Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1908, Page 9, Image 9

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LiTerpcol CaWeg ' .Fairly Strong on
oth Wheat and Corn.
Hbul Rapidly' Working to Stronger
rTIHoi an4 Venditions .tastily
- jU tne. Belief mt m ttaV'.. '
- - ' Rise. . . .
: K- .;' - -OMAHA. Nov ... :.w.
T.Ivet fobl -aWci ;ama f.ilrly strung on
both -wh.onf and cnrn. HVd higher on
hfl ml higher on corn, and note
an advancing tendency in the wheat and
a rirm corn market.
Wlmit I rapidly working Into a. stronger
posltlonv the world over and condition
both abroad and at home justify the belief
for hither values -
Receipts of corn continue moderate and
fl'-manit-M still light. The weather Is per
fect fef. busking- and this accounts for the
light Hfrlvals. With this weather very
little-increase In- tbe movement s looked
for In Uft next two- weeks.
Wheat pr-oved firm-, witH. buying general
and the orowd , favoring the bull aide.
Offerings Were small and buyers had difficulty-
fcv picking up any long wheat. De
cember iwlitalt- opened at 96Sc and dosed
at Hv'
Corn rpetrpd steady, but dull and trad
ing was light. Receipts were light and
demsnd Vary moderate. With the movement
of tha jew crop prices suould fall some
lower.., vcvember corn opened at 6&o ana
closed ' gt, Wdc. . .
Prlrfriry' wheat receipts were tl.000
bushel .and shipments wers 471,000 bushels,
agnlnat-rucelpts last year of 9WMK bushals
and slilpments of 1,076,000 bushels.
Corn receipts wore 317.000 bushels and
shipments were 2I5,0"0 bushels, against re
ceipts last year of 2tn,pfJ0 bushels and ship
ments of 404,000 bushels.
Clearances were 42.000 bushels of com,
H.Oini bushels of oate and wheat and flour
equal to l.OSO.OOJ bushels.
Liverpool closed higher on wheat
and (! higher on corn.
Heabcsrd rouortad OuO.OOO bushels of wheat
taken fur export.
Local range of options:
Artlclea l Open. IIIgh. Low. Close. Safy.
Dec... May...
9fW 95H
664 , .61 ,
47HI 4(V4
Osuha Can Prices.
WHEAT -No. 1 hard. 8S996c; No. t hard,
WQHnc; No. 4 hard, 92V4B3c; No. t spring,
cohn'-N-o: z, tifinr: no. s, 6-rjnc: No.
4, BH5W4e; Mo." yelWw, old, 6i63c; No.
1 while, old, 64c.
OATS No ' 9 mixed, Cff46Hc; No. yel
low. W4ie; Nov 3 white, 464i&46Hc: No.
4 while, 461 iGV' standard,
RYE No. 2 Tu7(fefi No. 3, 69"!44y70Vc.
Carlot Receipts.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Do 106 136
i M 4 16
Features of the Trading; aad Closing
Prices on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, Nov. 8. Liberal primary re
celpts offset 'the higher prices for wheat
at European gcaln venters and caused a
steady tone In the local market at the close
final Quotation's being Unchanged to !3c
higher. Corn' and. provisions were weak
and oats firm, i 1 . -Tho
wheat market was nervous all day
ami tliA unl.ima nf trurlA WAS not laraS.
There was a lmio flrmneas manifested at
the start, owing to the strength of the
European markqts, but selling by elovator
Interests soon caused moderate declines.
This selling waa largely due to a heavy
movement, especially In the northwest and
and to an absenoe-of any export demand
except for Durum and ManltoDa wneai.
The market,' however, at no time showed
anv arrest weakneaS. suoDort by several
of the leadln lle having! a tendency to
check any general selling. Continued dry
weather in the Ohio valley and other sec
tions of the-wlntur wheat belt Inspired con
siderable buying: The market rallied from
the low point late In the day on covering
by shorts and prices at the cloae were un
changed to Vft'-ic higher, with December
at I1.01H and May at Jl.O6i416l.OMi. Clear
encea of wheat and flour were equal to 966.
OCO bushels. The amount of hread stuff on
ocean passage decreased 1.216,000 bushels.
Corn pries declined more than 1 cent to
day, owing tJ -at-lllng based on the govern
ment report, which, estimated this year's
crop to be 80.000,000 buBhels In excesa of
that Inst year, and which placed the qual
ity nf the crop at 86.?. compared, with, 82.8
for "the ' same time on the previous crop.
The market closqd easy, at net lossos of
(6i,o to TH Final quotstlons on De
cember were at 611f,c and on May at 611ic.
Oats 'were firm nearly all day. Cash
oats at the sample tables were steady to
Vic higher. The market closed firm, with
prices up He to Hs. with December at 48c
and JAay. at 60S860c. " , M
The provision market was weak all day
and at the close,, were a shade to
6ii7Vc low..'
The iesalng futures ranged as follows:
B'4d. Futures, firm; December, 6s Ted;
Jruuifirv, fm fd.
I' BAH Canail an. straily at 7s d.
I(')i!(ln London; l'Hiifio coast, steady;
at a? Li!.3.
otaloas of the Day Vartoes
Com m od 1 4 1 e a.
NKW YORK, Nov. . FLOl'R Receipts, ,
22.9M herrels; experts 3o.7( barrels; mar
ket flrmlv held with moderate demand;
Minnesota pntpnis, -. n.2Tfi.65; wlntef
straluhts, ti 6"ii4.; Minnesota bakers',
$4.Kir4.5: winter patents, $4 5t'Ji'4.90; winter
extras. 3 uvti 4. 10. Rye flour, steady; fair
to good, tt.ln4i-4.60: choice to fancy, 4.Wi?
4B. Buckwheat flour, steady, 2.70if2.S6
per 10 pounds.
CORNMKAL Steady: fine white and
yellow. I1.7vfrl.75; coarse, $1.00al.ti6; kiln
driedL $3. So.
RYE-DulI; No. 2 western, 83c f. o. i.
New York.
RARLKY Quiet: maltlna-. SlT70c r. 1. I.
Buffslo; feeding, 64'4c r. I. f. New York.
WHEAT Receipts, STU.lmk bu. : exports,
4!4.M15 hu. Spot.- market firm; No. 2 red.
tl.ll't'&l.llM elevator; and tl'.li f. o. b
afloa; Nn. 1 northern, Diiluth, t.l4 f. o. b.
sfhat; No. 2 hard, winter, tl.U r. O. b.
afloat; the. early wheat market was quite
firm today on aixongcr cables snd a bullish
Michigan state report, but broke at noon
with coin. It later rallied on expert de
mand, big clearances and covering of
shorts, -during partly 4 eent net higher.
Decrmber. t1.11i-1.13 7-l; closed, f 1-1-1
May. ll.llVgH.l2Vi; close.1, $1.124. ,
CORN Receipts, 12,H bu. Ppot, market
sy; Ni.- 2 red, iUc elevator, and
f. o. b. afloat ,tn arrive; No. 2 old, 7SVc
spot. Option market was without transac
tions, closing go net lower. December
closed, 71c; May, 7uHo.
OATS Receipts. 4X.6HO bu.; exports, 4.ST5
bu. Spot, market firmer; n.lxed, ?-tf)2
pounds. d.W34c: natural white, ' 2&531
pounds, B14j64c; clipped white, SIC342 pounds,
FEED Firm: Spring brnn. $C3.S5!3.0;
rnh'ng, t23.S54j 26.60; city. $19.36.
HOUS Steady; state, common to choice,
19o8. $11. Oofi 14.00; 19t7. $3.0Weti.OO; Pacific
coast, li, J9.0HI&13.00.
HIDES-Bteady; Bogota, liVJlDe; Central
America, 194o.
LHATHRK Quiet: acid, aal824c.
PROVISIONS Reef, s'eady; family, $1.00
16.50; mess. $13.0orl,l SO; bwf hams, trt.OO
tr2 (H); packet. $14.otil5 S; city extra India
meas, $2A.t04i26.00. Cut meats, quiet; pickled
bellies, $!i.6tK(jl.&; pickled hama. $10.00U11.00;
Ii.rd, easv; western. $U.7Erti.S6; contluerjt,
$10.16; South America, $10.75; compound,
$7.a7.50. Pork, steady; fo-mlly. l.tK"ff1.6;
short clears. $a).0ofn 22.00; mess, $16.0010.76.
XAIJjOW Steady ; city $2.00 per piiok
age, D7c; country, packages free, oT4i!'':,tc.
KICB Quiet; domestio fair to extra, 2&
6c: Janiin. nominal.
BUTTKRr-Firm; creamery, specials, jna
jnic; extras, ZSOriVic; thirds to firsts, 2"6
2Nc; held, seconds to specials, 22-ij'IVic; state
dairy, common to finest, 204(aSc; process,
thirds to specials, 17ft244c; western fac
tory, firsts. 20c; western imitation cream
ery, VWtfilC.
CHEivSB Quiet; state, full oream, spe
cials. !3V(Zr14-Vc: September, small, colored
or white, best. 12Vrffl2c; large, 12ra12c;
good to prime. Hyaline; common to lair,
lOSillc: skims, aaiotc.
EGGS Steady; state. . Pennsylvania and
nearby selected, white, fancy, 45iji,48c; fair
to choice. 3&foc; brown ana mixen, rancy,
SfilHc; fair to choice, 3(g,35c; western firsts,
l'l'...'Mn mtxnrxnAm 'Kif.iHn
IOL'LTRY Dressed, strong; western
chickens, 15ff2oc; fowls, llM&14c; spring
turkeys, 14lc.
Partly Cloadr Tnesday, Tlth Temper-
atnre Little Changed.
OMAHA. Nov. 9, 1908.
A very decided fall In temperature has
occurred In the northwest since the last
report and the weather is much cooler
throughout the central valleys ant west
Into the mountains. Generally cloudy con
ditions prevail this morning in the central
valleys, over the eastern Rocky mountain
slope and throughout the northwest. Very
light precipitation occurred In the extreme
upper Mississippi and Missouri val.eys
within the laat. twenty-four hours and light
snows are falling in Minnesota, western
Nebraska, Wyoming and Montana this
morning. Fair weather Is general east of
the Mississippi river, and no Important
change In temperature has occurred east
or south since the last report. The weather
will continue partly cloudy In this vicinity
tonight and probably Tuesday, with no im
portant change in temperature.
Omaha record of temperature and precipi
tation compared with tue corresponding day
of the last three years: '
1SOS. 19(77. 19M. 1SV6.
Minimum temperature ...84 $2 36 , 30
Precipitation1 .v. 0(1 .fXi .00 .00
Normal temperature tor xooay, v aegreea.
Exoess In precipitation since March 1,
J. 78 Inches.
Deficiency corresponding period in iwi.
6.67 Inches.
Deficiency corresponding period in 1906,
l.Vi Inches.
L. A. w ULKit, Local rorecaater.
Movement of Pricei Betrays Throet
of Process of Digestion.
Slnmn I Followed or Reaction at
End of First Hour and Values
Again Move Cpward Moaey
. . is Tighter.
1 03S 1 03V.I
1 031
1 OoWhll OBifj'l
I Wo1! I '"tkl
1 oovu
1 ouv
15 97if
1 O0V
1 u
64. 1
9 27HI
8 46
1 00H1
1 00
" 60T4,1
1 oiHl
1 06HS1
1 it'
1 ooi
1 01H
1 05
1 06
1 00
ArUcles.l Open. High.) Low. Oose. Bafy.
July .
Dec. May
Dec. May
July ,
16 00$
16 07H
16 )
S 47V.
8 52V S 6Ta
I 4RH! 4SiWVy.
50Vii SOH-f. 5oVfr'"
46 4S4 46
16 mt 14 OS 16 10
27H 32H
15 CTVi
15 87'4 16 07Vs 14 06
Ha 9 3Trj 9 36
S 35 40 9 4214
42Vi 8 4ftfp 8 50
8 lM 8 57H 8 2H
8 62l I
Nn. .
I"LOUR Steady, winter patents, $4 409
185; straights. $4.204 clears. $3.60o4.00;
snrlns sDeclala. $i0n.50: patents. A 16'ii
6.40: straights, $JVii4.75; bakers. $2.904.00.
WH BAT No. 2 spring. tl.O3-H-l.06; No. 3,
96l.v4; No. t red. Sl.twTi'S 1.01 V
COR.N No. i. tae1; No. 2 yellow, 6&1
OAT8-N0. 8 white, 4ifj61Hc.
RYK No. 8. 72ff73e.
RARLFY flood fading, 59)c; fair to
cholc.. malting, 616"Sr.
8KKD9-N0. 1 fl- $1.!71.8S; No. 1 north
western. $1.37. Timothy, prime, $140. Clover,
contract grades. $8 80. 1
PROV18ION8 Short ribs, sides (loose),
$.S:i?j9.00. Pork. mess, per bbl., $14 6t5
14 ?'. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $9.4iiV. Bhort
clear tides, (boxed. $l.25.50.
Following were the receipts and ship
ments of flour ana grain:
Receipts. Shipments
21. vx
....i, 39.000 ' H.OOi)
,,, .130.000 112. (A
i 181,c0 1.000
St. Loo Is General Market.
traik, No. i red, cash, $1.0&&1.06H; No. i
hard, V9cl&$l.ti3; December, $1.01; May,
CORN Lower; xraca, no. 2 caan, niwa
62c; No. 2 white, fcc, od; December, 6&c;
May, OOVic. .
OATS Higher; track, No. 2 cash, 49
4!Vic; No. 2 white, Sldfc; December, 7c;
May. 4Sc.
RYE Nominal, at 74c.
HAY Firm; timothy, $3.00814.00; prairie,
i IjOUK irm; rea wjnier paienis, i.n
64.90; extra fancy and straight, $4.20&4.bS;
clear, $3.60.
SEED Timothy. $2.268.60.
CORN MEAL $3.40.
BRAN Backed, east track, 9Scgl.O0.
PROVISIONS Lard, steady; Jobbing,
$15.26. Lard, steady; prime steam, $9.26'$
$9.35. Dry salt meats, slower; boxed, extra
shorts, 9Tsc; clear ribs, 9T4c; short clears,
10c. Bacon, weak; boxed extra shorts, 10c;
clear ribs. 10c; short clears, Vio.
FOT'LTRY Weak; chickens, 7Hc;
sr-rlngs, 10c; turkeys, 12o; ducks, KVic;
geese, TVic
PUTTER Steady; creamery, 2J-828C.
ECrGS Higher at 24c, case count
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 14,000 ll.ono
Wheat, bu 81.(00 78,000
Ctirn, bu 17.000 8,000
Oats, bu 59,000 82,000
Kansas City Grain and Provisions.
changed; December. c; May, 99Vc; July,
ttJV:. Cash: No. 2 hard. 664jcifil.o2; No. 3
hard, wvfrc'&asvtc; no. 1 rea, si.uj; rso. rea,
CORN V4l?!c lower; December, 56c; My,
OlHc; July, 56Vc. Cash: No. 2 mixed, 6j;
No. 8 mixed. Es&i:; No. 2 white, 61c; No.
3 white, 6orp2c.
OATS 1'nc hanged; No. 8 white, 46&4So;
No. 8 mixed. 4iM7c.
RYE 7l'(a7Sc.
HAY L'nchanged to 60o lower: choice
timothy, $9.1 10.00; choice prairie, $8.(0ai
s-60- . . .
BUTTER Unchanged to l"Ac Higher
creamerv. 28c: packing storks. 19c.
rXiUS lc higher; fresh extras, zw; cur
rent receipts, 24c.
Receipts. Shipments
Wheat, bu 202.O 44,000
Corn, bu 42,000 21.000
Oats, bu 17,000 ' 9,000
Kanass City options closed as follows:
NEW YORK. Nov. 9. The movement of
prices todsy betrayed the throes of the
process of digestion to which the market
was subjected by reason of. the large
sales of stocks by the recent heavy buy
ers, as well s by the holder of longer
standing. Although the market stag
gered under this treatment, It. showed
strong absorptive capat-lty and power of
realstance. iThls action served to keep
up speculative confidence and to encour
age the renewed operations On the long
side, which became conspicuous after the
reaction of the first hour.
The skillful professional element of the
speculative operators In the market were
made wary by tha character of the trading
of the latter part of the week and were
in dread, of the -effects of Uie first move
of profit-taking sales which might sweep
upon the position unexpectedly on any un
toward hoping, ""he inevitable tendency
of a promiscuous movement Is fur the
floating supply of . stocks to pass from
the hands of the rich class of capitalists,
with abundant means to protect their
holdings and abundant experience of how
to do It, Into the hands of the numerous
widely-scattered and unconnected .small
holders, most of them with small means,
operating on Insufficient margin, and
likely, therefore, to be forced to sell at a
sacrifice at a comparatively slight re
action In the market.
Even so moderste a reaction as that ot
the early part of today revealed the ex
istence of a large number of selling or
ders placed at limits below the prices of
Saturday, with the purpose of saving
profits or stopping losses in case of a
break In prices. It has been this situa
tion, although In exaggerated form, which
has cauHed the worst demorallaatioTl in
stuck markets of the paat.
It was feared for a time that the Inci
dent which would topple over the specu
lative fabric had been met in the de
cision on Saturday of the government's
suit against the American Tobacco com
pany In favor of the government's con
tention of the violation by this company
of the anti-trust law. The language of
the decision seemed to some of those In
the financial district to open up such a
vulnerable position for practically all the
great corporate combinations of the mod
ern industrial structure that a wholesale
readjustment would be necessary. This
fear crew from the Judicial assertion
"that each one of the purchases of com
panies complained of In the petition was
a contract and combination In restraint
of competition existing when It was en
tered Into, and that is sufficient to bring
It within the ban of this drastic, statute."
The assurances of the rrellei a,"lect of
exemption from pursuit for thost corpora
tions which are within .lie law and using
legal methods did not seem to cover the
wide-reaching application- thus implied
for the existing statute. The violent,
break In the American Tobacco securities
themaelves, an well as a good part of ha
general pressure on the market, was
ascribed to this Influence. While It was
partly offset by the vigorous upb'.ddlng
of a few stocks, the disposition to real
ize speculative Profits continued In evi
dence. A, significant development of the
day was the decided tlghtenlnd of the
time money market, winch waa reportea
much more active and with lenders grow
lngly Inclined to hold off for higher
rates. This Is the natural consequence of
the quickening of commercial and Indus
trial activity and tha certainty of large
requisitions for losiis by corporations of
all classes to preyiare facilities for sup
plying the Increased demand. The con
siderations besi-lnjr on the technical spec
ulative posltl-jn dominated the market to
the exclusion of facts bearing on actual
Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par
value, $6,582,000. United States bonds
were unchanged on can.
Number of sales and leading Quotations
on New York stocks:
StlM. Hltl. Low. Clow.
S3.HO 8714 "'
11, WO 474 M 41
409 107H4 1W7 W
,on M 3T4 Mi -4
na n m ?
& . 1 . !fl'4j 2i
tno i2t 12. n
I, SO M 7Vl S714
WO llft4 INHi 110
4a,M0 Wi 7 Wl
4K 10K 1"
. S00 137 Uf'H 13
7.000 M 1 V'
1.700 . 2H J1"4 2i4
M.100 CIS V'i
26,10 M4 934 M
00 9M4 MVi
1, 104 Wihk IC'-i'i
37,4'H 106 105 10i4
12.700 53 Vi (i2 biH
4,100 I7 174'4 11414
J.700 28 M"4 M'i
100 Ntt 100 100
3 2eH IpiT
H.4'10 4 4 4oi
9-10 7H 1 ''-4
,600 169 14 Wk la
WX 60 6 K"4
10,00 4oH HIVi
II. 6"0 444 4J 444
fwO M4 69 M
700 K 61Vi Bi";
.8"0 3 4714 1 4."4 144 19'i
6.2O0 17'4 KS'-t 174Vi
1.SO0 31 so'i 0'-i
eral fund, exclusive of the $. 7A0"0 000 sold I
, r 1 . , t i. 1111 ii v tnf.11 i'ninc.,
$lh.t,"; gold eiin and bullion, $6,741,041;
gold certificates, $44io.3M.
Mew York Money Market.
NEW YORK. Nov. 9 MONEY On rail
easy at 1 ifr 1 per cent; ruling rate, 1 per
cent; closing bid, 2 per rent; offered at 1
per cent; time loans, strong and much
more active; sixty days, 3.i per cent;
ninety days, S4i per cent; six months, 3Vq'
4 per rent; prime mercantile paper, 44'
per cent.
actual business In bankers' bills at M
4.S370 for sixty-day bills and at $4 8r.R5 for
demand; commercial bills. $4 .R3V4-S4.MS-
SILVER Bar. 49i,ci Mexican dollars. 46e.
BONDS Government, steady; railroad.
Clos:ng quotations on New York bonds
were as follows:
U. I. rt. rcs....l3V4 L N. on I. 4a lOO't
do coupon 104 L. ft N. nt. 10
V. i. In. nt 10)V4Mn. r. f 4i M
An wupoa Wi Mtx. Central 4a Stl V4
17. 6. 4, rf 13014 Mo let Inc 14
do coupon Ill Mlna. ft St. L. 4a ... 7H
Am Tobacco 4a 7i t,M., K. ft T. 4a loos
1o (a V do la K5
Atrhlaon ta. 4a. :f N. R. R. of M. e. 4a
do adj. 4a 1UN. V. C. . !v,a
do ci. 4a Ml N. 1. C. a. ta IMi
Tendency of Prices cn Cattle is Gen
erally Lower.
Klour, bbl
Wheat, bu '.
Corn, bu ...
Oats, bu
- . . .
Pary, ba ..i,. .... .. ... .40.0W)
On. the VwwAuc pichtnit' today the but
ter market wa atsaly:' creameries, Jlsj-iHi-;-dairies.
iiiC5c T-tH. steady at mesk cises
included, laQ; firsts, ic; prima firsts.
2ac. Cheese, firm; l.ulM,.
. -v . . ., .
Mtnneals Grain "Market.
WHEAT December, II ci1; May, 81.07H;
Cash: No. 1. hard. ll.vtM; No. 1 northern,
$1.(H: No. I. northern, $1.03V; No. 8 north-i-rn.
nXU'rV-V'c'fl' active: flrit patents. $6.23
fi6 V; second patents. SBOmiSa; first cleats,
$3ri4: second clears. $.90 6 30.
BRAK'-la bulW; 817.50.
i Toledo See Market.
TOLEDO. O., Nov. 9 -8KKD Cash. $5 36;
Noveniber, 863: December, $5.40; March,
$o50; No. 4 li-lTe:-No. 3, $G.u6; rejecud,
K'"H: Alslke, prime. fcigQ. ,
. Liverpool Grata Market.
firm: No. t red, western winter. Is liVl.
Futures, steady; IVcember. 7s l(rtd;
Varch, 7s mi: May. 7s d.
r"LvVH ';rer 'potent, steady at
CRK -f pet, fir. n ; A me ric a u iiiixed. ,a
I Open. Higk.l Low. I Close.
December. May
... ' 9i)
84'4i 941J K4
96 "e 1 S ' 9P4569 1
Kh 55 6R4eH
67 56 5ouVj
A asked.
Parlne Coaat Wheat Shipments.
TACOMA. Wash , Nov. 9 The total
wheat cleariiigs for the week ending No
vember 7 were 306.07 bushels for the United
K h,,1om.
PORTLAND. Ore., Nov. 9 The total
wheat c'.earinss for the week were 90,377
bushels for the United Kingdom.
Amalgamated Copper .
Am. C. A F
Am. C. ft F. pfd
Amartoaa Cotton Oil...
Am. H. ft L. pfd
Am. Je Bwui-ltlta.,..,
Am. Llnaaad Oil
Am. Locomotlr
Am. Lototnotlre pfd...
Am. B. ft R
Am. S. ft. pfd
Am. Sugar Ratlnlng...
Am. Tobaono ptd
Amarlcan Woolaa
Anaconda Mining Co...
Atchlaon ptd
Atlantio Coaat Line....
Baltlmora ft Ohio
Bal. ft Ohio pfd
Brooklyn Kapid Tr
Canadian Pacific
Cantral Leather
Central Leather pfd...
Central of New Jersey
rtieaapeaka ft Ohio....
Chicago Ot. W
Chlcaao ft N. W
C. M ft 8t L ....
Colorado r. ft 1
Colorado ft So
Colo, ft So. let pfd ...
Colo. A So. Id pfd...,
Conaolldated Gal
Corn Produrta
Delaware ft. H ,
Denver A R. O
D. R. O. pfd
Planners' Securities ,
Brie let ptd
Rrle id pfd
Oeneral Electric
flreat Northern pfd...
Ot. Northern Or ctfa ll.ViO
Illlnola Central
Interboroush Met
Int. Met. pfd
International Paper
Int. Paper pfd
International Pump
Iowa Central
Kaniaa City So
K. C. So. pfd
Loulavllla ft N
Minn, ft Bt. L
M.. St. P. ft S. 8. M...
Mlaaouii Pacific
M., K. ft T
M., K. A T. pfd
National Lead
New York Central.......
N. Y., O. ft W
Norfolk ft W ,
North American ,
Northern Pacific
Pacific Mall
People'e Gaa
P., C , C. ft 8t. L
Preaaed 8tel Car
Railway Steel Spring..,
Republto Steel
Republic Steel pfd
Rock Ialand Co
Rock Island Co. pfd
St. L. ft 8. F. 14 P'd...
8t. Loula S. W
St. L. 8. W. ptd
loae-Bhetfleld 8. ft I.
Southern Pacific
8o. Pacific pfd
Southern Railway
So. Railway ptd
Tennessee copper
Teiaa ft Pacific
T.. St. U ft W
T . Bt. L. ft W. pfd
Vnloa Pacific
I'mcn Pacific pfd
V. 8. Rubber
V. 8. Rubber 1st pfd...
V. 8. Steel
IT. 6. Steel pfd
Vtab Copper
Va. -Carolina Chemical
Va-(ro. Chem. pfd...
Wabash pfd
Weaitnghouae Electric .
Weaiera t'nlon
V heeling ft L. K
Wlatonaln Central
Auierliaa T. ft T
7 J '4
8(1 H
1.100 lMlj 1M
37 H
I7.fil0 14"4 13flS IS.
T.70 14414 14JS 14!
6s i
Mllwnnkee Grain Market.
(Steady; No. 1 northern. $1.06 U 1.06 H ;
No. t northern, $1.04j 1.04 H ; December,
$1 01 bid.
BARLEY Higher; standard. 66c; No. S,
(20 65 Wc.
CORN Dull; December. l4c bid.
Dalnlk Grain. Market. .
No. 1 northern, $1.05; No 2 northern.
$I 034; December, $1.0!a; May.. $l.064;
November, 11 04 t.
OATts 47c.
Poorln Market.
PEORIA. Nov. 9. CORN Finn; old. No
$ yellew, 65c; new, No. $ yellow, l-oc;
old. No. 8, 64c; new, 61c; old. No. 4, tic;
new. 5nc; no grade, new. 65li67c.
OAT Iiiactive: No. 3 white, 4stc.
Klrln Batter Market.
IIV. I'.:.. N-'V. J. ft I "TTKft Firm;
19c. taif for tue .;.K uouiidd.
SI 14
25 'a
i1 WV
1,000 44
4,t"0 114
I'O 414
l.Ol.l 12
34. S11O S3
r'.io 3.ivi
I.1UA I74
6,100 t"i
uy) liti- 1134 lii
4.100 43 434 f-
704 mv, SI1
7tW T. 71 71Va
71,410 15IS W l"Va
o i
M. 1 l'-"1 IW'i
l.OOO 7- W,
1(0 St Hi f
100 1TJ 172 171
I 8 4H 46 H 45
1S 00 HHS 13 1W
4,1'rt 74 IH1 "W-1
45) -l 1134 111
i.jpo n
MS 2,5 't ti
bS ft" 4
4rS 4.1S '44
,1W) 17II14 1T1S 17KS
. 1,J" 04 - MS
. I,J0 tT-i I4S 3KS
-0 lib 104 HU S
.221.100 K5 t4 F4S
. 11. 1' 113S ll'S 11''
. 22.S.JO b!, HO HI'.
. 6,300 S . US -IM
H 11'4 12S LI'
4.700 14S 14 14U
4. on
20 k
47 S
do er. 4a
'Atlantic C. L. it...
Bal. ft Ohio 4a
do IH
rtrk. R. T. CT. 4a...
'ntral of Oa. 6a..
do 1st tne
do Id Inc
do Id tno ,
Chea. ft Ohio 4Sa. ..
Chicago ft A. ISa...
C , H. ft q. n. 4a...
C, R. I. ft P. 4a...
do cnl. im
do rfdg. 4a.
C(H'. A St. L. g. 4a.
Colo, ft lnd. hm
Colo. Mid. 4a
Colo. A So. 4a
Pel. ft H. ct. 4a...,
r. ft R. o. 4a
Erie p. I. 4a
do gen. 4a
Hock Val. 4Sa
Int. Met. 4Sa
Japan 4a
do 4m
do 3d eerfee
Bid. Offered.
Ooiton St
8 per cent; time
Closing prices on
Atchison adj. 4e
do 4s
do pfd
Bctaton ft Albany
Koaton ft Maine
biffiton Klevated
Fllrhburg pfd
N. Y., N. H. ft H...
Union Pacific
Am. Arge. Chem
do pfd
Am. Pneu. Tube
Amer. Sugar ,..
do pfd .,
Am. Woolen
do pfd
Edison Elec. T.10
Maaa. Electric .
do pfd
Maaa. Csa
I'nlte F-rult ...
Unti'd ft. M....
is pf d
V 8. fiteel
do pfd
Bid. "Asked.
IMS No. Pacific 4a H'
. i do Je 74,
.lon'4 N A W. c. 4a
. l O. 8. L rfdg. 4a ....
. 7s -i Pen 11. ct. awe HU... iM
.10 do con. 4a 1034.
. b Reading gee. 4a loo
. Rep. of Cuba. I...lfl4
. 41 St. L. ft I. M. e. te.114
.K4flt. L. ft S. r. fg. 4 7;4
.77 St. L. 8. W. e. 4a...
. -Keaooarn A. u 4a.
. i'J4 80. Pacific 4a
. do let 4a
. S-H 80. Railway ia
. M Tetaa ft P. Is
. 74iT.. St. L. A W. 4a.
. 11 I'nloo Pacific 4a loa
. 94S do v. 4a 10414
.10JSV. 8. 8leel M Is 14 4
. Wahaah la 11
. 47 Western Md. 4a '
. '4 W. ft L. K. 4a II
.106 wta. Central ta. 7S
. S N. T.. N. H. ft H.
. (0S e. a etfe 115
. ) Lake Shore 4 4S
. ct'4
. MS
. 5
ecka and Bonds.
9. Money, call loans, !ft
loans, ih(hi per oent.
stocks and bonds were as
1 v
I, I'M
2, iei iji
Tout aalea tor the day, 1.633, loo sharee.
Laadcn Stork Market
LONDON. Nov. 9 American securities
were quirt and leatureicss during tlie early
trading today. ai noon prices were un
changed to S lower than Saturday's New
York closing.
fnnaola. money ...14 l-ll Mo.. Kaa. ft Tessa.. 2-1
do account MI-ltiNew York Central .... Uk.a
Auaoono iv-tngnon at weatwa.. 4
AtrSiaon SS do ptd 5d
do pfd 101 Ontario ft Weaters.. 44',
Elaltimors) m imm. ...iw reanarivania
Canadian Pacific . Rand Mluaa
rhsuunki ft Ohio.. 47 Readlaa
Chi. Ureal Western.. 74 Southern Hallway
.lr do pfd
. US Southern Pacific
. It I'nlon Pacific
. 7S do pfd
. 44 I!. 8. Steel
. 4a da pfd
. Wabaab
. 21 da pfd ,.
.144 Bosnian 4a
Louiasllle ft Nash....llv4 Amai. Copper
6ILVKH liar, steady at X i-16d
MoNHT-l per cent.
The rate nf discount In the open market
for short bills is P-tuttHi per cent; for three
n onus bins, .atfi per cent.
( bis Mil. ft St. P.
le Beera
Denver ft Rio O...
do pfd
da 1st pfd
do Id pfd
Grand Trunk
llllnoia (esiiral
. I
. 70S
24 4
. 4--S
. 141
. II
. 4
Ia Amalgamated .
9S('al. ft Hecla.
PS Centennial
2J- Copper Range ....
1J4 Daly Weat
1JI Franklin
2 3ranbr
16 Isle Royal
17'i Maaa. Mining ....
so. Michigan
V4 Mohawk
' Mont. C. ft C...
1.5)4 Old Dominion ....
131 Osceola
S Parrot
247 Hhannon '. ...
10S Tamarack
ViS Trinity
S7 I'nlted Copper
lit V. 8. Mining..
iSl'. 8. Oil
5JS Victoria
117 '4 Winona
SWolTertn ....
.... w-i
.... 3C
.... .'S
.... ir.s
.... 24
.... 4,
.... irs
.... 71'
.. 54
.. el
.... 2
.... J7
.... Vfti
.. IMi
.... liS
.... 4.14
.... 4T4
.... 4.SS
.... IV,
.... 01,
New York Mining: Stocks.
NEW YORK. Nov. 9. Closlnar Quotations
cn mining stocks were:
Alios tin Leadrtlle Con.
Breece I Little CTllef
Comstock Con IS Mexican
Com. Tunnel atock. .. 2a Ontario
Com. Tunnel bonda... IDOphir
Con. Cel. ft Va 57 Standard
Horn Bllyer 70 yellow Jacket
Iron Sliver 106
... 5
... I
... S
... M
Bank Clearings.
OMAHA. Nov. 9 Bank clearinas for to
day were $2,166,042.61 and for the corre
sponding date last year $2,021,935.47.
Metnl Market.
NEW YORK. Nov. 9. METALS There
waa a sharp advance In the London tin
market, with spot quoted at 141 16s. and
futures at 143 bs. The local market waa
firm and higher, with spot Quoted at $31.00
UM-3ih. uopper advanced to 64 17s 6d for
spot and 65 15s for futures In the Lon
don market. The local market was strong
and higher, with Lake n noted at t!4.37Wfi
j.ou. r.ieciroiyuc at in.;sMgu4.!r. casting
hl i..vwtt'i.,u. ijeaa aavanceq to all In
Iondon. The local .market was firm and
unchanged, at $4.37fer4.40.. Spelter higher
at 20 17s 6d in tbe London market and
at firm prices at $5.006.06. Iron was higher
in rne jonaon marxet, witn standard
foundry fiuoted at . -43s 3d and Cleveland
warrants at 50a 8d. The local market was
unchanged; No. 1 foundry, $16.504in7.25: No.
2, $l.00g 16.76; No. 1 southern and No. 1
southern -sort, ll. .54117. 25.
BT. LOLIS. Nov. 9. METALS - Lead.
i.5o; spelter, mgner at 4.w.
keep anal Lambs In Moderate Sapply
nd Good Demand, All Kinds In
Consequence Commanding
Steady 1'rlces.
8,8 1.9
tm n.wo
8.614 J7.97S
84 9.022
1.536- 17.014
SOUTH OMAHA. Nov. 9., 1906.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Bbeep.
Estimate Monday 7,000 6.0(0 H.OiiO
Same day last week .... 8,W
Same day 8 weeks ago.. 4.BM4
Bame day 8 weeks ago.. IS. 501
Same day weeks ago... 9.J33
Bams day last Vcsr 6.506
The following table shows the receipts
of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
for the year to date, compared with last
year: ijos. joot ino. ree.
Cattle ,. 872.844 l.ri.KJ7 163,063
Hog 1081.617 2.036.611 46.008
Sheep 1.821,168 1,837.695 16.540
The follow ns table shows the average
price of hogs at South Omaha for the last
several days, with comparisons:
Date. 1808. 107.1906.1906. 11904. 1908.180$.
Oct. t... t 59H 8 48 $ 15 4 98 4 97 6 61
Oct. 80... 560 66O06494 493859
Oct. 81... 68Vi 169 $ 02 4 92 92 4 98 8 61
Nov. 1... 6 61 I Of. 4 84 4 84 $54
Nov. 3... 7J i8 8 10 490 484 (00
Nov. 3... 6 8&H $07 4 87 4 86 487650
Nov. 4... 8 84 B 62 488490479648
Nov. 6... 6 87 8 99 6 98 4694 74 8 61
Nov. 6... 6 7Xty 6 16 5 W, 4 87 4 73 $ 6t
Nov. 7. . . 6 77. 4 (M I ( 4 8:4 4 91 4 78 6 55
Nov. 8... 4 75 6 02 1 4 81 4 95 8 44
Nov. 9... 6 61 H 4 88 8 06 4 79 4 97 4 80
The Strength of a Dank
Is Judged pgrtlr by th) amount of money Invested by tt stork
holder In th form of Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profit.
Thess give security to the depositor because that .money
stands between the depositor and any possible Ions in the vain
ot the securities held by a bank. , . -
The First National Rank of Omaha has frequently increas
ed the amount ot its
Capital, Surplus and Profits
accounts so that they might always maintain a proper relation
to the amount of deposits.
At present the amount in these accounts is over $l,t00,
000.00. This certainly sires assurance of absolute security.
A 3 Certificate of Deposit Is one of the best end safest forms
of Investment for your surplus funds.
First National Bank of Omaha '
Entrance to
afsty Dsposrt Yaults
Is on 11th HU
Thirteenth and Farnam St.
wan generally 16c lower than last week's
close. The decent kinds of hogs sold
largely at and right around 86.60i6.7t'and en
up as high as to. 75. Common and Inferior
trashy light loads wero more or less neg
lected and the wlndup on that kind was
pretty weak.
Representative sales:
Foreign Financial.
The official number of cars of
brought In today by each road waa:
cattle. Hogs. Htieep.
C. M. at St. P. Ry 8
Wabssh R. R 6
Mo. Pac. Hy
Union Faclflc R. H 44
C. A N. V. Ry., East. ...Ill
O. 4k N. W. Ry., (east)... 1
C. & N. W. Ry., (west). .Ill
C, 8t. P. M. O. Ry.. 2
C., n. & Q. Ry., (east)... 1
C. B. Q. Ry., (west). ..110
C, R. I. A P. Ry., (eastV 4
C, R I. A P. Ry., (west) ..
Illinois Central Ry
C. G. W. Ry 1
Total Receipts ...
Hie disposition of th
as follows, each miyer
ber of head Indicated:
Omaha Packing Co.
Swift A Company... 1,461
Cudahy Packing Co 1,141
Swift and Company l',4Sl
Armour, Sioux Oty 67
Vansant A Co 196
Carey A Benton 169
Lobman A Rothchlld 404
W. I. Stephen 245
Hill A Son 8W
F. P. Lewis 270
Huston & Co 28
J. B. Root A Co 1K6
J. H. Bulla 232
L. F. Husi 62
McCreary A Carey ,. 230
Sam Werthlmer 176
H. F. Hamilton 86
M. Hagerty A Co S3
F. G. Inghram 15
Sullivan Bros 21
Lehmer Bros 28
Other Buyers 616
Smith A P 66
..2! 76 4ft
e day's receipts was
purchasing the num-
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
... 5tW 8.18 4d6
1,801 i,m
1,7X6 3.274
1,301 1,081
6,496 10,826
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK, Nov. 9. COTTON Futures
opened stoady; December, g.ooc; January,
B Cu. flGi. Uav fifilV.. T..1.. C , luui.,i, - HUl, B.IHV,
Futures closed barely steadv: Novemher
9.04c; December, 9.0&o; January, 8.93c; Feb
ruary, s.9k; iviarcn, a.tuc; May, s.sfisc; June
8.87c; July, 8.86c; Auguat, 8.76c.
Spot closed quiet at 6 points advance;
middling uplands, 9.35c; middling culf.
9fi0c: sales, none.
at 9c.
steadv: low ordinary. 4ll-16cr. nominal: or
dinary, 6Hc, nominal; good ordinary, 6 15- 6c;
low minuting, bo-joc; minaiing, s lo-ittc; gooa
middling, kj-iw; miuunng iair, VW, fair,
lt'o, nominal.
ST. LoriS, Nov." 9 COTTON Quiet ;
middling. Hiio; no sales; receln'e. 8.215 biles:
shipments, 8,363 bales; stock, 22,396 bales.
Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlts.
APPLES-Stuady to firm; fancy, 8Vic;
choice, 7Va74e; prime, tic
DKlKD if'KUITH Prunea are more active,
with quotations ranging from 4iil3c for
California and from 64(g?7o for Oregon
truit. Aprluots continue In fair demand
with prices firm. Choice are quoted at 8
8V.c; extra choice, SVa'Sc; fancy, 7144tMH4o.
readies are in oener aemana ana steadier
In tone, with choice otioted at 6iii7c: etra
choice, 7H&?c and fancy, SCalfc. Ralalns
are ttrm and some dealers are asking
higher prices on spot; choice to fancy
seeded are quoted at &ii8c; loose muscatel
at 6Vti'3Hc; seedless at 4?436c. and London
layers at el.2o-ul.6v, nominal.
Dry Goods Market.
NEW YORK, Nov. 9. A large volume
of orders for all classes ot gouds came
Into the dry goods market today. Jobbers
are doing an active trade on seasonable
goods and are getting better Inquiries for
next year's shipments. The carpet season
opened during the day, prlcea being from
6 per cent to 74( per cent lower than laat
season for goods for Immediate shipment.
On goods ordered after January 1, this
past season's prices will prevail. Raw silk
is slightly easier. Cotton goods and cot
ton yams are strong and active.
Visible Supply of Grain.
NEW YORK, Nov. 9 -The visible supply
of grain figures, without the lakes and
Port WilMam. for the week ending Novem
7 la as follows:
WHKAT 40,416,008 bu., increase 1.948,000 bu.
CORN 1.274 0m bu.; Increase, ne.fnio bu.
OATS 8. 678, (IK) bu.; Increase, 1140110 bu.
RYE 1 (",ooo bu.; Increase, ine.Ou) bu.
BARLEY 6,S18,(00 bu.: de-resse. 10.OU0 bu
The official figures compiled by the Pro
duce exchange will be Issued tomorrow.-
Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 9.-ToIay's staK
tnei t 111 the treasury balances in tl.e gtn-
Oils nnd'Rosln. '
NEW YORK! Nov. 9 OiLS Cottonseed,
firm;' prime crude, 3(S(r?31c; prime crude,
yellow, SV4u'89ic Petroleum, steady; re
fined, New York, 8.50cj Philadelphia and
Baltimore, 8.45c; in bulk, 4.96c. Turpentine
qulft. 42c. '
ROSIN Steady; strained, common to
good. 8Z. Jell 2.95.
OIL CITY. Nov. S OIL Credit balances
11.78; runs. 218.376 bbls.; average, 127,345 bbla
shipments, 343,2t8 bbls.; average, 12, 3h bbls.
Philadelphia I'rodare Market.
Firm; extra western creamery, 31c; nearby
prints, 33c.
KG OS Firm; Pennsylvania and other
nearby firsts, free cases, 33c at mark: cur
rent receipts In returnable cases, 33u at
mark; western firsts, free cases, 33c at
mark; current receipts. S.'c at mark.
CHEESE Firm; New York full ereams,
choice, i:il-& 131c; fair to good, 12'lJc.
; - . .
CosTee Market.
NEW YORK. Nov. t-CCTrFEE-rntnw.
closed steady, net unchanged to 6 point
higher; sales were reported of S5,7u9 bags
Including December at 45.4(Jc; March ( a.Q
6.4W-; Mav, .8V(i6.0-: June, 6,'4( ; Jiily ( 1
C(i6.40c; S-pember, 5.3&c; spot eoffse, steady
No. 7 Rio. 4jc; No. 4 Santos, io; mild'
coffee, dull; Cordova, aSml1.
Wnol Market.
BT. LOl'18, Nov. 9. ..-WOOL Firm; me
dium grade, combing and clothing, nffjfa.
Unlit fine. lM6iic; bwavy tU, llttlc; tub
aualicd. iu-u'-.Li
Total 7,498
Can Lly Receipts of cattle this morning
were quite liberal, being about double the
ran on Monday of last week and larger
tnan any day since Ootobur 20. Still the
supply of desirable kinds waa tar from
liberal. A good many of Ute cattle here
were on the trashy order that looked very
much like the clean up of the season's
, While advices from other market points
were most dlacouraging. Indicating liberal
receipts and decidedly lower prices, the de
mand here was sufficiently active to clean
up the desirable kinds of beef steers In
very fair season at prices that were not
very much different from those prevailing
at the close of laat week. In tact good
kinds of cattle were generally quoted by
salesmen as fully steady with laat ween.
Good range caule sold up as hugh aa 86.116,
and whllo there were no choice cornfeds,
there were cattle good enough to bring
The feeling on cows and heifers was
weak and the trade not overly active, but
still when buyers got down to business de
slrable kinds generally commanded prices
that were just about ateady. the moat of
them selling in good season. Common
canners were pretty dull, but they did not
ell to very good advantage last week
6tockers and feeders, at least everything
that could be considered at all attractive,
commanded steady prices.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice
cornfed steers, KckjLUO; fair to good corn
fed steers, 8&.5orii6.26; common to fair corn-
fed steers, 84.5tKu6.50; good to choice range
steers, 64.60&6.4O; fair to good range steers,
84.00fs4.60; common to fair range steers,
82.2fxa4.O0; arood to choice cornfed cows and
heifers, 83.754j4.2o; good to choice grass
cows and heifers, 83.40&3.76; fair to good
grass cows and heifers, 82.75ifil3.40; common
to fair grass cows and heifers, 81. 81X41. 2. 76;
good to choice stockers and feeders, 84.40
6.00; fair to good stockers and feeders,
83.754.40; common to fair stockers and
feeders, 2.7&ii3.76; stock heifers, $2.2533.25;
veal calves, J2.7bli6.75; bulls, stags, etc..
No. At. Pr.
11 74 4 W
20.... 114 6 40
7 IIU 4 10
18 1U7 4 86
4 .
At. Pr.
I no
4 44
4 10
4 80
1 a 4
8 75 4
i 00
4 10
t 10
. 4S0
I 71
4AT 1 46
m I it
774 I mi
I 44
i 160 8 46
1 140 6 00
1 140 ( 40
1 120 t 50
44 4 4e
II 774 i 74
41 4S I SO
14 740 I Pi
11 cows 9K7
10 feeders.. bW
X cows.
1 cow..,
1 bull...
1 bull...
i bulls.
1 bull..
... 530
8 cows 1090
1 bull 1320
1 cow 1H0
1 cow
1 bull....,
12 cows...
8 feeders.
1 bull 1190
8 feeders
4 ca.vea...
7 feeders.
11 feeders.
2 cows....
9 heifers..,
7 cows
16 heifers .
6 fuedeis.
4 feeders.
1 bull
88 feeders .
16 feeders.
6 calves.
4 calves.
, 176
12 cows 1070
4 cows...
. 1 calf
8 cows...
12 cows...
7 cows.
1 bull..
.. 828
.. 646
.. 967
t feeders.. 665
1 heifer.... 610
4 heifers... 910
8 cows lOii
6 cows 9(3
2 feeders.. 932
4 feeders.. 10u3
1 feeder... luiO
a feeders. . bli
11 calves.
10 calves.,
12 cows....
8 ft-eders.
6 feeders.
19 feeders.
7 cows
8 heifers..
1 cow
1 feeder..
1 bull 1030
4 he.fcrs... iM)
8 feeders. .10u8
13 cows 61ft)
6 heifers.. .1106
1 htlfer....lo2
14 feeders., ft
46 feeders.. 1063
1 60
8 25
8 25
1 56
8 10
8 55
2 66
4 15
8 50
4 50
8 60
a 86
8 60
8 26
8 46
8 40
1 75
8 i6
I 56
8 00
I 46
t 60
8 66
9 25
I 26
8 Hi
8 36
3 90
8 86
8 26
3 40
8 36
8 26
2 55
2 65
2 26
2 25
10 cs. A hs.. KH0 3 15
3 50
3 60
3 36
8 55
8 10
8 50
2 35
2 t0
8 35
8 46
2 76
2 40
3 70
2 (6
2 46
2 70
1 Ml
3 26
8 25
8 0
8 10
2 to
3 25
3 25
L. Nell-Neb.
8 60 S3 feeUers
8 60
John Hall-Neb.
17 heifers . . 778 3 fO 2 heifers... 716
1 calves... 105 4 70
W (UHl.NQ.
18 steers.. ..1147 4 b6 1 heifer...
1 heifer... 670 70
Harry Foxton Wyo.
1 feeder... 9uo 4 80 14 feeders.
8 feeder.. 953 4 30 rick Bros. Wyo,
59 cows 776 2 60 1 cow
21) cows 767 I 10
Basin L. A L. 8. Co. Wyo.
24 cows 928 8 40
O. Mayes W yo.
4 40 1 steer 1150
6 26 1 steer... ,.lloO
4 10 8 feeders.. 92f
4 10 86 steers.. ..10,, 7
4 So 26 feeders.. 1061
8 66 34 feeders.. 789
3 75 1 feeder... 70
5 75 2 calves... 870
Johnson Bros. b. D.
M ll 6 cows 974
878 2 35
HOGS The bog market this morning ex-
perlenced a severe slump In values all along
the line. From all points came reports of
very large receipts, with a severe break 1:
prices. Locally the run was larger thau
usual of late for a Monday and ihm market
4 steers.. ..1230
24 steers.. ..1347
57 feeders.. 916
53 at. ars.... 907
32 stsrs....llM
55 steers.
t feeders.
1 heifers..,
I cows....
6 cows....
86 3 50
8 00
830 3 50
972 4 80
8(10 3 10
4 40
5 86
i 10
4 80
4 76
4 20
5 25
8 60
8 40
No. At. lb. Pr. No. At. Sh. Pr.
4o. ....... 67 ... 8 an 61 ...K4 0 6 46
27 1(1 ... 40 73 t ... IS
17 1( ... I M 71 r6 200 t 44
14 1114 ... 3 60 74 til 40 t 44
47 47 ... I 40 14 IM) ... I 44
t6 14 ... 4 44 44 Ml 30 6 46
47 tut M k 46 74 241 ISO I a
74 7 M 6 40 44 19 (i) ( t6
44 130 6 40 ef V)9 ... 4 M
4 140 40 4 40 !S ... 4
41 1 SO I to n Ml 140 t 44
71 410 140 I Ml 77 :1 III lu
74 tot 10 I 40 (7 4 en as
M 10 ... 6 44 21 44 4 46
64 ft 120 4 U 74 tU SO 1 aft
74 1 tO 4 at 144 n 1 I ft
44 1M 40 t 46 4t t 140 I S
47 W4 ... 4 65 ' iU 144 4 46
40 u0 40 4 14 44 ?S4 100 4 4S
74 114 40 4 46 77 lit IM & n
46 tit 40 5 45 46 iM 440 4 46
44 tot M ( n 14 844 0 t 474
44 Ml 10 t 40 47 4 40 flu
40 420 10 6 44 11 an
61 Si 400 f 40 71 Jf, so $tZ
64 1 40 I 40 61 4K5 40 4 4TS4
41 414 ISO tt 47 1st ... t 10
64 224 40 4 an 71 t IM ( 79
74 US 140 6 10 41 110 140 I TO
74 lit 140 ( 40 M7 ... I 70
44 114 120 8 40 41 271 ... t T
7 22R 120 t 40 - 47 M trs) 4 70
77 121 ... 6 4J4 64 Its ... 1 7ju
M Ill 120 t 4SV4 41 n, 0 6 76
44 Mt W 6 41(4 77 170 ... 6 7S
4 114 40 4 44 47 tM 10 4 74
44 17 ... t 44 47 t0 ... 6 ft
10 tot ... 4 46 4... Ill ... (71
44 U 40 4 46 . 71 ttt ... I 71
SHEEP Receipts this mornlna were the
smallest for a Monday since the early part
of October and. In addition to that, the
quality, so far as killers were concerned,
was not very good. In fact, there were
very few loads good enough for packers
As a result of the light receipts and the
very good demand prevailing, the market
opened early and was fairly active at
steady prices, In spite of the fset that
Chicago reported a very large run with the
market generally 25a lower and Kansas
City also a big run with prices sharply
lower. The few killers here jld very
readily, practically everything bain a dis
posed of In good season. Fed yearlings
told up as high aa 85.00, but there were no
strictly good lambs to make a '.est of the
market. Pretty decent stuff uold up as
high as 86.76. With such unfavorable re
ports from other market poln.s It might
be added that the feeling wis that had
there been a very heavy run prices here
might also have been a little lower.
in spite of the fact that It wiis a Monday.
when the demand for feeders Is not ex
pected to be as brisk as later In the week,
there was a very falc movement and prac
tically everyimng aeairaDie sold in good
season. Good feeding lambn sold around
Quotations on sheen snd lambs: Good to
choice lambs, 36.T6fg6.00; fair to good lambs,
ef.26iiT6.75; feeding lambs, I4.2&S6.26; good
to choice light yearlings, 34 60(36.00; good to
choice heavy yearlings, 34 2fy&4.76; feeding
yearlings, l3.7Eia-4.25: good to. choice wethers.
34.264. 60; fslr to good Wethers, 34.0034.26;
ewes. 83.75fH.26: fair to sood evas. IS 2Mt
3.75; feeding ewes, l2.2Mr3.26; culls and
bucks, H.0Oif2.o0.
Representative sales:
310 Wyoming ewes, feeders.
168 Wyoming ewes ,
u Wyoming lambs
194 Wyoming wethers
42 Wyoming ' ewes '.
26 Wyoming lambs, feud's, culls
16 Wyoming: ewes, feeders..
126 Wyoming lambs, feeders....
6S0 Wyoming lambs, feeders ...
743 Wyoming lambs, feeders .
401 Western yearlings, wethers
99 western lambs .,
74 western ewes, breeders ...
140 western lambs ,
.61 western ewes, culls
50 western lambs, culls
163 western ewes ,
950 Wyoming wethers
.. 75
.... 76
.... 98
.... 65
8 26
4 26
t 00
4 80
4 00.
3 86
8 60
6 06
6 06
i 06
( 00
6 76
8 76
6 60
3 26
4 2fi
1 75
4 26
Cattle and Sheen Lower, Hoes Five 4e
' Twenty Cents Lower.
CHICAGO. Nov. 9 CATTLE Rocelpts.
estimated at about 83,000 head; market
lOtjTSc lower; steers, 84.40fe7.50; cows,
83.005.00; heifers, $2.6024.60; bulls,
$2.6041-4 50; calves, 13.0047.83; stockers
and feeders, $2.50 4.60.
HOGS Receipts, estimated at about
65,000 head; market 6 4120c lower; choice
heavy shipping, $6.106 20; butchers.
$fi 05 r$ 615; light mixed, $5.66Q6.70;
choice light. $5.70(1)6.00; packing, $6.70
6.00; pigs, $4.2500.86; bulk of sales, $5.60
SHEEP AND LAMRS Receipts, esti
mated at about 40.0110 head; market 2 61
lower; sheep, $4 504j6.00; lambs, $4.76&
6.60; yearlings, 33.866.25.
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
ceipts 23.000 head, Including 800 southerns;
market lOfriOc lower; stockers and feeders,
strong; choice export and dressed beef
steers, t5.76(fj7.80; fair to good, $4.5065.75;
western steers. $3.5Ott6.00; stockers and
feeders, $3.0004.40; southern steers, $3U
4 65; southern cows, $.'.0mlj.3.23; native cows,
$2.1646.00; native heifers. $2.756.6; bulls,
$2.353.76; calves, $3.5U7.00.
HOGS 'Receipts. 18,000 head'; market 19
20c lower; top, 85.96; bulk of sales, $5,400
6.85; heavy, $5.85-35.; packers and butchers,
$5609696; light. $5.25(1(6.75; pigs, $3.60ij.10.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3.500
head; market strong to 10c higher; lambs,
$4.265.60; ewes and yearlings, $8.8004 60;
western yearling's, $4 25434 80; western sheep,
$3.40(4.40; stockers and feeders, $2.7M4.00.
Bt. Lonle Live Stock Market.
BT. LOUIS, Mo., Nov. 9. CATTLE
Receipts, 6.610 head, Including 3.600 Tex
ans; market 16 & 25c loaer; native ship
ping and export steers, $6.00437.(0;
dressed beef and butcher steers, 44.500
6.60; steers under 1.000 pounds, il 50 ijjv
6.60; stockers and feeders, $3.0Ot4.Ou;
cows and heifers. $3 10tl2F; canners,
32.00(0-2.26; bulls, $2.754.00; calves,
$4.00S7.00; Texas and Indian steers, $8.00
tP6.60; cons and heifers, $1.75at 15.
HOGS Receipts, 10,400 bead; market
10c lower; pi 4 and lights. $3.003 6.60;
packers, $5.(5$ 6.80; butchers and best
heavy, $6.9004.10.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3.650
head; market 10415c lower; native 111 ni
tons, $4.26t4 65; lambs, $6 0044.25; culls
and bucks, $3.O0t4.16; stockers, $2.00
ket lvwi6c lower; beeves, $4.504S.W; graee
cows, 42.(b6.00; feeders, $3.tXu4.M, calve
and yearlings, $2.504,3.60.
SHEEP Receipts, t.800 na lower.
Condition of Trede an. 4snettleas
Staple an 41 Fnasr lre4sM.
BCTTER Creamery, No. 1. delivered to
retail trade in cartons, 2c; No. L In to-I.
tubs. 2tj(e; No. 8, Id 60-lb. tubs. o;
No. z. In 80-lb. tub. e: No. I. In f-lb. car
tons, 21u; fancy dairy, tuba, Sit'o.
EGG Fresh candled. 19o per do.
CHEESE Finest Wisconsin full faarr),
twins, 14c; young Amsrlcas, 4 In hoop,
16c; favorite, 8 in hoop, l&feci dalalee, IB la
hoop, 16Vfcc; cream brick, full oaae. Uftc;
half case. 13c: hsUf dostn bricks. Me. No
quotations 00 Swiss or llmberger until after
October. ' t
REEF CUTS No. 1 ribs, 174: No 1 rtb.
Uc; No. 8 ribs, 7c: No. 1 loins, 30c; Mo. 1
loins, 13c; No. 8 loins, 8c; No. 1 chuck. o;
No. 3 chuck, 6c; No. 8 chuck, Vc; No. 1
round, 8c; No. 2 round, 7c; No. 3 round,
64c; No. 1 plato, 6Vfeo; No. 1 plats, 4Vc;
No. 8 plate, j.
DREdSED l-OULTRY-fiquabs, 8180 per
SUGAR Coarse granulated, Vt0e; fine
ranulated, 6.70c ; cubes, 6.40c powdered,
5oo per lb. . -
FRESH FRUITBApples, ta.7543S.40 per
bu. box. Lemons, t4.6nup6.00. Oranges, 84.09
6 0. Bananas, 4o per lb. Plums, $1.86 per
4-basket orate, peaches, California, 70t"Wo
rer box; Texas, 4-basket orate, 6fv;0o.
'ears, $1.50 per 4-basket crate, tjlackoer
rles, $4.00 per crAte. Raspberries, $ per
crate. Cherries, $2.26. Currants, $2.00 per
crate. Gooseberries, $8.00 per crate. '
VEGETABLES Celery, Michigan, per
dos., 3oc. Beans, new wax and spring, one
third bu. basket, 81.00; navy, per bu.. No. 1,
$2.70; lima, V per lb. Cabbage, to per lb.
Potatoes, eortftiSo. Tomatoes, per 4-basket
crate. 90a. Ciicumbers, per dos., $1.86.
Onions, Bermuda, 61.76 per crate; Texas
yellow, $1.36 per crate. Mushrooms, culti
vated, per lb., 60o. Lettuoe, per dos., 24o.
Peppers, southern, $t00 per orate,. .
near ss4 Halaaaei,
NEW YORK. Nov. 9 mTOATV-Raw.
quiet: fair refining 8.42oi centrlutrai, 89
tett, 8 2c molasses sugar, 8.17c. Refined,
quiet; No. 6, 4.50o; No. f, 4.45c; No. 8. 4.40c;
No. 9, 4.3ic; Np. W, 4.36c; No. 11, 4.80c; No.
12, 4.16c; No. 18, 4.10c: No. 14, 4.06c; oonfaxv
tloners' A. 4.70c; mould A, 6.26c; out loaf.
6.70c; crushed. 6.60c: powdered, Sc; granu
lated, 4.90c; cubes, 6.15c.
Cemml-salon Aprolnte4 lr Tt Unit 8
tOonsnenes Work In
WASHtNQTON. ; Nor. fc-Convejrln
meseage o( encouragement f rom tl prssl-,
dent, wbose guast ti was last night. Prof.
L. H. Bailey. of Cornell university, chair
man of the commission on eountry life, In
an address today st the first hearing of
the commission at College Park, Mil., dis
posed of an erroneous Impression that the
body named by the president Is for ths
purpose of Investigating the farmer, or for
Inquiring Into tha technical, methods of
farming. On - the contrary, - bs .asserted,
the commission's object Is to make such
Inquiries among ths farm people as to de
termine the economic, social, sanitary and
educational status of the "open country.
Present at the hearing waa a represents
tlve gathering of farmers from all points
of Maryland, in addition to groups of but!
rsess men, ministers, teachers, bankers and
others. State and county officials also were
well represented. The desire of the Mary
land farmers to lend aid In the commis
sion's undertaking was manifest la ths
discussions which, followed Prof. Bailey's
at. 1 wers.
"The work of ths commission." Prof.
Ballsy said, "implies no critic lam of ths
farmer; It is sfter conditions aad tenden
cies snd the means of bettering' them. It
Is not an uplift commission, - as that term
Is generally used. In the -time at Its dls- '
posal, wa cannot maks a sclestlflc investi
gation into economic aad social questions,
but it can maks a. broad preliminary ex
ploratlon of the whole field of country lift
and set going a new piece of welfare
work. We desire tha co-operation of any
person who knows rural conditions and
has' an opinion to express.''
Opinions as to the present condition of
ountry life In Maryland went contributed
freely by the farmers and the commission
ers were gratified to note ths ' Interest
which their preliminary canvass by letters
had created. The hearing was one of sug
gestion and Inquiry.-- The condition of
farm homes, ths school ' training as
adapted to life on the farm, ths returns -obtained
by the farmer from ths sale of.
his products, ths financial progress mads'
by ths farm tenants and labor conditions
formed the basis of ths dlscussloas. .
The members of ths obrntnlaalon. Prof,
Dai:y, Henry Wallace . of nv Cotoea,
Kenyon L. Butterfleld of Ambers. Maes.,
Dr. Walter H. Page of North Carolina,
snd Qlfford Plnchot,,: onto orestsr,- wM
confer with President Rooevit At ths
White House tonight before depeu-ttng oa
their tour of the south'S Industrial centers.
St. Joseph Live Iteek Market.
ceipts, 4.0(4) head. Market loc lower; steers,
$4.0tTj7.CO; cows and heifers, 42. 26 61;
calves. $3.r?).76.
HOGS Receipts, 6,000 head. Market 10c
to 15c lower; top, $5. s5; bulk of sales. WXAf
5. SO,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,500
head. Market steady; laiifbs, $4.50ftj.75.
Itark in ignt.
Receipts of live stock st the six prin
cipal western marauis yesieraay:
Cattle. Hogs.
South omana i.uu
Sioux City 6.500
Bt. Joseph 4.0u0
Kansas City 23.000
1.1. Louis 6,610
Chicago 88,000
6 000
t 600
,.76.010 88.300 $0,669
Siena City Live Sleek Market.
SIOUX CITY, la., Nov. .-(Bpeolal Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts, f,60u bead; mar-
Dakota River Delegates.
PIERRE, 8. D., Nov. 9-Oovemer Craw
ford has appointed as deUgates 4a ths Ma.
tlonal Rivers, end . Harbors eommlnaton.
which meets In Washington, December t.
Senator Robert J. Gamble of Yankton,
Senator A. B. Klttredge of Sioux PaUs,
Congressman Phllo Hall of Brookings. Con
gressman E. W. Martin of Dead wood.
He has appointed as delegates to ths
Mining Men's congress which meets In
Pittsburg on December 2. Nicholas Tre
week. Lead; W. 8. Edger, Desdwood; A.
A. Wsbb. Deadwood; A. C. Bolaod, Kay-,
stone; F. M. Steers, Wssslngton Barings ;
Chsrles H. Pulton., -Rapid City; William J.
Thornby, Deadwood. ,
The governor has appointed Stanley. Bul
lock of Belle Kourchs st game warden
for Butte county.
tielober Wet Mnnth.
PIERRE. 8. D., Nov. t-(Speclsl.-ThS
report of the government weather bureau,
here shows that October, Just passed, wss
the wettest since the station was estab
lished at this city In U91, with tit Inches
of rainfall. On account, of . this moisture
there is a large amount of fall break
ing than usual being done In this part of
the state.
Iron Bering t oat lanes. ..
BIRMINGHAM. Ala., Nov. 9 -Irr.n buy
It g In the southern teirltcry continued In
great voium today, most of h buaintss
bell'S lit 1,(AM toa li "