Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1908, Image 1

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    The Omaha . Daily Bee
Wednesday, Novemher 11, lOOH,
1908 AmzMBEPf 1908
sr.' ,totf ttz, tita imf tpj. &t
J .2 3 4 5 6 Z
8 9 10 If 12 13 14
15 16 1Z 18 19 20 2
Friends of Danville J
Be Re-elect
'e Will
Spetkeri in Reichstag- Handle London
Interview Without Gloves.
Indicationi That It Will D
Before Caucui Meets. V
Strictures of Conservatives Little Less
Relentless Than Others.
22 23 24 25 20 2Z 23
2930 -
Mr. Payne Wishes to Remain at Head
of Ways and Means Committee.
Kleetlnn ef Taft Bars roselhle As
pirants from Barker Mate
Hepburn of Iowa Not
WASHINGTON, Nov. 10. Following th
rrlvsl In the city of the republican mem
bers of the ways and means committee of
the house for tha tariff hearing; and many
other republican congressmen to attend
to departmental business postponed until
after election, the selection of the speskcr
tf the Sixty-first congress waa a subject
of keen discussion today In Washington.
None of the arrlvala cared to come out
openly In opposition to the re-election of
Speaker Cannon, while members who have
ben cl aely allied with 'Mr. Cannon during
Iila occupancy of the chair aaaert posi
tively that there will be no opposition to
him by tha time the republicans meet to
caucus on the speakership. Mr. C'annon'a
trlenda claim to be greatly encouraged by
the election.
Not only did the speaker himself receive
a handsome plurality in his own district
whera a bitter fight was waged against
him, but they print cut that many of the
members who had announced their opposi
tion to nls re-election aa speaker met with
Af , t U ir.ll TK- t,fMl nf
antatlves Edgar C. Kills of Kansaa City,
Mo., And J. P. Itovd of Nebraska after
Ihfy had declared their opposition to tha
speaker la taken by tha speaker's fiends
here aa an Indication that the people do
not condemn Mr. Cannon. On the con
trary, the three Missouri districts In which
he campaigned most ictlvely and where
the republican candidates announced their
preference for Mr. Cannon for speaker, re
tired tha democratic congressmen by elect
'ing republicans.
The election la regarded by Mr Cannon'a
adherents aa having limited the supply of
speakership "timber." The defeat of Col
onel W. P. Hepburn of Iowa at the polls
removes him from a contest for the high
position for the present at least.
Na Caadlaate from Ohio.
The election of William H. Taft to the
White House Is regarded by Mr. Cannon's
friends aa a barrier to any Ohio congress
man being selected to rule over the house.
In addition, Congressman Theodore K. Dur
um and former Speaker J. Warren Keifer,
both cut Ohio., are eaid.tb have senatorial
ambitions that 'would Interfere this winter
with a campaign on their part for speaker.
Republican floor leader, Bereno K. Payna,
Of New York, who waa mentioned for the
speakership, when Mr. Cannon was first
elected to the chair, will support tha
speaker for re-election. For the present
XI r. Payne la content to be chairman of
the ways and means committee, and to
give to the country a tariff bill bearing
his name. ,
Representative Dalsell of Pennsylvania la
regarded aa unlikely to permit hla name to
be used In opposition to the speaker, both
because of hla loyalty to Mr. Cannon and
becauae of hla intereata In the revision of
the tariff on which ha la an expert.
Also mentioned for speakership honors Is
Representative Henry S. Rcutell of Illinois,
but his political admiration for the speaker
Is taken as certain to prevent the use of
his name against his colleague.
The canaiaacy or representative c.nanes
N. Fowler of New Jersey for speaker I
not taken seriously by Mr. Cannon'a
friends. They say that Mr. Fowler will
do well to retain the chairmanship of the
committee on banking and currency, and
that his course as chairman of that com
mittee during tha laat aesslon was such as
would defeat him In a speakership contest.
North Dakota Launched at For
River Yarts Marks New
Epoch for Navy.
Ql.'INCV, Maas., Nov. 10. As easily as the
canoe in the hands of the Indian glides Into
the lake, the 15.000 tona of Iron and steel
comprising the hull of America's greateat
battleship and Ita first all-around big fight
Ing machine, the North Dakota, today
slipped. Into the waters of Weymouth liar
bor. '
As the laat of the ahorea were cut away
the great bulk of metal acquired motion
and In leaa than half a minute tta huge
keel bad parted the river aurface and it waa
cutting Ita way towarda the farther shore.
Four tugs ran up beside the ship and aa
soon aa It had stopped began urging it
towarda the ahlp yard bank, and In a ahort
time It was carefully berthed In the post
tlon where It la to lie during further stages
of its preparation
A platform had been erected at the bow
of the vessel, and there Governor Burke
and Miss Mary Benton, sponsor for th;
ahlp, took their stand. Aa the noon whistles
blew In the yard the workmen began to
knock away the ahorea. At 12:27 the last
piece waa out. giving the veaxel motion. At
that moment a be-rlbboned bottle of cham
pagne waa awung by Miss Benton against
the bow and she said, "I christen thee
North Dakota."
More than 10,000 people, including repre
sentatives of two states and of the national
government, gathered at the yards of the
Fore River Shipbuilding company today to
witness the launching of America's most
powerful sea fighter.
While the Noth Dakota follows nearly
a dosen great veaeela launched at the Fore
River yarda, lis advent into the sea today
was regarded as establishing a new epoch
"i the history of the United States navy,
because of its strength, both on ths attack
nd on the defense, by the additional thick
nasi of ita armor and by the fact that it
Is tha first all-big gunshtp of ths navy.
Ths christening party cams on apeclally
from North Dakota. Including Governor
John Burke and Miss Mary Benton, together
with a number of officials and many
STETTIN, Nov. 1-The steamer George
Washington of ths North German Lloyd
line waa successfully launched at Bredow
today and christened by Dr. David Jayn
Hill, the American ambassador, who made
a brief speech before he broke a buttle of
chantage over the vessel's bow
VICINITY Fair and sllirhtlv cooler Wed
nesday; not much rhange in temperature.
FOR IOWA Partly cloudy Wednesday;
not much change In temperature.
ifTjnrra-ure at Oman yesterday:
Hour. Deg.
5 a. m 34
6 a. m 33
7 a. ni 32
a. m 31
a a. m 33
10 a. m 34
11 a. rn 34
Urn 38
1 p. m 3S
2 p. m 38
3 p. m 37
4 p. m 37
6 p. m 3.1
p. m 3.i
7 p. m 31
p. m 31 ;
9 p. m 31
Some months must elapse beforo those
who drew Tripp county lands can secure
them. Townsites and state come first.
rage 1
Friends of Speuker Cannon In congress
are confident of hla re-election to the
position he holds by the next congress.
rage 1
The shooting of former Senator earmark
has stirred Tennessee to Its depths.
Charges have been preferred against
young Cooper and his father. Page a
President Gompers of the labor federa
tion says it la an honor to his conduct of
affairs of the labor body not to be In
cluded In the lint of guests to President
Roosevelt's dinner. Fags 3
Postmaster Morgan of New York City
Is receverlng jYhii his wound. Fage l
The woman who tried to kill herself and
othera with dynamite In Denver has been
Identified as the wife of a druggist of
Denver who went insane as a result of the
death of her father. Fags 1
Dr. David Thompson, a Methodist editor,
Is dead. Fags 1
The Amerlran battleship North Dakota
and the German passenger and freight
steamer George Washington were both
launched yesterday, each being tho latest
and most Improved specimens of Its type.
Page 1
The first hearing on the tariff by the '
congressional committee took place yes-
terday. Fag a !
The United States circuit court of ap- .
peal yesterday overruled the petition for i
a rehearing In the cose of the government
against the Standard Oil company. The '
.,, . . , . tt 1. j , c, .
case will be taken to the United States
supreme court. Fags t ,
. . . . .r,tii '
The Reichstag gave Emperor William
..v.-. in tl,. ro..r. of deloltM
on InterpellnUons with respect to the pub-
llshed Interview of the emperor In Eng-
jan(j Fage 1
jrjjasVABXA. ;
William Hay ward, secretary; of . the na- I
tlonal republican committee, was given a '
rousing welcome home at Nebraska City
on hla return from Chicago. Fags 3
lOCAL. I "-a the state of South Dakota may make for
Crawford Kennedy, who traveled 1 8,000 ' school purposes must be determined. This
miles with Taft special train distributing has not yet been done. The Indian allot
buttons and tracts, has returned home. ' menta have been made. In fact, these
Fags 9 allotments were made before the opening,
Charles Poole of Johnson county said to but have not yet been made public, owing
be slated for speaker of lower house by to the fact that they have not been ap
Burllngton faction. Fags 3 proved by the secretary of the Interior. It
Large number of unpublished Standard
on company letters in possession or townsites will be marked out by Judge Wit
Hearst expected to be Introduced ln svl- . ten b)?fore the cloBe of the current month
dence at hearing of Haskell libel suit
Fags 5
Three attempts to poison Emit Ruser of
Sarpy county have been unearthed to con
firm theory of conspiracy to kill him.
Real estate transfers amounting to al
most $160,000 in one day startle real
estate dealers. Fags 3 numuera cannoi unuer any circum-
Second meeting of governors to confer stances assign their drawings to another,
on conservation of natural resource will They must appear In person with the ex
not Interfere with National Corn exposl- ceptlon of "old soldiers." who may'have a
tlon. Fags 5 duly legalized proxy armed with a power of
COmcXBCIAXi AJTD XJTSTf STKIAX. 1 attorney. If any person who has been suc
Llve stock markets. Fags 7 I cessful ln the drawing does not appear he
Grain markets. Fags 7 will simply be dropped out and the next
Stocks and bonds. Fags 7 I named culled. The absentee, however, Is
Port. Arrival!.
NEW YORK .VaderUuil...
NEW YORK Noordm. ...
NEW YORK Minnehaha.,
.'."'.'."V.'.Laurantlaa I
.jnronar Kurfurtt-.
...K. P. Wlihalm.
Enormous Baylaai Kxcites Stork Mar
ket Rumor of Increased Divi
dend and Bond Issne.
NEW YORK. Nov. I0.-Bnormoua buying 'a unu" l"c cuniiy noiiieaieaa law ai
of atocka of the Southern Pacific and Union . K U) Per acre-
Pacific roads excited the stock market to-1 Ernest B. Shamp of South Omaha has
day and pulled the general range of prices bn appointed assistant Inspector in con
up 1 points or more from a depression Into nectlon with the bureau of animal Industry
which It had been forced by heavy sales
to take profits. Southern Pacific advanced
Doints above last night's close to IIS,
Union Pacific went up 34 points to 181S-
Rumors of an Intention to Increase the
dividend of the Southern Pacific to 7 per
cent tomorrow were circulated. There were
also r.-ports that Southern Pacific contem-
plated an Issue of $100.000.0u0 In bonds to re-
tire its 7 per cent preferred stock.
George M. Stewart Slated for Dismis
sal, Matueroaa Charges
Bala Made.
WASHINGTON. Nov. W.-The postmaster
general today announced , that the presi
dent haa decided to remove George M.
Stewart, postmaster of Seattle, Wash., as
the result of sn Investigation of charges
that be solicited campaign contributions.
Tha records of the Poatofftce department
also show that the postal aervice at Seattle
has been unsatisfactory.
Waandea Maa Passes Comfortable
Meat .o Iadlcatlons of
erloas C'omslleatloas.
NEW YORK. Nv. W. Postmaster Ed
ward M. Morgan, who was shot yesterday
by Eric H. B. Mackey, who then killed
blmaelf, was reported today by his phyal
clana as having passed a comfortable
night. Titers are n Indications of serious
I 'fc
From the Minneapolis Journal.
First Move Will Be the Selection and
Dedication of Townsites
After That Those Who Were the For
tunate Onea In the Drawing: Will
Have a Chance to Secure
Their Farina.
(From a Staff Correspondnt.)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 10. (Special Tele
gram.) Presldc?nt Roosevelt, Secretary of
the Interior Garfield and Land Commis
sioner Dennett view With Immense satisfac
tion such returns aa have been received
here looking to the opening of the Indian
,and(! ln Trlpp county. South Dakota.
7-1,1. nI,-nine mpnns that about 4.000 farms
of lm .. .. ,. fn11 lntn th. ..,,.
f wnt- nm f(W cuItlvatlon. It ,8 .ald at
, . . . .... , .
people Journeyed to the registration points
. . ' , "
at Chamberlain, Presho. Gregory and
Neb., to participate In the drawing. The
' . 0
'froin th oebu Indiana will brlr, tt per
ll" Pr' uncumvaieo. conoiuon.
There were 4,000 persons who were success-
ful ,n tncv "PP county lottery and each is
entitled to 160 acres of land.
Prior to the selection of homesteads under
the original drawing the matter of locating
tnwnsltea and passing upon such selections
l8 ,ald at the general land office that the
and It is expected that the state authorities
of South Dakota will make their wishes
known as to school selections at an early
No Assignments Allowed.
It waa said at the general land office to
day that those who In the lottery drew suc-
given the privilege of an opportunity at the
close of business to appear and take a shot
at what, may be left over and furthermore
If the auccessful holder In the lottery falls
to appear at all before the final close of
allot Ing he will forfeit all rtghta under the
original drawing.
Another point which la Important to those
w'nm1" nnotl a"olVung
agent" to aaatat them to stake out their
After September I, 1909, all undisposed
landa In the Trlpp county opening will be
located at Nebraska City
Benjamin J. Clark haa been appointed
rejjuiar ana Qeorgs T. Clarx sub tltute ru a
carrier for route No. I at Fllley. Neb.
, Department of Aarrteoltare Issnes Pre-
Ilmlnary Estimate of Yield
Over Conatry.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 10. -The Depart
ment of Agriculture today Issued a pie
Unilnary estimate of the production of the
principal crops of the United States show
ing that corn, wheat, oats and eight other
c rops reprtsi nting approximately 70 per
cent of the value of all farm crops this
year, aggregate about S per cent greater
than a year ago and l.i per cent greater
than the average for the last five years.
For other crops ths following figures are
given for 1904 and lyC7, respectively:
Production percentage of apples, 43.4 and
32.1; graps. iS.t snd 78.4; peara, 73.1 and
44. S; cranberrtea, 65.4 and 78J; peanuts,
32. and 62.4.
Condition percentage of oranges, 88. and
44.8; lemons, 9t.9 and v3.8; auger beets. W
snd 90 4; sugarcane, 90.8 and 81 i. Sorghum,
yield per acre, gallons, 90.4 and 90.8; sweet
potatoes, yield per acre, bushels. K.l and
87.5. and quality per acre, 8f.t and Si. 7;
oats, average weight, measured bushels.
S9.8 and 21.4.
Licenses to Omaha People.
CHICAGO, Nov. 10 8pcil Tltgram.)
A marrt ige lkense waa laaued here to Mr
rlt Murphy of Omaha aud Km ma Ochne of
riL.tmo. a!ao to Hubert CroJuuvk and K,1k
Ci -duuck, bvth ul Ouiaht
The Taft Administration Everybody Busy.
Dr. David Thompson of Northwestern
Christian Advocate Dies aa Ke
solt of Aato Accident.
ST. LOUIS, MO., Nov. 10. Dr. David
Decamp Thomson, editor of the Northwest
ern Christian Advocate, died here this
morning from the effects of an automobile
accident last night In, which he suffered
a broken arm, several cuts and bruises and
Internal Injuries. Death was due primarily
to nervous shock, thw age of the victim,
68 years, contributing to make his recovery
Dr. Thomson came to St. Louis from
Evanston, 111., last Thursday to attend
the meeting of the general committee for
foreign missions of the Methodist Episcopal
church. The meet'ng was held in the Lln
dell Avenue Methodist church and Dr.
Thompson laat evening had"lcft his hotel at
Llndell Boulevard and Boyle avenue to
walk to the church.
The night waa rainy and Dr. Thompson
was carrying a raised umbrella. As he
stepped from the curb on the north side qf
Ldndell Boulevard the machine struck him.
He was knocked down, but not run over.
Frank M. White, of the Uaona hotel,
owner of the automobile, remained with
the Injured man, asHlstlng him Into the
hotel and later to the hospital. He said
that he saw th mbj'sr -standing (jr. HveJ
curb, but in on Km mac ne wouia remain
there until the automobile has passed.
Instead, Dr. Thompson stepped directly in
the path of the machine.
A statement Issued last night by Rev.
Fayette L. Thomson stated that he and
Rev. Dr. C. B. Spencer of Kansas City and
Rev. A. C. Nast of Cincinnati had Investi
gated the accident and had exonerated the
driver of the machine from blame.
Dr.- Thompaon waa born ln Cincinnati
April. 29. 1852. He was a graduate of the
Ohio Wesleyan unveralty and of the North
weatern univeralty. He received an LL. D.
degree from Moliendree college ln 1903. He
had been editor of the Northwestern
Christian Advocate since 1001 and waa
author of a number of books, Including
"Abraham Lincoln, the First American,"
ond "John Wesley, Social Reformer." He
was a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity.
Woman Who Tried to Destroy Herself
and Others, with Dynamite
Lives In Denver.
DENVER. Colo., Nov. 10. The woman
who tried to kill herwlf and Miss Helen
Philips, daughter of Mrs. Genevieve Chand
ler Phlpps, and two policemen, after the
failure of her attempt to extort l-fiX) fron
Mrs. Phlpps. waa Identified to.lay as Mr.
Allen Reed, wife of a drugjlst of this city.
Mrs. Reed returned recently from Spring
field, Mass., whither she had gone to at
tend the funeral of her father, whosa
name has not yet been leamed. She Is be
lieved to be insane.
Taking advantage of Chief Hamilton
Armstrong's momentary absence from his
private office, where he had been Inter
viewing her for some time today, Mrs.
Reed made an attempt to end her life
by swallowing a quantity of morphine.
That sha was not successful was due to the
prompt action of Chief Armstrong, who
knocked the tablets from her hands Just as
she was In the act of placing them In
her mouth. About fifty tablets containing
enough morphine to kill six people were
scattered about the room.
It is evident that when the chief left the
room the woman aecureJ the bottle contain
ing the drug from her hand aatchel, which
waa IylnK on the chief's desk.
Mrs Reed la a member of Trinity Meth
odist church of thla city and haa been
highly respected. Her husband was at
Buffalo Park, Colo., whore their family
had a summer cottage, while the woman
was engaged In her efforts to extort money
from Mrs. Phlpps.
Eacoanter Between Warring Factions
Results la Injuries to It no
il rud of Then.
VIENNA, Nov. 10. An encounter between
two warring factions of students attending
ths University of Vienna resulted this
morning In Injury to about 100 of the young
men. The cause of the conflict is to he
found in the smouldering antagonism be
tween tne Pan-German and the Jewish
students. This bitter feeling broke out to
day and led to a sanguinary encounter
which resulted In the collapse of a balcony
In the university and the precipitation of
many of the combatants to the floor be
low. The Hebrew students corporation
turned up at the univeralty at an early
hour determined to keep the Pan-Germans
out. Three hundred of ths Hebrews block
aded one of the main staircases. Apprised
of the situation, the Pan-Germans gathered
In i'urce and stormed the staircase, which
leads to a balcony. The fighting for a few
minutes was fierce, but la the midst of it
a portion of ths balcony collapsed and
over 100 students crashed to the ground.
Most of them were injured, and soma
seriously. ,
Governor Has Not Yet Indicated What
He Will Do.
Defeat Any Coooty Option Dill
Next Senate, bnt May Not Be
Able to Get Repealing; Meas
ure Through the lloose
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. 10. (SiwclaV Telegram.
Governor Sheldon has not taken any def
inite action toward the extra session of
the loglsloture up to noon today. He is
still seriously considering the matter and
may glvo the call at any time. It requires
twenty days' notice and ln case the deci
sion Is favorable the session could not bo
called before the latter p'irt of the month.
Democrats Up In Air.
The talk of an extra session has thrown
the democrats up In the air as well aa
stirred up the republicans. The democrats
arc up against this proposition they are
not sure they could repeal a county option
bill. In securing tha ajipport of the liquor
intej'etsonly',-one branch "of the legists
ture was looked after. That waa the sen
ate. They have that. It Is reported, suffi
ciently strong to prevent the passage of
any county option bill. But that element
of the party paid no -tttentlon to the se
lection of house members, consequently
they are not sure If a county option bill
were passed In extra session that tho house
would stand for repealing tt
Thoae opposed to eounty option had In
mind only the prevention of the passage
of the bill and no thought was given to
an extra session.
This resulted ln the visit to the stite
house today of several parties who nre
anxious to get the names and addresses
of the successful house members so asto
check up and see Just whore the party
McMoIlen Against Session.
"I am not In favor of the extra session
and I believe It will do the ptrty no good,"
said Adam McMullen, representative from
Gage county, who called upon Governor
Sheldon this morning. "Tho democrats
have carried the legislature and they
should be left to do as they please.
Mr. McMullen ws endorsed by the Per
sonal Rights league for the nomlantlon for
senator In hla district and then his demo
cratic opponent was endorsed for the elec
tion by the same crowd. The democrat was
"I have talked to a good many people In
my county and they are opposed to the ex
tr session," continued Mr. McMullen.
They think no good will come from It."
Students Boom Bryan.
A number of university students have
worked themselves Into a frenzy over se
lecting William J. Bryan for chancellor in
place of Chancellor Andrews, resigned.
8ome of the enthusiastic Bryan followers
In Lincoln have gone so far as to make the
suggestion to members of the Board of
Regents, but It Is a safe prediction that
Mr. Bryan will not be tendered the placo.
The Board of Regents received Chancellor
Andrews' resignation at a meeting called
for another purpose the other night and it
cnn.e as a distinct surprise even to the re
gents. No discussion was had over tho se
lection of a successor, but a meeting will
be held shortly for a preliminary discus
sion of the matter.
Talk ef Adjutant fieneral.
As a subject of discussion the proposd
extra session Is dividing time with Oov-ernor-elect
SlialU nberger's appointments.
By the vls't of several members of the na
tional guard attention has been directed
to the identity of the next adjutant gen
eral. It is the talk around the stae house
hat Colonel Hurtlgan has the naming of
this officer. It is also the talk that the
colonel himself doeii not want the place.
The general Impression of those who have
been In Lincoln since the election and who
take an Interest (n guard matters Is that
Major Mack of Hoone county will be the
next adjutant general. Major Mack has
been a m. mber of the guard for a long rB IO- "", Missouri. Mln-
time and haa been much Interested In ll. "1-otlt' Nebraska, Wisconsin and South Da
For his prominence as an officer and 1 "t". re attending a conference here of the
the ranks It ia .aid he has a mighty strong Anti-Saloon league superintendents and
pull for the place.
Then there are thoae who believe that the
place should to to an old soldier and many
are of the opinion General Barry should
come in for another term as the head of
the guard.
But only one thing has been settled for
good. Jtre.nlah Howard of South Omaha,
the friend of the Boers, the champion of
the downtrodden of old Ireland, the silver
tonguej o'-ator from the beef packing city,
the man whose voice has ever been raised
In behalf of the poor and needy, whose
name Is d household word throughout oDug
las county and moat of Nebraska and Ire.
land anj South Africa, will deliver the St.
Patrick day address when the legislative
(Continued on Second Pg0
Fonrth Vice President of 'Frisco Road
Sara Two-Cent Fare Coata
KANSAS CITY. Nov. 10.-When the Mis
sourl rate hearing was resumed before
Judge Smith McPherson 1n the federal
court here this morning It waa hoped to
finish the first case, that of the St. Louis
St San Francisco railway, before the day
was over. Alexander Douglas, fourth, vice
president and general auditor of 'that road
took the stand and the presentation of
great arrays of figures was continued. The
witness waa cross-examined by Sanford B.
Laird, who la acting as an assistant to At
torney General Hadley.
Mr. Dquglas was on the witness stand all
of the tnornlng session. During crosa-ex
amlnatlon he stated that the earnings of
the passenger department of the 'Frisco
was 13 per cent less under the 2-cent rate
than for a corresponding period under the
3-cent rale.
"Can you show us the figures by which
you reached that conclusion?" asked Mr.
"No. That Is Just my personal opinion,"
said Mr. Douglas, who In reply to further
questioning, said he did not think the fall
Ing off waa due to the financial stringency
at the time the profits under tho 2-cent rate
were being compiled.
. .Mr,. Douglas also tesllMed that tt cost
his road tin more to earn $100 by carrying
state freight than by carrying interstate
Pennsylvania Railroad Will Red nee
Running; Time, New York to
PHILADELPHIA. Nov. lO.-Close on the
heels of tho announced electrification of
the Pennsylvania railroad from Harrison,
to Newark suburb, to Long Island City,
comes the official statement today that
tho system from Manhattan and Jersey
City to Philadelphia will also be electrified
and that the running time, between New
York and Philadelphia will be reduced to
one hour. The fastest time now between
the two paints is two hours.
ST. PAUL, Minn., Nov. 10,-Word has
reached 'the Northern Pacific directory of
the extra dividend of 811 28 which was re
cently declared by the Northwestern Im
provement company for the benefit of the
Northern Pacific stockholders will be paid
on December 3. The amount constltctes a
P"9 per cent dividend on the stock of the
Northwestern Investment company, which
amounts to $:,77S,O(0, and la to be paid to
all Northern Pacific stockholders on rec
ord November 19, lPr.
Inent RennMtcan Relieved
Have Been Chosen Assassin
of Present King;.
LISBON, Mondav, Nov. a. (Via the
Frontier.) Alberto Costa, a former mem
ber of the Chamber of Deput'es. and one
of ll.e most prominent of the republican
leaders, committed suicide her today. His
set has created a tremendous sensation.
Penor Costa was a trmter rf tho Black
Cross society, which was Involved In the
assassination last February of Kng Car
les and his sorj. It Is believed thttt society
reiected Costa by lot to kill the presrr.t
king. Manuel, and thnt Costa pr'fcrre:! to
kill himself to committing this deed
Costa was In prixon at the time of the
assassination of King Carlos, having leen
confined because of alleged connection wl'h
the plot against hla majesty. He fought
several political duela of recent months. In
one of which he was wounded Last sum
mer he demanded the Impeachment ff the
membera of the Franco cabinet on charges
of complicity In the assassination of King
Conference Under Way at Des Moines
to Consider Plans for
DE3 MOIXF.S. Ia.. Nov. 10 Sixty Anti
Saloon league workers, representing Colo-
field workers, which opi ned today. On
of the Important questions to be dlscuss d
will be on Influencing ongress to adopt an
amendment to tl. interstate commerce law
giving each state control over the l.quir
shipped within its boi l rs. Reports from
the various slates were read and adopted.
France ana Germany Have Com to
Terms Over Casablanca
PARIS Nov. 10. The Foreign office has
been advised from Berlin that M. Cambon,
the French ambassador, and Baron von
Wacchter, acting necretary for foreign af
fairs, this afternoon signed n agreement
ln settlement of ths Casablanca Incident.
Chancellor's . Defense of Emperor
Lacks Usual Force.
fttrnaale Will Probably Fna In Glvlnar
Germany a Ministry That
is Responsible to
BERLIN. Nov. 10. Kmperor Wl'llnm lias
never been so severely Jmlged by his Par
liament aa he was today dining the debate
In the Reichstag during the Interpellations
concerning the conversations publish' d with
the permission of the emperor In tho I,nn
don Daily Tel -graph on October If. Tho
criticisms of his majesty's court. Ms min
isters and his majesty's treatment of tin
constitution as well as of his freedom of
spec-ell went to lengths that astonished ob-
s rvers acquainted with the traditional cau
tion of the chamber In dealing with ths
personality of the sovereign, and the etu-
piror seemed to have no defenders.
Chancellor von Buelow made an address
lasting fifteen minutes, hut he lucked his
usual spirit, and a person high In his con
fidence Is authority for the statement that
he also had told the emperor that neither
himself nor his successors could remain In
office unless his majesty was nioro re
served. Prince von Buelow spoke solemnly
and without making use of any dramatic
effects. Tho house received the explana
tion In Icy silence Instead of giving It that
cordial applause which as a general thing
follows the chancellor's fine parliamentary
All Parties Relentless.
The consTvatlvea, representing largely
the landed nobll'ty, were almost as relent
less as the socialists, the radicals and the
national liberals, and today's proceedings
are regarded by the extreme liberals aa
the beginning of a long contest between
the crown and Parliament that may end In
Germany having a ministry responsible to
Parliament and not to the crown alone.
When Hcrr Basserman, the national lib
eral leader, a friend of Chancellor Von
Buelow, began discussion of the Incident
the galleries were brilliant with the uni
forms of officers and the costumes of
women. In the royal box were Prince
Christian of Schleswlg-llolstelti, Duke
Ernst Guenther, a brother of the empress:
General Jacoby, the imperial adjutant, and
General Von Moltke, chief of the general
staff, while on the raised platforms, fad
Ing1 the chamber, sat .tlia members of thn
Bundnsrath, Including the resident envoys
of all the German federated states. Horr
Basserman was followed by Herr Welmcr,
radical, and he In turn gsvt way to Herr
Singer, socialist, who declared that If any
other servant of the state had done such .
a thing as had Emperor William he would
be brought before an Imperial court for
Rassermann Onrnn Debate.
Herr Basserman, national-liberal, opened
the debate. He expressed a hearty desire
for the continuance of friendly relations
with foreign countries and said he believed
that a very small proportion of the Ger
man people was unfriendly to Great Brit
ain. The personal elements In foreign poll
tics was dangerous, he declired, and the
higher a man stood the greater care he
should take of his utterances. A respon
sible official should examine his remarks.
The national-liberals did not desire tho
resignation of the personal element from
the conduct of foreign affairs, aa It was
bound to bring fall tire.
Herr Bnssermann recited the avll ef
fects of the emperor's utterances. He Mil
that China, Janan and America had taken
note of the fact that the German fleet luitl
been authoritatively described as designed
for action In the Pacific. The Japanese
press had been Ira an uproar over this
declaration. Great Britain had been stirred
to greater naval preparation, nnd Ger
many's relations had become worse with
well n'gh all the principal powers, but
especially with Frnnce. Russia, Great
Britain and Japan. There ouaiit to be an
erjd to Imnerial personal policies and Inter
ference with the responsibilities of the
chancellor such as had been manifested
recently ln the Tower-hi'l and the Tweed
mouth affairs. Practically the entire Ger
man people was of one nil ml concerning the
ruinous efforts of dirct Imperial Interfer
ence In the foreign affairs of the empire.
Loyal monarchists could only regret that
damage had been done the monarchical
principles, erpeclally at a time when a
strong republican party had grown up.
This statement was greeted with applause
from the socialists.
Reply of Von Buelow.
"The emperor Is hndly Informed." the
speaker continued, "when he says that the
German people are hostile to Great
Britain. It has leen affirmed a hundred
lim"s In this house that our fleet Is not
aimed at Great Britain: that It Is solely
a defensive precaution for the protection
of our coaats, our merchant marine and
our porta. We have nrver heard before,
we who passed the naval program, that tho
fleet waa Intended for action In the Pa
cific In furtherance of a world policy.
Thla stati-ment must be absolutely denied
along with thn other Imperiul utterances."
In conclusion Herr Bassermann said that
the national-liberals did not demand tha
resignation of Chancellor Von Buelow, but
they did Insist upon some sort of guaran
tee that the chancellor would guard his
constitutions! prerogatives and resist un
constitutional interference from the em
peror. Kmperor la Badly Informed.
Prince Von Buelow spo1o esrneatly In
reply to the critics of the government and
the emperor. Ilia address was devoid of
gestures. He said:
"I must weigh my words because of the
effect they wilt liavo abroad. I do
wish to add fresh prejudice to the damage
already caused by the publication In t.ic
Dally Telegraph. I assume that the details
given therein are not u 11 correct and I am
ccr'.aln that the story of a detailed plan
of campaign to end the Hcfr mar Is nut
right. Tills plan consisted Merely of sonin
academic Ideas concerning the conduct of
war In general, which the emperor con
veyed to Queen Victoria In the course uf
their correspondence, and it was without
practical significance for-the operation
then going on or for the end of ths war.
"We must defend our policy daring ths