of spring goods. One Hockaway juu. i KARBACH, 13th and Howard Bts. 1 (lW -M767 13 OLD HONESTY" $3 horse blankets wear like Iron; heavy, strong, long-wearing. (11) M1S04 D2 FAMILY horse, 6 years old, gentle, weight anout l.iuu. can at Darn in rear or siz N. S8th St., or call Doug. 2162. Price, $176. fill M734 16 TOP BUGGY and harness, almost new; cneap. i-none weosier i33. Ol) 678 15 LOST AND FOUND LOST Pair of gold rimmed spectacles be tween Bee Dunaing and fourteenth and Fnrnam. Rt.ward If returned to Ree office. i (12) M769 13x FOUND Tuesday night. Oct. 7. in front of postofflce, lady s gold watch, hunting caae, with name and date Inside case. Call Harney 9a. (12 717 lOx MEDICAL BEST nerve brace for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pins, l a dox, postpaid. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (13)-6S5 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phsne Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night. (13)-123 ANY poor lirl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Homo for Women at HSU N. 24th BL. Omaha. Neb. 1S UU3 SANITARIUM treatment parlors, Battle Cretk Sanitarium and Hot Springs Treat ment for all kinds of chronic diseases. Old Boston Store, Rooms 212-214. 'Phone Douglas 3"41. (13) M344 llx MONEY TO LOAN ARE YOU IN DEBT? If so, see us. We will show you an easy and quiet way to get out. We will lend you enough rn your furniture, piano or other personal pioperty to put you "on your feet" and help you supply yourself with the coming winter's needs. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 11$ Board of Trade Bldg., 16th St. Entrance. Telephone Douglas 2-. (14)-M299 MONEY loaned aalarlea people and others without security; easy payments. Of flees In 66 principal cities. Tolman, tooui ill, Nsw York Life lildg 14 MTM OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; aad Kansas. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (lo) M1 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (15) 7W) FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms; first class table board; Hanscom Park dis trict, on car line; modern. 2 pacific. (16) M644 14 ROOMS and board, clean, warm, best of home cooking;. I" Cass Bt. (16) M408 16x FURNISHED room and board; everything new and strictly modern; ftrst-claaa neighborhood, at a reasonable price. '.5-1 WUl St US)- OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; aad Rooms Contlnned. NEWLY furnished south room, modern; references required. 2412 Cass Bt. Tel. Red 7236. (lo)-M411 12 BOARD and room in private family for geivtleman. 2424 Seward. 'Phone Webster $;73. (151-M42S 12x BOARD and room, modern, first class. 617 8. 18th St. (16) ME6 14x BOARD and rooms, lst-class board. 2211 Douglas St. (15) M378 Nov22x LARGE, steam heated rooms, with good home cooking. 2616 Farnam. flo)-M4H llx LARGE, beautifully furnished south rooms, Hansoom park. Phone Harney 1348. (16) 714 lBx Furnished Rooms. FURNISHED UNFURNISHED and HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS In All parts of the city. If you are looking for rooms do not fail to get our list. Costs you nothing. P. O. NIELSON St CO., KENTAL AGT8.. 70$ N. Y. Life Bldg., 'Phone Doug. 23)4 U5) 702 ROOMS for gentlemen, by day, week or month. The Chatham, 110 8. 13th St. 416) 291 LARGE front room, adjolting bath; we of piano, telephone and library. 628 S. l.Uh St. 'Phone Douglas 4236. (15) Mail FURNISHED or unfurnished, two pleasant front rooms, all conveniences, rtasonable prices. 2611 Chicago St. 'Phone Doug. 4iu5. (15) M614 14x 2 FURNISHED rooms for rent. 632 S. th St. (15)-M689 llx BEAUTIFULLY furnished house. Hanscom park, rent reasonable. Phone Harney 1348. (15) 713 lOx SOUTH front room; modern; brick house. 2-"08 Douglas St. (15) M728 16x FURNISHED ROOMS, single or ensulte. House new and strictly modern. 316 N. 191 h St. (15) M719 16x TWO choice rooms for young men; modern conveniences; board if desired; rates rea sonable. 2214 Capitol Ave. D. 6602. (16)-758 13 Apartments aad Flats. $- R flat. Bcargo, 516tt N. 24th. South Omaha. Hall, 433 Ramge Bldg. Red 7406. (151283 FIVE-ROOM ST. LOUIS FLAT. 2508 Sherman Ave.; Furnace. Gas, Electrlo Light, Cement Basement. Window Shades. Birch Finish.. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam Bt. Ask for Rental Department. (15) 708 FOR RENT In walking distance, desirable 9-room flat, excellent repair and modern; furnace, bath, etc.; good neighborhood ai.d paved streets. 264G Dodge St. Rent, $30. GARVIN BROS.. 1604 Farnam. (15) 707 STEAM-HEATED APARTMENTS. Six large, handsome rooms, modern, hard ' wood, sliding doors, shades, hooded gas ..... I ii ii Vi ... . Vi n. .-.. mi. 1 1. In. i . tance. Summer, $23; winter, $30; well lighted, ftiramer, $27; winter, $34; all outside. Bummer, $32; winter, $3U; all outside. You can't match them; references re quired. BEMIS, Paxton Blk. (16 M660 14 FOR RENT -9-room modern flat at 624 B. 16th St.; second floor, $46; A No. 1 refer ences required. Conrad Young, 1618 Dodge. (15) 709 FOR RENT Seven-room modern flat. Tel ephone Webter 14U8. (16) 388 12x 4-ROOM apartment, modern, 816 Bo. 22d. (15) 748 Housekeeping; Rooms. TWO light basement rooms, furnished; partly modern. 9u9 S. 27th. Uo)-S6 16x Famished Houses. 8-ROOM furnished house In Kountze Place, for rent on easy terms to right party. In quire 'Phone Webster 1433. (16)-679 15 Houses aad Cottaares. FIRE INSURANCE HASTINGS ft HEYDEN. INS., AGENC1 220 8. 17th St. 'Phone D. 1606; A-3161. (15)-711 MAGGARD VAN ft STORAGE CO. Tel. D. 1496. We guarantee moving pianos. H. H. goods. (15)-721 ALL modern 8-room house, best furnace; near Hanscom park; $26 and water; va cant, Nov. L 'Phone Webster 1798. (15) M700 HOUSE for rent. 3115 Burt Bt. (15) 719 1U SOUTH lth St., team heat. (15)-M623 15 3-room cottage, 2413 Franklin $10.00 4-room cottage, 1627 N. 21st 12.60 6-room house, modern, with barn, 2630 Parker 18.50 8-room modern, with furnace, 630 S. 26th Ave 35.00 8-room modern, with furnace, 3223 Harney 30.00 10-room modern, in good repair, new plumbing, 2217 California 30.00 8-room house. 1315 Capitol Ave 80.00 F. D. WEAD, Wead Blk., 18th and Farnam. (15) 673 10- FOR SALE Two work horses. Apply Hartman Warehouse. 13th and Jones Sts. (ID M725 11 S602 No. 28th Ave.. 7 rooms, $15. 3617 Seward. 6 rooms, $16. Both 'phones. Bemls, Paxton block. (15) M730 FR RENT 6-room modern cottage. 2613 Blnney St. Ttl. Webster 1762. (15)-M777 15 ONE 4-room house, 10244 Pacific, $15. One 6-room house, 10174j S. 11th, $J0; modern except heat. Tel. Harney 4204. Ernest Btuht. (15)-M771 RENT OR SALE New 6-room house, com plete in every detail from bath room to cellar. Call and look It over. Corner of 8ith St., end Poppleton Ave., or telephone Harney H27. (16) M639 11 OMAHA Van and Storage Co.. pack, move, store H. H. goods. Storehouse 1120-14 N. 19th; office, 16u9 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1559. (16)-72 THE McCagua Investment Co. have houses fur rent in ail parts of the city, from $8 to $35 per month. (15) M604 14 TrflTTQlT'C! In all parts of the city. Crelgh Sons ft Co., Bee Bldg. (15) 716 $32.60 FOR eight-room house, 8114 Wool worth Ave.; modern. Belby. 436 Board of Trade Bldg., 'Phone Douglas 1610. (IS) 760 11 SI N. 78th Ave., 7 large rooms, modern except furnace, very convenient; rent low to good tenant. Apply ut 607 N. 19th Bt. (16712 B EVEN-ROOM house, Just west Hanscom fara. i-v rnuu namer ijw. iia HOUSEHOLD tiOODB packed, forwa led; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Ti. Doug. aid. (16)-714 HOUSES, flat. Garvin Bros., 104 Farnam. (16) 717 2662 JONES ST., 10-room, all modern, $40; 6-room modern flat, 26J4 N. Hat and Ohio, $J0; water paid. i. W. Rasp Co., fr Brandeia Bldg. (16 M690 7-ROOM house wtth bath, all modern. 1026 N. $34 SL lv ilarne, IMS. ...UU.aA - - 2 W wiuiuui uuin with a Ncedlo OFFERED FOR RENT He RENTERS HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO REDUCE RENT. 8-room, modern, good. 4J06 Hamilton $1B 4- room, city water, 2fJ7 So. 8th 18 6-room, city water, barn. 1936 So. 18th. ..$10 5- room, part modern, 81 So. 23d $16 6- room, part modern, 2502 Pierce $17 6- room, very choice, 23J8 No. 27th $18 7- room, city witter, barn. 4103 No. 2th...$16 RUSSELL ft McKITRICK CO. 433 Ramge Bldg. 16th and Harney. 115) 767 11 FOR RENT Novemner 1, brick house, ?614 Dewey Ave., 7 room, modern. Moyer Stationery Co., 1616 Farnam St. (!5)-703 6-ROOM modern cottage, N. E. corner list and Ohio, $20. Carlberg, 911 N. Y. Life. (161-715 -ROOM house. 290T Seward St., $13. Store room. 1306 N. 24th. $16. 7 rooms, second floor. 136Z N. 24th St., $17; modern except heat; 5 rooms, second floor. 1016 N. 20th, $13; 8-room modern house, 24th and Blnney Sts., $30. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming Bis. (15) 795 EIGHT-ROOM modern brick flat. 3W7 Pa cific For Information 'phone Harney 32H3. (15) 724 FOR RENT To private family only, that commodious and attractive residence No. 2025 Dodge St., $75. AU'red C. Kennedy, m First National Bank Bldg. Telephone Douglas 722. (16) 722 HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwall, Barker Blk. (16) 725 LIST your vacant houses with Walter Breen company, N. Y. Life Bldg. (15)-727 HOUSES-Peters Trust Co., N. Y. L. Bldg. (151-723 7-ROOM house, $23. 627 Bo. 27th Bt. (161359 TWO 6-room houses, $18. One 6-room house, $-"0. One 8-room house, $30. All modern except heat; located on 11th, between Mason and Pacific Bts. 'Phono Harney, 4204, Ernest Btuht. . (15) 890 9-ROOM house, modern, suitable for large family. $30. Harney 1609. (15) M6S0 llx 5-ROOM house. Tel. Douglas 4616. (15)747 12x 6-R., MOD. ex. heat. $21.50, 25 Plomlo. o-r., water, gas, 812.5"). 1838 No. 22d Bt. 6-r., mod. ex. heat, 4704 No. 38th St., $20. 6-r., mod. cottage. 271.2 Charles St.. $20. 6-r.. mod., hot water heat, 1418 Plnkney St., 6- r., mod., 3212 No. 21st St., $27.50. 7- r.. mod.. 4i4 No. 28th Ave.. 137.60. 7- r., mod. ex. heat, Bteel range, gaa range, base burner, window shades, $30. 8- r.. mod., hot water heat, 3301 Sherman Ave. $40. 9-r., mod., 2130 Blnney, $35. HASTINGS ft HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. (15) 753 10 SIX rooms, St. Louis flat, at 231 Bo. 16th street. (IS) M745 lx I ROOMS, all modern, good barn; high and sightly place, will paper to suit; rent re- 8646 California. (15) 769 11 Halls. FRATERNITY hall, opposite Dublin library ground floor auditorium, holding 650, with stage: best dancing floor in the city; also S lodge rooms at $5, $7 and $9 for two meetings a month. Bee Janitor on prem ises, ni. tr. uoage s wo., iat f arnam BU (16) 45 Stores. 1408 Howard St., large store room and base ment, 32x132, wholesale and retail. N. P. Dodge ft Co., 1714 Farnam Bt. (15) 844 BCARGO BLOCK, Bouth Omaha, , new. 620 in. xttn. iiaii, sa itamge Bldg. Red 7406. (15) 728 Offices. DESK ROOM for rent In an office located on the busy corner of 24th and N Bts., Bouth Omaha. Call at Bee office, S. O. branch, 24th and N, new address. (16) MS 77 DESK room. Ask F. D. Wead. 1801 Far nam. (15) 434 12 OFFERED FOR SALE Fnrnltnre. FURNITURE SALE 1 heavy oak office table 42x72, carved legs and In first-class condition. 18 chairs suitable for waiting room or dining chairs. 1 office desk chair. 1 case, for filing or keeping papers. Apply R. W. Baker, 8upt., 105 Bee Bldg. (16) 461 TWO folding counter stools, mahogany finish; been used a short time and will cell cheap. Call Bee office, Omaha. (161143 Ostrich Pinnies. RKATTTIFTTT. heavy French droop plumes. 17 Inches, $2.46. worth $5. Other grades half retail store prices. Address 1214 Har ney. Tel. Red 3ilt; our agent will call (16)-72 Pianos aad Other M osteal Instruments ONE excellent upright piano; ore caah register, one double case gol'J R. R. watch, one diamond stud and one ladles' gold watch. 214 Karbach block, 203 8. 15lh Bt. 'Phone Douglas .do. (16) M618 Typewriters and Seivlna; Machines. IF YOU ARB IN THE MARKET FOR A TYPEWRITER IT WILL BE TO YOUR INTEREST TO INVESTI GATE WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER, NEW OR SECOND-HAND. ADDRESS E 210, BEE. (16) 670 TYPEWRITER Before you buy or rent one examine the L. C. Smith ft Bros, writing In sight machine; write for cata logue. Call or 'phone B. F. Bwanson Co., Inc.. dealers, 1614 Farnam, Omaha. (161731 Mlseellaaeoas. DRUG8 at cut prices; freight paid on all $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (16)-733 INK BARRELS We have on hand a number of these bar rels which we will sell .. 60c each. They are fine for rain water or ashes. Call at press room, Bee Publishing Co. (16j 277 Wire Cable for Sale We have three pieces of inch cable, 10 to 250 feet each, for sale at a reasonable price. Call on engineer, Bea Bldg., Omaha, C16)-27 FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and puol tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswlck-Bi.ike Cullender, 407 B. 10th Ht. (16) 73 A LOT of stone for coping, window and door sills; also fancy pressed brick for ale. Apply R. W. Baker, bupU Bee Bldg. (16) 9ul HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tail. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co., lGlh and Dodge Bts., Omuha, Neh (IB) 725 GROCERY and Meat market for sale with fixtures and stock. Ootid reason for selling. Address D, Omaha Bee. Cnum ll Bluffs. (16)-M743 We have three pieces of 44-Inch cable. 160 to 260 feet each, for sale at a reasonable price. Call oa engineer. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. U OFFERED FOR SALE M lamella atlaaed. BEND us your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. (16) 73$ SHERWIN-WItJJAMS CO.. best mixed paint. Sherman ft McConnell Drug 10. (l")-7W PATENTS PATENTS THAT PROTECT Throe books for Investors mailed on receipt of post age. R. 8. and A. B. l.acey, rooms 29-31 Pacific Rldg., Washington, 3. C Katab llshed 1809. (17-737 D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. (17) 71 PERSONAL FLESH, white, pink, brunette; Be tin skin powder is made in 4 dainty tints, we. (18) HALL'S safes, new, Xd-hand. 1811 Farnam. ()) 742 SYRINGES, rubber goods by mall; cut I J 4 nalal... I III UTe. 4TT- 1 1 11 IUI II TW -, Uffg BO-W 1 Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. 08) 739 THE SALVATION ARMY solicit eastoff clothing; in fact, anything you do not need. Wo collect, repair and sell at 131 N. Hth Bt.. for cost of collection to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Douglas 4136 and wagon will call. (18) 786 JOHN CANB is In town. Now la the time to trim ttees, treiuses, grspevints. Tele phone Douglas 4649 or A-3649 (18-M Dec! MASSAGE treatment. 10 8. 1't'J Bt, room. 6. Mrs. Jordan. (IS) M3i llx MARSAflFi Electric, vibratory, 120 So. lUiYQQiYUrj ith. Room 308. fourth floor old Boston Store. (1) 287 Dec! -f- OMA1IA Stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg. (18) 740 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. Kln, 1324 N. 24th. Tel. Webster 8o69. (18)-711 iUiUitrjAlLBmith, US N. 16th, Sd floor. (1S1-6J7 DRS. EGGERS' prtvate confinement home. 2103 Farnam St. 'Phone Doug. 630, city. (18)-696 Nov24x YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha ' as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association rooms. 1618 Farnam St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. (18) 268 A HOME for a w man during confinement. We find homes tor babies where mothers cannot care .for them. Mother Lea, 401 Bancroft Si 'Phone Douglas 1921. 18 4W1 Jan27x REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE- DEALERS REED ABSTRACT CO., Est. 1856; prompt service; get our prices. 1710 Farnam St. (19)745 BENJAMIN R. E. CO., 477 Brandels Bldg. (19) 746 GEORGE CO., 1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 754. (19)-74 PAYNE INV. CO., first floor N. Y. Life.. U)-7 CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. akaaaaanas S $25,200 WORTH OF LOTS SOLD In Forest Hill Park Addition, on South 10th St Within the last ten days. That shows what the people think of this beautiful tract of ground of the late Herman Kountse resi dence property along South 8th, 9th and 10th streets, between William and Pierce streets, which is only a few blocks from the whole sa.e district, Burllngtun and Union stations and only a short walk to the retail and business district. If you haven't been down to look over this addition IT WILL PAY YOU to go down today and see for yourself what good bargains we an) offering; so close In. PRICES $750 to $1,125 for lots on 8th street. $"5 a front fnot for lots on 9th street. $25 a front foot for lots rn William 8U $30 a font for lotii on 10th Bt. -With paving, curbing, cement walks water, sewer and gas all In and paid. Building restrictions, $2,000 to $2.5oO. SALESMAN ON THE GROUND TODAY from 2 to 6 p. ni. with plats to show you the unsold lots. Every lot will be sold in a short time, so dan't put off going to look over these lots. At least 26 new houses will be built In this addition next year. Terms: One-fourth cash, balance 1, I and 3 years. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, SOLE AGENTS, 1704 Farnam Street. Bee Building. (19) 764 10 $750 Fine tract of 2 acres, 1 mils west of Benson. Beautiful spot for country homo. Terms, $150 cash. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Iloor, N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel Douglas 1781. Ind. A-11M. (19)765 11 DUNDEE ,Our $560 lots are the cheapest and best lots offered for sale In Dundee. All have city water. $10 cash, balance $10 monthly. We have a few lots lft on Davenport Bt. near 60th, for $750 each. $60 cash, balance $10 per month. SELBY, 16th and Farnam. 436 Board of Trade Bldg. (19) 761 U BRAND V'EW MODERN COTTAGE. ( Nice reception hall, parlor, dlnfr-g room, kitchen, pantry and entry downstairs; two 'area bedrooms, roomy closets and beta room upstairs. House honestiy built throughout. Full basement; Tale furnace- beat plumblr-g; combination fixtures'- cement walks arour-d house; large porch- neighborhood new homes; block to far lx.i-aied 1705 I-alrd St. Price com plete !; without furnace. $2,706. which pi ice' Includes piping. Terms If desired. H A BCTT. owner. Telephone Webster 1H41. 3416 Blierman Ave. (19) M616 Dundee Home New 8-room house at a 'bargain. Very easy terms. 611') Underwood Ave. 'Phone Doug-las 1113. (19)-M773 U FOR BALE Quarter block In Florence, shade and fruit trees and chicken houses; half block from both cars. J. J. Thomas, Florence. Neb. (19)-M407 12x A $27,500 INVESTMENT, 12 PER C. GROSS. Almost new Bt. Ixuls flats (6); choicest location; always leased up to the handle; high-grade tenants. Bee It and you will buy It. Nonresident owner. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO.. Ground Floor, 1M Farnam