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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1908)
il n: OMAHA DAILY EEE: . WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1008. Ml f. Doth rhoitl Women's Waists i ... ... Tailored Linens, Tailored Nets, Fancy Silk and Plain Black Silk WaLsU Women's New Coats Evening Coats Semi Evening Coats Directoire Coats -Enipire Coats Semi-Fitting Coats and Fitted Coats, r . ' Grand Showing Wednesday Women's Fine Tailor-Made Suits Our tailor-wade suits have an individuality and style which well dressed women appreciate so much. Our suits are all fitted by experts, preswed by men tailores, and all altera tions done free of charge. 5& corset is popular because it gives the latest n effects with the greatest comfort. "Ve carry liifTl' a full line of Kabo corsets. SATURDAY The great sale of Belts. See Howard street Window. Wednesday Specials ,8-button black glace Kid Gloves, in all sizes from 5, worth $2.00, per pair ' 08c 1-clasp Cape Gloves, assorted tans, a nobby street glove, at, ' per pair 91.19 Main Floor. Horr war agaliurt aoeusittlon anil equivoca tion.. V gave timely warning to tlio floors that thpy . would be alone against l-'.ngland and that there wm no doubt re garding the result." "The facta with reference to the question of Intervention long have been public prop erty and whether the communication of these to ueen Victoria constituted a viola tion of diplomatic rulea de-pends on circum stances unknown to the publlr. Concerning the aiatement attributed to Emperor Wll-1-iiiin that a majority rf the German people are hostile, to Great rBltaln, the expression used by the Telegraph ia too strong. Berl min Jand TegrlabJe misunderstanding have existed i -,between'lTat Britain and Germany, -tnie. th German -people dcslre peaceful and friendly relations with that empire, joined ,wtlh niutual- respect "Too great stress also 1a laid upon the point ' In' -the Interview dealing with out Interests In the Pacific ocean, which are incorrectly presented as Inimical to Japan. We never thought about eastern Asia ex cept for' the purpose of obtaining a por tion o fthe trudo arising from economic development and we have no Idea of under taking a 'maritime adventure there. The i xtenslon of the German fleet la just as llttlo intended for aggression In the Pacific ocean aa In Europe. The task In Ger many's policy Is not to limit the develop ment of Japan. ' No Becre.t De-slams. "For twenty yearn the emperor has Ftriven toMmprove the relations with Great lirttain, often . under difficult, circum stances. The peoples of both countries oc casionally, have attacked each other with out real justification and . the emperoi ror-sider thl a misfortune for both and a ilonger to the .civilised world. 'The em- I. Smacks Woolen Feel ll llhen the vreatkev AViW1' p w V I V Great demand ttiese days for little folks' warm fixings. Great place ttli to feet any little or big thing little ones need the assortments, qualities and prices make this so. Infants' fine Saxony wool Sweaters, single breasted, with roll collar, In white with pink or blue trim mings, or plain' gray, sizes 1. 2 and . price , . . .- .. 81.85 Infants' wool or silk and wool ble breasted, edges silk bound; colors white or. scarlet; sizes 2 and S years, each $2.50 Child's Fine Knit Drawer Leggings to match sweaters; colors, white, gray, scarlet or black; Blzes 1, 2 and 3. at $1.00 Child's Fine Saxony Knit Drawer Leggings; colors, white or black; sizes 1 to 4 years; at 85. Guc, 66c and 50 Write for catalogue sent free. Pictoral Review Patterns 10c. 15c. BENSON THQRNE CO, 1315 1317 DOUC1 Bock Ail Depts. Ind. A1141. Kabo Corsets The wonder of corset fitting lies as much in the comfort as in the style. The Kabo This corset, a Kabo, style No. 775, is made with long hip and back, which, with the bias lines of the corset, gives the slim ef fects so desirable just now. Price $1.50 Kabo corsets, $1.00 to $."5.50. Big values. at Glove Dept. p?ror's Idealistic thoughts, purposes and efforts often without reason, have caused doubt to arise. "S me have Rone of ar as to Imply secret designs against Great Britain in connection with the fleet, hut these are entirely false. The recognition by his majesty of the unjustified misunderstand ing of his utterances with reference to Great Britain, and the excitement and regret aroused thereby In Germany, will.. I am convinced, lead the emperor In future rrlvate conversations to exercise thut reserve, which In the Interest of a uniform policy and the outhi r!ty of the crown la indispensable. If this proves not to be so. neither ' I nor any one of my. sncressors could take the responsibility. I accepted the blame for the publication of the article In the Dally Telegraph and offered my resignation and It waa the meet difficult task In my political life to reolve to re main In office. How long I will continue there I do not know, but I consider It my duty 'at this difficult period to continue to serve the emperor and the nation." NEW BISHOP OF WASHINGTON Ilev. Dr. Alfred II. Harding; Succeeds I, at Rev. Hear? W. Sntterlee. WASHINGTON. Nov. W.-ReV. Dr. Al fred H. Harding, who for twenty-two years past has been rector of St. Paul'a Episco pal church here, was elected bishop of Washington to succeed the late Rev. Henry y. Satterlce late today. Dr. Harding waa chosen on the fourth ballot, up to which the Rev. Dr. McKlm, also of this city, had led in the balloting. of ice, goods i iP'1 very nice: Infants' Wool Booties, In pretty assortment of patterns and stitches; 60c. 39c, 35c, 25c. 20 Fancy Carriage Afghans, of fine Saxony yarn, made in solid color or fancy striped patterns, all white, blue and white, or pink and white. Prices $4.50, $3.00 2 25 and $1.25 Infants' Thumtless Mittens, eiugle or double cuff, also extra quality hand knitted ones, 50c and 25C Infants' fine knit fc eaters, doubly Mittens of fine quality Saxony yarn, at 45c, 35c, 25c and 20 Infants' knee length wool Booties, at 85c. 68c. 60c and 45 MURDER STIRS TENNESSEE Shooting; of Former Senator Carmack Creates Big Sensation. T0UBTO MAN SLIGHTLY INJURED Robla Cooper Will Heeover from Ills Woaada He Kara Me la Sorry Sbootlnar Occurred Cooper .law ! Jail. NASHVILLE. Tenn., Nov. 10-Mesage by wire and mail from various sections testify to the tremendous sensation caused throughout the state and the south by the killing of former United Btates Senator E. W. Carmack by young Robin Jones Cooper In a street duel here late yesterday after noon. Carmack'a brilliant career as a Vnlted States senator from Tennessee had made him one of the best known of national fig ures. Colonel Duncan B. Cooper, father of Young Robin Cooper, and who was with his son when the duel oicurred, has an ex tensive acquaintance and a legion of friends both In his own and various other etat'. Carmack s race for the nom nation as democratic senator, in which he was d feated by Senator Robert I. Taylor, and ills more recent race for the governorship, In which he, was defeated by Governor Pat terson, have served to draw his following In tha state closer to him and his tragic end haa spread distress and bitterness among them. It Is feared by some that the end of the trouble Is not yet, and It Is sure to play a part I" coming political alignments. In each of Carmack's recent campaigns feeling ran to fever heat and on botli occa sions Cooper was with the opposition. In former years the men were d-ar friends, Carmack having declared In pubic print that Cooler was his benefactor. But fili-nd-shlp has been replaced by enmity which was more noticeable since Carmack became editor of the Tenneoseean following the late primary. Then the cdUorlal attacks began which culmlnatedln yesterday's killing, earmark's Body Taken to Colombia. After having been piepared for the body of the dead ex-senator was removed to the home of Frank Lander, business manager of his" newspaper, the Tinnes scean. There It remained until removed today to Columbia, where it will be Interred. Mr. Carmack was married at Columbia and had made that city his home until he went to tha Tenncsseean. Mrs. Carmack had not yet become a resident of Nashville. Although almost prostrated she came to Nashville last night and returned with her husband's body today. Robin Cooper, after having had his wound dressed, spent u quiet night in a hospital In c!!r of an officer. His Injury prove to be but alight. This morning ho re ported aa resting easy. Colonel Cooper, his father, spent the night at police head quarters and is reported to have slept well. Two warrants were sworn out against him, one "accessory to murder" and the other "carrying a pistol." In the first in stance the complainant Is Mrs. E. W. Cur mack; In the latter it Is the mayor and city council. Cooper gavo his occupation as that of a farmer. He accepted the situation calmly, although once or twice he seemed somewhat affected and observed that the shot waB meant for blm and not for his boy. He was reconciled to his condition of Imprisonment, remarking that as a soldier In the confederate army he had spent more than otic year In a federal prison. Colonel Cooper turned over his revolver, none of the chambers of which had been emptied, to a police sergeant.' Robin Cooper did likewise with his, and one empty shell dropped out of the magailne when the young man's weapon was unbreeched. It is an automatic magazine revolver, and It Is not known how many shots had bien fired, but it was thought that an examina tion would show three. Two of the cham bers of the revolver of Senator Carmack were empty. NOT DECIDEDJN SESSION (Continued from First Page.) pension rolls around to that time. The hon orablo Michael Lee did It once, but great things will be done to make the Howard adilrcsa a memorable occasion such as Ne uraka never before witnessed. Work on Campaign Statement. Treasurer Lindsay of the republican state committee is busy preparing- his report of the receipts and expenditures of the cam- I Palgn. to be filed with the county clerk of Fawnee county and for publication. Tho report will show that the national repub lican committee contributed $22,500 to the Nebraska campaign. Tho bulk of this sum was received Juat before the election, when Harry Lindsay went to Chicago and got It. No other money was received by anyone In Nebraska from the national committee. Of this contribution $G,000 waa sent to Douglas county, $:,600 to Lancaster county and the remaining $15,00o was distributed between tho chairmen of about fifty-eight counties and was used exclusively In get ting out the vote. D. E. Thompson of Lin coln contributed $1,000 to the state commit tee, of which $600 waa turned over to the Lancaster committee. The state committee also paid several bills contracted by the Lancaster committee. Contest for Lodge Office. Mrs. Latkey, former grar.! chief of honor of the Degree of Honor, has filed suit In the district court to have set aside the election of Mrs. Cleever. selocted granl chief of honor at the recent statt meeting of the crdr. Mrs. Clecver was also nnmed a defendant. She was elected by a majority of one vnte. Mrs. Latkey con tends that two more votes were cast on the second ballot tlie.r. on the first and that fully twenty people were out In the hull when the votes were cast; that the ball' ts were collected in a hat instead of rcitnlr ng the voters to walk to the front of the hnll and deposit their hullnts. The payers were served on Mrs. Clecver today. Shallenbr'raer Hers Applicants. Governor-elect Shal'.rnbergi-r was here to day and then went to 8 wnrd. He held a meeting with prospective appointees at llncoln during hts visit. Lee Herdman of Oniahu was in town, hut npt' for the pur pose of inlrrfi rtiiK In the matter of ap pointments, he said. In Seventeen counties the n w in 1 1 t cnt a total of 1.913 VjI-s aid the pvo'iibltlrtiin J.2D3 votes on eh-ctor. Attorney Oeitrnl Thompson In order to prevent the judgmert of $1,112 obtained by the Ktate .'cernber 1. lf'3. ngalnwt ex-8trela:-y of Slates William K. Porter, fic-m Ixccming donrnnt, tnd:ty made a request In the district court of Luncuster county for un execution for the p.irpore of levying upon property hi longing to Mr. Porter, who Is row a re!-ld nt of Lincoln The Judgment ia for ftcs collected fo; mar. and brand, which Mr Porter re tained under a statute which provided he should. Attorney Oenerr.l Projt filed sull for the state in May VM to recover, all g Ing that portion rf si statute petniiulrg n etste officer to retain fees waa uncou'.l tutlonal. The district court dismissed the suit, the suprei.-t court reversed this jinlg uient aa t Porter an affirmed it as to 1,1s bon.!men who were parties to the S'lit Judgment for $1,112 was then levied agalwiU Porter by the district court and affirmed The Remarkable Will of a Doctor He Learet the Secret of Life to Hii Children and the World. One of the world's greatest physician upon Ma death bed .called his children about htm and aald: "When I die I will leave the Secret or life", as I hava discov ered It In my practice." When they read his will It directed them to a safety vault which contained a large envelope, marked thus: The Secret of Life." Upon- opening II they read: "Don't abuse the stomach." This profound thlrJter after a long life of medicine knew the stomach to be the throne of man. Stuart's Dysepsta Tafciets will help you moke a stomach , healthy.' If It Is worn out and licks-the fluids of digestion, these tablets will take the place of such fluids. . ! If It Is filled with poisonous juices, these tablets will neutralize and remove such poison. -.t If you cannot eat without agony, these tablets will show yo hew you can. If you will eat foolishly, or drink excessively, or if business demand! abuse of stomach, these tablets after meala will moke such abuse light, for they take the hardship away . from, the stomach. Thfy are great ; digester, filled with more powerful agents thun the system can give. They go back into the blood after they have digested a meal, ' thereby In creasing the ability of nature to take care of digestion without exhausting other organs. High ' livers need feel no considerable hardship If they will ent one of these little tablets after a rich or late meal. It la a splerjdld gift to the stomach and a good habit to form. Stuart' Dyspepsia Tablets sell for BOc per package at every drug store. Send us your, name and address and we will send you a trial rxickag- by mail free. Address F. A. Stuart Co., 150 Stuart Bldg., Marshal!.- Mich. - TAFT PRAISES NEBRASKANS Appreciates Their Services to Na tional Committee and Party. CHAIRMAN HITCHCOCK IS WINNEH Crawford Kennedy Travels 1N.OOO Miles and Distributes Millions of Tracts of Litera ture. Having traveled over 18,tXJ0 miles In twenty-four states and diatributed 6,510,000 pieces of campaign literature since September 18, in t'i-. interest of Judgo Taft's election, Crawford Kennedy has returned to Ne braska and is tarrying In Omaha for a few days before solng to hla home at Albion, where he will soon "plant his corn." Mr. Kennedy was sent out cn, tho Taft train by tho national republican committee: He had charge of the distribution of cam paign literature and souvenirs and in this capacity saved the committee vast sums of money which would liave been spent In mailing and expressing- had not this plan of distribution been' adopted by Chairman Hitchcock. Hero are the slates through which Mr. Kennedy traveled with Judge Taft, start ing at Cincinnati, September 18, and going first to George Ade'sfai-ip at Brook,. Ind.t: Ohio, Indiana, Iltfmjia. Wisconsin Iowa,! Minnesota, North Uako:n, South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas; Missouri, West Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina. Kentucky, Virginia. New Jer sey, Delaware, Maryland, Connecticut and New York. He made the trip to the cele britlon of the Llncoln-Doug'.as debate at Galesburg. 1 1 Under Mr. Crawford's direction thtse tracts were dlatributed: One mtiilon nnd a half Taft photographs. 2,000,000 buttons, frO, 000 Taft labor decisions, 250.0C0 Raymond Patterson Ilfo of Taft, 25,000 Dr. Lyman Ab bott eulogy on Taft, 260,005 Roosevolt on Taft and 1,000,000 other docum.mcs. Taft Praises Two NebraUans. "Judge Taft Is a great, big man," says Mr. Kennedy. "Wo on the train with hhn throughout his strenuous campaign were impress -d by tho bigness and uns. lflshners of the man's character. He is a modest man and always wants to give the other fellow t'.ue credit. He Is not afraid to ex press himself, aa so -many rublic men arc. He had many words of pralBe and apprec a tlon of the work that the committee, the newspapers and the people generally were doing In his behalf. Many candidates take all these things aa, matters of fact, but JuOge Taft seemed to feel a personal debt of gratitude to every man who was aiding In Ills election. Ho was especially frank In h!s expreslons of appreciation of Chairman Hitchcock and our own BUI Hayward, sec retary cf the national ommittee, and Victor Rosewater, director of the wettern bureau of publicity. Those boys are doing a mag nificent work," Judge Taft remarked one day toward the latter end of the campaign. "If anybody thought the Judge didn't know what was going on In m.nuttst detail he waa dead wrong. He kept a close tab on everything. "The people of Nebraska have cause for feeling proud of the servicts rendered the party by Mr. Hayward and Mr. Ro.-ewaUr. People of other states are proud of them. Chairman Hitchcock,' a dynamo of energy and an executive of rare ability, praised them both very highly. He said on more than one occasion that he thought It ex tremely unselfish in Mr. Kosewatir to leava ills personal work in Omaha and go to the front for the party when he was not looking for anything h.n.self except the success of the ticket. "1 um certain that the republicans of this county, beginning with Presldent-eh ct Taft and President Roosevelt, have long ago determined that the right man was se lected for chairman. Mr. Hitchcock proved the wisdom of his selection in a very little while." By using the various departments of The Bee Want Ad pages you get the best results at the least expense. TRY I The Only Natural Laxative Water on which you csa rely to relievo GORSTI PATIO? Take ' glsss on aris ing in the morning. In futt bottU and pliu FIRST HEARING ON TARIN Senion of Committee Will Reflect At titude of Bniineii Interests. LACK OF CONGESTED ACTION Belief Proteetlvo Tariff Is Qaaraatlac Agralnst Flood of Low Triced Products from Coantrles ta Depression. WASHINGTON, Nov. 10.-A number nt manufacturers of chemicals appeared today at the first meeting of tha house on ways and meana to consider proposed changes in the tariff law. which are to be made at a special session of congress to be called after March 4. nex-t. John F. Queeney of Bt. Louis. Dr. Springer of Cincinnati and George A. Frown of Philadelphia were among those heard. They represented a number of commercial estabtishmenta and advocated the retention of the present tariff on chemicals Mid chemical products, but contended that If this policy could not be pursued certain raw materials entering into the production of these articles and which are not produced In this country should be placed upon the free list. Chair man' Payne, bt the committee, announced that mornlni' and afternoon sessions would be held and nald if necessary the commit tee would ait ovenlngs In order to complete the hearings within the time allotted. The chemical, drug, color, paint, oil and liquor interests are well represented here today, but aside from the color and paint manufacturers there seems to be a lack of concerted action among the representatives of any of these Industries. Many of these people wil.' be heard with regard to changes In the construction of phraseology of cer tain paragraphs In the tariff affecting their interests. Some are In favor of a re duction In th tariff on raw materials, but the majority Are advocating a protective tariff. They do not desire any change In the rates of duty for fear that it would disturb the business conditions of the coun try. A peculiar sltuaton with regard to 'Schedule A" of the tariff Is that articles that are regarded as raw materials for one Industry are finished products for another and consequently arguments are due to nr rive on some of these articles. Quarantine Aa-alnst Depression. Eugene Molse, a representative of the paint and color Industries, who Is to ap pear before the committee today, will advo cate a continuation of the present tariff rates on the ground that "a protective tariff Is a quarantine against Infection of the business depression of other nations." He claims that the exporters of other na tions endeavor to unload their products on this country at cost when business condi tions are bad in their own. The majority of the ways and means committee claim that It Is necessary for this country to adopt a tariff with a maxi mum and minimum rate of duty In order to conform with the tariffs adopted by France, Germany and Russia. In this way the United States could get the benefit of the "favored nation" clause of those coun tries In return for the minimum rate of duty of our tarirf. In foreign countries which have adopted such a tariff there Is a reduction of about 20 per cent In the minimum rate. The manufacturers who are advocating a protective tariff want the committee on ways and means to make the present rates of duty tho minimum rates In the new tariff bill, which would result In a considerable increase In the rates of duty for countries which have no '.'favored nation" clause to offer the United Btates. Jndsve Fuller In Dying- Condition. PIERRB, S. D., Nov. 10. (Special.) Justice Fuller of tho supreme court shows no Improvement today and his children have been summoned to his bedside. The probabilities are for his deflth at any time. HOW UiiCLE SAM MAKES MONEY The Old Philadelphia Mint, The Largest in the World. Five Hundred Million Coined Each Year, PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Nov. 10, 1903. Durinsr the celebration of Founders' week, which took place recently, being the 132d anniversary of the founding of Phil adelphia, the registers'' at the new mint showed during the seven d.cys of the cele bration a total registration of over 50,000 visiters to this building. These are the figures of the superintendent. This struc ture la the most magniflcerX of Its kind in the world, occupies four acres and was erected at a cost ft.GOO.000. Only gold and silver is coined In this building. The print ing of the currency la done at Washington. The bullion is taken In and out of this bulld'nc every day. It is shipped out In small kegs and resembles very much a small paint barrel, and excites no more curlclty to the average pedestrian than If Its contents were nothing more than paint. The superintendent discovered that the United States government loses $1,000,'100 a year in the making of gold coins, aa there is considerable waste of the precious metal. Since It waa discovered that a good deul of the metal goes up in smoke, a recent Investigation led the commissioners to dean the smoke stack, and !n the Muck soot taken from the chimney over $30,000 In gold was found. There are lots of people that are burning riuiey in Omaha, and you may as well let It go up In smoke aa to buy goods at tho regular prices at othr fctores. Since the Omoha Clothing com pany, at 1316 and 1318 Farnam street, has loat the lease on their building and selling out their establishment, .good are sold a good deal less than, the coat price. To give you an Idea what merchandise ts being sold for, we mention Just a few prices. Bring this sheet with you and get the good ad vertised. $1.60 all wool Underwear 59c. Fine Lams down Underwear, regular price $1.60, now E.SC. Men's .$2 and $2.60 Hats Ec. $1.60, $1.76 and $2 Men's Pants 8Cc. $2 Worsted Sweater Coats 9tc. $5 Fancy Vests Sl.ta) and $198. Pure Bilk Handkerchiefs 16c. Hoys' Suits, regular price $4.50 and $5, now $2.f. $10 Boys' Overcoats $4.98. Men's Working Shirts, 75c values, 49c. $12 Craveo ettes Kite. 60c Cotton l'ndtrwear 3K 25c Suspenders 14o. $X Bt rouse tc Bros, fine Hand-Tailored Suits $12.60. Sell' $5 Shoes $2.36. $&. $ and $7 John B. SteUon Hats $2.H. Men'a $10 Overcoats $5. $15 Overcoats $7.50. $3) Overcoats $10. Remember this stock Is going fast, and immediately after reading this price Hat come to the OMAHA OLOTKIsTO OO. 131S-1J1B raraam St. and look over our stock and yeu will say that tha biggest bargains In the city of Omaha are offered here. Itemeinber the pi ece and number. It will pay you to Investigate Goidytar Itnincoat "Ifti'jn Siiprcvit." EXTRAORDINARY , KMRICOM"' SME Entire stock of our Montgomery, Ala., branch on sale at this store. Garments are this season's make-new t-tyles, well made for men, women and children, atf 40c ON THE DOLLAR, 40c The manager of our branch store at Montgomery, Ala.. unable to renew lease, and not succeeding In obtaining a suitable location elsewhere in that town, was instructed to ' stiip his stock, consisting of finest Cravenettes and IUin- . coats to be found anywhere, to this store, to be "laced on V sale at 40o ON' THK DOLLAR. The opportunity to buy a Cravenette for less money than ever before Is now yours. OUR TEN DAYS' APPROVAL OFFER Is our guarantee that our prises are lowest and aiitUlty hlRh- est. If you find them otherwise, we'll return your money, ' Men's and Women's Rain proof Garments A group of rainproof gar ments in various shades and styles, intended to sell for $10.00 at Montgomery, Ala., .store; retail value $15.00 on sale here for. . . .$6.50 $18.00 retail value rainproof garments that built to sell at our Montgomery, Ala., store for $12.00; on sale here for $7.50 $20.00 retail value Priestley Cravenettes that for fit, make and trimmings can not be duplicated for less than $22.00; on sale here for $10.50 ORDER Tor the oonvsnlenoe of out-of-town bnyers, our mail order department la proving to be a mighty good thing. Please rtnte six the lengtli Aeslrsd. Check or money order must accompany raoh mail order. . . The largest exclusive Cravenette manufacturers in the world. GOODYEAR RAINCOAT CO. S. L Cor. 16th and Davenport Sts. Phones: Doug. 2237; Ind. A-2046. HOTEL LOYAL BLDG. 1 Put Your Savings at Work "Idle" money earns nothing for you. "Why not place, it where it will earn a liberal rate of interest and yet be subject to withdraw whenever you may need it. Do not keep it about the house, for it is subject there to many perils. Deposit it where it is fully protected by real estate mortgages, and city, and county bonds. You will find it convenient, satisfactory ami profitable. Four Per Cent Interest Paid on Deposits Oldest, Largest and Strongest Savings Bank in Nebraska. CITY SAVINGS DANK Sixteenth and Douglas Streets What's Your Guess rvsry person who takes a meal at Toll Htnaoa'a baseman restaurant may guess the number who visit tbers during Ui aay. Tis nearest gusss wins a Bieai book. (Every day this week.) Tell Hanson's Lunch Room The troat attractive, brightest. alrleBt and most economical lunch room In Omaha. TRY IT ONCE GAe Calumet 1411-13 Douylss Street. The Schlitz Cafes ISSUES AN INVITATION TO TRY THE POPULAR NOON LUNCHES 316-20 South 16th Street. HOTK1.S. IIO TEL, COLLING WOOD WEST mi ST. NEW YOKE CITY Oa the Block Bstweea 5th Ave. &B' way Offers salcot accomodations to dls crlmlnatlnr people. ABSOLUTE!. T FIREPROOF, and affords every facility for the com fort of guosts. ' Situated In the very heart of the city. In a very quiet neighborhood, con venient to all surface, Subway and vatd railway lines, and In the midst of the shopping and theatre district Rooms With Bath $2 and Up. BpeolaJ rates by the month or aeaaoa. Rentaurant a la Carta. BTH H. KOaBX.XT, ID, Formerly of New Haven Huee. New Haven. Cnnn. fsfrSWiwtAi ,MJTK-rr.-.r.:y-ggrM.- HOTEL MARTINIQUE BROADWAY AND 8.1 D BTKEKT. USKAt-D aqi'AUE, ti. T. cm. TUB MOST CF.NTBAL LOCATION INNKWYORK. . THB HIOHKST CLASS OT a"". T oV W ACCOM MODATIONS S&Z I a S H long Nw miibi for itvllonc of Its HE MAKTIMQJ'B jUd Maaagewot aa St lsl Hotel 11 11 .-'-.. .-jZ Men's, Women's nnd ChV ren's Mackintoshes, upward from ; $1;50 Big Selection of Ladies' Silk Rubberized Auto, Steamer and Opera Coats Prices range up from $5.00 I Joys' $.'.00 Pubbor Coats for .,$t.50 Men's $C.OO KuhhVr Coats fur $350 Children's "Cravenettes" Our selection of Cravenettes for children is the biggest in the town and prices the lowest, because we sell di rect at one profit. Prices range from $1.00 BY MAIL- AMUSEMENTS. sBKBto Boyd's Theater TONIGHT WKDNKSDAY NIGHT Matiuce Wodui'Mlay. Jiiebler & Co.'s l'rotluction The Man from Home KKIDAY AXI 8 ATI It DA V .Matinee Kuturday. Princess Amusement Co. (Inc.) Present the Honeymoon Trail Harry Stone and Company of 60 Next Sunday, Monday, Tuesday- Tuesday .Mntince. CTIAKLKS l'KOHMAX Presents H ft ilxlxCLXXX VUUiCI U In His Fnrce R THE - PATRIOT 1 k Christian science; Lecture ',; Thursday, Nov. 12th, at 8 P. W by . Rev. Wm. P. McKenzie, C. S. B. at BOYD'S OPERA HOUSE. - .s Mr. McKensio Is a tnembf'r of tlia ('hr't lit(l Science Hoar it of lfctimrHhliJ of TiiO First Church of Chrint Sclent l8t of Hoatun Miss. CBXIOHTOIT i ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE , ! Matlnre evry day. 2:15; every nlglft.' ilU.; i "A Nlfiht on a Houseboat." Edwin Hole Co.; Mabt-I Klnclalr: Dolc-sch at ZiHtiauet .. Carroll & Haker; I'ertlna, Kspe. LiuUun 4 t,ni e and Klnodrome. , s I rRICBS- 10c. fc, 60e. TpS2HXiIZl ImsbU raonesi Soaf. 1B06I Ind. A-160S. kfATU a Second Week of i n. i b. s Davl(1 B,,!,,,.,,-, ymou play-' TL'KS., I THE GIRL. OF 'J'HE iCurtaln -luoi.DEN WEST ;l5-!:li " Bpeclal Feature: Klks' Quartet.' HAT. Bun., The Professor s Love fllory KR.UG i ii i t, g 15c. 25c. 50c, 75c TOBIQHT MATIBZB TOKOBtOW MURRAY & MACK IB The Sunny Side of Broadway Thaxs. BeoUU Pointer la tea tivtt. i b tba supreme vvurb